“Bloggers are VIPs”


“Bloggers are VIPs”. That was what Fourth Prime Minister, turned Malaysia’s most progressive blogger Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said today at B.U.M. 2009 “Bloggers need to behave”.

He agreed some sort of code of ethics is appropriate. Bloggers need to uphold their integrity, as providing views of the people.

“We should not victimise our target. As how we hate it to be victimised, ourselves”. Tun Dr. Mahathir was vehemently against bloggers who made up or skewed stories instead of dicussing the facts.

He said that in the context how he started blogging. As a politician in Government for almost 30 years, hew as used to the attention of the mainstream media. Somehow, when he retired, mainstream media eventually ‘refused’ to publish his thoughts and comments, which was systematically ‘blocked’. Of course, he was a strong critic of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s administration.

His skepticsm was whether he could entertain all the comments made. He finally overcame the ‘mental block’, much with encouragement of noted bloggers at the time.

So he started blogging. And his blog became a sensational hit instantly, in the Malaysian bloggsophere scene. Especially amongst the SOPO surfers. Within less than 15 days, it hit its first million. Now, with commenters from all over the world, chedet.cc has had almost nineteen million visitors.

Many people the manner Tun Dr. Mahathir articulate onmuch complicated issues are made into very simple language and angle to understand. His intepretations of history is also refreshing.

Rocky, who was the founding pro-tem President of All-Blogs and now National Press Club President for the second round, noted that Tun Dr. Mahathir was the first Malaysian leader that gave bloggers the respect during the Perdana Global Peace Forum on ‘Criminalising War’, February 2007. The blogs carried various angles to expand the message of the forum.

Published in: on May 16, 2009 at 21:17  Comments (9)  

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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Opps… U r rated 5 Star Blogger. Pls visit SpotTheBloggers.

    Salam Hormat.

  2. Hillary Clinton pun kata US menghargai usaha Malaysia dlm bidang ekonomi – http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid1857622883?bctid=23307689001

  3. who wrote that ? lying on sunday …?again ?

  4. Tun Mahathir said, he agreed some sort of code of ethics is appropriate. “Bloggers need to uphold their integrity, as providing views of the people,” he said.

    It is practically impossible for the nation to be economically fair and just if the people do not have a code of ethics to abide by or if they are not sincere. Like Tun, I also believes in taking the pragmatic and realistic approach in pursuing the objectives rather than be guided by an obsessive penchant in achieving them regardless of the consequences.

  5. First time in my life i got a chance to take pictue’s with Tun and I am proud of it!

    Tun Dr M nimakin lama makin hensem dan macho pulak dia kan? He is my Bapak! I love Tun Dr M!

  6. hipokrit lah orang tua ni, macam kau mr gemuk.

  7. […] Bloggers are VIPs […]

  8. Dr Mahathir on blogs and the media in Malaysia…

    This is an account of the speech by Tun Dr Mahathir at the Bloggers Universe Malaysia 2009 blogmeet, and some thoughts about blogs in Malaysia. It’s a bit long, but I thought it worthwhile to recount what he said (about blogs) in some detail.

    A ver…

  9. […] ‘targets’ families in their character assassination. In fact, politicians who turned bloggers constantly remind bloggers to behave themselves. This is typical behaviour of people who arrogantly defend the ‘brutality’ of Opposition […]

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