Remembering Tun Dr. Ismail the nationalist

Tun Dr Ismail Abd Rahman

Tun Dr Ismail Abd Rahman

It has been exactly 40 years since Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Tun Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman was called back to Allah s.w.t. His demise was a shock to a nation in recovery mode.

He was a man of principles and stickler to rules and regulations. He tolerated no concession.

Probably because of his training as medical practitioner. He was the first Johorean Malay who graduated in medicine from Australia.

The pipe-totting no sense leader

He was also a staunch nationalist. When Tunku Abdul Rahman accepted the leadership as the President of UMNO upon the untimely resignation Dato’ Onn Ja’far in 1951, the former’s initial reaction was to work on getting the Johorean Malay support. It was pertinent as many Johorean leaders played pivotal role in the incorporation of the nationalist party.

Hence, Tunku insisted that Dr. Ismail and his brother Suleiman were brought into the side of majority of the nationalist Malays, instead of remain loyal to Onn.

It was  great political calculated move. Johorean Malays’ strong support became one of the important pillars of UMNO, to carry on. As such, the unity amongst the Malays under UMNO became its powerful political force. The nationalism cry of “Hidup Melayu” was changed to “Merdeka” there after.

Second Prime Tun Abdul Razak's Cabinet. Tun Dr. Ismail then was the deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister

Second Prime Tun Abdul Razak’s Cabinet. Tun Dr. Ismail then was the deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister

Although Dr. Ismail was supportive of working with MCA and MIC to achieve a common political objective, he was very critical when MCA was allocated 29% of the 52 seats Alliance Party was contesting in the 1955 Federal Consultative Council election becuase the Chinese were only 11% of the eligible voters. However when UMNO accepted the need for the Chinese to be represented as part of process to demonstrate that Malayans are united and ready for self rule, there on Dr. Ismail defended that political formula.

Dr. Ismail’s steadfast political determination was demonstrated when he dared to challenge then the British High Commissioner Harold MacGillivray. When the British High Commissioner Donald MacGillivray met with the Tunku, Ismail, and the MCA’s representative of H. S. Lee, probably out of intolerable paranoia he accused them of playing into the hands of the Malayan Communist Party, which was waging an armed insurgency against the British.

The source of the dispute was that the British High Commissioner had been given the discretion to nominate six seats, in addition to those contested in the elections. Ismail proposed a compromise: the Alliance would support the elections, but only if High Commissioner MacGillivray would consult with the party that won the elections before making his appointments. MacGillivray initially refused, but after finding public opinion against him, backed down.


He was the Minister of Internal Security, a post which had been specifically created for him. In 1962, he was appointed to the portfolio of Home Affairs as well. In these roles, Ismail introduced the Internal Security Act and was in charge of detaining people under the controversial law designed for internal security, which permits detention without trial.

After resigning in 1967, Ismail expressed amazement that he was not “the most hated man in Malaya” for his actions. Although many were critical of the ISA, Ismail believed it was necessary for public order, stating that “Abuse of the Act can be prevented by vigilant public opinion via elections, a free Press and above all the Parliament.”

Dr. Ismail was also very firm with collective decisions made. Example was when the 13 May 1969 racial riots erupted, State of Emergency was declared and curfew was enforced. He did not tolerate anyone who broke the curfew restriction and Emergency laws.

NOC: Fr. left; Ibrahim Ismail, IGP Dato' Salleh Ismail, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie, Tun V.T. Sambanthan, Tun Dr. Ismail Abd. Rahman & Tun Abdul Razak Hussein (Not in picture Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tan Sri Hamzah Abu Samah, Left. Jen. (B) Tunku Osman Jewa, Abdul Kadir Shamsuddin,

NOC: Fr. left; Ibrahim Ismail, IGP Dato’ Salleh Ismail, Tan Sri Ghazali Shafie, Tun V.T. Sambanthan, Tun Dr. Ismail Abd. Rahman & Tun Abdul Razak Hussein (Not in picture Tun Tan Siew Sin, Tan Sri Hamzah Abu Samah, Left. Jen. (B) Tunku Osman Jewa, Abdul Kadir Shamsuddin)

Dr. Ismail was very supportive of then Tun Abdul Razak’s insistence to bring MCA in the Cabinet post 3GE May 1969 election where MCA lost badly and opted out from the Federal Government. As such, Tun Tan Siew Sin remained as Finance Minister in the nation’s most trying times.

Standing tough on laws where many felt ‘unjust’, ‘draconian’ and ‘violate human rights’ like ISA and EO where the interest of majority and internal security is paramount was more valuable to him, much more the his own popularity or how the public feels about him. That is the trait that earned him a lot of respect.

Tomb of Tun Dr. Ismail at the western end the National Mausoleum, National Mosque

Malaysia is a different place now compared to where Dr. Ismail was. It is a more modern, progressive and productive nation trading nation which earned a place in the global map. Unfortunately, Dr. Ismail’s ISA and laws that he found very useful for the nation’s internal security intact such as Emergency Ordinance are no longer around.

As such, Malaysia is slowly been fragmented by undesirable people who continuously and systematically progressing their efforts to instigate, fan hatred and cause inter-racial and inter-faith in their strategy of ‘Politics of Hatred’ to achieve disharmony, disability and eventually distrust. It is something that Dr. Ismail would vehemently disapprove and oppose.

The tahlil at Tun Dr. Ismail And. Rahman's tomb, National Mausoleum 3 Aug 2013

The tahlil at Tun Dr. Ismail Abd. Rahman’s tomb, National Mausoleum 3 Aug 2013

May Allah s.w.t. bless his soul.

*Updated 3 August 2013 2230hrs

Published in: on August 2, 2013 at 22:30  Comments (22)  

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22 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Great Write. Indeed he was a great man. I never get to know this great person but I gave him same respect and honor. May Allah blessed his soul.

  2. Please send a copy of this article to jibby.

    Should have hit him below the belt bigdog. No need to be gentlemen to a sissy.

    • Najib may not be a sissy. He just wants to be remembered in history as being better than his father. As the father of all liberals, so he thinks. So he has been doing. And so he will continue to do.

      A Malaysian – especially a Malay – cannot be liberal if he does not appreciate the need to level the playing field. And continue the NEP aggressively. He is only a pseudo liberal. Or liberal olok olok.

      Later generations might curse him for being overly liberal. Like Tengku A Rahman has been cursed for giving away Singapore FOC to Lee Kuan Yew.

      We need to keep on telling Najib these. Learn from the experience of Tun Dr Ismail. However harsh the laws he had the Government promulgated, ISA, EO and all, he found after resignation from government service that he was not the most unpopular man in the country. We all know that Tun Ismail was highly respected and revered to this day. Not just by the Malays but by the non-Malays as well. Because he has the security interest of the country at heart.

      But I seriously doubt Najib is or would. I suspect he’ll go down in history as cursed as Tengku A Rahman. That’s why the 150,000 delegates to the coming UMNO General Assembly must replace him. So that his legacy would not be as bad.

      • The guy is a sissy. He is neither here nor there. The only thing i think keeping dogs on chains from raping his sorry ass is because there is no mr clean in the offing?

        The day we cheered when badawi was overthrown seems like a sadder day instead of a happy one, day by day when this sissy is being head honcho.

        Some of the things he does are just stupid and day by day, its being engraved and etched into our mind that this scum is closeted neo cocksucking cinas cock kinda character.

        The thing this liberal forget is, he and his pals can and will survive on a level playing field due to their ali baba deals, makan tepi kerja sub kon and so on, but they forget about those that matters most. The ones who maintained status quo and put his ass in office.

        So i say fuck this liberal hard. And do it now before its too late.

  3. As such, Malaysia is slowly been fragmented by undesirable people who continuously and systematically progressing their efforts to instigate, fan hatred and cause inter-racial and inter-faith in their strategy of ‘Politics of Hatred’ to achieve disharmony, disability and eventually distrust. It is something that Dr. Ismail would vehemently disapprove and oppose.

    Some have said Tun Dr Ismail was vehemently opposed to Tun Dr Mahathir, thus your mention of him is quite surprising, given your political leanings.

    But kudos to you for remembering him today – I believe nobody else has mentioned of this anniversary. TDM was remembered as man of integrity and principal. He was committed to ensuring stability at a time when dark forces were rampant.

    Given the current circumstances in your country, ‘politics of hatred’ is practised by everybody. Some practise it to stir up hate by Muslims against Non-Muslims (case in point: allegations of plots to make Christianity the official religion), some to stir up hate by Muslims against Muslims (case in point: Mdm Maznah), some to stir up hate by Non-Muslims against Muslims (case in point…Canteen issue). In fact, there are commentators on this blog use ‘politics of hatred’ against anybody who offers an ‘offending’ view. (Which proves the saying – “Kebenaran memang pahit untuk ditelan”).

    And “politics of hatred” was used to “dehumanise” Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim by the mainstream UMNO bloggers prior to the General Election. Even though the Opposition did use “politics of hatred” against Datin Seri Rosmah (who has since been quite anonymous post GE 13), I think the scale and magnitude of vitriol directed against DSAI was much more intense.

    In fact, the only politics in practise now is “Politics of Hatred.”

    The premise behind “politics of hatred” is quite easy to understand. Rather than debate or engage an issue, those with an opposing view will use a megaphone to point out the differences between the party espousing a counter view to their own. I.e. that person is this or that, is gay, is dark, is light, is brown, green, black or blue.

    The issue then becomes one of two factors . A) How offending is the difference and B) How loudly can you declare the difference.

    So is it offensive to be of a different race? Is it offensive to be of a different religion?

    Obviously yes. That is the new norm in your country. Because everybody is saying that the other race or the other religion is bent on this path towards controlling your country. People will use the worst of examples to support their point. And the worst of examples will always persist and by highlighting the worst of examples, you will condition people to behave towards this.

    • Ooops… an obvious glaring typo

      TDI was remembered as man of integrity and principal. He was committed to ensuring stability at a time when dark forces were rampant.

      • This bloke has the gall to criticize in Malaysian blogs but not the balls to do so in Singapore blogs. His balls and the appendix would be cut off and he’d be turned into an eunuch there.

        Last time he came in here he was whacked left right and centre until he opened his mask a little and tried to be funny. Nobody laughed but kept on whacking him until he shut the hell up.

    • “the scale and magnitude of vitriol directed against DSAI was much more intense” – the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century.

      What to you is vitriol is really the TRUTH, which, like you claim, is “Kebenaran memang pahit untuk ditelan”.

      More truths will be unveiled about buttman, the latest by Yuktes and Nalla, both of whom, have intimate and close-up knowledge of the man.

    • Shadow, you need to come out into the light where things are perceived in greater detail and with much more illumination.

      Anwar has thrown TOO many allegations against TDM, Najib, Rosmah and many others which are proven to be malicious LIES like the scorpene issue.

      DAP has also made tons of accusations against MALAY organisations without proof. And yet they are now practitioners of manipulation and fraud even though they won votes along Competency, Accountability and Transparency. Their CEC is a disrobing of how, what and who DAP really is all about.

      You need LIGHT so stay out of the shadows where devils bank on.

      • Well done, ray. I like your words “stay out of the shadows where devils bank on”.

        The so-called Shadow Banker bloke is certainly a devil. He is all theory, no fact kind of bloke. Schoolboys can write what he does.

        Go to hell with his allegation that “there are commentators on this blog use ‘politics of hatred’ against anybody who offers an ‘offending’ view”.

        Offending is the right word though. Opposing is tolerable, offending is not. Agree that he should be shitted on.

    • Bloody shit you bugger.

      Saying in a Malaysian blog, “Given the current circumstances in your country, ‘politics of hatred’ is practised by everybody” because you don’t have the balls to say anything critical in Singapore blogs. In Singapore there is the proverbial Big Brother on the Wall that can see or listen to everything you say or do even in your bedroom. The Opposition MPs were sued to bankruptcy losing their posts until at one time there were only 2 opposition MPs there. Their illegal assembly law allows the Police to accost any 2 persons walking in the park.

      But shit we will give you every time you come in. In fact, you are among the biggest culprit of politics of hate, trying to distract the attention of Malaysians from the problems at hand. As if there are no politics of hate in Singapore. The Maha Chauvinist Lee Kuan Yew had his hate against the Malays satisfied by bringing in Chinese from the mainland etc, now getting fed up with the mainland Chinese who started to demand all sorts of rights when they hardly had any in the mainland.

      Trying to hold the moral high ground when you don’t even mention one iota of the politics of hate propagated by the DAP and the PKR. DAP that has been anti-Malay and anti-Islam causing the race riots of 1969. The White Paper “13 May 1969: A Tragedy, by the National Operations Council, October 1969” contains so many details. They are continuously at it to this day. You must be blind not to notice that. And shitting you for that is again in order.

      And the politics of hate spewed by Anwar Al Juburi (pangkat Mat Sabu beri), and his blind followers such that he and his supporters, including a very hateful you, lose perspective of the Constitution of this country, trying to talk about ketuanan rakyat instead of Ketuanan Melayu that is enshrined in the Articles of the Constitution pertaining to the roles, functions and responsibilities of the YDP Agong, the Malay Rulers, the Rulers Council, the Special Position of the Malays that was extended to the Bumiputeras of Sabah and Sarawak upon the formation of Malaysia. And you conveniently forgot that even in the US, hate breeds hate? And not mentioning who started it, who caused the race riots of 1969. Bugger you.

      • Why feed the troll bro. The guy is a retard who happens to have somewhat a good level of english. He must read a lot. But sadly, the things he read just empowers his english.

        Dont feed the troll.

  4. Shadow Banker,

    You said, “Rather than debate or engage an issue, those with an opposing view will use a megaphone to point out the differences between the party espousing a counter view to their own. I.e. that person is this or that, is gay, is dark, is light, is brown, green, black or blue.” Funny, no mention of yellow, eh? You have the DAP yellow-is-supreme syndrome? Heard of Adolf Hitler and the so-called master race shit? They bombed him and Germany to smithereens during World War II, idiot.

    Have you debated much the blog post? You only made allegations, didn’t you? Try reading back what you write before pressing the Post Comment button, man. Didn’t see you doing the same anywhere in your statement above? Didn’t find the words “will use a megaphone” as being cakap tak serupa bikin?

    What is your purpose in commenting in this blog anyway? Just for the fun of it? To grind axes? Rooting for Malaysia from which you have absconded? To distract Malaysian readers’ attention from the issues at hand? To vent your work or social misfit frustration? Vengeful of perceived wrongs Malaysians did to you? Sounding like a woman scorned, you must have been among those who vamoosed because you don’t like, don’t respect and refuse to abide by the Constitution of this country?

    Ever heard anyone tell you, “Good riddance”? You have heard one now. Concentrate on being good to your country of adoption now, d’ya hear? Singapore, whatever.

  5. Point taken. Since everybody disagrees with my point, then you must conform to the “agreed” point. If not people will make all sorts of allegations about you, that you are janda tua closet supporter of the Neo Ming communist.

    Let me try.

    Opposition is bent on politics of hatred. We must get back the EO and Sedition Act to put these people into jail. They are Neo Communist supported by Neo Con Liberal Jews. Long live EO and long live ISA.

    But then again there is a problem. I am grateful to the Government. I really admire Dato Seri Najib and his style of Governance. His government repealed the EO and the ISA. So rather than disagree with him, why not you try to follow Dato Seri Najib’s style and work with the spirit of 1Malaysia. After all, don’t be frustrated if your deemed not qualified enough to join Pemandu. You can still learn to take instructions rather than give instructions.

    Conclusion: Support Najib and declare I Love PM. All other issues, submit to Pemandu for consideration and listen to their dictat.

    Like this can or not?

    Don’t say “Good riddance” prematurely.

    TPPA is around the corner, he he he.

    • You wrote in your blog “I am doing this out of therapy”. I’m inclined to think it’s “that kind” of therapy. .

  6. […] The “thirteen million plus Ringgit” guy rambles…. […]

  7. Malaysia wasn’t doing too badly until a band of liberals ( whatever strand of liberals they maybe) began meddling in all aspects of the conservative systems by liberalising everything from politics, to economy to societal norms and traditions and abolishing security related laws. These dimwit band of liberals patronisingly throw their weight around using freedom and individual rights at every level of their arguments to justify their screwed up actions. It is about time the conservative thoughts in Malaysia curtail these uncontrollable invasion of liberalism into Malaysia because it is getting dictatorial and snobbish and actually putting the interests of the society in peril. There are no more among leaders a towering personality in Malaysia like Tun Dr.Ismail with the exception of Tun M. Najib has proved to be the weakest PM Malaysia ever had. A big let down to UMNO and its supporters and members. The ETP and whatever other Ts appear to be disconnected with the reality on the ground concerning questions that affect the masses such as unemployment, pittance wages, over dependence on foreign cheap workers, high cost of living, overemphasis on economic neo liberal thoughts, worrying trend in violent crime, overly stringent bank measures that severely curtail ability of individuals to borrow etc,etc . Why must Malaysia be dragged into ETP when the current and real problems affecting the economies of the ordinary people are not properly put in perspective and addressed? And the pressure placed on the shoulders of ordinary people are compounded by lax in safety as evidenced in the spike in incidence of violent crime. Hello is anyone at home? Are all busy attending the liberal crash course and conventions?

    • Hey! Don’t blame DS Najib for all the wrong doings. He is doing his best to transform the country to a high earning economy. What about the police and Minister of Internal Security. They have yet to solve high profile cases like the assassination of Datuk Shaharuddin even after so long. But maybe like some say, the police got the suspect under surveillance.

      I don’t know cause IGP say do not speculate. But catching Chetz, our police is very good. If only all the gunmen will stop killing people and start giving makan to doggies. Then the police can catch them very quick.

      But Malaysia economy is doing very well. Growth over 5%. Massive investment in ETP projects. Up to hundreds of billions. Now index crime is also going down. Only violent crime going up, but I trust Pemandu’s GTP 2.0 has got it nailed down. You guys must learn to trust Najib and stop belittling him or his advisers. They are very smart and have graduated from prestigious universities like Oxford and Cambridge.

      I dont like people complaining about the Government. Malaysia Government very good. UMNU is also very good. Everybody is very good. You must learn to be grateful.

      • 5% growth and doing well? For who? The rich corporates and the cheap foreign workers? Even a 10% growth means little to the economies of majority individuals grappling with high cost of living, low wages / salaries, young working generation who still with their parents due to high cost of living, and high property price and rental. There’s nothing so grand about the ETP neoliberalist approach as it will create deep chasm between the rich, middle class and the lower income groups. It creates a mentality among leaders to kowtow to the neoliberalist institutions without matching it with the local and particular needs of the people who put these leaders in power in the first place . Malaysia is so wannabe under the current govt. Wanna be liberal and wannabe neo liberal economically. Yo! Look around the country and see that Malaysian workers are caught in a massive low wage trap. Resolve it before talking about high income economy. Even a high income economy is not equal to high income for all. It just means a developed country type of economy based on corporate supremacy. Najib should have looked at the German economic model that better suits a developing country like Msia with ambition to become a developed country.

      • ” young working generation who still live with their parents…”

    • We have agent saboteurs running around. And the sad part is they dont know they are agent saboteurs.

      To be brilliant, you just have to have it. No amount of education can make you brilliant. The liberal malays running round perceive themselves as those with class and brilliance.

      Jibby not only was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he is severely handicapped mentally.

      This is what happens when you put a retard liberal into power.

      Not once has he had to fight for his food. Severely elevated without proof. And this retard is fast tracking kj. Another liberal retard who “white mans” himself up.

      If only he had a mirror and sees what we see. That he was only born into a family of developed nation status monetary wise, but the mindset of 3rd world kenyans. Kj is the number one cause of malaysia swerving into the ravines.

      One could argue his father in law is.

      3 characters with retardness of the mind and soul, 2 liberals and a donkey

  8. Al Fatihah. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas arwah.

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