Mukhriz: Develop Islamic finances









30 NOVEMBER 2009





Assalamualaikum W.B.T, Good Morning and Salam 1Malaysia.


1.           It is indeed a great pleasure to be here today at the Malaysia-Arab Business Forum. I am delighted to be addressing this gathering of eminent business people and political leaders from both Malaysia and the GCC member countries. This is a positive step in our continuing efforts to strengthen our longstanding bilateral and economic relations.

 2.           I would like to extend a warm welcome in particular to the GCC delegation which I am made to understand comprises diverse representatives – all of whom are keen to further explore investment and trade opportunities in this region.

 3.           The past 16 months have been very challenging for the global economy. We are now seeing signs of recovery and all bets seem to be on Asia leading the recovery. But even as we get data coming out of China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and India that point in this direction we are confronted with news of the Dubai debt crisis. The world has crossed its fingers yet again and is holding its breadth, so to speak, hoping that this will not stymie global economic recovery.

  4.           Are the developments that we are experiencing part of the boom and busts that economists talk about? Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz asked “Is boom and bust a permanent feature of the capitalist order? Do global markets need global regulation – and are today’s supranational institutions the right ones to provide it? Is the dream of a Third Way between today’s global capitalism and yesterday’s discredited socialism still alive?”

 5.           In my opinion, a Third Way is not a dream but in fact an option that is available but has not given its due recognition.

 6.           I am talking about the promise of Islamic banking, the potential of the halal industry and the viability of the Gold Dinar. In essence I am referring to the noble principles of the Islamic faith, the practicality of its commandments and the strength in unity of the Ummah.

 7.           Allow me to elaborate. Firstly, the sub-prime crisis in the United States which imploded and was transformed into a full blown international economic crisis has drawn attention to Islamic banking as a viable and attractive alternative to the conventional system. Indeed the official newspaper of the Vatican – ‘Osservatore Romano’ published an article affirming the ethical principles on which Islamic finance is based on and that such noble principles reflect the true spirit which should mark every financial service. In addition, we see several countries, including France, UK and Singapore, vying to be the “capital of Islamic finance”. Thus, in view of these developments – Malaysia and the GCC member countries must seriously take up the challenge to develop and lead the world in Islamic banking and finance.

 8.           For your information, the Malaysian Government has introduced various measures and tax incentives to create a modern and efficient international Islamic financial centre. These measures include the following:  

  • Stamp duty exemption of 20 per cent on Islamic financing instruments;  
  • Tax exemption on banking profits derived from overseas operations; 
  • Tax exemption of insurance and takaful companies derived from overseas operations;  
  • Permitting foreign financial institutions to conduct Islamic banking activities in international currencies; and 
  • Permitting greater flexibility to Labuan Offshore Financial Centre entities that offer Islamic financial services to operate anywhere in Malaysia.

 9.           As a result of these and other measures, Malaysia is gearing up towards being a premier international Islamic financial centre for the origination, distribution and trading of Islamic capital market products, including treasury instruments such as sukuk. In this context, I would like to invite interested parties within the GCC that are seeking Islamic financing facilities to take advantage of the wide range of syariah-compliant services available in Malaysia. I would also like to invite our brothers and sisters in the GCC to work with Malaysia to develop the Islamic banking industry to our mutual benefit. Without unity of purpose we will perhaps short change ourselves and undermine the Ummah. Let us work to jointly develop standardised Islamic financial products, structures and systems. 

 10.       Moving on to my next point about the burgeoning halal industry. Allow me to talk about some of the Malaysian Government’s initiatives as announced by our Honourable Prime Minister at the Malaysia International Halal Showcase (MIHAS) in May this year. He emphasized the Malaysian Government’s commitment to developing Malaysia as the global halal hub. He urged Malaysian companies to invest in the production and export of halal products and services.

 11.       We are also encouraging our private sector to establish strategic alliances with domestic and international players and leverage on each others’ strengths in the supply of raw materials, ingredients, technology and branding in this regard.

 12.       To ensure a more coordinated development of the Malaysian halal sector, the Government has now placed the Halal Development Corporation (HDC) under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry.

 13.       The Government also provides various incentives to promote this industry, such as:


  • Double deduction for expenses to obtain halal certification and quality systems and standards certification; 
  • Matching grants for development and promotion of halal products;
    import duty exemption on raw materials/ components;
  • Import duty / sales tax exemption on machinery and equipment;
    reinvestment incentives in food processing activities; and
  • Incentives for companies providing cold chain facilities and services for food products.

 14.       This sector offers much potential for Malaysia and the GCC business community to collaborate and leverage on our respective strengths to expand our reach not just in our respective markets but beyond.

 15.       Last but not least, the proposition for the Gold Dinar. My friends, this idea is not new. I believe that in light of the decline of the U.S. Dollar as the world’s sole reserve currency, gold prices on the rise and the entire dismal global economic predicament – the viability of the Gold Dinar speaks for itself. Perhaps this is an idea whose time has come.

 16.       Malaysia and the GCC member countries have much to gain from expanded trade and investment. The potential exists not just in our markets but in the wider reach that each of us has through our trade and economic linkages with the rest of the world, namely Malaysia within ASEAN and the various Free Trade Agreements that we have concluded and likewise the GCC with your trading partners. It is for this reason that the Malaysian Government is interested in engaging more deeply with members of the GCC in a Free Trade Agreement. There have been some exchanges in this regard and we look forward to beginning negotiations in the near future.

 17.       At present Malaysia’s economic linkages with the GCC and members of the OIC is mainly with Saudi Arabia and the UAE. From 2008 to September 2009, investments from these two countries totalled RM92.9 billion. And Malaysian companies have a fairly strong presence in these two countries as well. We believe that there is so much potential that we have yet to explore with the other member countries.

 18.       One area of potential is in the services sector. For your information, the Malaysian Government has through its agency, MATRADE, organised the Malaysia Service Exhibition 2009, MSE 2010, earlier this year at the Dubai International Convention & Exhibition Centre, UAE. Given the success and overwhelming response to that exhibition, we will be organising MSE 2010 from the 13th – 15th of April 2010, at the same venue.  Please do mark down these dates in your diary and join us then. You could also get in touch with my officers for further information.

 19.       I must thank you for your attention and the opportunity given to me to share my thoughts with you this morning. I also want to thank you all for your presence and support to this Forum. I hope you will find it a useful platform to network and do business.

 20.       On that note, I am pleased to declare open the Malaysia-Arab Business Forum and I wish you success in your deliberations.


Wassalamualaikum W.B.T and Thank you.

Published in: on November 30, 2009 at 12:25  Comments (23)  

Krisis ‘Ariffahmi Gate’ kini mengundang perebutan kuasa di PAS Kelantan

Semenjak kami menyiarkan amalan kronysim MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Nik Aziz Nik Mat dan mendapat perhatian media perdana dan alternatif sehingga menjadi skandal ‘Ariffhami Gate’ dan Murshidul Am PAS itu di’bayang’kan untuk berundur, keadaan menjadi lebih kronik. Kini, bermula ‘perebutran kuasa’ antara Kepimpinan PAS Kelantan.

Laporan Berita Harian:

Drama PAS Kelantan calar imej Nik Aziz 

Oleh Jamhariah Jaafar

NOV 27 — Drama dalaman PAS Kelantan semakin menarik. Di kala Timbalan Pesuruhjaya II PAS negeri, Datuk Husam Musa mengatakan dia bukan calon yang layak untuk memegang jawatan Menteri Besar, anak Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat, merayu supaya jangan siapa menghalang ayahnya daripada meletak jawatan.

Nik Mohamad Abduh dalam blognya secara tegas berkata: “Ayahanda telah tua dan keletihan. Dia telah memberi yang terbaik. Jika suatu hari dia menyebut hasrat meletakkan jawatan, jangan ada yang bodoh datang mengatakan tidak dan jangan. Jika tidak, saya akan memanggilnya, “Wahai si bodoh!”.

Nyata ramai bersimpati dengan nasib yang menimpa Mursyidul Am PAS yang kini diselubungi kesedihan yang tidak kunjung padam, sehingga niatnya untuk menunaikan haji di Makkah tahun ini terpaksa dibatal.

Nik Mohamad Abduh di dalam blognya tidak menyembunyikan kekecewaan terhadap beberapa individu PAS yang mencetus pelbagai kontroversi, sehingga membuatkan ramai berasa sudah tiba masanya untuk Tok Guru berundur daripada kepemimpinan perdana.

Ahli Parlimen Pasir Mas, Datuk Ibrahim Ali memberi 10 sebab mengapa Nik Aziz perlu meletak jawatan. Alasan diberi amat pedih, antaranya — Nik Aziz sudah terlalu lama bergelar wakil rakyat dan Menteri Besar; kerap uzur; nyanyuk; tidak kreatif dalam pemerintahan; menjadi alat pakatan pembangkang termasuk parti yang jelas menentang pelaksanaan negara Islam; dan ramai pemimpin PAS Kelantan dan pusat memang mahu dia bersara, tapi tidak berani bersuara.

Tok Guru sebenarnya sudah lama mencipta dilema di dalam PAS, tetapi tindakannya sejak akhir-akhir ini mencetus banyak kontroversi sehingga menjejaskan nama baik serta maruahnya sebagai seorang pemimpin dan ulama disegani.

Isu hangat dicetuskan tahun ini bermula daripada penentangan tegas kepada sebarang usaha untuk bekerjasama dengan Umno, membawa kepada usul supaya diadakan Mesyuarat Agung Khas (EGM) bagi berbincang mengenai tindakan ramai pemimpin PAS yang dilihat “amat cenderung untuk menubuh kerajaan perpaduan dengan Umno”.

Akhirnya semua bersetuju mengadakan satu seminar khas sehari yang memberi ruang kepada ahli akar umbi meluahkan pendapat. Antara persoalan yang timbul pada seminar itu ialah antara Mursyidul Am dan Presiden, siapa yang lebih berkuasa?

Namun, kontroversi tidak berakhir di situ dan ia bersambung di Kelantan. Bermula dengan isu tajaan mengerjakan haji sehingga Nik Aziz membatalkan pemergiannya dan keluarga ke Makkah, kepada pemecatan serta-merta pegawai kanan Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan (PMBK), Syed Azidi Syed Aziz atau lebih dikenali sebagai blogger Kickdefella… mengheret kepada suasana yang lebih parah.

Isu PMBK menjadi kronik apabila Nik Aziz membuat keputusan melantik menantunya, Abdul Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif PMBK. Tindakan itu menerima kritikan keras dan Syed Azidi menggunakan blognya untuk ‘menyerang’ Ariffahmi.

Nik Aziz kemudian membuat keputusan meminta Ariffahmi meletak jawatan CEO — selepas dinasihatkan Presiden, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, serta beberapa pemimpin PAS lain.

Melihat kepada kemelut yang menjejaskan imej PAS Kelantan dan mendengar suara akar umbi bahawa sudah tiba masanya Nik Aziz berundur, Timbalan Pesuruhjaya III PAS Kelantan, Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah, membuat saranan supaya Menteri Besar itu menamakan penggantinya lebih awal supaya tidak timbul kekalutan apabila beliau meletak jawatan nanti.

Justeru, apabila Nik Mohamad Abduh melabel Syed Azidi sebagai “Jebat yang berusaha membela si Tuah rakan pujaannya”, ramai tersenyum sinis tatkala Husam dengan pantas menepis tanggapan bahawa dia berminat untuk menjadi Menteri Besar.

Bagaimanapun, Husam kelmarin menegaskan dia tidak berminat untuk menjadi Menteri Besar Kelantan. Malah secara sinis tapi serius, dia berkata: “Kalau tawar Perdana Menteri saya nak… Menteri Besar ini kolam kecil sangat… saya jenis badan besar suka berenang kolam besar.”

Ramai pemerhati politik melihat kenyataan pemimpin muda PAS ini daripada pelbagai sudut dan ada antara mereka bersetuju bahawa Husam sebenarnya tidak menetapkan Kelantan sebagai sasaran, sebaliknya memang menumpu perhatian di gelanggang perdana.

Persoalannya ialah sama ada dia akan menjadi rakan atau pesaing Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di dalam Pakatan Rakyat?

Drama PAS Kelantan masih belum berakhir. Syed Azidi melalui blognya semalam menyerlahkan kedudukan sebagai “penyokong setia Husam”, di samping mencetus beberapa persoalan yang bakal mencemarkan lagi imej Nik Aziz.

Daripada dakwaan wujud “sebuah dinasti keluarga Nik Aziz” di negeri Serambi Makkah itu, kepada isu berkaitan aktiviti Majlis Perbandaran Kota Bharu, Sekolah Darul Anuar, tanah wakaf di Pulau Melaka dan sebuah stesen minyak.

Nik Aziz adalah Menteri Besar Kelantan, yang harus bertanggungjawab atas setiap tindak tanduknya… sudah tiba masanya beliau membuat keputusan yang boleh mengembalikan kewibawaannya sebagai seorang pemimpin dan ulama yang disegani. — Berita Harian


Kelantan merupakan negeri Pakatan Rakyat (PR) paling strategik kerana ianya sudah matang menjadi pentadbiran Bukan BN, selama 19 tahun ini. MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz, yang juga merangkap Murshidul Am PAS telah menduduki jawatan eksekutif negeri sepanjang tempoh itu.

‘Perebutan Kuasa’ ini mula menjadi nyata setelah ‘Ariifahmi Gate’ memungkinkan Kepimpinan PAS datang ke Kota Bahru dan mendesak agar CEO PMBK Ir Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman dipecat.  Exco Kelantan Dato’ Nik Amar mendesak agar MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz menamakan pengganti, dengan alasan bukan untuk mendesak menyegerakan pengunduran MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz tetapi ‘Plan Peralihan’ bagi PAS Kelantan dirangka.

Dalam pada itu, Exco Kanan Kelantan Dato’ Husam Musa yang diharapkan ramai penyokong PR untuk mengambil alih jawatan MB Kelantan pula bermain politik dengan menafikan beliau calon sesuai untuk jawatan itu. Husam disifatkan penyokong PR sebagai calon paling sesuai mengambil alih MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz kerana sebagai golongan ‘Erdigan’ dalam PAS, beliau merupakan ‘batu loncatan’ bagi Ketua Pembangkang-tanpa-parti Anwar “Mat Leather King” Ibrahim diterima oleh akar umbi PAS.

Kebarangkalian bagi PAS yang kunun kunun berjuang atas “landasan Al Quran dan Sunnah” “untuk mengukuhkan kerjasama dengan anasir anti-Islam seperti parti Chauvinis Cina DAP. Setakat ini, kerjasama yang berjaya dipupuk antara dua parti yang amat ekstrim pegangan dan prinsip itu sering menampakan percanggahan prinsip, dasar dan kedudukan yang amat nyata.

Dalam pada itu, kebarangkalian untuk Husam menggantikan MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz sebagai Menteri Besar Kelantan adalah lebih malap, berbanding dengan Timbalan Menteri Besar Dato’ Ahmad Yaacob dan Exco Kelantan Dato’ Nik Amar Nik Abdullah. Ini kerana ‘penerimaan’ Husam dalam pihak Istana tidaklah begitu memberangsangkan. Sebelum ini, dikhabarkan bahawa pihak Istana ‘menolak’ cadangan untuk menjadikan Husam sebagai Timbalan Menteri Besar Kelantan.

Keadaan Pemimpin PAS Kelantan amat tidak selesa agar Husam jadikan penganti kepada MB “Fip-Flop’ Nik Aziz. Ini diluahkan melalui media dengan lantang.

Laporan Malaysian Insider:

Nik Aziz’s son blames Husam for state problems

Husam is being blamed for the troubles in Kelantan. — File pic

By Adib Zalkapli

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 26 — Kelantan PAS continues to be rocked with apparent infighting with Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat’s son Nik Abduh blaming his father’s protege Datuk Husam Musa for the problems in the state.

Nik Abduh, who is a PAS Youth executive committee member, blogged today that Husam’s aide Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz, who was sacked from the Kelantan Mentri Besar Corporation (PMBK) early this month, has now started an attempt to topple his father.

Syed Azidi, who blogs as Kickdefella, joined the state investment arm in 2007 upon the invitation of Husam, a state executive councillor.

He was sacked by the PMBK CEO Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, who is also Nik Aziz’s son-in-law, for allegedly conspiring with a Barisan Nasional (BN) assemblyman and leaking corporation’s information to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

“Why did you present roses to my father only to stab him the moment you step out of Kota Darul Naim?” asked Nik Abduh in his blog.

“Maybe it was not your fault. It was the person who brought you to Kelantan who is guilty, and now he is trying to cleanse and distance himself from you,” he said, claiming that Syed Azidi was given VIP treatment when he arrived in the state.

Last April, Nik Abduh slammed Nik Aziz’s advisers for instigating the PAS spiritual adviser to oppose moves to initiate political cooperation with Umno and his criticism was seen to be directed at Husam.

Since his removal, Syed Azidi has repeatedly accused Arrifahmi of abuse of power, an action described as cowardice by Nik Abduh.

“Why didn’t you criticise Ariffahmi privately in front of him like I did. No one was threatened by my father for criticising his son-in-law,” said Nik Abduh.

Ariffahmi, who is currently under the MACC investigation, was ordered to resign by Nik Aziz early this week after intervention by the PAS central committee led by president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.

Nik Abduh described the controversy in PMBK as one of the toughest issues that has affected the family and he vowed to defend Ariffahmi from what he called slander.

Husam was Nik Aziz’s choice for the PAS deputy presidency and is seen as a leading light of the Erdogan faction, named after the Turkish prime minister, for promoting closer ties with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

But Husam lost to incumbent Nasharuddin Mat Isa, who was later accused of wanting PAS to unite with political rivals Umno.

Nik Aziz last month called for a special congress to sack leaders who are promoting unity with Umno in what was seen as a veiled attack against Abdul Hadi and his faction. The move failed but the party remains divided over the issue although Abdul Hadi has reiterated the party remains in the Pakatan Rakyat.


Dalam pada itu, Husam Musa mengumumkan bahawa ujud ‘konspirasi’ menghalang beliau agar terus maju dalam politik dan Pentadbiran PAS Kelantan.

Laporan Malaysian Insider:

Husam claims conspiracy against him

By Adib Zalkapli

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 20 – Kelantan executive councillor Datuk Husam Musa claimed today that there was a conspiracy to have him removed from the state government.

“There have been efforts to drive a wedge between me and Tok Guru,” said Husam (picture) referring to Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat.

“I am fully aware of the conspiracy against me,” he told The Malaysian Insider.

Rumours were rife yesterday that Nik Aziz was considering removing Husam from the state administration following the actions of his former aide, Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz.

Syed Azidi was a corporate liaison officer at the Kelantan Mentri Besar Corporation (PMBK) until he was sacked early this month.

His removal was followed by a public argument between him and the PMBK CEO Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, who is also the son-in-law of Nik Aziz.

Yesterday, Syed Azidi claimed that Nik Aziz had ordered Ariffahmi, who is under Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) investigation, to leave PMBK to avoid further embarrassment to the state administration.

Ariffahmi had denied the allegations, claiming that Syed Azidi was trying to pressure Nik Aziz.

Rumours of Husam’s removal surfaced soon after Syed Azidi made the claim that Nik Aziz would announce Arrifahmi’s resignation yesterday.

“I know Tok Guru will not do that as he is a very rational man,” Husam told The Malaysian Insider.

He refused to say if Ariffahmi was behind the attempt to kick him out of the state government.

“They are outsiders, trying to get me, eventually the target is Tok Guru, and then they will move in to topple the PAS government,” said Husam.

Meanwhile, the Kelantan PAS liaison committee will convene a special meeting tomorrow morning and is expected to discuss the latest crisis in the state government.

The Malaysian Insider understands that many members of the state PAS committee are in favour of removing Ariffahmi from the Kelantan government investment arm.

Kelantan PAS secretary Zaki Ibrahim, however, said tomorrow’s meeting is a routine one and the PMBK issue is not on the agenda.

“The matter does not arise, but the committee members are free to speak up during the meeting,” Zaki told The Malaysian Insider.


Perkembangan ini adalah bahan menarik, tatkala Pakatan Rakyat sedang sibuk mengstrukturkan pakatan antara parti yang berlainan prinsip, aspirasi dan matlamat itu. Dalam khutbah tradisi sempena sembahyang sunnat Hari Raya Aidil Adha, beliau berdoa atas mimbar agar PM Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak diberikan hidayah dan petunjuk agar  melepaskan tuntutan royalti berbading ‘wang ehsan’ yang diperuntukan. Sekiranya PM Najib degil, maka MB ‘FlipFlop’ mendoakan agar keenganan ini akan diturun bala’, kerena kunun kununnya menzali hak rakyat Kelantan,.

Published in: on November 28, 2009 at 00:33  Comments (15)  

Apa yang sedia untuk di’Korban’kan, sempena Hari Raya Korban 1430H?

Aidil Adha 1430H

Hari ini merupakan hari Wukuf di Padang Arafah. Ini ialah permulaan musim Haji 1430H. Besok ialah Hari Raya Aidil Adha atau dikenali juga sebagai Hari Raya Korban.

‘Korban’ ialah erti simbolik Nabi Allah Ibrahim Alaihissalam begitu taat kepada perintah Allah s.w.t. dengan rela dan redha bersedia untuk menyembelih putera kesayangan Nabi Allah Ismail Alaihissalam, tanpa sebarang kesangsian. Kita perlu kaji bagaimana roh ‘Korban’ ini membawa pengertian lain kepada kita, rakyat Malaysia yang terdiri dari majoriti Melayu-Islam.

Ini adalah masa sesuai untuk MB ‘Flip-Flop’  Nik Aziz Nik Mat untuk di”Korban’kan, demi kepentingan dan kesejahteraan rakyat Kelantan dan ahli PAS. Ini kerana MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz sebagai Murshidul Am PAS mengamalkan nepotism dan kronyism, berdalih mengenai menerima ‘rasuah’ (imbuhan penajaan Haji bernilai sebanyak RM 65,000 seorang untuk beliau, isteri dan anak dan menantu), memperkudakan agama Allah s.w.t. (“Allah pun mencarut”, “Boleh berkawan dengan syaitan” dan “Pergi jahanam UMNO”) semata mata kepentingan politik dan membawa slogan yang tidak ditunaikan (“Membangun bersama Islam”) selama 19 tahun memerintah Kelantan.

Sepanjang tahun 1430H ini, 'Kepala Lembu' membawa simbol 'Korban' yang lain dan amat sensitif, terutama bagi penduduk Seksyen 23 Shah Alam

Ini juga masa yang sesuai untuk MB Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim untuk di’Korban’kan, demia kepentingan dan kesejahteraan rakyat Selangor. Ini kerana beliau gagal dalam negeri Selangor dan DYMM Tuanku Sultan Selangor juga dikhabarkan murka kerana isu ‘Wang Zakat bagi pembangunan’ cadangan MB Khalid. Isu ‘Kuil Seksyen 23 Shah Alam’ juga menunjukan dasar dan pendekatan pentadbiran Kerajaan PR MB Khalid yang lemah dan mengakibatkan keadaan yang hampir menjurus kepada rusuhan kaum dan ugama.

Ini juga masa yang sesuai bagi rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan konsep ‘Keadilan’ untuk memberikan tekanan agar kes liwat Anwar “Mat King Leather” Ibrahim keatas Saiful Bukhary Azlan disegerakan. Ini kerana rakyat sedar bahawa Anwar “Mat King Leather” Ibrahim cuba sedaya upaya untuk menggunakan pelbagai taktik, alasan dan “wayang” agar kes ini tertangguh dengan pelbagai helah teknikal. Buat masa ini, ‘Keadilan’ sedang di’Korban’kan dengan tindakan Anwar “Politikus-Anarkis” Ibrahim ini kerana “Pengadilan yang dilengahkan adalah pengadilan yang dinafikan” (Delayed justice is justice denied).

ADUN DAP sampai tergamak berdiri atas meja walaupun DYTM Pemangku Raja Perak masih berada dalam DUN Perak itu lagi

Proses pengadilan juga perlu diberikan ruang secukupnya dan tidak dijadikan ‘Korban’ modal politik, yang akhirnya rakyat sendiri akan menjadi ‘korban mangsa keadaan’. Proses mengubalkan undang undang juga jangan dijadikan ‘korban sarkas’ bagi golongan berkepentingan. Pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat juga wajar di’korban’kan bawah Akta Hasutan demi kepentingan rakyat.

Pemimpin yang pernah ‘mengorbankan diri sendiri’ semata mata kerana Anwar “Politkus-Anarkis” Ibrahim seperti Ezam Md. Noor, Dr. Chandra Muzaffar dan Dato’ S. Nalla Karupan kini dengan tegas mengesa agar mantan-banduan-salahguna-kuasa itu disingkirkan, bagi menjaga kepentingan perjuangan PKR. Raja Politikus-Anarkis Malaysia ini sedia bekerjasama dengan segala anasir termasuk Yahudi Neo Con agar kerakusan untuk mengambil kuasa tercapai, atas apa juga kos dan kesan kepada negara dan rakyat.

A quarter of million dollars bounty for Chin "Butcher of Malaya" Peng, from a 1950s Straits Time headline

Rakyat Malaysia juga tidak bersedia untuk ‘mengorbankan’ prinsip semata mata kesenangan dan keselesaan seorang individu, membatasi kepetingan dan sentimen majoriti. Dewasa ini, terdapat usaha pihak liberalist yang terdiri dari anasir anti-Melayu seperti DAP dan politikus-anarkis seperti Anwar Ibrahim yang mendesak agar Penjenayah Perang Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng dibenarkan kembali ke Sitiawan, Perak untuk menghabiskan sisa sisa hidup. Dalam tempoh 12 tahun Darurat, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng dan warga Parti Kominis Malaya dipertanggung jawabkan dalam hampir 5,000 nyawa terkorban dengan kejam dimana 60% terdiri dari orang awam yang tidak bedosa, termasuk kanak kanak, wanita dan orang tua.

Ini juga masa yang sesuai bagi rakyat Malaysia membuat pertimbangan serious agar Pakatan Rakyat (PR) di’Korban’kan, demi kepentingan agama, bangsa dan tanahair. Ini kerana kegagalan menunaikan janji janji dan ‘pertelingkahan’ antara mereka samada dalam parti ataupun antara parti jelas memberikan gambaran bahawa prinsip, dasar, aspirasi dan pendekatan mereka yang bukan sahaja tidak sehaluan dan senada, malah bertentangan. Kekeliruan dan kekecohan yang mereka ujudkan kerana percanggahan pendapat, prinsip, dasar, aspirasi dan perjuangan ini sebenarnya ‘mengorbankan’ kepentingan rakyat yang memberikan mereka mandat sebagai alternatif kepada BN. Akhirnya, “Harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi”.

Wilayah tanahair juga perlu dipertahankan agar tidak di’Korban’kan untuk menjaga kepentingan ‘orang lain’. Ini amat perlu diberikan perhatian terutama apabila ‘orang lain’ itu bercita cita besar untuk menjarahkan ‘pengaruh keluasan kuasa mereka’, melalui penjajahan ekonomi.

‘Korban’ 1430H ini membawa pengertian yang jauh lebih mendalam, bagi senario politik Malaysia. Rakyat Malaysia, terutama orang Melayu-Islam perlu bersedia untuk ber’Hijrah’ dan melakukan ‘pengorbanan’, bagi menjamin masa depan anak cucu mereka.





Published in: on November 26, 2009 at 13:45  Comments (19)  

‘Ariffahmi Gate’: MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz asked to go?

Nik Aziz in a Chinese Chauvinists anti-Islam/Malay DAP function with Lim Kit Siang

Since we at BigDogDotCom scooped that only Kelantan MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato Nik Aziz Nik Mat practiced cronyism by appointing his son-in-law Ir Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman as CEO of state owned GLC Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan (PMBK) and abused that position for personal reasons and ‘irregularities’, things have not been to well for the PAS Spiritual Leader. After he was exposed of accepting a PMBK’s offer for a luxurious RM 65,000 per person Hajj trip for himself and some immediate family members, he started to make ‘Flip-Flop’ statements and stance on the sensitive issue.  has the story:

Nik Aziz’s flip-flopping shows PAS leadership weak: Muhyiddin

 2009-11-24 19:27

PUTRAJAYA, Nov 24 (Bernama) — The fickleness of Kelantan Menteri Besar and PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat in making decisions is proof that the party leadership is weak, says Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

He observed that Nik Aziz was selective in making decisions, especially when it involved his personal interests, and was not firm, inconsistent and sometimes even contradictory on many matters.

“One example, was the sponsored package for him to perform his pilgrimage in Mecca. First, he said it was OK and later not OK. Then he said if someone wished to sponsor his Haj trip next year, he might go. So, we want to know what’s his doctrine.

“It is clear that the PAS leadership is inconsistent, vague and not transparent at all. To me, it shows a level of weakness in the PAS leadership,” he told reporters after chairing the 7th meeting of the National Mineral Council, here, today.

He was asked to comment on Nik Aziz ordering his son-in-law Abdul Ariffahmi Ab. Rahman to resign from his post of chief executive officer of the Kelantan Menteri Besar Incorporated yesterday.

“When there’s inconsistency, many things can happen and it can also give rise to suspicion,” Muhyiddin said.

He said sometimes not only the public would be confused with Nik aziz’s stance, but also the PAS leaders and members themselves.

“He’s been there for a long time; his direction is not very clear anymore.”

Muhyiddin also said that Nik Aziz instructing Abdul Ariffahmi to resign from his CEO post in the Kelantan government’s investment arm finally came after his decision to appoint his own son-in-law to the post was questioned by many quarters.

“Nik Aziz had defended his decision, saying the appointment was all above board, but now he has gone against his own decision by asking his son-in-law to resign from his post.

“He (Nik Aziz) became inconsistent when it involved his personal interest,” he said.

Asked whether PAS was seen as having two “ship captains,” Muhyiddin said, “I think there are two, three or perhaps even four, as they have conflicting stance on many matters.”


MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz made a very bad call by justifying his initial acceptance of going for the luxurious RM 65,000 per person Hajj trip from a PMBK contractor for himself, his wife,  daughter and PMBK CEO son-in-law and private secretary. The last minute cancellation prove the fact that the flak received on the high controversial ‘corruption’ case for a spiritual pilgrimage trip shed a damaging light on PAS and him being the PAS Spiritual Leader.

The fact is that PAS Leadership is very uncomfortable with these developments brewing, which shone a really bad light for the self proclaimed Islamist party. MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz made the announcement of ‘advising’ his son-in-law to resign from the PMBK top job right after PAS Leadership which include party President Dato’ Hadi Awang made a call on the former.

That is not all. Today Kelantan Exco Nik Amar Nik Abdullah made a call for MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz to announce his sucessor immediately. Even though Nik Ahmar claimed that the call is by no means ‘pressuring’ MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz to prematurely quit his job for 19 years, it is evidently clear that amongst Kelantan PAS Leaders they no longer have high regards for the PAS Spiritual Leader heading Kelantan.

Ir Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, CEO PMBK and Son-in-Law to MB Kelantan and PAS Murshidul Am Dato Nik Aziz Nik Mat

The ‘Ariffhami Gate’ developments drew a lot of flak onto MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz as an MB, Spiritual Leader and now the brewing ‘Leadership Challenge’ in PAS Kelantan. Earlier, Kickdefella reported that MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz’s ‘inner circle’ was having problems with Senior State Exco Dato’ Husam Musa and insinuated that the latter was “Asked to go”.

These ‘rumbings in the interior’ within PAS Kelantan are very apparent. Even foreign media is highlighting these recent developments.

Straits Times reported:

Kelantan is shaken and stirred

November 23, 2009 Monday, 07:15 PM
Reme Ahmad discusses the woes within PAS in Kelantan and why Umno-BN is smiling.

THE stronghold of Malaysia’s opposition parties has always been Kelantan, the Malay-majority state in the east coast.In the 2004 general elections when Umno-led Barisan Nasional was at its strongest – due to reform promises made by the then-new ‘Mr Clean’ Prime Minister, Abdullah Badawi – the opposition was in disarray.Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) lost Terengganu state, and was nearly wiped out in the Malay-majority states of Kedah and Perlis.From 27 Parliament seats prior to the 2004 general election, PAS was left with seven. Still, PAS managed to hang onto Kelantan, with a slim majority of just two seats in the state assembly – PAS won 24 seats to 21 by Umno-BN.If only two PAS assemblymen had defected, Umno-BN would have taken the state. Yet none did despite widespread speculation of multi-million ringgit promises to jump ship.And after the March 2008 polls, PAS and its two partners in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) alliance won five states.Now four states are left with PR, after Perak was wrested by BN last February.PAS has two menteris besar (chief ministers) in Kelantan dan Kedah.Penang has as its chief minister a leader from PR’s Democratic Action Party (DAP), and Selangor a leader from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR).

PAS, DAP and PKR made up PR.

Selangor and Penang are the most industrialised of all 13 Malaysian states. Top industries are based there, both states have among the biggest ports in Malaysia and the highest-priced houses and commercial buildings.

Yet Kelantan remains the opposition’s stronghold because it is seen as the most politically stable, after being under PAS for 19 years now. Its menteri besar is the aging, but revered, Nik Aziz Nik Mat, 77, who is also the spiritual leader of PAS.

Although cash-poor, PAS, Nik Aziz and the Kelantan government are seen as clean, ramrod-straight and the rock on which PR could build its ‘church’ (or mosque, if you prefer).

For the sake of opposition politics in Malaysia, everyone knows that Kelantan has to remain rock steady. Never mind the typhoons and hurricanes that have hit Kedah, Penang and Selangor.

But in the last few weeks, Kelantan PAS looks like a train wreck.

There are whispers of corruption, nepotism, back-stabbings and possible defections – albeit to another opposition party.

– First, there was the scandal involving the appointment of the son-in-law of Datuk Nik Aziz as CEO of the Kelantan state investment agency, Abdul Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman.

– Although seen as capable, Mr Ariffahmi has been accused of being pushy and brusque, and allegedly name-dropped his father-in-law’s revered name too often to get things done his way.

– And then there was an investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission into the affairs of the investment agency, Kelantan Menteri Besar Incorporated.

– Mr Ariffahmi did himself no favour by getting his father-in-law, Mr Nik Aziz, to recently terminate the employment of a close aide of a top Kelantan politician, Datuk Husam Musa.

– The aide, Syed Azizi Syed Abdul Aziz, uncovered more worms in the state agency, thus putting pressure on Mr Nik Aziz to remove his son-in-law just two months into the appointment.

– There were also questions why Mr Nik Aziz accepted sponsorhip of a RM65,000 ($27,000) haj package by a staunch supporter. The sponsor who is close to the Menteri Besar also has a timber concession in Kelantan, which raised questions over the propreity of the deal.

– Mr Nik Aziz has since said that he will not perform haj this year, though he angrily retorted that there was nothing wrong with the matter only that mainstream media and new media had attacked him

– And now, there are rumours that Mr Husam has asked to quit his post as the economic, financial planning and welfare minister (state ministerial posts are called Excos).

Mr Nik Aziz has denied that his blue-eyed exco was quitting. And Mr Husam himself also denied the wild talk. In the halls of power in Kota Baru, the state capital, everyone knows that Mr Husam is Mr Nik Aziz’s protege.

Mr Nik Aziz announced on Monday the removal of his son-in-law as CEO of the agency. This should reduce pressure on the menteri besar and cool the heads of thos in PAS who were angry about Ariffahmi’s appointment and alleged bad moves in office.

– But on Sunday the spiritual leader went further, which would add to the intrigue in Kelantan.

– Mr Nik Aziz heaped praises on Mr Husam.  Perhaps too publicly.  And certainly by too many words.

– This was what he said, according to Malaysian media:

“I had refrained from praising him all this while to avoid hurting the feelings of other exco members who have done equally well in their respective portfolios.
“But truthfully, he is a unique leader who is instrumental in not only changing the Kelantan political landscape but also the national politics.

“Allah did not create Husam for Kelantan, but for all Malaysians.”

That last praise: God created Mr Husam not just for the poor state but for all Malaysians, is being repeated and analysed by pro-PAS blogs – both by those who love him and those who don’t.

The chattering classes within the conservative Islamic state cannot believe their ears.

And on Monday, there is news that PAS deputy president Nasharudin Mat Isa – who defeated Husam to retain the deputy’s post just five months ago in June – has been rushed to hospital. This could only add to the intrigue in PAS at a time when its rock-steady state is wobbling.

On the sidelines, Umno-BN is smiling, amid rumours that Prime Minister Najib Razak might call for snap elections around the middle of next year to get his own mandate.

But that’s another story.


Earlier today, PAS Vice President Salahuddin Ayub was reported to have admitted that “MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz made a grave mistake by appointing his son-in-law as the PMBK CEO”.

Let us be reminded that MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz’s slogan on PAS is “Membangun bersama Islam” (Lets develop with Islam). In his 19 years tenure, he brought very little development into Kelantan, be it physical or spritual.  His slip ups have been iconical outragous. in 1999, he proclaimed that “Allah pun mencarut” (Allah also used profanities), to justify PAS Life Member Dato’ Shahnon Ahmad’s vulgar political literature work “Shit”. Later, he justified PAS’s relationship with anti-Islam Chinese Chauvinists DAP as “Boleh bekerjasama dengan syaitan” (It’s alright to work with the devil).

The latest was his outrage against UMNO Pergi jahanam UMNO” (Damn UMNO), when the PAS President Hadi Awang call for a ‘Unity Government’ debate was carried further even by PAS grassroot. Later it was discovered that his son-in-law Ariffahmi is an UMNO registered member.

Nik Aziz a 'thumbs up' endorsement to anti-Malay/Islam Singaporean Supremo Lee Kuan Yew

The ‘Baiah issue’ as per admitted by ADUN Gunong Semanggol Ramli Tusin during the Bukit Gantang by-elections in April 2009, which was highlighted in mainstream media by NST with the ‘confirmation’ of highly controversial Shah Alam PAS MP Khalid Samad clearly demonstrated MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz’s propensity to ‘lie and hipocrisy’.

On the issue of the ‘Unity Government’, which some PAS Leaders such as Deputy President Nasharuddin Mat Isa, Secretary General Mustapha Ali and Selangor PAS Commissioner Dr Hassan Ali saw as a ‘merit’ as compared to the rocky and unworkable ‘marriage-of-(in)convenience-between strange-bedfellows’ amongst Pakatan Rakyat partners, the PAS Spiritual Leader made a stern call for PAS to have an EGM to sack trio. That caused a lot of uneasiness between the PR strange-bedfellows and regarded as a ‘premonition to a pre-destruction’  of the flimsy political union. To save face and avoid a seriously brewing inter and intra-party ‘civil war’, PAS Exco opted for a ‘Seminar on Politics’ instead.

It is wise and timely that PAS Leadership and/or PAS Kelantan insist MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz to ‘prematurely retire’. Time and again, he has proven to be a bane for PAS and Kelantan.

*Updated Wednesay 25 November 2009 0900am

The ‘pressure’ is mounting for MB ‘Flip-Flop’ Nik Aziz to name his successor, as a precursor for him to leave.

The Malaysian Insider’s story on this:

Nik Aziz bayangkan pelapis, tapi siapa?

KOTA BARU, Nov 25 — Selepas 19 tahun mengetuai kepimpinan pentadbiran negeri, Mursyidul Am PAS Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat sudah membayangkan barisan pelapis yang bakal menggantikan beliau.

Semalam ketika ditemui di sini Nik Aziz (gambar) tidak menolak terdapat kumpulan pelapis dalam PAS Kelantan yang bakal mengambil alih tempatnya jika beliau melepaskan jawatan Menteri Besar Kelantan.

Beliau yang enggan membayangkan nama yang disebut-sebut bakal menggantikannya itu, bagaimanapun memberi gambaran ia tertakluk kepada hiraki dalam parti di peringkat negeri.

Antara nama yang disebut-sebut sebagai bakal menggantikan beliau ialah bekas Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa yang juga Exco Kerajaan Negeri dan Timbalan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yaacob.

Dua hari lalu, leh Exco Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah menggesa agar Nik Aziz menamakan penggantinya ketika pentadbiran kerajaan negeri pimpinan beliau yang sudah tahun ke-19, terus dibelenggu isu demi isu.

“Saya secara peribadi rasa perlu Tuan Guru Nik Aziz menamakan pengganti atau sekurangnya bagi petanda untuk mudahkan proses,” kata beliau kepada The Malaysian Insider.

Mohd Amar menambah: “Kalau berlaku tiba-tiba (perubahan pucuk pimpinan), mungkin orang yang naik (pengganti) perlukan masa untuk stabilkan keadaan.”

Kata beliau, pandangan itu bukan bertujuan memaksa Nik Aziz berundur sekarang.

Pada hari yang sama Nik Aziz, ekoran tekanan dalam parti dan luar parti, telah meminta menantunya Abdul Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman melepaskan jawatan sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan.

Nik Aziz sebelum ini mempertahankan pelantikan Ariffahmi. Ariffahmi kini disiasat oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia.

Nik Aziz, 78, juga tetap menegaskan beliau tidak akan meletak jawatan semata-mata kerana kemelut yang kini melanda dalam PAS atau atas desakan mana-mana pihak.

“Saya tidak akan melepaskan jawatan kecuali kerana uzur atau tua, tetapi pada masa ini belum sampai masanya lagi,” katanya kepada Bernama ketika dihubungi di rumahnya di sini malam tadi.

Nik Aziz dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar Kelantan selepas PAS menguasai negeri itu dalam pilihan raya umum 1990.



Published in: on November 24, 2009 at 23:51  Comments (22)  

Another one bites the dust. How about the other one?

Ir Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, CEO PMBK and Son-in-Law to MB Kelantan and PAS Murshidul Am Dato Nik Aziz Nik Mat

MB Kelantan Dato’ Nik Aziz Nik Mat announced the resignation of PMBK CEO Ir Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman.  The resignation came in a heated controversy after the MACC started to ‘pay visits’ to PMBK after the ‘irregularities’ were first highlighted by us here at BigDogDotCom.

Kelantan Menteri Besar’s son-in-law to resign as PMBK CEO

 2009-11-23 17:47

KOTA BAHARU, Nov 23 (Bernama) — Kelantan Menteri Besar Incorporated chief executive officer Abdul Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman has been ordered to relinquish the post today.

Menteri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat said the decision to call for his son-in-law’s resignation was made on the advice of the PAS central leaders.

The PAS leaders, who included party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, deputy spiritual leader Datuk Dr Haron Din, vice-president Sallahuddin Ayub and treasurer Dr Hatta Ramli had a meeting, which lasted for about an hour with Nik Abdul Aziz, at the Kelantan Menteri Besar’s official residence, JKR 10, here earlier today.

“All of them advised me to safeguard the good name of Islam and PAS. Their advice is for my son-in-law to relinquish the post.

“When I appointed him before, the (state) legal officer did not say anything. So I appoint him,” Nik Abdul Aziz, who is also PAS spiritual leader, told a news conference after the meeting.

The issue involving Abdul Ariffahmi surfaced after officers from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) raided the PBMK office to investigate allegations of cronyism and power abuse over his appointment by the Menteri Besar.

Meanwhile, Ariffahmi, who was also present at the news conference, said he accepted the decision and would tender his resignation.


The resignation should not impair the investigations, already started by MACC. If there is any ‘irregularities’ of PMBK’s operations, then it should be uncovered thoroughly and the book thrown at the perpetrators. It is only Islamic to do so.

The investigations should also include the acceptance Nik Aziz of performing Hajj at RM 65,000 per person. Despite he cancelled last minute, the fact that he accepted and made confirmation should be regarded as a ‘corrupt practice’ as he is the Chairman of PMBK and the generous contributor is a contractor to PMBK.

For the record, Ariffahmi is the son-in-law of Nik Aziz.

Nik Aziz should be thoroughly investigated. As a PAS Spiritual Leader, the moment there is a shred of evidence that in the capacity  of MB Kelantana and PMBK Chairman there are corrupt practices, then he must resign. It is only Islamic to do so. After all, he is living up to his “Membangun bersama PAS” slogan. It would be anti-development for PAS to continue allowing leaders who are ‘unclean’ sitting in position of power. Otherwise, they would be regarded as ‘hypocrites’ and the world shall look down on Muslims as PAS carry the aura of a “Islamic party”.


Published in: on November 23, 2009 at 17:51  Comments (19)  

“Butcher of Malaya” return: DAP chauvinism true colours shown

In the midst of public outcry of vehemently denying the approval for the return of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng to his hometown Sitiawan and be buried there, DAP’s Chinese chauvinism true colours are shown. As they are known to be anti-Malay authority and establishment, the Chinese chauvinist party is making a  call for Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng’s nonchallant and  insincere apology be accepted and him being allowed to return back to the country he once waged a war and committed atrocities.

The Star has the story:

Monday November 23, 2009

Disagreement on Chin Peng’s apology

PETALING JAYA: The Government should accept Chin Peng’s apology and allow him to return to Malaysia, said national DAP chairman Karpal Singh.

However, former International Movement for a Just World (JUST) president Dr Chandra Muzaffar disagreed, and brushed off the apology as insencere.

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub, meanwhile, suggested a referendum to let the public decide if the apology was acceptable.

“The 20th anniversary of the peace accord between the Malaysian government and the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) on Dec 2, 1989, and now, an official apology by Chin Peng, should prompt the Government to allow him to return to Malaysia,” Karpal said in a statement yesterday.

Karpal was responding to Chin Peng’s apology for the deaths of innocents published in The Star yesterday.

He claimed the former secretary-general of the CPM had always been a citizen of Malaysia although there were suggestions that Chin Peng did not apply for citizenship after the country achieved independence.

Karpal also said Chin Peng was already 85 years old and had expressed his desire to return to Malaysia. Chin Peng has made arrangements for him to be buried near his father’s grave in his hometown of Sitiawan.

“This should strike a chord in the hearts of those in power.”

He said Chin Peng’s plan to take his case to the International Court of Justice after having lost out in Malaysian courts would give Malaysia unnecessary negative publicity and should be avoided at all cost.

Dr Chandra considered Chin Peng’s apology insincere because of his stand in defending the killing of innocents by his group.

“If we examine his statement, he does not admit he did something wrong.

“He said there would be civilian casualties in war, and said that communists, too, were killed by security forces.

“This shows that his apology is insincere,” he told mStar Online.

“Saying that civilians get killed in war shows he is trying to legitimise what has happened,” added Dr Chandra.

“We also have to consider the feelings of the relatives of those in the security force,” he added.

Salahuddin said a referendum would decide the issue.


For DAP to make such call clearly demosntrated that they have very little regard for the authorities and security personnel, who have risk and lost their lives, if not permanently maimed to make Malaya/Malaysia a peace and stable place to live defending the rakyat and tanahair from the “Butchers of Malaya” atrocities and terrorism throughout 54 years of insurgency. Of course, particularly the ‘Heroes of the Hadyaii Accord’ who worked very hard so that peace be achieved. The fact  that majority of the security and essential services personnel are Malays, it also illustrated their anti-Malay true self.

Otherwise, we at BigDogDotCom once challenged DAP who calls themselves “multiracial party” and advocated “Malaysian, Malaysia” to do their bit for the defense of the realm in getting an influx of Non Malay applicants into the Police, Army and other essential services each time there is a recruitment drive.

On the excuse of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng’s justification to come back and spend the remaining of his natural live in Malaysia so that he could be burried next to his father, should not arise. He is a Moist-Leninist commnunist and denounced religion, traditions and heritage values. As such, the issue of going back to his roots should never arise. Afterall, he left home to fight even his own fellow Chinese ethnic and fled to China for sanctuary. Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng no longer belong here, in this tanahair.

Another fact remain, his armed rebellion was all about grabbing power, even at the cost of butchering innocent lives. If the intention of chasing away the British colonialists was his reason to wage an armed rebellion, then he should have considered democratically elected Malayan Chief Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra’s offer for total amnesty and coming back into the societies fold by laying downs arms at the Baling Talks on 28 December 1955, despite atrocities already committed. He vehemently refused. Then the much awaited Merdeka came on 31 August 1957. Now that Federation of Malaya is a sovereign country with a Constitution, a parliament consist of democratically elected rakyat based on the constitutional monarchy and most importantly Britain was no longer in control of Malaya and Malayans, he still continued to wage the armed rebellion for another 32 long years.

A quarter of million dollars bounty for Chin "Butcher of Malaya" Peng, from a 1950s Straits Time headline

In 1951, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng was Malaya’s PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1. There was a bounty of quarter of million dollars for his capture, which was a princely sum then.

Never the less, let us remind Malaysians of the sufferings of almost 18,000 families who lost love ones in the 12 years Emergency (1948-60), where 60% of them are non combatant civilians, which include innocent women, children and old folks.

This was published in Starmag, The Star on 28 September 2003:

My father’s murderer

ON the night of Dec 19, 1948, my father, the headmaster of the Chinese school in Simpang Dua, Sitiawan, Perak, was resting with his pregnant wife, also a Chinese school teacher, and his seven children at home after dinner. Some people came and called my father, so he wore his shirt and stepped out of the house into the dark. According to my mother, a conversation took place followed by the sound of two gunshots.

The shock was too great for a pregnant woman to bear. Four days later, I was born, prematurely and fatherless.

I used to go for Cheng Beng (All Souls Day) to take flowers to my father’s grave every year. Next to his grave is that of my classmate’s father. He was the headman of Simpang Dua at that time and was also gunned down by Chin Peng’s men on the same fateful night.

When I was studying in ACS, Sitiawan, I used to look at Chin Peng’s son, who was my senior in the same school. He could walk out of the class when Mr Moses Tay taught Malayan history about Chin Peng, but I could only sit there and wish that my father was alive. Perhaps if he had not been a headmaster but just an ordinary teacher, he would not have been murdered and my mother wouldn’t have had to suffer so much, bringing up eight young children single-handedly.

In my birth certificate, in the column for “Father”, is written: “Ditembak mati” (shot dead). It should be “Ditembak mati oleh Chin Peng, the villain”!

Impossible to Forgive & Forget,

Klang, Selangor


The same lady also said this, as reported by The Sun 28 Oct 2003:

Eyes glistening with tears and her voice stifled by emotion, Loi apologised as she tried to speak: “Chin Peng did not just kill headmaster Loi Hieng Poh but deprived me of a father-daughter bonding.”

At all cost, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng should not be allowed to step foot and breathe the air of the independent and peaceful Malaysia (Malaya) he once terrorized and tried to destroy. If the DAP is insistent that the “Butcher of Malaya” be allowed back in, then they must also insist that the man be made to stand trial as a war ciminal and crimes against HM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong, Federal Constitution and rakyat.

If the argument of not making Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng to stand trial for war crimes is about of his 85 year old age and the Hadyaii Accord was signed 20 years ago, then consider that there is a 90 year old Nazi war criminal now being prosecuted 64 years after the Nuremberg trial ended. He is the “Butcher of Malaya” and tens of thousand families deserve to see justice prevail.

Published in: on November 23, 2009 at 12:35  Comments (54)  

Will a mere apology from the “Butcher of Malaya” suffice?

The Star reported that Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng apologised to the families of ‘innocent’ victims during his 54 years armed rebellion against the British, Malayans, HM Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong, Federal Constitution and Malaysians, in sundry.

Sunday November 22, 2009

Chin Peng apologises for death of innocents


KUALA LUMPUR: Chin Peng, the man with no regrets, has for the first time offered an apology to the victims and families of the Communist Party of Malaya’s acts of violence during the long years of its insurgency.

The former CPM secretary-general said that although the party did not subscribe to the killing of the innocent, he admitted that “we might have made mistakes in some cases.”

“If we had intentionally killed innocent people, then I apologise. I apologise to the families who had suffered (too),” he told The Star in a rare interview in Bangkok last month.

Honouring the fallen: Chin Peng laying a wreath at the grave of a comrade at Betong in this file picture.

“I take full responsibility for my comrades’ actions. (But) in war, we cannot differentiate the innocent from the non-innocent,” he added.

In the past, Chin Peng had been unrepentant over the loss of lives, nor regretted taking up the armed struggle. He also remains a committed communist.

During the interview, he said he did not expect the public to forgive him for the past but hoped they could put their differences behind them.

“That was war. That was then. If you say that we killed people, the communists too were killed by the security forces,” he said in the interview that he gave to mark the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Peace Accord on Dec 2, 1989, in Haadyai, Thailand, between the Malaysian Government and the CPM.

Chin Peng, who lost his court battle last year to be allowed to return to Malaysia, touched on various topics during the interview, including his living arrangements in Bangkok; his relationship with his children and his source of funds.

He also alleged that he was prevented from returning because the Government played him out soon after the Peace Accord.


The Star also reported that the apology, should not be accepted:

Sunday November 22, 2009

Apology not accepted


Now that Chin Peng has finally apologised for his actions, some may feel it is time to forgive him but others offer very strong reasons why he should not be

I am against the return of Chin Peng. I think it will create unnessary ill-feeling among the people. I know certain ex-CPM guerillas and even some leaders have returned to visit their families, but Chin Peng is a different case.

Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin

“Firstly, he has not met certain legal requirements. Secondly, he is the man people identify with communist terrorism. We must not forget it was quite a brutal struggle in which many Malaysians lost their lives. Of course, in war, there is brutality on both sides.

“Most of the younger generation will have forgotten the terror of the communist struggles but for older people, Chin Peng was like the Osama (bin Laden) of his time. Those who lived through the Emergency will find it difficult to forgive and forget, much as many older people still remember the cruelty of the Japanese who occupied Malaya (during World War II).

“I also think that Chin Peng would be frustrated if he came back. This is not the Malaysia he wanted to create. Now the communists want to claim they had a share of (achieving) independence, but they didn’t want this Malaysia. They were defeated.”

(As a journalist) I covered the signing of the Peace Accord in 1989. It was very dramatic, tense and exiting. I recalled being a student in 1955, reading about the Baling Talks and being inspired to become a journalist. I felt excited to be a witness to history. A witness to the end of the story. It was a great moment in Malaysia’s history.” – Tan Sri Zainuddin Maidin, former Information Minister (2006-2008)

“Chin Peng, as architect and director of the CPM’s 41-year-long armed rebellion and insurgency – which caused untold hardship, thousands of cruel deaths and disabling injuries to civillians and security forces and loss of a collosal amount of the nation’s treasury – deserves no less than a capital charge.

“However, the Government signed the Peace Accord with the CPM and should be bound by its terms. So whether Chin Peng should be allowed back should depend solely on whether he qualifies under the terms, not otherwise.

“The CPM were murderous terrorists. ASP Baskaran Nair was badly wounded in a CPM ambush in Hendon Estate, Province Wellesley, in 1952. Some of his men were killed and a number wounded. The terrorists came down and shot the wounded in their heads.

Tun Hanif Omar

“In October 1968, they captured a Chinese police signaller in an ambush and took him back and executed him. They abducted thousands of civillians but none came back. Most retired officers have no love for them.

“The bloody insurgency followed on the heels of World War II. I don’t think the Chinese here who suffered at the hands of Japanese soldiers have forgiven them, it is just that they are not visiting on today’s innocent Japanese the crimes of those murderers of 1941-45!

“Mind you, many of those Japanese were hung or imprisoned after their surrender. Their Government apologised and paid war compensation. The secondary school of SMK Horley Methodist Teluk Intan (in Perak), my alma mater, was largely built on the war reparations paid out to Lower Perak Malays.

“The CPM has neither apologised (until now) nor paid compensation. Instead, they try to white-wash their evil deeds in their memoirs.” – Tun Hanif Omar, retired Inspector General of Police (1974-1994)

“Although he was born in Malaya, Chin Peng was never a citizen of Malaysia. He never applied to be one after Malaya achieved independence in August 1957 but chose to continue to fight the legally elected Government of Malaya simply because he claimed that it was still a lackey of the British Government.

“But his hidden agenda was to install a Communist system of government aligned to the Communist Party of China.

Paul Kiong

“Six years after Malaysia was formed, he sent a group of about 120 communist combatants to the south and into Kedah, Perak and West Pahang. He thought that he could gain the support of the masses after the May 13, 1969, riots. This incursion is termed the Second Emergency and it lasted till Dec 2, 1989, when the Peace Accord was signed.

“He refused to give up his communist ideology and he preferred to remain in Thailand where he believed that he was getting a better ‘deal’ than returning to Malaysia.

“Now, years later, he has realised his mistake after seeing his ex-comrades enjoying good and properous lives here, and decides that ‘home sweet home’ is none other than Sitiawan. Our Government cannot and must not dance to his whim and fancies.

“Those of us who are against his return to Malaysia are the ones who fought hard and were committed to getting rid of the communist menace so that we, the people of Malaysia, can live in peace and harmony under a democratic system of government.” – Retired superintendent of Special Branch Paul Kiong, 65, one of only 27 recipients of the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP) the country’s highest medal for gallantry 

Suparman Taib

“Chin Peng’s return will only serve to open ‘old wounds’. We have got on with our lives and have lived in peace for so long so why create issues now and remind us of the sad times?

“I lost my right leg and injured the other leg when I stepped on a booby trap in a jungle operation in Klian Intan in 1981. I spent 10 painful months in hospital after my leg was amputated.

“My old injuries still hurt on rainy days and that brings back the memories. I am not out for revenge but the pain brings out the anger again.

“I am not opposed to Chin Peng’s return because he is a Chinese. I know of a Malay CPM member in Gopeng and I feel he too should haved stayed out of the country. I have told his relatives as much.” – Retired L/Kpl of the Malay Rejimen Suparman Taib, 55

At 85, the former jungle guerrilla is in frail health but remains obsessed with his fight to be allowed back to his hometown of Sitiawan, Perak, where he wishes to be buried.


During the Emergency (1948-60), almost 18,000 persons lost their lives. 60% of them are non combattant civilians. For another 29 years there after, lives are still lost because of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and the CPM Bandits.

Another fact remain, his armed rebellion was all about grabbing power, even at the cost of butchering innocent lives. If the intention of chasing away the British colonialists was his reason to wage an armed rebellion, then he should have considered democratically elected Malayan Chief Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra’s offer for total amnesty and coming back into the societies fold by laying downs arms at the Baling Talks on 28 December 1955, despite atrocities already committed. He vehemently refused. Then Merdeka came on 31 August 1957. Now that Federation of Malaya is a sovereign country with a Constitution, a parliament consist of democratically elected rakyat based on the constitutional monarchy and most importantly Britain no longer in control of Malaya and Malayans, he still continued to wage the armed rebellion for another 32 years. 

A quarter of million dollars bounty for Chin "Butcher of Malaya" Peng, from a 1950s Straits Time headline

In the 50s, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng was Malaya’s PUBLIC ENEMY NO. 1. There was a bounty of quarter of million dollars for his capture, which was a princely sum then.

Federation of Malaya, then Malaysia committed so much reosurces of peoples’ lives and money to wage the war against Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and CPM Bandits until the Hadyaii Accord was signed. Even that, the Royal Malaysian Police Special Branch worked for years to convince Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and CPM Bandits to sign the Hadyaii Accord armstice. For decades, so many army and police servicemen died, maimed and suffered for ambushes and booby-traps that the CPM “Butchers of Malaya” Bandits subjected them against.

They even assassinated top Police officers in broad daylight in their armed rebellion. IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim was assassinated in Kuala Lumpur on 7 June 1974 and Perak CPO Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong was assassinated in Ipoh on 13 June 1975.

There was once we read in The Sun about how a someone lived all her life without a father as Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng murdered her Chinese school headmaster father in cold blood at their hometown in Sitiawan.

The Sun on  28 Oct 2003:

‘I’ll never forgive Chin Peng’

Byline: Joseph Masilamany

KLANG: The incessant bark of Tommy guns, the cold swish of swords before jungle executions and the glow of fires bloodied the Malayan horizon in a seemingly perpetual sunset. They wrenched the heart of a nation that counted grisly, bullet riddled and mutilated bodies of mostly ethnic Chinese and British planters which the enemy saw as trophies.

Author Noel Barber lent a name to that sullied period of insurgency hosted by the now defunct Malayan Communist Party led by Chin Peng.

Barber tagged it The War of the Running Dogs – a war that had threatened the sovereignty of Malaya and had convulsed an entire nation in its wake, spreading spasms of fear and terror with wanton bloodletting as the order of the day.

On the night of Dee 19, 1948 in the inconspicuous village of Simpang Dua, Sitiawan, death came stalking again and it was the Loi household that was its quarry.

Chinese school teacher Tok Choo Lean, then 32 and pregnant with her eighth child, had just finished after dinner chores.

As it was routine among the simple Hock Chiew community, Tok and her husband, headmaster Loi Hieng Poh, also 32, were looking forward to an evening chat with neighbours.

However, several comrades of Chin Peng arrived and called out for Loi.

When the unsuspecting Loi went out two shots were heard and he lay dead, his lifeless body bathing under the glare of a sullen street lamp.

The shock caused Tok to give birth to a premature baby girl four days later.

For the last 55 years, that baby girl Irene Loi Yu Ding, now headmistress of SK Convent (1) in Klang, had kept the incident to herself.

However, in a recent interview with theSun, Loi, a Methodist Christian, broke her long silence.

”It is time to speak, to ventilate, but forgiving Chin Peng is the furthest thing from my mind. Now that he is in the news again, I recall the abject state my family was driven to because of his eccentricity and love for power.”

According to Loi, with the death of her father, her mother (now 88 years old and still living in the same village) apart from being a teacher had to tap rubber to feed the family of eight.

“I am indebted to my mum and take comfort knowing that my late dad will remain an unsung martyr of Simpang Dua.”

Eyes glistening with tears and her voice stifled by emotion, Loi apologised as she tried to speak: “Chin Peng did not just kill headmaster Loi Hieng Poh but deprived me of a father-daughter bonding.”

She said the renegade from the Malayan People’s Anti-Japanese Army does not deserve a place in this country and is glad the government has decided not to give him passage.

Asked about lan Ward’s memoirs of Chin Peng, Loi retorted: “Is Chin Peng being glorified as a hero? What memoirs? My birth certificate says it all if anybody wants memories of the Emergency.”

Loi said she had to bear the indignity of having the term Ditembak mati written in the birth document in the column for ”Father’s details”.

”Rightly, it should be Ditembak mati oleh Chin Peng,” she said bitterly.

When reminded that as a Christian she is bound by her faith to forgive her enemies, Lot had an answer:

“I know … to forgive is divine, and I will come to terms with my father’s death.

“But I trust God will understand the frailty of my human state and will not test me beyond my strength.

“I’ll never forgive my father’s murderer … never,” she vowed.


In short, for 32 years post Merdeka, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and CPM Bandits imposed terror to Malaysians in their own home.

The fact remained, non combattant civilians are the most who suffered from the 54 years of CPM “Butchers of Malaya” Bandits atrocities. Example is the massacre of the Bukit Kepong Police Station on 23 February 195o not only killed Policemen (who are combattants), but also killed civilians. Amongst the non combattant civilians killed at the massacre are two women and two children. The three kampungs around Bukit Kepong were also severely affected by the massacre.

An apology simply would not suffice. At least not anymore. Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng imposed toture, suffering and extreme pain to so many people for far too long. The apology would have meant when he had the chance at the Baling Talks 44 years ago.

Instead Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng should be charged for the atrocities that he did. A special war crime and rebellion court should be instituted and he shall be allowed to defend himself. If Mohd. Amin Razali and three others could be charged for waging a war against HM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong for the Kampung Sauk incident in July 2000 and later found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging, so should  Chin ‘Butcher of Malaya” Peng.

The very least the families who had lost love ones to his atrocities should take him to court. Especially persons who are still alive but have been maimed, injured and suffered for all the actions Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and his CPM Bandits did. Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng should pay for the atrocities and terrorism he did onto Malayans/Malaysians for 54 years!

Any Malaysians who would want to agree for Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng be pardoned with this simple apology should really talk and live the lives of the persons who were maimed, tortured and suffered and their families for the 54 years of CPM “Butchers of Malaya” Bandits atrocities and terrorism, first!

*Updated 500pm

Published in: on November 22, 2009 at 10:01  Comments (27)  

The “Butcher of Malaya”

A son of a bicycle shop owner Ong Boon Hua 85, left home at the raw age of sixteen and enrolled into Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) in 1940. He then changed his name to Chin Peng. When Japan invaded Malaya in December 1941, the teenager bore arms and waged a war against the Japanese Imperial Army. For that, he was awarded a war medal.

MCP bandits armed with M3 Carbines

However, he continued to wage an armed struggle after Japan surrendered on 15 August 1945. When the British came back, he waged an ‘underground’ war against the British colonial masters. For someone who spent the second half of his adolesence in the jungle fighting a guerilla war, many believed that he had became a war addict. Despite the MPAJA had to disband their armed unit and surrender their weapons, they secretly decided to held on to some. Then they as ‘Bintang Tiga’, started to terrorize Malayans, including locals. After three European planters were killed in Sungai Siput on 16 June 1948, a state of emergency was declared by the authorities. On the record, the CPM is now an enemy of the state and rakyat.

High Commissioner Sir Henry Gurney’s final journey passing Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad

The terrorism waged by the Malayan Peoples’ Liberation Army (the armed unit of CPM) was then  intensified. British High Commissioner Sir Henry Gurney was assassinated near Frasers Hill on 6 October 1951. That made United Kingdom despatched a professional soldier, world war two veteran General Sir Gerald Templer to replace Sir Henry and wage the war against the communists terrorists. The lives of Malayams and the defense of the realm on a British colony is at stake in the eyes of these barbarics. A year earlier, CPM 10th Regiment brutally attacked the Bukit Kepong Police Station and massacred 22 Policemen and 4 non combatant civilians.

The martyrs of Bukit Kepong

By far, the atrocities that have been created under the watchful eyes of  Chin Peng as the Secretary General of the CPM rightfully earned the title ‘Butcher of Malaya”.

Rashid Maidin, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and Chen Tien representing Malayan Communist Party at Baling Talks, 28 Dec 1955 which they refused to surrender and lay down arms now that Britain agreed to allow Malayans to negotiate for independence

After the first general elections held in 1955 and the Federation of Malaya Assembly formed a first democratically elected autonomous government, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra as the Chief Minister convinced Whitehall to negotiate with Malayans for independence. He asked to talk directly to the CPM in the effort to end the terrorism and sufferings that have plagued Malayans since ten years earlier. The Baling Talks was held on 28 December 1955. Hence, Chief Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman extended amnesty to Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and his CPM bandits with the condition that they lay down their arms, give up their armed struggle for power  and come back to the fold of society.  Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng vehemently refused and summarily went back into the jungle continue the rebellion.

The “Butchers of Malaya”

Federation of Malaya earned her sovereignity as an independent nation with a constitution and democratically elected constitutional monarchy government on 31 August 1957.  By right, if Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and CPM’s armed struggle and rebellion was to chase away the British colonialists, then the independence should have been their end game. But instead, they continued their armed rebellion. This time against HM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong, Federation of Malaya, the Federal Constitution and the rakyat. Apparently, this armed rebellion was carried on post independence for another 32 years.

The “Butchers of Malaya” armed with World War II rifles

Emergency was declared officially ended by HM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong III Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalulail in 1960. Almost 18,000 lives were lost in the 12 year armed rebellion. Of that, 60% is non combatant civilians. This proves that Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and CPM was brutal against innocent civilians (many Malayans), in their lust to grab power!

The cost of the ‘Malayan Emergency’ 1948-60 was the never ascertained. However, it has permanently restructured the socio-political landscape on the nation and rakyat. The effect is reflected on the current socio-political fabric of modern Malaysia, till present day. The British authorities believed that many of the Chinese ethnic, are sympathisers and ‘forced’ supporters of the CPM armed rebel as opposed to the majority Malay. ‘Briggs Plan’ was devised to address this problem and created a lot Chinese new villages as an effort to stop the mainly Chinese ethnic, who are the main sympathizers, supporters and/or suppliers to the ‘Butchers of Malaya’ armed rebels.

Post independence, the brutal war that Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and CPM waged againsts Malayans (later Malaysians)  went on further for over 32 years till the ‘Hadyaii Accord’, which was signed on 2 December 1989. In between that, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng even masterminded two top level assassinations; IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim on 7 June 1974 and Perak CPO Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong on 13 November 1975. The objective was to instill terror in the eyes of the rakyat, by assassinating the people who are supposed to protect them.

The “Butchers of Malaya” have a coherent linkage to the racial riots of 13 May 1969. Two years before that, Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng restrengthened his insurgency with a new strategy. It is believed that they will use political channel to create the disability where an armed rebellion previously failed. The provocation against the majority Malays was very clear, especially protesters used materials which was pro-Leninist-Maoist, the fundamental ideology of CPM. It was all about creating chaos and some people who hoped to”rise from the ashes of racial riot ruins’. It was evidently clear the CPM “Butchers of Malaya” were involved in the racial riots from the firearms recovered post incident.

The 13th May 1969 Racial Riots which started from the provocation of Chinese Chauvinists, some with pro-Maoist slogans

In short, to regard Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng as anything less than  the leader of  barbaric armed rebels is totally unacceptable. So much lives and resources was channeled to stop his brutal armed rebellion and barbarism that cost so much. It was the wisdom and ability of Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra as a leader with mandate of the majority that managed to convince Whitehall and HRHs Malay Sultans for independence to be achieved, in the midst of Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng’s CPM armed rebellion.

Lately, there has been attempt to bring back Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng and the opportunity is expected to be capitalised to the fullest for the ‘liberalists’ of ‘overpowering the strength’ of the conservative majority. Politically bankrupt politicians such as former abuse-of-power-convict Anwar “King of Anarchy Politics” Ibrahim attempted to ride on the controversy that looms from the attempt to bring the numero uno anti Malayan/Malaysian rebel back. The sordid attempt to capitalise on anarchy politics, with the intencity of pseudo-techno-anarchists and even NGOs advocating via pseudo ‘intellectual discourse’, will create confusion amongst the internet-savvy younger generation Malaysians and wegde the divide, in the strategic plan for people like Anwar and Chinese Chauvinists DAP to grab power. In essence, it is a repackaged communist terrorists strategy.

Fortunately, the majority of Malaysians rejected the sordid attempt. Let us keep it that way. Chin Peng and CPM bandits are “Butchers of Malaya”. The true patriots are people who worked so hard to end Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng’s brutal armed rebellion.

Published in: on November 21, 2009 at 13:00  Comments (61)  

Tan Sri Rahim Noor: The hero of the Hadyaii Accord

Earlier this afternoon, bloggo-journo Rocky scooped the story about party-less Opposition Leader Anwar “King of Anarchy Politics” Ibrahim was invited by Communist Party of Malaya Secretary General Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng for the 20th commemoration of the ‘Hadyaii Accord’.

Hadyaii Accord, signed 2 Dec 1989

‘Hadyaii Accord’ was signed by the Malaysian Government, represented by the Secretary General of Home Minister Dato’ Wan Sidek Wan Abdul Rahman, Royal Malaysian Police IGP Tan Sri Mohd. Haniff Omar and the Armed Forces Jen. Tan Sri Hashim Mohd. Ali  and Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) was represented by Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng, Abdullah CD and Rashid Maidin  in Hadyaii, 2 December 1989. It marks the end of CPM armed struggle for power, which killed and injured so many Malayans and Malaysians for over 44 years (1945-1989).

During the Emergency (1948-1960), the primary industries dependent Malayan economy was almost paralysed because of the terrorism caused by the barbarics. In the 12 year insurgency, almost 5,000 military and civilians lost their lives to the CPM act of terrorism. 60% of them were non combattant civilians, is a demonstration how brutal the Chin “Butcher of Malaya” Peng’s guys were.

The communist terrorists also is responsible for the assasination of IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahman Hashim on 7 June 1974 and Perak CPO Tan Sri Khoo Chong Kong on 13 June 1975, on top of the massacre of the Bukit Kepong Police Station on 23 February 1950 which saw 14 policemen, 8 auxiliary policemen and 4 members of the policemen brutally killed in the firefight. The army, especially the Royal Malay Regiment spend a lot of resources to fight the communist terrorists untill the ‘Hadyaii Accord’.

The architect and chief operation person for the ‘Hadyaii Accord’ was former IGP Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Mohd. Noor. Then Director of Special Branch CP Dato’ Abdul Rahim Noor and his dedicated Special Branch officers patiently worked between Hadyaii and Beijing to reach a point where the CPM agreed on the ‘Hadyaii Accord’. Deputy Minister of Home Affairs then was Allahyarham Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub where else the Minister of Home Affairs was Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. At the signing, the IGP was then Tan Sri (now Tun) Mohd. Hanif Omar.

The ‘Hadyaii Accord’ mark where the armed struggle of  Malayan Peoples’ Liberation Army (the armed unit of CPM) against Malaysians formally ended and the process of nation building was able to be carried out at a faster pace and magnitude. The growth there on was very appparent. ‘Vision 2020′ was launched by then Fourth Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad which laid out the strategic plan for Malaysia to achieve a developed nation status by the year 2020. The North South Highway, which the single most important infrastructure that spur economic and social growth and progress of this nation which stretches from Johor Bahru in Johor all the way to Bukit Kayu Hitam in Kedah was completed in 1993.

The true hero of the ‘Hadyaii Accord’ is undoubtably Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Mohd. Noor. We Malaysians owe him a huge debt of gratitude of achieving peace, which saw Malaysia able to progress to a level what she is today. To mark the 20th commeration of the ‘Hadyaii Accord’, we wish to record a special tribute for a great Special Branch officer and director.

As a sign of true patriotism, Malaysians should vehemently reject Anwar “King of Anarchy Politics” Ibrahim to bring back Chin ‘Butcher of Malaya” Peng, as a sordid attempt to ride on pseudo-anarchy politics to assume power.

This tribute is also extended to CP Dato’ Zulkifli Abdul Rahman (at the ‘Hadyaii Accord’ was the Deputy Director of Special Branch) and officers and men of the Special Branch for their dedication to provide us the blanket of security.

Published in: on November 20, 2009 at 15:09  Comments (33)  

Mukhriz untuk N03 DUN Kota Siputeh?

Semenjak ADUN N03 Kota Siputeh Dato’ Abu Hassan diisytiharkan hilang kerusi oleh Mahkamah Tinggi, maka timbul beberapa  cadangan   blogger pro–UMNO agar Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri (MITI) Dato’ Mukhriz Mahathir dicalonkan sebagai wakil BN apabila SPR mengumumkan Pilihanraya Kecil bagi DUN tersebut kelak.

Kepercayaan orang Kedah keatas MP Jerlun tersebut amat memberansangkan. Juga harapan dan aspirasi akar umbi UMNO Kedah, terutama dikalangan Bahagian Jerlun. Beliau juga seorang pemimpin yang disenangi akar umbi dan rakyat dan mudah didampingi.


Namun begitu, kesesuaian Mukhriz untuk dicalonkan adalah diragukan. Ini kerana bukanlah Mukhriz seorang politikus yang tidak mampu membawa aspirasi akar umbi dan rakyat atau berkhidmat sebagai DUN Kota Siputeh dengan baik. Namun, Mukhriz hari ini telah memikul tanggung ajwab yang berat dan mencabar, sebagai seorang MP dan juga Timbalan Menteri dalam sebuah kementerian yang strategik.

Sebagai Timbalan Menteri MITI, beliau dipertanggung jawabkan dalam pembangunan program industri kecil dan serdehana, terutama dikalangan usahawan dan industrialis Bumiputra. Fungsi yang sebelum ini dipikul oleh Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MECD) diambil alih oleh Mukhriz apabila MECD dimansuhkan dalam rombakan Kabinet sulung Perdana Menteri VI Dato Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak pada 8 April 2009. Begitu banyak harapan dan aspirasi SME/I Bumiputra dibebankan kepada Timbalan Menteri MITI ini, terutama segala program BICC.


Mukhriz juga seorang yang amat aktif dalam isu antarabangsa. Dalam Persidangan Memerangi Penjenayah Peperangan yang dianjurkan Perdana Global Peace Organisation (PGPO) bulan lepas, Mukhriz telah menjadi seorang panelis walaupun setelah menjawat Timbalan Menteri dan tidak lagi menerajui sebuah NGO. Pengalaman berharga beliau sebagai Pengarah Eksekutif PGPO dan selaku Exco Pemuda UMNO Hal Ehwal Antarabangsa merangkap Penyelaras Aman Malaysia melayakan pendapat beliau dalam isu antarabangsa masih lagi diperlukan. Ini pernah disaksikan apabila beliau berdebat dengan TYT Pesuruhjaya Tinggi Britain ke Malaysia Boyd McLeary pada Ogos 2006 mengenai isu serangan dan penjajahan  Israel keatas Selatan Lebanon. Beliau juga mengetuai sendiri missi menghantar beakalan kepada Gaza semasa kawasan itu diserang dan  Isarel pada Februari 2008.

Jika diselami, UMNO Kedah kini menghadapi masalah mencari politkus yang kredibel, bagi mengembalikan keyakinan dan seterusnya sokongan rakyat kembali kepada UMNO. Selesaianya ialah untuk menengahkan calon yang bukan sahaja anak tempatan (Jerlun), malah mempunyai kedudukan dalam parti yang melayak beliau bukan sahaja mewakili aspirasi rakyat DUN Kota Siputeh, malah suara akar umbi UMNO dalam DUN Kedah.

UMNO Kedah wajar mempertimbangkan personaliti seperti Dato’ Maznah Hamid. Maznah bukan sahaja Ketua Wanita UMNO Jerlun, beliau juga Ketua Wanita UMNO Kedah dan ahli Exco Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Malaysia. Sekiranya Dato’ Maznah berjaya dipilih sebagai ADUN Kota Siputeh, maka ianya akan menambah suara wanita mewakili BN dalam DUN Kedah. Setakat ini, hanya ADUN Sungai Tiang YB Suraya Yaakob suara tunggal wanita UMNO dalam DUN Kedah.

Akar umbi UMNO Jerlun wajar mempertimbangkan cadangan kami ini.


Published in: on November 19, 2009 at 17:23  Comments (25)