Deterioration of combat readiness

The ACJ320 with tail number 9H-AWk, with the Jalur Gemilang on the front of the fuselage

The ACJ320 with tail number 9H-AWk, with the Jalur Gemilang on the front of the fuselage

The Mole broke the story about how fake postings were circulated in Whassap chatrooms and posted in Facebook accounts. It is suspiciously look like a psy-war approach, to deflect the original story about the Malaysian Government probably leased a ACJ320 VVIP executive jet from a Malta-based charter, which drew so many attention.

The fake Mole posting about "BigDog admitting the ACJ320 story is a lie".

The fake Mole posting about “BigDog admitting the ACJ320 story is a lie”.

It only takes a few seconds to realise the posting was a fake. That is with standing the fact that there is no checking made whether or not the story appeared in the blog-aggregator-portal.  The Mole editors would have not allowed such poor English be published.

So too the purportedly Datuk Ahirudin “Rocky Bru” Attan’s tweet.

Datuk Rocky's fake tweet

Datuk Rocky’s fake tweet

The pathetic bit is that these two fake items were issues posted/circulated in Facebook and Whassap, by media practitioners who are believed to be aligned to one of Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak’s media aide.

It is not charged that they had any ill intent, when they raised the matter amongst themselves and like any materials appeared in social media network, its being shared and forwarded. Eventually, it became perpetuating a lie.

If these said bloggers and social media practitioners who are known to be amateur ‘cyber fighters’ on the Prime Minister Najib’s side, be it the Malaysian Government or the ruling party, are unable to distinguish between what seemingly presented with the intent of materials and angles discussed even though it may looked to be contentious and a manipulated story or lie, then it is rather worrying.

Unless, those who are supposed to look into the social media and bloggosphere bit of Prime Minister’s Office communication team simply like the Boss are also complacent, if not obtuse. Then probably, the battle for 14GE on the media side has already been lost at this stage.

In reality, the challenges from the perspective of wide range and in depth of material, angles of attack, quality of information and arguments presented and the speed and net working of the opponent are already enormously overwhelming without added points of the good command and flair of the written language.

Published in: on January 5, 2014 at 17:00  Comments (4)  

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4 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Whew! Big sigh of relief…..

    When I read the title of your post, I thought it was an explicit criticism of the government for not hopping on the F-35 fighter jet bandwagon.

    Then I read further and found that it was about purported pay-war attempts in the blogosphere.

    Of course, things as mundane as upgrading our defence forces to be effective in an information-based environment wouldn’t be high on the list of priorities, would it?

  2. It appears like an attempt to pitch blogger against blogger. It was amateurish and one wonders whether to be angry or to pity those responsible for the fake posts. Whether to laugh or to cry. One would expect at least a rejoinder.

  3. Is it possible to be the work of the Rosmah Special Officer who tried to defend Rosmah/ Najib administration by sending a reply as a comment to a blog post instead of emailing the blog owner?

    Lying and masquerading in deliberately destructive attempts to damage reputable bloggers’ credibility in tweets etc looks like the work of a shallow-minded bloke and the Special Officer referred to above does have a shallow mind writing a blog post comment to defend his boss instead of dealing with the bog owner directly.

  4. I do not know BD iof you are aware that every week a new and more damming stroy about our government comes out. To my mind these are all red herrings to keep people like us busy so that we turn a blind eye on more important issues, especially financial issue, that go undetected because of our preoccupation with these red herrings. We many not accept that now because of our arrogance but ten years from now we tell ouselves that we had been had.

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