“Bangsa Malaysia” forum at Blog-house dedication

Lawyer cum blogger Haris Ibrahim, through his “People’s Parliament” organized a private forum on “Bangsa Malaysia” at newly furnished and operational Blog-house in Damansara Heights this evening. It was in commemoration of the upcoming 50th Anniversary of Kemerdekaan and National Alliance of Bloggers (All-Blogs) also launched their clubhouse, “The Blog-house” at the corner of Lorong Setiabistari 2.

Almost fifty people pre-registered online but seventy six turned up. The speakers at the forum were ‘warga-emas’ citizen Bernard Khoo, a retired teacher-turned-trainer and now a socio-political blogger, YB Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim, a well known corporate lawyer and UMNO MP for Kota Bahru, Ahirudin “Rocky” Attan, bloggo-journo All-Blogs protem President and founder, Malik Imtiaz Sarwar, another wellknown lawyer and also a blogger, Azmi Shahrom, a hippie UM law academician and Jayanath Appadurai. Haris Ibrahim chaired the session which started a little after five. Coincidentally or by design, majority of the panelists are lawyers.

During Rocky’s session, he asked six volunteers to read from national laureate Dato’ Usman Awang’s unpublished work about “Untuk Malaya Merdeka“, dated 1949. He ‘volunteered’ Girl-Girl and she read the fifth portion of the short story reading specially selected for this bloggosphere historical occasion.



At the end of the forum session few minutes before eight, Haris managed to outline and define the characteristics of “Bangsa Malaysia”, after a lengthy broad definition and some out-of-context comments on the subject matter by the floor.



When the forum ended, All Blogs launched the Blog-house. Rocky gave a short speech and several presentation followed there on, which included two songs by Amin Black, the singing blogger, I recited a poem by national laureate Dato’ Usman Awang on Kemerdekaan (flavour of the season) titled “Tanah Air (Menjelang Kemerdekaan)” and Azmi Sharom strung the guitar and sang some Dylan hippie era and his own numbers.


Haris came out to present a political awareness movement called “PELITAR” based on the First Prime Minister Almarhum Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra’s transpired aspirations and values.



Of course there were zestful singing of the national anthem Negaraku (definitely not the Namewee version!) and everyone pledged the Rukunegara in full spirit. Everything ended at eleven.

It was a good evening indeed, to see and meet up with so many bloggers, notable usual suspects and new ones. Girl-Girl has her own view on this evening, something which she enjoyed.


*Bangsa Malaysia poster shot is courtesy of photo-bloggo-journo, TV Smith




Published in: on August 26, 2007 at 03:46  Comments (28)  

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28 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Big Dog!

    Thank you for coming to the do. I was eying your Usman Awang’s book of poems. If you had not been a little careless, it would have gone missing, certainly. His poem you recited was beautiful. We’ll make a small poster of it and hang it at the Blog House.

    Hidup Malaysia! Hidup Bangsa Malaysia!

    You dog, you! I am glad I was there, even though I don’t think Haris consider me as a “likeminded people”, I did participate in his ‘Bangsa Malaysia’ forum though.

    Thanks for the opportunity for allowing me to recite national laureate Dato’ Usman Awang’s landmarkish poem for such a momentus moment for Malaysian blogging and All-Blogs.

  2. Hey Big Dog,

    Good to see you at the do with Aishah, the future of Malaysia.

    Hope to see you in future events, thanks big dog!

  3. […] Awang * The poem above was recited by blogger Big Dog during the […]

    Thanks for the linkage.

  4. […] Big Dog recited a beautiful poem by Usman Awang entitled Tanah Air (Menjelang Merdeka). The national laureatte was also featured during my session at the forum, where I got six Malaysians […]

  5. I am moved to see all races coming together, standing up tall proclaiming that we are all ‘Bangsa Malaysia’. If this is the last train to get us there after having missed the station for the last 50 years, I am getting on board!

  6. A Heart-felt poem by Dato’ Usman, still uncanningly relevant after all those years.

  7. BD,

    You may have had to go through an operation to ‘reduce’ your presence in front of an audience but, by jove, you haven’t lost the ability to make an impact.

    And having Aishah around captures the moment, eh bro.

    Hey Man,

    Thanks! That’s so bloody sweet. 🙂

  8. Suatu perjumpaan penuh makna dalam semnagat camarederie yg penuh bererti.

    Dalam kita berikrar rukunegara dengan penuh semangat, beberapa ahli panel tidak langsung menghormati ‘keluhuran undang-undang’ dan ‘kesopanan dan kesusilaan’.

    Kalau kita memperkatakan perlembagaan itu supreme law, mengapa kontrak sosial mahu dipersoalkan? Ada menggunakan lirik negaraku mempertikaikan kewujudan bangsa seolah2 lirik negaraku lebih supreme dari perlembagaan yang tersebut kaum tertentu mempunyai hak tertentu dan ia dipersetujui lebih 50 tahun dahulu dan dimetrai dalam perjanjian dari abad 18/19. Mengapa andaian mengenai sesuatu diguna ukuran untuk mengutuk ugama tertentu? Jika benar undang2 itu diluhurkan, langsung tidak dihormati keputusan mahkamah dan dituduh sebarang keputusan yang tidak menyebelah yang kalah sebagai tidak adil?

    Tentu sekali kita harus ingat dalam doktrin negara ini rukunegara hasil peristiwa 13 mei 1969, kita lupa bahawa dalam kita bersuara dan menggunakan hak kita sebagai rakyat bahawa ia patut dilakukan dengan bijaksana dan penuh “kesopanan dan kesusilaan”. Mengapakah sampai ada penceramah yg berkata keterlaluan hingga memanggil mufti orang islam bodoh? Mengapa perlu bahasa2 kesat dan kasar terlepas begitu mudah? Berbalik juga kepada reaksi kehakiman, dimana kesopanan dan kesusilaan peguam2 ini yg konon memperjuangkan nilai sejagat? Nilai sejagat pasti juga adalah kesopanan dan kesusilaan.

    Dalam suasana negara yg mana budi bahasa budaya kita, apa yg baik yg ingta dikatakan boleh hilang dan tidak bererti kerana tidak berbudi bahasa. Dua titik nila tidak harus merosakkan susu sekolam. Rata2 pengerusi dan penceramah lain menunjukkan kewarasan dan kebijaksanaan dalam berhujah. Pengerusi agak terllu ghairah untuk bersyarah tetapi harus difahami kerana dia bertungkus lumus mengusahakan majlis.

    Dalam suasana penuh semangat dan idealisma, pihak People’s Parliment harus lebih realistik akhirnya. Dalam cerpen pendik Usman Awang berkenaan suasana yg penuh sensitif mengeni megelakkkan perkauman pun akhirnya pilihan hati kerana kecantikan disebabkan kulit yg putih dipandang cantik. Do not be in denial with human natural affinity.

    Dari gaya kata2 dan cakap2, nampak peralihan ke arah rally politik. Dalam suasana politik hari ini, adakah memasuki arena politik akan mencapai impian dan tujuan? Dimana akan bermula kompromi untuk meraih undi?

    Prinsip ketiga Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu (yang kini menjadi Persekutuan Malaysia, setelah 16 Sept 1963) menggariskan “Keluhuran Perlembagaan“. Banyak artikel artikel dari Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia itu sebenarnya tidak difahami dan hayati oleh sebilangan besar mereka dari mereka yang hadir.

    Mungkin majoriti dari mereka hanya menyokong dan berselindung atas apa yang mereka pilih relevan dan menepati kemahuan sahaja dan sengaja mengabaikan yang lain.

  9. I always hold that you cannot put in a kennel a frisky big one for too long a stretch. Let loose it hurricanes thru and make a mark, but in the case of my friend Biggie, it leaves good big imprints. Thanks for the support and hoping to see you as a passenger on the Bangsa Malaysia train that “awakening” refers to.

    BigDog be leashed? Never!!!!

    On the large Bangsa Malaysia poster, you can see a dog’s paws print (bottom, left-hand side). Below that is the eleven year old blogging Girl-Girl.

    Woooooooooooohhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 🙂

  10. Hey bigdog,
    Good to see you there even though you lied later (typical blogger fashion !!) you’d return after leaving little Aishah home around midnight !
    Anyways thanks and woooooooooooooof !
    Cheers !

    Hey man aka fish,

    I was poofed! Especially after taking a hot shower, I simply felt that I needed rest at my comfortable couch staring at my 32″ (Coincidentally, I got some new DVDs, the “Mind Your Language” series and “Ocean’s Thirteen” on the way back from Blog-house!)

    Hehehehehehehhehehehehehhehehehehehehehehehehehehhehe 🙂

    Good to see you too

  11. There are always a million reasons why things shouldn’t change ,even if it’s for the better. The challenge is to look for the one single reason why we should change and stick to it until it happens.
    To me, that single reason is…Saya Anak dan Bangsa Malaysia!

  12. […] “Bangsa Malaysia” forum at Blog-house dedication « The “thirteen million plu… […]

  13. […] “Bangsa Malaysia” forum at Blog-house dedication « The “thirteen million plu… […]

  14. Hello !
    Sorry to bother you. I found this forum when looking through google for forums to use. I need
    to install a forum on my website but I cannot find where it is sold.

    Where did you get this one

    Thanks for any assistance

  15. What’s Up?,

    I’m new here. And it seems like an awesome forum.

    I just wanted to give a friendly hello to all of you here.



  16. […] Parliament, is now going to Penang, as per promised by the organisers. After the first successful one held at All-Blogs, in conjunction of the 50th Merdeka […]

  17. very interesting, but I don’t agree with you

  18. Hi,
    I’m Gerry.

    Just saying hey – I’m new.

  19. Hello everybody,
    I’m new! Any news?

  20. salam. maaf, tumpang lalu. bak kata pepatah, malu bertanya sesat jalan. maka itulah tujuan ari lalu disini. sbenarnya, tika ini ari sedang mencari apa sebenarnya yang menjadi identiti negara kita.sesuatu yang benar-benar kita pertahankan hingga kini. mungkin ada sesiapa disini dapat menjawap pertanyaan ari.salam.

  21. Thanks!,

  22. nice post 🙂

  23. […] the record also, Zaid was the BN MP who as invited and appeared as a panelist in  the All-Blogs endorsed ‘Ba…, the first held to then Bloghouse in Damansara Heights. His openess for ‘new media’ and […]

  24. hi there,

    sorry new to this, i am buying a new iphone 3gs and was offered a new 3gs 32g for a wee bit cheaper than the store , the guy said he got it as an upgrade
    but doesnt want it, the iphone is all sealed up and never used at all.

    my question is can this iphone be banned or blocked as it has never been registered to anybody?
    i am just worried i drop my money?


    Joe the iphone koenig from germany

  25. Just saying Hi for now!

  26. Manusia .. Bagus .. Menakjubkan .. Saya akan bookmark blog anda dan mengambil additionallyI’m feed senang mencari banyak informasi bermanfaat di sini di atas dimasukkan , kita perlu bekerja keluar teknik ekstra pada hal ini , terima kasih untuk berbagi . . . . . .

  27. […] Bernard even supported a campaign that I was staging for my alma matta alumni. That was the sort of respect we forged together. In the mood of celebrating the nation’s 50th Kemerdekaan, he helped to organise “Bangsa Malaysia” forum. […]

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