Malay NGOs: Apostolic Nuncio insulted HRH Rulers & position of Islam

Joint Malay NGO media conference strongly condemning Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia Archbishop Joseph Marino

Joint Malay NGOs media conference strongly condemning Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia Archbishop Joseph Marino

In a joint media conference Malay NGOs strongly condemned HE Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Joseph Marino for his interview, which was published by The Malaysian Insider yesterday. The Holy See Ambassador to Malaysia supported the notion that Christians be allowed to use ‘Allah‘ in place of God.

Former Selangor Exco for Religious Affairs and PAS Commissioner for Selangor Dato’ Dr Hassan Md Ali as the spokesman for the joint Malay NGOs also strongly raised the point that Apostolic Nuncio had insulted HRH Sultan Selangor for his decree in January on the matter. HRH Sultan Selangor decreed that “Non Muslims are not allowed to use ‘Allah’ in place of ‘God’ and ‘Allah’ is a word sacred and exclusively for Muslims”.

They also strongly stated that HE Archbishop Marino misused his position as diplomat by what should be seen as “Interference in domestic affairs of Malaysia”. Especially by making a statement with regards on a highly controversial and ultra sensitive case  which is still in the processes of the Court of Appeal.

They jointly demanded that Apostolic Nuncio in Malaysia withdraw and apologise or deny making this statement, within seven days. Failure to do that, they would demand the Government expel the diplomat and the Apostolic Nunciature in Kuala Lumpur be closed.

President of JATI Dato’ Dr Hassan Md Ali representing the group, stated that this matter is apolitical and is a major concern to majority of Malay-Muslims.

Amongst the Malay NGOs which represented in this media conference are PERKASA, PPIM, PEMBELA, ISMA and MUAFAKAT.

*Updated 1800hrs

Malaysiakini report on the same matter:

PERKASA, JATI mahu pejabat Vatican M’sia ditutup

5:25PM Jul 12 2013
Dua NGO Melayu yang lantang hari ini menggesa perdana menteri agar menutup pejabat wakil Vatican di Malaysia jika beliau tidak menarik balik kenyataannya tentang kalimah Allah dalam masa seminggu.NGO Jalur Tiga (JATI) dan kumpulan pendesak Melayu PERKASA berpendapat, Ketua Biskop Joseph Marino tidak wajar menyokong pendirian gereja Katolik Malaysia dan usaha Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia dalam isu itu.”NGO Islam Melayu seluruhnya meminta duta Vatican itu menarik balik kenyataan itu.”Ini kerana ia dibuat seorang diplomat yang menyalahgunakan imuniti yang diberikannya dengan menyentuh hal-hal dalam negara kita, hal-hal yang fundamental dalam Perlembagaan, dan menyentuh hal yang majoriti rakyat Islam Malaysia tidak mahu kalimah Allah itu digunakan oleh orang Kristian dan dalam Bible bahasa Melayu.”Kalau dia tak tarik dalam masa tujuh hari, kita akan adakan satu perwakilan untuk bertemu kerajaan bagi meminta perdana menteri melalui Wisma Putra untuk menutup pejabat Vatican City itu dan meminta duta yang baru dilantik sebulan setengah itu dibawa pulang ke Vatican City,” kata Presiden JATI Datuk Dr Hassan Ali mewakili kedua-dua NGO.Beliau berkata demikian sewaktu ditemui selepas sidang media bersama PERKASA di Kuala Lumpur petang ini.Presiden PERKASA, Datuk Ibrahim Ali pula ketika dihubungiMalaysiakini berkata, NGO pimpinannya menyokong dan berkongsi pendirian dengan Hassan dan JATI.

Marino semalam dilaporkan menyifatkan pendirian kumpulan Kristian di negara ini sebagai “logik dan boleh diterima” walaupun menyedari ia adalah urusan dalaman Malaysia.


*Updated Saturday 13 July 2013 1330hrs

Utusan Malaysia:

Kerajaan perlu tegas panggil Marino

KUALA LUMPUR 13 Julai – Kerajaan digesa mengambil tindakan tegas dengan memanggil Duta Vatican City ke Malaysia, Bishop Joseph Marino untuk `disoal siasat’ berhubung kenyataannya menyokong penggunaan kalimah Allah bagi penganut Kristian di negara ini.

Naib Presiden Pertubuhan Pribumi Malaysia (Perkasa), Datuk Zulkifli Noordin berkata, Marino juga mungkin lupa mengenai undang-undang antarabangsa khususnya Konvensyen Vienna yang menegaskan wakil-wakil asing supaya bertanggungjawab untuk tidak campur tangan dalam hal ehwal dalaman sesebuah negara.

“Itu adalah standard yang diamalkan oleh mana-mana negara,’’ katanya di sini hari ini.

Artikel Penuh:
© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd


And The Star:

Published: Saturday July 13, 2013 MYT 12:00:00 AM
Updated: Saturday July 13, 2013 MYT 8:11:20 AM

Muslim NGOs call for expulsion of Vatican envoy

PETALING JAYA: A group of Malay Muslim NGOs have called for the expulsion of the Vatican’s first Apostolic Nuncio (ambassador) to Malaysia, Archbishop Joseph Marino, for remarks attributed to him on the use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims.

The group’s secretariat publicity chief Dzulkarnain Taib said Archbishop Marino should not interfere with the country’s internal affairs.

“As ambassador here, he is to forge close diplomatic ties, but what he said was beyond his job scope and could be interpreted as having another agenda,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Dzulkarnain was commenting on Archbishop Marino’s remarks on Thursday that the fact-sheet presented by the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) on the use of the word “Allah” was sensible and logical.

The Islamic Missionary Foundation of Malaysia (Yadim) also expressed disappointment with Archbishop Marino’s remarks.

“As a diplomat, he should be neutral on the matter and not touch on sensitive issues involving Muslims in the country,’’ said its chief Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, who called on the archbishop to withdraw his remarks and apologise to Muslims.


*Updated 2200hrs 13 July 2013

Minister in Prime Minister’s Department and in-charge of Islamic Affairs Maj, Gen. (Rtd) Dato’ Paduka Jamil Khir Baharom remarked that Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Marino was out of line and should have observed the borders of sensitivity in this country

Duta Vatican City tidak wajar keluar kenyataan timbulkan kegelisahan – Jamil Khir

 Bernama| Kemas kini: Julai 13, 2013

Duta Vatican City tidak wajar keluar kenyataan timbulkan kegelisahan - Jamil Khir
KUALA LUMPUR: Tindakan Duta Vatican City Ke Malaysia Biskop Joseph Marino mengeluarkan kenyataan berhubung penggunaan kalimah Allah bagi penganut Kristian di negara ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana menimbulkan kegelisahan awam serta boleh menggugat perpaduan rakyat Malaysia.Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom berkata kenyataan itu amat tidak wajar dikeluarkan mana-mana pihak sebagai menghormati sensitiviti umat Islam di negara ini.

“Sikap bertoleransi antara agama di negara ini sewajarnya diambil kira oleh semua pihak dalam mengeluarkan kenyataan yang boleh ditafsir sebagai mengganggu keharmonian antara agama di Malaysia,” katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Beliau menarik perhatian bahawa Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan sebelum ini memutuskan kalimah Allah hanya khusus diguna pakai oleh umat Islam di Malaysia dan tidak wajar disalah guna oleh mana-mana pihak.

“Saya menasihatkan semua pihak untuk tidak mempolemikkan isu kalimah Allah ini sehingga ia diputuskan di mahkamah kelak,” katanya.

Sebuah gabungan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan Islam-Melayu semalam mendesak kerajaan mengusir Biskop Joseph Marino berhubung tindakan beliau mengeluarkan kenyataan yang didakwa, antara lain, memuji hujah Persekutuan Kristian Malaysia berhubung penggunaan kalimah Allah dalam kalangan penganut agama itu di negara ini.

Berita mula diterbitkan pada: Julai 13, 2013 20:55 (MYT)


Let’s hear it from Wisma Putra now

Published in: on July 12, 2013 at 16:01  Comments (11)  

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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Good. One step forward in the fight to get the man out. No need to specify who. Or whether singular or plural.

    Or to get at Malaysian Insider. If the fellows there goofed on the reporting. Note that they were sued by ex-Chairman of MAS, Tajuddin Ramli, and had to apologize profusely and repeatedly.

  2. Wisma Putra should demand Apostolic Nunciature in KL explain on Marino’s statement to TMI.

    Foreign Minister also is obligated to explain to Malaysians on Apostolic Nunciature in KL’s explanation and next course of action.


    Marino insulted Sultan Selangor’s decree and position of Islam as religion of the federation.

    Make no mistake about that!

  3. BD,

    Archbishop Joe Marino is American born. I’m totally not surprised that this statement of supporting CFM to use ‘Kalimah Allah’ is part on a bigger conspiracy.


    • Is he American raised? If so he should know about the sensitivity of others.

      Maybe squeezed up so long in that tiny piece of real estate called the Vatican that he became so narrow minded, lost his perspective, or his brain daily bombarded by Catholicism so much that he now deserves to be kicked physically in the arse or metaphorically out of this country.

  4. […] it wasn’t intentional, then HE Archbishop Marino should retract his statement and openly apologise. It is deemed necessary as HRH Sultan Selangor in January issued a decree that “Non Muslims […]

  5. […] Zakhir Mohamed in his latest post stated that Malay NGOs strongly condemned the remarks by Marino in his interview, and had asked him […]

  6. […] is a serious matter because HE Archbishop Marino’s statement should be seen as insulting HRH Rulers, who are absolute head of Islam and already made decree that “Non Muslims are barred from […]

  7. Ingat Najib dan gang berani ke lakukan apa yang disarankan oleh Ngo Ngo tadi. Menghabiskan beras dan air liur!
    Itulah ada ‘senjata’. ‘senjata’ dibuang (ISA, Ordinan Dharurat dan terkini cuba batalkan Akta Hasutan 1948 ) Jadi ‘mati kataklah’ kini bila ‘berperang’
    Saya amat ingin mendengar ulasan TDM mengenai pembatalan pembatalan undang undang ini. Rasanya beluam ada disentuh dengan mendalam.

  8. […] drew a lot of very serious negative reactions from the Malay NGOs. In fact, the demand is for a diplomatic action against the Apostolic Nunciature in Kuala […]

  9. […] statement from Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop drew heavy flak from Malay NGOs, which believed that HRH Sultan Selangor and position of Islam are being serious insulted. Apostolic Nuncio Marino’s statement is deemed political and the Foreign Minister regarded it […]

  10. […] statement from Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop drew heavy flak from Malay NGOs, which believed that HRH Sultan Selangor and position of Islam are being serious insulted. Apostolic Nuncio Marino’s statement is deemed political and the Foreign Minister Dato’ […]

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