Dungeons and Dragons


That would be the horrid fear of ordinary folks in the medieval times. However, it modern times the honour goes ‘Discounts and Governance’. Ordinary people, are stakeholders for corporations and the stewards have the fiduciary duty and entrusted to uphold the interest of their organisation.

In January earlier this year, Emir Mavani appointed as CEO Designate of FELDA Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGV) and helmed the responsibility for international business operations which amongst other things included the trading and marketing function of FGV (under Felda Marketing Services Sdn Bhd) .

Felda Marketing Services Sdn Bhd’s main function is to market and sell FGV’s Crude Palm Oil, as well as other palm oil derivatives such as palm olein.

Felda IFFCO Sdn Bhd is 50% owned JV company between FGV and an Indian company Allana family based in Dubai, UAE. The management is by the Allana family. Since the inception of the JV with them, the said company has been continuously losing money.

It is believed sometime in April 2013, Emir Mavani unilaterally approved an RM100 ringgit per ton discount (to market) of Crude Palm Oil to Felda IFFCO Sdn Bhd (FISB) for 40,000 tons per month for 12 months, ostensibly to support FISB and Felda IFFCO Oils Products Sdn Bhd’s packed products business.

Letter from CEO FELMA was issued to CEO IFFCO Syed Ridzwan Ahmed about the agreement between Mavani and Ridzwan on the discount around the same time.

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At 40,000 tons at RM100.00 discount per ton for 12 months translates to RM48 million per annum. That is RM48million less income to FGV. That is not as interesting as the authority of the FGV Group President CEO has a discretionary limit of approval for only RM1 million.

For the record, Mavani only assumed the position of FGV Group President and CEO on 15 July 2013.

It is also believed that no approval from BoD of FGV was sought for the aforementioned discount even though the impact to the company was well beyond the Group President/CEO’s limit of RM 1 million, what more the CEO designate who unilaterally approved this discount.

Since the discount takes effect in late April, there has been 72,000 tons sold to FISB and FIOP. Which would amount to RM7.2million of unsanctioned company expenditure/discount.

Essentially the RM48 million per annum which accounts for 480,000 tons of CPO or 15% of FGV’s total CPO sales is a subsidy to Felda IFFCO since they control the management of the companies and sell through their own sales channels.

It is also believed that FGV Chairman Tan Sri Isa Samad has been informed about this. However, he is nonchalant about it.

What is more interesting, it is believed that there is an active MACC investigation on the matter since three weeks ago. Yet, Isa as the FGV Chairman did not do anything at BoD to rectify the matter. The very least, get Mavani to explain to the BoD on the matter.

Screenshot of Yunnan Huijia Co. Ltd's website

Screenshot of Yunnan Huijia Co. Ltd’s website

Added to that fact, this is not the first time Mavani gave away discounts. The pig rearer Yunnan Huijia Ltd. of Kunming China was a scandal raised earlier. It was even raised by shareholders on the 26 June 2013 first FGV AGM. However, it does not show that Isa reprimanded nor made Mavani answer to the discount scandals so far.

There are issues of governance in these instances. Addendum to the the recent acquisitions made, at exorbitant prices.

Published in: on September 30, 2013 at 09:30  Comments (9)  

The Ballsy Makcik

ADUN Bandar Muadzam Dato' Maznah Mazlan

ADUN Bandar Muadzam Dato’ Maznah Mazlan

The recent analysis of Wanita UMNO Chief aspirant and candidate Dato’ Maznah Mazlan is very upbeat.  The Mole Editor Shamsul Akmar Musa Kamal’s piece in The New Sunday Times is about a fairer dark horse and gutsy Wanita UMNO leader, who stood up to take the bull by its horn.

29 September 2013| last updated at 12:23AM

Maznah’s not your typical ‘makcik’

By Shamsul Akmar
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WANITA CONTEST: Maznah believes she can bridge the divide between the young and old if given a chance

BY any standard, Datuk Maznah Mazlan, the surprise challenger for the Wanita Umno chief post, may not be the makcik-makcik associated with the movement.

After all, when was the last time a makcik-makcik caught a 40kg billfish in the South China Sea off Rompin, which was what Maznah did a few years back?

Anyone into sport fishing will vouch that billfish fishing is not for the faint-hearted.

By the way, for easy reading, the term makcik-makcik is used to describe mature women who love to flash their jewellery. Their discussions centre on all things expensive and it may range from the latest fashion accessories to crockery and the list can go on and on.

And the term had, over the years, been associated with Wanita Umno, fairly or otherwise and somehow or other, pigeonholing the movement into an exclusive club where, the young and talented, may find it difficult to fit in.

Maznah insists she is one of the makcik-makcik. But she also disagrees that the definition should be so “simplistic”.

“There’s makcik-makcik in all of us… we do enjoy a banter on new dishware or accessories. But don’t forget, we believe that it is the makcik-makcik’s hands that rock the cradle.

“Trust me, I’ve been with Wanita’s makcik-makcik all these years. Despite the label, they are the backbone of the party. When it comes to campaigning for the party, they do it without giving a thought about being rewarded.”

Maznah, however, believes if she were given the opportunity to lead the movement, she would be able to bridge the divide between the young and old, as well as the urban and rural.

There is without doubt a growing interest among the young women in Umno who want to join the Wanita wing without having to be “interned” into the Puteri movement first.

For Maznah, who reportedly refused to be labelled the underdog, the odds are stacked against her.

She is up against a formidable foe, incumbent Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, who, despite being hit by the National Feedlot Corporation scandal and not fielded as a candidate in the May 5 general election, seems to have the regard of the party leadership.

After all, she was appointed as the Special Adviser to the prime minister just over a month ago, signifying to many of her being the preferred choice of party president Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

In the past, in Umno, the endorsement of a party president carried much weight. However, the present is not as easily defined as the past.

While Maznah’s entry may be frowned by the top party leadership, she is offering herself at a time when Umno is at a stage where it has to redefine itself and its struggle.

And, much as pundits are not giving her much of a chance, the fact that Umno had come out of the general election badly scarred and wounded, assessment of the party election outcome may not be as predictable as some in Umno would want it to be.

For one, this election is the first time that voting will involve almost 150,000 delegates as opposed to the 3,000 or so delegates previously (for Wanita Umno the voting delegates will be about 80,000).

The mood of such a huge grassroots representation will not be easy to assess nor shaped.

Secondly, there is a strong rumbling down the ranks, including within the Wanita wing that wants to see a “renewal” in the leadership.

The renewal that is sought can be as shallow as wanting a change in the leadership.

Or deeper, involving even the re-evaluation of the movement’s value system, its struggle and its ability to keep its relevancy to the Malay/Bumiputera cause and at the same time reaffirming not only its position as the nation’s leading party but also the party that leads the coalition forming the government.

Further, what has been developing since before the general election and in this run-up to the party election, is a major disconnect between the Umno leadership and its grassroots.

Or has the Umno leadership taken for granted scandals, perceived or otherwise, that are associated with some of its leaders which had wide and far-reaching impact, and that its failure to take quick and decisive measures, had subjected party members to ridicule and contempt?

While the top two Umno leaders — the president and deputy president — are spared from being challenged, the vice-presidencies and other posts are being contested all the way down to the branches. Is this an expression of discontent albeit members exercising their democratic rights?

Whether the Umno leadership wants to recognise it or not, there is a sense of helplessness among members and Malay/Bumiputera supporters who feel that it lacked the urgency and probably even the ability to deal with the suffocating political environment which had been felt since before the general election.

Maznah and the other contenders are entering the fray when Umno is going through a tumultuous period.

The choppy waves will make it extremely difficult for novices to land a catch.

But it is also during the stormy weather when big fishes get hooked.

Read more: Maznah’s not your typical ‘makcik’ – Columnist – New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/opinion/columnist/maznah-s-not-your-typical-makcik-1.365004?cache=03%2F7.202804%2F7.203272%3Fpage%3D0%3Fkey%3DKuala+Lumpur#ixzz2gInGmftB

The Malaysian Insider felt that the ADUN for Muadzam Shah is offering Wanita UMNO to uplift their image, after being tarnished due to incumbent Wanita UMNO Chief Dato’ Seri Shahrizat A Jalil dragging the most important wing into her personal problems, almost three years ago.

Peluang Wanita Umno memulihkan imejnya – Shahbudin Husin

SEPTEMBER 28, 2013

Kehadiran Maznah Mazlan sebagai pencabar Shahrizat Jalil di saat-saat akhir bagi jawatan Ketua Wanita UMNO pada 12 Oktober depan, kembali menghangatkan perebutan bagi jawatan itu. Sebelum ini apabila bekas Ketua Puteri UMNO, Azalina Othman Said menarik diri daripada mencabar Shahrizat kerana dikhabarkan dinasihatkan berbuat demikian di samping dijanjikan kedudukan dalam sebuah GLC serta jawatan kanan dalam Wanita UMNO, bekas Menteri Pembangunan Wanita dan Keluarga itu dijangka akan menang mudah dalam pemilihan kali ini.

Ini kerana, meskipun terdapat seorang lagi individu bakal mencabarnya iaitu Raihan Sulaiman Palestin tetapi beliau dilihat bukanlah seorang yang mempunyai kekuatan dan profil meyakinkan untuk menggugat Shahrizat. Selain rekod dan pencapaiannya dalam Puteri UMNO suatu ketika dahulu tidak ada yang membanggakan, pergaulan dan percampurannya dalam Wanita UMNO juga begitu terhad.

Orangramai mungkin hanya mengingati Raihan kerana beliau adalah anak kepada Sulaiman Palestin yang pernah mengejutkan ramai kerana keberaniannya mencabar Hussein Onn bagi jawatan Presiden UMNO. Selebihnya hampir tidak ada. Lantaran itu, Raihan tidak dilihat sebagai pencabar yang kuat kepada Shahrizat.

Tetapi dengan kehadiran Maznah, yang muncul tanpa sebarang desas-desus atau khabar angin sebelumnya tetapi muncul mengemukakan borang pencalonan hanya kira-kira 20 minit sebelum tempohnya berakhir, menjadikan perebutan jawatan Ketua Wanita UMNO kembali panas dan laluan Shahrizat untuk mempertahankan jawatan tersebut turut berliku.

Maznah, salah seorang EXCO Wanita, kini merupakan ADUN Muadzam Shah dan sebelum ini pernah dilantik Senator dan Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia, dilihat cukup meyakinkan bukan saja untuk memberi cabaran kepada Shahrizat tetapi juga untuk melakar wajah baru yang lebih berseri kepada Wanita UMNO bagi menghadapi PRU 14.

Dibandingkan dengan Shahrizat yang pernah menjadi menteri dan lebih popular berbanding Maznah, tetapi dari sudut imej dan”baggage” Maznah ternyata kelihatan lebih baik dan lebih ringan. Beliau tidak ada imej lembu NFC yang menjadi perbualan umum dan penyelewengan dana 1Azam sebagaimana Shahrizat.

Sebaik mengetahui beliau bakal dicabar oleh salah seorang Exconya, Shahrizat lantas memberi reaksi spontannya dengan mengaitkan kehadiran Maznah sebagai calon proksi yang dikatakan ditonjolkan oleh Rafidah Aziz, selain cuba memburukkan pencabarnya itu sebagai tokoh wanita yang tidak aktif serta tidak menghadiri mesyuarat sejak sekian lama.

Walaupun Maznah pantas menangkis kehadirannya sebagai calon proksi dengan mengatakan beliau seorang yang boleh berfikir dan membuat pendirian sendiri, reaksi Shahrizat itu jelas memperlihatkan beliau mulai rasa tergugat kedudukannya.

Memang diakui bahawa Wanita UMNO merupakan sayap penting kepada UMNO. Mereka bukan saja saja aktif dalam kerja-kerja pilihanraya dan kemasyarakatan tetapi kehadiran golongan wanita jugalah yang menunjangi kekuatan UMNO dan kerajaan selama ini. Bukan saja dalam mesyuarat UMNO cawangan-cawangan tetapi juga pelbagai program di seluruh pelusuk negara, termasuk yang didihadiri Perdana Menteri dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri, jika tidak kerana ramainya kaum wanita yang memenuhi majlis dan menampakkan program yang diadakan mendapat sambutan ramai, barangkali sudah lama Najib dan Muhyiddin patah semangat dibuatnya.

Namun isu lembu NFC telah banyak mencalarkan wajah Wanita UMNO. Isu itu membuatkan Wanita UMNO tidak lagi dihormati seperti dulu. Dalam pilihanraya umum lalu, antara sebab Wanita UMNO masih mampu bertahan ialah kerana Shahrizat tidak dijadikan calon pilihanraya dan ramai yang menganggapnya tempoh kepimpinannya akan berakhir sebaik saja pilihanraya tamat. Penggugurannya sebagai menteri meyakinkan rakyat bahawa zaman pencennya sudah menemui titik mula.

Cuba bayangkan prestasi UMNO dan gerak kerja Wanitanya dalam pilihanraya lalu jika Shahrizat dijadikan calon atau diberitahu beliau akan dilantik sebagai penasihat bertaraf menteri kepada Perdana Menteri?

Dalam hal ini, merubah dan menyolek wajah baru kepada Wanita UMNO untuk ditampilkan lebih berseri adalah penting untuk difikirkan. Ketika isu lembu NFC muncul dulu, begitu ramai yang mahukan Shahrizat berundur. Mereka termasuklah Mahathir, beberapa pemimpin UMNO dan kalangan dalam Wanita UMNO sendiri.

Selepas pemilihan 12 Oktober ini, pemilihan UMNO yang seterusnya ialah pada 2016. Tetapi mengikut amalan biasa, pemilihan itu selalunya akan ditanggunhkan untuk memberi laluan kepada pilihanraya umum yang mungkin diadakan pada 2017 atau 2018. Jika itu berlaku, bermakna kepimpinan yang dipilih kali ini adalah mereka yang akan memainkan peranan dalam pilihanraya akan datang yang dijangka tidak kurang getir dan mencabarnya seperti pilihanraya umum lalu.

Persoalannya, jika Shahrizat dipilih lagi, mampukah Wanita UMNO berdepan dengan rakyat sedangkan beliau yang dulunya sudah digugurkan sebagai menteri kini dilantik pula sebagai penasihat khas bertaraf menteri? Tidakkah rakyat terasa mereka dipermain-mainkan dengan pengguguran Shahrizat sebelum ini?

Walaupun Maznah tidak sepopular Shahrizat tetapi imej dan rekodnya belum tercemar lagi. Penampilannya juga meyakinkan. Jika dulu Azalina dikatakan tidak sesuai memimpin Wanita UMNO kerana tidak pernah mempunyai pergaulan yang cukup dalam Wanita, selain tidak pernah menjadi ibu, Maznah melebihi kelayakan itu. Soal calon proksi tidak seharusnya ditimbulkan kerana ketika Shahrizat mencabar Rafidah dulu pun, tiada sesiapa bertanya beliau calon proksi kepada siapa ketika itu.

Pemilihan pemimpin Wanita UMNO kali ini tidak diragui lagi mempunyai kepentingan bukan saja dalam memulihkan imejnya tetapi yang jauh lebih penting ialah peranannya dalam membantu sama ada UMNO terus tegak atau berkecai dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Mengekalkan mereka yang telah tercemar dan terpalit dengan kekotoran samalah seperti menyumbang kepada keruntuhan UMNO.

Inilah masanya untuk Wanita UMNO membuat pilihan yang jujur dan objektif. – shahbudindotcom.blogspot.com, 28 September, 2013.


In addendum, little Annie the blogger created a new poll where Maznah is clearly taking the 86% popularity lead. Of course, Maznah is her pick as the ‘saviour of Wanita UMNO’.

Published in: on September 29, 2013 at 23:30  Comments (6)  

ASEAN support Wisma Putra for UN Security Council seat

Foreign Minister Anifah Aman is the last formal engagement with ASEAN foreign ministers, Brunei 30 June 2013

Foreign Minister Anifah Aman at the last formal engagement with ASEAN foreign ministers, Brunei 30 June 2013

“One Vision, One Identity, One Community”. That is the motto for Association of South East Asian Nations and has prevailed in their support for Malaysia’s as nation-candidate in the non-permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council for the term 2015-16.

28 September 2013| last updated at 08:18PM

Malaysia is Asean’s candidate for non-permanent member of UN Security Council

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NEW YORK: Malaysia is now Asean’s official candidate for a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the term 2015-2016.

The endorsement by Asean members was obtained at the Informal Meeting of the Asean Foreign Ministers, held on the sidelines of the 68th United Nations General Assembly at the UN headquarters in New York on Saturday.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman attended the informal meeting.

A statement issued by his ministry said the endorsement is significant to Malaysia.

“With it, Malaysia is now Asean’s official candidate for the post. This would help raise the profile of our candidacy and would be the basis of the endorsement by the wider Asian region,” it said.

It added: “We will continue our efforts to ensure that Malaysia will receive the highest possible number of votes during the elections for this post, which is scheduled to be held in October next year in New York.

“These efforts include holding bilateral meetings with our counterparts who are also present in New York.”

Malaysian Armed Forces as UN peacekeepers aka 'Blue Berets'

Men and women of the Malaysian Armed Forces as UN peacekeepers aka ‘Blue Berets’

The confidence is reflective of Malaysia’s consistent foreign policy on international affairs such as the initiatives of peace process in the West Asia and a permanent solution for the Palestinians. the consultative approach and engagements to resolve the multiple claims in South China Sea and the more recent, the Syrian civil war. Malaysia’s stance and roles in international conflict which include participation as part of the ‘blue beret contingent’ also serve as a testimony for the membership.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected to visit Malaysia from 4-6 October 2013 and some bi-lateral issues would be concluded. President Xi would be in Kuala Lumpur 4-5 October and in Kota Kinabalu 5-6 October.

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Foreign Minister Dato’ Seri Anifah Aman provided a strong leadership for the Malaysian Government and a stream of professional team of international politics and diplomatic corps, who have been consistent in their engagements at their respective levels in the region and international forums.

All these have been carried out in formal or informal meetings.

Foreign Minister Dato’ Seri Anifah Aman addressing the UN General Assembly

The informal between of ASEAN foreign ministers during the current 68th UN General Assembly is a demonstration how the on going work to lobby Malaysia’s candidacy at the UN Security Council.

Foreign Minister Anifah has been working hard to achieve Malaysia being elected in the world’s most strategic forum for international conflict.

Published: Tuesday May 21, 2013 MYT 5:33:00 PM
Updated: Thursday August 1, 2013 MYT 5:36:14 PM

Malaysia to work hard for UN Security Council seat

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia will go all out to secure a seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2015-2016 term so that the country can play a part in international security issues.

Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman said Tuesday that although he was confident that Asean member states would support Malaysia, considering it was the only Asean state contesting, the votes of other countries were equally important.

“We must not take it for granted. We have to work very hard and we have to engage and meet leaders from various countries to secure the seat, but I am quite confident that Malaysia has a very good name globally,” he told reporters here.

Anifah said the seat in UNSC would send a strong message of peace and the right to co-exist.

On another matter, he said it was also important for the ministry to clear Malaysia’s name abroad, since there were some people who tarnished and smeared the country’s good image through relentless allegations and negative tactics, especially on the recently-concluded general election.

On the 21 Malaysians detained in Singapore for staging a protest over the general election results, he said the law of the country should be respected but it was the duty of the ministry to assist if it was needed.

On the visit of United States President Barack Obama in October, Anifah said, while there were indications he was coming, it had to be re-confirmed since his schedule might be changed due to internal problems.

He said Malaysia was looking forward to enhance the country’s relations with its neighbours, including Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines.


Malaysia is bidding against Fiji to represent the Asia-Pacific Group. The election is set during the 69th UN General Assembly in October 2014. The term, will commence from 1 January 2015 for two years.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations and is charged with the maintenance of international peace and security. Its powers, outlined in the United Nations Charter, include the establishment of peacekeeping operations, the establishment of international sanctions, and the authorization of military action. Its powers are exercised through United Nations Security Council resolutions.

Previous, Malaysia served as UNSC member during 1965, 1989-1990 and 1999-2000 terms.

*Updated 1330hrs

Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak’s engagement approach and middle-path and moderate interpretation of Islam is translated in his speech at 68th UN General Assembly.

28 September 2013| last updated at 11:53PM

Full text of Najib’s speech at UN General Assembly

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The full text of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib’s speech at the 68th United Nations General Assembly in New York tonight.

Mr President,


Ladies and gentlemen,

Allow me to begin by congratulating you, Mr President, on your election. I offer you Malaysia’s full cooperation and support as you seek to further the cause of peace and prosperity.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Three years ago, I stood before you and called for a Global Movement of Moderates. It was a call to reject extremism in all its forms.

Because the real divide is not between East and West or between the developed and developing worlds or between Muslims, Christians and Jews.

It is between moderates and extremists of all religions.

Much has changed since 2010. Then, a current of protest and reform surged through the Middle East and North Africa.

Out of the heat of the Arab Spring, new questions arose: about the pace of democratic change, about the role of Islam in politics, and about the need for more inclusive development.

But the search for answers to those questions has been put on hold.

As authoritarian regimes have fallen, and governments have been swept away by political change, extremists have tried to fill the space that remains.

Motivated by ideology, politics and religion, they have sought refuge from the hard work of development in the unholy practice of violence.

Conflicts have spilled across borders, inflaming old tensions, and igniting new ones. Around the world, extremism is taking lives and crushing opportunity.

This affects us all; but it is one people, of one faith, who suffer most. I believe the greatest threat to Muslims today comes not from the outside world, but from within.

The conflict between Sunni and Shia threatens the lives and livelihoods of millions of Muslims. Our religion – founded on peace, and premised on tolerance – is being twisted by extremists, who are deploying false arguments to foster division and justify violence.

Across the Islamic world, extremists are wrapping their perverse agenda in religious cloth; tearing families, countries and the ummah apart.

With each new atrocity, tensions are wound tighter, and peace seems further away.

The corrosive influence of extremism cannot be easily countered. But we are not powerless to act. I believe moderation in religion and the political process can stem the loss of life and liberty in the Muslim world.

Behind the tragic violence, there is a battle being waged for the future of Islam. By reaffirming our commitment to moderation – and solving the political problems that drive instability – we can seize back the centre ground.

We can marginalise the extremists. And we can advance an agenda for peace, harmony and justice.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Around the world, Muslims have watched in despair as conflict tears into some of our oldest communities. Rarely in our history has the ummah faced violence on this scale.

Right now, the world’s attention is rightly focused on Syria. United Nations investigators have concluded that the focus of the war has shifted along ethnic and religious lines, and become ‘overtly sectarian’.

A conflict which began with anti-government protests threatens to descend into a war of ethnic cleansing.

With fighters from Hezbollah engaging on Syrian soil, the conflict now threatens Lebanon too.

Last month, after car bombs killed dozens in Beirut, 42 people died in explosions outside Sunni mosques.

Communities are dividing along religious lines, with hard-line preachers urging violence between Sunni and Shia.

Meanwhile, the security situation in Iraq continues to unravel, as Sunni extremist groups and Shia militia struggle for control.

In the last four months, nearly 3,000 people have been killed. In the last week alone, three funerals have been bombed in Baghdad. Women and children have been blown apart whilst mourning.

Again, the violence is carried out between Sunni and Shia. In one Iraqi town, four children from one Shia family were slain with knives.

In another, local people – neighbours for generations – have built blast walls to keep themselves apart. Forced displacements are growing.=

In Pakistan, bombings have wrecked the city of Quetta, killing hundreds. Revenge attacks spread to Lahore; bombs have been detonated in Karachi.

In August, militants ambushed buses, dividing the passengers according to belief; those who answered incorrectly were executed.

Each of these conflicts has a distinct cause, but they follow a darkly familiar path.

Emboldened by political failures, radical preachers and militant groups turn civil conflicts into wider religious wars. Yet the preaching of such violence is completely counter to the Islamic faith.

The Quran not only condemns suicide, unjust war, and retribution by force; it also makes clear the Prophet’s desire for Muslims to live in peace with one another and their neighbours.

Verse 8:61 says, ‘And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah’. Verse 5:32, that ‘whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely’. And verse 2:256 holds that ‘there shall be no compulsion in religion’.

It should come as no surprise that there is no scriptural basis for the atrocities being committed in the name of Islam. Under the six higher objectives of Islamic law, the first and foremost is the protection and preservation of life.

Yet even during Ramadan, our holy month – when contemplation, devotion and compassion reign uppermost in Muslim minds – the extremists would not stop. More than 4,400 people died this Ramadan in Syria; 371 in Iraq; 120 in Pakistan.

This is a burden we can no longer afford to bear. It is time to end the killing, and concentrate instead on building a common agenda for peace and prosperity. There are two things we can do.

First of all, I believe that peace-loving Muslims – the overwhelming majority of Muslims – should unite against the extremists who use our religion as an excuse to commit violence.

And one of the most powerful tools we have to do so is al-wasatiyyah: the practice of moderation.

Verse 2:143 of the Quran says that ‘we have made you into a community that is justly balanced’. This concept – of balance and moderation, of social justice within our faith – is a central tenet of Islam. It asks of us that we hold to the principles displayed by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Medina Charter.

Our task is to reclaim our faith, by articulating clearly the true nature of Islam: the religion of peace, of moderation, of tolerance.

We should speak this message clearly, so that all may hear it; and stand firm against the minority who use Islam to further violent and unjust ends.

We should not mistake moderation for weakness. To face those baying for violence and call instead for calm is a sign not of frailty, but of strength.

Muslim leaders should speak up and condemn such violence, lest their silence is mistaken for acceptance.

Moderation can be practiced at the national level, as is the case in Malaysia, by choosing mutual respect and inclusivity, and strengthening the bonds between different communities and faiths.

All countries should reinforce their commitment to the principles of moderation; not just in religion, but for sustainable development and stable economic growth.

Moderation can also direct regional policy. It sits at the heart of Malaysia’s efforts to bring peace to the southern Philippines, and to Thailand’s restive south.

And ASEAN, which endorsed the Global Movement of Moderates, has made a commitment to peaceful settlement and the non use of force in territorial disputes.

And at the international level, moderation can guide our approach to the great global challenges of our age: violent extremism, sustainable development, and equitable growth.

Secondly, we should give our all to resolve the political problems which raise tensions in the Muslim world – starting with Syria.

We cannot underline strongly enough the need for a Syrian-led inclusive political process.

Malaysia is against any unilateral action to resolve the conflict. All sides must come together to work out a political settlement.

We welcome the recent US-Russia Framework Agreement, condemn without reservation the use of chemical weapons, and call on the international community to intensify their efforts to explore all possible diplomatic options for peace under the auspices of the UN.

We must also find the vision and the political will to commit to a just solution for Palestine.

We fervently hope that progress towards a viable Palestinian state – based on pre-1967 borders, and with East Jerusalem as its capital – will be made, and that the US and other members of the Quartet continue to play their role as honest brokers in the process.

Only with peace can there be development and dignity for the Palestinian people.

Finally, we should continue to focus on building stronger and more prosperous societies, predicated on the rule of law and the practice of democracy.

The Arab Spring showed that the Muslim world is crying out for change. Governments must answer that call.

We must provide good governance to fight corruption, create jobs to tackle poverty, and deliver sustainable growth that builds a world of opportunity for our citizens.

We must create economies in which people can fulfil their own aspirations, not those of extremists.

By acting to solve our most difficult political problems, we can bring an end to the immediate suffering – in Syria, in Palestine, and in the wider world.

By committing to the cause of moderation, Muslims can secure something even greater.

We can reclaim our religion, choosing harmony and acceptance over division and conflict.

And we can broadcast a vision of Islam as it is understood by Muslims around the world: as a religion of peace, tolerance, and moderation.

Last month, when militants attacked those buses in Pakistan, a 19 year-old Sunni student named Ghulam Mustafa stood up for such a vision.

Confronting the Sunni gunmen, he said killing Shiites was wrong.

Ghulam was shot dead, but his life was not lost in vain.

With guns to their heads, the Sunnis on the bus refused to identify the Shia passengers who the gunmen wanted to kill.

In their defiance, we see the true measure of courage, and the true test of faith.

Under unimaginable pressure, facing the greatest possible threat, they chose to stand with their brothers and sisters. They chose unity over division.

Faced with unimaginable pressure, and the greatest possible threat, we must summon the will to do the same.

Thank you.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak delivering the National Statement at the 68th United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) General Debate here today. –fotoBERNAMA (2013) COPYRIGHT RESERVED

Read more: Full text of Najib’s speech at UN General Assembly – Latest – New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/latest/full-text-of-najib-s-speech-at-un-general-assembly-1.364884?cache=03%2F7.226542#ixzz2gG1yUnVO

Published in: on September 29, 2013 at 02:00  Comments (8)  

Chin Peng is an Enemy of the State

A quarter million dollars of bounty on Chin "Butcher of Malaya" Peng, The Straits Times 1 May 1952

A quarter million dollars of bounty on Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, The Straits Times 1 May 1952

“Chin Peng is an enemy of the State” is a decisive titah of HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah of Selangor. Tuanku also issued a stern warning for anyone trying to be funny against national pride and honour, especially for sordid political stunts. This also include the propagation of communism.

Published: Thursday September 26, 2013 MYT 3:02:00 PM
Updated: Thursday September 26, 2013 MYT 4:32:02 PM

Chin Peng is an enemy of the state, says Sultan Sharafuddin


SEMPORNA: Deceased Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) leader Chin Peng is an enemy of the state, said Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

The Ruler reminded that Chin Peng wanted to turn the country into a communist state.

“Lives of members of the armed forces and policemen were lost, and civilians were killed and suffered as a result of Chin Peng and the communist terrorists’ actions,” he said when visiting the KD Sri Semporna navy base here yesterday (Thursday).

Sultan Sharafuddin, who is also the Royal Malaysian Navy captain-in-chief, expressed hope that Malaysians would learn and understand the nation’s history and not forget its darkest moments during the Emergency.

“Do not trade national pride and honour just for support and popularity,” he said.

Sultan Sharafuddin congratulated the Royal Malaysian Navy for successfully overcoming challenges during Ops Daulat, and called on all security agencies, including the police, armed forces and Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, to cooperate and remain in constant communication with each other to protect the country.

“I want to remind those who tried to be an enemy and sell out the county to foreign parties to be cautious and to repent so that they do not commit this evil act again,” he said.

Sultan Sharafuddin is on a four-day visit to Sabah, and had visited KD Sri Tawau naval base on Wednesday and will proceed to Lahad Datu and Sandakan after Semporna.

He will be visiting the Danum Valley Conservation Centre, Pulau Bum Bum and Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu, as well as the naval staff quarters in Taman Samudera, Sandakan.


The Opposition have demonstrated their anti-Constitution attitude and behaviour by falsely celebrating the Secretary General of Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) Ong Boon Hua or popularly known as Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng as a ‘freedom fighter’.

The fact is that Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng led a rebellion against Malayans and subjected so many into torment, anguish, pain and suffering, for the atrocities and terror inflicted throughout the 54 years till peace was achieved upon the Hadyaii Accord, 2 December 1989.

DAP MP for Jelutong Jeff Ooi  seen offering prayers at the casket holding Chin "Butcher of Malaya" Peng's reamins in Bangkok

DAP MP for Jelutong Jeff Ooi seen offering prayers at the casket holding Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng’s reamins in Bangkok

Opposition Leaders recently travelled to Bangkok to honour the most brutal murderer who led the rebellion that saw tens of thousands of Malayans died and almost equal number of suffer from injuries inflicted by no more than a few thousand CPM rebels. This include hundreds of loyal and honourable servicemen who were maimed and made incapacitated because of the fighting against them.

CPM rebels also inflicted a lot of suffering for the booby-traps and mines installed in the jungles of Peninsular Malaysia.

23 September 2013| last updated at 12:39AM

MP’s wake visit causes stir

By MELISSA DARLYNE CHOW | darlyne@nst.com.my
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QUESTION OF LOYALTY: The move by Jeff Ooi to pay his last respects to Chin Peng in Bangkok comes under heavy fire

GEORGE TOWN: THE presence of a Penang DAP member of parliament and another DAP assemblyman’s special assistant at former Communist Party of Malaya secretary-general Chin Peng’s wake in Bangkok caused a stir.

While Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi had made it clear that he had gone to pay his last respects in his personal capacity, critics said it was still an imprudent decision.

Penang Malay Congress president Rahmad Isahak noted that although Ooi had gone in his personal capacity, he was still an elected Malaysian MP.

“This gives rise to the question of loyalty. He is an elected MP here, and he is answerable to Parliament and to the people who voted for him.

“People might query him and make an issue out of his visit.”

Ooi yesterday said he had gone to pay his respects to the 88 year old in his personal capacity “as an avid reader of Malaysian history”.

“I have no feelings as I didn’t live in the age of brutal war against Japanese invaders nor the civil war during the Insurgency.

“But, I do have strong feelings over how the Thai and Malaysian sides respected the 1989 Hatyai Peace Accord which both countries anchored to fruition.

“All parties who participated in ending the civil war must be accorded due respect as peacemakers,” he said when contacted via Facebook.

Ooi had yesterday posted photographs of his trip to pay respects to Chin Peng, on the popular social networking site.

In one of the photographs, Li Hanming, a special assistant to Penang DAP chairman Chow Kon Yeow, was also seen alongside Ooi, paying his last respects to Chin Peng at Wat That Thong Temple.

Chow, when contacted, said Li had also gone to Bangkok in his personal capacity.

“Yes I was aware of Li’s trip. He had gone there in his personal capacity and was neither representing me nor the party.”

Following his death, many leaders have stated that there was no need to honour Chin Peng, who was responsible for the death of thousands during the Emergency period in Malaya decades ago.

Chin Peng, whose real name is Ong Boon Hua, was reported to have died at a hospital in Bangkok on Sept 16 due to old age, a month before his 89th birthday. He was born on Oct 21, 1924 in Sitiawan, Perak.

Meanwhile, Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who previously refused to comment and wanted to let the government to make the decision on whether the ashes of Chin Peng should be brought back to Malaysia, sang a different tune yesterday when he questioned the decision that had been made by the government over the matter.

Even though Abdul Hadi did not mention any name, his statement when opening the Tambun Pas Markaz Tarbiyah at Taman Mere in Ipoh clearly referred to the former Communist leader.

He also associated the government’s decision as the decision of Umno and mocked the party as jahil (ignorant) for making such a decision.

“When Muslims from Medina invaded Makkah after the Quraysh breached the Hudaibiyah Treaty, Prophet Muhammad forgave the Quraysh even though they had brought much misery to Muslims.

“Here we find it difficult to forgive even if someone has turned into ashes,” he said. Additional reporting by Roshidi Abu Samah


The authorities are vigilant about attempts to bring back the ashes of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, to interned in this country. This include the sordid attempt to relive Chin ‘Buthcer of Malaya” Peng’s struggle, to capture the wild imagination of many historically-blind Malaysians as being the ‘True Freedom Fighter’.

Two were detained in Bayan Lepas International Airport as the arrived from Bangkok. Materials celebrating communism and Chin “Butcher of Malaya” were found with them

25 September 2013| last updated at 05:14PM

Two men detained with Chin Peng related items

By Noor Adzman Baharuddin | noadzman@nst.com.my
219 1 Google +0 0 0 comments

GEORGE TOWN: Police have detained a local man, believed to be a Datuk Seri, and a Hong Kong national after they were found with items related to former Communist Party of Malaya secretary-general Chin Peng at the Bayan Lepas International Airport here on Tuesday night.

Checks later revealed the local, 66, and his male Hong Kong counterpart, 59, had 12 pamphlets, a book and eight compact discs on Ching Peng in two luggages belonging to them.

Police also seized a black cap with the five-pointed red star and 11 mini porcelain containers from the suspects after they arrived here from Bangkok, Thailand.

State police chief Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi told reporters the men had arrived on board a Thai Airways flight at 9.50pm.

Acting on a tip-off, we detained the men as soon as they entered the airport’s passenger lounge at 10.30am.

The men, who did not resist arrest, were taken to Bayan Baru police station for interview.

Police checks showed the men had gone to Bangkok to attend Chin Peng’s cremation on Monday.

Abdul. Rahim said the case would be investigated under the Printing and Publication Act, 2012 for smuggling the items which are deemed as illegal since the men did not have prior approval from the authorities to bring the items to the country.

The men were later released on police bail after having their statements recorded.

Among the items seized from the two men at the Bayan International Airport in Penang. NSTP/Danial Saad

Read more: Two men detained with Chin Peng related items – Latest – New Straits Timeshttp://www.nst.com.my/latest/two-men-detained-with-chin-peng-related-items-1.362696#ixzz2g2Ja0Xne


The attempt to bring the remains or ashes of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng serve as a ‘memorial’ for those who would intentionally want to skew history, in the attempts for having the minority over power the majority.

It is important for these minorities to overpower the imaginations of younger Malaysians to not see how history unravelled as Malayan Union was declared, opposed, and overturned, with only political pressure of the Malays as the majority of Malayans in the mid 1940s. The force of Malays from the unity, was also translated behind the strong rallies for HRH Rulers. As such, Britain was forced to negotiate and the Federation of Tanah Melayu Treaty was signed on 21 January 1948.

Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, 21 January 1948

Perjanjian Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, 21 January 1948

Federation of Tanah Melayu was born. The treaty served as the basis of role and position of HRH Rulers, the Malay Special Rights, Malay as the language and Islam as the religion of the Federation and position and conditions as ‘subjects of HRH Rulers’ are clearly provided in the articles .

According to historian Prof. Tan Sri Khoo Kay Kim, the ‘social contract’ is when HRH Rulers were convinced by then UMNO President and Chief Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra to relinquish their right to absolute monarchy and in turn gave the power to rule to the rakyat under Westminster-styled ‘Constitutional Monarchy’ democracy.

HRH Malay Rulers, UMNO representataives, Menteri Menteri Besar and British High Commissioner at the Federation of  Tanah Melayu Treaty, inked on 21 Jan 1948

HRH Malay Rulers, UMNO representataives, Menteri Menteri Besar and British High Commissioner at the Federation of Tanah Melayu Treaty, inked on 21 Jan 1948

This was achieved after the July 1955 Federal Consultative Council general election where UMNO led the three-party coalition and the Malays, who were 84% of the eligible voters amongst the rakyat gave the Alliance Party an thumping landslide. It was the first form of democracy and self-governant was achieved which empowered Tunku to form a Cabinet to formulate policies, for the administration.

After the self-governing, Tunku wanted to meet Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng. It is obvious the strong majority of the Malays, who were rightful citizens of Federation of Malaya are with him and wanted CPM to lay down their arms. The met at the Baling Talks on 28-29 December 1955. Chin Peng refused the amnesty offer and cannot accept that Malayans did not want the CPM.

Force 136 Wataniah: Ctr row: Ibrahim Ismail (3rd fr. left),  Yeop Mahidin (3rd fr. right), Abdul Razak Hussein (far right)

WWII warriors Force 136 Wataniah: seated on centre row: Captain Ibrahim Ismail (3rd fr. left), Lt. Yeop Mahidin (3rd fr. right), Capt. Abdul Razak Hussein (far right)

What was interesting is that Chin Peng told Tunku that they would end the rebellion if Tunku could earn Kemerdekaan. However, that did not materialise. In fact, CPM continued to wage the war and atrocities against sovereign Malaya (later Malaysia) for another 32 years thereon.

In January 1956, Tunku left for London with his Alliance Party colleagues and after a series of negotiations, Kemerdekaan was achieved scheduled for 31 August 1957. All of these were achieved through the process of consultations and negotiations, without shedding blood.

84% of the eligible voters in the 1955 Federal Consultative Council general election are the Malays, who were 'Subjects of HRH Rulers'.

84% of the eligible voters in the 1955 Federal Consultative Council general election are the Malays, who were ‘Subjects of HRH Rulers’.

The Federal Constitution was put in place and came into force when sovereignty was achieved when the instrument of Kemerdekaan was signed.

In order for the minority to come into power, it is imperative that the Malays are weakened. Therefor it is necessary for the influence of Malay nationalists through UMNO in Malaysian politics, history and social landscape are being down played, dismantled and eventually systematically eroded.

Even role and position of HRH Rulers, Islam as the religion and Malay as the language of the Federation of Malaysia are not sparred and currently being systematically challenged, via multiple prongs.

It is without doubt, the Malays played pivotal role in the defense and security of this nation ever since the outbreak of World War II. Post war saw the involvement of more Malays in the Police and army, particularly the Royal Malay regiments to ensure the rebellion of the communist terrorists are foiled.

The attack on Bukit Kepong Police Station on 23 February 1950 where 26 Policemen and women and children are murdered and post Kemerdekaan Kroh Massacre on 18 June 1968, where 17 Field Force Policemen are brutally killed are demonstrations that the communist rebels waged a war against the Malays as security personnel.

Instead, they manipulated the imaginations of the younger Malaysians by portraying Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, CPM and the leftists were the true opposers and the same time demonise UMNO and HRH Rulers as lackeys of the colonialists. That is reflected in the attempt to blatantly lie in the political process of the late 1940s and celebrating the leftists’ ‘Sang Saka Malaya’ should be true Malaysian flag instead of the Jalur Gemilang.

The Federal Government should uphold Tuanku Sultan Selangor’s titah and the Constitution and take very stern action against these anarchist and Neo Min Yuens, who have been proven to threaten the sanctity of this nation. As for Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, never showed compassion nor remorse for the atrocities he did in the series of war waged against Malayans and later Malaysians, even after British left.

Published in: on September 27, 2013 at 04:00  Comments (32)  

Asset enrichment

At the juncture where FGV refused to continue in underwriting medical and hospitalisation bills of gravely ill former FGV Group President and CEO Tan Sri Sabri Ahmad by summarily terminating him from all BoD posts within the FGV Group, there is this damning report about the high value acquisition of multiple non-plantation businesses.
19 Dzulka’edah 1434 H | 25 September 2013
 Only in this site

FGVH’s spending on assets but not settlers raises suspicion

Harakahdaily – TS, 23 September 2013

Sept 23: The RM4.4 billion raised from the initial public offering (IPO) of Felda Global Venture Holding (FGV) has come under scrutiny following several questionable purchases amid the absence of allocation for settlers’ replantation activities.

“Although the figure is big, we see that not a single sen is allocated for replanting activities, and this will give a big problem for Felda in the future,” said PAS economist advisor Rosli Yaakop.

Felda and its 39 percent-owned subsidiary FGV had recently went on a shopping spree, forking RM500 million to acquire Grand Plaza Service Apartments in London, technology house Iris Corp at RM110 million and Grand Borneo Hotel di Kota Kinabalu at RM86 million.

Felda chairman Isa Samad had argued that FGV must diversify its portfolio instead of relying its life on international crude palm oil market.

Last June, Isa said that the proceeds from the IPO had shrunk to RM3.8 billion as at March 2013.

Of the RM3.8 billion, he said RM2.2 billion was allocated to acquire plantation assets, RM840 million to buy selective mills and refineries, RM780 million to expand Felda’s oils and fats downstream segment, RM41 million for capital expenditure and the remainder for loan repayments and other.

Meanwhile, Rosli said it was likely that FGV had exhausted the fund raised from IPO on the purchases without allocating anything for replanting works – a vital move to over FGV’s greatest challenge – to overcome its aging ‘Palm Age Profile’.

It was earlier revealed that 53 percent of Felda’s palm trees are aged 20 years and above, failing the market’s standard of 7 percent.

From the various investments especially in the hotel industry, Rosli said Felda has deviated from its original goal to uplift the Bumiputeras.

According to Kinibiz, Felda Investment Corporation, the newly established Felda’s investment arm has been tasked to take charge of its shareholdings, and manage its eight hotel properties spread out across Perak, Terengganu, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah, and London.


This serviced apartment acquisition in West End isn’t actually premier brand. Unless, the game is about strategically book building for this hospitality business. Probably, the acquisition of property at the area at these bullish times for property isn’t the best option do a high value ROI exercise.

Then again, FGV should not actively in hospitality business because at the very least, they don’t have the competency for it.

This is on top of following through the controversial acquisition of 16,000ha Pontian Plantations Bhd. in East Sabah, at the price of RM140 per share which is at 30.7 times PE ratio.

FGVH secures 98.81% of Pontian United Plantations

Posted on 18 September 2013 – 05:38am

PETALING JAYA (Sept 18, 2013): Felda Global Ventures Holdings Bhd (FGVH) has succeeded in its RM1.2 billion bid for unlisted Pontian United Plantations Bhd, securing 98.81% of the latter as at last Friday, despite earlier reports which poured cold water on the deal.

In a filing with Bursa Malaysia yesterday, FGVH said it has sent a notice to shareholders to inform them that it received valid acceptances of not less than nine-tenths of the Pontian shares as at Sept 13, 2013, enabling it to compulsorily acquire the remaining shares.

FGVH has extended the closing date of the offer from yesterday to Oct 1, 2013. The offer details remain unchanged.

FGVH on July 18 this year launched a voluntary conditional takeover offer for all Pontian shares, offering RM140 for each share. Given the fragmented shareholding structure of Pontian, with over 30% of the company’s shares held by four different shareholders, market analysts were not optimistic that the deal would go through.


The Chairman of Pontian Plantations Bhd. is DAP Life Adviser and Former Chairman Dr. Chen Man Hin. It has been argued that the price proposed for the acquisition of Pontian Plantations is exorbitant, which is what above what a shareholder TSH Resources was willing pay exactly the same time last year.

FGV has yet to justify and rationalise all these acquisitions, especially at the price it was paid and how the group business could benefit. At the moment, it would take FGV at least 31 years to recover back the investment at the value they paid for it.

Failure, would just brought forth speculations that there are something dubious in the part or manipulation in the process of valuation, rationalisation and acquisition of these assets. Considering that the AGM is expected to be middle of nest year, where shareholders could raise all these matters.

Especially in the tone where the reputation of FGV Chairman Tan Sri Isa Samad has not entirely been percepived as someone is who ‘clean’. He was once found guilty of ‘money politics’ for seven charges by UMNO Disciplinary Board, during the contest for Vice President post in party elections of  2004. Isa’s UMNO Vice Presidency was stripped and he was suspended for six years. Later, the suspension was commuted to three years.

Then again FGV CEO Emir Mavani is someone who has not been perceived as with impeccable integrity.

There is also this damning rumour in the market about the proposed acquisition of New Britain plantations off Papua New Guinea. The story is about three personalities, which include a member of the investment committee which expected to make USD10 million from the deal had it went through.

It is very important all these rumours and ‘market talk’  are quashed with transparency about he proposed and eventual acquisition. Probably MACC could also do necessary investigations, to ensure that all these acquisitions are in accordance with proper procedure.

Asset acquisition is meant to strategically enrich FGV. Not individuals, especially when they are paid to served the interest of FGV from within.

*Updated 1000hrs

Published in: on September 26, 2013 at 02:00  Comments (21)  

The fairer dark horse

ADUN Bandar Muadzam Dato' Maznah Mazlan

ADUN Bandar Muadzam Dato’ Maznah Mazlan

Muadzam Shah ADUN Dato’ Maznah Mazlan’s literally last minute candidacy for Wanita UMNO Chief race surprised but at the same time provided some glimmer of hope that the nationalist party is moving forward. Now, Pahang UMNO is committed in their endorsement of supporting her nationwide bid.

The Star political analyst Joceline Tan’s take on the situation:

Published: Tuesday September 24, 2013 MYT 7:57:00 AM
Updated: Tuesday September 24, 2013 MYT 7:59:23 AM

Maznah – a classic dark horse


Datuk Maznah Mazlan’s entry into the race for the Wanita Umno leadership has changed the game and incumbent Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil cannot take things for granted.

A candidate for Wanita Umno chief post Datuk Maznah Mazlan.

PAHANG politician Datuk Maznah Mazlan (pic) has turned out to be the classic dark horse in the contest for the Wanita Umno leadership.

She had kept things so close to her chest that even her own Pahang Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Adnan Yaakob had not known about it.

In fact, when her representative walked in with her nomination papers last Saturday, the PWTC team handling the Wanita nominations had already packed up and were sitting there waiting for the 5pm deadline. They had to quickly unpack their stuff to register her candidature. That was how close she was cutting it.

Everyone had assumed that the Wanita leadership contest would boil down to a face-off between incumbent Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil and underdog Raihan Sulaiman who is from the Kulim Bandar Baru division in Kedah.

But Maznah’s 11th hour entry has changed the game for the Wanita leadership race.

Adnan, for one, appears to have changed his stand on the Wanita contest. A couple of weeks ago, he had reportedly endorsed Shahrizat for the top post.

But yesterday, the macho Mentri Besar told an Umno gathering in Temerloh that Pahang would support Maznah. The event was organised by Temerloh Umno chief Datuk Sharkar Shamsudin for delegates who would be voting in the Umno election to meet some of the candidates vying for national posts.

“She did not discuss it with any of us. It was a shock to all of us,” said Sharkar who won his Temerloh chief post uncontested.

Adnan admitted as much during the Temerloh event.

“I only knew about Datuk Maznah’s decision on Saturday evening. She did not consult me but this is a democracy and it is her right to contest,” said Adnan.

There was thunderous applause from the audience when Adnan invited Maznah on stage to give her the Pahang endorsement.

Maznah is not a superstar like Shahrizat but she is certainly more credible than Raihan who has no track record in the wing or even Datuk Azalina Othman Said who has backed out from the contest. Shahrizat will now have to be on her guard.

Both the Wanita ladies and the men in Umno had been lukewarm about Azalina. They simply could not visualise the former Puteri Umno chief as the next Wanita leader.

On the other hand, Maznah, who is currently a Senator, is seen as someone in the Wanita mould.

She is a member of the Wanita exco and has also been an assemblywoman, Pahang exco member and deputy minister.

Yesterday, at her first major press conference since entering the race, Maznah denied that she is a proxy of Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.

She was anxious to dispel the notion that this is a grudge fight between Shahrizat and the camp that had been with Rafidah.

Maznah probably has the support of Rafidah but it is unlikely that Rafidah put her up to the fight. The Iron Lady has no time for petty politics even though she can be very unforgiving of those whom she feels have done her in.

Rafidah had apparently given Azalina a piece of her mind when Azalina sought her support.

She dislikes Shahrizat but not to the extent of simply giving her support to any person challenging Shahrizat.

In fact, the camp that used to support Rafi­dah had also found it hard to accept Azalina but they will now throw their support behind Maznah.

Both of Maznah’s proposer and seconder were from the Cheras division of Umno and the representative who submitted the nomination papers on her behalf was from the Federal Territory Umno.

The evidence trail seems to lead back to Cheras Umno which is headed by the powerful warlord Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee who is not on good terms with Shahrizat. Moreover, the former Cheras Wanita chief and now the division treasurer is Datuk Faridah Abu Has­san, who has an axe to grind with Shahrizat.

Maznah is nowhere as popular as Shahrizat. Her PR also falls short when compared to Shahrizat who makes time for all the ladies whether they are somebody or nobodies.

Shahrizat smiles at everybody, exchanges hugs and air kisses with the ladies and stops to chat with everyone even when she is in a hurry. Maznah, according to some of the ladies, sometimes walks past them without even saying hello and little things like this matter in politics.

But Maznah, according to insiders, should be able to capitalise on Shahrizat’s latest headache – the incumbent Wanita chief’s former political secretary Datuk Suhaimi Ibrahim is being investigated by the MACC for alleged misappropriation of funds from the 1Azam welfare programme for the poor.

The timing of the investigation is bound to cost her some votes.

The other surprise in the Wanita contest came in the form of Datuk Hamidah Osman joining the fray for the wing’s No. 2 post alongside Sabah’s Datuk Azizah Dun and Datuk Suraya Yaakob of Kedah.

Hamidah is the Wanita information chief and a former Perak assemblywoman and her candidature was not exactly welcomed by Shahrizat’s camp who had endorsed Azizah for the No. 2 post.

Hamidah has been under pressure from the Shahrizat camp to pull out but she is standing her ground.

Some said she jumped in because she was upset by reports alleging that Azalina had been promised the information chief post after the polls. But Hamidah told her friends that she is contesting because the post was vacant and that she intends to be a loyal deputy if she wins.

In the meantime, Shahrizat’s campaign is in full swing. She was campaigning in Seremban on Sunday and many were surprised to see Azalina among the team of women that she brought along.

Azalina has gone from being a challenger to being a member of the Shahrizat juggernaut, and that says a lot about Shahrizat’s political clout.


Pahang UMNO endorsement is very important and strategic in the race. This is because Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak is Pekan UMNO Division Head. Politically, he should show team spirit and go with his home state’s support for Maznah.

There is a more updated twist to the Wanita UMNO democratic process.

As speculated by Miss Tan, one of the runners for the Vice Chief of Wanita UMNO Dato’ Hamidah Osman withdrew her candidacy. It is believed that incumbent Wanita UMNO Chief Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil preferred Deputy Minister for Women and Family Development and Beaufort Wanita UMNO Head Dato’ Azizah Mohd. Dun  as her running mate, over Wanita UMNO Information Head Hamidah.

This move is believed to galvanized Wanita UMNO Sabah to rally behind Maznah. It has been said Sabah Wanita UMNO Dato’ Armani Mahiruddin is bent of throwing support behind Maznah and committed to ensure that Sabah Wanita UMNO stands firm with her.

Maznah is in the three corner fight for the Wanita UMNO Chief post. The other candidate is Former Wirawati Perkasa Chief Raihan Sulaiman Palestin. The interesting point is Maznah is the only elected representative as Yang Berhormat ADUN Bandar Muadzam between the three Wanita UMNO Chief aspirants. That very much demonstrated her credibility as a leader.

What is more interesting between Maznah and Shahrizat, the former is someone who is scandal-free. She is also free from controversies.

For the record, Shahrizat was plagued with the NFC scandal, highlighted by PKR Strategist Rafizi Ramli. It drew national outcry, for the charged wrongful utilisation of interest free financial facility provided the Federal Government to a company own by her immediately family, to develop feed meal for the livestock industry.

Her husband Dato’ Seri Dr. Mohd. Salleh Ismail have since been charged for CBT involving the sum of RM 49 million.

What is interesting, when the scandal was first raised by PKR leaders in late 2011 Shahrizat stood on the Wanota UMNO platform in the November 2011 UMNO General Assembly and demanded Wanita UMNO to rally around her and do battle, to what is actually her personal problem.

When public opinion against her dwindled rapidly, Prime Minister Najib had to relieve her from the post as Minister of Women and Family Development to save ther Federal Government from any further embarrassment.

Even though MACC exonerated her from any procurement process for the RM250 million soft loan, the court of public opinion caused by the NFC scandal involving a company owned and controlled by her husband and children also diminished her chance to stand as BN candidate in the 13GE.

The recent public attention drew to her Former Political Secretary Dato’ Suhaimi Ibrahim for allegedly misappropriation in the disbursement of funds under 1Azam program, did add any points to the negative perception of credibility to her integrity, which has already set a record low for a Wanita UMNO Chief.

Since Raihan provided little hope of good leadership to the Wanita UMNO which is the nationalist party’s most tactically important wing, then it is obvious that Maznah is the fairer dark horse.

Published in: on September 25, 2013 at 03:00  Comments (26)  

Discarding the Older Workhorse


Just because there is a new workhorse in one’s stable, it does not mean that the older workhorse should be left to die or discard. Probably there are still productive utilities and roles of the older workhorse in the farm.

That is what we were told about Former Group President and CEO of FELDA Global Ventures Bhd (FGV)  Tan Sri Dato’ Sabri Ahmad.

Sabri was controversially replaced Emir Mavani announced earlier this year, on 15 July 2013. The seasoned planter had served in that capacity for three years, taking over from Tan Sri Mohd. Bakke Mohd. Salleh, whom was assigned to Sime Darby Bhd.

Sabri, Isa and Mavani

It was reliably informed that all facilities and benefits accorded to Sabri would end come first day of October. This include medical, hospitalisation and company car.

This is because FGV decided to ‘retire’ Sabri against his will from all directorship, which include various BoD that he is now serving of subsidiary and associated companies where FGV have shareholdings and interests.

It is also believed that this matter was raised in BoD FGV and the decision is made.

We were told Sabri has been gravely ill since a week before he officially retired. He has been in and out of hospitals and surgeries and now undergoing medical treatment and therapy.

This will summarily end all the medical and hospitalisation facility accorded to Sabri, as a immediate Former FGV and BoD of several FGV companies.

FGV Chairman Tan Sri Isa Samad, Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak and Former FGV CEO Tan Sri Sabri Ahmad

Why the decision is made is hazy. However it is baffling to learn that FGV Chairman Tan Sri Isa Samad did not play his role and all the cards available to him considering that Sabri  played pivotal role in the IPO exercise of FGV, which was dubbed the “Most successful in 2012 after ‘Facebook'”.

Sabri as a seasoned planter and corporate leader, provided the strong and visionary leadership for the restructuring and all the strategic and planning work for the IPO.

Against a lot of opposition from within, FELDA (authority) senior management, BoD of Koperasi Permodalan FELDA (KPF) and of course Opposition charged NGOs such as ANAK, Sabri was steadfast in realising Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak’s ‘Transformation Plan’ for the FELDA community.

Prime Minister Najib announced the listing of FGV in the 7 October 2011 Bajet 2012 speech in Dewan Rakyat.

Pengarah Besar Lembaga FELDA Dato' Seri Dzulkifli Wahab, Pengerusi Lembaga FELDA Tan Sri Isa Samad dan CEO FGVH Dato' Seri Sabri Ahmad semasa sidang media

Senior Director FELDA (Authority) Dato’ Seri Dzulkifli Wahab, Chairman of FELDA (Authority) Tan Sri Isa Samad and CEO FGVH Dato’ Seri Sabri Ahmad at the media conference in Kuala Pilah, Nov 2011, after meeting the FELDA community leaders for FGV IPO roadshow

The corporate exercise alone was daunting, since the opposition of BoD KPF and then senior management of FELDA (authority), FELDA Holdings Bhd. (FGV) were unable to be injected into FGV for the ‘share-swap’, which will directly benefit KPF shareholders. Instead, Sabri engineered ‘Plan B’ that the holdings that was supposed to go to KPF were channeled into a SPV.

The SPV would also finance all the development programs for FELDA community, which would be focused for the 2nd and 3rd generation.

Sabri worked very hard and his contribution, via the corporate leadership was immense. He tirelessly spearheaded all the roadshows globally for international investors during the pre-listing of FGV, the strategic partnership and networking to ensure that FGV growth and future business plans are subjected to a formidable plan and followed through.

Sabri’s explanation on the SPV intended for he strategic and development programs of FELDA community

It is obvious that Sabri did so much for FGV shareholders and FELDA community on behalf of the Federal Government in so little time. It is utter shameful for all that deeds and success stories that Sabri made and marked, is not commensurated with the decision to discard him entirely.

What is most shameful is the believe that Isa did not do his best to stand up for Sabri, in the latter’s most trying moments. Especially in the tone where FGV is making ‘very expensive investments’.

Published in: on September 23, 2013 at 23:52  Comments (19)  

F1 is not for Low Caste Teams

Fernandes's racing team Caterham, acquired in 2012 to promote the 'AirAsia' brand as the replacement to the 'Lotus' brand that he could no longer use

Fernandes’s racing team Caterham, acquired in 2012 to promote the ‘AirAsia’ brand as the replacement to the ‘Lotus’ brand that he could no longer use

Tune Group Boss Tony Fernandes is up to his usual antics again. This time, complaining about the escalating cost for running a Formula 1 team. It is reflective of his own hardship maintaining a F1 team, which is at the bottom rung.

Fernandes says F1 ‘screwed up’ cost cuts

SEPTEMBER 21, 2013

Biz Updates From PR Newswire

Caterham boss Tony Fernandes. – Picture by Saw Siow FengCaterham boss Tony Fernandes. – Picture by Saw Siow Feng

SINGAPORE, Sept 21 — Caterham boss Tony Fernandes said Formula One “screwed up” the chance to keep costs under control as teams face a dramatic escalation next year.

The Malaysian entrepreneur said teams failed to come together and make a concerted effort to keep costs down, and also agreed to the extra expense of introducing a new type of engine in 2014.

“I think the teams didn’t get together. The teams had a wonderful opportunity to try and create a fair, equitable split so that the sport is sustainable,” he said ahead of the Singapore Grand Prix.

“Teams looked at things on an individual basis as opposed to working together in FOTA (Formula One Teams Association) and trying to find a win-win situation for everyone and create a very healthy environment in a sustainable sport.

“We screwed it up, it’s as simple as that.”

Fernandes has said in fighting in FOTA was to blame for the failure to implement cost controls. Several teams are struggling for money, and HRT went to the wall last year.

Teams have recently finished negotiations for a new Concorde Agreement to govern the sport and decide how to share profits in coming seasons.

And with an eye on environmental concerns, they will switch to smaller, 1.6-litre V6 turbo engines and limit their fuel supply.

“I’ve been consistent since day one that I’ve been in Formula One that costs are too high,” Fernandes, who also helms budget airline AirAsia and English football club QPR, said late yesterday.

“When I came into Formula One, people talked to me about costs coming down but I don’t think there’s been a single year it’s come down.

“I think next year will be probably the highest year — so I think there’s something fundamentally wrong. I don’t think it’s just the engine, by the way, I think the teams lost out an opportunity to get costs under control.

“I think self-interest overrode the sport and we are as much to blame for this problem as an engine.” — AFP

– See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/sports/article/fernandes-says-f1-screwed-up-cost-cuts#sthash.Yl03iBgn.dpuf


Let us get the facts right, in the right order.

First, Fernandes started the F1 team in 2010 calling it ‘1 Malaysia Racing Team’. It is very clear with the explicit intention to get Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak’s buy in and pay for the team which will eventually promote the brands such as ‘AirAsia’, ‘Tune Group’ and ‘Tune Hotel’.

That did not materialise.

Then he branded it as ‘Lotus Racing’, under license from Group Lotus. At the same time, Fernandes lobbied very hard to get Petronas to go with his Lotus racing team and become their major sponsor. Instead, Petronas went with Brawn GP, to be Petronas-Mercedes GP.

Petronas-Mercedes GP

Petronas-Mercedes GP

Group Lotus is a 100% owned by Proton. Then the licensing with Lotus buckled and was terminated, Fernandes changed it to ‘Team Lotus’. That dragged him into a legal tussle with Lotus Group.

As result of that, Fernandes went to acquire Caterham Cars and 2012 season, it is known as ‘Caterham Team’.

Bernie Ecclestone said that Formula 1 is a business venture for serious racing team players with lots of money and not for cheapos. “Why would I rob a train with only two and a half million pounds on it?”

Current season F1 teams standing

Current season F1 teams standing

The interview also suggest that Fernandes tried to get the low rung F1 racing teams to gang up against Ecclestone’s FIA.

In short, an F1 racing team is a very expensive proposition to do and maintain. And is not for low caste operators and wannabe hopefuls, trying to play in the game with and against the majors. Worse still, hoping to get others to pay for it and the story could not hold water.

Fernandes tried to do a ‘Malaysia Airlines-sponsorship-of-QPR’ for his F1 team. Then again, QPR is also a pathetic venture at the bottom rung of the English Premier League. He shouldn’t be too ambitious if he really can’t afford to have an F1 racing team. Or for that matter, an EPL team too.

It is so undignified, to be pitted last in almost every race.

*Updated 0130hrs 23 Sept 2013

Published in: on September 22, 2013 at 22:00  Comments (14)  

Propagating Communism

CPM rebels and bandits armed with M3 Carbines

The Malay Mail Online editor and editorial team should be arrested and investigated under Sedition Act and/or SOSMA, for allowing room to propagate the communism ideology. The news portal published Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) Chairman Abdullah CD’s farewell to Secretary General Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng who passed away in Bangkok in the morning of 50th Malaysia Day, dated same day.

Farewell, Comrade Chin Peng — Abdullah CD

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013

Biz Updates From PR Newswire

SEPT 16 — He has left us, but he is with the people forever.

With the greatest pain and deepest sorrow, we announce the passing of our beloved leader and our dear comrade Chin Peng @ Ong Boon Hua who departed peacefully at the age of 89 on 16th September, 2013 at 6:20 a.m. (Malaysian time 7:20 a.m.) in Bangkok, after a long struggle with illness.

He has thus ended a glorious life in combat and finally left all his compatriots of all races, comrades-in-arms, relatives and friends as well as the people’s cause, for which he devoted his entire life, and his beloved Motherland.

His battle against illness depicts his strong character, just as in his life, fighting against all odds, against the inevitable. He fought with such determination and courage; and most of all with serenity imbued with great wisdom, without which he would have lost the “battle” long ago.

And yet, the inevitable has come: he has left us forever. Perhaps, it is like after a long drawn fight, he needed a rest. So be it, rest in peace, our dear comrade.

He may have left us, but his spirit is with us, embedded in the heart of every one of us.

Nothing could replace the comradeship that has bounded us together. We fought to death to defend our country against foreign aggressors. Together we mustered the courage to fight against evil forces and injustices in society. Together we dared all our adversaries to continue bullying the weak and the oppressed.

We share the same ideals, the same political beliefs that hold us together for a life time. We dream together for a better world. We show to future generations that the road for change is long and tortuous. We were a bunch of people who dare to fight and dare to sacrifice for the betterment of mankind.

We fully understand his last wish to return his body to his children whom he had never been able to care for. Their sufferings and his could perhaps never be understood or felt by others. In this, he has shown to the world that he is but a human being, full of humility and humanistic values and sensitivities. We salute him. We salute his children and family, to whom we convey our deepest condolences.

He had loved very much his country — his place of birth. He had the wisdom and courage to bring peace to our country. He had done his part and yet he had been denied return to his beloved Motherland. History will point the finger of indictment at those who break the promises. Let it be, the people are not blind.

Farewell, Comrade Chin Peng — our beloved leader, our comrade, the courageous freedom fighter!

* Abdullah CD was the chairman of the Communist Party of Malaya.

** This is the personal opinion of the writers or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malay Mail Online.

– See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/what-you-think/article/farewell-comrade-chin-peng-abdullah-cd#sthash.VOW9gh2j.dpuf


This is clear communism propaganda.

The fact is that, many of more than the 10,000 persons died between 1948 to 1960 are Malayans. Many of the Malayans are non combatants, women, children and old folks. Homes, schools, community halls and police stations were burnt. Even an entire village in Perak.

Places where Malayans earn their living such as smokehouses, factories, tin mine palongs and even transportation such as trains, buses and trucks were attacked and wrecked, if not razed to the ground.

The martyrs of Bukit Kepong

Malayans would never forget the early morning of 23 February 1950 incident where Bukit Kepong Police Station was attacked. 22 Policemen, 4 Auxilary Policemen and 4 non combatants women and children were brutally massacred. The Police Station was razed to the ground.

All are Malayans.

When UMNO President Tunku Abdul Rahman led the Alliance party in the Federal Consultative Council general elections on 27 July 1955, Malayans gave him an overwhelming mandate. After the self governing was obtained, Chief Minister Tunku offered the communist rebels amnesty and demanded that they lay down arms, since its already proven that majority Malayans.

Then Tunku agreed to meet Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng in Baling on 28-29 December 1955. The same amnesty was offered but it was seen as ‘surrender’.

Rashid Maidin, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and Chen Tien representing  Communist Party of Malaya rebels at Baling Talks, 28-29 Dec 1955 which they refused to surrender and lay down arms, now that Britain agreed to allow Malayans to negotiate for independence

There on, a month later Chief Minister Tunku left for London. He came back with Kemerdekaan achieved, scheduled by 31 August 1957. Chief Minister Tunku also convinced HRH Rulers to accept almost one million Non Malays dubbed ‘Stateless Persons’ as citizens, even though they did not qualify under the conditions as per agreed in the Federation of Malaya Treaty dated 21 January 1948 as a replacement to Malayan Union.

A sovereign nation of Malayans and by Malayans was born. Yet, the atrocities of the communist terrorists now deemed a rebellion, continued.

Emergency ended in 1960. But not the communist rebellion. During the lull period of 1960 to 1968, the CPM underwent a period of streamlining, retraining, and re-indoctrination of the communism ideology. The Malayan Races Liberation Army (MRLA) had established a series of bases along the Malaysian-Southern Thailand border. Despite being weakened by the Commonwealth forces during the first Emergency, the CPM boasted a nucleus of between 500 to 600 well-trained guerrillas and a reserve of about 1,000 men, available for full-time service if required.

A quarter of million dollars bounty for Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, from 1 May 1952 The Straits Times headline

In July 1961, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng met Deng Xiaoping in China. Deng had proposed to the CPM that it conduct a second armed struggle. Deng insisted that Malaya was ripe for a revolution. The success of Vietnam War bolstered the CPM to launch another revolt in Malaya. Deng later promised Chin Peng that China would assist the CPM and contribute US$100,000 for the second insurgency in Malaya.

On 1 June 1968, the Central Command of the CPM issued a directive entitled “Hold High the Great Red Banner of Armed Struggle and Valiantly March Forward”. CPM is ready to wage another rebellion and this time, its against Malaysians.

On 17 June 1968, to mark the 20th anniversary of their armed struggle against the Malaysian Government, the CPM launched an ambush against security forces in the area of Kroh, Upper Perak The communist rebels brutally killed 17 Field Force Policemen. This mark the Second Emergency.

Perak CPO Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong’s funeral procession, through Ipoh town

In 1974, CPM incorporated target assassination as part of their rebellion. As such, IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim was assassinated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur on the way to work on 7 June 1974. Perak CPO Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong was shot on 13 November 1975 on his way for lunch.

The pain and anguish of suffering Malayans and Malaysians throughout the 54 years of atrocities and duress inflicted by CPM cannot be simply forgotten nor forgiven. Even when Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng offered his apology.

The belief in communism as the only avenue for rule brought CPM rebels into very evil deeds. This farewell note explicitly demonstrated that they did not give up on the communism ideology, which was the underlying drive for them to commit atrocities against Malayans and later Malaysians.

The Malay Mail online is now propagating the communism ideology, on behalf of the Neo Min Yuens who now assimilated themselves in modern Malaysian society. This is dangerous and anti-Constitution. The editorial team must be investigated for this.

Published in: on September 22, 2013 at 10:00  Comments (29)  

Standing in the Eyes of the World

Fifteen years ago at this hour, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II officiated the conclusion of the Kuala Lumpur XVI Commonwealth Games which was held at the National Stadium, Bukit Jalil. It was the most prolific international sports meet this nation ever hosted.

Screen Shot 2013-09-21 at 5.06.46 AM

It was a national project since it was first incepted, after winning the bid. Most of the monitoring for the preparatory and development works was done by then Minister of Youth and Sports Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin.

The National Sports Complex was built. Then Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad took personal interest and very close attention in the progress of preparations.

The Kuala Lumpur XVI Commonwealth Games saw the nation upheld the ‘Malaysia Boleh!’ cry and stood together. The pride of the nation prevailed. It was by far Malaysia’s best record in any sports meet where 10 gold medals were obtained and fourth in overall place.

Published in: on September 21, 2013 at 21:00  Comments (1)