The Agenda of Deceit

The operative which provided falsified documents through Sarawak Report designed to attack Federal Government strategic investment corporation as part to topple Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak administration has been foiled and arrested.

NST story:

Updated with details.

Thai police nab PetroSaudi ex-staff over attempted extortion

23 JUNE 2015 @ 10:06 PM

BANGKOK/RIYADH: Thai police have arrested a former official of PetroSaudi International Ltd, and charged him with attempting to blackmail and extort the company, Thai media and the company said yesterday.

Thai police chief Gen. Somyot Pumpunmuang told a news conference in Bangkok that the Crime Suppression Division police had detained Xavier Andre Justo, a Swiss national, following the issuance of an arrest warrant by the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court.

Police have also searched his residence, seizing a computer and other equipment which they believe may have been used as part of the alleged offence.

Police said Justo, who had fled to Thailand, was previously an executive at PetroSaudi. The Saudi-based international company, which invests in the oil and gas industry, is best known in Malaysia for its former dealings with strategic investment fund 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

A former official of PetroSaudi International Ltd was arrested by Thai police and charged with attempting to blackmail and extort the company.

Two years after he was dismissed from the company, Justo allegedly attempted to blackmail and extort PetroSaudi for as much as 2.5 million Swiss Francs (approximately RM10 million). Justo had allegedly threatened to release confidential business information, purportedly stolen from the company, if his demands were not met.

In a statement issued in Riyadh, PetroSaudi said it welcomed the arrest of Justo and that it would fully cooperate with the Thai authorities. It also said it was considering further legal action in other jurisdictions. In addition to the ongoing case in Thailand, PetroSaudi is believed to be preparing to file a claim against Justo with the London police in respect of blackmail and computer misuse offences, and is commencing proceedings in Switzerland for numerous breaches of contract.

“We are relieved that Mr Justo will now face justice through the courts. We have been the victims of a regrettable crime that has unfortunately been politicised in Malaysia,” a PetroSaudi spokesperson said.

“We are happy to finally set the record straight and we apologise to the Malaysian people for the harm that one of our unscrupulous ex-employees has caused to them,” he said.

Following the attempted blackmail, various emails and documents appeared on a politically-motivated blog Sarawak Report, sparking a wave of allegations against 1MDB. It has now been learnt that some of the emails and documents published on the blog were found to be tampered with, bringing into question the veracity of these allegations.

An international cyber-security firm, Protection Group International (PGI), was subsequently hired to conduct an in-depth investigation into the source of the data published on the Internet, as well as verify its authenticity. These investigations revealed clear evidence of the systematic theft of confidential company data by Justo prior to his departure from PetroSaudi.

Furthermore, the analysis also showed that the data was tampered with after it was stolen from PetroSaudi.

It was believed that much of this tampered data subsequently appeared on Sarawak Report and served as the backbone of the blog’s claims of impropriety against 1MDB.

An expert from PGI said: “Our investigation is still ongoing, but it is clear that we are looking at a case of large-scale data theft, and our analysis substantiates that Justo is the source of the data published on Sarawak Report.

“For example, when we looked into a PowerPoint file that was on one of the Sarawak Report’s blogs, we found evidence in the metadata of that file that it had been handled by a certain “xavierj” in 2013; two years after Justo left PetroSaudi, and four years after the file had originally been created by a law firm that advised PetroSaudi.

“It is also clear that the stolen data sets are incomplete, and underwent an editing process after they were removed from PetroSaudi’s systems, and before they were published on the Internet. There are many inconsistencies between the published data and the data which still exists on files within PetroSaudi relating to that period of time. Simply put, it is incomplete data, creatively selected and edited to fit a desired narrative.

“These cases are all too familiar and we have unfortunately dealt with so many of them; where a greedy or malicious employee removes confidential data and threatens to publish it, or has it published, for personal gain – financial or otherwise.

Published data then invariably goes through selective editing, and not infrequently plain forgery, in an attempt to up the ante and create the most damaging story possible. “This case is an almost textbook match to that profile. PetroSaudi, like many companies, individuals or even governments that we have seen before them, and no doubt will continue to see after them, will suffer unfair scrutiny caused by a misinformed online onslaught. In this case, what started out as a simple story of personal gain by a former employee, became a story of politically-motivated allegations through the use of irresponsible online blogs. “All of the investigations we have conducted thus far would lead me to say that, from both a forensic and expert perspective, the information [relating to this issue] published on the Internet should be considered unsafe and unreliable by those wishing to draw conclusions from it,” he said.

The Thai police are carrying out their own investigation and have seized computers and other evidence from Justo’s residence. This evidence will be thoroughly analysed in an attempt to understand whether any other parties may have been involved with Justo.

Meanwhile, PGI said it will hand over further evidence to the authorities as its inquiry continues into how PetroSaudi’s computer files were accessed and edited.

Read More :

It was information from Justo that became the so-called ‘basis’ of Sarawak Report training it guns and started shelling at 1MDB, with what is believed to be falsified and fabricated documents which originated from some original information. It was  crafted with innovation to be intensified into a believable storyline.

The power of the integration and combination of Jewish-controlled media and purpose-incepted NGOs which are designed, tasked, be it indirectly or explicitly, to promote the people to challenge, provoke and eventually topple community, country, ideology and even faith has now been proven.

Sarawak Report is one of those London-based propaganda agency initially designed to attack the Sarawak State Government under then Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud with deceit and lies.

Since Taib left office, it has now trained it guns against 1MDB which is a strategic investment corporation incorporated by Prime Minister Najib to address many socio-economic issues immediately and deemed to have strategic effect if unresolved.

Hence, attacks made against 1MDB based and built on materials produced and raised by Sarawak Report should be deemed erroneous and with the intent of malice.

Some of these materials have been amplified over and over again on top of being manipulated further, with the intent to instigate people especially Malaysians to doubt, develop aguish, distrust and eventually loathe and reject Prime Minister Najib’s administration.

Though there was a grave strategic communications error for 1MDB and the people entrusted for information dissemination within PMO, it has now started to change. Slowly but systematically, information are being dispensed as the big picture of a large jig-saw maze is being constructed,

In time, when the Auditor General’s investigation and the PAC proceeding have been completed, a better understanding of what had happened shall be presented.

When coupled with more business dealings sealed to reduce the financial exposure and improve liquidity, all the big mystery which Sarawak Report and the Opposition lashed with intensity shall be addressed.

The arrest of Justo would expected to shed more lies on the falsification of documents and e mails and the extortion, which is an integral component to full unravel the real big picture of 1MDB.

*Updated 0900hrs

Pro-Anwarista news portal TMI’s story

Sarawak Report’s leaked PetroSaudi documents doctored, says paper

Published: 24 June 2015 11:10 AM

Protection Group International says Sarawak Report’s leaked documents on 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) 2009 business deal with PetroSaudi International Ltd have been edited. – Sarawak Report screengrab, June 24, 2015.
Protection Group International says Sarawak Report’s leaked documents on 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) 2009 business deal with PetroSaudi International Ltd have been edited. – Sarawak Report screengrab, June 24, 2015.

The leaked documents on 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s (1MDB) 2009 business deal with PetroSaudi International Ltd were edited before they appeared on the Sarawak Report website, an international cyber security firm has said.

According to a report in pro-government English daily, the New Straits Times (NST), the firm Protection Group International (PGI) said the data was stolen from PetroSaudi and subsequently edited before it was published on the Internet.

“Our investigation is still ongoing, but it is clear that we are looking at a case of large-scale data theft, and our analysis substantiates that (Xavier Andre) Justo is the source of the data published on Sarawak Report,” an expert from PGI was quoted as saying.
“For example, when we looked into a PowerPoint file that was on one of the Sarawak Report’s blog, we found evidence in the metadata of that file that it had been handled by a certain “xavierj” in 2013; two years after Justo left PetroSaudi, and four years after the file had originally been created by a law firm that advised PetroSaudi.

“It is also clear that the stolen data sets are incomplete, and underwent an editing process after they were removed from PetroSaudi’s systems, and before they were published on the Internet.

“There are many inconsistencies between the published data and the data which still exists on files within PetroSaudi relating to that period of time. Simply put, it is incomplete data, creatively selected and edited to fit a desired narrative,” the NST quoted the PGI source as saying.

PGI was hired to investigate the source of the data published on the Internet and verify its authenticity, NST reported.

Justo, a Swiss national and former employee of PetroSaudi, was arrested at a house on Koh Samui, Thailand, on Monday with computers, hard drives and other data storage devices.

Police Colonel Akaradech Pimonsri, acting commander of Thailand’s Crime Suppression Division, said Justo was paid an equivalent of 140 million baht (RM15 million) to leave PetroSaudi after he was found to have “behaved against the company’s rules and regulations”.

The Bangkok Post said Thai police believed Justo leaked information about PetroSaudi to a “UK-based news website” which the paper identified as Sarawak Report.

Meanwhile, the expert from PGI said the leaks found on Sarawak Report were an “all too familiar case” of published data going through selective editing or forgery to “create the most damaging story possible”.

He said it was often a case of a greedy or malicious employee removing confidential data and publishing or threatening to publish it for personal gain.

“In this case, what started out as a simple story of personal gain by a former employee, became a story of politically-motivated allegations through the use of irresponsible online blogs.

“All of the investigations we have conducted thus far would lead me to say that, from both a forensic and expert perspective, the information [relating to this issue] published on the Internet should be considered unsafe and unreliable by those wishing to draw conclusions from it,” he was quoted as saying.

Citing the leaked documents, Sarawak Report had in February alleged that businessman Low Taek Jho, or Jho Low, engineered PetroSaudi’s US$2.5 billion joint venture with 1MDB in 2009 in order to siphon off US$700 million from the deal.

It also said the US$1.5 billion in assets PetroSaudi had injected into the joint venture did not actually belong to the firm.

The joint venture deal ended six months later, with 1MDB’s investment of US$1 billion converted into Mubaraha notes, which 1MDB president and group executive director Arul Kanda Kandasamy has said was paid back in full.

1MDB also refuted claims of wrongdoing, stressing that the joint venture resulted in a profit of US$488 million. – June 24, 2015.


Published in: on June 24, 2015 at 03:00  Comments (25)  

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25 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Rubbishing SR does not vindicate Najib’s cash-turned-asset statement in parliament.

    It does not eliminate Arul’s “I have seen the (cash) statement”.

    It also does not justify Husni’s lame attempt at “clarification”. We still remember cash to assets to units claim by 1MDB.

    In fact this arrest may prove more wrondoings by 1MDB.

    Like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, Xavier Andre Justo is also a whistleblower.

    • One story at a time. This is a story of a criminal blackmailer. Stick to that. Very dap chinky style of arguing this way.

      • Not really. They are related. Nothing exists by itself. Especially in this age of … all sorts.

        We have to broaden our mind and avoid obsolete thinking. The fella in the South Pole insists he be also mentioned when people talk about thinning ice sheets in the North Pole because of the weather phenomenon.

        And I agree with ray above.

    • Agree with Ray and Haba Haba…

  2. It is now clear that there was data stolen from PetroSaudi’s files. Perhaps providing basis to some of the allegations in the Sarawak Report.

    We note that it is “it is incomplete data, creatively selected and edited to fit a desired narrative.” Can 1MDB now provide us with a “more complete” data – not just narrative – on the dealings with PetroSaudi?

    Those that would help dispel the notion of hanky panky, questionable payments, unjustified rates and shady business arrangements created by the “incomplete data”.

  3. It is also now clear that “there was a grave strategic communications error for 1MDB and the people entrusted for information dissemination within PMO”.

    Despite the links between Jho Low and the acclaimed lavish-lifestyle FLOM, and especially with her became-multi-millionare-quite-quickly son, we will for the time being put aside the question of intent of those making the “communications error for 1MDB”.

    But it is unfair to ask the public to wait till the end of the year to resolve 1MDB current problems without giving us more data. More so, to wait 1-2 years for a full and final Auditor General’s report.

    And in the meanwhile, the PAC hearings are closed to the press. It is entirely at the discretion of the PAC as to what the public can be told and what cannot. And information from them has so far been meagre.

    RCI anyone?

  4. Should we blamed others for highlighting our own wrongdoing ,now ,we should we blame The Edge (Australia) for highlighting the MARA scandal ,which involved millions .

    When will Malaysia will be free form all this ,Melayu Kayu Ulu Kapak.

    • Saya tak faham kiasan bahasa “Melayu Kayu ulu kapak” itu. Di Google, keluar kisah pengkhianat usaha keluarkan kereta Proton.

      “kayu hulu kapak itu dikiaskan kepada orang yang menjadi pengkhianat. .. hulu kapak itu diperbuat daripada kayu yang asalnya sebatang balak. Kemudian dibuat hulu tempat memegang untuk digunakan bagi menebang pohon yang “sebangsa” dengannya.

      “.. kiasan kayu hulu kapak ialah orang yang .. menumbangkan legasi atau khazanah milik bangsanya sendiri.”

      Jadi, makna nya bukan si Xavier Andre Justo tuh. Sebab dia tak terkait dengan “khazanah milik bangsanya sendiri.”

      Siapa dia? Saya pun nak cuba kiasan bahasa juga – siapa makan cili, dia yang merasa pedas.

      • Kita tengok lah siapa yang menggelisah menggelenot, tak dapat keep cool sekarang. 1MDB punya pasal.

        Jaga jaga di musim cuaca ekstrim sekarang, kekawan. Di Pakistan 470 mati sebab panas sangat, berita semalam. Di bulan Mei, 1,010 mati di India, juga sebab panas sangat.

    • Diversion to mara inc? Hehehe

  5. It is also clear that the stolen data sets are incomplete, and underwent an editing process after they were removed from PetroSaudi’s systems, and before they were published on the Internet. There are many inconsistencies between the published data and the data which still exists on files within PetroSaudi relating to that period of time. Simply put, it is incomplete data, creatively selected and edited to fit a desired narrative.

    So they managed to get the edited copy, compared that with the “supposed” original from petrosaudi, and compared the edited copy with that published on SR. So there are 3 sets of different data.

    timestamps can be changed easily. No problem.

    So i dont think relying on timestamps is useful.

    Between the edited copy and “supposed” original, how can we ascertain 100% which is the original? The editing part was concluded from comparing 2 documents and timestamps. If they just relied on timestamps of the two docs, that would be a bummer. Anyways, im just putting it out there. I sincerely hope all of this is true but it still doesnt explain other issues amongst others like those highlighted by Ray

  6. Don’t be happy as yet – did he attempting to blackmail and extort for no solid reason ? ? ? He may have seen and possess all the documentation pertaining to Petro Saudi wrong doing and taking advantage to “earned” something from there.

  7. “There are many inconsistencies between the published data (presumably including in Sarawak Report) and the data which still exists on files within PetroSaudi relating to that period of time.”

    We have no means of knowing, have we? We can’t even assess believability of what PGI says and PGI is paid for those. Unless PGI gives some examples. Especially to dispute the allegations in the Sarawak Report and elsewhere.

    It has become such a huge scandal, not answering for long time, then inconsistencies in the answers by the different levels of authorities – give us some means of assessing what to believe lah.

  8. It doesn’t absolve anyone as yet..

    AFAIK, time stamp can be modified/will change, especially if it has been copied. Only the original email/PP/Words will remain unchanged if it has not been opened again, not the copies. Any IT guys worth its salt knows this.

    In the end, the only way was to compare it against the originals and the catch here will be, will the originals ever surface to see the light of day.


    • Good to hear that. You seem to have good IT knowledge.

      If 1MDB won’t show the originals to dispute the various allegations, they should at least explain in detail the data that was inaccurate or wrong as used in the allegations.

      Not explaining will worsen the rakyat’s perception.

  9. Agree, in all fairness the documents (re)produced by Sarawak Report should no longer be considered credible, and I never read them anyway knowing their motives and their strong affiliation with the opposition since its inception.

    But in fairness too, I don’t really see much connection between the many, common sense based questions raised on 1MDB and whatever documents Sarawak Report (re)produced.

    And I don’t understand this bit:

    “Former PetroSaudi exec Xavier Justo was paid the equivalent of 140mil baht (RM15.51mil) to leave the company after he was found to have “behaved against the company’s rules and regulations,” said Pol Col Akaradech Pimonsri, acting commander of the Royal Thai Police’s Crime Suppression Division..” – Bangkok Post

    If I “behaved against the company’s rules and regulations,” I would normally expect to be sack, not paid handsomely. Is this a case of PetroSaudi succumbing to a blackmail or are they trying to cut a deal with Mr. Justo? Intriguing…

  10. Malaysia’s second Finance Minister Ahmad Husni Hanadziah said that the government had provided 1MDB a standby credit facility of RM950 million and admitted for the first time that the firm was facing cashflow problems, a clear signal of the firm’s mounting woes.

  11. Well if there is no semblance of truth whatsoever to the Sarawak Report, why didn’t Najib and 1MDB sue Sarawak Report from the very beginning? Furthermore 1MDB is not just about Petro Saudi. There are other loans and investment related issues which have been raised against 1 MDB. I sure like to know what audit firm KPMG told the Pacman about 1MDB.

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  13. […] to topple BN in the last two general elections. The initiative to fabricate scandals using 1MDB and echoing these lies as part of getting Malaysians to be anguished and rise to topple Prime Minister […]

  14. […] late, her credibility and journalism integrity is highly questionable if not great diminished after she was proven to either has been lying or falsifying evidence in her stories, intended to gun down the said […]

  15. […] to be sensationalised into chronic controversies then compound it further with other trumpeted manipulated information crafted with lies. It is design to irritate, anger and turn the masses into violent demonstration, using connotations […]

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