Hunt for Kamal Hisham, Pt III

The person is this video is believed to be Kamal Hisham Ja’afar. Currently, he is believed to be abroad. According the Johor Police, his assistance is being sought for questioning under Criminal Procedure Code Sect 1.1.1(2) of a criminal breach of trust case involving RM 660,000.00.

He is known in many circles to be connected with a very profile individual in many business deals.

There are some serious claims in this video. The Police should investigate these claims.

*Updated 6 March 2012 1000hrs

Published: Monday March 5, 2012 MYT 9:36:00 PM
Updated: Monday March 5, 2012 MYT 9:44:22 PM

Lawyer wants to return home, fears safety

KUALA LUMPUR: Lawyer Kamal Hisham Jaafar, who had allegedly embezzled RM660,000 from Johor-based company Southern Ads Sdn Bhd, wants to return to Malaysia if the authorities can guarantee his safety.

He said he could not return immediately to answer the allegations for fear of his safety after receiving five death threats since last year.

Kamal Hisham, who is also the company’s director, is now in Dubai and requests help from the government, Royal Malaysia Police and Home Ministry to help ensure his safety.

“I want to come back as soon as possible to give my statement to the police and clear my name, but with the condition that I am safe.

“If I cannot go back to Malaysia, I am ready to go to Thailand to provide a statement. I can also give a statement at the Malaysian Embassy in Dubai so this matter can be resolved quickly,” he told Bernama when contacted in Dubai on Monday.

However, Kamal Hisham, 42, declined to reveal details on the death threats he received.

Last Tuesday, the company’s lawyer, Datuk Baljit Singh Sidhu, urged Kamal Hisham to return and prove his innocence in the case.

“I was supposed to come back to Malaysia yesterday to give a statement as a witness, but how can I do so after I received more than one death threat…I really miss my family,” said Kamal Hisham.

Consequently, Kamal Hisham has uploaded a video on YouTube claiming that he is being hunted by someone from Malaysia who was paid to kill him.

The 10-minute video titled “Rayuan Seorang Peguam” (Plea of a Lawyer) shows Kamal Hisham talking about his difficulty in returning home.

“I am worried, scared and stressed out because this involves my safety and life as well as my family’s,” he said in the video clip.

Kamal Hisham left Malaysia in April 2011 after reports against him were made by the company on March 31, claiming there were criminal element in the way he managed the company. – Bernama

Published in: on March 5, 2012 at 01:00  Comments (44)  

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44 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. DS Hishamuddin Tun Hussein, please help this guy!

  2. Who is the PEMBESAR that he’s referring to? Looks serious. The IGP should look into this. He looks desperate and stressed.

  3. This is bloody serious!

    IGP must be ballsy. This citizen has rights. His life is at stake here. If Mohamad can’t come to the mountain, the mountain must go to Mohamad. Why isn’t the Police doing this?

  4. Kamal oh Kamal,
    Kau lari bawa duit….Dulu ko Lawyer chabuk di Rahman Saad, U r not successful and nobody knows about U. then TMJ give u a break by seeting up your own KHAS office at his building . Then U got projects doing business with Local Govt by bullying and tipu your original partner Tengku Samad thru Southern Ads. Now U want to tipu everybody about how U become rich by tipu the Sultan hanky business all over. even your FATHER or Mother knows that U r RICH because of the Sultan. U do lot of Hanky Panky business even subahat dengan Pengarah JPJ to sell antique old exclusive JPJ number plates using Sultan’s name….semua orang2 U tahu apa yang U dah buat. Now U nak pusing cerita tentang WASIAT Sultan Iskandar pulak? apa cerita…kesian Ko dalam ketakutan sahaja….background putih tu kain kapan ke……mana ko nak lari….kawan2 ko pun dah pening kepala menyokong Ko tak tentu pasal Ko nak lawan Sultan yang dulu tolong kayakan Ko…dah kene warning banyak kali ..tapi x tahu malu sanggup nak tipu Sultan beberapa kali…..jgn pusing ceriter…..Ko x payah balik JB …orang Jb semua dah nyampah tengok muka Ko yang suka business putar alam termasuk Kembara Mahkota ambil untung sana sini dari kerajaan negeri dan sponsor2 semua Ko nak bedal…

    • OrangLama….kau tak dapat buat business apa2 ke dari Sultan kau tu dulu…? Atau Sultan kau tu yg suruh kau kutuk si Kamal ni… kau jilat lah Sultan kau tu yang pernah rogol anak orang, bini org dan entah apa2 lagi dah… Kalau kau duduk tempat Kamal dulu pun kau yg akan jlnkan business sultan kau tu pasal dia kan tak belajar pandai selalu kena kencing dgn org bila buat business..(sampai sekrg ni pun kena kencing dgn org tu tapi duit masuk tak lah buat report CBT)… tu lah Almarhum Sultan Iskandar suruh Kamal ni jaga dia!..itu pun kau tak tahu ke?? nama je OrangLama.

    • Kamal Hisham mata macam ikan, cari peluang keliling, kau dah lupa masa dulu kau pakai honda civic burok kejar kejar pintu lif bila TMJ datang,, kat ofis Rahman Saat ,aku ingat lagi. kau potong jalan Rahman Saat kau nak buat kembara mahkota sendiri,kesian Rahman Saat kan.Tuanku yang bagi kau Southern Ads lepas kau tipu tunku samad bukan kau yang punya,kau mana ada modal masa tu.Ayah kau kan kerja forwarding kastam,TMJ suruh kau urus Southern Ads bukan maknanya kau punya..Kau PENIPU, kau buat syarikat ada nama southern FLAME FLAME untuk kelirukan semua penyewa dalam JB CENTRAL,sewakan money changer hingga RM 52K,ada yang RM 46K dah tu kau bagi pada syarikat TUANKU baru berapa?Bukan tu saja ada lagi yang kau buat..KFC sewa sampai 23K bayar southern ads 15k pun kau sebat.Kau yang BURUK PERANGAI lepas tu tak habis habis jual nama sultan “tuanku titah” sampai oran semua pening.orang banyak tidak tahu keburukan kau sebab kau ni sebenarnya manusia yang bertopengkan ******,jadi biar semua orang tahu kau ni siapa sebenarnya.

      • banyak kau tau pasal kamal ni…
        dari kerja di rahman saat sampai ke southern ads semua kau tahu..
        ko memang ikut dia dari dulu ker…
        ke ko buat-buat cerita?

      • Bro buta hati dan buta mata, kau buat search kat SSM sebelum komen, komen macam orang bodoh. Rekod SSM jelas tunjukkan sykt Southern Ads ini milik Kamal bukan Tuanku, tahun 2003 Kamal tubuhkan dan mula beroperasi, Tuuanku paw dia lepas samad cocok Tuanku krn dia kuat kuasa peraturan iklan baru di MPJBT, kerana tak tak tahan kena desak dan gangguan Istana yang memang kali buli,Kamal beri share pada Tuanku, tapi bukan semua dia masih shareholder. Tuanku yang lupa siapa beri dia duit bulan bulan …kamal yang tanggung belanja buasnya.Tuanku masuk southern ads tahun 2005. Kau pergi SSM beratur buat searchlah mangkuk!

      • sudah lah…lawyer kamal dulu di Rahman Saad adalah lawyer favourite Dato rahman…dulu mmg dia pakai honda tp bukan mcm kau makan duit atas angin je…lepas dia perform dgn baik dia jadi partner kena jaga ofis melaka, …Pasal Southern Ads jangan lah kau nak menipu, Dia mmg tubuhkan sendiri tp siapa yg untung???aku tahu ko skrg ada kena mengena dgn southern ads kan, tp dengar cite org yg take over kamal lagi teruk jadinya, u kesian…korang yg takut lawyer kamal balik malaysia sbb tu korang buat cite lagi pasal RM660k tu…tp masa vvip ni mintan duit utk bini muda tak berani pulak ko nak komen, dasar manusia dot dot dot…SATU JE AKU NAK TANYA KO KALAU PENYEWA-PENYEWA TU SANGGUP BAYAR APA MASALAH KO????? TAPI AKU NAK TANYA KO YG SEKARANG NI DGR LAGI DASYAT DIA BUAT BUSINESS BILA KANTOL ABG SENDIRI COVER PADAHAL SEMUA ORG PENYEWA BILLBOARD DAH TAHU…..KEPADA LAWYER KAMAL..WE ALL SUPPORT U, SAYA PERNAH MENJADI PENYEWA DI JB SENTRAL APA YG KO CAKAP SEMUANYA FITNAH, LAWYER KAMAL TAK BERSALAH!!!!!!!

    • background putih tu tutup muka pembesar tu laaa…..

  5. Kamal Hisham,
    Tambahan, anak2 U pun Sultan yang bagi nama. Dah duduk atas duit kemudian lupa siapa yang kayakan ko. Biasalah lupa daratan apabila dua tanduk dah keluar…..don’t bite the hand that feeds U…..kesian sedara2 ko dah puas makan duit haram business Ko…Taubat aja!

    • oh..yeker ….dah Sultan nak bagi nama
      ko berani ke nak tolak…?? ke kau jeles
      Dont bite hand konon
      dah banyak berjasa kamal ni kat Royal Family tu la
      apa jasa kau????

  6. Kamal is a lawyer and he knows he cannot win fighting the Sultan. He already run away absconding with Sultan’s money in Dubai. Johor Police already have a lot of evidence of him doing hanky-panky business in Johor especially trading antique JPJ Licence plates using Sultan’s name and conspiring with Johor JPJ’s Director. So why must we help a crooked lawyer that became rich and famous through the Sultan and now want to condemn the Sultan…..does not make any sense???

    • Wow! Do u have a proof? Or just another hearsay.

      U r not the judge n not the police..let the police do their investigation n the AG will charge him in court if there is sufficient evidence.

      He is innocence until proven guilty in the court of kaw.

    • Bugis JB you another “pembodek” berapa banyak duit Setan tu hilang? lawyer Kamal tu lah yg turun naik pergi meeting buat paper work cari business utk keluarga Sultan, sultan hutang dia banyak legal fees entah berapa juta bila dikira agaknya? duit bahagian dia as a partner dan shareholder macam mana? dia director 40 syarikat bukan semua ada kaitan Istana, dia memang patut kaya dan ada duit, sebenarnya dia akan lebih kaya dan maju tanpa sultan. elaun bulanannya dekat 200k sebulan ,kenapa nak persoal kekayaannya.
      Dia bukan jual pasir ke spore mcm daing.Lawyer Kamal teruskan perjuangan ajar penindas penindas rakyat…rakyat dahh bosan dengan keletah keluarga diraja Johor.

  7. Kau takut sebaib buat salah ! Semua nak tipu ! kau banyak guna nama pembesar kenamaan sebenarnya untuk diri sendiri. Kau jadikan ramai orang alat untuk kau jadi kaya. duduk dubai mewah, ada rumah besar, kereta Merc J1111, travel sana sini mana kau dapat duit. jangan kau nak tipu yg southern ads tu kau punya, itu orang kenamaan yg punya, kau tu keje jek kat situ. jadi sekarang nak buat muka seposen mintak bantuan, minta kasihan, kau jangan nak buat tipu helah lagi setan.

    • hahahha…kete tu bukan die punyelaaa… terpedaya rupenye 😛

      • catcopy nihh mcm bodohh sgt je gaye nye kann..???ish3..kesiann ouhhh…

  8. ‘Orang lama’ – Kata kata menunjukan engkau adalah “Tengku Samad’.Sapa tak kenal ‘Tengku Samad’ di JB nie. Cuma beza nya dgn dulu, dulu Istana tak pandang engkau, skrg nie kalau tgh ‘mengeteh’ dgn kenkawan atau main golf, bila Tuanku call, kelam kabut & panik.

  9. Kau sedar tak kau buat semua benda ni berbelit2? Belit diri kau sendiri at last. Muka kau pun dah jelas muka penipu. Takde seri langsung! Macam budak kecik buat salah takut kena rotan dgn bapak! Org bersalah je yg akan beriya-iya sebab nak tegakkan ‘benang yg basah’. The other party yg kau kata bersalah tu ada kecoh gelabah gabra mcm kau?? Org sekarang dah too smart to judge la. Lagi ada banyak elektronic media lagi senang nak tengok sapa salah sapa betul.

    • vava….lagi banyak elektronic media….lebih banyak lagi kejahatan VVVIP tu akan terdedah…….”benang basah”???? sebenarnya VVIP tulah yang sedang menegakkannya…….

  10. Cuba cek rekod di SSM
    Siapa shareholder Southern Ads tu?
    cek juga siapa pengarah dia?
    cek juga siapa pengarah dari awal hingga sekarang?
    Kerabat tu masuk selepas Kamal…Rekod di ssm tidak boleh di ubah..
    takkan orang yang masuk lambat jadi pengarah boleh kata dia yang bukak syarikat tu…mana logiknya?

    • Harap-harap record di ssm tak di ubah oleh tangan2 yg berkuasa…
      sekrg ni mcm2 boleh ubah. immigration record pun hilang bukan tak pernah terjadi… baru aje jadi yg immgration record tak dpt di kesan dlm satu kes besar negara baru2 ni…

  11. I’ve known Kamal professionally and personally since around 2004. Straight talking lawyer, no double talk. Performed the Haj and Umrah during better times, unlike some who’d go to Mekkah only when in trouble. Served the ‘pembesar’ more than 15 years. Sorted out all sorts of issues particularly legal ones for the ‘pembesar’. Reluctantly performed other services related to, amongst others, money, cars, women, and of course clandestine ones. Regularly it was more getting the ‘pembesar’ or his family members out of trouble so that he would perpetually look good in the eyes of the people. Even scolding the driver of a lori angkut tanah for driving too slow was part of Kamal’s job.

    Kamal once twice accidently admitted that he hated his ‘shitty-shitty’ job due to all extras he had to do or not do, cover ups, threats, etc. But later he’d regain his composure and would apologize for the admission – I guess ‘tak mahu menderhaka’.

    Most of us as outsiders would assume Kamal would benefit tremendously from his position being close to the ‘pembesar’ (maybe he did benefit every now and then – free lunches, reserved parking spot at hotels, VIP treatment at functions, speeding tickets forgiven, etc.) BUT comparing these peanutty perks against the shit he goes through for the past 15 years no matter whether he’s overseas with the family on vacation, at home with the kids at night, 3:00am while sleeping – the ‘pembesar’ would shout NOW Kamal, NOW….

    Though most of us are unsure about the alleged RM660k, special license plates, but if Kamal says he’s been victimized I believe him. Through the years Kamal holds with him dark secrets, dealings, arrangements (though not necessarily all on paper) of the ‘pembesar’ family. Seriously, if Kamal would have wanted to take advantage it wouldn’t be RM660k, it wouldn’t be the cheap skate license plates (whereby only people with “my-car-is-tinted-dark-because-I’m-very-important” mentality would kill for a single digit license plate) it would have been millions and millions and Kamal would have done it years back – and quietly.

    One day the father of the ‘pembesar’ passed on. The ‘pembesar’ does not want to be advised on fara’id law on inheritance – he wants it all to himself. For someone who doesn’t comprehend the word moderation i.e. who has hundreds of cars, acres and acres of property all over the globe, rooms of cash and tons of gold (not enough and never will be) he now wants his late father’s cash and Gulfstream all to himself. The conclusion is simple….. “Kamal, don’t you dare advise me what I can or cannot do – be it law of the land or law of God”.

    Kamal, my prayers are with you and your family. Ya Allah, selamatkanlah Kamal dunia akhirat, dan tunjukkanlah jalan yang benar kepada semua yang terlibat.

    To the Government of Malaysia – this is your chance to shine – help Kamal – for a change do something for your citizen in need without expecting anything in return and win back the hearts (not votes, please) of the rakyat along the way.

    • Cantiknya bahasa dalam english, lawyar ke cikgu english ni.. tapi semuanya tipu. para para komentar jangan lah percaya si mata ikan emas ni. dia kalau belakon memang pandai. habis semua di perdaya kan. cover buku memang baik tapi dalam penoh ulat. dah buat salah sekarang takut.

      • J11 J18 J12 JKH 1 JLV 1 JJH 1 suma tinted gelap, tanah straits view, tanah pulau tinggi, tanah pantai mersing, tanah sekakap, tanah desa rahmat, tanah blakang putri specialist dll suma mamat ni beli cash tak der yang utang. apa pembesar ada dia nak sama, nak jadi little pembesar ni.


  12. Ini lah dia manusia yang tak sedar diri. Setelah menipu Tuanku berjuta-juta ringgit (ini pun Tuanku baik hati bangkitkan isu penipuan RM 660k saja), ada hati nak meminta perlindungan kerajaan. Banyak cantik, duit cukai kita nak dipakai untuk kepentingan sendiri.

    Pergilah lari ke negara yang tak ada perjanjian ekstradisi penjenayah dengan Malaysia. Jangan libatkan kerajaan. Institusi Raja dengan awak takde kena-mengena dengan kerajaan. Ini masalah awak sendiri.

    And by the way, saya nak duit cukai pintu MPJBT dipulangkan semula pada saya. Banyak cantik Southern Ads ambik monopoli iklan. Patutlah cukai pintu MPJBT mahal, sebab duit advertising kauorang yang sapu.

    • Southern ad tu sapa punya? Kamal sorang ke? Sila cek rekod SSM sebelum buat tuduhan cam sampah ni.

  13. Tuan BD,

    PC sudah, YouTube pun sudah. Yang belum lagi, hanya “kesudahannya”.

    Perkara utama dalam kemelut ini adalah pihak PDRM perlu merekodkan keterangan dari Lawyer Kamal manakala Lawyer Kamal pula bersetuju untuk direkodkan keterangan beliau.

    Masalahnya hanya ‘lokasi’. Jika Kamal sudah bersetuju untuk membayar atau reimburse perbelanjaan pegawai-pegawai PDRM yang keluar negara untuk merekodkan keterangan beliau, mungkin elok jika pihak PDRM pertimbangkan opsyen tersebut.

    Dengan berbuat demikian, pihak PDRM akan dapat menjalankan tugas mereka iaitu merekodkan kenyataan, Lawyer Kamal dapat memberikan keterangan tanpa berkompromi terhadap persepsi bahawa diancam, dan duit cukai tidak dibazirkan.

    Jika setelah dirakamkan keterangan Lawyer Kamal, dan didapati ada unsur-unsur kesalahan jenayah, tuduhlah dia. Jika dalam mengambil keterangan tersebut, Lawyer Kamal mendedahkan perkara-perkara benar yang perlu disiasat, siasatlah tanpa rasa takut dan berkepentingan.

    Tak perlu lebih banyak cerca nista, tuduh menuduh serta dengki khianat. Kita selesaikan satu persatu, mengikut tata dan peraturannya. Yang payah, dipermudahkan dan yang mudah, dipercepatkan.

    Sementara didunia, tugas “Pembesar” melindung “Rakyat”, tugas “Rakyat” menjunjung “Pembesar”. Akhirnya kepada Allah SWT juga kita kembali.

  14. Kita boleh menukar banyak hal menyakitkan yang dilakukan orang lain dengan sesuatu yang lebih hakiki, lebih abadi. Rasa sakit yang timbul kerana perbuatan aniaya dan menyakitkan itu sementara. Pemahaman dan penerimaan tulus daripada kejadian yang menyakitkan itulah yang abadi…

  15. cari jalan penyelesaian yang terbaik…
    tak guna gaduh-gaduh di dunia ni…
    kita sama saja di akhirat sana..


  17. betul2 tu cari jalan penyelesaian yg terbaik…kita
    sama aje kat akhirat nanti x kira lah kau raja ke pengemis ke..! tapi masalahnya ‘keadilan’ yg kononnya adil tu selalu berpihak kepada yg ‘ada kuasa’ emmm lebih kurang mcm ni lah…”dunia ni aku yg punya sbb aku berkuasa..korang kena ikut arahan aku..” saya pasti peguam kamal hisham x bersalah….

  18. […] hunt for lawyer Kamal Hisham Ja’afar moved into another phase, after Kamal appeared on Youtube which he claimed his life to be in ‘grave danger’. Counsel representing Southern Ads Sdn. Bhd. Dato’ Baljit Singh Siddhu came with this Youtube […]

  19. Nasi Tambah, nama ko memang elok benor sebab ko memang suka menambah2 fakta kan…mcam bagus sgt ko ni kan..!! org lain yg x abis sekolah pun pandai nak hormat orang…. tapi kau ada hormat perasaan orang..? kau ada…??? kalo cuma tau skit2 aje jangan nak hentam keromo lak…….!!

  20. Cuba pulak korang cek plat number yg Daeng Malik ada J apa????pegi lah cek knp VVIP ni knp tak siasat si Daeng Malik ni???? sbbbb tak payah cakap lah sat Johor dah tahu si pembelit ni…bila lawyer kamal kena dia sembunyikan diri..dia ni umpama baling batu sembunyikan tangan…TO KHJ JGN GENTAR LAWAN TERUS, RAMAI RAKYAT JOHOR MENUNGGU BENDA NI MELETOP!


  22. kesian semua tak tau cerita betul nak bercerita, yang si kamal ni guna nama macam macam appear dalam blog ni ada sampai upah orang untuk sebarkan cerita tak betul. sudah lah tak de pun kau duduk sana diam diam minum barbicane kat padang pasir sampai kembong. jangan pikir pasal johor lagi.

    • orang jauh kau tahu cerita? cerita sikit. nak dengar CERITA SEBENAR YANG KAU TAHU? ehem ehem. tak sabarnye nak dgr cerita.

  23. Dasat sungguh orang2 Islam Johor ni berbalah sama sendiri mengejar dunia..

  24. I’ve known Kamal professionally and personally since around 2004. Straight talking lawyer, no double talk. Performed the Haj and Umrah during better times, unlike some who’d go to Mekkah only when in trouble. Served the ‘pembesar’ more than 15 years. Sorted out all sorts of issues particularly legal ones for the ‘pembesar’. Reluctantly performed other services related to, amongst others, money, cars, women, and of course clandestine ones. Regularly it was more getting the ‘pembesar’ or his family members out of trouble so that he would perpetually look good in the eyes of the people. Even scolding the driver of a lori angkut tanah for driving too slow was part of Kamal’s job.

    Kamal once twice accidently admitted that he hated his ‘shitty-shitty’ job due to all extras he had to do or not do, cover ups, threats, etc. But later he’d regain his composure and would apologize for the admission – I guess ‘tak mahu menderhaka’.

    Most of us as outsiders would assume Kamal would benefit tremendously from his position being close to the ‘pembesar’ (maybe he did benefit every now and then – free lunches, reserved parking spot at hotels, VIP treatment at functions, speeding tickets forgiven, etc.) BUT comparing these peanutty perks against the shit he goes through for the past 15 years no matter whether he’s overseas with the family on vacation, at home with the kids at night, 3:00am while sleeping – the ‘pembesar’ would shout NOW Kamal, NOW….

    Though most of us are unsure about the alleged RM660k, special license plates, but if Kamal says he’s been victimized I believe him. Through the years Kamal holds with him dark secrets, dealings, arrangements (though not necessarily all on paper) of the ‘pembesar’ family. Seriously, if Kamal would have wanted to take advantage it wouldn’t be RM660k, it wouldn’t be the cheap skate license plates (whereby only people with “my-car-is-tinted-dark-because-I’m-very-important” mentality would kill for a single digit license plate) it would have been millions and millions and Kamal would have done it years back – and quietly.

    One day the father of the ‘pembesar’ passed on. The ‘pembesar’ does not want to be advised on fara’id law on inheritance – he wants it all to himself. For someone who doesn’t comprehend the word moderation i.e. who has hundreds of cars, acres and acres of property all over the globe, rooms of cash and tons of gold (not enough and never will be) he now wants his late father’s cash and Gulfstream all to himself. The conclusion is simple….. “Kamal, don’t you dare advise me what I can or cannot do – be it law of the land or law of God”.

    Kamal, my prayers are with you and your family. Ya Allah, selamatkanlah Kamal dunia akhirat, dan tunjukkanlah jalan yang benar kepada semua yang terlibat.

    To the Government of Malaysia – this is your chance to shine – help Kamal – for a change do something for your citizen in need without expecting anything in return and win back the hearts (not votes, please) of the rakyat along the way.

    • Oiiiii …. I wrote these comments earlier (tengokla kat atas sana….) apasal you cut and paste and relabel it as Dato Derrick Wong…? Kalau tak tahu tulis tak payah tulis, tak payah nak ciplak orang punya tulisan

      Wheew…. Ini mcm punya olang pun ada ka….

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