

Generally, in many counts Malaysians are bent against changes. Even when these changes brought about progression.

The story captured is from Facebook posting of the Kedah-northern-most-small-town-of-Kokdiang-born Norizan bin Shariff. He is also very well known in the cybersphere as Nobisha.

The negative-mindedness of these small village local surau clergies is so bizarre that they are even willing to charge then Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad with such unimaginable slander for wanting to be divine. Just because of synchronising the clock between Semenanjung and Sabah and Sarawak.

Same goes with the consumption tax introduced in Budget 2014 (October 2013), Goods and Sales Tax (GST), which comes into force today. Ministry of Finance issued a brief to explain GST broadly.

Just like the synchronisation of the clock almost thirty four years ago, changes brought upon questions by the dis-informed society. Like the clock story, rather than getting more information, many would rather speculate, manipulate and ridicule which adds to the confusion further.

Earlier was the Hudud Enactment, unanimously passed by the Kelantan State Assembly. Even learned ones refuse to deploy proper methods and processes despite the hype surrounding then the propose Bill, which had so huge traction through time.

When it was passed, many reacted in very childish mannerism although they proclaim to champion the many universal values but being stupid about things and issues that they disagree or not music to their ears. The media that prop their agenda even lied about it.

When they are dealt with, they are unable to deal with their own lies based on inability to respect the overwhelming wishes of the Kelantanese people.

In different ways, the synchronisation of time then and introduction and enforcement of GST is for the betterment of Malaysia.

Maybank Group President Dato' Abdul Farid Alias's statement on GST

Maybank Group President Dato’ Abdul Farid Alias’s statement on GST

We believe, in time these people today who ridicule GST would be proven wrong.

Benefits of the GST are expected to provide the uptrend in export and mechanism for a more balanced Federal Government budget which expected to be surplus by the time the nation enters the developed nation status by 2020.

Unfortunately, some of these information and mechanisms are probably too technical for the average Malaysians’ immediate consumption. It is like combining the understanding of the mechanism of a new tax with macro economy and monetarist policy, all in the same breadth.

The simple diagram to explain the effect of GST to consumers through the supply chain

The simplified diagram to explain the effect of SST to consumers through the supply chain

Hardly it is impossible to translate them in making the common people understand better. Its more likely the case of not doing enough.

Then again, trying hard enough must include the effort to simplify it for the consumption of the majority. For instance, in the words of a blogger who contributed so much in translating economics language into chewable food for thoughts, “I think the most important reason for backing GST is that its the one instrument that can raise enough revenue to properly fund the required social transfers to make a real dent in inequality“.

Simplified diagram to explain the mechanism of GST

The simplified diagram to explain the mechanism of GST

What is the downside of this episode is that all the Federal Government agencies and departments had a full eighteen months to work out the whole strategic communication strategy and roll out plan.

The synchronisation of information gathering, strategic communication planning, roll out of medium term and tactical plan and timing of dissemination of information isn’t godly at all. However systemic failure, should be seen as sinful.

Published in: on April 1, 2015 at 00:37  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Tun Dr.M did not just tuned the clock of the Peninsula to that of Sabah and Sarawak’s, but Singapore’s too. When he made his first official tour to Singapore, after becoming PM, he had somehow convinced LKY that the “advanced by half an hour would be easier to adjust our time when travelling as we would fall within the time zones fixed for the whole world at one hour intervals”.

    Sourced from LKY and I.

  2. I have been wondering about this GST thingy for a while. not so much on the GST but the internet articles mentioning that GST or any form of tax is haram. what the government is allowed to collect from the rakyat (Muslim) would be just zakat. Tax or ufti can only be collected from the non-Muslim residing in that particular country.

    Well, you and I know that zakat can only be distributed to the 8 asnaf (recipients). So how about roads, buildings, teaching, buying jets (hahaha), paying teachers, janitors, executives, bloggers (double hahaha) etc? are these guys saying that the money to cover all those expenses can only come from ufti/tax of the non-Muslim? wallaweiii….regardless of what we can collect, none of those monies can be used to repair a broken lamp in a hospital right?

    The tax collected from the non-muslim in Malaysia surely would not be able to cover this blessed land expenditure. then… negative deficit every year?

    And, why are not those guys asking Kelantan to be the first to abolish all kind of tax. enough with zakat, other form of taxation is haraam…

    Man..i’ve been wondering….

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