Ketuanan Rakyat leaders deflecting and should be arrested under ISA to prevent instability


In light of the recent wrath of the Malays against DAP Chairman Karpal Singh for wanting to sue HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak for the dismissal of DAP–puppet MB Nizar Jamaluddin and appointment of Dato’ Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir as the Xth Perak Menteri Besar, DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng now pushes the blame on fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad instead.

The Star has the story:

Saturday February 14, 2009

Blame it on Mahathir, says Guan Eng


GEORGE TOWN: DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng has blamed former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad for the uproar over Karpal Singh’s plan to sue the Sultan of Perak.

He said Karpal Singh, who is DAP chairman, was merely stating a matter of law that the Sultan could be taken to court.

Lim said it was Dr Mahathir who was behind the 1993 constitutional amendment that allowed Rulers to be stripped of their immunity from prosecution.

“If we look at history, the person who made this law is from Umno. If you want to place blame, then blame the Umno person who is responsible for the deed,” he told reporters before receiving a courtesy call from the Penang Bar Committee at his office in Komtar yesterday.

In Petaling Jaya, Karpal Singh said there was no legal basis to banish him from Perak.

“I firmly stand by my opinion that the Sultan of Perak can be sued in court in his official capacity for having dismissed the Pakatan state government,” he said in a statement.

He said under the Banishment Act, 1959 (Act 79), he could not be banished from any states in the Federation of Malaysia because it is an Act relating to the banishment and expulsion from Malaysia of persons other than citizens.



Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad amended the Federal Constitution in 1993 to revoke the immunity of HRH Rulers for private conduct. This is to ensure that HRHs be responsible on their own actions , moreover when they act on personal capacity. However, if and when HRHs act in their capacity as Sovereign Rulers, the immunity still stands. The institution of HRHs as the symbol of sovereign  and custodian of the Constitution is still intact.

In the episode where HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak gave a titah for DAP-puppet MB Nizar to stand down immediately and Dr. Zambry to take over, was really a situation where an act in accordance with the Perak State Constitution. HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak evaluated the situation and interpreted the provisions that warrants the change-over of the State Government. After all, DAP-puppet MB Nizar did announce to the press that he was ready for any of Tuanku’s titah, when he sought audience to disssolve the Perak State Assembly.

Unable to deal with ‘defeat’, Pakatan Rakyat leaders resorted to their usual antics, which include street demonstrations that turned violent. They resulted to instigate the rakyat to go against the decision. One of it is to drag HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak to court.

This is really a sordid attempt to deflect a situation where the rakyat, especially amongst the Malays have came out in strength to voice their anger on Karpal’s biadabness. Many who have been indifferent on politics now chose to take sides because of this over-biadabness.

The Government should really look into the situation where the Malays sporadically illustrated their anger clearly on the issue. So far, 98 Police reports have been made against DAP Chairman Karpal by different NGOs and UMNO leaders. Drastic actions should be taken to contain the situation, especially from escalating any further.

The Home Minister should consider using the Internal Security Act (ISA) against Pakatan Rakyat leaders as their actions have resulted in so many rakyat showing their anger. The anger and wrath of the Malays could resulted with instability and disharmony across the country. This should be prevented and ISA is specifically designed for the prevention against internal security threats.

Mere bannishment from the state is simply inadequate. DAP Chaiman Karpal should be hauled for this. So should other Pakatan Rakyat leaders like deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar and DAP Jurassic leader Lim Kit Siang. The real dalang, party-less Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim also should be arrested for master minding all these. The pattern of losing power and instigating anger of the rakyat now is all to familiar just as when the was sacked as the Deputy Prime Minister on 2 September 1998. The only difference is that now, he was careful enough not to have a tagline (“Reformasi” or the likes) for this attempt to create and instigate public outrage against HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak.

This should stop now, at all cost. Peace, harmony and stability nation is paramount., especially in trying times. The maruah of HRH Rulers should be defended. It is  really bad when a HRH Sultan had to speak out against the outrage against civil modesty, which PR leaders are staging at the moment in defiance. The Government should not allow Pakatan Rakyat manipulate the situation further and create confusion amongst the rakyat. Some might resorted to demonstrating their wrath in ways we would be sorry for.

Published in: on February 14, 2009 at 07:48  Comments (16)  

Laporan Polis keatas blogger yang menghasut dengan hina Raja


Susulan mengenai tulisan seorang blogger yang dianggap sebagai menghasut apabila bertindak membidas Raja dengan nada hina semalam. Satu Laporan Polis telah dibuat keatas tulisan ini. Ianya dilakukan oleh Irrawan Kamaruddin di Balai Polis Johor Bahru Central pagi tadi.


Polis diminta menyiasat tulisan blogger Jed Yoong yang dianggap sebagai menghina Raja. Penghinaan ini dikhuatiri akan menimbulkan kemarahan rakyat, terutama dikalangan orang Melayu dan berugama Islam.

police-report-on-jed-i2police-report-on-jed-ii*Dikemaskini 750pm

Setakat ini, sebanyak 98 laporan Polis telah dibuat keatas Pengerusi DAP Karpal Singh, kerana bercadang ingin mengheret DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak  ke mahkamah kerana pemecatan MB boneka-DAP Dato’ Seri Nizar Jamaluddin dan perlantikan Dato’ Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir sebagai MB Perak ke X.

Dalam perkembangan berasingan, baginda DYMM Sultan Selangor juga bertitah atas fenomena rakyat menghamburkan perasaan marah, emosi dan penentangan kepada Sultan Azlan Shah sehingga tergamak berlaku penderhakaan dan ingkar.

Laporan Utusan Malaysia:


Jangan biadab – titah Sultan Selangor

13/02/2009 7:20pm


KLANG 13 Feb. – Sultan Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Alhaj hari ini melahirkan perasaan amat kecewa dengan apa yang baginda sifatkan sebagai gelagat biadab terhadap Sultan Perak Sultan Azlan Shah berhubung pelantikan kerajaan baru negeri Perak baru-baru ini.

“Perkembangan politik, peristiwa demonstrasi jalanan serta pertelingkahan antara pelbagai pihak, bersabit dengan pelantikan baru kerajaan negeri Perak baru-baru ini, yang sehingga membawa kepada gelagat biadab terhadap Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah, amat mendukacitakan dan mengecewakan Beta” titah baginda dalam satu kenyataan akhbar khas yang dikeluarkan dari Istana Alam Shah di sini. – Bernama


Baginda menyifatkan Sultan Azlan sebagai seorang yang amat berpengetahuan dalam undang undang dan berfikiran matang.  Ini merupakan sesuatu yang luar biasa apabila baginda Raja bertitah akibat pemecatan dan perlantikan seorang Menteri Besar.

Jelas apa yang dibuat Jed Yoong ialah AMAT BIADAB!

*Perkembangan dikemas kini Ahad 1100am

Laporan Polis kini dibuat pula di Sungai Petani, Kedah keatas penulisan Jed Yoong ini. Beberapa ahli Kelab Maya UMNO juga mengambil tindakan yang sama.

Published in: on February 13, 2009 at 14:22  Comments (46)  

Blogger Ketuanan Pakatan Rakyat menghasut untuk hina Raja


Seorang blogger pro-Pakatan Rakyat, Jed Yoong telah MENGHINA RAJA RAJA dalam penulisan terakhirnya. Dalam tulisan terbaru mantan kakitangan Penasihat Ekonomi kepada Setiausaha Agung DAP Tony Pua (semasa Tony menjawat Pengarang lidas rasmi DAP “Rocket”), Jed telah menyenaraikan salah laku Raja  Raja dengan nada yang menghina. Ini merupakan bukan lagi sesuatu yang biadap, malah wajar dianggap sebagai menghasut!


Raja Raja merupakan penaung Perlembagaan, ugama Islam (ugama Persekutuan Malaysia) dan adat resam. Sekelian baginda juga menjawat sebagai Kolonel Kehormat pelbagai rejimen DiRaja dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, termasuk Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja. Baginda yang dihina Jed ini ialah Kolonel Kehormat Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia, Rejimen Grup Gerak Khas,  Rejimen Artileri DiRaja, Rejimen Semboyan DiRaja dan Kepten Kehormat Tentera Laut Diraja dan ada dikalangan sekelian baginda ini pernah menaiki takhta Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong. Perbuatan sebegini wajar dianggap ketelanjuran yang terlampau, yang tidak sesuai sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia yang bernaung sebagai rakyat DYMM Raja Raja.

Ini bukanlah cara sesuai seorang blogger. Kebiadapan begini akan mengakibatkan pengguna media alternatif akan tidak menghormati institiusi Raja. Ini juga menyalahi prinsip kedua, “Kesetiaan pada Raja dan Negara” dan kelima, “Kesopanan dan kesusilaan” Rukun Negara. Kredibiliti blogger kepada pengguna alam siber juga akan meleset dan penulisan seperti ini akan membawa apa yang dicapai selama ini berberapa langkah terkebelakang.

Published in: on February 12, 2009 at 17:12  Comments (32)  

Dalang Ketuanan Rakyat terkecuali dari derhaka?


Sekarang ini, begitu ramai rakyat Malaysia, terutama orang Melayu melepaskan kemarahan and melontarkan rasa tidak puas hati kepada Pengerusi DAP Karpal Singh atas isu bercadang untuk mengheret DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak ke Mahkamah, kerana memecat MB boneka-DAP Dato’ Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin dan melantik ADUN BN Lumut Dato’ Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir sebagai penganti. Pelbagai Bahagian UMNO dan NGO Melayu merata Malaysia, bukan sahaja setakat membuat  laporan Polis dan kenyataan, malah menganjurkan demonstrasi.

Laporan Utusan Malaysia:

Dakwa segera Karpal

Gelombang kemarahan orang ramai semakin memuncak mendesak Karpal Singh segera dikenakan tindakan menghina Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah. Untuk rekod, selain isu terkini, Karpal juga pernah memberi peringatan kepada Sultan Azlah Shah supaya tidak campur tangan dalam isu pertukaran Pengarah Jabatan Agama Islam Perak, Datuk Jamry Sury.

Namun, Pejabat Peguam Negara belum mengambil sebarang tindakan. Berikut ialah perkembangan semalam:

Polis telah membuka kertas siasatan terhadap Karpal mengikut Akta Hasutan berhubung lebih 30 laporan ke atas Pengerusi DAP itu.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin mahu pihak berkuasa bertindak segera terhadap Karpal terutama selepas kenyataan beliau mahu mengheret Sultan Azlan

Shah ke mahkamah.

Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib percaya Karpal semakin angkuh berikutan tiada tindakan dikenakan ke atasnya.

Dr. Puad Zarkashi berkata, kerajaan tidak boleh berdiam diri kerana tindakan Karpal itu dikhuatiri akan menyebabkan kesan buruk kepada rakyat.


Namun begitu, dalang sebenar episod ini kelihatan terkecuali dari menerima kecaman sebagaimana Pengerusi DAP Karpal mengharungi. Ketua Pembangkang tanpa-parti Anwar Ibrahim ialah ‘arkitek’ Pakatan Rakyat; satu penyatuan ‘luar nikah’ parti parti Pembangkang yang berlainan haluan,  aspirasi dan ideologi, ‘menangguk di air keruh’ setelah rata rata rakyat tidak selesa dan setuju dengan BN.

Perancangan Pakatan Rakyat bermula dengan Mantan Banduan salahguna-kuasa Anwar. Begitu juga konsep ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’. Beliau merupakan promoter paling tegar yang mempromosikan PR mengambil alih Kerajaan Persekutuan melalui 30 MP BN ‘melompat parti’. Apa yang berlaku di Lembah Kinta yang mengakibatkan Kerajaan Ketuanan Rakyat MB boneka-DAP Nizar tumbang ialah akibat 3 orang ADUN PR ‘melompat parti’. PR mengalami ‘senjata makan tuan’ dan kini, MB boneka-DAP dan keseluruhan Kepimpinan Ketuanan Rakyat Perak sudah ‘gila talak’.

Sekiranya  Ketua Pembangkang tidak-berparti Anwar ini tidak begitu bersungguh sungguh Ketuanan Rakyat akan berjaya menjadi dasar baru Malaysia melalui proses ‘lompat parti’, masakan Kepimpinan Ketuanan Rakyat Perak begitu pedih untuk menerima realiti dimana DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan sebenarnta murka. Baginda dikatakan amat kecewa dengan pelbagai keputusan yang diambil Kepimpinan boneka-DAP yang begitu bersifat chauvinis Cina itu. Isu percubaan untuk memecat Pengarah Jabatan Ugama Perak juga menambah kemurkaan baginda.

Akibat salah congak, kini PR mula mengalami keadaan ‘retak menunggu belah’.

Sahabat Akrab Yahudi Neo Con Anwar ini wajar dipersalahkan dan heret bersama Karpal, kerana tidak menghormati titah keputusan baginda Paduka Seri Sultan. Sebagai ‘Ketua Umum’ PR, pengasas gerakan jalanan ‘Reformasi’ ini wajar bertanggung jawab dengan semua yang dianggap sebagai derhaka dan ingkar yang diambil oleh PR, termasuk rusuhan diluar Masjid Ubudiah dan perbuatan menghalang kenderaan rasmi DYTM Raja Muda Perak Jumaat lepas.

Perbuatan Pengerusi DAP Karpal mengumumkan bahawa DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak akan di saman kerana melaksana tugas menurut Perlembagaan Perak Undang Undang Tubuh Negeri merupakan rekod baru seorang Raja di heret kerana tugas rasmi.

Anwar juga terkenal dengan seorang pemimpin yang sentiasa ‘menangguk di air keruh’ memanipulasikan fakta dan keadaan, memperkudakan emosi, mempermainkan kemampuan propaganda media dan kebolehan berbohong yang konsisten. Beliau juga membudayakan ‘politik pengganas’ dan rusuhan jalanan, setiap kali hajat untuk berkuasa terbantut.

Orang inilah merupakan punca sebenar budaya rusuhan jalanan, kebiadapan kepada Istana, memperkudakan proses dan instutiusi perundangan dan keadilan semata mata kepentingan politik dan gerakan ‘nilai sejagat’, termasuk menyokong orang Islam yang ingin murtad.

Published in: on February 11, 2009 at 02:16  Comments (21)  

Conundrum in Kedah Ketuanan Rakyat

Words have reached HRH Sultan of Kedah that a certain state Executive Councillor (Exco) taken a married woman as his second wife. It is learnt that the Sultan was disheartened to learn that the Exco had the audacity to take oath before him, knowing fully well that he had committed an offence.

The Exco and the second “wife” are liable to be charged under Section 7 (1) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976. Action can be taken under section 494 of the Penal Code. They could be jailed 7 years.

The Exco married the married woman without divorcing his wife of 17 years.

She, who is 19 years younger, married the Exco without divorcing her second husband whom she married after the death of her first husband. A group of people are staging a protest at the Sungai Petani Municipal field at 3pm on 9 Feb  2009 as they felt that the Exco  has insulted the Sultan by taking an “illegal” wife as escort to official functions.

Section 7 (1) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976

Any person lawfully married under any law, religion, custom or usage who during the continuance of such marriage purports to contract a marriage under any law, religion, custom or usage in contravention of section 5 shall be deemed to commit the offence of marrying again during the life-time of husband or wife, as the case may be, within the meaning of section 494 of the Penal Code.

Every person found guilt of bigamy within Malaysia shall be liable to punishment under Section 494 of the Penal Code.
Section 494 of the Penal Code

494. Marrying again during the lifetime of husband or wife.

Whoever, having a husband or wife living, marries in any case in which such marriage is void by reason of its taking place during the life of such husband or wife and whether such marriage has taken place within Malaysia or outside Malaysia, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to seven (7) years, and shall also be liable to fine.

There is an exception to Section 494 of the Penal Code. The Section does not extend to any person whose marriage, with such husband or wife, has been declared void by a Court of competent jurisdiction, nor to any person who contracts a marriage during the life of a former husband or wife, if such husband or wife, at the time of the subsequent marriage, shall have been continually absent from such person for the space of seven (7) years, and shall not have been heard of by such person as being alive within that time, provided the person contracting such subsequent marriage shall, before such marriage takes place, inform the person with whom such marriage is contracted, of the real state of facts so far as the same are within his or her knowledge.

A person who commits an offence defined in Section 494 of the Penal code with concealment of the former marriage from the person whom subsequent marriage is contracted shall be liable to punishment under Section 495 of the Penal Code.

Section 495 of the Penal Code

495. Same offence with concealment of the former marriage from the person with whom subsequent marriage is contracted.

Whoever commits the offence defined in section 494, having concealed from the person with whom the subsequent marriage is contracted the fact of the marriage, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten (10) years, and shall also be liable to fine.

It has been said, the Exco is very interested in quitting and probably, jumping ship. He and his fellow party members have been known to voice out dissatisfaction on how the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Kedah State Government has been run. This is another highly probable case of Ketuanan Rakyat Government and Leadership crumbling down.

Now, the thirteen million Ringgit plus question is, how would MB Azizan, PAS President Hadi Awang and party-less Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim react to this and  their ‘pre-emptive strike’ mechanism, as always? Of course, the ‘fun’ would not be complete without statements from DAP Chairman Karpal Singh, Lim Kit Siang and Penang CM Lim Guan Eng, which like always will complicate things further.

*Updated 525pm

Kedah Exco V Arumugam has quit from the state post, but remained ADUN for Bukit Selambau. He wrote a letter directly to HRH Sultan of Kedah.

The Star has the story:


Published: Monday February 9, 2009 MYT 1:25:00 PM
Updated: Monday February 9, 2009 MYT 4:31:35 PM

PKR’s Arumugam quits Kedah exco seat (updated)



ALOR SETAR: Kedah executive council member V.Arumugam has relinquished his post but will continue as Bukit Selambau state assemblyman, Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak announced Monday.

Arumugan was initially an independent who joined PKR after winning the Bukit Selambau state seat in the general election last March.

He was said to have informed PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim of his decision at a discreet meeting in Ipoh on Sunday.

PKR state training bureau chairman Zambri Yusuf said Arumugam has made known his intention to Anwar at the meeting.

“Arumugam has decided to quit his position as an exco due to the mounting pressure on him and his family to defect to Barisan Nasional.”

Speculation has been rife for weeks that Arumugam intended relinquish his post due to the mounting pressure to stay in Pakatan Rakyat or defect to Barisan as an assemblyman.


V Arumugam was elected as ADUN for Bukit Selambau during 12th GE 8 March 2008 as an independent, defeating the MIC candidate. The PKR Kedah Chief Zamri Yusof, whose nomination was rejected by the Election Commission, had offfered Arumugam to join his party and a Kedah Exco seat upon winning the Bukit Selambau DUN seat, since Pakatan Rakyat wanted a multiracial State Government.

Published in: on February 9, 2009 at 07:47  Comments (26)  

Crack in Ketuanan Rakyat


The twist into the ‘political pantomime’, resulted from the defection of Bota ADUN into PKR two weeks ago thickens. It seems the ‘marriage of inconvenience’ between DAP-PKR-PAS has now proven itself to be an ‘unholy alliance’. There is a crack amongst the ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ people.

DAP Chairman Karpal Singh has asked party-less Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim to no longer be the defacto leader of the Pakatan Rakyat.

The Star has the story:

Karpal asks Anwar to step down

GEORGE TOWN: Pakatan Rakyat de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim should step down for causing trouble in the coalition, DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said.

The Bukit Gelugor MP is blaming Anwar for “creating trouble,” and said that the former deputy prime minister “needed to repent without further betraying the people and their trust.”

He said Pakatan Rakyat needed another leader, a good leader, and lashed out at PKR and DAP leaders who had fallen sway to Anwar’s rhetoric in supporting crossovers of elected representatives.

“I am not getting the support from my own party leaders, neither party adviser Lim Kit Siang nor secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, on the party-hopping issue.

“It seems that they are supporting Anwar instead of me. I am the party chairman, don’t push me too far as I still have the support of the rank and file,’’ he told a press conference at his office near here Sunday.

Asked if he was thinking of calling for an emergency meeting on the future of the party in the coalition, Karpal Singh said he was thinking of doing so.

“I can’t fight the DAP cause alone. What I am saying is the truth, and eventually the truth prevails. I have said before that DAP should seriously consider getting out of the coalition and I repeat my stand once again today.

“Party-hopping can never be justified as it can be compared with one murdering the very parents who were responsible for one’s birth merely upon one reaching adulthood,’’ he added.

He said he was confounded by how Anwar could have openly espoused and encouraged crossovers after the people gave a resounding mandate to the Pakatan Rakyat during the last elections.

He noted that Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had said that it was Anwar who started it all (party-hopping), but added that two wrongs could never make a right.

“For the record Barisan Nasional had accepted crossovers from DAP as far back as 1969, and therefore it is hypocritical for the Deputy Prime Minister to place the blame on Anwar, who in fact joined Barisan in 1981 and rose from the ranks to become the Prime Minister-in-waiting just before his expulsion from the party in 1998.

“I only hope he (Anwar) did not learn of the morality or rather immorality of political kangaroos hopping from the opposition to Barisan during the time he was in government.

“In the public interest, and in particular in the interest of Pakatan Rakyat, Anwar has a lot to answer for in creating the woes of the coalition now,’’ he added.

On the police reports lodged against him by George Town Penang Umno Youth leaders for questioning the rights of the Malay Rulers, Karpal Singh he warned those who have made these reports of the consequences of lodging false reports.

“I am warning them of the consequences … . Enough is enough, if they want trouble then they have come to the right place,” he said in a firm tone.
Karpal said there was nothing illegal or unlawful in what he had stated in relation to the Sultan of Perak being subject to the due process of law, and that he can be sued in court for dismissing the Pakatan Rakyat state government in his official capacity.

“It has been in my view and I reiterate that view that the Sultan of Perak had acted ‘ultra vires’ to the provisions of Article 16(6) of the Perak Constitution,’’ he added.

Anwar is widely credited with knitting the different parties in Pakatan — PKR, DAP and PAS — into the coherent opposition that swept five states from under Barisan Nasional’s feet in the 12th general election last March.
Barisan was also denied a two-thirds majority in Parliament.

However, he spent much of his efforts after that attempting to engineer a massive defection of 31 Members of Parliament (MPs) from Barisan to the opposition, promising a Federal Government takeover by Sept 16 last year.
When that mass defection did not take place, he asked his supporters to be patient, saying it would come.

In the meantime, Anwar had become an MP after his wife and PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail her seat in Permatang Pauh. This paved the way for the former deputy prime minister’s return to parliament after his triumph in the ensuing by-election.

He then became the official Opposition leader.

On Jan 22, Anwar trumpeted the defection of Bota state assemblyman Datuk Nasarudin Hashim who quit Umno to join PKR. Less than 10 days later, Nasarudin jumped ship again to rejoin Umno.

This led to Barisan and Pakatan both holding 28 seats each in the state legislative assembly.

This “double hop,” plus the resignations of DAP assemblyman Hee Yit Foong (Jelapang), and PKR assemblymen Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu (Changkat Jering) and Jamaluddin Mohd Radzi (Behrang), led to Barisan declaring it had the majority.

While the three declared they would remain independent, they also swore allegiance to Barisan, which led to Sultan Azlan Shah declaring Barisan the legitimate state government and declining Pakatan’s call to dissolve the state assembly and hold fresh elections.

PKR last year had proposed restoring some of the legal immunities to the royal families.


This does not come as a surprise. The tri-party have different aspirations and dreams. They want different things. They come together purely because of the anti-BN sentiments, thus they managed to be voted into the Dewan Rakyat last 8 March with an unprecedented achievement.

Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad did say last year, PR would not last. The word “Pakatan” connotes co-operation of something ‘not good’. It does not take so much brains to figure this out. There are already cracks showing amongst the PR Excos in Selangor and Penang State Governments. The aspirations and eagerness to achieve different things are so apparent, because they have different deliverables by their supporters.

It is widely known that DAP is not comfortable with former abuse-of-power convict Anwar’s strategy to grab the power to the Federal Government via ‘cross overs’. They would rather win it in a contest. It seems in Kinta Valley last Thursday, the PR got a ‘taste of their own medicine’.This is nothing short of a slap in their face.

DAP also is never comfortable with PAS’s plan for Hudud. Since the 1999 General Elections when they decided to work closely against BN, they could never get this right. The Barisan Alternatif they formed changed into the Pakatan Rakyat today, even though the players are all the same. Repackaging and rebranding would never change the fact principally, it was doomed to fail right from the start.

In desperation, PR resorted to being BIADAP from being derhaka and ingkar to HRH Paduka Seri Sultan of Perak. This got majority of Malaysians came out and showed their dismay. As a result, the unholy alliance of PR cracking up is now out in the open.

As they say, “what goes around come around”. How would the rest of the Ketuanan Rakyat promoters react to this? Would there be more contradictory statements, that will clearly depict the crumbling of the ‘unholy alliance’ which will never work in the first place?


Published in: on February 8, 2009 at 18:46  Comments (14)  

Mad deposed MB Nizar & Exco unlawfully approve cases on behalf of Perak Government



The political-chaos in Kinta Valley went into further complicated mode, nearing insanity level. Power-crazy recently deposed DAP-puppet MB Dato’ Seri Nizar Jamaluddin and his band-of-bandits Exco did something really mad earlier today., on top of being derhaka and ingkar. They held a special session of State Government Exco meeting at the MB’s residence in Ipoh.

The Star has the story:

Published: Saturday February 7, 2009 MYT 3:20:00 PM
Updated: Saturday February 7, 2009 MYT 4:31:26 PM

Nizar holds special meeting with his ‘excos’



IPOH: The new Perak state government may have been sworn in but it was business as usual for the former Pakatan Rakyat state government.

Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who has steadfastly refused to relinquish his post, chaired a special ‘exco’ meeting at the Mentri Besar official residence in Ipoh on Saturday.

Nizar said the special meeting, among others, approved the extension of land lease for industrial plots from the current 30 or 60 years to 99 years.

The ‘state government’, Nizar said, also approved the appointment of 342 councillors for the 15 local councils in the state.

The Sultan Azlan Shah Airport in Ipoh would also be revived with low-cost carrier Firefly flying into the airport from May 15, added Nizar.

“The state is paying RM2.7mil to Firefly as contribution to the carrier to fly into the airport,” he said, adding that the carrier would be flying to Singapore and Subang.

To a question, Nizar said there would be no problems in implementing the decisions passed during the special meeting.

“The state agencies have to concede to the government of the day and the question of them not implementing the decisions does not arise,” he said, adding that the minutes of Saturday’s would be sent to the respective departments for implementation.

On the swearing-in of Barisan Nasional exco on Tuesday, Nizar said Barisan should wait for a declaration by the High Court on the matter.

“If they go ahead and swear-in the exco, we will be the only government in the world with two mentri besars.

“I will still report for work on Tuesday as Tuesday is our meet the clients day,” he added.



On Thursday HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak instructed DAP-puppet MB Nizar and his Exco that they have been summarily relieved of their duties, as the former convinced that BN had majority support of the Perak State Assembly. Yesterday afternoon, amidst strong chaos created by Pakatan Rakyat (PR) supporters and radical militants outside Istana Iskandariah, Kuala Kangsar, BN nominated new Perak MB Dato’ Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir swore in as the 10th Menteri Besar. This was done in accordance with the State Consitution, in the presence of a High Court Judge.

The PR master-dramatists made it even more interesting when DAP Chairman Karpal Singh announced that PR will take HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak and MB Dr. Zambry to court, for the dismissal of DAP-puppet Nizar and the Exco and new appointment, despite it was carried out based on the State Constitution. However, this  unprecendented UTMOST BIADAP move became very unfavourable, that PR leaders Anwar and Nizar within hours decided to dismiss this action and instead announce will seek an audience with his HRH for “consultation”.

DAP-puppet MB Nizar no longer has the jurisdiction to hold the State Government Exco meetings, nor the authority pass anything on behalf of the State Government. The four issues that were passed this morning will have serious and far reaching implications, especially it involves the local authorities and land matters. This attempted confusion will drag Perak into a further and deeper complications and unprecedented legal tussle, because of these childish and immature political pranks, where else the focus should be on the recovery in these bad economic times expected. This is very counter-productive and something Perak can really do without. Infact the entire legal, political and adminstrative system Perak will head towards collapse in these mad PR leaders carry on in this manner!

This ludicrous sordid political prank has set a very dangerous precedence in Perak and Malaysian politics  in general. From now on, where ever  or whenever Perak citizens of ten able bodied persons sits around, they could pass anything on behalf of the Perak State Government. The next Exco meeting deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar should be held in Tanjong Rambutan instead of the MB’s official residence. This utter madness really warrants these eight men to be infirmed in the institution!

These power-crazy Pakatan Rakyat leaders will do anything and everything to gain attention, even do political stunts which are deemed so immatured. Of course, whenever any action taken against them, they will cry foul and attract international attention that they have been politically victimised and Government use the law to rule. This is the same strategy the incorrigible  former power-abuse convict Anwar Ibrahim deployed since his sacking as the Deputy Prime Minister on 2 September 1998.

All for the rest of us, this is what Pakatan Rakyat is all about. They have very little regard for anything, which include the law, rule of law and respect, adherence and loyalty to the HRH Royal Household. Pakatan Rakyat power-crazy leaders are ONLY INTERESTED IN HAVING POWER, EVEN AT THE EXPENSE OF  DEFYING LAW, SANITY AND CIVILITY!

*Updated Sunday 800am.

This deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar should be arrested and sent for psychiatric evaluation immediately. His madness is escalating to unimaginable proportions and now without doubt, he is a menace to society. He plan to continue ‘work’ status quo, despite being sacked by HRH Paduka Seri Sultan for failure to command majority of support in the Perak State Assembly. This clearly shows the attitude of Pakatan Rakyat leaders, who is willing to jeopardise anything and everything, for their own power-craze.

God help us all!

The Star has the story:

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Sunday February 8, 2009

Pakatan Rakyat still conducts duties as Perak government


IPOH: The new Perak Mentri Besar has been sworn in but it was business as usual for the former Pakatan Rakyat state government.

Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who has refused to relinquish his post, chaired a special state executive council meeting at the Mentri Besar’s official residence here yesterday.

Nizar said the special meeting, among others, approved the extension of land lease for industrial plots from the current 30 or 60 years to 99 years.

The state government, Nizar said, also approved the appointment of 342 councillors for the 15 local councils in the state.

The Sultan Azlan Shah Airport here would also be revived with low-cost carrier Firefly flying here from May 15, he added.

“The state is paying RM2.7mil to Firefly as contribution to the carrier for flying to Ipoh,” he said, adding that the carrier would be flying to Singapore and Subang.

To a question, Nizar said there would be no problems in implementing the decisions passed at the special meeting.

“The state agencies have to concede to the government of the day and the question of their not implementing the decisions does not arise,” he said, adding that the minutes of yesterday’s meeting would be sent to the respective departments for implementation.

On the swearing-in of Barisan Nasional exco members on Tuesday, Nizar said that Barisan should wait for the High Court’s declaration on the matter.

“If they go ahead and swear in the exco members, we will be the only government in the world with two Mentris Besar.

“I will still report for work on Tuesday as Tuesday is our meet-the-clients day,” he added.


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Investors and people and entities dealing with and dependent on the Perak State Government will now get sucked into this far reaching conundrum, with added adrenaline-injected variables of lies, distortion and manipulation of facts and sordid legal and political gambit. This clearly shows the attitude of Pakatan Rakyat leaders, who is willing to jeopardise anything and everything, for their own power-craze addictions!

God help us all!

Published in: on February 7, 2009 at 20:46  Comments (27)  

‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ Anwar Ibrahim menjurus kepada tindakan derhaka dan ingkar


Ketua Pembangkang tanpa parti dan Mantan Banduan salah guna kuasa Anwar Ibrahim mengumumkan dasar ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ semasa perhimpunan ‘Black 14’ untuk memperingati ‘pembebasan’ beliau dari belengu ‘edah’ larangan berpolitik (sebagai Mantan Banduan) pada 14 April 2008 di padang Kelab Sultan Sulaiman, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur.

Ianya menjadi inspirasi perjuangan Pakatan Rakyat (PR), yang rata rata didukungi dan diberikan sokongan yang begitu kuat oleh rakyat Malaysia Bukan Melayu, melebihi rakyat Malaysia berketurunan Melayu.

‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ ialah perjuangan memartabatkan keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia dan bukan setakat orang Melayu, sebagaimana menjadi teras perjuangan UMNO, yang begitu ditolak Bukan Melayu. Definisi Ketuanan Melayu yang diperjuangan UMNO selama ini, bukan sahaja menentukan kepentingan dan martabat orang Melayu sentiasa terbela, malah kedudukan adat resam dan ugama Islam dipertahankan.  Adat resam dan ugama Islam merupakan peruntukan mutlak dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang diberikan kepada Raja Raja.

Proses ini bukan setakat peringkat politik sahaja, malah ianya menjadi teras perjuangan sosial dan ekonomi yang UMNO dukung dan pertahankan. Walaupun ianya bermula dengan gerakan politik, namun ianya merangkumi keseluruhan aspek yang memberikan identiti Bangsa Melayu itu sendiri.

Hari ini, Ketua Pembangkang tanpa parti Anwar cuba meleraikan identiti dan jatidiri orang Melayu itu dan memperkenalkan perjuangan yang bersifat populist, yang ternyata mendapat sokongan majoriti Bukan Melayu, sebagaimana yang ditafsirkan dalam Pilihanraya Umum ke XII 8 Mac 2008. ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ kini menjadi kemegahan rakyat Malaysia, terutama Bukan Melayu untuk membanggakan diri bahawa konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang asalnya dibawa PAP, dan kemudian DAP, diberikan nafas dan inspirasi populist baru.

Keyakinan baru ini mula menampakan kemampuan mereka yang mendukung ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ dan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ ini semakin berani dan angkuh, terutama mempersoalkan isu isu sensitif. Soal memomokan ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ tidak terbatas disitu sahaja. Malah, isu seperti pengunaan Bahasa Melayu dalam gereja dan persuratan ugama Kristian kini mula timbul. Mereka juga dengan lantang memperjuangkan hak orang Islam yang ingin murtad.  NGO juga makin pesat mengunakan platform ‘perbincangan intelektual’ untuk mengaburi usaha membawa Malaysia ke fenomena anarki. Ini semua dikaburi dengan ‘topeng’ nilai universal seperti hak asasi manusia dan pengenalan ‘Mahkamah Rakyat’, terutama melalui media.


Kini keyakinan baru ini tidak terbatas diperingkat Kurang Ajar, namun mula meningkat ketahap ‘derhaka’ dan ‘ingkar’. Episod pergelutuan kuasa di Lembah Kinta apabila tiga ADUN PR meninggalkan parti mereka dan memberikan sokongan kepada BN, untuk membolehkan Kerajaan Negeri Perak baru dibentuk atas perkenan DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak menampakan ‘tocang’ dan ‘taring’sebenar golongan ‘Penderhaka’ ini.

Bukan setakat keenganan MB boneka-DAP Dato’ Seri Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin menerima keputusan Paduka Seri Sultan untuk menolak permohonan pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri Perak, malah beliau juga menderhaka dan ingkar titah Tuanku untuk meletakan jawatan dan membubarkan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri untuk Kerajaan Negeri Perak baru dibentuk. PR juga mengambil tindakan mengadakan perhimpunan haram hari Khamis dan Jumaat untuk membantah keputusan dan titah Tuanku, serta perlantikan dan upacara angkat sumpah taat setia MB Perak yang baru, YAB Dato’ Dr. Zambry Abdul Kadir petang tadi. Malah kenderaan yang membawa DYTM Raja Muda Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah Ibni Sultan Azlan Shah juga dihalang dan cerca, bagai binatang!


Perbuatan ketelanjuran tingkahlaku dan biadap, derhaka dan ingkar ini merupakan fenomena baru dalam sejarah politik dan sosio-budaya Malaysia. Sejarah Tanah Melayu merakamkan perbuatan derhaka dan ingkar kepada Sultan, yang akhirnya membawa kepada titah hukum bunuh, sebagaimana kisah Hang Jebat dalam kurun ke XV dan Sultan Mahmood II Johor dalam kurun ke XVII.

‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ Anwar dan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ DAP kini sudah membawa rakyat Malaysia, termasuk orang Melayu tergamak bukan sahaja mencabar isu isu sensitif menjaga kepentingan majoriti, malah menderhaka dan ingkar kepada institusi Raja, yang termaktub dilindung bawah prinsip Raja Berperlembagaan; satu payung yang menentukan identiti, jatidiri dan sistem politik dan sosio-budaya masyarakat Malaysia bermaruah dan terpelihara. Perjuangan songsang ‘Ketuanan Rakyat’ Anwar adalah satu bentuk cabaran berstruktur dan sistematik kepada sistem dan fabrik sosio-politik Malaysia, yang selama ini berjaya dilandaskan atas prinsip kesefahaman, semangat muhibbah, toleransi dan kesediaan berkerjasama untuk menjayakan objektif

Budaya ‘politik pengganas’ ini adalah sesuatu yang dipelupuri dan budayakan oleh Ketua Pembangkang tidak-berparti Anwar Ibrahim. Jika dilihat melalui sejarah,  membudayakan politik dan rusuhan jalanan, seawal 70an. Beliau ditangkap dan tahan bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) pada 1974 kerana menghasut pelajar universiti untuk merusuh, kunun kunun kerana ada orang mati kerana kebuluran, akibat kemiskinan tegar di Baling, Kedah. Sehingga hari ini, kejadian itu belum dapat dibuktikan lagi.

Apabila beliau dipecat dari Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 2 September 1998 dan ahli UMNO pada 3 September 1998, beliau melancarkan semula gerakan rusuhan jalanan ‘Reformasi’, dalam usaha merampas kuasa pemerintahan melalui ‘suara rakyat’. Setelah 24 tahun reda, ianya timbul kembali dengan nafas baru, dikaburi dan topengi oleh nilai sejagat seperti hak kemanusiaan dan maklumat bebas, walaupun semasa beliau dalam Kerajaan, beliau bertindak sebaliknya. Ini menimbulkan masalah baru, terutama ianya membudayakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan norma dan tatasusila ketimuran, terutama untuk orang Melayu.

Sejak budaya ‘politik pengganas’ dan rusuhan jalanan dibudayakan semula beliau ini, senario politik Malaysia mula menampakan elemen condong kepada menggunakan keganasan. Apabila kumpulan ekstremis yang mendesak hak melalui kesediaan melakukan keganasan HINDRAF menganjurkan ‘politik pengganas’ melalui rusuhan jalanan (yang wajar disifatkan sebagai  bersalah melakukan ‘Pengkhianatan’), Anwar dengan sedia memberikan sokongan, semata mata untuk meraih sokongan masyarakat India. Sebilangan rakyat Malaysia menentang usaha ini, termasuk peguam beliau sendiri yang menyifatkan Anwar sebagai ‘Pengkhianat’.

Rakan kongsi PR ialah DAP, satu parti chauvinis Cina yang bersifat anti Melayu dan Islam. Golongan ini sering mencabar kesabaran orang Melayu secara sistematik dan berterusan.  Sebagai pemain utama yang mengakibatkan orang Melayu Kampung Baru bangkit dan berlaku peristiwa berdarah 13 Mei 1969, mereka tidak serik dan masih ‘dahaga’kan kestabilan dan keharmonian sengaja dikucar kacirkan, agar mereka berpeluang untuk menangguk di air keruh. Keadaan hari ini di Lembah Kinta ialah kerajaan boneka DAP MB yang dipecat Dato’ Seri Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin mengunakan strategi dan taktik Anwar lama, yang mendapat suntikan langsung DAP, sebagai ‘dalang’ pucuk pemerintahan Perak selama 11 bulan ini.

Sebagai seorang yang memang mempunyai bakat untuk ‘berlakon’, Anwar sentiasa berbohong dan membuat janji yang tidak akan ditunaikan, termasuk memperkudakan emosi dan sentimen rakyat, dibaur dengan manipulasikan fakta dan keadaan. Meningkatkan emosi dan sentimen ialah tahap dimana beliau akan mengambil kesempatan maksima untuk meraih simpati dan kemudian sokongan, agar kembali berkuasa.

Strategi untuk memperkudakan emosi dan manipulasikan fakta dan kenyataan disandarkan lagi dalam taktik untuk merampas kuasa, terutama mempromosikan keganasan, sepertimana yang berlaku di Kuala Kangsar tengahari tadi. Ini bagaikan igaunan gerakan “Reformasi” yang dihidupkan semula, apabila kehilangan kuasa, sama seperti episod bermula 2 September 1998. Sebagai seorang pembohong bersiri, ramai rakyat termakan dengan kecekapan bermain perkataan dan mengukir mimik muka. Malah Adil, Parti KeAdilan Nasional dan Parti KeAdilan Rakyat (sekarang ini) berpusar sekitar gerakan melampau memanipulasikan fakta dan memperkudakan emosi, semata mata berpunca pemecatan belaiu dari jawatan tertinggi negara.

Mantan Banduan salahguna kuasa Anwar bukan setakat agen provokatur, malah merupakan agen anarki, untuk menentukan ketidak stabilan sosio-politik negara yang berjaya memupuk perpaduan, harmoni, kesefahaman dan kerjasama antara kaum dan kumpulan etnik ini. Mungkin ini adalah agenda Yahudi Neo Con (terbukti Anwar bersahabat akrab dengan golongan ini), yang sentiasa mencari jalan untuk ‘menjajah semula’ bumi yang berjaya dimerdekakan ini, terutama berkat dan usaha Perjuangan yang dipelupuri UMNO.

Jika beginilah fenomena dan budaya politik yang dibawa oleh PR dan diketuai oleh  Ketua Pembangkang tidak-berparti dan Mantan Banduan salahguna kuasa Anwar Ibrahim, ini maka rakyat wajar tidak teragak agak untuk menolak beliau dan gerakan politik gerombolan ala ‘pengganas politik’ ini. Episod terbaru ini jelas menunjukan kepimpinan seorang yang gila kuasa seperti Anwar, tergamak melakukan apa saja untuk berkuasa, termasuk berlaku ‘derhaka’ dan ‘ingkar’ kepada institiusi Raja, yang menjadi simbol perpaduan, penaung ugama Islam dan adat resam dan budaya Melayu.

Published in: on February 7, 2009 at 00:01  Comments (51)  

PR leaders’ Dato’ship should be revoked for blatant derhaka and ingkar


This episode of political power ‘hostile takeover’ in Kinta Valley really illustrated the true picture who the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders really are; power crazy maniacs. They simply refuse to muck it in and concede when the game is over.

The Star has the story:

Friday February 6, 2009

Pakatan tries to cling on as Palace prepares to swear in new MB


WHEN it rains, they say, it pours. It rained in Perak yesterday. And it was a deluge, as drama after drama unfolded all over the state’s capital.

On one hand, Barisan Nasional confidently formed the new government with the Sultan’s blessing, and even named Pangkor assemblyman Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir as its new Mentri Besar.

It has arranged for a swearing-in ceremony at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar at 3pm today.

Yet, Pakatan Rakyat has stubbornly refused to admit defeat and will not give up its hold over Perak.

In a ridiculously-packed press conference in the evening, an indignant Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said he was still the legitimate Mentri Besar of Perak.

“We will not resign as ordered by the Sultan. We are still the legitimate government. I will go to work as usual tomorrow,’’ he said.

It was clear from conversations with all Pakatan assemblymen and aides that they would valiantly hold fast to their posts and would not go down without fighting.

Everywhere in the city yesterday night, police sirens blared. Barricades were set up to block people from crowding the streets.

Despite this however, hundreds, if not thousands, took to the streets, showing their unadulterated anger over the unexpected twist of events.

And from the look of things, the flared tempers and high emotions will not simmer down any time soon.

Ironically, when it all started over a week ago, everything was brushed aside and misconstrued indignantly as, in the words of senior exco member Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, rumour-mongering started by the media.

Two days ago, however, reality slapped the Pakatan government hard in the face.

After Barisan claimed it had the numbers to form the Government on Wednesday, Pakatan almost seemed like it had been beaten at the defection game.

Yesterday, the Pakatan folk put on their bravest fronts and insisted that they were winners.

High-powered meetings with the top brass in Pakatan were held on one side while similar meetings were held amongst Barisan members on the other side.

At the State Secretariat building, more events unfolded.

The police and the Federal Reserve Unit cordoned off the building while State Secretary Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Hashim asked Nizar, all the state excos and their personal assistants to leave immediately and surrender their keys, both to their offices and their spanking new Toyota Camry cars.

Given the events, it should have spelled the end for the Pakatan but it did not.

Besides declaring that they were still in power, top Pakatan leaders said they would again seek an audience with Sultan Azlan Shah and plead with the latter to dissolve the state assembly.

Will the Sultan give in however, after clearly agreeing to a new Barisan government in Perak? Talk is rife that the answer would be a resounding “No”.

After a week of fierce fighting, Barisan has finally drawn the curtains close over the Pakatan government.


Earlier on Wednesday, the DAP-puppet PR MB Dato’ Seri Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin sought audience with HRH Paduka Seri Sultan of Perak and requested for the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly, to pave way for a new state level elections. This was a desperate attempt for PR to have the remote chance of trying to cling into power.

The Star reported:

Thursday February 5, 2009

Nizar leaves fate of govt in Sultan’s hands


IPOH: Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin failed yesterday to get the royal consent to dissolve the state assembly and call for fresh elections.

After a one-hour-and-40-minute meeting with Sultan Azlan Shah in Istana Kinta, a serious-faced Nizar emerged at 5.35pm and told reporters waiting outside the palace gates: “I have sought an audience with the Sultan and requested for the dissolution of the state assembly. I will leave it to him to decide whether to allow the dissolution.”


The put the fact into place, DAP-puppet MB Nizar actually announced it to the Press about the dissolution, even before getting the perkenan (consent) from HRH Paduka Seri Sultan. Eventually, when HRH Paduka Seri Sultan found no merits for a dissolution and convinced that Barisan Nasional (BN) has the majority support of the Perak State Assembly to form a new State Government, DAP puppet MB Nizar and State Exco simply defiant to Tuanku’s titah and refused to concede.

In short, DAP-puppet MB Nizar never did mean when he said that he would accept whatever HRH Paduka Seri Sultan’s decision, upon the former presenting his case. He had only one wish and when he failed, he chose to derhaka (this what MB Nizar admitted at the Press Conference yesterday afternoon) and ingkar to Tuanku’s titah. The is even a report that DAP-puppet MB Nizar and his band of ‘political bandits’ even “willing to fight to the last drop”.

All of these just simply proved a point; Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders are no gentlemen at all. They will go back against their own words in their sordid madness for power and eventually commit ingkar and derhaka. This is very unacceptable.

This ingkar towards titah Tuanku should be viewed nothing less than as serious insubordination and attempting to commit crimes against the State Constitution.  Some even likened it to treachery. This is what PR is  really made of; a bunch of people who will do anything, even manipulate and antagonize the law and sovereign just to be in power.

HRH Paduka Seri Sultan should consider revoking the Datukship from now deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar and Perak DAP Chairman Dato’ Ngeh Koo Ham. Party-less Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is also one time convict for abuse of power and now is the leader of the street-mob movement to rally the rakyat against HRH Paduka Seri Sultan of Perak (because of the decision to sack DAP-puppet MB Nizar and appoint a BN MB) also holds a Perak state investure award. The State Secretary should consider this and present it to HRH Paduka Seri Sultan, as an act to protect the maruah of a Sovereign Ruler and a lesson to defiant politicians who understand no boundaries of respect and protocol.

For the record, DAP-puppet MB Nizar and Perak DAP Chairman Ngeh were invested with their Dato’ship last April, on HRH Paduka Seri Sultan’s birthday celebrations. This is the first time a leader of the chauvinistic and anti-Malay/Islam party DAP is being honoured with such a high state award by a Sovereign Ruler, in respect of their position as an elected representative and member of the state government. The DAP’s chauvinistic and anti-Malay/Islam stance lately had been very apparent and now becoming more blatant.

This should be a lesson learnt for all Malaysians. Regardless what the shortfall of others in the management and poor implementation of policies, Kurang Ajar and Derhaka against HRHs is something never they are able to do!

*Updated 1015am

The blatant derhaka and ingkar is very apparent.

The Star has an update:

Published: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 10:10:00 AM
Updated: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 10:13:27 AM

Perak: Nizar and his excos enter state secretariat


(9.50am) Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin, ordered by the Perak Sultan to quit as MB, entered the state secretariat building in his state issued new Toyota Camry. He was allowed to pass through the police barricade on the main road leading to the building. He then stepped out of the car to ask the guard at the main gate to let him in. His excos were also allowed in.

*Updated 1245pm

The story of the blatant derhaka and ingkar people complicates further. The Police had to step in, intervene into a Press Conference by the recently deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar and escort him out of the State Secretariat building.

The Star has an update:


Published: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 10:45:00 AM
Updated: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 12:28:44 PM

Police have secured Perak state secretariat: CPO



IPOH: Police have secured the state secretariat building.

Perak CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah said this was following a request by the state secretary.

“We are there to help facilitate the transition of power and to ensure the smooth running of the government machinery.

“We will also take the necessary steps to ensure the swearing in of the new mentri besar takes place as planned,” he said.

DCP Zulkifli said the security situation was well under control and urged the public to carry on their activities without worry and urged them not to be concerned by the heavy police presence and roadblocks.

Meanwhile, Bernama reported that Jalan Raja Nazrin Shah, from the roundabout in front of the menteri besar’s house to the flyover at the Medan Gopeng junction, would be closed to traffic until 7pm Friday.


This is how derhaka and ingkar people actually  behave. The Police had to be deployed to make them adhere to the Tuanku’s titah. They simply don’t understand simple instructions and protocol of matured and civilised people. In short, people like this shouldn’t be trusted to lead in the first place. Their blatant disregard for anything but what they feel like doing is so clear.

BN has lost State Government before. Back 1990 when PAS took over Kelantan, 1999 when Terengganu fell to PAS and 2008 saw the capital cities of Shah Alam, Ipoh, Georgetown and Alor Setar changed power. Never before, a  defeated BN MB or CM needed to be escorted out of his office by Police in such a manner.

Isn’t this utmost shameful?

*Updated 256pm

Now it seems that these PR derhaka and ingkar lot really don’t know where to stop. They now wants to take the HRH Paduka Seri Sultan to court!

The Star has an update:


Published: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 2:43:00 PM
Updated: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 2:46:07 PM

Pakatan warns of legal action against Perak Sultan


KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat will take legal action against the Sultan of Perak and Barisan Nasional if they persist in appointing a new BN mentri besar, s at Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar on Friday, DAP chairman Karpal Singh said.

He said Pakatan had no option but to take the action because the removal of Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin by Sultan Azlan Shah, pursuant to Article 16 (6) of the state constitution, was clearly ultra vires the provision of that article.

”In law, the decision of the Sultan of Perak can be questioned in a court of law. I call on the Sultan to cease and desist from appointing a new Barisan MB and executive council later this afternoon,” he told a news conference here on Friday.

Karpal Singh said that this action should in no way be constituted as a threat to the Sultan but a was firm reminder that the Ruler was required to act within the parameters and confines of the constitution of the state of Perak, which is the supreme law of the state. – Bernama


These derhaka and ingkar people now should be exiled (buang negeri) from the Perak state!


Is the fashion and brand of KETUANAN RAKYAT which party-less Opposition Leader and former power abuse ex-convict Anwar Ibrahim and his band-of-political bandits Pakatan Rakyat leaders talked about all these while????

*Updated 515pm

The play-by-play game of derhaka and ingkar people, way beyond immaturity, who are actually acting like ‘political barbarics’:


Published: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 10:10:00 AM
Updated: Friday February 6, 2009 MYT 4:57:55 PM

Perak Update: Nizar refuses to quit MB post


04:30pm Nizar has refused to resign as Menteri Besar on the conviction that he still legally holds the post under the Perak State Constitution.

04.05pm Dr Zambry is sworn in as the new Mentri Besar of Perak after receiving his letter of appointment from Sultan Azlan Shah and taking his oath of office.

03:35pm Speaker V. Sivakumar said that he has faxed and personally handed in two letters to the Sulatn of Perak seeking permission to convene an emergency state assembly meeting and to postpone the swearing in of the new mentri besar.

03:30pm Protesters are thinning. But some are still refusing to leave even after PAS executive secretary Khalid Rahman Abd Samad appealed to them to disperse.

03:00pm Barisan entourage, heading towards Istana Iskandariah for the swearing in of the new Mentri Besar, has managed to clear the protesting Pakatan crowd and is heading to the Istana. A young boy who fainted after being hit by tear gas was rushed to hospital in an ambulance.

02:45pm FRU fire tear gas into thousands of Pakatan protesters outside Masjid Ubudiah along Jalan Bukit Chandan near Istana Iskandariah in Kuala Kangsar. Police start making arrests. Some in the crowd are pelting cars making their way to the Istana.

01:05pm DAP Chairman Karpal Singh said that the Sultan of Perak had acted beyond the powers conferred to him in dismissing the state government of Nizar. He said that Nizar will file a suit against the Sultan and the new state government at the Ipoh High Court on Tuesday if the new Barisan government takes power.

12:20pm Perak state assembly speaker V. Sivakumar said that he will write to the Sultan of Perak by 3pm to seek permission to convene an emergency state assembly sitting and to postpone the swearing-in of the new mentri besar at Istana Iskandariah, Kuala Kangsar

12:15pm DAP’s Nga Kor Ming told reporters that Pakatan Rakyat will go on a statewide roadshow to explain to the people the situation and swore that Pakatan will return to power in Perak.

10:45am Perak CPO Deputy Comm Datuk Zulkifli Abdullah said police have secured the state secretariat building following a request by the state secretary to ensure the smooth transfer of power.

10:40am Nizar left the state secretariat building saying that he has been allowed to keep his car until the new mentri besar Datuk Dr Zambry Abd Kadir is sworn in at 3:30pm.

10:15am Nizar was escorted out of his now emptied room at the state secretariat by Ipoh OCPD Azisman Alias who also stopped Nizar from giving a press conference in the room.

09:50am Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin, ordered by the Perak Sultan to quit as MB, entered the state secretariat building in his state issued new Toyota Camry. He was allowed to pass through the police barricade on the main road leading to the building. He then stepped out of the car to ask the guard at the main gate to let him in. His excos were also allowed in.

Published in: on February 6, 2009 at 07:29  Comments (35)  

Anwar got a taste of his own medicine


The episode of Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Perak State Government lead by DAP-puppet PAS MB Dato’ Seri Mohd. Nizar Jamaluddin which was asked to stand down an vacate their offices by HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak moved into an expected turn. Party-less Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim wants to organize a massive rally in Ipoh at 700pm this evening, to pressure for the immediate dissolution of the Perak State Assembly and/or validity of the pre-signed resignation letter of the three ADUNs, in a sordid and pathetic effort to cling on to power.

 The Star has the story:


IGP urges Pakatan supporters not to hold illegal gatherings

KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat supporters have been urged not to hold any illegal gatherings or demonstrations in Perak.

Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan advised all those concerned to adhere to the laws.

“Let the due process of law take its course. We will not allow any form of illegal gatherings or demonstrations to be held anywhere in Perak or any part of the country,” he said.

Musa said the police would not hesitate to take stern action against anyone who flouted the law.

“Policemen in Perak have been told to take action against anyone without fear or favour,” he added.

He said the situation in Perak was under control and no untoward incidents had been reported thus far.

“I urge politicians from both parties to advise their supporters to remain calm and to adhere to police advice,” he added


It seems that former abuse of power convict Anwar has a taste of his own medicine. His PR Perak State Government collapse to a ‘coup d’etat’, which was achieved from defection of three PR ADUNs into supporting BN. Anwar himself was propagating BN MPs, especially from Sabah and Sarawak to ‘jump ship’ and support PR, as a model for him to gain power and form the Federal Government by 16 September 2008. Until present, he is unable to fulfil this promise.

As they say, “What goes around, comes around”. So why is Anwar and PR is complaining now, when he got the taste of his own medicine?

Since HRH Paduka Seri Sultan of Perak saw no merits of dissolving the State Assembly, instructed DAP-puppet MB Nizar and now giving consent for BN to form the new State Government, Anwar, Perak DAP Chairman Ngeh Koo Ham (the real puppet master behind MB Nizar’s State Government) and PR should live with it.

Move away and leave the building, please! Game over.

In the time being, Anwar is playing tai-chi with his sodomy case. As as expected before, the ‘wayang is afoot’.



Published in: on February 5, 2009 at 16:26  Comments (11)