Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar is the FIRST Malaysian Angkasawan

Bulletin Utama TV 3 just announced orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor as the FIRST Malaysian astronaut. It was announced by the International Space Station at Fox News although the Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi have yet to do it officially till this coming Thursday.


Captain Dr. Faiz Khalid (pictured here on the right), an army dentist, has been selected as the back up astronaut during this landmark mission for Malaysia. The launch is planned three days before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri (10 October 2007). We should be expecting Takbir Raya from Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar at a 200 km elevation.

They have a specific blog and they interact with the visitors to the blog.


Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar, 34 (pictured here on the left) is an alumnus from my former old school in Muo, Johor. Dato’ Mukhriz Mahathir and his ANSARA Exco will be pleased to learn that the first Malaysian astronaut is an ex-MRSM bloke! So will the people at Bahagian Pelajaran MARA and his peers from medical school.

Congratulations, Ansarawan.

Published in: on September 18, 2007 at 20:51  Comments (1,705)  

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1,705 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. congrats, dr sheikh muzafar.
    first malaysian astronaut. probably the most good-looking ever sent to space.

    • hi! nice meet

  2. ya la, based on his popularity, somehow most of us knew all along it was going to be the better-looking doc.

    i had lunch at his co-owned restaurant a couple of months ago and I would hv had a good chat with him if not for the screaming girls waiting in line to hv their photos taken.

    i end up chatting with that chef ismail dude.

  3. yeh..yeh…
    syabas inspektor sahabbbb..

  4. His fiance can say goodbye to him. After his space stint, his sexlife is gonna skyrocket as fast as his space shuttle did!

    For whatever it is, congratulations!

    Commiserations however to Dr Faiz. I’m sure he would have served our purpose better as more emphasise will be targeted on his experience rather than his appearance. We have celebrities in abundance, what we need are scientists to propel our unit in the Science Ministry without distractions.

  5. he must be, er, on the moon! first malaysian in space! poster boy looks and now he’ll have stories to tell the girls about the mo0n and starts other guys won’t be able to do. instant celebrity. i hope he comes back and keep his hair a little long to fit into the new role of real model (hey, my kids think guys with long hair are cool).

    congrats dr sheikh muzafar! and dr faiz khalid, who has nothing to be ashamed of for being no 2.

    There is nothing wrong being No. 2 aka “back up” crew for a space flight mission.

    Infact, history already proven the significant role of the “back up” crew of a space fight mission. Appollo XIII was originally manned by Jim Lovell, Fred Haise and Ken Mattingly (pilot). Few days before flight, the mission flight surgeons were convinced that Mattingly had contracted measles and was ‘bumped’ of the mission, in favour of Jack Swiggert, the ‘back up crew’ pilot.

    Apparently Appollo XIII mission was disrupted when an explosion happened to the command module “Odyssey” and they never made it to the moon. Being an experienced Saturn V pilot, Mattingly played an instrumental role in the rescue mission plan to bring back the astronauts alive; when he deviced a full pre-entry procedure despite the crippled state of the “Odyssey” and serious lack of electrical power.

    Mattingly never had the measles. Imagine what would have been if Mattingly was in the mission instead of Swiggert. Would Swiggert managed to do what Mattingly did?

  6. Hey Rocky,

    You’d be amazed at how guys can sweet-talk the girls of today. They’re not looking to hear about the stars and the moon like in the sixties and seventies man! They want to see stars, and I’m telling you bro, the men are giving it to them bright and shiny! Yee-hah!

  7. Always knew the good-looking one wd be it. I remember once reading about a survey in a management mag which concludes that all things being equal, the better looking candidate gets the job.
    Whatever, congrats to our Astronaut.

  8. Big, nasib baik pilih angkasawan tak pakai sms .. kalau tidak it will be Mawi .. omg !!!

    A sucker is born every minute!

  9. good job mr angkasawan..

    we are PLF wish u all the best and May Allah bless you…

  10. Hello Bigdog.

    Their blog is at http://www.angkasawan.com.my/blog. Your link is wrong bro. That’s the very old one.

    Thanks for highlighting this. I will make the necessary changes. 🙂

  11. Big Dog,

    You ex-Muar? Which batch?

  12. I dont think he is interested in girls…..YET! uP, UP AND AWAY, CAPTAIN MARVEL.

  13. lain mcm je si zorro ni ….heheheheeee
    Tak fahamler bro…

  14. […] Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar is the FIRST Malaysian Angkasawan Bulletin Utama TV 3 just announced orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor as the FIRST Malaysian astronaut. It […] […]

  15. Congratulations to the Dr Muzaffar for being elected as the first malaysian going to the space. the record is going to be good. that’s it.

    wonder why a medical doctor is being sent to the space? and what benefit he can brings back to us in Malaysia? I mean, there must be somesort of contribution he can make, is it? maybe our ‘space intelligence agency’ or whatever ministry related can utilized him going there. not maybe. SHOULD BE.

    and aahh..not being cynical or what. the journey to space now affordable. provided you got some millions of dollars, you can contact the Russians or the Americans. and now we even got space tourist!!!

  16. hye dr.sheikh…

    i would like to wish u good luck and all the best.. we all will pray for your health and success.. please, make us proud!! do it for malaysia!!

  17. Congratulations Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar!!!
    You’ve made us proud..
    To Dr. Faiz, there’s a lot of chance coming to you out there… Never give up!

  18. askum nape tak pilih kapten faiz khaled…. ni tak adil………
    saya rasa dia paling layak…
    atau pun keduanya di pilih sekali baru adil..
    saya rasa sedih betol…..
    bagamana perasaan kapten faiz nanti…
    maesti dia sedih kn….
    saya lagi sedih…..

  19. askum…gud luck for both of u…i’m really proud of u.. send my regard for faiz and i hope u all succes in your in life…may allah bless u

  20. semekom…just want to wish selamat hari raya..hahaa…pose tahu..jgn dok pose.tak pose nanti tuhan nampak…

  21. tahniah n im proud of both of you…but,remember always ingatkan allah dalam sebarang kerja kita


  23. Congratulation to “Si Kacak” <–tht’s wht my sis called u.

    As Malaysian, we are very proud that after 50 years of Merdeka, we now have our 1st astronault!!!

    Good luck and all the best!!!

    p/s: thanks alot for making us proud yarr bro 😉

  24. exactly…it`s not only `kacak` but brilliant,charming,kindly, educated n byk lg r…mmg leh angau bile igt dr.sheikh muszaphar..die gak pemilik restoran rebung ngan 1org chef 2 tp xigt lak name nya..chef ismail kot..!! dr. sheikh jg diri tau..miz u so much…my senior…!!! luv u lots!! untung nya sape dapat die… tgk je r sape gurl yg b`tuah 2…we pray for u alwizz..handsome dr. in the world..

  25. congrat 4 both of u…
    malaysian r very proud o’ u..
    gud luck..
    we’ll owes pray 4 ur health n safenest..
    -doc 2 be-

  26. Congratulations, Dr. Sheikh!!! U r my HERO!!!! We are so proud to see an old Paulian going to space… All Ex St. Paul’s Primary, Seremban students should feel PROUD cos dr sheikh was from our school!!

    Way 2 go, Dr. Sheikh!!!

  27. Hi Dr,I wanna 2 wish u gud luck n may Allah bless u every second 4ever…i’m one of ur million fans!ur gurlfren is so lucky..she got a handsome,brilliant n charm man!…u have everything!make Malaysian proud k!daaaa!

  28. congratz!2 my beloved dr sheikh,may Allah bless u every second..i luv U so much..make Malaysian proud k..!2 dr faiz, i proud of u 2…daaa!

    • Semoga berbahagia selalu….

  29. tahniah……semoga berjaya dan sihat sejahtera sentiasa berada di sana.kami di sini sentiasa menyokong.

  30. syabas pada dr sheikh n dr faiz n semua warga malaysia!
    Semoga bertambah keyakinan dan keimanan kita semua apabila melihat ayat-ayat ALlah. Selamat pergi dan kembali.. be good stay good

    u go handsome boy! ahahaha *whee*
    make msia proud k??
    congrats to Dr Faiz too! =)
    to oll Dr Mus diehard fanz,
    u’ll regret if u dun catch out MOSTI’s ESTIdotmy!
    itz d angkasawan project thingy edition!
    l0adsa Dr Mus pix!
    well, im proud cuz he’z ma petbro =))))))))

  32. Askum..just drop by to wish all the best and do the best for malaysia..we are proud of you.Wahh!!It’s such a dream come true.


  34. well,congrate.u mk me proud 2 b Malaysian.luv yaa!!tk cr!!!!

  35. congrate Dr Sheikh !!!malaysian proud of yau

  36. good luck,
    this from adik ina

  37. congrats! may Allah guide you.. majulah Malaysia!!! :p

  38. congratz to DR Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor!

  39. tahniah kat syeikh….
    bangga sangat n bersyukur sebab angkasawan pertama malaysia adalah seorang melayu….
    suka tengok sheikh….
    selamat ari raya…
    send my regards if u meet alien there…

  40. it doesn’t matter who has be choose. The most important thing is how the person can fulfill the task. All the best!!!

  41. tahniah!!!!!!!!!!
    semoga berjaya di sana…………..
    anak malaysia boleh!!!

  42. hey guys,[especially to two charming astronauts from malaysia]
    i would be very happy to say that both of you are the most eligible guys on earth and on space ever! congratulations,dear!
    yeah,i agree that they are the most wonderful doctors ever,i hope that they would not disappoint our beloved country,malaysia.
    wow! 9 days to go!they are almost nearer to their target!surely,they would make malaysia proud with their mission on space and become the first one to pray as a muslim on space and fasting and celebrating raya too.
    i wish them thousands good luck and hopefully God will bless them,i love you.
    you’re my idol,guys and the new malaysian icon!

  43. salam, i’m proud both of you. congrat DR Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.all the best

  44. Everyone of us Malaysians has been taken for a ride.

    Check-out what NASA says about our ‘astronaut’ Dr Muszaphar at this link:


    Additionally, read the article on ‘Space Participant’ at Wikipedia, the online free encyclopedia at the following link:


    Anyway, here is an excerpt of the article at Wikipedia ” …. NASA Public Affairs has used the term Spaceflight Participant to designate space tourists. Tito, Shuttleworth, Olsen, Ansari, and Simonyi were designated as such during their respective space flights.[6] lists Christa McAuliffe as a “Space Flight Participant” (although she did not pay a fee), apparently due to her non-technical duties aboard the STS-51-L flight…..”

    So, our “Angkasawan Malaysia” is only a space-tourist according to NASA. Nothing more than that.

    Semua kita sudah ditipu … oleh siapa ye?

  45. sape tunang muszaphar..nak tgk gambar boley tak? kalo ade gambar..antar la kat email saye..thanx!!

  46. pandai2 ja 2 lalaki pg bulan klau hensem muka dia ndak pa

  47. A’kum Dr Sheikh,
    Congrats and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri up up in the moon. Proud of u as not the 1st Malaysian but also the 1st Muslim pergi ke bulan.

    If I am not mistaken, there was either a Saudi or Eqyptian astronaut who has been to space. So Dr Sheikh is not the first Muslim in space.

  48. As’km, our first malaysian astronout, Sheikh Muzaphar.. It’s been Malaysia’s dream to send a Malaysian to the outer space..So,please do anything to fulfill it.. everything is now on your shoulder,Hidup Dr Sheikh!!

  49. tahniah…

  50. congratulation for all the candidates especeialy to Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar for making our dream come true…..

  51. good luck.semoga terus berusaha dengan gigih.and jangan putus asa.harumkan nama negara.all the best..tak lupa juga,SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI KAT ANGKASA.

  52. good luckkkkkkk

  53. alOo..

  54. hansome guy…not interested in girls make me wonder…..

  55. Congratulations! Hope u can propose to PAS for a political party on the moon.

  56. semoga berjaya…
    selamat hari raya…Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar


  58. Dear Sheikh Muszaphar do the best!!sye kat cni x penah lupe nak doakan Dr…Sye pun x tinggal buat semayang ajat untuk Dr…semoga pergi dan balek dlm keadaan yang selamat dan sihat…may God Bless u dear…malaysia miz u…

  59. Dear Sheikh Muszaphar do the best!!sye kat cni x penah lupe nak doakan Dr…Sye pun x tinggal buat semayang ajat untuk Dr…semoga pergi dan balek dlm keadaan yang selamat dan sihat…may God Bless u dear…malaysia miz u…especially me!!!

  60. what is the different between astronaut and spaceflight participant?

    No difference. Some crew flew the space craft, others do experiments and research. All have their roles. Technical crew man the aircraft equipments and researchers do their experiments. If there is no researchers, then there is no reason to have the flight into space in the first place.


  62. saya mengharap kamu nakan melaksanakan tugas sebagai angkasawan malaysia dengan cemerlang.

    good luckj=>

  63. kejayaan dr adalah sesuatu yang dinantikan rakyat malaysia.. saya panjatkan doa’ agar apa yang dilakukan dirahmati dan di berkati ALLAH hendaknya…

  64. Good Luck n we proud of u. Semoga segalanya selamat. Insyaalah

  65. Assalamualaikum.. tahniah kepda Dr Sheikh Muszaphar kerana telah diiktiraf sbgi Angkasawan Negara,saya disini mendoakan semoga Dr Sheikh selamat dan dapat menjayakan misi dan visi di ISS sana dan juge tiba dan kembali ke Malaysia, kepada Dr Faiz jgn bersedih maybe dilain hari anda akan dapat pergi kesana jua Insyallah!Selamat Hari Raya to both Of u… kami bangga dengan kejayaan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar n Dr Faiz.. Semoga Berjaya.. Wasalam 🙂


  67. […] Angkasawan Negara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie, 33, an orthopedic surgeon with HUKM, the first Malaysian in space will be blasted into orbit in a Russian Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft tonight, at 9.22pm Malaysian time. The event will take place at Baikanur Cosmodrome, right in the interiors of Kazakhstan. […]

  68. tahniah diucapkan kepada dr. rakyat Malaysia berbangga dengan anda..

    semoga selamat pergi dan pulang

  69. Proud of you guy !!!

  70. Gud,luck to Dr.sheikh muzaffar…..
    kami amat berbangga dengan anda…kami rakyat Malaysia akan mendoakan dr semoga pergi dan balik dgn selamat….n SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!

  71. GUD LUCK…MAY GOD BLESS U…WE ARE VERY PROUD OF U…..Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…….

  72. TAKE CARE!!!!!!

  73. hiiiiiiii………
    i sekeluarga doa kan kejayaan doc.berdua……
    take care…..

  74. hello Dr.
    best of luck to u n hope u have a great success throughout the journey..
    may Allah bless u always 🙂
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri..

  75. YOU CAN DO IT ! BELIVE IN YOU ! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  76. “For those who are on my friend list…I totally have to agree with all of you who say people are getting fake in here. So I gave in and let’s see who really reposts this. This is a test to see who’s paying attention. It serves to eliminate people who are trying to add “friends” like its a popularity contest in High School. This is a test to see how many people in my friends list actually pay attention to me. Copy and repost in your own bulletin. Lets see who the true friends are and I think I know who you are.. Repost this if you are a friend.. Don’t reply… just copy and paste””

  77. “For those who are on my friend list…I totally have to agree with all of you who say people are getting fake in here. So I gave in and let’s see who really reposts this. This is a test to see who’s paying attention. It serves to eliminate people who are trying to add “friends” like its a popularity contest in High School. This is a test to see how many people in my friends list actually pay attention to me. Copy and repost in your own bulletin. Lets see who the true friends are and I think I know who you are.. Repost this if you are a friend.. Don’t reply… just copy and paste”” 🙂 🙂 🙂 😕

  78. gd lucks to you, syeikh!!! you’re malaysian proud~


  80. […] Angkasawan Negara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie, 33, an orthopedic surgeon with HUKM, the first Malaysian in space will blast off into the 360km elevation orbit in a Russian Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft tonight, at 9.22pm Malaysian time. The event will take place at Baikanur Cosmodrome, right in the interiors of Kazakhstan. […]

    DO UR BEST..



  84. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie,
    Wish u a safe return…will be dato’ soon…very soon

  85. hye..to dr muszaphar..we(malaysian) love you..tahniah abg muszaphar..hrp2 abg terus berjaya…kpd abg faiz, tahniah kerana telah menjadi second choice…bkn senang nk jadi secon choice…tahniah buat dua2 yg tlh mengharumkan nama negara tercinta..sama2 kite doakan kejayaan abg2 berdua..

  86. Assalamualaikum.. pd seme rakyat MALAYSIA n umat ISLAM.. same2 kite berdoa smoge DR.selamat pergi dan kita menanti kepulangan beliau ke tanah air dengan selamat.. Mmg bangga sgt2 ngn DR. drpd jdkn mawi o siti nurhaliza, lebih elok jdkn DR. sbg idola kita.. sowie to say.. huhu… To DR, may ALLAH bless u.. Selamat Hari Raya..

  87. Ok for your information, Dr Sheikh Muzaffar ni hanya sbg SpaceFlight Tourist. Tau apa maksudnya?, maksudnya dia hanya sebagai pelancung/space tourist, dia tak layak digelar astronaut atau cosmonaut sbb dia hanya seorg tourist. Kalau nak jadi astronaut bukan senang, bertahun2 kene jalani training. Ini dlm masa sekejap je boleh jadi astronaut hehe lawak. Media2 malaysia ni memang suka menunjuk.

    Sesapa yg kaya raya boleh pegi guna duit sendiri dgn bayaran USD30 million sbb Rusia Space Agency dah open utk individu melancung ke angkasa. Bezanya Dr Sheikh Muzaffar ni funded by government. Dah ramai dah individu pegi guna duit sendiri. So baca pendapat koorg yg bangga tak tentu pasal ni lawak jugak, nampak sgt tak tau apa2 😛

    Ni bukti nya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_tourism

    Totally disagree with this comment.

    Dr. Sheikh is trained as a Cosmonaut, just like other Russian Cosmonauts to space and he has been certified by the Russian Space Agency as a Cosmonaut.

    He will be conducting a series of medical and bio-tech tests and research, on behalf of various Malaysian scientists in space. That include a genetics experiment that will be carried out by eminent Malaysian geneticists, Oxford trained Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Saifulaman Mohd. Said of Bio-technology Institute, UiTM Shah Alam.

    He is in space for a specific mission and will bring down the results for the betterment of mankind through science.

    Get your facts right!

    • ckp jelah jeles. x puas aty la katakan.to dr.sms i’m proud to u!happy sllu…….to sibir bawa bertaubat. cermin diri sendiri dulu sblm nak kata org. bajet bagus…..

  88. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar was an ex-Paulian…Come to my school and give a speech to us as soon as possible!

  89. kalaupun die just melancong.. oK gak melancong ke angkasa lepas.. drpd melancong xtentu pasal g bali la ape la.. pd org yang xtau bersyukur de rakyat MALAYSIA wakili negara g angkasa tu mmg anggap lawak ngn kiteorg yg bangga ngn DR. atleast ompoteh tu nmpk de Jalur Gemilang n muke rakyat MALAYSIA g angkasa.. p/s: to ahmad sibir.. x elok ckp cmtu.. mmg kiteorg tatau pape.. tp awk pon bru bc dr wikipedia tu kan.. nway thanks for d’info’! GUDLUCK DR.!

  90. to Sibir Ahmad, aiyaa..

    space tourism =/= angkasawan.
    astro-cosmonaut is.
    ((doesnt matter if you just seat and bring canai to space=i still consider the person as astronaut))

    never act wise on net by quoting from the likes of Wiki

  91. Congratulations Dr. Sheikh Muszaffar,
    U are up there with a mission..
    For those who do not understand.. or pretend not to understand…or juz plain jealous .. pls remember… our cosmonaut is no ordinary guy.. he has gone through hardcore tests and training.. to be able to reach there.. and with great physical abilities and good brains to match, not to mention extremely good looks… I can only say… bravo… we Malaysians are v proud of u!!

  92. Ahmad Sibir,

    you really know nothing about space,not to say about this mission. Please go back and read some books. Dr Muzaphar went to space doing research, NOT just as tourist. What do you think Yuri Gagarin did when he first arrive to space?

    You were just being cynic, and it’s NOT nice, and I fuckin’ hate it.

  93. Alhamdulillah..Dr.Sheikh has finally flew to the space.May Allah save u along the way u go and return.Makes Malaysia proud.Wish u gud luck and do the best handsome and brilliant Dr.SMS.

  94. hai…congrat to our beloved astronout Dr. Sheik and Dr Faiz coz have been selected to go to the iss…good luck may god bless you..we proud to be malaysian..you are the best and all the best to you…

  95. saya mohd hafiz daniel bin mustafa.saya berumur 12tahun.saya harap angkasawan hensem kita Dr. Sheikh dtg ke sekolah saya.alamat sekolah saya ialah sek Assumption di Buterworth pulau pinang..saya hrp doc sudi dtg ke sini kami amt meminati mu..you are my idol…a want to be like you one day insyaAllah…
    saya suka makan Pizza dip-a-licious hrap dpt belanja nnti…all the best

  96. Tahniah dr.Sheikh Muszaphar,we are proud of you as the first Malaysian astronaut, selamat pergi dan kembali.
    Daripada warga SMK Seri Gunong,Alor Setar, Kedah

  97. terharu siot ngk smalam..bergenang ayo mate mase die nk berlepas..semoge selamat balik dgn selamat..all the well-wishes wif u..assalamualaikum..

  98. Saya memang dah tau pasal ni semenjak Malaysia heboh pasal angkasawan negara. Url tu sbg bukti je.

    Kalau Dr. Sheikh tu pergi sana untuk buat scientific research, ok lah memang bagus, amat dialu-alukan. Tapi kalau pergi semata2 melancong macam individu2 yg lain tu, rasa macam membazir duit rakyat je.

  99. Dr. Sheikh is trained as a Cosmonaut, just like other Russian Cosmonauts to space and he has been certified by the Russian Space Agency as a Cosmonaut.

    He will be conducting a series of medical and bio-tech tests and research, on behalf of various Malaysian scientists in space. That include a genetics experiment that will be carried out by eminent Malaysian geneticists, Oxford trained Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Saifulaman Mohd. Said of Bio-technology Institute, UiTM Shah Alam

    Of course they need training, even though as a tourist..

    To do a scientific research in only 9 days?, i dont think it make sense at all.

  100. Up..up and the way!
    Congartulation..n selamat pulang!

  101. Semekom…Congratz Dr Sheikh Muszaphar become the first malaysian angkasawan.Selamat pergi dan selamat kembali.Balik nnt msti dpt title DATUK.Kepada anak2 dara,jgn la brangan nak tackle Dr Sheikh,nak jd DATIN segera katakan.Anyway Dr,SELAMAT HARI RAYA n SELAMAT MAJU JAYA.

  102. Ahmad sibir u are too much…
    Whatever pun i bersyukur dengan apa yang ada..

    to my dearest Dr;
    Wish u a safe return Dr!!
    May Allah bless u Bro!!!!Insyallah..

  103. Congratulations to both Malaysian astronauts/ cosmonauts!! We are proud of you.

    Especially to Dr.Sheikh, (indeed you are the most good-looking man sent to space and brilliant man. Succesful! :))
    All the best in whatever you are doing up there.
    Let you share your experience and knowledge wit all Malaysians once you’re back to the country.
    Happy Raya!!
    Safe journey return to Earth..
    Go bless you..

  104. semoga berjaya dan kami berdoa agar selamat membawa pulang kejayaan dan kebanggaan negara.

  105. His Perfect!!

  106. ha..bak kata upin & ipin..betul..betul..betul..!!!!
    x kisahlah dia melancong ke..hapa ke…yg PENTING,dia merasa gak sampai ke angkasa…!!!!
    sokong Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar…anak melayu kebanggaan NEGARA!!!

  107. As’kum…to Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar,

    Congrats n gd luck in ur mission in ISS..hope u bring back da good things and tell da all malaysian da grates experience u get it…He not go TOURIST la but he WORKING to do the test n research also it can be benifits especially da medical and bio-tech programm…maybe one day we use it,right!plzzzz support me….

    To Dr. Faiz Khaleed,
    It’s ok u not be da first but in 2008/09 insyallah u go plak…ur name also include in Russian-Malaysian Project…don’t worry,we’ll support u also =)

    Congrats once again both of u guys!!!


  109. Selamat Hari Raya kepada Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor!!!

  110. Good luck to Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor !!!
    Saya sokong Dr. !!!!!!!

  111. awak ni sunguh comel dan baik . saya mahu ucapkan selamat berjaya di angkasa lepas. Malaysia boleh

  112. Salam Ukhwah Buat Semua Muslim dan Muslimah….sama -sama kita berdoa semoga Tuan Dr. selamat dan dilindungi Allah.AMEEN.Semoga Usaha dan Perjuangan Tuan Dr. dirahmati Allah Taala.Selamat Berjihad Wahai Mujahid Islam!..

  113. Assalamualaikum..

    Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan Semoga selamat pergi dan pulang kepada insan yang telah mengharumkan nama negara amnya dan umat islam khususnya.

    Anak-anak saya turut berbangga dengan kejayaan Dr.. dan berharap satu hari nanti akan dapat mengikut jejak Dr.

  114. salam…. sy sbgai rkyat msia berasa BANGGA!!!!!!! MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!!!! MALAYSIA KU GEMILANG!!!!!!

  115. DR.u r very ensem guy…

  116. selamat berjaya kpd angkasawan negara yang pertama,Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor,tahniah,saya berbangga menjadi warganegara Malaysia,.

  117. Congratulations dr.Sheikh…proud to be Malaysian!!!!


  119. tahniah…



  121. assalamualaikum…doc,

    tak kira la doc pegi sana melancung ke, nak buat research ke yang penting i doakan u selamat pergi dan balik..yg pasti balik nanti kami ingin mengetahui apa yang ada diluar sana..maklum la bukan calang2 org yang boleh ke angkasa tu..syabas ok..i’m proud of u and doc faiz..SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI DI ANGKASA..

  122. Sekalung tahniah buat Dr SH Muszaphar. Semoga semangat membara anda membuka mata rakyat Malaysia agar sentiasa befikiran “Malaysia Boleh”. Semangat anda hadiah istimewa Kemerdekaan Malaysia ke 50. Tahniah!!!! Semoga selamat pergi and kembali.

  123. Dari segi research tu, Dr Sheikh ni membawa 3 research yg sedia ada untuk di cuba di angkasa. Dgn kata lain dia sbg TESTER (conduct research) bukan perform a research, ok. Kalau nak betul2 buat research kene amik masa yg agak lama di ISS, paling kurang pon 3 bulan macam Astronaut Rusia yg lain2 tu.

    So bagus lah, Dr Sheikh memegang amanah negara jugak walaupon sbg tourist. Tahniah jugak dari saya kerana menjadi org Malaysia yg pertama dpt pengalaman di angkasa dan melaksanakan tanggujawab kpd negara. Syabas!!

  124. semoga selamat pergi dan balik

  125. OMG ! Ask the question : Who is the most glamorous and famous one in Malaysia today???? YOU know the answer.
    Even the most powerful politician or celebrity also turn green lihat keadaan …yang paling lucu, ramai si Cantik dan Si Comel celeb mula berkesal kerana dah berkahwin dgn Datuk tua !!!!! hahhahaa…..

  126. Dr Sheikh,

    You are the best!!Congrats!!We are so proud of you..May Allah S.W.T bless you..Hope u are safe…Selamat pergi dan kembali..Please do share your experiences with us!!


  127. waa…sedih aku beb xdpt menyaksikan dr shiekh berlepas dari baikanor,smlm aku g mjls berbuka puasa…melepas aku..hm,pe pun good luck utk dr shiekh…tahniah!!!malaysiaku memang gemilang,terbilang & cemerlang mempunyai seorg angkasawan pertama..dr shiekh,tahun dpn kita smbut birthday sme2 tau..tarikh lahir kita sme,tahun je lain…

  128. those who critizised dr sheikh is just being jealous.. cuz u dont have that precious oppurtunity to go to the outer space!
    and jealous cuz he’s being admired by almost all anak2 dara in Malaysia, n maybe south-east Asia.
    Dr Sheikh is the Most Eligible Guy in Malaysia!
    once again, congrats Dr!
    Im soooo proud of you!
    so proud till tears are rolling down on my cheeks unexpectedly.
    proud + terharu + sebak and what so ever..
    yg pasti youre the first person who gives me a chance to tell how izzit like to have tears of joy
    cuz i nvr get one.

  129. semoge pergi dan pulang…saye bangge menjadi rakyat Malaysia…!!!

  130. congratulation……..

    may god bless u always n selamta sampai ke tanahair semula…
    let us 2gether pray for them……
    kekalkan kejaguhan andan kerana malaysia bangga bcoz of u..bye

  131. i wish if i also dapat pg ke bulan………..
    bes bah kalokta pg ke bukan nak….
    netauk nak kita dapat tgk org kat atas ya nak…
    netauk got something diffrent?heheheh
    tapi nak pa ndak d polah nya kat atas yaoh?
    mudahan jak nya dapat mengkaji benda yg pelik2 nak…netauk benda ya dapat membuahkan hasil yg lumayan sekaligus mengharumkan nama malaysia cemerlang gemilang dan terbilangkan…..

  132. cOnGrAtUlAiToNs>>to dr.sheikh muszaffar…(cHaRmInG mAn)
    we are very proud of you…
    hope u can do ur best…
    dont forget 2 pray & fast up there…
    may ALLAH bless u…
    loVe U so much..
    hope u can come back safely..
    make us proud…when u come back!!
    luv u…best of luck!!!!

  133. good luck to Dr sheikh muzaphar!!

  134. congrates dr. sms!! i’m proud of u… u had proved that malaysian can do it! “MALAYSIA BOLEH”!!^_^

  135. I would like to congrate both Dr Sheikh Muszaphar and Dr Faiz Khaleed. Both of you made your good efforts in becoming Malaysia’s first astronauts . I just want you to know that both of you are my heroes and im looking forward in becoming the Malaysia’s first female astronauts. p/s: Sheikh,you r totally handsome. Dr Faiz, i luv ur smile… =) SELAMAT HARI RAYA!!!!

  136. Syabas dan tahniah Dr. Sheikh. Semoga sentiasa dilindungi Allah dan selamat pergi dan selamat kembali. Semoga misi kali ini menjadi detik permulaan untuk mengorak langkah lebih jauh.

  137. saya doakan Dr Sheikh selamat pergi dan pulang..Dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

  138. When I watched three cosmonauts on the screen walking in their spacesuits…I couldnt help but noticed, our handsome Dr Muszaffar was the tallest amongst the three…wow!! at least we are walking tall man…heheh..

    Congrats again Dr… and indeed, the moment of blast-off was really very special ..I juz feel so scared yet excited for our Malaysian cosmonaut…. as if… I was the one who was about to be “blast-off” ! :P. I think others share the same feelings… unless u happen to be one of those..ehemm… sour grapes..hehe

  139. Dr sheikh muzaffar,,,, u’re my hero….miss u alwayz

  140. good luck i’m proud with u..

  141. biarlah pi angkasa dr pi kutub wat bazir2 masa. lalala… apa2 pun, semoga dr sheikh slmt pulang, dilindungi Allah selalu. pd famili dr sheikh, tahniah sbb berjaya didik dia sampai ke tahap ini..

    DR SHEIKH, U R STILL OUR HERO.. tourist ke, apa ke, x kisah! yg penting, bwk nama Malaysia penuh maruah.

  142. tahniah kpd dr.sheik muszaphar 🙂

  143. Ahmad Sibir cukuplah cakap besar tu. Kalau kau hebat sangat apa kata kau yang naik. Ataupun education history tak layak? Tah2 SPM pun pangkat 3.

    Atau mungkin macam shashaDEPP cakap, kau jeles. Mungkin kau perut buncit, gemuk, dan muka berjerawat batu. Dr. SMS kan hensem, semua orang tau.

    Jangan suka sangat mengkritik. Kerajaan buat semua ni ada sebabnya.

    Kita patut bangga, bukan nak memburukkan. STOP BEING TYPICAL MALAY, YOU ASSHOLE.

  144. u make malaysian proud.. i will remember u forever ~ juz hopping that i was the 1 on the space.. haha.. u look cute too~ come back safe will ya ! wil pray for u..


  146. proud as malaysian to be the first go to outer space ISS.
    good luck and welcome back to earth.


  147. assalamualaikum.
    prtama skali saya nak ucapkn selamat hr raya kat dr sheikh muszaphar & tahniah sgt sbb doc dah dpt buktikan ank melayu yg dipandang rendah olh bangsa lain satu mase dulu pon boleh berjaya. saya prcaye doc mmg btul2 layak jd angkasawan pertama malaysia. kata2 org melayu yg tipikal mcm ‘YAB Ahmad Sibir’ tu doc tak payah heran sebab org camtu la yg buat bangsa melayu mundur. fyi, saya adlh pelajar mrsm balik pulau,penang. kejayaan doc syg juga ex-mrsm buat saya yakin yg pilihan saye utk trus blaja di mrsm memang tepat. say harap doc dpt dtg kat mrsm balik pulau dan ceritekn pengalaman menarik doc kat kami sumer. saya harap satu hr nanti, nama saya pon blh jd sebahagian dr lipatan sejarah ngr mcm doc dah lakukan.

    saya doakan doc selamat pergi dan pulang dan trus banggakan nama malaysia!

  148. malaysia amat2 berbangga….
    xsabar menanti kepulangan wira negara.
    semoga selamat pulang..

  149. congratulation dr. syeikh………u r my idol. i promise i can meet u one day!!!

  150. congratulation 4 u..u will be malaysian idol…we will pray 4 u n wait 4 u…u make everybody salute to our country…malaysia..cemerlang,gemilang dan terus terbilang ke arah wawasan 2020.

  151. tahniah dr sheikh muzaffar shukor….tak sia2 usaha anda selama ini. Kami rakyat Malaysia sentiasa mendoakan keselamatan dr….semoga doc slmt pulang ke tanah air bersama dgn satu harapan………kami sentiasa sokong doc walau dimana saja doc berada…….engkaulah wira negara!!!!!!

  152. u alwayz in our heart.good luck!

  153. tahniah!!!!!!!!!!we all proud of you…good luck and dilindungi allah selalu

  154. tahniah kepada dr sheikh muszaphar….kerana berjaya menjadi angkasawan malaysia yang pertama…semoga berjaya dan semoga selamat sampai bumi…i’m proud of you

  155. Dr. Sheikh did nothing more than took a space taxi to a resort in outer space.
    You or anyone else can do the same thing if you can afford it.
    Like always, wehavebeen dupedby ourselves.
    Have a nice dream.

    I vehemently disagree with this. Angkasawan Negara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie, who is doctor, will be conducting a few experiments and research in the weightlessness of outer space, on behalf of a few Malaysian and foreign scientists, which include the eminent Malaysian Oxford trained geneticist, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Saifulaman Mohamed Said.

    Please read

  156. Poor guy some sources were saying that he is just a space tourist. Aiyah how come he’s not married yet? he’s 35 already!

  157. Malaysians cannot even produce their own car engine for their national car Proton. Stop hyping Malaysia Boleh, and kindly DO NOT try to cover up my weakness and that of my country.
    IT IS A FACT THAT WE ARE A CONSUMER SOCIETY. We consume other people technologies like taking a space taxi for a ten days holiday at a resort in outer space.
    No disrespect to Dr. Sheikh whatsoever.
    At RM30 million payback, we could have sent more than 300 students to study engineering in Russia but we chose space tourism.

  158. Wah.. syeikh muzaphar really burn the nations’ spirit to follow his step. everybody is highlighting him now. hope he will bring malaysia to the eye of the world. to syeikh muzaphar.. i am really proud of you

  159. dr sheikh muzaphar shah…im totally proud of u…u r like the star of malaysia that are shining on the galaxy…im proud of u….You are mY iDol…

  160. selamat berjaya tuk menjalankan misi dan selamat beraya di ISS..moga dr.syeikh muszaphar dan angkasawn yang lain selamat pergi dan kembali ke bumi dengan selamat..!!!inyaallah..

  161. He’s hot alright….What else can I can..All that I needed to say have already been said by everyone here. Yup, it is a big deal to be chosen to sent to space be it as a tourist or as a line of duty. Can’t help thinking, perhaps it is pure luck that got Dr Sheikh chosen or a possible political connection too…mmm…You know how it works in this country..Whatever it is, connection or not I am very certain that he fits all criteria..Just look at him..man..he’s hot

  162. assalamualaikum..i am very proud with you,my idol.now i am in form 5 science stream and i want to continue my study in aerospaces engineering.all coz of you.you gave me strength..hope u will come to KISAS to give a speech..gud luck my idol..

  163. congrats to u Dr.Muszaphar..selamt menyambut hari raya di angkasa..as a m’sian i’m very proud of u because u r our first m’sian astronaut. u r my idol!!

  164. If the choice is mine, I would have sent Dr. Sheikh to space. Why bother sending 300 students to Russia to become engineers, when we do not need them.
    It is cheaper to import engineers, and I may get some kickback either way.
    I also decide what is best for my country, depending on the amount deposited in my bank account.
    My Malaysian brothers and MOTHERLAND is only second to my self-interest.

  165. aghhh…..juz cant visualise how Dr SMS’s life would be when he return to ground safely….he probably cant even walk out from his house !!! His security is at stake…his fans !!! may take every piece of him…hmmmm, Dr Faiz apa kurang nya? He too such a warm guy and seems more approacheable and equally intelligent I believe. But after semua semua ini…tolong lah kerajaan jangan bakarkan duit macam ini…we need the fund for many other things in Malaysia untul Rakyat biasa. Everything is so expensive..petrol included !!!

  166. Why bother sending 300 students studying engineering in Russia when Malaysian education was being recognized by the world?

    We just dont have technologies, that’s why we need outer help. It’s costly, but for future prospect – we learn something.

    I’m really sick of you Typical Malays. I’m malay too – but not as typical as you.

  167. congrates to Dr. sheikh muzafar for being the first malaysian astronaut to be on space! i had to agree he is the most good looking malay astronaut ever! may u be home safely and as good looking as ever! basya!

  168. Anak Malayu/Amelia Aliass

    There are two things here “Anak Melayu”/Amelia Alias..
    firstly…typical attitude .. tak bole tengok bangsa maju mesti nak kutuk.. tak senang tengok orang berjaya, mesti post mortem cari salah orang..
    2ndly…. tak percaya kemampuan anak bangsa sendiri and diri sendiri!!

    Change man… not all yang berjaya tu mesti ada political connection blah blah blah and percaya la kemampuan bangsa sendiri…we are a smart race believe it, only dulu2 saja…now semua dah berubah… how come some masih tak nak berubah??


  169. assalamualaikum..

    Tahniah kpd Dr Sheikh…. U are my idola..
    Saya memang minat glerrr ar tentang angkasawan nie… x sangka pulak anak malaysia dpt pergi ke angkasa lepas…. Dr Sheikh u are very lucky man… i’m verry respected to u… Congratulation…

  170. assalamualaikum..

    Tahniah kpd Dr Sheikh…. U are my idola..
    Saya memang minat glerrr ar tentang angkasawan nie… x sangka pulak anak malaysia dpt pergi ke angkasa lepas…. Dr Sheikh u are very lucky man… i’m verry respect to u… Congratulation…

  171. nina,

    nak tengok bangsa maju tu boleh,but cum on to think logically,tak banyak le yg kite maju,nak banding dgn ngr lain tu,kite ni di mana,nak bangga sgt je le..ya le tu,the-so-called smart race,sudah tentu semua org percaya dgn kemampuan bangsa sendiri..jangan le nak critisize comment org..
    anyway i am not here to critisize the cosmonauts…
    al d best for u ,dr.sheikh,i look up to u..

  172. Congratulation Dr.Faiz n Dr. Sheikh~!
    I always dream of being malaysian’s first astronaut… o well, female astronaut maybe..haha. Anyway good luck!

  173. Congratulations and gud luck.May god always be ur side,k.Btw i’m a mrsm student too that’s y i’ll always will support your back……..MRSM rockz

  174. Your contribution will spur greater interest in Physics in Malaysia.

  175. Let each Malaysian strive for a life of excellence.

  176. nadia@dikya_kuching… SK(A)DHAKH….12 tahun..
    TAHNIAH!! dr. sheikh sbb dah telah sbgi angksawan 1 MALYSIA… wakil pertama ISLAM pulak tu…. nanti saya pun nak jadi angkasawan perempuan pertama… nanti form 1 nanti saya pun nak masuk MRSM n be a excllent doctor as u…. thank u… i’m always watch 588 ch to see… tahniah jugak sbb dah sampai di angkasa dengan selamat… alhamdullillah……….. THANK U..


  178. u r my idol……… the best idol in the world………. u r smart, intelligent, kind, never selfish to people, the best best best best best best best best best doctor or person in the world… may ALLAH bless u…… dont forget to pray always k… we never forget u the best astronout!!!!

  179. congratulation dr. syeikh muszaphar…
    i’m really proud of u coz being a first astrounout…
    n u may have a sweet moment at there because fasting and celebrate the Eid at the outer space… i hope u willing to share ur experience with me at here
    after i heard story bout u n faiz successfull.. i become earnest to study in science field.. n it’s works.. thank you to Dr.Syeikh Muszaphar n Capt Dr. Faiz 🙂 good luck to our Malaysian warrior dr.Syeikh Muszaphar n Capt Faiz..semoga dapat pulang ke Bumi dengan selamat…

  180. congratulation dr. syeikh muszaphar…
    i’m really proud of u coz being a first astrounout…
    n u may have a sweet moment at there because fasting and celebrate the Eid at the outer space… i hope u willing to share ur experience with me at here
    after i heard story bout u n faiz successfull.. i become earnest to study in science field.. n it’s works.. thank you to Dr.Syeikh Muszaphar n Capt Dr. Faiz 🙂 good luck to our Malaysian warrior dr.Syeikh Muszaphar n Capt Faiz..semoga dapat pulang ke Bumi dengan selamat…Amin..

  181. assalammualaikum..wish u all da best, our dearest doc!! Happy Raya Day;p

  182. suda la utk org2 yg berminda class bawah tu.. diam je la, dulu projek Proton mula nak dilancar pun macam2 komen yg nak menggagalkan projek murni pemimpin negara.. mesti mau cari kelemahan. Bila dah berjaya pun masih juga nak cari cacat celanya.. jd x heran la klu kita tgh nak cari jalan keluar dengan menghantar rakyat Malaysia (Dr.Sy.Muzaffar) ke angkasa pun puak2 ni masih melihat yg Malaysia tidak patut menghantar angkasawan.. mereka ni masih mahu menjadi orang yg menunggu dan berbangga dengan negara lain yg berjaya dan hanya tahu bertepuk tangan. Mereka ni sentiasa melihat org Malaysia x payah berganjak utk maju. tp apa yg aku nampak org2 ni lebih kepada “SIKAP DENGKI” kerana yg dihantar tu bukan mereka sendiri.

  183. pada sapa2 yg blum tau, wikipedia tu kluarkan info yg blum bleh pakai k.. klu sapa2 berani try la buat assignment ka.. & jadikan wikipedia ni ref.. tengok apa jadi? cari la info dr sumber yg sahih..

  184. Assalamualaikum Wr…..Wb.

    selamat atas keberasilan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukur, untuk bisa bertualang diluar angkasa (Antariksa). kami Orang Aceh (Ujung Pulau Sumatra) Merasa Bangga atas keberasilan Putra Malaysia.
    congratulation dr. syeikh muszaphar
    i’m really proud of u coz being a first astrounout.
    GUD LUCK DR. Sheikh Muszaphar.

    Erwin A. Walad

  185. congrats……once again a doctor is proven to be a greatest person in non-medical field after Tun Mahathir.

  186. anda terpilih ke angkasawan

  187. assalamualaikum w.b.t,

    contrag’ dr sheikh atas kejayaan warga malaysia pertama

    ke angkasa. angkasa satu perkataan yang sheikh dengar

    sejak kecil lagi. Mesti ingat time kecil-kecil dulu

    bila terdengar cikgu mengajar subjek sains…opss dr

    sheikh tak ada belajar sains time sek rendah..tapi ime

    form 1 until 3 adakan. best dengar tentang angkasa

    kan.. siapa sangka macam mmpi saja bila ternampak ruang

    angkasa sendiri dengan kedua-dua bji mata. Merasai ruan

    angkasa yang betul-betul tiada graviti. Semoga

    dilimpahi dengan apa jua keinginan hidup, dipanjangkan

    umur agar pengalaman di angkasa dapat dikongsi bersama,

    dimurahkan rezeki agar mudah beramal sedekah dan

    dikurniakan isteri yang solehah buat menemani hidup

    dunia dan akhirat. Anak-anak yang bakal mengikut jejak

    ayah nya…tapi jangn lupa dan kufur dengan Allah Yang

    Maha Esa… kehidupan dr.sheikh mungkin akan berubah

    berbanding sebelum dkenali dulu-dulu lagi…jangan

    tinggal solat ye…jangan lupa allah…ingat mati

    adalah manusia yang paling bijak…bukan manusia yang

    bijak membuat kapal angkasa… Ingatlah allah sayang

    sangat dengan dr.sheikh sebab itu allah pilih dr.sheikh

    lihat sendiri ciptaanNya yang Maha Kaya…tak mustahil

    kalau Allah boleh pilih sesiapa sahaja…mungkin ah

    chong, mutu, ahmad, mary, minah, dan banyak lagi…tapi

    allah pilih manusia yang palin dia sayang, yang

    sentiasa ingat akan dia, yang selalu sujud dia iaitu Dr

    Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha.

    Siapa tahu dan sangka wktu kecil dulu Dr.Sheikh orang

    biasa tapi bila balik nanti ke bumi di beri

    penghormatan yang paling tinggi iaitu Datuk Dr Sheikh

    Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie bin Sheikh Mustapha. Itu

    Baru gelaran di dunia belum lagi anugerah yang allah

    akan bagi jika sentiasa ingat akan Nya… wassalam

  188. Our angkasawan success is due to his personal values such as diligent, disciplined, single minded and passion in his mission. Let us malaysians from now on be a respected nation because of our inner qualities.

  189. Continue to equip ourselves with the necessary education and skills so that we can TRULY stand equal with US, Russia and China in the field of Physics and space.

  190. To succeed in science, we Malaysians must change our culture. Do it fast and seriously or else ………

  191. If the right attitude or culture is adopted, even the handicapped can succeed.


  193. assalam…congrats 2 1st angkasawan Malaysia…May Allah bless u n good luck in the experiments…Selamat pergi dan pulang ke tanah air…kami rakyat Malaysia akan menyokong dan senantiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan dan kejayaanmu…Kita hanya merancang tapi Allah yang menentukan segalanya…All the best!!!Malaysia boleh!!!

  194. tahniah diucapkan kpd dr sheikh muszaphar..
    pd pendpt sy kedua-dua org angkasawan msia mempunyai identiti dan kesungguhan mrk yg tersendiri..
    dan mungkin msia boleh memikirkan pembelian @pembuatan roket yg tersendiri..

  195. a.fam,

    honestly i dun get what u were babbling about…
    i think u dun quite understand what was written… pls read again ..
    and says who one cant critisize here? and what exactly do u think u hv juz said about what I hv written? … Wasnt that critisms? And I hv every right to be proud of my country’s achievements eventhough its not as much as u claimed, when compared to other countries, and I hv also the right to be proud of my race… and nobody can to anything about that!!! 😛

  196. a.fam,

    honestly i dun get what u were babbling about…
    i think u dun quite understand what was written… pls read again ..
    and says who one cant critisize here? and what exactly do u think u hv juz said about what I hv written? … Wasnt that critisms? And I hv every right to be proud of my country’s achievements eventhough they are not as much as u claimed, when compared to other countries, and I hv also the right to be proud of my race… and nobody can do anything about that!!! 😛

  197. Congrats Milo Boy!!!
    wish u slamat hr raye n slamat pulang ke tanah air tercinta ya…

  198. He’s like very very hot!

  199. Assalamualaikum,
    Buat Dr.Sy.Muzaffar teruskan yg penting bila blk nnt buktikan yg saudara membawa sesuatu yg bermakna. Buat Capt.Dr.Faiz ready to be 2nd angkaswan, insya Allah 2009.
    Bagi yg x senang dgn kedudukan Malaysia sebaris dgn negara maju tu tunggu kepulangan Dr.Sy.Muzaffar nnt.

  200. Spending money for a angkasawan in space is much much worthwhile sms your favourite singing idol.

  201. Physics is fun and interesting. Master it some of you for the sake of achieving the status of a developed country.

  202. Tahnia!!! dr Seikh kerana anda kedudukan malaysia sudah sebaris degan negara maju.All the best to you dr Seikh.Semoga kejayaan anda ini membuatkan ramai anak muda ingin menjadi angkasawan.Kepada dr Faiz bersedia lah..untuk menjadi angkasawan ke-2 malaysia(memang dah jadi pun)he..he..he..Apa pun

  203. hey space dude! congratulation to u..u r d first malaysian who makes me n d rest really proud of..ala..stakat panjat gunung n berenang jauh2 there’s nothing.. but you, you use a lot of mental,IQ and physical strength to pass all the test to go outta this earth.. again, CONGRATULATION!!! u deserve to have the best title dude.. anyway, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri di angkasalepas.. semoga Dr. Sheikh Muzaphar selamat pergi dan kembali ke tanah malaysia..amiin…

  204. ♥Congrats 2 our angkasawan, Dr.Sy.Muzaffar..
    ♥i’m very2 proud to be malaysian..
    ♥neway, hensem betol la..

  205. Such a blessed human being is Dr.Sy.Muzaffar. Good look, good body, cheerful smile, intelligent, socialble, giving the rightful place his Creator (God) deserves. He has all a human being should be. It has been a long time I met such a person.


  207. gud luck 4 doc..semoga selamat sampai ke tanah air..blk cni nnt,doc akn jd org popular..jgn lupe dr mane kita dtg..dh lame xdtg cni..dtg la ke husm,kbg kerian..

  208. congratulations 2 u!!!we malaysians are sooo proud of you!!we all love u!!

  209. sheikh.,we r proud of u!!kita doakan u selamat dan berjaya in your mission.,btw,you look cute in tv..,hehe..,hope can meet you one day!!

  210. The most handsome brainny cosmonut existing on earth. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  211. Saya berharap semua rakyat Malaysia hidup seperti angkasawan kita, bukan melepak tanpa tujuan di supermarket, mengambil dadah di tempat gelap, merokok merosakkan paru-paru, malas berlajar, telalu gila dengan dunia hiburan dan malas bekerja.

  212. As’kum…
    Tahniah Dr. Sheikh Muzaffar!!! sebagai anak malaysia saya amat berbangga dengan anda.. smga di masa depan malaysia dapat melahirkan lebih ramai bakal angkasawan negara… i’m proud of you… may Allah bless you.. 🙂

  213. askum DR.SHEIKH & DR FAIZ,
    saya berbangga dan bersyukur kerana kalian berdua berjaya dalam misi ke angkasa sebagai wakil atau duta Malaysia ke sana…tahiah kepada DR. SHEIKH yang selamat berlepas ke angkasa,rasa mcm tak percaya jgk Malaysia dah sampai ke angkasa,namun semanagt berkobar-kobar MALAYSIA BOLEH! menjadi sumber kekuatan kepada kita untuk lebih yakin & percaya bahawanya MALAYSIA BOLEH!
    Sesungguhnya apa yang kita doakan agar perjuangan Dr sheikh Muzaffar InshaALLAH tak akan berakhir dalam tempoh 10 hari shj semasa di angkasa di pusat ISS…akan tetapi ini akan terus menjadi titik tolak model perjuangan kepada semua generasi muda masyrakat Malaysia pada masa sekarang dan akan datang dapat mencontohi Angkasawan Pertama Negara untuk turut serta menjayakan misi ke angkasa demi Perjuangan sebagai MUSLIM Kerana ALLAH untuk Agama ISLAM,negara Malaysia pada masa2 akan datang…
    “Segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan sekalian alam” (ayat 2 Surah AL-Fatihah)
    Sesungguhnya dari perspektif ISLAMIC SCIENCES perjuangan ke angkasa lepas mendekatkan diri kita kepada ALLAH SWT agar menjadi hamba yang sentiasa berfikir ttg kebesaran disebalik kejadian hebat Ciptaan ALLAH YANG MAHA BERKUASA dan setiasa bersyukur akan anugerah nikmat yang dianugerhakn kepada kita selama hayat kita di bumi milikNYA ini…selain itu program keangkasalepas menyuburkan ingatan kita kepada sirah Nabi Muhammad SAW yang tercinta dalam ISRAK DAN MIKRAJ baginda….wallahualam.

  214. Dr Sheikh, your life is so colourful and interesting. You are a medical doctor, a part time model, doctor and also a part time model? I think the first in the world !!!!!! Most exciting a angkasawan some more . wowwwwwwwwwwwwww you truly enjoy life. You are not only scientifically minded but artiscally minded. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww inconceivable.

  215. assalammu’alaikum…

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri buat angkasawan negara Malaysia..
    Semoga kehidupan di sana sihat dan menceriakan..
    Saya dan keluarga sentiasa mendoakan kamu semua selamat pergi dan balik…


  216. assalamualaikum to both of u…
    1st of all…tahniah to both of u…to me… dua2 adalah hero malaysia.. nak jd hero sy pun boleh…heheh juz joking…anyway…sy doakan dr.sheikh pulang dgn selamat… anyway dr.faiz.. u did a good job & u’re so cute….

  217. hye angkasawan2 malaysia…

  218. Assalamualaikum Dr.Sheikh….

    Firstly,saya nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin..Secondly,saya nak ucapkan tahniah kerana sampai ke ISS…Apa macam kat sana??Sronok ker?Tentu bestkan!
    Sebenarnya saya nak tanya beberapa soalan?Macammana nak masak di Iss tue?Nak mandi macammna?Kalau nak tidur tue macammna nak bezakan yang mana malam dan pagi?Macam durang dapat air dan makanan?Macammana nak tau kedudukan kiblat jika hendak sembahyang?
    okey,tue jahlah….May Allah bless you…Jangan lupa ceritakan pengalaman anda ketika berada di ISS..Plzz replay my question…Dayah223@yahoo.com..kalau dr ada friendster addlah saya daieyzman@yahoo.com

  219. hai

  220. SeLaMaT HaRi RaYa MaAf ZaHiR DaN BaTin….MaY AlLaH BleSs You….


  222. assalammualaikum…
    hai Dr.Sheikh Muzaffar….
    Tahniah kerana menjadi angkasawan pertama Malaysia
    Teruskan usaha anda menjayakan misi dalam membuat kajian perubatan di angkasa
    Saya berbangga apabila makanan tradisi Malaysia dapat di jamu di ISS.Seronok tengok Dr.Sheikh terapung2 dalam siaran lintas langsung dari ISS di Televisyen.Semoga ALLAH SWT sentiasa melindungi anda.

  223. tahniah|||||||||||\\

  224. Assalamualikum….
    Bangga dan terharu sangat bila melihat roket berlepas…
    So, harap2nya apa yang di rancangkan menjadi. Dan berharap la jugak, ada angkasawan wanita dari Malaysia pada masa akan datang.

  225. Assalamualaikum dr.sheikh/faiz semuga sentiasa sihat dan dilindungi Allah s.w.t. hendaknya insya’allah. Di kesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkan “Selamat Menyambut Aidil Fitri” dan Welcome Back to Earth. Semuga peluang yang telah dikurniakan ini dapat memberi ilmu yang bermanafaat kepada anak-anak remaja apabila pulang nanti tentang keagungan serta kebesaran Allah s.w.t. serta menjadi idola rakyat jelata. Amin

  226. 1st. Tahniah kepada kedua-dua DR. yang layak bergelar angkasawan negara.
    2nd. Kepada Dr Sheikh,selamat menjalankan ujikaji di angkasa dan selamat pulang dengan selamat ke bumi.
    3rd. Kepada Dr. Faiz, walaupun tak dapat pergi ke angkasa tapi Dr. Faiz tetap hero di hati rakyat malaysia.
    4th. Malaysia akan tetap terbilang, gemilang dan dijulang di mata dunia.


  227. tahniah bub dpt naik ke atas sana

  228. hai leeya

  229. tengok video klip chef ismail, boifren dr sheikh muszaphar………

  230. tahniah kepada dr sheikh muzaffar kerana menjadi angkasawan pertama malaysia. semuga success dgn tugasan yg telah di berikan ketika berada di iss.

  231. A’kum…

    Dr.SMS menjadi idola kepada anak saya yg berusia 10 thn. Semuga perjuangan Dr. akan disambung oleh generasi yg akan datang. Good luck we r proud of u.

  232. congrats to u…. hope u alwayzzz fine in outer space….love u so much….my cute charming guy….

  233. congrates to dr sheikh muszhaphar sukur allah will bless you i hope dr sihat sejahtera di iss with love danial



  235. HI DR,

    CONGRATS TO YOU !!All malaysians are so proud of you.Special Hari Raya goes to you.Please lets me know how’s your hari raya at space & also how you sit inside the rocket for 48 hours.Awaitng for for reply soon. ANGKASAWAN MALAYSIA MEMANG BOLEHHH!!!!!


  236. assalammualaikum dr sheikh,saya doakan moga dr sheikh sihat,berjaya,selamat pergi dan selamat kembali ke bumi
    tak lupa jugak selamat hari raya aidilfitri saya ucapkan,,,amin,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,





  238. Hi!Congrats,to dr.sheikh muszaphar.Do the for our contry malaysian.God bless you……

  239. Congrats!dr.muszaphar.

  240. tahniah dr sheikh muszaphar krn telah menjadi angkasawan p’tama…

  241. It is time Malaysians use their mind to decide and not let others decide our mind. Dr SHEIKH , you are that kind of man.

  242. Assalamualaikum Dr Sheikh Muszaphar.
    Alhamdulillah akhirnya impian anda&harapan seluruh rakyat Malaysia menjadi kenyataan. Syukur kepada Allah yang mengizinkan.Harapan saya agar pengalaman yang Dr lalui dapat dikongsi bersama akan mendekatkan kita padaNya dan menginsafkan kita dengan kebesaranNya. Doa saya& keluarga agar Dr Sheikh Muszaphar sekeluarga sihat. Wassalam.

  243. salam,u guys really make us malaysians proud!i’m ur little junior ere,dying with kannada language in kmc,mangalore!congrats again and wish u all the best..

  244. hey guyz…i know all of you are very supportive to our angkasawan, Dr. Muzaphar but don’t (some of you) ever let Dr. Faiz’s feelings go down.he is as best as our already-flown angkasawan..don’t you know that????..don’t you know that this stuff costs billions of ringgit(like our currency can overpower USA dollar or Paun Sterling..daaa)???sending one person to space is COSTLY amazing…about those teh tarik thing or whatever those stupid stuff that people ask him to do, fuck it off..we can still send a loads of bloody people to space-make histories not only one history-if only malaysia and russia is still hand-in-hand…Let Dr. Muzaphar do his experiments in the space..if he ever succeed doing all his experiments, they will bring COSTLY AMAZING MONIES to us.then, we can put our ass for the next spaceship launch..however, if he really has photoshoots up there,ok..we shall see them once he returns to earth..
    Good Luck!!

    The Malaysian Angkasawan has very important scientific research missions of his own, which the future of space travel lies. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is doing an important experiment on loss of bone mass in weightless. People plan for journey to Mars. If space travellers lose bone mass for the long journey to Mars, it will be detrimental even terminal for the long to and back trip.

    This is an experiment originated from the Oxford trained geneticist Prof. Dr. Mohamed Saifulaman Mohamed Said of Bio-technology intstiute, UiTM. Since Dr. Sheikh is also an orthopedic surgeon, he knows exactly what he is doing in the experiment and has a lot of interests in this particular field.

    Prof. Dr. Saifulaman is off to Moscow on Friday, to make preparation for Dr. Sheikh’s return.

  245. Salam buat Dr.Sy.Muszahpar & tidak lupa juga to our next angkasawan Dr.Faiz. Pertamanya harap2 semua kita kena ingat ejaan nama angkasawan ni, ramai salah eja termasuk aku la.. hehehe.. anyway psl baru sorang naik gi ISS tu so xde la salah orang kan. Apa pun nak bgtau ada ka patut sorang mamat tu kata Dr.Sy.M main gasing kat ISS.. bkn main gasing la, ni nak bgtau semua org bezanya pusingan gasing di ISS ngan di bumi.. apa la. ni mamat ni bkn sintis punya otak tu psl kata main gasing. Info terkini yg amat kita boleh banggakan lg.. sebenarnya 18 calon terakhir angkasawan kita layak utk berada di angkasa. Cuma mmg panel pemilih yg terbaik psl cuma sorang saja yg akan pergi so Dr.Syeikh Muszahpar la yg pg. Apa pun harap2 hasil research Dr.S.M nnt akan mampu memberi sumbangan bermakna kepada dunia, insya Allah.

  246. syabas dan tahniah saya ucapkan kepada angkasawan pertama kita kerana berjaya bergelar seorang angkasawan pertama malaysia…senyuman angkasawan kita menawan dan manisa dipandang…

  247. syabas dan tahniah saya ucapkan kepada angkasawan pertama kita kerana berjaya bergelar seorang angkasawan pertama malaysia…senyuman angkasawan kita menawan dan manis dipandang…

  248. asssalamualaikum
    to our beloved angkasawan n our next b”cmg angkasawan cong8 yerk…doakan we”ll yg nak spm taun nie cz ktorang nk jd cam u”ll gak isnyaALLAh may ALLAH bless pe yang korunk sume wat….dah blek nant jgn lupe dtg MRSM SERTING GAK ek
    HIDUP ANSARA!!!!!!

  249. Send 300 students to Malaysian universities to study engineering rather than send one man to waltz in space.
    You guys out there refused to acknowledge the truth but then I assume that there is some sort of benefits for you not to see the truth.
    Where was out country during the economic squeeze?
    You may BULLSHIT some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot, I repeat, CANNOT BULLSHIT all of the people all of the time.
    You guys will be acountable when you meet your LORD/


  251. Salam sekali lagi buat angkasawan kita.. bagi yg dengki tu duduk diam2 ok.
    Dengan langkah pertama ini, diharap sebagai pembuka jalan merintis ke arah yang lebih jauh. Mengikut Pengarah panel pemilihan Kol.Dr.Zulkeffelie 18 calon terakhir semuanya layak utk menjadi angkasawan. Itu sekarang klu dirancang insya Allah tidak mustahil jumlah ini meningkat kepada 180 org atau 1,800 org atau 18,000 org. Yang penting kita melihat projek sulung ini di sudut yg positif. Hanya mereka yg punya cinta sejati pada Malaysia akan merasai kepuasan melihat salah seorang rakyat negara ini berada di sana. Kita tidak boleh menunggu lebih lama lagi. Kita perlu gunakan ruang dan peluang yg ada utk mengangkat Malaysia.. MERDEKA 50

  252. takde apa dh yg bleh ucap..congratz3,setinggi2 tahniah buat dr.sheikh muszaphar..you are my idol..saya amat kagum dengan angkasawan pertama kita.kesungguhan dan pendirian serta semangatnya menjadi pendorong untuk kita,generasi muda..one day i’ll become like you,doctor…insa-Allah..now i’m studying in medicine.
    hrp bleh jd cam doc nnta..skali g congrats,jugak utk dr. faiz khalid.

  253. kita sebagai rakyat MALAYSIA JANGAN dengki dan melekehkan angkasawan kita, dan JANGAN JADI BODOH, ROKET TU HANYA ADA 3 KERUSI SAHAJA. 2 ANGKASAWAN BERTUKAR DI ISS, 1 KERUSI UNTUK SPACE TOURISM tapi Dr.Sy.Muszahpar pergi ke angkasa dengan membawa bahan-bahan kajian untuk manfaat seluruh umat. kalau roket tu MALAYSIA punya dah tentu kerusi tu tak dinamakan space tourism. MAJU KEHADAPAN LAH WAHAI RAKYAT MALAYSIA YANG BERFIKIRAN LEMAH. JANGAN BERBANGGA DENGAN PENCAPAIAN ORANG LAIN.


  254. Assalamualaikum,

    Tahniah dan Syukur ke hadrat Ilahi kerana Angkasawan Negara yang #1, Dr. SMS telah selamat sampai ke ISS, semoga semua task dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna dan berjaya hendaknya… Maka celiklah mata2 mereka yang tidak percaya dengan keupayaan rakyat Malaysia yang beragama Islam dan berketurunan Melayu selama ini, even di kalangan bangsa kita sendiri.
    Didoakan semoga Dr. SMS yang hensem lagi kacak bergaya akan pulang ke bumi seterusnya kembali ke tanah air dengan selamat, berkat doa sekalian rakyat Malaysia…
    Good Luck 4ever & ever… Hope can c u face 2 face soon!

  255. you are so brave man…i respect u la…nanti diari u e mail la kat i…kat man_1504@yahoo.com.my….i ni umor baru 9 thn…hehehe…and one more is u r so gorgeous….

  256. assallamualaikum dr.SHEIKH MUZAPHAR..

    my name is FAIZ..
    saye berbangga menjadi rkyt MALAYSIA.kerana seorang anak malaysia telh terpilih untuk pergi ke angkasalepas.
    Disini ana akan mendoakan semoga beliau didalam lindungan ALLAH S.W.T. dan ucapan ini khas wat beliau SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI MAAF ZAHIR&BATIN…

  257. i hope dr sheikh muzaffar will be back to malaysia safely and can share the experience to all malaysia.good luck.

  258. Even though Dr.Sy.Muszahpar is a Malay by race, i as a chinese still support him. To me, success means love every human being on earth. Dr.Sy.Muszahpar , i support all you do.

  259. dr syeikh would u be my future husband…….heeeeeeeeee

  260. dr syeikh, would u be my future husband.heee……..

  261. assalamualaikum…
    ape khabar dr.?sy hrp dr. dsana chat walafiat… sy hrp dr. selalu b’doa agar dr. slalu ingat pd Allah n x lalai slps dr. melalui pelbagai cabaran n dugaan… sy pun hrp begitu jgk…sy ni meminati sheikh bkn shj dr rupa paras malah sy ingin menjadi seorg angkasawan mcm dr….
    sy hrp dr. memberi motivates kat sy melalui emel sy: dilla_washio@yahoo.com
    thank for giving me opportunity to leave a comment.
    congratulation to you as a first malaysian astronaunts…i proud of you…

  262. hello
    hope you happy n i hope you’ll get married faster.

  263. congrats, dr sheikh.u are the first angkasawan malaysia. i hope will be back to malaysia safely and share the experience with us .i hope too i can meet you at once day… i support u and proud of u ^_^

  264. Selamat Raya yg ke 6 buat semua,
    Insya Allah dlm 3 ke 4 hari misi pertama kita yg digalas oleh Dr.Sy.M akan selesai sepenuhnya. Harapan kita dgn perkembangan positif dr ISS yg menyatakan semua perancangan berjalan lancar dgn hanya tgl lg 2 research yg dijangka akan disempurnakan selewat-lewatnya 12jam sebelum Sayuz berlepas kembali ke Bumi. Sekembalinya beliau akan membuat kita rakyat Malaysia merasa hebat. Walaupun bkn menjadi manusia pertama menjadi angkasawan tetapi telah mengatur LANGKAH PERTAMA yang besar. Semoga ia tidak berkubur sebagai sejarah tetapi biarlah ianya menjadi asas kita utk terus berdiri gagah di zaman yg perlu kita membuktikan siapa kita selepas 50 tahun merdeka. Tidak perlulah kita terlalu mencari tempat sebagai negara yg mampu menyusun roti terpanjang, biskut terbesar dan sebagainya. Biarlah hasil kajian kita menjadikan negara kita pusat rujukan dunia, insya Allah.

  265. Hai everybody..
    Just wanna share this feeling…i’m so proud of our first Malaysian astronaut..First of all, congrate to his parents,and Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar as well..To Dr., no matter what people want to say about you, just ignore and let them be,as long as you know you are on the right track, so keep on excellent…the important and truth is only you and ALLAH knows right…anyway, as a malaysian, malay and muslim, you really2 make me impress and proud..Pray you safe return to the earth and hope the moon and stars up there can release you, i’m scared that they’re fall-in love on you already, yea the most PERFECT MAN sent to space…To Ahmad Sibir, apapun yang anda rasakan, Dr.dah buktikan dia mampu melepasi semua ujian kelayakan, and i’m very sure that Malaysia gov not too STUPID to finish our money as what you said..kalau anda meragui misi ini, ia bermakna anda juga meragui keputusan yang telah malaysia gov. buat. So, honestly, to me, your comments are just like ‘coffee shop talk’.Bangsa kita hanya mampu duduk kedai kopi sahaja kalau lebih ramai yang berfikiran macam ni..Its time for us to prove it, not just be ‘Tin kosong’ k..Anyway, i hope can see you ‘Ahmad Sibir’ to become a better than our Dr.Sheikh, but if you can laa…ok, apapun, jadilah manusia yang Syukur Nikmat, bukan Kufur Nikmat, Alhamdulillah…

  266. semoga berjaya n success slalu….
    congratulation………. kamu membanggakan keturunan sheikh

  267. Assalamualaikum….
    congrats….im proud of u as the 1st malaysian astronount…….

  268. Thinking man…

    I salute u…!!

  269. salam,,
    saya ucapkan tahniah pd dr,,
    semoga berjaya,,
    dan teruskan usaha untuk memajukan Malaysia,,,

  270. i luvvvvvvvvv u lah….all the best!!! everything will be just fine….insyaALLAH………may ALLAH bless u……..AMIN

  271. i will be right here waiting 4 u!!!!!!!!!! =p

  272. ass’kum…dr. syeikh. the whole malaysian is proud of you. i hope that i can be as sucessful as you…

  273. you’re the 1st good looking cosmonout ever…

  274. Dear Dr,

    Semoga hari ini adalah yang terbaik, dan hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini…taniah..semoga Allah memberkatimu.


    You did something no one else can do.

  276. Assalamualaikum,
    Buat mana2 yg x setuju dgn apa yg dah dibuat oleh kerajaan utk menghantar angkasawan, harap cadangkan lah sesuatu yg lebih advance atau yg lebih baik dr projek ini k, jgn asyik melalut ntah apa2.. buang masa.
    Untuk Angkasawan kita Dr.Sy.M harap kepulangan saudara nnt akan membuktikan sesuatu bkn kpd mereka2 yg ckp ntah apa2 ni, tp kpd apa yg diharapkan oleh para intelek. Hasil research Dr.Sy.M amat ditunggu bkn sahaja oleh Malaysian malahan para saintis Eropah, Jepun, termasuk NASA sendiri. Tahniah juga buat Dr.Sy.M kerana pd hari pertama berada di ISS telah membantu memperbaiki kerosakan pd bahan kajian dr Eropah. Kira ok la tu kan.. klu pelancong mana nak reti baiki benda2 ni kan.. ok la insya Allah kita akan menyambut kepulangan hero kita sedikit masa lg. Tidak lupa juga kepada para krew kita yg bertungkus lumus memberi info terkini yg berpangkalan di Moscow bagi menjamin kelancaran kajian Dr.Sy.M di ISS.

  277. nina, thank you. Let us continue to be like Dr Sheikh Muszaphar living our life to the fullest.

  278. good job mr angkasawan you made Malaysia proud..oh by the way, did anyone notice asking an angkasawan while he is in space whether the other astronauts think malaysian food is delicious is appropriate? i mean it seems that we are more interested about the food rather than the experiments he supposed to do.. they can ask the question when he arrive back

  279. to those who said it is all a waste….

    Our angkasawan is indeed an astronaut…duhhh! he is doing a few experiments up there.. He is not lazing around floating.. get your facts right dude.. how lame are you going to get?? our angkasawan is up there doing research and making Malaysia proud while you are saying nonsense about him.. Think about it, are you doing anything that can make a difference towards our country?

  280. Salam buat semua,
    Malaysia kita sdh membuktikan kita juga mampu buat apa yg org lain buat, MSC, perenang, pelayar, ekspedidi Everest, ekspedisi ke kutub dan sekarang ini program angkasa.. insya Allah selepas ini rakyat Malaysia akan memandu Soyuz & seterusnya melakukan “space walk”.. what we have to do now is to think positive.. Bangsa Malaysia Boleh

  281. assalamualaikum…
    syabas & tahniah 2 our lovely astronout…
    dr. Sheikh Muzaphar Shukor…
    we’re proud of u as a malaysian..
    kejayaan yg d kecapi mnjadi pendorong dan pembakar semangat anak-anak bangsa ari ne…
    anksa mmg wajar dan harus d telusuri..
    smoga kejayaan yg d kecapi hari nie xkn menyebabkan dr. mnjadi seorang yg lupa diri…
    sebagai anak malaysia… sy bangga mempunyai seorang angkasawan yang HENSEM spt DR.SHEIKH MUZAPHAR..

    P/S: bawakan sebutir bintang untuk sy ye..=)

  282. Doctor Sheikh Muszaphar!!
    LUV U!!!!!!MMUUUAAHH!!!

  283. i hope,one day,i will meet u…

  284. assalamualikum…..tahniah buat Dr Sheikh
    kejayaan anda membuatkan saya semakin bersemangat untuk menggapai impian dan cita-cita…
    tiada yg mustahil dalam hidup ini!!!!
    me, my family and all malaysian luv u so much!!!!!

  285. Memang Angkasawan kite ‘pelancong’ dimata dunia. Kalau hangpa tak percaya dan nak juga dok di bawah tempurung – silakan. Tapi yang nak meluaskan pengetahuan sila lihat site berikut –





  286. assalamualaikum…
    jus wanna wish api eid mubarrak to u n hve a safe journey back 2 mal….
    wisk me luk 4 my spm k coz i wanna be just like u

  287. you are some of the malaysian who are brave.i was very proud of you.congratulations to sheikh muzaphar because he was a first Asian’s astronaut.good luck…….

  288. i love you……………………..

  289. assalamualaikum….

    just want to wish Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri n have a safe journey.May ALLAH SWT bless you

    all malaysian luv you so much coz you already prooved that MALAYSIA BOLEH !

  290. hii….congrats….semoga slmt pulang n do da best….malaysia boleh!

  291. Congratulation!!! i am very proud of u!!!wish u Selamat Pergi dan Selamat Pulang…Sesungguhnya pengorbanan anda sangat besar kerana memartabatkan Malaysia di mata dunia…sanggup bergadai nyawa dan menyambut hari raya walaupun tanpa keluarga di sisi patut dibanggakan oleh semua rakyat Malaysia….”MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!!”

  292. Assalamualaikum,
    Taniah dan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir Batin dan Selamatlah hendaknya pulang ke bumi Malaysia Insyallah. Mulut tempayan boleh ditutup mulut manusia bernama melayu PHD memang tinggi. Perdulikan kata yg tak baik yakin pada ALLAH yg sentiasa bersama.

  293. hai sheikh selamat hari raya…saya suka sangat kat sheikh x tahu knp….sheikh ada makwa x kalau x da boleh saya jadi makwa sheikh…hehehe….semoga dpt pulang ke bumi dgn selamat..alhamdulilah…saya ada puisi yang saya buat khs utk sheikh x tdo malam tau nak buat puisi ni…nanti lah saye kasi kat sheikh tau…x lupa kirim salam kat fais….sheikh ni comel sangatlah…hik3

  294. ala lupa lah ni frenster saya aya-omotni@yahoo.com…kat frenster saya ada byk ganbar sheikh….sheikh ada frenster x??????????hehehe

  295. hai dr sheikh…im md syafiq very proud of you become a first malaysian go to space..how do you feel when you want to departure to space??can u rep my email please because many question i want to ask you…i hope we can see you soon..

  296. salam doc..
    congrats..proud with ue..
    may Allah bless u always..
    we’re all waitin for you on earth..
    Love u!

  297. Salam buat saudara Sharom yg berada di luar tempurong tu..
    Nampaknya pada pandangan saudara Sharom pandangan dunia tu sangat penting utk menentukan siapa yg patut bergelar angkasawan.. Cuba Saudara dapatkan pula artikel di mana NASA memberikan pengiktirafan yg Dr.SMS tu adalah angkasawan. Klu setakat pelancong apasal pulak Dr.SMS tu diminta tolong memperbaiki peralatan bahan kajian Eropah? Apa pula guna Nasa sendiri, USA, Eropah, Jepun dan para warga Saintis dunia menunggu hasil research seorang “pelancong”? Herankan. Cuba halusi la brader.. baca tu jgn pilih2, baca semua.. dan try la ikuti perkembangan semasa. Katak bawah tempurung sekarang ni dah tau guna wireless tau.. & utk makluman saudara Sharom mmg selama ni negara2 maju tu akan mengatakan semua psl negara kami Malaysia negatif, mana diurang nak katakan negara kami Malaysia ni O.K.. pada diurang semuanya psl Malaysia K.O. Klu rajin lg baca la sebanyak mana artikel2 dr negara2 tu psl Malaysia, jgn setakat psl angkasawan ni.. psl hak asasi ka, psl politik ka, apa2 la, semua diurang akan katakan Malaysia ni mmg teruk.. So bagi yg merasakan hanya pandangan negara2 luar tu sahaja yg betul silakan lah. Bagi mereka2 yg suka melihat dr sudut yg positif kita berilah peluang pd projek ini, hingga kita dpt melihat hasilnya kelak insya Allah. Bukan lama lagi pun.. jam 11.30am 21Oct.07 ni insya Allah Dr.SMS akan berada di bumi ni semula. Bila dah selesai semua prosedur.. maka beliau akan dibenarkan balik ke Malaysia. haaaa.. masa tu la klu nak kata apa pun.. pada aku setakat artikel kat internet tak WAJIB nak percaya k..

  298. dr syeikh muzappar semoga berjaya pergi dan balik

  299. we syeikh muzappar dah nak balik raikan bersama!!!!

  300. Saya sokong pendapat Azmi DHM….

    Bagi saudara Sharom, kembangkan sikit pengetahuan anda.. semua orang tahu, banyak negara yang cemburu dengan kejayaan Malaysia dari banyak sudut. Kehidupan kita yang penuh hamorni, our peaceful country, the successful ways we run our country, our capabilies… apa yang kita buat, mereka akan cuba pusingkan to make us look “small” … anyway.. cuba saudara baca pula article2 yang mempunyai pandangan positif terhadap malaysia .. then try to make a wise assessment..

  301. heheh..


    capabilies = capabilities…

    typo error 😛

  302. sekarang timbul plak macam2 citer yang tak best ttg project ni.. mmm… ntahla..negara luar kata kerajaan Malaysia membazir kan duit…
    ade laman web kata Malaysia bukan boleh tp Malaysia….. sungguh memalukan…
    tp yg pastinya projek ni menambahkan minat orang ramai mengenai sains

  303. tahniah dr sheikh muzaphar shukor… i will always support you… malaysia love you…

  304. wah dr sheikh…bertuah lah kamu ye…dapat jadi angkasawan yang pertama di malaysia…kiteorang semua bangga lah jadi anak malaysia

  305. Angkasawan, may you continue to inspire by your charming sweet smile, confident personality, most handsome face on earth, sharp mind, cheerful smile. I am crazy about you. Am I in love with him ? Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr what am I going to do ?

  306. Can Dr bring me a mooooonnnn rock? That will kill my sickness to Dr……..

  307. menyampah aku..

  308. Assalamualaikaum… Tahniah Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar dan Dr. Faiz kerana menjadi kebanggaan rakyat Malaysia.Anda berdua menjadi inspirasi dan idola anak-anak sekolah pada era ini.

    Selamat pulang ke BUMI dan pulang ke MALAYSIA untuk kedua-duanya.

    Doa dan harapan rakyat Malaysia sentiasa mengiringi anda berdua.Selamat berjuang demi agama, bangsa dan negara tercinta.

  309. dr.sheikh is a handsome,brilliant,intelligent..cutiest..watelse he need???
    god..i wish i could hav u..hahaha..
    does he had a friendster??emails??

  310. whatever pe0ple said about u,dr sheikh..
    i h0pe u will never stop d0ing whatever u r d0ing rite n0w!!
    gud luck!

  311. and btw..congra8 to u laa..since u r d 1st malaysian angkasawan..wish u ol d bst..byeee..

  312. Well I have to admit that Dr.SMS’s mission to space was somewhat ‘amatuer’. After all, the scientific tests that were done in a micro-gravity environment seem somewhat ‘petty’ for the betterment of mankind through science. But anyways, big acheivements always start with small steps. Forge ahead Malaysia!

  313. Assalamualaikum Malaysia, kurang dr 12 jam dr sekarang Dr.SMS akan sampai ke bumi insya Allah. Sama2 lah kita mendoakan agar semuanya berjalan dengan baik dan selamat. Semoga hasil kajian Dr.SMS akan memberi pulangan yg berbalaoi utk semua khasnya Malaysia

  314. smoge dr.SMS kembali dgn selamat..amin..

  315. sy rasa program ini hanya akan membazirkan duit rakyat…..aku rasa ini hanya lah propaganda kerajaan…… kita tegok je…apa kesanya nanti

    Tiada pembaziran langsung. Eksperimen dan kajian saintifik yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar di angkasa lepas adalah untuk kemanusiaan.

  316. selamat berjaya… selamat kembali…. selamat hari raya……

  317. his already gone and now he’s gonna be home in few hours. oh…how wonderful it was to be in space. he make me want to realise my dream to be UP THERE even though i’m in bio stream. hehehe….wish me to be like you too dr. sheikh….c u soon on earth…in TV

  318. What is the confusion over cosmonut. astronut and space flight participant ? To me, it is so simple. Astronut or cosmonut are like teacher, space flight participant is like Head of sience department in school. The teacher is having one of the responsibilities in school, head of science department. Our angkasawan (cosmonut, astronut) responsibility according to NASA is space flight participant since his task is not that specific , he is having a wide variety of tasks to carry out ! So how do you expect NASA to call him ? So now all of you understand ? Dr Sheikh Muszaphar is cosmonut, astonut or angkasawan .

  319. nadia@kuching,

    congratulation dr………. u r the best astronout……

  320. kepada Angkasawan negara kita ni semoga berjaya dan selepas ini diharap kan anda terus menaburkan bakti kepada negara malaysia untuk jadikan negara kita terus maju..HIDUP MALAYSIA…

  321. congrate to u dr.sheikh muszaphar………
    i wish u good luck

  322. Nydia…

    That experiment that u saw was for the school children syllabus.. thats y ..
    He has other experiments and research conducted for not only Malaysia but also Japan and Russia. Of course those experiments are highly confidential ..

    For Johan…
    Propaganda Kerajaan??? Ish Ish… macam tak kena jer komen En Johan tu..

    Anyway juz saw our cosmonaut on tv departing for journey back to earth. My prayers for his safe return, aminnn..

  323. congartulation!!!!!!to our astrounout. Semoga berada dalam keadaan sihat semasa berada di ISS

  324. salam…………
    ek mubarak kpd DR!!!
    saya amat b`bga krn DR dpt mengharumkn nama malaysia setanding den negara lain.Disamping itu DR dpt mengharumkan nama AGAMA ISLAM dan menggembalikan status agama kita!saya HALIDA sentiasa doakan DR selamat pergi dan selamat pulang!!!!

  325. Syabas Anak Malaysia….
    Dr. SMS dah pun selamat sampai di bumi. Kami sekeluarga sangat teruja dan tak sabar-sabar nak mengetahui cerita lebih lanjut tentang kat ‘sana’.

    Marilah kita sama-sama menyambut kepulangan Wira Negara kita dengan penuh kesyukuran dan keinsafan.

  326. Assalammualaikum…,


    I would like to say congratulation to Dr.Sheikh….u r the best astrounout in the world…

  327. Alhamdulillah

    Our cosmonaut Dr SMS has landed safely on earth…


  328. Assalammualaikum…..


    Tahniah…dan selamat kembali ke bumi…semoga pengalaman Dr.Sheikh di ISS dapat dijadikan panduan dan ikhtibar kepada anak watan Malaysia bagi menghadapi dunia teknologi masa kini…


  329. Alhamdullillah
    Sedikit masa lg Dr.Syeikh Muszahpar & Capt.Dr.Faiz bersama2 krew Malysia yg lain akan kembali ke Malaysia. Insya Allah berdasarkan laporan semasa yg kita terima semuanya berjalan lancar mengikut perancangan. Dan apa yg penting langkah Malaysia menghantar our 1st astronut merupakan langkah bijak dan amat perlu diteruskan utk angkasawan yg ke2 dan seterusnya. Hasil research Dr.SMS akan membuktikan yg calon kita adalah layak utk bergemar angkasawan.

    Utk En.Johan : Propaganda kerajaan???? wakakakakakaka

  330. *bergelar angkasawan*

  331. AsSalamualaikum…Dr.sheikh!! Amacam p angkasa,beSt x??
    Ade jmpe alien x kt sane?Hehehe.Lupe r nk suruh Dr. kim slm kt di0rang ari 2.Hakz.

  332. Congratulations for that outstanding achievement.I’m proud to see a Malaysian in outerspace!!..Ur the man..!!..Malaysia Boleh!!

  333. tahniah!!!!

  334. tahniah Dr.Sheikh muzaffar


  336. saya sbgai rakyat m’laysia berbangga d atas kejayaan dr sheikh muzaffar shukor yang berjaya menerokai angkasa lepas dan mengangkat nama malaysia ke iss

  337. “””kat sana ada nampak alien ke atau pun benda2 pelik2???

  338. assalamualaikum sheikh muzaphar..tahniah saya ucapkan kepada abang sheikh.saya berbangga dengan abg sheikh kerana telah menjadi angkasawan negara yang pertama di Malaysia.sesungguhnya jasamu akan sentiasa dikenang.luv u so much..

  339. Assalamualaikum Dr Sheikh…
    Selamat… kamu orang asia tenggara dan seorang muslim yang menejelajahi ruang angkasa walau aku bukan orang Malaisia tapi aku bangga dengan kamu

  340. assalamualaikum….
    selamat maju jaya

  341. hope u dpt cari teman hidup yg sesuai dan sejati…
    k kemsalam kt ma

  342. hope u dpt cari teman hidup yg sesuai dan sejati…
    k kem salam kt dr faiz……………………….ckp dia ngan jgn gemuruh

  343. Tahniah Dr.Muzaffar!!!! Agar segala pengalaman dan kejayaan yang dicapai di angkasa bakal menjana pemikiran rakyat Malaysia dan menjadi pemangkin dalam pendidikan anak bangsa.Namamu pasti tercatat dalam kamus sejarah sebagai Wira Negara yang gemilang.Syabas!!!

  344. cmne kajian dr. kt saner…?
    kalau berkesempatan sila datang ke smk telok mas melaka ntok menerang kn serba sedikit tentang kajian sel barah…terima kasih dan conragulation 2 you…..

  345. u r in a million……….
    u r up there in a vission
    i’m totally proud with you
    may Allah bless both of you
    lastly, best of luck

  346. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. semua..Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir & Batin. Saya ne sebenarnya dah fanatic sangat dgn Dr Muszaphar ne, saya hebohkan kat org yang dia ne ‘tunang’ saya. Lagipun saya pggil dia dgn gelaran manja ‘abg Mus’ hehe ko org smua jgn marah ye..

    Saya kagum sangat2 kat dia. Bagi saya dia miliki segalanya ciri2 lelaki idaman saya, termasuklah IQ dia, physical dia, kebolehan dia, kesungguhan dia & mcm2 lagi lah. I really respect him. He got evryting yg di idam2 kn setiap wanita. Harap2 lah dia jadi teman saya sehidup semati hehehe…Aminnnn….

    Kalau ko org nak tau, selama program angkasawan itu di jalankan, saya asyik dduk dpn tv tengok dia, dengar berita tentang dia, doa utk dia dan mcm2 lagi lah utk dia. Saya sampai tak ckup tdo sebab spent time untuk rancangan dia. Saya jugak rela tak pergi beraya sebab nak tengok dia dlm tv, apatah lgi siaran live dia.

    Saya kalau boleh nak jumpa dia face to face, pergi mkn sma2, pergi beli belah, bekelah dan mcm2 lagi lah. Nak ambil gmbr bnyk2 dgn dia jugak hehehe..

    Sory kalau ko org rasa saya ne berlebihan tapi itulah hakikat yang saya alami buat msane.

    Ok, kpd Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, i’m really proud of you, you are the real man, u are the guy i’m looking for hehe…LuV u. Hope u have a great life and hope u see n meet u one day, aminnnnn…..

  347. hai..askum..sy nk ucap syabas dan tahniah kpd kedua angkasawan negara kita kerana berjaya mengharumkan nama malaysia di persada dunia.syukur alhamdulillah kerana dr shiekh muszaphar berjaya mendarat dan sampai akhirnya..sukses slalo..jgn tinggal solat kerana walau apa pun yang kita lakukan hanya Tuhan yang menentukan..ingat tau dr sheikh and dr faiz..hehe..love you all!!erm,sy pon bdk mrsm gak..majulah mrsm utk negara!!

  348. askum ,saye harap awak akan dapat menjelajh ke seluru negara .untuk bertemu dengan pelajar macam kami ni yek….

  349. askum ,saye harap awak akan dapat menjelajh ke seluru negara .untuk bertemu dengan pelajar macam kami ni yek…awk kan first angkasawan negara kita kerana berjaya mengharumkan nama malaysia di persada dunia.syukur alhamdulillah kerana dr shiekh muszaphar berjaya mendarat dan sampai akhirnya..sukses slalo..jgn tinggal solat kerana walau apa pun yang kita lakukan hanya Tuhan yang menentukan..ingat tau dr sheikh and dr faiz..hehe..love you all!!erm,sy pon bdk mrsm gak..majulah mrsm utk negara!!Dr. SMS dah pun .There is nothing wrong being No. 2 aka “back up” crew for a space flight mission.selamat sampai di bumi. Kami sekeluarga sangat teruja dan tak sabar-sabar nak mengetahui cerita lebih lanjut tentang kat ’sana’.

    Marilah kita sama-sama menyambut kepulangan Wira Negara kita dengan penuh kesyukuran dan keinsafa.angkasawan Dr.Faiz. Pertamanya harap2 semua kita kena ingat ejaan nama angkasawan ni, ramai salah eja termasuk aku la.. hehehe.. anyway psl baru sorang naik gi ISS tu so xde la salah orang kan. Apa pun nak bgtau ada ka patut sorang mamat tu kata Dr.Sy.M main gasing kat ISS.. bkn main gasing la, ni nak bgtau semua org bezanya pusingan gasing di ISS ngan di bumi.. apa la. ni mamat ni bkn sintis punya otak tu psl kata main gasing. Info terkini yg amat kita boleh banggakan lg.. sebenarnya 18 calon terakhir angkasawan kita layak utk berada di angkasa. Cuma mmg panel pemilih yg terbaik psl cuma sorang saja yg akan pergi so Dr.Syeikh Muszahpar la yg pg. Apa pun harap2 hasil research Dr.S.M nnt akan mampu memberi sumbangan bermakna kepada dunia, insya Allah.

  350. Tahniah coz sampai angkasa.Tolong ceritakan ckit apa yang anda lihat kat angkasa.

  351. A,kum DR.sheikh n DR.faiz sy,fatin amira,fatihah fatin n hajar kami ingn mengucapkan tahniah kpd DR.kerana tlh berjaya sampai ke ISS, kami semua mendoakan agar dr slm tiba di malaysia….agar dlm keadaam sihat….kami mengucapkan love you slm maju jaya n you are very handsome man in the world!!you are my idol…dtng2 lah ke KB MALL n sek.kami d kota bharu..bye…bye…

  352. U are the Man!! Brilliant,charming,kindly,educated n The only Cute Man in the World!! M’sia Very proud With Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor … WE LOVE U

  353. salam.thniah!dr syeikh.wah!dh cm org arab plak ek.bgganye ngn dr.sy pn t’ign gak nk g sne.mst bgga kn jd ank m’sia yg blh bktikn m’sia bleh.sy skang ngah bljo lg.arap dr syeikh doakn sy trut b’jya cm dr syeikh w’pun sy amuk bdang akauntn.2 r,dlu mls nk blajo.t’kjut gak,tbe2 da prgram ni.dlu pk cm klako je cz bdk2 da cta2 nk jd angkswn.ye r,mne mgkin.tp,dr syeikh dh bktikn pd sy.arp,yg len pn blh b’jye gak.wslm

  354. Saya merupakan pelajar MRSM Langkawi,ingin mengucapkan tahniah atas kejayaan Dr. untuk mengharumkan nama negara kita…..

  355. selamat pulang kepada Dr. yang telah mengharumkan nama negara kita,Malaysia yang tercinta……….

  356. Ya Allah..Handsomenyaaaaaa… Alhamdulillah dh sampai ke bumi:D

  357. assalamualaikum…

    saya begitu bangga dengan angkasawan pertama negara kita, dr sheikh muzaffar…beliau kebanggaan kita semua sebagai rakyat malaysia sebuah negara yang kecil tapi maju…

    saya begitu terharu kerana beliau telah berjaya membuktikan kepada semua MALAYSIA BOLEH…beliau akan menjadi contoh kepada generasi2 yang akan datang…

    kepada dr sheikh, saya ucapkan tahniah kepada anda…anda telah berjaya membuktikan segala2nya…demi negara, bangsa dan agama…


  358. You make us Arabs proud of you!

  359. Assalamualaikum Dr Syeikh, i hope u always in a good condition.. Anyway, congrats for that outstanding archievement. 2 Dr Faiz, the next astronout, i hope u can reach u dream 2 go 2 the space. Muuuahhh, Luv u 🙂

    Saya sangat gembira melihat Dr selamat kembali ke Bumi tanpa kecederaan. Saya sering berdoa agar Dr Sheikh selamat tiba ke Bumi. Syukur kepada Tuhan kerana Dr. akhirnya selamat jua. Saya amat kagum dengan Dr. Sheikh sehingga mengikuti perkembangan Dr. Sheikh sebelum Dr. Sheikh berlepas ke Angkasa lagi sehingga mendarat ke Bumi. Paling saya takuti ketika Dr. Sheikh terhempas di padang pasir ketika mendarat. Saya ingat Dr. Sheikh mendarat di laut. Tetapi saya gembira akhirnya hero pujaan saya selamat. Dr. Sheikh merupakan inspirasi saya dan juga keluarga. Sekiranya ada rezeki saya, saya akan ke Kuala Lumpur untuk bersua muka sendiri dengan Dr. Sheikh di restoran Rebung.

  361. tahniah kpd dr sms cz telah slamat sampai n datang kembali ke bumi…tahniah juga cz berjaya menyelesaikan ujikaji yang diberi…terima kasih di atas eksperiment yang telah di tunjukkan di angkasa dan telah disampaikan melalui tv….tahniah dr sheikh muzafar cosmonaut negara…anda pembangkit semangat negara….

  362. Assalamualaikum Dr Sheikh,I hope u always happy and always in a good position. Anyway congrats for u achievement… 2 Dr Faiz the next astronout,hope u ready 2 go 2 the space for the next mission… Take care n gud for u 🙂

  363. Salam to Dr. Sheikh..

    Alhamdulillah u have landed safely…
    Im really2 proud of u..
    U hv inspired me a lot..

    Syabas to Dr. Sheikh… 🙂

  364. c0ngrats,smoga Dr sheikh muszaphar terus brjaya di masa hdpn,sy brbangga sbgai rkyt malaysia krna ngra kita telah berjaya en I h0pe Dr faez khaleed akan diberi peluang untuk ke angkasa lepas

    both of you are great

  365. Selamat pulang ke tanah air kepada Dr Sheikh Muszaphar. Minat sangat kat angkawasan ni sampai my hubby bawak pegi Rebung hehehe…tutup la pulak! Anyway bukan i sorang je yang minat ni rupa-rupanya anak i, anak sedara i, kakak, kakak ipar in fact mak i pun minat dr sheikh…alamak kena berebut la camni eh ahahah…kidding..All the best to him and may this expedition brings whole lot of benefit to Malaysian youth and inspire them to embrace science and mathematic.

  366. Assalamualaikum Dr Syeikh, i hope u always in a good condition.. Anyway, congrats for that outstanding archievement. 2 Dr Faiz, the next astronout, i hope u can reach u dream 2 go 2 the space. Muuahhh, Luv u 🙂

  367. Assalamualaikum Dr.SMS,
    Semoga pengalaman dan hasil dapatan sepanjang program dpt dikongsikan ngan rakyat Malaysia

  368. i love u dr!!!!!! u’re so cuteeeeeeeeeeee! i wish i could meet u…hehe….congratulations!

  369. assalamualaikum Dr.Sheikh…
    harap Dr. dapat kongsi pengalamn dr. dgn kami semua…
    dan dgr kata Dr.nak buat buku…
    kalau ader…pasti sy akan belinye…

  370. lega rase hati dapat dengar dr.selamat sampai ke bumi..

  371. Salam buat Dr SMS,

    Juz nak mention yang we malaysian really2 proud of you!!Not many people can do this amazing job!You’re great,gorgous,cute,handsome,brilliant,fuuu~juz can’t describe by words!Sng citer, for me you are the most perfect man ever!!So for those yang suke la nk kutuk2 ckp perabih duet gvernment tu, bwk2 la insaf..x bgos dengki2 ni..aku tau la korang jealous..mst muke pon burok mcm prangai korang jgk..aku tujukan ni khas utk sape2 yg name ubi kayu, tok guru sampan, malaysia boleh, piority, amir azmi, mat sampan and malu malu kt kutuk dr kt official blog dr tu..korang ni layak anta g somalia je..x patriotik lgsg!buduss!!Whatever it is, love our astronaunt sooooooooooooo much!!!!!!

  372. bagai manakah perasaan semasa kite berada di dalam soyuz (kapsul) ketika selepas terkeluar dari pada ISS menuju ke bumi iaitu ketike hendak mendarat,ape persaan Dr ketika pada masa itu..adakah keadaan kapsul itu jatuh dalam keadaan yang stabil atau sebalik nya..bagai mana pula Dr hendak menunai kan solat ketika berada dalam keadaan yang terapung begitu..sewaktu hendak mendarat adalah Dr terasa seperti gegaran??Adakah air kecil itu dikitar kan semula untuk kegunaan untuk minuman,oksigen atau yang lain lain..?saye ingin mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut..

  373. congratulation to the first malaysian astronout.I’m very happy to hear that ur save.i wish i cuold meet u. once again congratulation!!

  374. assalamualaikum.. alhamdulillah that u have reached earth safely.erm..i hope i could meet u… we,malaysians
    are really proud of what u have achieved. conratulation..

  375. hye dear DR…
    good job..
    n i really proud of u DR. SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR..

  376. askum dr sheikh…

    i love u!!!!

  377. wah …dah balik …selamat sampai ke bumi … sapa nak komen …komen lah …yang nak dengki …dengki lah … tapi benda benda yang besar .. bermula ngan kecil … aku sendiri sekurang kurang nya tau ada Space Station rupanya … kalau org mlaysia tak pegi mungkin aku tak tau sampai ke tua. Kau orang nak kata angkasawan ke … space traveller ke …kau orang punya pasal .. nantilah …lain kali aku naik ke bulan ke … mars ke … baru kau diam kot … tapi kalau jenis dengki dan berlagak pandai … ingat kata aku gila kot hahahaha

  378. Dr SMS….. mmg tau pun dia tak baca pun bnda ni, tp nk gak wish him “welcome back to earth”….. dengan kuasa Allah, malaysia dh ada angkasawan sndr, Allahu akbar… k, salam…

  379. Assalamualaikum rakyat MALAYSIA, pada ketika ini anda semua pastinya sedang tidur nyenyak.Ini adalah pertama kali saya melayari dan ingin memberi sedikit informasi terkini kepada anda.Sebentar tadi pada 2.30 pagi saya mendengar RADIO 24, dimana Dr.SMS sedang dibicara oleh Pengacara Nizal.Pada ketika ini Dr.SMS berada di Star City, Moscow. Tahniah kpd Wira Angakasa Malaysia yang telah mengharumkan nama negara dan telah banyak mengubah cara pemikiran serta minda anak-anak dan belia-belia Malaysia, juga umat Islam pada keseluruhannya. Saya begitu teruja dengan semangat beliau, yang juga tidak pernah ketinggalan menyebut-nyebut kebesaran Allah sepanjang beliau berada d ISS serta Sayus TMA10 & 11. Disamping menyatakan beliau melakukan ini semua semata2 kerana agama, bangsa dan negara. Subhanallah, begitu canggih teknologi kini, dimanakah kita? Kini, kita dapat berbangga kerana kita telah mencapai tahap pertama yang membanggakan. Anak-anak dan belia telah pun sedikit-sedikit melupakan akademi fantasia dan hiburan yang melalaikan.
    Sewaktu mendengarkan suara Dr Sheikh, saya sungguh bersyukur kehadrat Ilahi dan menitiskan air mata, inilah yang saya tunggu-tunggu selama ini agar anak-anak Malaysia bangun membuka mata mereka agar berfikiran luas tentang kebesaran Allah S.W.T dan mempertingkatkan ilmu pengetahuan untuk bersaing di arena global.
    Sebentar tadi Nizal telah menujukan pelbagai soalan dan telah dijawab oleh Dr.sheikh dengan sungguh baik sekali.Nizal telah beranyakan bagaimana Dr.Sheikh berpuasa selama dua hari di Sayuz TMA 11 dan menjalankan ibadah solat:-beliau menjawab-di angkasa saya berbuka dan bersahur mengikut waktu di Kazakhstan, saya juga menjalankan ibadah solat mengikut waktu di Kazakhstan. Beliau berkata di hari raya beliau telah menyanyikan tiga buah lagu iaitu lagu p ramlee,alley cats dan …Beliau telah memakai baju batik yang mempunyai motif bulan, bintang dan..,(akan di pamerkan di arkib nanti). Beliau sedang di kuarantin dan tidak dibenarkan umtuk berjalan sekarang atas dasar menjaga kesihatan. Beliau berjanji akan ke angkasa pada masa hadapan dan akan berada disana selama 6 bulan lamanya, juga berhasrat untuk menjadi komander di ISS (AMIN YA RABBAL ALAMIN).Mengikut beliau, kebanyakan dari Angkasawan yang berada lama di angkasa mengalami osteoperosis atas dasar – kurangnya senaman dan gerakan (dari pengetahuan saya).Sewaktu pendaratan, Sayuz TMA 10 telah tersasar sejauh 600km dari tempat pendaratan yang seharusnya.Mereka didatangi oleh pasukan penyelamat, dibuka hatch (pintu)oleh pasukan keselamatan dan dibawa menaiki helikopter ke pangkalan selepas 30minit. Beliau menyatakan Sayuz TMA 10 telah melantun sebanyak dua kali dan keadaan begitu panas sewaktu pandaratan. Beliau dan crew merasakan amat sukar bernafas seperti dihimpap gajah sewaktu pendaratan dimana sepatutnya kiraannya ialah 8G tetapi meningkat 9G. Beliau berada di atas crew yang lain sewaktu menunggu pasukan keselamatan. Beliau menyatakan lebih suka sewaktu menaiki shuttle atau sewaktu ke ISS kerana dapat melihat bumi, tetapi sebaliknya berlaku sewaktu turun ke bumi dengan Sayuz yang mana membelakangkan bumi(tidak dapat melihat bumi sewaktu pendaratan).
    Beliau berterima kasih kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang telah banyak memberi sokongan dan galakan kepada beliau (Sama-sama kasih Dr. Sheikh, apalah sangat sumbangan kami. Sumbangan Dr. Sheikh sebelum dan selepas ke angkasa membawa Malaysia ke mata dunia amatlah besar dan bermakna buat kami).
    Sampai disini dahulu, Selamat Pagi Warga Malaysia, hanya ini yang dapat saya kongsi bersama di pagi Syawal yang ke-11 ini. Bersatu hatilah kita, Majulah kita kehadapan dengan saling bantu membantu dan Sayang Menyayangi..Sesungguhnya Nabi Muhamad adalah angkasawan yang terbaik,menaiki Buraq yang tiada tandingan kuasa seperti Shuttle atau Sayuz dari Palestine, Ke langit Tertinggi bertemu Allah S.W.T, cuba kita fikirkan dan renung-renungkan..Assalamualaikum semua, sebenarnya esok pagi saya ada kelas tp saya tetap ingin berkongsi perkara gembira yang seumpama ini yang pertama kali terjadi di negara kita. Seronoknya jika dikaitkan semua ini dengan kebesaran Allah S.W.T. Salam sayang buat Ahmad Sibir dan seluruh umat Islam..dari Sarah Hussain Stamford College PJ y3s1.

  380. Assalamualaikum Dr,saya sebagai rakyat malaysia sangat berbangga dengan DR…Mudah-mudahan dengan permulaan ini akan menaikkan nama malaysia di maata dunia…saya sangat meminati Dr..Bagi saya Drlah yang menjadi idola saya kerana saayaa juga meminati untuk menceburi dalam bidang angkasawan..mudah-mudahan Dr dapat menceramah pelajar sekolah agar dapat menarik minat pelajar dalam bidang ini..terutamanya di sabah..sekian terima kasih.

  381. Assalamulaikum Dr…anda telah menjadi idola pada saya dan saya harap Dr. dapat menceramah tentang bidang angkawasan kepada semua pelajar di sabah..kami amat mengharap agar dapat datang ke sini untuk menceramah kami..oklah SELAMAT BERJAYA..

  382. aslmlkm,,, selamat kembali kpd anda..
    tahniah krn dr. tlh mbuat malaysia
    berbangga dgn anda sekaligus
    menaikkan nama malaysia ke
    seantero dunia….

  383. congrates!!!

  384. Asalamualaikum Sheikh and all malaysian,

    Its not only proud but dignity and respect for being the first malaysian in the orbit. All knows that It was initiated by Tun Mahathir and Pak Lah who make it real in 2007.

    You are the one choosen to represent malaysian citizen, always remember of what the country have done to you, so please exposed the next generation of what you have experienced from very beginning.

    we have spend hours watching every moment of your juorney with doa. Syukur alhamdulillah, May God bless you……

    Thank you

  385. Well not sure how far is true…Is SheikH muzaffar gay? heard that he and The chef guy are lovers.

  386. I find it very interesting that many folks here commented on Dr Muszaphar Almasrie being a ‘Malay’. Strange, very strange indeed. Isn’t there a Malay saying, ‘Lembu punya susu, Sapi punya nama’?

    Well, why don’t we change the name of ‘Arab Republic of Egypt’ into the ‘Malay Republic of Egypt’? Look, at the map folks! Egypt is further than China!

  387. you are so handsome… you make my life gone crazy..
    i like .. i love u……………… don’t forget to add contact with me i will wait for u forever………..

  388. assalamualaikum….. tahniah atas kejayaan Dr Syeikh Muszaphar Shukor…. semoga bjaya dalam ape jua yang anda lakukan…. chayo’ ….. love u….

  389. Alhamdulillah. Itu saja yang saya mampu katakan atas kejayaan SMS ini. Setinggi mana ilmu, kalau BUKAN atas kehendakNYA, mustahil mencapai apa-apapun. Namun tahniah buat SMS yang diizinkanNYA melakar sejarah dengan kejayaan ini. Saya amat berbangga (sangat-sangat). Saya membaca kebanyakan mesej yang diposkan di laman ini, Astaghfirullah…macam-macam. Kalau Tok Guru Nik Aziz boleh kata perjalanan SMS itu satu fardhu ke atas umat Islam, bertambah kukuhlah keyakinan saya bahawa ini bukannya pembaziran seperti yang dituliskan oleh beberapa orang di sini. Yang sinis memang banyak. Memperlekehkan tambahan pula SMS orang Melayu, ada pula yang mendakwanya Arab…betullah tu. Nenek moyangnya betullah Arab…tapi dah lunyai makan masak lomak cili api tu, sekolah kek seromban, …kira Melayulah tu. Wbp, apa sangat nak berkira tentang hal tu. Tipikal sungguh sikap sebegini. Tak kiralah, biru ke, coklat ke, hijau ke mata kita, kita kan orang Malaysia! Cukup. Tahniah SMS! Lepas ni kalau Dr.Faiz pulak berjaya, apa pula kata orang ek? Orang cina kot sebab mata…tapi mengancam jugak….!!!

  390. alhamdulillah dah smpai ke bumi..teruskan kajian yup! moga success slalu…my prayers always be by ur side..we are all proud of you doc..really2 proud..smpai tak terungkap dgn kata2..hahah…u’re my idol..insyaAllah one day i’ll become a doctor..doc betul2 mnjadi sumber inspirasi saya masa saya betul2 tgh down..masa saya rasa susahnya ambil medic….tp kjayaan doc tlah mnjadi pndorong kpd saya utk never give up n now i love taking medicine.n i’m sure all people out there also look u as their idol..anda mmbuka mata dunia doc!!menaikkan martabat malaysia. untung mak ayah doc dpt anak cam doc..untung bakal isteri doc nnti dpt suami cam doc..hope to meet u one day..sgt2 bharap….ok,we all always pray 4 u..we all love u.we all really proud of u!!tabik spring..wslm

  391. Alhamdullillah…syukur ke hadrat ilahi bahawa Dr. Muzaffar dah pun mendarat ke bumi dgn selamat dan segala urusan dan kajian yg dijalankan pun telah berjaya dilaksanakan dgn baik. Kejayaan ini amat membanggakan bagi seluruh warga Malaysia terutama sekali pemimpin kite terdahulu, Tun Sri dan juga sekarang Pak Lah. Kejayaan ini juga telah membuktikan bahawa Malaysia boleh melakukan misi-misi yang mungkin satu ketika dahulu mustahil bagi kita. Semangat Malaysia Boleh dan berkat doa dari rakyat telah membawa Dr. Muzaffar berjaya dgn misinya ini. Tidak lpa juga kepada Dr. Faiz. Kejayaan anda berdua akan menjadi mercu tanda kejayaan anak bangsa Malaysia yg akan datang. Tahniah untuk anda berdua, Dr. Muzaffar & Dr. Faiz.

  392. congratulation!!i’m so proud of u,dr!!

  393. Assalamua’laikum..Dr Sheikh
    Tahniah buat Dr kerana dpt ke angkasa n pulang dgn selamat..
    dan paling membanggakan.. Dr merupakan angkasawan malaysia pertama y dpt terbang ke sana tuk meneruskan penyelidikan.
    tidak terjangkau difikirn ttg kehidupan tanpa graviti..
    terdengar perbualan Dr di kaca TV telah terbukti, ciptaan Tuhan terlalu Berkuasa..
    saya juga ingin berkongsi aper2 y Dr rasai di sana..
    bagaimana raser diri apabila melihat persekitaran di luar bumi..
    per y terfikir dfikiran Dr waktu itu…
    segalanya la… hope hear u… proud of u Dr..

  394. cangratulation to you be as the angkasawan pertama negara ye…..
    semoda dr.sheikh berjaya di dunia dan akhirat dan dapat berkongsi segala pengalaman yang ada…
    tiada yang mustahil dalam hidup ni….
    nice to know you n bye

  395. im so proud of u!!!

  396. A’kum Dr. SMS…I’m very proud of u…and u r so handsome….love u….

  397. A’kum Dr. SMS…I’m very proud of u…and u r so handsome….love u….when r u getting married..

  398. waa…ely berase bangge kerane dr.sheikh sebagai ank malaysia pertama yg menjejakkan diri ke angkasa lepas…syabas abg dr.sheikh yg cute…hope dpt dtg ke sek ely ehh…bagi tunjuk ajar…ok….sek..SMK seri serdang,UPM…ok…..xp….take Care

  399. Askum…tahniah dan shukur alhamdulillah buat astronout negara Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor..kerana telah berjaya membuktikan bahawa Malaysia boleh menjadi diantara yang terbaik.Pada Mejar Fariz…ur turn as the second malaysian astronout…gud luck..we hope u will be the best, same as our first astronout. jangan lupa bumi key…bila dah naik space kirimkan salam kat e.t ek…;p askum…

  400. A’kum Dr. Sheikh…I’m very proud of u..alhamdulillah cz Dr. sampai ke bumi dengan selamat. terus kan kajian ok…to our second malaysia astronout…ur turn will be coming…gud luck ek..hope u will be the best as our first astronout, when u will be at the space..send my regards to e.t ek..hikhik..;p.gud luck to Dr. Sheik and Mejar Fariz..
    both of u have make the malaysia boleh slogan come’ true…Allahuakhbar3x!!!!

  401. askm dr.sheikh..
    h0w r u? surely im praying 4 ur success!!
    n may ALLAH SWT bless u.
    btw,slamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin!!
    n im really proud of u!!
    u had made each of everyone in m’sia proud of U!!
    hope u will come back 2 m’sia n give a talk 2 my school (StGeorgeGirlSchool)at Penang on hows ur trip n ur feeling being up there!!
    pliz!!really hope dat u will come 2 my school.!!!
    =) n congrats 2 U!!!!!
    i’m really proud of u dr.sheikh muszaphar shukor as u r our dearest 1st ANGKASAWAN MALAYSIA!!!
    luv u dr.sheikh!!

  402. akum dan salam sejahtera…
    tahniah diucapakan….saudara telah menjadi kebangan seluruh rakyat Malaysia…namun adakah anda pasti Allah akan menyangjung anda….. harap-harap semua yg dilakukan bakal mendapat ganjaran pahala dr Allah…tetapi kenapa rata 2 rakyat malaysia termasuk pimpinan negara kita tak pernah menyentuh betapa hebatnya cipataan Allah di angkasa…. sebaik-baik manusia adalah golongan yang berkir tentang ciptaan Allah dan dr kajian tersebut menambahkab iman. apa oun tahniah n terus kan peerjuangan…

  403. hi dr sheikh muszphar.
    selamat hari raya.
    dr sheikh selamat mendarat di bumi .
    apa khabar?

    smiley always

  404. korang semua aku nak tanya kat korang muszaphar dah ada tunang ke lum?


  406. alhmdulillah..slamt kmbali kebumi..
    hurm,bt dr sheikh,andalah wira ngr..my batman..huhu

  407. Dear Nini

    If a Malaysian of Chinese origin were to be fluent in Bahasa Melayu and eat Nasi Lemak, Sambal Belacan and Tempoyak every single day, why don’t you call them ‘Bumiputra Melayu’ considering that China is a lot nearer than any Arab country?

    Why don’t you call Osama Bin Laden a ‘Melayu’? He has a ‘Bin’ just like all of the Malays and his ancestors are from the same village as some of your ‘Bangsa Melayu’ leaders?

  408. hi..dr sheikh…how r u…hope u find always…i’m very proud of u…i’m sure u have so much experience when u r in ISS…so..i hope that u can share something to me…i really want to know about angkasawan…i really like this topic…so can u reply my msg….giv ur email too…thanks so much….muahxxxx….luv u….daa…hope 2 see u soon…

  409. congrat dr sheikh ~.^

    best x kat angkasa?? hehe

  410. Seronok baca mesej di atas yg dihantar oleh “On October 23, 2007 at 4:26 am sarah hussain stamford college pj y3s1” professional dan educated mesejnya…

    US astronaut = NASA Astronaut
    Russia astronaut = Russia cosmonaut
    Selain daripada di atas semua astronaut adalah astronaut negara itu sendiri…
    Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor = Malaysia astronaut..
    why? because soyuz or Space shuttle is not belongs to us

    What belong to us is orang kita yang sampai ke angkasa
    our Malaysia astronaut…
    Tak kira berapa lama…
    Yuri Gagarin yang pertama sampai ke angkasa pun hanya spend 108 minit saja. Itu saja masa yg dia sempat sbb tokoh legenda ini tidak sempat ke angkasa utk kali kedua…

    Yuri Gagarin was born near Moscow, Russia on March 9, 1934. He died on March 27, 1968. Yuri joined the Soviet Air Force in 1955. By 1959, he was training to become a cosmonaut.

    On April 12, 1961 Yuri Gagarin became the first human to orbit Earth! The name of his spacecraft was Vostok 1. Vostok 1 had two sections. One section was for Yuri. The second section was for supplies needed for Gagarin to live such as oxygen and water.

    Vostok 1 circled Earth at a speed of 27,400 kilometers per hour. The flight lasted 108 minutes. Vostok’s reentry was controlled by a computer. Yuri Gagarin did not land inside of Vostok 1. He ejected from the spacecraft and landed by parachute.

    Yuri Gagarin was killed in a plane crash before he could travel in space a second time.

    Yuri Gagarin =angkasawan (astronaut/cosmonaut)pertama dunia
    Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor = angkasawan (astronaut/cosmonaut) pertama Malaysia

  411. syabas dr heikh muzaphar..!! anda lah wira malaysia..berusaha lah dengan bersungguh2..aza-aza fighting..!!! hehe..

  412. To our young and charming.. mejar Dr. Faiz..
    Good luck and take care of urself…
    Hope to see u in space for our next space journey.

    We are going to have our own soyuz which might be called as kapal angkasa satu or what ever the name is…
    Someday someday… round the next corner i hope..
    it’s not a day dream…

    Lets make it come true…

  413. Another Arab….omg!!! Faham bahasa Melayu rupanya…Osama orang Melayu? Bolehlah! Sapa-sapa pun boleh…jangan Bush sudah! Buat lawak pulak Arab ni…!!!@#$%

  414. Dear Syed Luqman (18Oct@9.59am)

    Here is the equation in Malaysia:
    Keturunan Syed + Keturunan Sheikh = Keturunan Pendatang from NON MALAY countries further than China!

    Oh, by the way, it has been established in the Arab countries that the ‘Keturunan Syed’ are actually descendants of the 1st Jewsish tribe to embrace Islam! Prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh) only son died without bringing any zuriat.

    When you were practising Judaism, you say that you were ‘The Chosen People of the God’ after after embracing Islam you make false claims again! Here’s another fact – The human race (including the Kufara’) are all descendants of a prophet (Prophet Adam), so what is your excuse now?

  415. Dear Nini

    I love a good debate. No hard feelings. I’m honoured that you consider me ‘faham Bahasa Melayu’ but here’s the fact – it is incorrect to categorise someone as a ‘Bangsa Melayu’ based on what they eat. Don’t you consider DNA as precise proof of ‘Bangsa Melayu’?

    If you were to categorise someone as ‘Bangsa Melayu’ based on their diet, what category would you grant to the Baba Nyonya of Melaka and Penang?

    Love you Nini!

  416. Dear Nini

    Bush’s real name is GEORGE BIN ABDUL AZIZ AL-BUSH!! Dia pun ada ‘Bin”!

  417. saya tahu.. apa yang nak saya katakan ni.. susah orang nak terima.. ramai orang akan berfikiran saya ni.. gila.. mungkin saya dah tersilap mengambil keputusan untuk diri saya sendiri.. tapi.. saya rasa.. tentang angkasawan Malaysia ni.. dia.. er.. lebih baik saya diamkan je apa yang saya rasa tentang dia..DIA MEMANG.. DAHH..emm,takpala…. namun,,saya rasa saya boleh berkongsi dengan seluruh rakyat Malaysia// emmm.. semenanjung dan sabah sarawak.. yang angkasawan ni.. AKAN DIPINANG SAYA!!!!!!

  418. Another Arab….

    U r being petty… shame on u..:P

    Nini… I agree with u… datuk nenek moyang and so on and so forth memangla arab…! Accordingly.. most malays originated from Yunnan Province of China.. but that doesnt make us still a chinese ..we are now malays!! Likewise Dr SMS ..

    Incidently some encyclopaedia define a Malay as someone who practises Islam, regards the Malay culture, speaks the malay language, eats, lives that of a Malay.. so what do u hv to say about that AA?

  419. hey…

    congratulation ya…

    you proves that there is nothing that we cannot do…

    GOOD JOB!!!!

  420. assalamualaikum….saya bangga sangat kerana angkasawan negara kita akhirnya berjaya ke angkasa lepas

  421. askum..tahniah di atas kejayaan Dr kerana telah berjaya mencapai misi negara kite meskipon Dr adalah org yg pertama ke angkasa lepas..Bagi saya inilah 1 kebanggan buat MALAYSIA kerana kite juga setanding dgn negara2 yg maju..yg mempunyai teknologi yg canggih..semoga ramai lagi rkyt MALAYSIA mnjd ankasawan yg berjaya..

  422. i lurve yOu sheikh!!!!yOu are Our herO!!!!

  423. tahniah……………..
    kejayaan Dr.SMS menjadi kebanggaan rakyat. Saya dan keluarga amat berbangga…. tahniah sekali lagi….

  424. Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar,
    I am indeed proud of your achievement. All Malaysians and your parents have every right to be proud of you and what you have done . This space programme has indeed stirred a strong interest in Science and Technology among young and old Malaysians alike as it was intended too. Having gone through all the comments made on this blog and being an ardent follower of Channel 588 I feel excited about what is about to happen after all these. I am sure the interest in Science an dTechnology among our schoolkids will surge as never before . I now realise the reason behind the change in policy of teaching and learning of Science and Maths by our former Prime Minister. Syabas Dr Sheikh and Syabas the Government of Malaysia on this bold and brave project.

  425. Dear Nina (24Oct@1014am)

    Thank you very much for your message. Also, thank you for your clarification that most Malaysian Malays trace their origin to Yunnan Province in China with a large minority of Malaysian Malays tracing their roots to Arab countries. Why are you trying to tell me things that I am already aware of??

    You asked me what I have to say. Well, this is what I have to say:
    Malaysia chose an ethnic Arab to be the 1st Angkasawan and he became the 3rd Arab in space (after a Saudi and a Syrian)! Thank you Malaysia!

  426. i am so happy that malaysia have an astront good job!!!!!!!! hope you enjoy drsheik muszaphar shukur

  427. saya ialah peminat awak im 11 years old

  428. syabas!!!..kerna tlh bjaya mjdi angkasawan m’sia pertama.

  429. congratulation..btuah sungguh u jd angkasawan m’sia yg ptama.May god bless u…

  430. congratulation! buat anda semoga senentiasa success dan drahmati Allah amin…

  431. Dear Nina (24Oct@1014am)

    Since you stated that most Malaysian Malays trace their ancestral origin to Yunnan Province in China; would it not be correct to say that Malaysian Malays are in reality ethnic Chinese who have embraced Islam, adopted Arabic names 100% and speak a language that is more Arabic in content (vocabulary)?

    By the way, what is wrong with having a DNA to determine your ethnic origin?

  432. selamat sejahtera. saya amat berbangga kerana akhirnya negara saya mempyai seorang angkasawan. kejayaan ini menunjukkan negara kita mampu bersaing dengan negara-negara yang lein dalam menjelajahi angkasa lepas. saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Dr. Sheikh khususnya dan negara amnya.

  433. cayang dr.sheikh…tahniah…………..!!!!!!!! berapa umo dr ni?? saya 12 tahun… bleh minta email x?? nnt send dekat email sya k.. nurkasih91_cayunk@yahoo.com.. daaaa

  434. Dear Nina (24Oct@1014am)

    Petty is not a word to describe someone who has been consistently accurate, precise and factual.



  437. I think I have succeeded in sliencing all claims that Dr Muszaphar Almasrie is a ‘Bangsa Melayu’.

    For those who are not familiar with Arabic surnames. Here is a hint – Arabic surnames will always begin with either AL, EL, BA or BIN.

    By the way, ALMASRIE is Arabic for ‘The Egyptian’. There is absolutely no reason for any ‘Bangsa Melayu’ to link himself to a country that is one of the original 7 founding members of the Arab League!

    If Dr Mus is a true Deli Melayu, he would have a name like ‘AWANG A/L PENDEK’. Am I not correct Nina? Please don’t take me for a bodoh!

  438. congrats,congrats,congrats
    ank malaysia bolehhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    i,m very proud

  439. aduhai kawan…
    jangan begitu…
    Siapa pun dia orangnya kalau asalnya dari Malaysia maka orang Malaysia ler.. kan…
    Sedih lah citer bangsa2 ni… kita kan negara yg bersatu..
    satu bangsa, satu bahasa…
    Selamat Hari Raya.. Maaf Zahir dan Batin..

    Malaysiaku Gemilang…
    Syabas anak Malaysia…

  440. akum…. hai kawan 2… sapa sapa nak pi angkasa boleh daftar sekarang…. ada potongan harga… siapa cepat dia dapat… semua orang boleh melancong…janji ada duit..cuma kamek..nak pesan…bair kita terbang tinggi mana…. jangan lupa bahasa kiter…asyik cakap bahasa org putih jer… pak leh pun masa komunikasi dgn pak syeikh cakap b.melayu…. sedih aku tgk … syabas pak lah…. jgn lah duk berlagak sgt….. kiter ni melayu… ikut lah cam PM kiter…

  441. Askum….Congratulation Doktor Syeikh Muszaphar for being The FIRST Malaysian Angkasawan

  442. tahniah dr sms..
    im very proud of u and i hope u will do the best

  443. Dear Tiara (24Oct@6.38pm)

    Kindly accept my sincere apologies if you are offended by this mention of ‘Bangsa’. But why don’t you scroll up and look at all those yang membangkitkan ‘Bangsa Melayu’ lah, ‘Anak Melayu’ lah, ‘Martabat Melayu’ lah etc.?

    Time has changed. Get used to it. There are many Malaysians like me, who are not afraid to admit we are IMMIGRANTS and we prefer to stand by those who do not share the privileges of being ‘Bumiputra’.

    At the same time, as ‘Bangsa Melayu’, you have to learn to be sensitive so as not to offend us Arabs. Gone are the days when Arabs are not fluent in their language. The new generation of Malaysian Arabs can now speak fluent Malay and Arabic and we have a sense of identity and are not easily swayed by your ‘Masuk Melayu’ rhetorics! We look at Arabs pretending to be ‘Bangsa Melayu’ as clowns! Imagine Osama Bin Laden wearing a Chinese Emperor’s costume and claiming to be a Chinese!

    For a start, stop categorising Arabic Names as ‘Nama Melayu’! Another sad case of ‘Lembu punya susu, Sapi punya nama’. Arabic names have meanings in the Arabic Language. And stop insisting that ‘Nama Melayu’ must have a ‘BIN’. Let me tell you that by adding ‘BIN, you are identifying yourself more as an ARAB and not as a ‘Bangsa Melayu’. Go and ask Osama Bin Laden!

    What is wrong with names that are purely Malay in origin? Names like Awang, Purnama, Budiman, Hang Jebat, Hang Tuah, Hitam, Melati, Mawar etc. There is nothing in Islam that says that you must have Arabic names.

    I admire the Indonesians for their embrace of their ethnic identity. You can see it in their names. Even though they are Muslims, they maintain their identity and not try to be wannabe Arabs. Who would expect that a name like ‘Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’ is leader of the largest Muslim country in the world?

    So, is it against the law for me to remind my fellow Malaysians that Dr Muszaphar Almasrie is an Arab with a Malaysian nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that Hollywood actress ‘Salam Hayek’ is an Arab with a Mexican nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that ‘Shakira’ is an Arab with Colombian nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that Zineddine Sidane is an Arab with French nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park) and Paula Abdul are Arabs with US nationality?

    Times have changed. There are now Malaysians of Chinese origin who can speak fluent Arabic. You can’t keep on fooling people anymore.

    Once again my apologies to my Melayu Muslim brothers and sisters for the harshness of this message.

  444. elow…nk tau tak????smalan kan,kte pegi bulan….best giler….nk ikot tak???tunggu kte mmpi yerk…bawu boleh ikot…he..he..he..anyway,tahniah to syikh muzapahr…mmuuaahh!!!

  445. Dear Johan (24Oct@7.16pm)

    Sorry to inform you but Pak Lah is ‘Makkawi’. If you want to know what that means, please go to the Saudi Embassy and ask them!

  446. Dear Another Arab,

    I was stunned and totally amazed at the way u stood by ur so called “arab claim”. It awed me further when u went all the way to suggest DNA procedures conducted to back ur statement… LOL.

    As for names.. u mentioned Awang A/L Pendek .. well I thought thats pretty whimsical .. Its not often one gets acquainted with an arab comedian..and a very angry one too..:)). As for Melayu Deli.. isnt Deli something to do with Indonesia?

    U said u hv succeeded in silencing all claims pertaining to Bangsa Melayu. Well I do not think so. I still stand by what I said. As for taking u for a “bodoh”… my apologies… really I dun appreciate taking anyone being “bodoh” unless the person him/herself thinks he/she is. I dun make it a habit looking down at other ppl be it their race, culture, language, names etc .. I am proud of my race as a Melayu but I dun despise other races and think that my Melayu is better and mightier. Sorry I dun hv a problem with that…

  447. Dear Nina (24Oct@10.39pm)

    Are you so very sure that you are truly a Malay? What kind of a Malay are you – you don’t even know the difference between a Deli Melayu and Melayu?

    I suspect that you are just another descendant of a non-Malay immigrant pretending to be a Malay. otherwise, you wouldn’t have felt insulted by the DNA issue.

    You say that you don’t despise other races. You cannot even embrace your own Bangsa Melayu who are non-Muslims and yet you say that you don’t despise another race? What a joke. At least we, as Arabs, don’t have a problem with our brothers and sisters who are Christians. We NEVER deny them their Arab identity even though they are Christians or Druze. Their Arab identity is guaranteed by our Prophet Mohammed (pbuh).

  448. Dear Nina (24Oct@10.39pm)

    Sorry. I forgot to add that as Arabs, we don’t need an encyclopaedia to tell us who is an Arab and who is not. The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) has already clearly spelled it out.

  449. Dear Nina (24Oct@10.39pm)

    Do you want to know why DNA is a very sensitive issue to you?

    Well, it is because that in Malaysia, ‘Bangsa Melayu’ (not to be confused with Deli Melayu) is the only Bangsa in this world where you can ‘Masuk Melayu’ and choose to ‘Keluar Melayu’!

    Sounds like a Club Membership to me!

  450. Dear Another Arab,

    I consider myself a Malay and nothing can change that.. not even ur sarcastic remarks!!

    I am not ashamed to ask u that question with regards to Deli because I dun pretend to be a ms “know all” or a “smart alex”… like some ppl do.

    Also it doesnt hurt me a bit whatever u suspected as per my ascendants, be it chinese plus arabic plus dutch plus wateva..coz like I said before… I consider myself a Malay regardless of what ascendants I hailed from. I stand by the fact that I was born here a Malay and a Muslim, I adhere to the Malay culture, speak the Malay language, live and eat as a Malay and Muslim..etc etc etc ( Muslim Arabs lament at the fact that until today, not all Arabs are born Muslims..and as the saying goes… if u cant fight them…join them..(joking ..k). On the DNA issue…insulted?…:P.. on the contrary, Another Arab..!! I was actually v amused!!!

    Again I stress, it is not my habit to look down on others .. as such I feel compelled to remind that as a Malay.. though I am proud of my race that doesnt deem me mightier or better than other races.. jangan marahhh… ya..:))) KALLAS!!

  451. Dear Nina (25Oct@12.09am)

    I think I should apologise for hurting you. Wallahi ana muta’assef jiddan jiddan. I didn’t mean to do so.

    I sensed that you are my Arab sister but the difference between you and I is where we identify ourselves. Can we start afresh please?

    I am also a Malaysian like you. So, let us forgive and forget. By the way, the difference in terminology used for ‘Melayu’ and ‘Deli Melayu’ is as follows:

    Melayu : Peranakan, from within Nusantara (eg Bugis, Javanese, Minang, Bawean, Banjar, Manadahiling, Aceh etc) who have embraced the Malay Culture. This term can also be applied to Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis and other immigrants from outside the Nusantara who embraced the Malay culture.

    Deli Melayu: Genetic Malays (currently less than 15% of the Malay population in Malaysia). The Kelantanese can be considered as Deli Melayu as their customs is very similar to the Deli Melayu in Riau and other parts of Sumatra. Now you understand why the Kelantanese consider other Malays as ‘Pendatang’.!

  452. Another Arab,

    Thank you for enlightening me on Melayu and Melayu Deli.
    U are indeed v knowledgeable. I guess u muz be either a historian or a professor in ethnic study or simply like me, an encyclopaedia enthusiast…lol..or perhaps a psychologist turned hostile..hehe

    Anyway..I wanna sleep now..

    Good nite… assalamualaikum my muslim brother/sister…:))

  453. first of all, lots of CONGRATS to our dear Dr SMS & salam eid mubarak =]

    ehem, Nina & Another Arab, u both really something ha… whatever, but i agree with Nina. i juz wanna point out 1 thing to Mr Another Arab: about ‘bin’.. this is not about malay or what, this is for muslim, yes for non-muslim there’ll be such name like u have mentioned (AWANG A/L PENDEK).. right Nina? hee..

    malay or arab or anyone, the most important is ‘heart’… please live nicely everybody =]

  454. Assalamualaikum w.b.t…Dr. Sheikh.. Tahniah and Well done as our misi come true. Alhamdulillah Dr boleh dah jadi role model yang baik terhadap ramai orang..InsyaAllah Allah may bless u. As for me you are success as parent you pun memang beriman dan berkat doa ummi and ayah n parents n semua rakyat malaysia yang doa ..solat hajat u selamat. dan diri Dr sendiri pun memang bersihla….suke sangat!Kalau nak wat sesuatu niat kene betul,,and nawaitu kepada Allah s.w.t..kejayaan dr membuktikan kebesaran Allah..bestnyer dapat gi space…sure tambah humble diri kiter terhadap Allah s.w.t..As a science teacher your success will be as isnpiration for children to become somebody by doing research and study well…Your experiment akan dikongsi oleh sume orang… Tahniah dr..and tahniah kepada keluarga dr..Dr nanti kirim salam kat adik Dr …that’s Sheikh Ahmad:)…jangan lupe!..Assalamualaikum..May God Bless u and your fiancee n your family and all muslim and others…’Hope dr will reply!

    Fatthima Hussain,23(geomariner_84@yahoo.com)

  455. Gosh, very interesting conversation there you Nina and AA! Tapi dari pengalaman I dengan orang Arab…which is sangat banyak….Arab memang suka berdebat…cepat panas…tapi kalau dengar student dari Arab, ramai colleagues I akan surrender, tak nak supervise them! Tapi itu Arab yang betul2 datang dari Arab le…AA ni kira dah Arab Malaysia, so tak termasuk dalam kategori tu lah… Anyway, that makes the mosaic more colorful, right! And AA, cool yeah (like my children always say to calm me down!).

  456. My dear sister Nini (25Oct@8.40am)

    Thank you for your feedback! Yes, I am one Malaysian Arab that loves Sambal Belacan and Tempoyak but at the same time, I equally love our Mezze. When I am back in Malaysia, I miss our Arabic dishes and when I am in any Arab country (which I do spend 4-5 months in a year), I miss our Asam Pedas. By the way, I do cook Arabic dishes at home.

    But for the record, I grew up in Egypt and studied at the Cairo University. I speak, read and write fluent Arabic and have mastered my written Bahasa Melayu when I moved back here. Like most Arabs born in non-Arab countries, I have dual citizenship as enshrined by the Arab League.

    You are right, there are now thousands of Arabs students in Malaysia and thousands more are visiting each year. In Malaysia now, there is a second renaissance in all things Arabic as more Malays are rediscovering their Arabic origin. With Pak Lah, Hamid Albar and Mizan, you are set to see Arabic Language becoming a more dominant language than what it used to be.

    My, my, even non-Malays are now learning to belly dance – another Arabic culture from our pre-Islamic days!

    Why keep denying your Arabic roots?

  457. Dear Dr Sheikh,

    Good Morning!

    Terima kasih banyak,kerana dapat mengharumkan nama negara di mata dunia..
    Semoga berjaya dalam semua bidang.
    We LOVE you so MUCH..

  458. Dear Sape2 Lah (25Oct@4.39am)

    So, if Bin is strictly for Muslims, how would you describe DAVID BIN GURION? A Malay? An Arab? A Jew?

    BIN is an Arabic word and let us Arabs determine the correct usage. We don’t need a wannabe Arab tell us how to use OUR LANGUAGE!

    Sorry to say this but I am tired of you Malays restricting non-Muslims from using INSHA ALLAH and ALHAMDULILLAH. To start with it is NOT YOUR LANGUAGE and please be reminded of it!

    Christians Arabs (who all have Arabic names) are free to use INSHA ALLAH and ALHAMDULILLAH because ‘ALLAH’ is Arabic for God and is God to all. If ALLAH is a Muslim God, then who is TUHAN? A Malay diety?

  459. it makes me wonder.why cant they find someone who isnt a somebody or belong to a “datuk” tan sri” family?both of these candidates come from well priviledged families.they arent your average “joe”,a guy/girl who came from the village,or an out-towner.it justs makes me wonder how many strings they’ve pulled,well since they belonged in the wealthy-class community.they’ve had so many priviledges in their life,WHY CANT THE BLOODY GOVT FIND SOMEONE WHO ISNT FROM THIS PART OF SOCIETY AND DO SOME GOOD TO THESE PEOPLE?TURN THEIR LIFE AROUND,GIVE THEM HOPE AND DIGNITY?WHY WOULD YOU SEND SOMEONE WHO IS ALREADY BEING FED WITH GOLDEN SPOON ALL THEIR LIFES?WELL,THATS WHAT I CALL 50 YRS OF INDEP.CONGRATULATIONS GOVT OF MALAYSIA.YOU’VE WASTED OUR MONEY,THE TAX PAYERS’ AND I CANT JUSTIFY YOUR ACTION.

  460. All I have to say is that the whole Space Tourism thing was a total waste of tax payers money. He is NOT an astronaut, he just went up to space, served the Russian Astronauts Malaysian food and asked them to fill out survey forms on what they think about the food. It is sad that the Malaysian government funded this bogus project. The 25 millions dollars could have gone into research, helping the poor or went into the educational system (we really need good teachers). I don’t think this guy deserves the attention he got, he never conducted any experiments or did any analysis on space, he was merely sent to space for the sake of “being the first Muslim Malaysian” in space. The fact this was made into such a big issue was because the word “Muslim” was mentioned so many times throughout his interview. Why does religion have to do with going to space? Why can’t he be the “First Malaysian” that went to space and not “The First Muslim Malaysian”? Do we need to sub categorized every single thing so that everyone comes with a label, or represent a special minority group. At a time where the government is trying to promote “muhibah” amongst all races, slapping labels all across the community is not the right thing to do. Did we ever hear statement like “the first Blackman in space?” or “The first Jew in space?” Looking at the posed pictures that this guy took, it’s his modeling side that is demanding attention. Sheikh, your 15 minutes of fame is up, you can step down the stage now. And for Malaysia, I hope we learn from this lesson, as space tourist Anousheh Ansari, 40, an Iranian born American businesswoman went to space for $20 Million, we paid $25 Million to conduct food surveys in space. Malaysia Boleh? Sure we can, we just need to take a longer time than everyone else.




  462. assalamualaikum……………sye peminat Dr..no 1….i love u….jgn mara…..nnti lg tmbh tua…..

  463. Dear Sape2 Lah (25Oct@4.39am)

    If indeed ‘Bin’ is mandatory for Muslims, go and instruct your sebangsa serumpun ‘Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’ to include a ‘Bin’ in his name!

  464. assalamualaikum,
    Dr. Sheikh Muzaffar,kesayanganku. Selamat kembali ke bumi Malaysia. Tahniah diatas kejayaanmu,berjaya menjejakkan kaki ke angkasa lepas. I LUV U SO MUCH,DR. SHEIKH.


  466. apa khabar Dr.Sheikh?

    Sebagai rakyat malaysia saya berbangga dengan kejayaan anda.Semoga selamat pulang ke malaysia.All malaysians love you so much….

  467. Dear Wook iee (25Oct@11.29am)

    I salute you for your excellent statement.

    Nevertheless, let’s look on the bright side – Malaysia sent an Arab to the ISS. He is definitely not a Malay. For playing his role as the ‘First Malay Angkasawan’ so well, he might even venture into Hollywood!

    Can we arrange for Michelle to rope him in?

  468. Dear Wook iee (25Oct@11.29am)

    On a separate note, maybe we can set up the first Malaysian Restaurant at ISS? Serving Nasi Lemak, Rendang Tok, Asam Pedas, Kapitan Curry, Satay, Lontong etc.

    Wow, I’m getting hungry already!

  469. Dear Trentdabo (25Oct@11.31am)

    I assure you that our Dr Mus is an Arab stud! Don’t jump to conclusion just because that Chef Ismail is his business partner. Chef Ismail is a really family friend.

  470. dear dr. sheikh…
    congrat 4 ur achievement 4 our country.
    i’m d 1 dat who r vry proud of u n also admire u.
    hope u can share ur xperience wif me……..
    congrat again,.

  471. I have no problem with sending A Malay, Indian, Chinese, or any Malaysians up there if its for a good purpose. There needs to be a good reason to spend 25 Million dollars, those are the hard earn money that the tax payers paid, and I believe it should go back to community and do good things. Let it be feeding the poor or setting up a good health care system for older generations of Malaysians. We do not need to prove ourselves to the world that we have a Malaysian in space. We need to focus on what is important to us, such as healthcare, education and put Malaysia on the track to become a stronger country.
    For me, Someone like Tun Adbul Razak, Tungku Abdul Rahman… these are the heroes of our country, certainly not a space tourist that looks “ cute in pictures”. Priorities has always been placed second in our society, Malaysia is always out to prove a point to the world rather than wanting to think further down the road. I don’t want to speak ill of my birth place, but sometimes being a minority I do feel like a red headed stepchild that no one cares about. It will take a very long time to unite all Malaysians, and for now I can only see more segregation and people putting stereotypes on each other because after all, we are too good and too fast to label ourselves.

  472. I don’t want to sound like an ass, but the $25 million should go into education so that people do not write like these people:

    “congrat 4 ur achievement 4 our country.
    i’m d 1 dat who r vry proud of u n also admire u.
    hope u can share ur xperience wif me……”

    “congratulation 4 u..u will be malaysian idol…we will pray 4 u n wait 4 u…u make everybody salute to our country…”

    “Tahniah kpd Dr Sheikh…. U are my idola..
    Saya memang minat glerrr ar tentang angkasawan nie… x sangka pulak anak malaysia dpt pergi ke angkasa lepas…. Dr Sheikh u are very lucky man… i’m verry respected to u… ”

    It is important to write proper English and Malay, and not some bahasa pasar. This is a forum, and no you are not talking to your cat. If we want to be respected in this world, we got to write properly and talk properly. The British left behind a good english educational system, yet so many people here speaks like some goons that fell off from trees. I say $925 Million should have gone into education, and for all gods'(allah, jesus, buddha.. etc) sake, train and pay our teachers enough so that they can bring up a better generation. Stop Space Tourism in Malaysia, Support Education!

  473. Dear sapa sapa yg duk puji pak syeikh….
    Janganlag terlalu memuji…itu hanya kejayaan kecil saja…hanya allah yg layak dipuji….Negara lain lama dah naik ke Angkasa…. kiteer….keta pun tak reti nak buat sendiri lagi……nanti kiter / media masa asyik duk puji dia…. tak der apa pun dia boleh buat…. selamtkanya dr sifat riak, sombong n bongkak…. Ari tu masa cakap ngan Pak Lah pun bukan main Somboong lag mamat ni… Pak lah cakap melayu dier cakap mat om…putih. Tak pandai cakap melayu ker

  474. haiiii

    i’m very like u….
    bcozz u is da first time goes to da moon….
    hehe. 🙂

  475. Dear Wookie,

    You are very eloquent and I totally agree with you. I think you must look Hot.

  476. yg ko nak memburukan nama dia knp…lantak dia lah nak ckp org putih bukan menyusahkan ko pun…bagus lah dia pegi iss….dripd ko 2 x pernah pergi pe pulak…

  477. syg dr sheikh

  478. Dear Wookie

    Your concerns are very genuine and it may surprise you that there are millions out there who are against this waste. Nevertheless, it is part of the pre-election ploy to appease the Malay mentality that Malays can go to space.

    The point is – No Malay has ever been to space because Dr Mus is an ethnic Arab. But the Malays will be dancing happily for any achievement by anyoneone claiming to be a Malay. Scroll up and look at them singing praises and claiming Malay achievements! Hell they will even be happy with any achievement by a Jew provided the guy is willing to wear Baju Melayu, have a ‘Bin’ in his name and insist that he is a Malay.

    And that is the truth.

    The next major activity the Malays do is to give out titles to each other to make them feel that they’ve achieved something. And yet there are Muslim scientists in other countries whose achievements in the world of medicine, science and technology are considered major contributions but they don’t have titles.

    Then again, we need to give the Sultans (which, by the way, is an Arabic word and not a Malay word) something to do or they’ll be bored to death.

  479. Another Arab,

    I thought our slanging match has ended on an amicable note yesterday but I cant help but respond to ur rather careless and very provoking remarks …

    U seem to be a very frustrated Arab here in Malaysia.. I wonder what happen…

    U cant accept the fact that a Malay has gone out of space.. (thats ok .. its ur right) .. u must be terrified too of the fact that not all Arabs are muslims unlike the Malays.. who are 100 percent muslims !!I hv said before, I do not look down on other races but u hv made me come out with this bold statement… WE MUSLIM MALAYS ARE BETTER THAN U PROUD ARROGANT MUSLIM ARABS!!!! U ARE ONE OF THOSE ARABS WHO IS JEALOUS OF THE SUCCESS OF OUR MELAYU RACE. (Not all Arabs of course, there are some v nice humble ones)
    WE MANAGE TO BE A “BORN MUSLIM” RACE. EVERY MALAY U MEET IS DEFINITELY A MUSLIM (save for a few isolated case) UNLIKE U ARABS…DESPITE OUR PROPHET MUHAMMAD S.A.W. BEING AN ARAB, U ARABS STILL HV OTHER RELIGIONS WITHIN UR RACE!!! U cant even help our palestinian brothers and sisters … so stop dancing ur arrogance dance!!!

    This is sad…

    Btw.. juz out of curiousity, are u always in ur Arab robe?

  480. Dr.Sheikh

    Well done!!!
    All da best!!!!!
    We are very proud of you….

  481. Guys, c’mon, the forum is about that tourist that spent $25 million hard earned dollars doing nasi lemak surveys in space. Its really not about religion. I think its sad that everything is associated with religion in Malaysia, haven’t we learn from those countries that mix Politics and Religion together, none of them actually succeeds. I hope you guys sort things out.

  482. ur da best in malaysia right now!!!
    ignored what eva people say…
    u make malaysian proud…
    i support u…

  483. u’re right nina =]

    neway, mr AA, did i say ‘bin’ is STRICTLY or MANDATORY for Muslims? if a muslim doesn’t want to put ‘bin’ in his name, suka hati dia lah.

    i know many arabs, i learn arab language, my ustaz mostly are arab & they’re all very nice, but i never meet an arrogant arab like u.

    ‘wannabe arab’? i’m pure malay, a muslim & i’m thankful with this. even i learn arabic language & know many arabs, i never think to be an arab. & i never think to teach an arab how to use arab language.

    u said Malays restricting non-Muslims from using INSHA ALLAH and ALHAMDULILLAH. are u sure? my teachers & lecturers, non-Muslims, always use these words, they even give Salam whenever enter our class / halls, & we like it, we answer it with smile. The other malay lecturers also are please with this. Please don’t condemn whole malays juz by seeing some of them making mistake. even u’re like this, i still respect & love my arab ustaz.

    To start with it is NOT YOUR LANGUAGE and please be reminded of it! <— oo really? … Al-Qur’an is in arab right? is’t it juz for arab people?

  484. dear sharina…
    ko yg tak sub sgt dgn dier apa hal…. sapa ko….
    jangalah tak sub sangat..kiter lum tahu lagi hasilnya… kalau setakat nak melancong….tu..aku pun boleh….. bawa gasing & ketupat… main kat sana….. ko nak ikut aku ker…..kiter main badminton ker, tenis ker kat sana..lagi gempak…

  485. sheikh muszphar bertuah dpt prg iss….die mmg brtuah!

  486. Syukur Alhamdulillah..segalanya telah selamat. Dr Sheikh telah selamat pergi ke ISS dan kembali ke bumi walaupun beliau belum kembali ke tanahair yang sangat dia cintai, MALAYSIA.Apepun untuk Dr. Sheikh, tahniah..anda telah membuat MALAYSIA menjadi bangga memiliki seseorang seperti anda. Mempunyai semangat yang jitu, mencintai negara malah membanggakan negara. Dr. seorang yang berbakat dalam apa jua bidang yang diceburi. Sucsess sebagai Dr, ahli perniagaan, model terkenal dan Angkasana negara.Kita tak tahu sama ada akan ada atau tidak orang seperti anda. Secara peribadi,saya sangat berbangga dengan Dr. Saya harap selepas ini akan anda menjadi contoh, ikon yang terbaik untuk rakyat MALAYSIA meneroka angkasa raya. Akhir kata, saya berharap Dr. akan berjaya didalam hidup dan saya doakan juga Dr. akan mengakhiri zaman bujang dengan insan pilihan hati. All the best Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al-Masrie.

  487. Sape sape lah…

    Some arabs (not all) think we malays pining to be “wannabe arabs”…what a “damnn optimistic” opinion!!

    Who wld want a complicated mind like our honorable mr. AA, a very black heart and vengence written all over his face?? A mouth that hs gone out of control and nasty thoughts playing over and over again. I for one wld not want to be associated with any of that. As a muslim, I try v hard to control my bad impulses.

    Like u, I am very grateful to god that we malays are all born muslims. From history, we all know that our ancestors either practiced hinduism, buddhism or native animism before converting to Islam. And we hv managed to keep this faith for generations upon generations because we hv the capabilites to see that our Islam is the one and only true religion and the Quran was definitely not written by men. That shows at least our race hv a clear understanding and intelligence. Otherwise how do u think we hv managed to run this country successfully.. (I know Mr AA is fuming now.. through his arab nostrils..heheh).

    Keep up our head high .. Malays.. dun let a premature andropausal arab guy strip us off our dignity!!

  488. dear sapa 2 jer lah..
    aku sokong apa yg dikatakan oleh dr masitah…..tak yah kiter bangga melampaui batas…. perbelanjaan nak pi sana amatlah besar…. guna duit kiter gak.. kalau ada hasil tak pa lah….tapi kalau tak ader apa pun kejayaan yg di bawa…. kan namanya membazir..baik duit tu di gunakan untuk tlg rakyat yg misin terutamanya harga minyak yg duk nak naik ni…….

  489. Hello Nina,

    When you wrote “And we hv managed to keep this faith for generations upon generations because we hv the capabilites to see that our Islam is the one and only true religion”, you are putting other religion down to make what you believe is superior. It is written in the law that if you are born a Malay, you SHOULD be a Muslim. I have met a few Malays who have converted to other religion but they were then disowned by their family and had to be sent to religious reform/rehab school before they left Malaysia for good. The family kept a secret from the rest of the world as it is a disgraceful act that this person has brought to the family, so no one really heard their side of the story. So it does happen, just that it wasn’t reported.
    I think when our country set such strict rules for its people, most will just follow the flow and will not challenge the system. Being a Muslim in Malaysia has a lot of perks too, houses/properties are cheaper, you get upper hand in education system, so if I were a Muslim, I won’t want to rock the boat either. I am writing this not to belittle your religion. I respect Muslim ritual and its believes, but I will never put down other religion and claimed “we are the best coz no one in our religion change their faith”. Again, I think the topic of the forum is about the space tourism and not about religion. Not everything is religion related, but mutual respect is indeed the right way to go. I am not sure if this posting will get posted. If it does, I wish everyone well and be considerate. If there is a chance, travel out of the country and learn from the experience, about other countries and different cultures and believes, that will make you appreciate what you have and be more open minded about other things. Thank You for your time.


  490. Dear Nina (25Oct@9.36pm)

    Thank you very much for your reply. To be honest, I thrive in any verbal fencing and seize every opportunity I could to make a statement that is based on FACTS.

    You accused me of making ‘careless and very provoking remarks’; well, unfortunately, I consider them as ‘Accurate, Precise, Factual and Thought-Provoking’. Every single statement I made is accurate but it rocks your boat and makes you extremely nervous. Noticed the deafening silence from either the ‘Keturunan Sheikh’ or the ‘Keturunan Syed’?!?! They don’t want to be drawn in and be humiliated for their hypocrisy.

    For the record, I have never indicated that the Arab race is superior. Oh, rest assured we have our fair share of idiots and clowns like all other races BUT we do produce scientists, doctors and other professionals who excel in their profession to the point where they can secure employment and contribute in developed countries. Suffice to say that our successes are also well documented in local TV series featuring Islamic contributions in Medicine and Science. And oh, by the way, we don’t need to study Mathematics and Science in English in order to produce scientists. We can do it with Arabic!

    And whilst we are on the subject of language, how come Bahasa Melayu does not have a written form of language? How come it has to be borrowed either from the Arabic or English alphabets? How come 60% of your vocabulary is Arabic in origin? Note: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka consists of four words and two are from Arabic (Dewan and Bahasa)! That by itself has proven that Arabic Language has significantly enriched Bahasa Melayu!

    May I ask you why should I be jealous of Malay Successes? Malay Successes translates into ‘Arab Successes’. Now let me see:
    1. Our country spent millions to send an Arab to space.
    2. Five years ago, our country spent millions to install an Arab as the symbol of everything that is Malay, which was followed by feasting and merry-making.
    3. This year, our country spent millions more to install another Arab as the symbol of everything that is Malay and followed by another orgy of feasting and merry-making!
    So, why should I be jealous? Tell me.

    Since you claimed that the Malays have made successes, can you list these successes (strictly in medicine, science and technology) down for me to research? Can you name me all your scientists? What contribution has the ‘Bangsa Melayu’ made to the human race? If there is none whatsoever, may I suggest that you go back to your Chinese roots (Yunnan Province) because there you will find plenty. Plenty enough to have had the attention of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)!

    As for the presence of Christian Arabs and Druze, it shows our level of compassion. Furthermore, as I have stated, it was the Prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh) guideline that the Arab identity not be made solely on religion. He made it out of wisdom and if you Malays chose to ridicule him that is fine by me. For your information, during the crusade, Suleiman El-Ayyouby (whom I am very proud to say was an ethnic Kurd) selected a Christian Arab as his No 1 general out of respect of the Christian Arabs fighting alongside the Muslims. Now are you enlightened?

    As for the Palestinian issue, it is documented that hundreds of thousands of Arab lives have been sacrificed to free Palestine from the Zionist Occupation but the sad reality is no Arab power can vanquish a power supported by the US (through the Jewish Lobby). It is easy for you to blame it on us but the sad reality is the whole world has been held in control by the Jewish Lobby – just look around in this country at all the commercial symbol of Zionism!

    As for your question on whether I wear my Arabic Thoub. Yes, I do especially for Friday prayers. And every Friday I see many Malays wearing the same. It makes me wonder?

    Now, what are you going to do? Have me incarcerated just because I am one Arab who does not wish to dance the Zapin and sing Dondang Sayang just like the other Arab hypocrites in this country? And yes, I will be glad to perform the Dabke for you!

  491. Another Arab,

    U are a man totally obsessed or should I say, literally possessed!!!

    I hv never indicated that we hv strings of successes as per mathematics and science. Those came purely from ur overactive and confused state of mind. I said…”at least we Malays are born muslims”… pls read and digest..!!!

    U can say what u like to back ur overzealous statements.. but as a muslim, I suggest u read back what u hv written of us Malays and if u were in our shoes, shld we juz sit back and take all those written sitting down???

    In Islam too, we hv to defend what is right and I know u always think what u said are all right.. I guess u thought too highly of ur own opinions. U hv no regards of others and hv no sensitivities. U said u dun regard highly of ur race, but ur delirious ravings about arabs show…u displayed urself “stark naked”!!!

    Dun ask me to go to Yunnan, China.. becoz if i go there, I wld hv to go to the middle east too coz I happen to hv a mixed of chinese, arab, dutch and malay blood. And rightfully, as I am born and bred here in malaysia, as a Malay, I am very happy and proud to be one.

    U are also very “aksi” man.. pls refer to Sape2la remarks about the quran. It is written in arabic so i guess it is only exclusively for u arabs??? As for the arab robe, thank god they look nice on our men…:)))

  492. Trust me; I am a very politically correct person. I never want to put down anyone and make them feel bad. But I am siding with Another Arab right now, as in he presented facts in his arguments, and I can see the point he is trying to make. I know this is not a competition, but Nina you need to present facts to convince people and not “I think” “We are” “I assume” because its mostly based on what you believe and NOT what is being seen around the world. Yes, I agree I do see more scientists and Mathematicians which are of the Arabic race on CNN, BBC etc. But Another Arab, you are a smart chap and I am sure you know that the Malay culture is still a young culture, the Arabic culture went way back thousands of years. I think Malaysia is still trying to find an identity as it is considerably young country, so things are still changing and sure it is not a time to celebrate by giving each others praises of a job well done. When we embarked ourselves in the plateau with the rest of the developed country, THEN we should pet our selves on the back and say “syabas”, it is definitely not now, not 5 years from now. Malaysia needs to sort itself out, it needs to align people’s mentality, to get rid of affirmative action and make it anyone everyone’s game (healthy competition can promote growth) and the majority need to get out of its comfort zone before we can succeed as a nation. Sometimes hard words come with spikes and spurs and it may cut you, but it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Perhaps things can be put in better context, but I give you credit for not sugar coating the topic. Thanks Arab.

    PS: It still saddens me that majority of people on this blog choose to say how cute Sheikh is and not question what has he achieved after the $25 million spending? There is no difference in spending $25 million by sending Britney Spears to space . Its still a lost cause. I would like to hear from the people in “good malay” or “good English” why they are proud of Sheikh, what are his achievements. Because right now all I read is broken Malay and broken English, which makes me sad that obviously our educational system did not work.

  493. dr.syeikh….TAHNIAH…wira malaysia gitu….i love u…hehehe

  494. Dear Andy,

    Thank you for ur message. I must apologise to u most profusely for coming up with that religion statement. Honestly I wanted to put within brackets (no offence intended) but unfortunately I forgot. It was unintentional. I hope u and others will accept my apology.

    Juz for ur information, I hv travelled to many countries esp the middle east and I hv had also the opportunity to travel to Jerusalem. It is here my heart missed a beat because I was totally awed when realising that the Muslims, Jews and Christians share the same prophets. (Some prophets)I hv always known this through history but to be there and see for oneself is totally an amazing experience. Anyway.. this is juz a remark .. k. 🙂

    I agree that respect goes a long way, but when someone belittle ur race… u juz cannot sit and smile..

    Sorry this is the wrong forum to “blast off” but I cant help it.

    All the best …:))

  495. Apology Accepted! Thanks 🙂


  496. Nina, I just got to ask. Do you agree with the $25 Million spending on the trip? Do you think its the right time to spend this money? Do you think the $25 million could have been spent on something else? Trust me, I won’t bite your head off if you said Yes to the first question.

  497. hi guys…i really2 proud 2 b a malaysian..
    now malaysian has prove that we all can do anything taht ather people can do..
    thaT guy not juz a briLLiaNt guy but also a really hot guy..
    i admire him so much
    i wanna b as good as him
    even i might not b da next angkasawan buT i wanna malaysia 2 b proud wif me,a malaysiaN can do everything not only in our mind but in da reality worLd..
    malaysia boleh!!

  498. Dear Andy,

    Yes I agree that it is worth spending RM25million K for the trip. When do u think is the right time to do this? 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

    I believe Andy, u know how the systems work. We hv budget for everything.. budget for education, budget for town/city planning, budget for the poor, budget for the aged .. etc etc so as the country cld grow in balance.

    The idea was mooted by our ex pm in 1985. It is now 2007 so they muz hv calculated and considered and budgetted and planned and wat nots to safely conclude that we are able to finance this trip in 2007. Dun ask me to present facts and figures as I am not a Finance person and I know u like facts and figures on the table :)… I juz use my common sense..:P

    And Andy.. I dun mind u biting off my head.. I am ready and prepared!!

  499. Andy..

    I forgot to add in…

    If u think 10 or 20 years from now wld b a good time to hv that trip… how much do u think it will cost then?

    If u think no such trip shld ever take place at all for Malaysia, at least as long as we are still around, then god bless u…:))

  500. I accept your answer Nina. But I disagree with you, I don’t think its worth spending the money at all. I don’t think the government has been wise in spending the national budget; this to me a wasteful spending. Its not the right time, not now, not 10 years from now. We do not have to prove a point to the whole world. Instead we should focus on ourselves first. Find ways to take our people out of poverty. Do you know that the economical balance between the races has gone totally off balance? The Malays are taken cared by the government; Chinese are taking care of themselves. Who is there to help our Indian brothers and sisters? The $25 million could have gone into helping Malaysians to achieve equal economical balance within races. I know there are racial problems everywhere and it’s almost impossible to balance it out, but it still shows that our country’s priorities are not right. I do not mind our countries budget goes into building the most lavish and beautiful mosque in the world, I believe religion brings people together and unite them. Can’t the $25 million go into public housing, and setting up better public education? Why does it have to be spent on a guy who did nothing else but smile in front of a camera and looking all pretty and be called the first Muslim Malaysian in space? Why should millions and millions of hard working Malaysian’s money be spent on one person, who has NOT done anything back for the country except being a poster boy. I don’t get it? I am a Chinese and I never questioned affirmative action that I am not eligible for, but I just wish our country can prioritize our problems and issues first before spending so much on an exorbitant gimmicky event. I am sad, I don’t know why people choose only to see the pretty side of things and not put the flip side into considerations. Nina, thanks for the explanation.

  501. Priorities Nina, priorities. There is such a thing call delayed gratification. Solve our national problems first before enjoying the space tour. I don’t think we need an astronaut, we do not even have a space program. Or at least use the $25 million to send 500 people to work with the Russians, rather than send pretty boy up there to strike a pose. Right, Nina? =)

  502. Sorry Andy.. I do not agree with u.

    We can go on and on.. u with ur facts and figures and priorities..ur scepticisms
    and I, with what I hv juz said..

    I muz quote India as an example (no offence intended). They spend millions or billions on nuclear weapons, military etc and u can see, how poor the ppl are… if u juz happen to be in Delhi, u will know what i mean.. but thank god, we dun find such situation here..

    I dun like to go into this racial issue (I still hv an unfinished biz with Mr AA to settle..:P) as I am not politically inclined but I assure u, the Indians are improving in their life status, otherwise y do u think Ananda Krishnan is the richest man in Malaysia? And our good Datuk Seri Sammy Vellu a cabinet minister .. these are the voice of the Indians…

    Hey take care, I gtg… talk to u later :))

  503. Hi guys be global man. All the problems of the world started because of all the narrow minded thoughts we have , all the racist attitude we have, all the kekitaan we have, all the we are the best, the rest are second, all the …………. I believe its time to stop if we want to make the world a better place to live. THis handsome angkasawan belongs to everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  504. semoga dr sheikh dpanjang kan umur, n happy dsamping kluarga n yg trsayang. sy mmilih dr syiekh sbagai idola sy.. bkan shaja dia brpengalaman tp cute.. hehe..

  505. is it rite dat dr sheikh is gay?i got know from a lot of people surrounding me? n more, wat is the relationship btween dr sheikh n chef ismail..something bad make me trouble n shock..dr sheikh xplain?

  506. Dear Nina (26Oct@4.06pm)

    I will respond to Sape2La once I’ve done my research.

    Dear Andy0905 (26Oct@4.06pm)

    As an Arab, I apologise for my countrymen’s behaviour in duping the rest of the population that they are Malays. My principle is that if the Baba Nyonya cannot enjoy Bumiputra privileges, then we Arabs have no reason to demand such rights simply because we come from countries much further than China and our DNA will not support it. We are after all a Semitic race.

    The behaviour of these Malaysian Arabs (aka Bangsa Melayu) is most embarrassing. The are the LANUN looting this country and that is why there are still poor Deli Melayu (aka Genetic Malays). Yet they blame the Chinese! What hypocrites!

    If we depricve these ‘Bangsa Melayu Arabs’ through DNA, we can save billions each year on unnecessary lavishes, pomps and pageantry. They SHOULD NEVER be given Bumiputra rights because Arabs (unlike Malaysian Chinese) are guaranteed dual-citizenship by their ancestral homeland. This is one of the Arab League’s charter.

  507. HaI Dr TaNiaH KeRaNa DaPaT MeNjAlaNKan MiSi D AnKaSalEpAs…..SeMoGa SiHaT SeNtIaSa.AmiN……

  508. dr..ur myhero..

  509. ko nak g iss bleh dpt ke entah2 bru nak daftar dah out…lantak lah dia nak bwk gasing ke ketupat ke guna duit ko ke…yg ko benci sagat kat dia apasl pulak….untuk masitah

  510. Andy,

    I hv meant to request u to read this site but was in a hurry to go off juz now.

    I wonder if u hv read this. Juz in case u hvnt, pls give time to log in and read. The address is too long to type in here so I wld appreciate if u cld log in “the straits times online, then click top right hand corner in box “Jaring emedia”, next u click on news and finally click on Q & A with Datuk Mazlan Othman. I assure u will hv a more professional presentation of whats nagging in our minds. Enjoy…

  511. Hi,

    “A friend is one who knows who you are,
    understands where you have been,
    accepts what you have become,
    and still gently allows you to grow.”

    All the best for you: In whatever you do,anyway at everywhere 🙂


  512. hai dr sheikh how are u to day

  513. Dear Fred (26Oct@9.53pm)

    Let me assure you that Dr Mus is NOT GAY! He is a pure breed 100% Arab STUD. Chef Ismail is a dear friend to his mother. Do you think that his mother would allow an effeminate guy to touch her beloved son?

    But you know, gays (like women) love to be seen with a handsome beefy stud. It increases their market value and they enjoy the little spotlight that they can share.

    As for me, I’m extremely content to running after the girls that are running after him! Who knows, I might meet someone nice?!?! 😉

  514. Dear Andy0905 (26Oct@4.06pm)

    Thank you for your compliments BUT I am not smart.

    If I am smart, I would dupe the Malays into elevating me as a Sultan in either Malacca, Penang, Sabah or Sarawak by telling them that I am a descendant of the Prophet of Islam!

    I would even give Malaysia a discount – During my installation, I will kiss every keris in this country, kitchen knives, parangs and cangkuls for the effect.

  515. Dear Another Arab..

    On a lighter note…

    If u wanna someone nice.. u shld try to b nice urself

    and if u wanna kiss the kris for effect, try kissing ur own mouth if u can.. it cuts well and deep

    Sorry cant help it… “a muz respond situation..!!”

  516. Dear Nina (27Oct@10.09am)

    😉 😉

    I’ll be the Malaysian version of Edward Scissorhands with an improved gadget – a tongue to kill!

    Love you Nina!

  517. Another Arab,

    Yeah… “bite ur tongue” too if u know what I mean..

    Killer!!! (ur tongue)!


  518. Dear Nina (27Oct@10.09am)

    You know, I am really a nice person.

    Of course, I will start to retaliate when insensitive Malays insult my name and identity. When I tell them my name, they say I have a ‘Nama Melayu’, when I introduce my Christian Arab gf to them, the Malays would say that she must ‘Masuk Melayu’ to be married to me. Do you know how much problem I have with JPN because i don’t have a ‘Bin’?? JPN insists they have rights to determine how Arabs (who never asked for Bumiputra rights) should be named!

  519. apa khabar dr.?

  520. semoga sihat selalu..

  521. semoga allah memberi rahmat kepada dr. &keluarga.from:zafri@taman jelutong dan email saya>zadfri@yahoo.com.

  522. Dear Another Arab..

    My hunch was correct… something did happen that turned u into what u are now..full of bitterness..

    Try going to JPN again..and apply for a “bin” to be included in ur name… i.e. if u wanna the “bin” and if it is allowed…

    As for those malays who insisted ur gf masuk melayu, I strongly believe they meant “masuk islam”..

    Sometimes in life we hv to read the “in between the lines” and not act rashly out of anger

    Like Nini said… Cool Yeah…:)))

  523. dr.merupakan seorang perwira malaysia.Saya mengucapkan selamat pulang ke>tanah air tercinta.Jika saya berpeluang utk menjadi angkasawan seperti dr.,saya akan membuktikan kepada negara Malaysia bahawa Malaysia juga setanding dengan negara2 luar.Selamat maju jaya kepada angkasawan pertama Malaysia.MALAYSIA BOLEH.

  524. Jangan lupa email kpd saya>zadfri@yahoo.com.

  525. Dear Nina

    Do you know, it is haram to change the name of the religion? Allah has chosen Islam as the name and not even us (as Arabs) would dare to use ‘Masuk Arab’.

    That term ‘Masuk Arab’ or Arabianised can only be used when you embrace the Arabic Language & Culture (regardless of religion). Many Arab countries are Arabianised (15 last count) but the ‘pure’ (if there is such a word) is from the Arabian Peninsula.

    We NEVER used ‘Masuk Arab’ to describe someone that had embraced Islam. I will never dare to say such things myself. It is forbidden.

  526. Dear Another Arab,

    Goodness gracious!!…mamamia… !!

    Let me enlighten u..

    Actually the words “masuk melayu” are used by our Malaysian chinese whenever someone wants to convert to Islam. The thinking is…when u convert .. u become a malay. But that was in the days gone by. Nowadays its a different story.. everyone knows when u convert to Islam u do not automatically become a Malay. U can actually still eat with ur chopsticks or dress in ur cheongsam top with long pants (for ladies)… nothing wrong with that as long as it covers what needs to be covered. U dun hv to dress in Baju Kurung. Likewise the men.

    Well the malays take this as a joke and always say in jest “masuk melayu” . If this is forbidden then god forgive those jokers… for me I never said anything as such coz I know ppl convert to the religion not to the race. They can then adjust and adapt as per islamic guidelines. AA..u remind me so much of these lines..

    “Dun be alarmed.. when u hear the alarm” hehehe :)))

    Try saying these lines many times.. u will find them really amusing…lol

  527. Dear Sape2 La (25Oct@11.27pm)

    For your information, Arabic Language had existed BEFORE the dawn of Islam. To categorize it as a ’Devine Language of Islam’ would be MOST INCORRECT. Allah chose Arabic Language as a vehicle to deliver his message and as a language of communications between Muslims.

    There are still languages in the Arabian Peninsula that predates Arabic. Along the Yemen & Omani border, you will find a language that is referred to as ‘Mahra Language’ and in Syria ‘Aramaic’ is still spoken. In the island of Socotra, they also have another language that also predates Arabic.

    Arabic is still used in all Arab churches and Arabic is the language used in the Holy Bible. This is through my exposure with the Coptic Church and the Syrian Orthodox Church. I know that this is something unbelievable for the Malays and that is because you have never lived in any Arab country and see a Mosque and a Church located next to each other. I can assure you that there is no confusion as to which ‘House of Lord’ an Arab goes to.

    It may be of interest to you that there are hundreds if not thousands of ‘Arabic Language’. Suffice to say that the Quranic Arabic is no longer written nor spoken. What has evolved is called Colloquial Arabic where each country has its own dialect. It may surprise you that there is a European (Christian) country that speaks Colloquial Arabic – MALTA. The Maltese can communicate with the Tunisian and Algerian easily.

    Therefore, for you to state that Arabic Language rightfully belong to all Muslims would not be totally correct although Muslims can get closer to Islam through Arabic. However, there is an Arabic Language Department in Cairo that has become the DBP of the 22 member states of the Arab League as provided for in the Charter. They are the rightful party to determine the proper usage and definition.

    As such, it would be diplomatically correct for Malaysia and Malays to dispute the proper usage of Arabic to the right party and that is via the Arab League.

  528. hai dr sheikh..me’n’my sister luv u coz you who is ‘d’ brave astronut…tq very much sebab tlh mengharum kan nama negara malaysia nie…
    this is from aisyah ‘n’ mieyra

  529. congratulation dr. sheikh!i’m the fan of channel 588.hehe. to be the 1st astronout after the challenging training is d best thing.i’m also solute u as ur patriotism.
    u are not only charming(people always talk about that!), but u hane been given by ALLAH a smart think n brilliant. thanks to ALLAH for HIS GIVEN

  530. Es-salam alaikum Rakyat Malaysia

    Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia yang telah mendoakan dan mendorong saya ke arah kejayaan negara kita.


  531. Takziah kepada Dr. Sheikh sekeluarga atas pemergian adiknya. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya. Amin..

  532. salam..
    congrate 4 both of you…
    you all make malaysian proud…
    to DR Sheikh…
    you had proved dat nothing imposible in this world..
    kejayaan anda telah membakar semangat sy utk bergelar engineer dlm bidang aerospace..
    keazaman yg dr tunjukan menjadi punca inspirasi sy…
    impian bermula dgn angan2…
    dan angan2 itu telah anda kotakan…
    to dr faiz…
    semoga berjaya dlm misi seterusnya…
    anda jgk hebat

  533. kesian dr sheikh atas kematian adik sheikh….saya turut cedih lah

  534. Assalamualaikum,

    Pertamanya tahniah sekali lagi buat Kerajaan Malaysia kerana dpt merealisasikan program angkasawan negara dgn menghantar Dr.Syeikh Muszahpar ke ISS.
    Dan yg keduanya mohon admin bagi blog ini agar mana “bloggers” yg dah menyimpang dari topik atau yang dah menyentuh isu-isu perkauman sila “unpublish” comment yg berkenaan. Pada aku antara tujuan blog ini adalah untuk menyatakan pandangan masing-masing berkenaan dengan program angkasawan sulung ini. Kalau nak bercakap hal-hal yg tidak berkenaan sila pergi ke blog yg sepatutnya. Tidak sesuai lah untuk menyatakan apa bangsa angkasawan kita ni.. Pada aku yang apa yang penting dalam program ni adalah untuk melihat keupayaan rakyat Malaysia. Bila menyatakan pendapat atau komen tu biarlah berlandaskan rasional, jangan emosi. Bila orang sudah dikuasai emosi nampak sangat BODOHnya. Malaysia merdeka 50 tahun, tapi nampak sangat masih ada mereka-mereka yang tidak berjaya untuk menunjukkan kemerdekaan Malaysia itu. Belajar lah dari apa yang berlaku di mana-mana muka bumi ini. Bersyukurlah jadi warga Malaysia. Belajar untuk hormat menghormati. Fahami apa dia “KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN”.

    ps. kurang ajar tu lebih baik dari tidak masuk ajar

  535. asal ko tetiba marah pulak????

  536. Dear Sharina (28Oct@1.59am)

    I think Azmi DHM has indeed felt the TRUTH of all the statements I made. Good. At least, the message gets across.

  537. Dear Sape2 La (25Oct@11.27pm)

    I am sorry. I forgot to mention that there is no such thing as a’Pure Malay’ just as much as there is no such thing as a ‘Pure Arab’.

    Even Mizan (aka the symbol of everything that is Malay is an Arab. He traces his ancestral origin to Hadhramaut. Takes 13 hours to fly there – further than any province in China!

    If you want to know where that is you can ask Osama Bin Laden. If getting hold of Osama is too hat, you can try our Keturunan Syed aka Keturunan Pendatang aka Hamid Albar.

  538. Addendum

    Dear Sape2 La (25Oct@11.27pm)

    I am sorry. I forgot to mention that there is no such thing as a ‘Pure Malay’ just as much as there is no such thing as a ‘Pure Arab’. I will accept a ‘Deli Melayu’ to mean that you have Malay DNA (or Genetic Malay).

    Even Mizan (aka the symbol of everything that is Malay is an Arab), traces his ancestral origin to Hadhramaut. For your information, it takes 13 hours to fly to Hadhramaut – further than any province in China!

    If you want to know where that is you can ask Osama Bin Laden. If getting hold of Osama is too hard, you can try asking our Keturunan Syed aka Keturunan Pendatang aka Hamid Albar. He should know!

  539. Dear Azmi DHM (ujana12a) – (28Oct@12.55am)

    Sorry. Sometimes, I will have to discard SOPAN and SUSILA when it comes to dealing with someone like you.

    Please define ‘Merdeka’ when the symbol of everything that is Malay has to be imported from an Arab country? Please define ‘Merdeka’ when the ‘Raes El-Wazarak’ has to be imported from an Arab country?

    Some would call it occupation! But of course, you Malays are entertained by Arabs dancing the Zapin!

  540. i love sheikh muzaphar because he can do anythin for pak lah and he very handsem men i very love he and i want to see with my eyes.

  541. knp ko nak menyebuk pula

  542. Sheikh, Im not Malaysian. Im a Bruneian.. And Im so proud of u…

    Takziah buat ur Brother

  543. Tahniah buat Kerajaan Malaysia akan tetap kita negeri yang sedang membangun nak buat apalah nak hantar org ke angkasa lagi; satu cukuplah. Kalau setakat nak cari nama saje tak payahlah nak belanja berjuta duit rakyat. Banyak lagi rakyat malaysia yang masih hidup dalam keadaan yang daif. Tak faham dengan kerajaan nak mengatakan pembangkang tak dapat memberi sebarang kemajuan, ya betullah tu tetapi fikirlah sikit rakyat malaysia yang merasa diri cerdik. Kalau baru nak memerintah takkan tiba-tiba je nak ada kemajuan sedangkan selama ni Barisan yang memerintah kat Trengganu tu kenapa tak maju pun.

  544. Assalamualaikum DR….

    Kami mengucapkan takziah di atas pemergian adinda DR….. sesungguhnya hadapilah ujian ini dengan penuh keredhaan. Al-fatihah……Amin.

    Tahniah di atas pentauliahan sebagai Cosmonaut bersama dengan Dr. Faiz nanti.Andalah sumber inspirasi rakyat Malaysia.

    Majulah dalam apa jua, untuk Malaysia….

  545. Assalamualaikum,

    Bagi yang merasa diri tu dah pandai sangat tunjukkan la kepandaian tu, tak salah mengaku diri tu pandai tapi jangan tengok orang lain tu bodoh..

    Kalau siapa-siapa nak memperjuangkan bangsa dia gasak korang la.. Arab ka Melayu ka.. siap-siapa lah, pada aku sama saja.. ada juga kaki mabuk, kaki perempuan macam kaki lah..

    Kalau setakat kerana berbangga dengan bangsa dia tapi sendiri tak menyumbang pada bangsa.. porahhh.. baik terjun lombong la..

    Sudah la tu, fikir la dengan rasional.. comment la yang membina.. bagi yang beragama Islam tu tunjukkan la bukan nama saja Islam tapi bahasa biarlah menggambarkan Islam.

    Mari sama-sama kita sedekahkan Al Fatihah kepada adinda Dr.Syeikh Muszahphar atas pemergiannya semalam. Semoga rohnya bersama mereka yang terpilih, amin.

  546. Yes Mr.AA I agree with you about Zapin & I think latin country also also influent by Arabian belly dancing.

  547. Who is this AA?

    Wasting malaysia’s time!!!

  548. Dear Azmi DHM (juana12a) – (29Oct@12.23am)

    It may be of interest to you that Belly Dancing (aka Raqset Sherqqiyeh) was brought to the Middle East by gypsies. It traces its origin in India.

    The origin of the Latin American people (aka The Hispanics are the result of inter-marriages of indigenous people and Arab slaves0. Yes, Arabs, forced into slavery and Christianity during the Spanish Inquisition.

    Now when you talk about Islam, you will have my utmost support but if you talk about bangsa, I will NEVER support it. I am an Islamist not a RACIST. Racism must be confronted with racism.

  549. Dear Azmi DHM (juana12a) – (29Oct@12.23am)

    I have a question for you.

    If Malaysia were to categorise Malaysians of Arab origin as ‘Bangsa Melayu’; would it not be fair to state that ‘Bangsa Melayu’ are descendants of immigrants from countries further than China?

  550. Takziah buat keluarga Dr Sheikh…Semoga adik dr akan dicucuri rahmat…Al Fatihah……….

  551. Jgn layan sangat si AA tu.

    Cakap saja lebih, Islamist kunun… tapi yang “clan conscious” sangat tu tak sedar ..

    Tak consistent langsung…cakap berbelit2

  552. Ref:AA Oct 29 3.32 am/5.06 am

    Kalau dah tak tido pagi/subuh ni baik buat quammullai..

  553. tahniah atas kejayaan dr muszaphar membawa misi negara.
    sesungguhnya kejayaan dr menjadi inspirasi kepada generasi muda untuk terus berusaha mendalami pelbagai cabang ilmu yang tidak pernah habis untuk dicari. selain itu, takziah kepada doktor atas pemergian adik tersayang. sesungguhnya, setiap kejayaan ada manis dan pahitnya. hikmat yang terselindung di sebalik kejayaan dr hanya Allah saja yang tahu….
    terima kasih kepada dr kerana membuktikan bahawa umat Islam mampu meneroka angkasa lepas yang selama ini hanya mampu diterokai oleh umat agama lain. sesungguhnya dr bertuah kerana dapat melihat alam semesta ciptaan Allah yang penuh dengan keunikkan dan rahsia di sebalik setiap ciptaan-Nya….

  554. Dear Fatin (29Oct@7.59am&1026am)

    You have a beautiful name. Can you tell me what it means in ‘Bahasa Melayu’? I have a Kamus Dewan next to me and I need you to refer to the page.

    How come the Queen of the Egyptian Silver Screen took a ‘Nama Melayu’ (i.e. Fatin Hamama)? Check out http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faten_Hamama

  555. Dear Fatin (29Oct@7.59am&10.26am)

    Oh oh oh. I forgot to add Kamus (or Qamus) and Dewan (or Diwan) are both Arabic words!

  556. malas nak layan..


  557. Dear Fatin (29Oct@11.09am)

    From A Dictionary of Modern Arabic (page696): Fatin – Fascinating, Tempting, Alluring, Seductive, Captivating, Enchanting, Charming, Tempter, Seducer.

    From Kamus Dewan – sorry takde apa2 pun!

  558. Dear Fatin (29Oct@11.09am)

    You should be grateful that your father gave you a beautiful Arabic name. A name so beautiful as the person who makes it famous.

    Don’t tell me you ‘menyampah’ dengan Bangsa Arab?!?!

  559. assalamualaikum.. tahniah kepada dr. sheikh muszaphar.. semoga terus berjaya pd masa akan datang…

  560. Dear Kamylia Adrina (29Oct@10.41am)

    For your information, there were other Muslims that went into space. Dr Mus can never ever claim to be the first.

    The first was a Saudi, by the name of Sultan Salman Abdul Aziz Al-Saud. The second was a Syrian, by the name of Fares Mohammed.

    Imagine a 3rd world country can send a man to space and they never bragged about it! But in typical Malay style – Ayam bertelur sebiji riuh sekampung?!

    And of course there were other Muslims from different nationalities (including Russia, Iran etc). Drs Mus claim to fame was being the 3rd Arab into space and the 1st Malaysian (sorry he is not a Malay)!

  561. He brings lots of inspiration.. and touch lots of souls.. i am so proud to be a Malaysian..

  562. Whys is Fatin so quiet? I haven’t even tied your tongue with a leash!

  563. Assalamualaikum Dr. Sheikh dan keluarga.
    Tahniah di atas kejayaanmu dan saya bangga sebagai orang NS mempunyai seorang angkasawan seperti Dr. Saya sentiasa doakan Dr. dan keluarga sentiasa diberkati Allah. Wishes you all the best in future.
    Takziah di atas pemergian adinda yang tersayang.. Ajil. Tabahkan hati dan kuatkan semangat. Semuga roh adinda Dr. dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang yang soleh. Amin.. Al-Fatihah.

  564. Dear Fatin (29Oct@7.59am)

    Tak consistent langsung………..cakap berbelit2

    Can you clarify the above how my statements are not consistent?

    Berbelit2? I think this term can only be applied to the Keturunan Syed. They specialise in that!

    You’ll be amazed that in front of the Malays, they will claim to be descendants of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and in front of the Chinese and Indians, they will claim to be Malays and expect to be accorded the Bumiputra status.

    Even so, I doubt any Malay would admit that the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) was a Malay!

  565. Fatin gave up!

  566. AA

    What is ur name pls?

    Wld like to look up in my arabic dictionary

  567. AA

    Do u hv a job?

    or rather

    A life??

  568. AA

    Get a life..

    if u dun hv one

    Get another job

    if the one now is too mundane for u

  569. To Dr Sheikh

    Welcome back to Malaysia

    My condolence to u and family ..on the demise of ur beloved brother .. stay strong..

  570. Selamat kembali ke Malaysia….sebagai wira angkasa….luv u….al-fatihah untuk Ajil….adik kpd Dr. SMS….bersabar di atas segala ketentuan yang diberikan oleh Allah S.W.T…Sesungguhnya Allah amat menyayangi hambanya yang diberi dugaan di dunia ini.

  571. Dear Fatin (29Oct@4.18pm)

    My name is Loay (or Luay or Loai). It is spelled ‘Lam’, ‘Waw’ with a Hamzah above it and ‘Ya’.

    You almost knocked me off my seat! You have an ‘Arabic Dictionary’? WOW! What’s the name?

  572. Dear Fatin (29Oct@4.20pm)

    Yes Fatin. I do have a job and a life! And I’m paid quite well and I travel (on Business Class) 3-4 times a year.

  573. Dear Fatin (29Oct@4.22pm)

    Now, whay should I take another job. This one is excellent. Nice pay, nice perks. I’m only busy 5-7 months in the year.

    So, why should I change it?

  574. Sounds like a chinese name.

    Are u sure ur roots are arabic?

  575. assalamualaikum doctor sheikh..saya berasa bangga kerana dr. dapat menjalankan misi sebagai astronaut negara ini dan saya mahu dr.memberi penerangan kepada sekolah rendah,sekolah menegah dan universiti.saya mahu dr. datang ke sekolah saya di sekolah kebangsaan taman muda

  576. Dear Fatin (29Oct@5.45pm)

    Apparently, you are not familiar with Arabic (especially with names)! No way can Loay be described as Chinese. But then again, some Chinese names can be found in Arabic!

  577. wateva…

  578. Dear Fatin (29Oct@5.45pm)

    Well, I am pretty sure by 100% that my DNA will prove that I am Arabic although I do believe that I have Turkish and Ethiopian line somewhere. Let’s throw in Javanese also for the wonderful Nasi Rawon!

  579. So, how about it? Can we meet?

  580. Fatin

    I am dedicating this this song, Omri Kellou, for you. Please visit http://www.oghnia.com/video-display-album.php?newArtistID=WaelKfoury&newVideoID=OmriKellou

  581. Thank you.

    What about the song Arabic Trance by Rehman. Where can I get this?

  582. I don’t know. I buy my CDs in the Gulf (either at Abu Dhabi, Dubai or Doha).

    Here are a few sites you can check:

    Good Luck!

  583. Fatin

    Which Arabic singers do you like?

  584. She is I believe a Lebanese but she sings in Arabic.

    Her name is ..Asha.. not sure.. but she is quite popular and is beautiful

  585. My favourite Lebanese (ladies), of course, is the Divine FAIRUZ. Followed by the amazing Majida El-Roumi.

    Then the new generation – Najwa Karam, Nawal El-Zoghby, Elissa, Haifa Wehbe (she was in KL), Maya Nasri and the hottest sensation Nancy Ajram.

    Don’t know Asha.

  586. Oh I forgot Dina Hayek (no relation to Salma Hayek)!

  587. ok..anyway she was popular some years back in 2004.

  588. Halfa Welbe.. she performed with some groups here in Kl some months ago .. now I recall

  589. Hey wait I forgot another Lebanese I love – Amal Hijazy. There’s so many puring out from Lebanon that you can’t keep track!

  590. Yes, she performed on 31AUG. She is something! I missed her concert! Haifa, I adore her!

    But you need to check Nancy Ajram – she is an absolute darling to all Arabs worldwide. Check out her songs on Oghnia.

  591. Ok I will thanks.

    Hey I’m supposed to “menyampah” u…

    Anyway gtg time for magrib prayers


  592. Especially Nancy’s singles:

    Ya Tab Tab, Moagabah & Illy Kan (in Egyptian dialect)

    Ehsaas Jedeed & Ana Yally Behebbak (in Levantine dialect)

    Mostagah Leek (in Gulf dialect)

  593. Wa 3alaikum es-salaam

  594. Yeah, everybody hates me here! Menyampah, Meluat etc. But hey, it’s good for my bad-boy image!

  595. sian pulak…

  596. Dear Fatin

    Here is a nice song for you:


    Singer is Joseph Attiyyeh from Lebanon. He is winner of Star Academy, the Pan-Arab version of Academy Fantasia. The song, La Terouhy (Don’t Go) is very beautiful and sung is Levantine. Very touching.

  597. how do i play the song?

    doesnt work

  598. Fatin

    Here is another song:


    Singer is Ahmed El-Sherif from Tunisia. He was 5th placed during the 1st Star Academy. Song is Baeddy Teir (I want to fly) is sung in Levantine.

    Surprisingly the winner Mohammed Attiyyeh of Egypt didn’t gain any success the way Ahmed did.

  599. Do you have Real Player?

  600. yes i do

  601. Well, try again or try a different song.

  602. Fatin

    This is another song, a duet with Diana Haddad (of Lebanon) and Cheb Khaled (of Algeria).

    The song MAS WU LOULY is sung in Maghrebi Arabic and is really nice.


    For your information, Diaha Haddad is married to a Muslim and she is the 1st Arab singer to have hits in all the major dialects!

  603. Diana Haddad (Zay El-Sokkar – Sweet as Sugar)

    Sung in Egyptian


  604. thanks but something is wrong and i cant display the video.

  605. Ok I got to go. I think I got rid of everone here!

  606. Tary the other sites. Perhaps http://www.6arab.com/

  607. k.. thanks

  608. You need to check your software. Perhaps your Real Player is an older version or it has expired?

  609. perhaps…

    thats ok.. will try other sites

  610. Fatin

    Here’s how: When the page has been downloaded, click on HI just below the pic of the singer, which is just below the word VIDEOS.

    Can you try?

  611. Here is DIANA KARAZON, the Jordanian singer that represented the Pan-Arab region during the 1st World Idol.


    We Badat Aeish (I started to live) is sung in Egyptian.

  612. Yeah I tried that..

    its ok, i will go to other sites

  613. i want to see you and married you!!!!! i very interested to see you and i was fall in love because of you!!

  614. i like you!!!!

  615. Fatin

    In the late evening, listen to this song – ZAMAN by AMAL HIJAZY of Lebanon.


    This song is sung in Levantine and the lyrics can be found at http://www.oghnia.com/Lyrics-show.php?ID=1592&newArtistID=AmalHijazi

    There is even a translation for your benefit! Beautiful song. Enjoy!

  616. hi dr, congrats 2 you cause had a good job 2 be an
    astronaut! selamat hari raya and wish you happy always with your girlfriend (jika ada)

  617. i think you have a good attitude 2 an astronaut!

  618. kesian dr sheikh x sempat nak tgok adik dia….semoga roh adik dr sheikh di tempatkan pd org 2 yg beriman…amin…marilah kita ramai 2 sedekah kan al-fateha kepd adik dr sheikh…

  619. Hey Arab, I wrote a bunch of stuff but cant seem to get it posted on this site. I applaud you for the things you said, and to stand up for what you believed. I definitely learnt a lot from the postings. I am still sadden by the $25 million spending, but heck there is nothing I can do. Thanks for keeping it real.

    Andy AKA Wookie
    PS: think the music dedication is a bit too much!

  620. Attention:
    All the girls yang minat Dr Mus

    If you want to follow me to his house ok, I can bring you there. But don’t forget my ‘upah’ – belanja makan!

  621. i am not a girl but an old hag..

    can i still follow?

  622. Salam,
    I biasa dengar upah haji….terbaru ‘upah tunjuk rumah dr.sms’. Siap iklan lagi!!! No offence hah! Just back from outstation. Now I see AA has team up with Fatin. It’s good to know that AA also has his (I guess) soft side! Hmmm….I wonder why?

  623. Nini..

    I hv not teamed up with AA. Since no one wanna talk to him anymore about race, he switched the topic to arabic songs and since I happen to be a fan of one Lebanese singer, thats how it all happened

    Anyway I juz asked him if its ok for an old hag to tag along to Dr Mus’s house or if its exclusively for young girls only..:)

  624. AA,

    I manage to sort my realplayer. I hv listened to all the songs, thanks.. nice songs ..

  625. Dear Fatin (30Oct@8.39am)

    If you consider yourself an old hag then I must his classifed as ‘prehistoric artifact’. 😉

    Yes, I intent to visit the family hone in PJ when I get to KL. Geng Arab mesti lah!

  626. Typo error

    Dear Fatin (30Oct@8.39am)

    If you consider yourself an old hag then I must be classifed as ‘prehistoric artifact’. 😉

    Yes, I intent to visit the family hone in PJ when I get to KL. Geng Arab mesti lah!

  627. a relic.. more appropriate..

  628. Dear Nini (30Oct@8.47am)

    Every man has his soft side. 😉

    But that doesn’t mean that I am a softie!

  629. Dear Fatin & Nini

    Noticed that my spellings above are all messed up. You girls are too nice to me!

    Relic? That’s new word. I was thinking in the line of ‘Museum Artifact’.

    I promise you all will like me as long as there is no racial thing brought up. As I’ve said I too have Javanese blood.

    Siji, Loro, Telu, Papat…………

  630. Jawa ..:O

  631. do u look more arabic or more javanese?

  632. I look more like a lunatic! 😉

  633. we are really@ proud of you.your achievement gain our spirit to move around the space.

  634. Dear Nini (30Oct@8.47am)

    Upah haji can cost thousands of RM. Upah tunjuk rumah Dr Mus cost sebungkus Nasi Lemak (Tempoyak not required). 😉

  635. u done the good job Dr.sheikh.may god bless u .

  636. kalau 10 orang dapat 10 bungkus nasi lemak.. kenyang tu..

    tunjuk rumah jer buat per, saya pun bole cari, orang nak jumpa dr sheikh …

  637. AA,
    Cukup ke sebungkus nasi lemak? Mamat Arab biasanya makan ….kush semangat!!! I ni tak lah fanatik sangat nak jumpa sms. Mungkin dan tergolong dalam relic/prehistoric artifact kot. Cuma I cant help admiring his ‘dancing eyes”. Cutenya….

  638. sorry, silap eja “Mungkin dah tergolong….

  639. And AA, we certainly dont need another softie.

  640. assalamualaikum!!dr.sheikh..takziah atas permergian atas adik tersayang..semoga ALLah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya…AL-FATIHAH….tabahkan hatimu..

    TAHNIAH atas pengitirafan sebagai seorang COSMONUT..sampaikan salam tahniah juga buat mejar dr.faiz khaleed..

  641. tahniah diucapkan kepada dr.sheikh muzaphar kerana berjaya menjadi angkasawan negara yang pertama.saya sebagai rakyat malaysia berasa bangga akannya.

  642. sayang sheikh muszaphar

  643. Dearest Fatin / Nini

    Sorry I was unable to reply as I just got back into town from KK. And now that I am back I will go to PJ to offer my condolence to the family.

    I have decided that since you’re both nice to me, I will now officially change my name to reflect my peranakan status. My new Jawa Totok name from this point will be Wak Hang Relic!

  644. Wak Hang Relic has arrived!

  645. Oh wait wait wait> How about Wak Hang Relic Al-Toyo???

  646. Eee…find another name! Tak best langsung! It does not reflect your personality.

  647. Fancy all these while I was actually interacting with a “Wak”…no offence.. juz simply … cool. All these time I was visualising an “Omar Shariff” (he is a total relic anyway)..:)

    U certainly managed to pull the wool over our eyes…:P

  648. Dearest Nini (31Oct@8.07am)

    Another name? Hmmm………….. What about Sheikh Hang Relic Bin TOYOterLADEN?

  649. Dearest Fatin (31Oct@8.19am)

    Well, I take your comment on ‘managed to pull wool over our eyes’ as a compliment.

    To be honest, there are hundreds of Arabs in some Arab countries who have Indonesian upbringing (including far flung Tunisia!). So, don’t underestimate the Indonesian influence at all.

    I heard that the respected Saudi singer Mohammed Adbo is also one. The late Saudi singer Talal Maddah was one. I was even told that the former Yemeni PM, BAJAMMAL, must have Sambal Terasi during his meals! And a Yemeni student in KL told me that there is a small town in Yemen where they all embrace Indonesian culture!

  650. Dearest Fatin & Nini

    Who is cuter? Dr Mus or Faudel Belloua (an Arab with French nationality)?

    Here is a famous song featuring Cheb Khaled (of Algeria and dueted with Diana Haddad), Rashid Taha (also of Algeria) and Faudel. Faudel is youngest of the three.

    The song, ABDEL QADER, in this video was shot in Paris. The orchestra was an Egyptian flown in for the concert.

    Check Faudel out at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oSCF8Bl-ys

    By the way, the song is sung in the Maghrebi dialect (of Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco & Mauritania).

  651. hello u are the best

  652. Dearest Fatin & Nini

    Here is another video clip of Faudel appearing as guest during the Star Academy 4 of Lebanon.

    Singing with him (in order of appearance) are Emad Jallouli of Tunisia, Ahmed Dawood of Kuwait (the tall lanky guy) and Amal Lembary of Morocco.

    See the ease at which Emad and Amal both sing in Maghrebi dialect. Ahmed was struggling. Even for me it is a difficult dialect!

    Shaza Hassoon of Iraq won 1st place. I voted for her when I was in KSA at that time. I also voted for Emad due to his vocal prowess.

    For info on the Star Academy 4 finalists, please visit http://www.arabicnights.com.au/star_academy/

  653. Hi Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar!Nice 2 meet u…Good job astronauts!!!God bless u 2…would u like 2 b my fren??Bcoz I like 2 “collect” frenz…if u dun mind.. hehehehe…

  654. Assalamualaikum, hello Dr. Mus.
    Teruskan usaha anda untuk mengharumkan nama negara di persada dunia… Keep it up!!
    I’m PROUD of u…
    We all love u…
    Dan juga slm takziah buat dr.

  655. My dearest Wak bin Laden aka Wak Hang Relic aka AA,

    Juz a question

    Sorry if its personal but this I gotta ask

    Do u look very “wak” or very “arabic” or a mixture of wak plus arabic = wakarabic? (not to be confused with wahabi)…

    Pls answer honestly 🙂

  656. Wak Relic,

    Between Dr. Mus and Faudel Belloau, I wld say Datuk M Daud Kilau is cuter.. at least he has many extra talents..hehe

    Dr Mus is handsome but too clean shaven… shld hv some hair on his face..haha

    Btw what is sambal terasi?

  657. Dearest Fatin

    To answer to your question, I look Arabic. I have been told I look like an Egyptian, at times even Moroccan and when I am in the US even Hispanic. So how can I describe myself other than one hideous looking lunatic?!

    I identify myself as an ethnic Arab with an Indonesian upbringing out of respect for the Nusantara. Nevertheless, I embrace the Pan-Arab culture. I will behave like a Malay when the need arise but they will notice the difference no matter how hard I try.

    Btw, Sambal Terasi = Sambal Belacan!

  658. I LUV U….

  659. Wak,

    I know there are Indonesian influence in countries like Holland (obviously as per history) and some other euro countries. I was spoken to in Bahasa Indonesia by a local when I was in a small sleepy town of Gemunder, Germany.

    But for countries like Yemen and Tunisia.. this is news for me…

  660. hello…what is going on….here….this is dr mus….website or….ur own personal chatting

  661. Dah kena marah…!!!

    Padan muka saya…:P

  662. kah…kah…kah….

  663. so fatin, back on track ha! Go to go, ada open house. c u all 2moro! Taa….

    Nanny, u remind me of a comedy The Nanny! I love it. Jangan mara-mara ah..(pronounce samy style!)

  664. Dearest Fatin

    According to my late father, Indonesia in the 60s and 70s played a leading role amongst Muslim nations. That is why the influence is felt right up to the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean.

    I was with my sister in Tunis (the Medina’s Souq) and was chatting in Malay so as to avoid the locals knowing our discussion on the items and was surprised by a French lady who spoke fluent Indonesian. She introduced us to her Tunisian husband. His mother was an Indonesian and he then introduced us to the Indonesian Community there. Then of course, we had our supply of Soto and Nasi Padang etc!

    Sambal Terasi is Sambal Belacan

    Malaysia only started to assert itself over the last 10 years. That is why only over the last 10 years Arab Embassies started sprouting here. Jakarta has got a complete set, I believed (minus 4 perhaps).

  665. Dearest Fatin

    According to my late father, Indonesia in the 60s and 70s played a leading role amongst Muslim nations. That is why the influence is felt right up to the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean.

    I was with my sister in Tunis (the Medina’s Souq) and was chatting in Malay so as to avoid the locals knowing our discussion on the items and was surprised by a French lady who spoke fluent Indonesian. She introduced us to her Tunisian husband. His mother was an Indonesian and he then introduced us to the Indonesian Community there. Then of course, we had our supply of Soto and Nasi Padang etc!

    Malaysia only started to assert itself over the last 10 years. That is why only over the last 10 years Arab Embassies started sprouting here. Jakarta has got a complete set, I believed (minus 4 perhaps).

    Sambal Terasi is Sambal Belacan.

  666. Nanny

    Go and sit on a broomstick and be a Mary Poppin for a while!

  667. I think I got rid of Mary Poppin!

  668. this is how the lame thinkers work –
    keep on diverting their cause. perhaps you should be focused in our discussion.
    stop being an idiot, talking like a bunch of ****
    about nothing.

    critical thinking is required, however, try take it easy.

  669. Dear Wannabe Arab (aka Azman)

    How come your father couldn’t find a ‘Nama Melayu’ for you and he had to take an ‘Arabic Name’?

    Pity we Arabs don’t consider ‘Nama2 Melayu’ worthy to name our children. Hell, who wants to name his son ‘Awang’ or ‘Hang Tuah’ or ‘Pendek’?

    If we Arabs ever demand EVERYTHING back (our names, our vocabulary, your Sultans etc.) you will end up back to your Yunnan Province origin in China!

  670. Dear Dr Sheikh,

    Everyone including myself hv written how goodlooking, tall, macho, intelligent, suave, dashing … the list goes on… u are..

    U are also smart, enterprising, eligible, most sort after bachelor on earth at this moment.

    U are the first astronaut for Malaysia, an icon for the future generations.. u hv successfully put Malaysia on the map for outer space exploration,..

    Words of encouragement hv been abundant when u were vying for the astronaut’s seat, well wishers even cried when they saw u blasted off.. and for days thereafter we waited to get news of u on the tv screen, saw ur handsome face as u floated in the ISS and we were so glad, and when u were about to journey back to earth in the capsule, we prayed hard for ur safe return.

    When u did reach earth, everyone was elated and we thanked god for bringing u back safely.

    Unfortunately as gods will, ur dear brother untimely demise was not only a sad welcoming home for u and family but to all of us Malaysians.

    Condolences were offered on every space be it in blogs, forums, newspapers .. juz about everywhere..

    Everyone was juz as despondent as u are.

    Discussions and opinions were traded regarding the continuation of this programme and so far it looks promising.

    Dr Sheikh…

    I do not know what to write anymore… everything I hv said above had been said..

    Seems like everyone is saying the same thing..

    So thats y, I took a break and talk on something else .. but dun worry, I wld certainly talk again about u when the need arises..

    All the best..:))

  671. Dearest Fatin

    Do you want his residence phone number?

  672. AA,

    Temper, temper, temper..


  673. No dear AA,

    I juz admire him for his achievements and qualities..

    like those makciks who admire Mawi for his supposedly singing prowess and aura..

    I am a makcik too.. remember…:P

  674. Dear AA aka Sidi Bou (not related to Sidi Oraza, I believe)

    Thanks for ur info re Indonesia.

    Talking about Tunisia, I was told Tunisia is a very nice and colourful country with exotic culture..
    However it is hardly mentioned around this side of the world .. dun u think so?

    We know more about Sudan than we do about Tunisia…

  675. My Dearest Fatin

    First and foremost, please forgive me for my harshness and cruelty. You don’t know what I went through since I return back to my ‘country’. All those bottled up frustrations has been exploding – even our Govt Departments are getting racial ephitet from me. And believe me, they couldn’t believe their ears from the things I say and also when I told them to go ahead and have me arrested.

    Now you understand why I resist any attempt to label me as a Malay. I completely coccoon myself in my language and culture. It has been extremely painful expecially when I never asked for Bumi rights as compared to the other Arabs. Now, I sympathise for the Chinese. I don’t know how they can put up with it and the whole hypocriscy.

    For your information, I lived in Tunisia and it is one of the two Arab countries (besides Syria), I would want to spend the rest of my years. Tunisia is absolutely beautiful. You will love the capital (Tunis) and its suburbs – Carthage, Sidi Bou Said, La Marsa etc. Take time to discover Hammamet, Nabeul, Sousse, Sfax, Monastir, Jerba and Kairouan besides the interiors. Amaze at the Roman Amphitheatre – larger than the one in Rome.

    For more information on Tunisia, please visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/africa/tunisia

    Syria. Wow. I love Damascus especially during the winter months. Snow up on the mountains. I miss the Syrian people and hearing them speaking their beautiful Levantine dialect. I also miss dancing the Dabke with my Syrian friends during occassions. Also, I miss the Syrian food – the best in all the 22 Arab countries. I miss waking up in the morning having my Koonaffa Naboolsiyye with a cup of mint tea.

    For more information on Syria, please visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/worldguide/destinations/middle-east/syria/

    What can I say? I made the wrong move to return home – a country that never could accept me for my identity.

    My desire is to move back to my roots and spend the rest of my life there.

  676. hey….
    congrate to you Dr Sheikh Muszaphar….
    I really supprise and thank’s god coz you safe …..
    and seroiusly…u r the malaysian idol totally..

  677. Nini,

    Dah kena marah kenalah tulis panjang dan lebar re dr sheikh…hehe

  678. ble lah nak jumpe dr sheikh

  679. tahniah sy ucapkan kpd dr.sms coz mengharumkan nama negara.Malaysia boleh,sy ni minat dr.sms.i love you…gurau je.Cuma dalam mimpi je he.. he..best kan dapat pergi iss.kalau boleh bawa sekali girlfriend ye…

  680. tahniah saya ucapkan pada Dr kerana berjaya pergi ke iss dan dapat mengharumkan nama negara malaysia..Dr merupakan idola saya sekarang ni..he..he..

  681. whassup dr sheikh!!!saya sangat bangga dgn dr.dr sheikh ialah angasawan yg pertama di m’sia.saya sangat minat dgn dr,klu boleh suatu hari nanti saya nak jadi mcm dr sheikh.saya ada seorang kwn yg minat sesangat kat dr sehingga dia sanggup nangis nak minta keratan akhabar yg berkaitan dgn dr.tapi saya xlah fanati sangat mcm dia.whatever,saya mengucapkan taniah di atas kejayaan dr sheikh dan taksiah di atas pemergian adik dr.selamat……………

  682. Dear AA,

    Thanks again for nice narration of Tunisia. I was invited there by a net fren some time ago but have since lost contact with her. But I hv always contemplate the probability of travelling to Tunisia one of these days, juz as I hv contemplated for years to travel to Kashmir. And indeed, I hv successfully fulfilled my Kashmir dream.

    U missed the Syrian food.. well I miss the juicy nice lamb beriani at the Lebanese restaurant in Dubai. U know those type of restaurants that serve hugh gigantic portions of lamb. They hv sections for men, families, ladies.. well the front portion was I guess, reserved for men and I nochalantly sat there to hv my beriani. All eyes wide opened at my ignorance but they were kind enuff not to shoo me away..lol, and I miss hanging around City Centre and sipping coffee to complete bliss watching life passing by…hmm..lovely..

    Ok I fully understand ur frustrations.. juz dun go on venting ur anger like that .. can cause a heart attack…lol.

    Be happy inside out, will take years off ur age..:)))

  683. hai…Dr.Sheikh.how are you? saya ingin ucapkan tahniah ke atas kejayaan Dr.and good luck……saya juga ingin mengucapkan takziah ke atas kematian adik Dr.yang tercinta.bye…………please…kirim salam kat Mejar Dr.Faiz.

  684. hai dr muz…why u r not in rebung last night…i was waiting to c u…here….

  685. aiii…. selamat pulang ke tanah air..takziah atas pemergian adik dr. dan tahniah diatas kejayaan dr. ke angkasa lepas..ceritakan lah kebesaran ciptaan Tuhan diatas sana, semoga anak-anak muda sekarang sedar tentang kehidupan di dunia ini…dan semoga ada di antara rakyat MALAYSIA yang akan mencipta roket negara sendiri untuk angkasawan kita menjelajah ruang angkasa….

  686. My dear Nanny

    Welcome back!

    While waiting for Dr Mus, please enjoy this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXcQYBTZNwI

    This song is Kollena Insan (We’re All Insan) and sung by Moroccan Diva Samira Said during the African Cup of Nations in Cairo. The song is sung in Egyptian dialect. By the way, Dr Mus great-grandfather came from Egypt.

    For more information on Samira Said, please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samira_Said

  687. Dr Sheikh MS

    All the best to u


  688. and condolence on the demise of ur brother

  689. Dearest Fatin

    If you do decide to go to Tunisia, kindly note that we do not need visa. We will get 3 months upon arrival.

    When you get to Tunis, DO NOT miss spending a day at SIDI BOU SAID. Walk all the way up the village till you get to an Arabic Cafe by the cliff (they have the best tea in all of Tunisia). Then check out the breathtaking view of the Mediterranean’s azure waters and the coastline is just awesome. It’s is one of those moments you will treasure! Oh when in Tunis (in Arabic Tunis El-Asima), do not miss the Bardo Museum!

    Spend some time also in Monastir – very cultural. Explore the Kasbah and El-Kantaoui. The seafood is fantastic. And oh, do make sometime for a visit to the Hamman (Turkish Bath)! They have a ladies section.

    If you can make it to Jerba, please do so. It is a nice island and kind of laid back. Try to stay in Houmet Souq, where you will most likely enjoy the Tunisian hospitality and will definitely get invited to a Tunisian home.

    I miss Tunis. By the way, in Arabic, the capital and the country is referred to as ‘Tunis’. The way to differentiata the capital is to add ‘El-Asima’ for ‘The Capital’.

    You can also make a side trip to Malta from Tunis. You can either fly or take a ferry!

    Enjoy Tunisia! And you must eat a lot of BRIK and COUS-COUS.

  690. Dear AA,

    Thanks. Now u sound like the guy from the Tourism Agency..:P.

    Anyway what is Koonaffa Baoolsiyye? Brik?

    Hv u gone to Dr Sheikh’s house? If u hv, how is he?
    I heard he has lost some weight. If u meet him, send my warmest regards and sayang…:P:P

  691. Dear Fatin

    Koonaffa Naboolsiyye is a breakfast snack/dessert. Very tasty and really ada ooomph!

    Brik is a Tunisian appetiser. There used to be one restaurant in Subang Jaya (Cascabel?) that serves Brik. The chef is Tunisian and his wife is Malaysian Chinese. Their daughters are models (Malaysia’s future angkasawanita?). Don’t know what happened to the restaurant since I heard that he (Adnan) moved to Langkawi.

    Strangely, I heard another story that during the last Ramadhan, his bazaar was packed with people buying Brik. Apparently, he made Brik famous in Malaysia!

    Yes, I was at Dr Mus house two days ago. I sat and talked to the father and his eldest brother. He was there but I am not familiar to him although our two families have known each other for decades. You know, it is a community thing.

    Insya Allah, I’ll be going today after Friday prayers to bring some Arab stuff. No matter how peranakan we are, we pine for certain Arab delicacies!

    I can’t blame him for losing weight – they don’t allow Tempoyak and Durians at ISS!

  692. Dearest AA,

    U are going again to his house… well dun forget to send my warmest regards and condolence..

    Tell him… we Malaysians are v proud of him ..

    Btw which part of SJ is the Cascabel?

  693. A’kum Dr.sms. How r u this morning….jz wanna ask u one question…when r u going back to Russia and for how long ….gud luck & take care….

    its jz me…ur die hard fan…

  694. AA,

    Sorry wrong word used:

    Pls CONVEY my warmest regards, heartfelt condolence and sayang to our first Malaysian Astronaut… jgn maraahh :))

  695. to the handsome guy…dr sheikh muszaphar…congratulation di atas kejayaan anda semoga terus bersemangat dan terus berjaya menjadi seorang angkasawan terbilang…

  696. askum…….
    Apa khabar dr.sms kami berasa sungguh bangga dengan kejayaan dr.Kami harap dapat bertemu dengan dr.sms dan berbual mesra kami juga harap agar dr.sms dapat hadir ke sekolah kami di alamat S.K.TAMAN JANA,34600 KAMUNTING,TAIPING,PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN.Kami amat berharap agar dr.sms datang kesini.

  697. askum…..
    utk Dr sms, kami ucpkn congrates atas kejayaan Dr…..n gud luck on u’re career okey!!!may god blessin u….bubye…

  698. dear DR SMS,you are the cutest astronaut ever!COULD YOU come to my school.MY school is sekolah kebangsaan seksyen 7 kota damansara, hope to see you.good luck, and i hope to be the next angkasawan!!cool!!!bye Dr. handsome……..

  699. Assalamualaikum Dr. Mus,

    Tahniah diatas kejayaan dr. yg telah mengharumkan nama negara di persada duniah. All the best…
    I’m proud of u…
    We all love u…
    Salam takziah buat dr. sekeluarga. Semoga roh aruah dicucuri rahmat…

  700. assalammualaikum.tahniah atas kejayaan anda dan takziah atas pemergian adik yang tersayang.semoga tabah hadapi dugaan.saya yakin dr. dapat menghadapi dugaan ini.anda adalah sumber inspirasi saya.lebih2 lagi hari lahir saya sama dengan anda.27.7.1992.cume tahun yang berbeza.

  701. hai…

  702. congrate!!dr sheikh muszaphar to be the first astronout ok!!!

  703. Dr SMS seems so purrrfect!! I terpikat & terpukau. Mcm x logik je ..semua bagus, physical tip top, emotional..mcm sempurna jer!

    Is he for real?

    Then I hear he’s gay dgn chef gemuk tur. What the…
    Betul ke? Anyone?

  704. My dear Linz (3Oct@1.58am)

    The ‘chef gemuk’ (aka Chef Ismail) is the mother’s good friend. He has been with the family for years!

    What kind of a mother would allow her good friend to touch your beloved son? Please lah use some of the grey matters that you have in between your ears!

    If he were to be gay, he could EASILY get the likes of men much better than the ‘chef gemuk’! He is an Arab dude and he is hot. He can even get a menteri with billion euro bank account if he wanted to! Why settles for something less? Please lah!

    That chef was just being a typical effeminate gay. They can’t help sharing the spotlight and increasing their so called ‘profile’. Makes them feel that they are still desirable and glamourous.

    Once I pretended to be an Arab tourist in town and a gay waiter (in a 4* hotel cafe) was telling his equally gay friend in Malay that I insist on having him go out with me!

  705. My dearest Fatin

    Sorry. Yesterday, I didn’t manage to visit Dr Mus’ family house in Sec 12 PJ because I had to meet a potential client in town.

    I’ll try today. Apparently, the news is Dr Mus and parents are returning to Moscow soon. So, I need to be certain before I drive all the way to PJ.

    That Tunisian Restaurant (Cascabel) doesn’t exist anymore. I tried looking for it early 2006 at SS18 (or SS17) but they have closed. I will call Adnan and update you!

    As for passing the message to your idol Dr Mus – I will Insha Allah! But please note, I can bond better with his eldest brother even though I am 3 months older than him!

  706. My dearest AA,

    If u r unable to convey my regards to Dr. Sheikh MS, then juz convey them to his daddy…lol!!

    Anyway are u 3 months older than Dr. Sheikh or his eldest brother?

    Most probably the Cascabel was at SS17.. thought I hv seen it there some years ago..:O

  707. AA,

    I fully agree with u re Dr Sheikh..

    If I were a guy and a gay with all the qualities that Dr Sheikh has, I wld certainly look for someone who hs tons of money and a certain position in life for a “partner” than a plain looking “gemuk” chef.. !!(gosh.. this is bad.. sorry chef..if I go to Rebung, pls do not ignore my order..:) 😛 .

  708. Dearest Fatin

    Guessing my age huh? OKlah, I’m also 35 like your favourite Dr Mus. Unfortunately, I don’t have any chef who wants to be my business partner! Maybe Chef Wan?

    By the way, where is Rebung? Tomorrow, I’m taking that potential client out to a new Moroccan Restaurant in town – Tajine. Just above McD at the junction of Bukit Bintang and Sultan Ismail.

  709. AA,

    Bingo! u got it…lol (guessing age).

    Rebung is in Bangsar Park. Hit the Web Search for rebung restaurant and u will b able to access it on All Malaysia Info page.

  710. OK.. I hope Doc SMS not gay with chef gemuk. That would be such a waste! But of course, if he is gay, his mom is NOT going to know about it.The chef gemuk will have his cake and eat it too. Mmm…

    Did anyone notice that his big bro is good looking too? The lawyer lah. In this country where guys are queuing up in front of Pusat Serenti, its good to know that some people can actually produce a string of good looking educated sons. I really wannna know what his mother ate when she carried them. I wonder if they ever got the rotan treatment when they were small?

  711. Dearest Fatin

    I found another beatiful song, I’d like to share with you. KHALEENI BIL JAU is sung by Lebanese singer, Maya Nasri in their Levantine dialect.

    Once a Chinese friend of mine was in my car and he heard the song and he was so touched that he requested a CD from me.

    Trust me, you will love it. This song even became #1 on the Israeli pop!

    Anyway, here is the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zppLxUe5Vl8

    And he is the lyric:

    Roo2 3alaeyye shuwaiyye
    Masheeni 3ala dhau
    3ataitak aktar ma fih
    La mat2elly lau

    Shoo yalli saeer feek
    Shoo yalli beyerdheek
    3ala ba3dak khaleeni
    Khaleeni bil jau

    Enta yalli fikrak sareh
    3aesh bel khayal
    Lau netfe tensa embereh
    Kan beyemshee el hal

    Sama3ni min hikayyeta
    Haki min nazrata
    Min nazrah ahyatak
    Ana befham walau

    Bet2elly innak jai
    Be3oyounak kallam
    Ana besma3 gheir hikayyet
    Baeddy el ahlam

    Ana ba3ref afkara
    Matkhabbe asrara
    Hayehdee mosh afkara
    Ana ba3ref shoo el jau

    3 is for Arabic alphabet ‘ain’
    2 is for ‘qaf’ with the two dots above

  712. AA,

    Thanks but the lyrics are all in arabic. Guess I hv to open my arabic dictionary again…huh..

    BTW my fav lebanese singer that I told u about was Elissa. I hv found her on the sites u sent me. U can access her through search “Elissa”.

    Some years ago I bought her CD in Dubai which had so many nice songs..however I lost the CD and a fren then gave me a cassette as replacement. I still hv it with me.. pls try to access

  713. Dearest Fatin

    ELISSA? Elisss? Elissa? Who doesn’t know ELISSA. She made it big with her AISHALAK album in 2002. Many #1 hits for that album!

    Once I woke up in the middle of the night and she was singing the song AISHALAK over the radio and the lyrics (being poetry) was enough to make me feel paralysed!

    Another hit from the same album is AJMAL EHSAAS and the video clip caused a stir in several countries.

    At least we have something we both love.

  714. Fatin

    Do you know that the video clip for AISHALAK was sponsored by Christian Dior Paris?

  715. AA,

    Y did CD Paris sponsor her video clip?

    Yes all the nice songs I am listening to now at oghnia.com.

    Looking for one fav song of mine now..

  716. Dearest Fatin

    If you watch the AISHALAK clip, all the dresses are by CD. The makeup by CD and there is a segment where Elissa enters a CD boutique.

    Here are a few things about Elissa:
    a) She is names after a Phoenician princess. Lebanese are descendants of Phoenicians you know!
    b) Her big brak came when she did a duet with Ragheb Alama with the song Betgheeb Betrooh (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RmzXtJEr-A).
    c) I believe her first album is Baeddy Doub but it does not appeal to me.
    d) She became world famous with the Aishalak album.
    e) Subsequent albums never managed to match the success of Aishalak.
    f) Even though Elissa is Lebanese, the major hits are in Egyptian dialect (including Aishalak).

    Here is the lyrics (and my pathetic attempt at translation) of AISHALAK:

    3aishalak ahla sineen
    (I will live for you the most glorious years)
    Fil 3omr ya dhoy el ein
    (In the life, Oh Illuminator of the eye)
    Wu be 2alby ya ghali
    (And with my heart my dearest)
    Haneen wa gharam
    (Sweet Love and Passion)
    Min awel youm fi hawak
    (From the first day I loved you)

    Kan helmi akun wa iyyak
    (It has been my dream that I be with you)
    Lau youm beinna 3omri ma3ak
    (Even a day with you is equivalent to a lifetime)
    Wu kiteer wa ana betmannak
    (And there’s so much that I wish for you)
    Ya habibi el 2alb bestennak
    (My love the heart awaits you)

    2arabny habibi kamman
    (My love, come close to me again)
    Ana show2i elailk wa el haan
    (My desire is for you as well as my yearning)
    Imlakli ed-dunya hannan
    (Fill up the world for me with sweet love)
    Naseeny ma3ak koll el ahzaan
    (With you I forget my sorrows)

    3asha2 wa ana gheir ma3a2ool
    (I adore you that I become impossible)
    Ana roohi ma3ak 3ala tool
    (My spirit is with you always)
    Dah ana 2alby kiteer mashgool
    (And my heart is preoccupied with loving you)
    Ya habibi
    (My love)
    El 3omr ba2aloo zaman
    (The life will have another zaman)

    Now you will know why I feel paralysed when this song is played past midnight. Enjoy

  717. pelik tgk suma comments kat sini. dah siap gaduh2 pulak. ada tu siap bg komen cinta pulak kat dr sheikh. agaknya yg minat dr sheikh tu pomp je yg ramai. agak2nya peminat dr tu minat dr sbb ape ye. yg paling teruk, ada siap gaduh2 plak, argue psl race dr la ape la. baldy idiot betul la. (sorry but i have to say)


  719. we are proud of u..congrate!
    sheikh muzafar hero malaysia!
    malaysia boleh…kejayaan mu kebanggaan rakyat malaysia..syabas sekali lagi..

  720. salam…
    we are so proud of ur successful being the 1st malaysian astronout…
    hopefully,u can preview ur fiancee..huhu…
    really wanna noe about her…

  721. My dear Sue (3Oct@3.28pm)

    I guessed you were trying to send a message to me.

    The reason I reminded everyone on this site that Dr Mus is an Arab is simply because you Malays are incapable to tell the difference between an Arab and A Malay. Hell, the next time we will hear that’Bangsa Yahudi’ can be classified as ‘Bangsa Melayu’.

    What’s the difference? Arabs and Jews are both of the Semitic race? Ask yourself who is an idiot! And the funniest thing is that you Malays are foolish enough to elevate Keturunan Pendatang (from countries further than China) as Raja2 Melayu.

    As Anwar used to say Pooooooooor Deh!

  722. My dear Sue (3Oct@3.34pm)

    Too bad your handsome father is not an Arab otherwise I will not hesitate to nominate him to be elevated as Sultan in one of the states without Raja2 Melayu.

  723. Dearest AA,

    Wow! u were paralysed .. by Aishalak. Awesome!

    Thanks for the translation.. If u cld do me a favour.. pls.. cld u find the lyrics and translate them for me for the song “Ah Min Hawak..”from Aishalak album (my favorite). Cldnt find any video clip online on this song. Love this song so much but dun know the meaning except a few familiar words..

    Wateva the meaning of the song, I dedicate this song for you.. used to sing full blast whilst driving..lol.


  724. Kenapa marah marah pagi pagi ni ya..

  725. on behalf of my family, conratulations for the 1st malaysian angasawan ..dr syeikh muszaphar.

  726. salam…..buat angkasawan malaysia pertama,dr sheikh muszaphar….semoga pengalaman berada di di ISS dpt dimanfaatkan bersama terutama dengan golongan pelajar..
    ddaaa…..nak tdo r…haha

  727. congratulation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i’m proud with you..

  728. Morning AA,

    Found it in eSnips

  729. salam 2 dr.mus..minat glerr kat dye n he’s my idol..he’s got a full package which is he’s good looking man, well-educated n etc..i really want 2 know he’s email coz i want to know about his mission 2 space..n mcm mane ade sorang gurl bleh outing ngan dr.mus..coz i really want to see him face 2 face..hope u can reply my comments and good luck 2 u,dr.mus..wassalam

  730. dr,nk ikut g sane leh x?tambang brape?neway,tahniah cuz harum kan malaysia kt mat salleh.bia diaorg tahu sape kite kn…

  731. olla!!!!…d0c sheikh is my idol,also d0c faiz..caye tabib ah!!!..congrate 2 d0c berdue yang ensem tuh…heheh..tahniah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…tak taw nak kate aper dah..doc berdue memang lelaki macho oooo…

  732. congratulation……
    i’m tabik spring lah….

  733. My dearest Fatin

    I just got back from a day’s outing – entertaining another Pak Arab gila! I will respond to you emails shortly. Let me rest. Been out whole day.

  734. Dearest Fatin

    You need to ignore my sarcasm. I have to have my attitude problem to maintain my idiotic personality. Otherwise, the girls will think that I’ve turned soft!

  735. AA,

    “Control macho” huh..

  736. OK, noted. Ah min hawak coming up. It is in Levantine. I thought it was in Egyptian.

  737. Ah Men Hawak
    Aah from your love

    Ya habiby te2elly keef, keef beyensany hawak
    My love tell me how, how could your love forgets me
    3omry saar seif wu khareef, ma bey3eesh lahza balak
    My life became summer & fall, I can’t live a moment without you
    Ya habiby min zaman, zaeed 3alayee 3assak
    My love your cruelty to increased for a while
    Hairany 2alby hairan, lahza mesh 2ader yensaak
    I’m confused, my heart is confused, it can’t forget you for even a moment

    Ana meen 3andy ba3adak, lameen 2alby bekoon
    Who do I have after you, to whom would my heart be
    Min hawak ah min hawak, ah min 2alby ma shafaak
    I’m hurting from your love, hurting from my heart that didn’t see you
    Shoo saar behobbak shoo saar, yalli hayati sineen sineen dhayaa3
    What happened with your love (for me), that my life became wasted years

    Ya habiby la la tegheeb, roohy etmettahm el ghyabak
    My love please don’t be away, my soul can’t take the separation
    Enta be 3omry el habib, 3omry min doonak saraab
    You are the love of my life, my life without you is a mirage
    Ya habiby haddy koon, la malaam wa la 3etaab
    My love be calm, no blaming and no accusing
    Bein gharamy wa el junoon, beghra2 bahr el 3azaab
    Between my love and my insanity, I drown in the sea of torture

  738. Dearest AA,

    Thank you so much. At least I know the meaning of the words now…

    Very poetic, very heart rending..

    Thank you again…:))

  739. BTW do u like the song?

    Dun u think its lovely?

  740. It’s a fantastic song. Not amongst the best but it is definitely memorable.

    Have you heard of Fadl Shaker? He has a beautiful duet with Yara – Akhedny Ma3ak (Take me with you). The lyrics can really move you.

  741. The word ‘Ah’ has no translation in English. It is a ‘sigh’ word when a person is emotionally hurt. So, it can anything that relates to pain.

  742. Never heard of Fadl Shaker.

  743. You know Fatin, writing down the lyrics of Arabic songs using English alphabets is one heck of a job. It involves dual translation.

    The first is your visualisation of the Arabic words and that it has to be replaced with English alphabets. It is not an easy task because of the non existence of certain alphabets is English plus the fact that pronounciation between the major dialects really varies even within an Arabic alphabet! Then this is followed by the actual translation.

    I just saw some of my mistakes. A linguist, I am not.

  744. Dearest Fatin

    Here’s something that has developed over the last 10 years in an attempt to use english alphabets (by native speakers of the Arabic Language):

    English numerals for Arabic alphabets:
    2 = ‘Qaf’ or even the Hamzah
    3 = ‘Ein’ is totally non-existent in any language
    7 = ‘Ha’ as in the asphyxiating H (e.g. Hob or 7ob)
    5 = ‘Kha’
    6 = ‘Tho’ the heavy T (like Toyyib)

    It is on very rare occassions that songs are sung in Standard (Literary) Arabic but when they do the peotry becomes awesome.

  745. Dearest AA,

    I know the Arabic language is one of the most difficult languages to master

    Even in English/Arabic Dictionary, the arabic words are all in arabic alphabets, so one muz learn the arabic alphabets (jawi) before one cld make use of the dictionary

    Anyway the Arabs are known to be poetic, expressive, creative, imaginative…

  746. You can add LUNATIC as well. That is fine by me.

  747. lunatic = crackco 😛

  748. hi…tahniah atas kejayaan dr.menjadi angkasawan pertama islam.saya juga ingin mengucapkan takziah pada dr.atas kematian adik dr.anyway CONGRATULATION and tabah mghadapi dugaan.

  749. hello dr Muszaphar,

    I wanna wish u all the best and god bless., condolences for yr bro.

  750. Ingin mengucapkan syabas pd doc

    dan juga takziah

    semoga doc dan keluarga dalam keadaan baik

    bila mula menjelajah seluruh malaysia?

  751. Dr. Mus,

    When can we all get to see you and where?

    Are you very bz?

  752. Dearest Fatin

    I found a singer that I want to introduce to you. She is the legendary Mayada Elhennawi – from Syria.

    You need to know that the Lebanese produces commercial trash but the Syrians will give us Arabs something to cherish for generations to come and Mayada is definitely one of them. Believe me, I will dump Elissa in a minute if I have to choose between the two!

    Absollutely no comparison. One is God’s gift to the Arabs and another is a commercial trash propped up by Arab Governments so that we will not focus on their plunder of Arab treasuries.

    She was dicovered by the greatest of all composers – the late Dr Riyadh Elsonbathy. And her place is up there along with Fairuz, Abdel Halim Hafez, Farid Elattrash and our ‘Eastern Constellation’ or in Arabic Kawakeb Esh-Sharq (Oum Koulthom).

    Dr Elsonbathy wrote her a song in Classical Arabic (ASHWAQ) which until today is extremely memorable. Her voice can only be described as ‘heaven sent’. When they discovered her, many were excited because we wanted to fill a void left by the passing of Oum Koulthom. But we realsied that Allah has been kind to let us enjoy both.

    Another thing you need to know is that the ability of any Arab singer (non-Egyptian) to sing well in Egyptian Arabic is exteremely important for the career advancement. For a new Arab singer to be popular throughout the Arab World MUST strive to achieve a #1 hit in Egyptian dialect. It’s simply bread and butter.

    Suffice to say that Egyptian Arabic is very dominant. Anyway, here is one of her popular song ‘Habbena we Ethabbena’ (in Egyptian of course) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYMNOAeXwYU

  753. Do you go to your restaurant?

    or are you leaving for Moscow soon?

  754. Sorry that was Shahd Barmada of Syria. Here is Mayada Elhennawi – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyimEXQ4TvA

  755. AA,

    Elissa exudes a vibrant modern personality and her songs’ arrangements are contemporary and internationally inclined.

    Hmm.. this Mayada is great too but I prefer Elissa :O).
    Mayada’s songs are too arabic..(for me)

    Hey.. try listening to Juanes for a change… I love Es Por Ti..

  756. Sorry AA,

    I hv sent a message under farahainshafinaz. Thats me actually..

  757. Allah will strike me for forgetting Warda (from Algeria), Esmahan (of Syria), Shadia (of Egypt), Laila Murad (of Egypt) and Aziza Jalal (of Morocco). And the late Mohammed Abdel Wahab – composer, singer and actor.

    We will not have our identity without these. The voices of all these singers are more intoxicating than all the wines of the world.

  758. Farah used my pc juz now and I forgot to erase her details …:P

  759. hye .assalamualaikum,congrate to u.wish u and family gud luck.

  760. huhu..lots of comment here.. 😀


  762. AA,

    Did u read Yahoo’s news on the unveiling of King Tut’s face?

  763. As’kum,

    Apa kabar Dr SMS

    Ucapan tahniah dan takziah

  764. Assalamualaikum Dr Sheikh,

    Wish u a safe journey to Moscow and back..


  765. Dr.SMS,
    Perbaiki kemahiran berucap anda (saya fikir anda boleh buat yang lebih baik dari itu!!!) dan usah pedulikan komen-komen negatif. Ambil sebagai cabaran untuk maju! Golongan negatif tu memang akan kutuk/mengata walau apa pun yang anda buat! Jangan patah hati tapi kuatkan azam. Gembira dengar berita anda akan menamatkan zaman bujang anda sebelum 2009. Walaupun tak perlu buktikan apa-apa sebenarnya, tetapi hal ini boleh menghentikan tohmahan yang mengatakan anda gay! Apa-apa pun saya pasti ramai yang setia di belakang anda memberi sokongan. Hey sms, I’m in love with you! Just like I’m in love with Robert Redford in Up close and personal, remember? I’d love to have tea with you someday! He..he..

  766. to sheikh..
    Be happy in whatever you did..
    we are so proud of you..

  767. A’kum….Dr SMS already back to Moscow….and getting married soon….who is the luck girl in his life…

  768. u really handsome…i fall in love wit u,i hope i’ll c u soon….

  769. Well Nanny, it doesnt matter (to us!) whoever sms choose to be his wife. As long as he’s happy, we should be happy too. It’s like Ct Nurhaliza or Erra Fazira getting married to the man they love and be happy… After all, he’s only human and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, remember? Someone said she admires sms for his dancing eyes….me too!!! I totally agree! Mimpi sms lah pulak malam ni……

  770. I admire SMS for his wicked smile…:P

  771. congrats….we hope that our beloved astronouts will always in the pink of health…..and also will getting married soon!….don’t forget to invite us……….insyaallah……..good bye…….see you and best of luck……tadaaaa…….

  772. i miss u…………u a my hero……..i luv u dr sheikh………………………….i teringin sangat nak jumpa u……

  773. I admire him too but only one would be lucky to be his mrs. All the best Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar. Kita berdoa semoga Dr. Sheikh terus berjaya. Doakan Dr. SMS bahgia hingga akhir hayat.

  774. salam.. syukur dan tahniah slamat pulang ke Msia.. terharu rasanya tatkala pelancaran ke ISS.. bergenang air mata ne bila tgk muslim melayu pertama naik ke angkasa.. hope sheikh dpt share experience gan warga MSIA nnt.. bt CD la.. n gan seluruh pelusok rakyat tau bukan saje kat bandaraya KL je..

    hope pasne dpt jd ketua keluarga yang baik dan dapt wife yang comel n bertudung.. anak2 comel cm papa die.. heheeeeeee

    u alwayz in our heart.good luck!!! jejaka malaya.. ALLAH bless u alaways.. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  775. lelaki yang baik untuk wanita yang baik…. siapa ye yang bertuah tu ek ……….tungguuu je la sheikh umumkan………jenjenggg…tunggugg.. kita terjah nanti zazzzzzzzz

  776. Cempaka,

    Robert Redford dah berkedut muka…
    Dr masih tegang…hehe

  777. Dear SMS,
    I baru tengok some static photos yang kawan forwardkan. katanya ini sebahagian daripada yang SMS ambil sewaktu d angkasa. Sayu/touching. Bertuah sungguh anda berpeluang menikmati ciptaan Allah yang menakjubkan itu. Saya dapat maklumat serba sedikit dari kawan-kawan tentang latar belakang anda. Anda memang hebat! Memang hebat!!! Cuma satu ingatan saya (kepada saya juga) JANGAN sekali-kali lupakan Allah! Sebagaimana Dia memberi, Dia juga boleh mengambilnya bila-bila masa.

  778. hi dr!!!!!
    i love dr.you make me proud with you
    i know you can do it
    and prove it to me.
    i like you when you treat your niece

  779. Kalau semua nak tahu…jeng jeng jeng!!!!!

    Saya la pilihan Dr. Mus…hehehe…jgn jeles!!!

    yang mana nak termuntah tu.. sabor aje le..

  780. Dr Mus,

    Tell us, ciri ciri wanita pilihan doc

    bolela kami cuba mould, twist and turn to accomodate your taste.. ahakkss…

  781. assalamulaikum dr sheikh !!!!

    Dalam berita harian hari ni,tulis dr sheikh nak kahwin tahun 2008.Alhamdulillah dr. dan bakal isteri bertemu jodoh akhirnye.Semoga hari bahagia tu kekal sampai akhir hayat!!!!INSYALLAH…..

  782. Hi Bro,

    Really proud of your achievement. Hope you could share your valuable experience with all MUSLIM to appreciatte Allah more and pray for the better live of mankind… Amin

  783. Tania,
    Takkan desperate sangat…Just be yourself. You’ll do fine! Penat tau nak memuaskan hati orang lain… Live your life, to the fullest! Kalau tak, menyesal nanti. Ingat, lebih baik berpasangan dengan orang yang suka kita, daripada kita suka orang…nanti sebelah mata dia pandang orang lain….kan naya tu!

  784. mesti le same2 suke…hehe, kalau dia langsung tak suke, takkan berpasangan dgn kite..

    bior le penat… asal tak menyusah orang lain..kah kah kah

  785. ala dr sheikh nak kwin melepas lah aku……..hmmmmmmmmmmm

  786. tak pe sharina, dr faiz still available..:)

  787. Special dedicated this song to Dr SMS

    Imran Ajmain – Seribu Tahun

    Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
    Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini
    Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
    Sedia setia

    Relaku mengejarmu seribu batu jauh lagi
    Tapi benarkah kaki ku-kan tahan sepanjang jalan ini
    Biar membisu burung bersiulan terlelah gelombang lautan
    Ku masih setia

    Adakah engkau tahu… ini cinta
    Adakah engkau pasti… ini untuk selama-lamanya

    Relaku menunggumu seribu tahun lama lagi
    Tapi benarkah hidup aku akan selama ini… yeah…
    Biar berputar ke arah selatan ku tak putus harapan
    Sedia setia

    Jangan putus harapan… sedia setia……

    to Dr SMS girl jgn mare k….

  788. Aduhai… nih lebih teruk…

    rela kejar seribu batu…

    nipis tapak kasut…hehe

  789. x pa lah jadi isteri yg kedua pun x pa….layan je…hehe

  790. dr sheikh jgn lah kawin…hmmm

  791. sharina..sian le ke dr sms

    dia nak rasa juga hidup berumahtangga
    senang jer..
    masuk meminang dr sms
    best girl wins.. kwang kwang kwang

  792. cempaka..,

    U’d love to hv tea with dr sms

    I’d love to hv dinner . .. he he

  793. Dearest Fatin

    Sorry been busy entertaining a potential client. If I secure this deal, I will be reassigned to KSA.

    Pray for me. Malaysia may eventually be able to get rid of me.

  794. kalau sharina isteri ke 2

    tania yg ke 3

    hehe … aiman tak kisah..

  795. okay sok saye g minang dia…jgn terkejut pulak…allla x tahu alamat umah eya pulak….

  796. Dearest Fatin

    Today in Berita Harian headline news – Mengangkasakan Bangsa!

    OK, I will keep my mouth shut. We’ll let them have their day by letting our Arab astronaut dupe our stupid leaders into thinking that he is a Malay.

  797. okay…tapi awk sanggup ke bermadu…hehehe

  798. bermadu no prob

    like u said…layan je… he he


  799. Dearest Sharina & tania

    I’m still available. What’s the difference? I’m still another Arab dude just like your idol?!

  800. hmmm dr sheikh jangan lah kawin saya merayu ni…

  801. Dearest

    Who is Najib kidding? He thinks that I am an idiot not to know that Bugis are Bugis and Deli Melayu are Deli Melayu?

    Somebody please tell him BUGIS are not Malays!

  802. Awak tak naik ke angkasa…kah kah kah

  803. awak memang seati sejiwa lah gan saya kalau macam ni bleh lah jadi madu saya….layaaan

  804. alamak..laki aku datang la sharina..

    okey le..kantoiii kwui kwui kwui

    nanti baca surat kabor..cik sharina the lucky lady marries malaysia’s 1st astronaut…jeng jeng jeng..


  805. Dearest Tania

    With you, we will reach the moon!

  806. hoi arab ko ni cuke sgt menyebok lah

  807. melepas lah awk…awk kan dah ada suami….kalau nak khawin dgn sheikh mesti lah anak dara…hehehe

  808. amim

  809. hmmm…

  810. dR per kabarrr

  811. Dearest AA,

    Hey I thought u r gone for good. Insyaallah I will pray for ur success in securing the deal..

  812. yeah..shhhh purse ur lips… sensitive issue..

    since u r going back to KSA, be nice ok…

  813. ble lah dpt jumpe gan dr sheikh ni

  814. amboi dok berebut SMS plk.. dh sampai seru die la.. jodoh pertemuan dh ditentukan.. aku nk gak.. ada borang kosong lg tak.. nk isi.. kuang3

  815. Dearest Sharina

    Since you idolise our Arab astronaut, maybe you should be nice to me because I got access to his house!

  816. Dearest Fatin

    No, I’m still around. 😦

    Yeah, I’ve been busy these last few days. Really busy entertaining Pak Arab. I’ll know by end November if the deal is secure.

    If it is secured, I’ll be overjoyed that I don’t give a care for the stupid Najib TAR. Next thing, he will say is that the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) was a Malay!

    We’re almost there anyway. Since the name ‘Mohammed’ is considered a ‘Nama Melayu’.

  817. Dearest AA,

    I hv been nice to ya..but hv yet to get arranged by u for a meeting with Dr. Sheikh.!!..lol

    Like I said before, if u r unable to convey my regards to him, juz convey them to his daddy instead..ha ha

  818. Tania,
    Saya hanya nak tea dengan SMS sebab saya hanya nak jadi kawan dia saja…good friends, maybe! Bukannya lebih dari itu. I suka kalau boleh berbual, berbincang, dan mungkin berdebat tentang banyak perkara. Saya suka kalau saya boleh jadi rujukan tentang sesuatu perkara, dan sebaliknya. Orang yang bijak seperti SMS perlu ada sparring partner yang boleh berdialog dan “belasah” idea-idea dia, baru semakin tajam dan mantap. Kalau semua dok puji saja…tak berkembang dan statik!

  819. lagi satu Tania….saya cakap saya jatuh cinta dengan RR waktu dia tengah hot dulu…bukan sekarang!!! Kan cerita tu dah lama….Sekarang maybe I dah jatuh cinta dengan hero 24 tu, si kiefer sutherland! Atau dengan jejaka idaman malaya rosyam noor! amacam, masih relevan lagi hero ni? lupa, lagi satu hero prison break! cutenya dia! sebab tu saya tak boleh tengok prison break, sebab dia asyik nak kena tangkap!

  820. Dearest Fatin

    Yeah, you are the only one on this forum that tolerates my crap.

    You should be rewarded really since I think you know deep down I’m just a nice guy and not a racist. How could I be when I have Turkish, Ethiopian and Javanese blood in me?

    When this Pak Arab leaves, I will focus on getting to Dr Mus family home. But his Dad did mention that they will return to Moscow soon. So, I need to call first.

    By the way, I had my picture taken in King Tut’s tomb in Luxor, Egypt when I was a primary school kid of 7! I can vividly recall that hot summer of 79.

  821. Dearest AA,

    Indeed, I know u r juz horrid on the surface only..:)).

    I hv not bn in King Tut’s tomb but I hv been in the pyramid.. hv to duckwalk my way inside.. not a pretty sight if a guy happens to duckwalk behind u…:P.

    Dr Sheikh has gone back to Moscow and guess what?? He is getting married soon.. awww shucks!!! lol

  822. Fatin

    What were you doing in Cairo?

    Oh yes, tell me about that duckwalking in the Great Pyramic! The humidity and the odour is enough to turn you off.

    Did you ever visit the Step Pyramids in Saqqara?

  823. borang dah abis….dr sheikh cuma nak 3 calon isteri…hehehe

  824. Dear Sharina

    You want my borang? 😉

  825. buat pe???

  826. Borang masuk Shangri-La Hotel Pudu atau Shangri-La Hotel Sungai VULOOOH. 😉

  827. hoi cik arab aku bukan nak borang masuk hotel lah…ni ape kes….lemahhhh

  828. Dear Sharina

    I am not Cik lah!

    I am Keturunan SHEIKH. Oh wait! Sorry, I am Keturunan SYED. Oh wait! Sorry, I am Keturunan Pendatang Tanpa Izin from countries further than China!

    Does that make any sense to you? 😉

  829. biar btol u keturunan syed….entah2 keturunan punjabi…hahhh

  830. Dear Sharina

    If you choose me, I can teach our children Bahasa Arab.

    If you choose Dr Mus, he doesn’t even know how to sign his name in Arabic.

    By the way, the meaning of Syed in BM is Tuan!

  831. ye lah

  832. u ni semua bhs tahu ehhh..

  833. Dear Sharina

    No. Not all languages. Just English, Arabic and Bahasa.

  834. hoi arab u ni dok kat malaysia ke…

  835. Dear Sharina

    Ana dok kat Istana Negara dgn geng Arab dari TGG!

  836. Member yang suka cium keris!

  837. AA,

    I was on vacation in Cairo and Alexandria. I did not go to the Steps pyramids in Saqarra but only the ones in Giza. However I spent a lot of time at Cairo Museum looking up for memories of my forefathers…lol and enjoyed the enchanting Nile cruise to the max esp the great entertainment of belly dancing and circle dance ? (guy in flowing striped long skirt dancing round and round until our eyes squinted ;)) and juz simply loved the international buffet.

    Btw u said u hv a mixture of euthiopian, turkish and jawa blood, so where does ur arab blood comes from??
    euthiopian is african, jawa is indonesian, turkish?? that is not arabian???

  838. cempaka,

    u like a sparring partner for dialogue

    i lak suka sparring partner for bed

    rosyam nor not my taste, i suke yang macho cam dr mus

  839. Dearest Fatin

    So you have Egyptian forefathers? Hmm, interesting. You should get along with the Almasrie family – their roots are Egyptian as well.

    I’m just a descendant of an Arab immigrant from Najd wa el Hijaz (now known as KSA). When you really study the Arabs you can break them into very small ethnic groups. Somewhere I have Turkish blood as well as Ethiopian (from Harar) and of course Sunda.

    You’d be surprised that there are many Arabs who are ethnic Turks. Have you forgotten that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) married a Coptic lady of Ethiopian origin to ease her out of her misery? The first Muezzin (Bilal ibn Rabba) was Ethiopian.

    Suffice to say that I am a ‘mestizo’. I’m pretty sure my DNA will reveal my Semitic roots. Otherwise, I’d be surprised!

  840. Dearest AA,

    I was juz joking when I said re my forefathers…:).
    I am a mixture of something else…lol including a little of that arabic blood..otherwise where do I get these dark penetrating eyes…

    “Mestizo”…sounds unique and kinda complicated..

  841. Sunda = indonesian

  842. dr sheikh sangat hesem n segak ble pakai kemeja hitam gan tie merah gan songkok sekali kan….n sangat sangat cuit pabila pakai baju melayu…..btol x???… kalau jawad x hesem tu lebih baik pergi jumpe doktor kot2 ada masalah mata ke…hahhh

  843. Dear Sharina & Tania

    For your information, there are men MORE HANDSOME than your Dr Mus. Get over it. He is nothing compared to them.

  844. Dear Fatin

    Here are some interesting details on Bilal ibn Rabba: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilal_ibn_Ribah

    Note the name of Alhabeshi; well, there are Malaysians here carrying the same surname. We have noted that they claim to be Keturunan Syed when in fact they are descendants of Ethiopians who embraced Islam.

    If you study the history of the Arabian Peninsula and Ethiopia, it is like ‘two peas in a pod’.

    In the final analysis, don’t trust the Keturunan Syed when they claim that they are descendants of the prophet. Only Jews (even Muslims e.g. Keturunan Syed) will trace their ancestry from their mothers!

  845. AA,

    Yes, I hv heard ppl said that the Syeds are descendants of our prophet but honestly, I am not impressed..

    And talking about handsome men (as per ur message to the two ladies) I hv this to say:

    “Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder” .. “One man’s meat is another man’s poison” … do u agree.:)?

  846. Dearest AA,

    What a ridiculous picture of Bilal standing on the Kaabah depicted by WIki.!!

    Very deceptive.

  847. According to Wiki, Bilal ascended on the Kaabah to call for prayers (azan) thus the picture. But the pic really looked absurd.

  848. Dearest Fatin

    Re: Bilal on Ka’aba – You’re right that he should not be depicted as such! What he did was that he ascended on the highest point of the village structure to call for prayers.

    Re: Syed – The facts are such that Prophet Mohammed’s (pbuh) only son died before he could produce any zuriat.
    Therefore, any claims by anyone (Keturunan SYED 😉 especially) that they are descendants of the Prophet of Islam is nothing but pure blasphemy.

    In reality, even the late LIM GOH TONG was a descendant of a prophet – Prophet Adam! So, what are these Keturunan SYED trying to do?! Let’s just send them (inlcuding the ones in Perlis) back to their Hadhramaut homeland where they can till their ancestral farms! After all as Arabs, they have GUARANTEED right to return as provided for the Arab League.

  849. Dearest Fatin

    Re: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yeah, you’re right again!

    As for me, he is just another clean shaven smart dressed guy.

  850. Dearest Fatin

    The only way to put these Keturunan SYEd down to humility is to tell that that even the late LIM GOH TONG is even a Keturunan Nabi. But he never bragged about it!

  851. Dearest AA,

    Glad u agree with me re the pic of Bilal. Something tells me the pic is more to ridicule.. I juz hope not..

    Regarding the Syed issue, I muz say not all are obsessed with this claim, but some are totally preoccupied with this notion of being descendants of our prophet .. as for the late LGT, hey let him rest in peace…lol!

    Dr Sheikh..dr sheikh… hmmm well if he has some hair on his face, chest and the rest… that will be fine with me..:P

  852. knp lah dr sheikh ni nak kawin ahhh???melepas lah aku…

  853. wei nape die khawin tak tgu aku.. aku tgh study la mcm mne nak khawin.. uwek…


  855. tahniah coz dapat mengharumkan name malaysia di mata dunia…

  856. Dear Sharina

    He should get married soon as he is already categorised as ‘Bujang Terlajak’. If he were to wait any further he will fall into the category of ‘Condemned Bachelor’.

    So, let’s just pray for his happiness.

  857. Dearest Fatin

    Please don’t make check on his facial hair, chest hair and the rest!

    The idea is enough to make me squirm in agonising convulsion! 😀

  858. My dear AA,

    ooopppsss sorry if I hv caused u to go into convulsions regarding my statement… I said that in reference to his clean shaven good boy look.. my apologies ..:( .. its meant to be a joke… 🙂

  859. biar lah dia bujang…tunggu lah aku sampai umur aku 25 bru lah kawin gan aku…hehehe

  860. Doktorr,

    Ujang tumpang bahagia doktur nak kawen.
    Tp heran nape ramai sgt wanita kecewa
    Mungken mrk terlalu minat sama dokturr
    Klau kawen carila yang baikbaik, jgn cari
    yang mude sgt .. tak sesuai
    cari la yang matang yang bleh faham dokturr
    dan yg penteng.. tak kuat jeles
    kalau jeles suseh la sbb doktur mmg ramei
    cari yg bertudung tapi moden sikit
    baru nampek padan dgn doktur
    kalau tak bertudung pun biarle pakaian sopan
    dari segi perwatakan biarle lembut sket sesuai
    dgn perwatakan dokturr
    wajah manes dan senyum selalu
    ada pelajaran boleh bawa bincang
    klau tak pandai bincang, nnti dokturr
    cerita ayem , dia cerita itik..kan suseh..
    Itu seje pendapt saya yg tak seberapa
    dari saya ujang kanu, orang tuo,

  861. Hi Dr Mus,

    Wishing you great happiness with your future wife.

    Bila balik dari Moscow?

  862. Nanti balik dr moscow
    ada buat road show tak?

  863. tak leh tido, ingat dr sms
    hensem gilerrr

  864. sape lg bujang terlajak sini?

  865. Dear Rosa


  866. Is Ujang in love with Dr Mus?

  867. HALUU…,TAHNIAH utk ANGKASAWAN negara..,Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Syukor…,,Rsenye wa da dpt calon suami kot..,(joking)…,,ish..,Npe Dr Faiz xikot..cian dy tw…..Tp xpe..,mgkn rzeki Dr Muszaphar lbh murh utk g buln..,,Alahai..npe la encem pule Dr ek..,,Nseb baek xd alien kt buln t’pikat n then ikot Dr lek bumi..,,huhu…,,Tata..

  868. AKUm….,,skenye ak kt DrSyeikh Muszaphar 2………,,da r pndi..,encem..,ngetop lak 2…,,pasni ak le owg p’tme jd mnah jenin…..,,ahax!

  869. kila,doyok,tke……………..,,korang poyo argh….hehehe..,,

  870. Oh my God! Is Dekly Wan a Malay??? Is that Bahasa Melayu??? Would somebody please tell him that Indonesian CHINESE are natural born speakers of Bahasa Melayu compared to him!

    Hoi Dekl Wan! Lu pegi balik Yunnan Province lah, lu bukan Melayu punya orang! Sana lu boleh kerja hitung porkchop.

  871. dekly_w… org asli?

  872. Oh my God! Is Dekly Wan a Malay??? Is that Bahasa Melayu??? Would somebody please tell him that Indonesian CHINESE are natural born speakers of Bahasa Melayu compared to him!

    Hoi Dekly Wan! Lu pegi balik Yunnan Province lah, lu bukan Melayu punya orang! Sana lu boleh kerja hitung porkchop.

  873. what a blatant abuse of bahasa melayu!!!

  874. Tahniah Dr!

    Moga kejayaan Dr menjadi inspirasi kepada semua rakyat Malysia. Malaysiaku Gemilang Selamanya

  875. Thanks Nina-AinnFatin! Glad you agree with me.

    These are same people who will shamelessly insist that they are Malays. Right. Like I am an idiot not to know the difference.

    Another hypocrite is Hishammuddin A/L Keturunan Pendatang Dari Turkey. Konon lah mencium keris! Pegi lah! Lu cium cangkul pun gua tak percaya lu Melayu. Keturunan lanun merampas hak orang Deli Melayu.

  876. a’kum….

    Dear AA,

    Do u know who is the luky girl in Dr SMS life. Hope u can answer my question honestly.

  877. i like u very much, u so hand some gilerr and memang pon layak jadi angkasawan yg pertama…congratulation!!!

  878. i like u very much, u so hand some gilerr and memang pon layak jadi angkasawan yg pertama…congratulation!!!I LOVE DR SMS!!!

  879. Awat la ramai yang kalut dok meluahkan perasaan kat sms! Agaknya kalau buat bisnes jual borang buat appointment dengan sms pun boleh jadi kaya kot! Bila dia balik dari Moscow nanti I nak pi bincang tengok dengan sms, jadi rakan kongsi, tukang buat jadual cukup le! Macam ni pun ada dalam dunia ni…..

  880. Congrates Handsome Doctor…

  881. Wa 3alakum es-salaam

    Dearest Fatin

    In all honesty, I only get information from the Dad who is a very nice and interesting person. I hardly speak to Dr Mus himself because we just don’t hit it off. Perhaps when my sister catches up with the Mom (they were schoolmates once) that I will get more info. I’m just not that close to him and I don’t want him to think that I need a small space on his spotlight.

  882. Dearest AA,

    I think u hv responded to the wrong receipient..:P. I wasnt the one who asked u the question..

  883. Dearest AA,

    I definitely wld not impose on u anything with regards to Dr Sheikh. I admire him becoz he is our first Malaysian astronaut and has some outstanding qualities about him. But believe me, I am not all that gaga over him.. most of the time I was actually pulling ur leg..

    Anyway .. conveying regards is an almost normal thing to say.. but if u happen to bring others to see him, I sure wld like to come along…hehe

  884. Oooops!

    Saya, Another Arab, menyusun jari sepuluh dan memohon ribuan ampun dan maaf dari Fatin atas kesilapan saya.

    Ana muta2asef jiddan.

  885. AA…

    Kallasss… ok 🙂

  886. Dearest Fatin & Mary Poppins (aka Nanny)

    I dedicate this song HELWA YA BALADI (My beautiful country) to you both. This song was sung by the late Egyptian singer (of Italian origin) by the name of DALIDA. The words to the songs really made me homesick for all the Arab countries I have lived in. Nothing like home.

    Anyway, here is the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWA_U150wTw

    And here are the lyrics:
    Kelma 7elwa wu kelmetein (A sweet word, two sweet words)
    7elwa ya baladi (My beautiful country)
    Ghenwa helwa wu ghenwetein (A sweet verse, two sweet verses)
    7elwa ya baladi (My beautiful country)
    Amaly daeeman, Kan ya baladi (My hope has always been, My country)
    Inni arga3lek ya baladi (That I return to you, My country)
    Wu afdhal daeeman ganbek 3ala 6ool (And the best has always been that I be next to you forever)
    Zekraya koll illy faat (My memories of the past)
    Fakra ya baladi (Remember, My country?)
    2alby malyan be 7ikayyet (My heart is filled with stories)
    Fakra ya baladi (remember, My country?)
    Awel 7ob kan fi baladi (My first love has always been for my country)
    Mesh momken ansa ya baladi (I can never forget my country)
    Feen ayyam zaman (Where are the days of past?)
    2abl el wedaa3 (Before the farewell?)
    Konna ben2oul en el foura2 dah mousta7il (We’ve always been saying that the separation is mustahil)
    We koll demaa 3ala el khadden kanet bitseer
    Malyana amaly en nehna neb2a maugoudeen (My hopes are filled that we shall remain present always)
    Fe bahr el 7ob 3ala el shattein (In the sea of love, upon two shores)
    Kelma 7elwa wu kelmetein (A sweet word, two sweet words)
    7elwa ya baladi (My beautiful country)
    Ghenwa 7elwa wu ghenwetein (A sweet verse, two sweet verses)
    7elwa ya baladi (My beautiful country)
    Feen 7abib el 2alb ya baladi (Where is the love of my heart, my country?)
    Kan ba3eid 3anni ya baladi (That you have distanced yourself from me, my country)
    We koll ma baghani (And every time I sing)
    Bafakkar fih (I think of you)
    2oul ya 7abibi enta sayebni wu raye7 feen (Tell me, my loving country, why are you leaving me and where are you going?)
    Agmal la7n 7aneghanni e7na el etneen (Together we will sing to the most beautiful music)
    Ya ma a7la kelmet baladi fi ghenwa bein sa6rein (That many beautiful words, my country lies between the verse and the paragraph)
    Ya leil ya 3ein ya 3ein ya leil


  887. Remember the numbers in relation to Arabic alphabets:
    2 = Qaf
    3 = Ein
    7 = Asphyxiating H

  888. 6 = Heavy T (like Tareq, Tayyeb)

  889. AA,


    wow very patriotic…

    Try logging in Itunes and search for “I cant stand the rain” instrumental version by Booker T & the MGs

    Its lovely .. pls try it

    p.s. I imagine u standing straight on attention singing “my beautiful country” hehehe

  890. Put in on low volume in the middle of the night..

  891. Dearest AA,

    Also log in: eSnip and search for Juanez – Es por ti
    and also Fanny Lu – Es por ti

    Both same title but different song..and they are equally nice to listen to..

  892. Gd morning AA,

    Hv listened to Helwa Ya Baladi… ok nice song.
    But the singer… a lady, a guy or what?

  893. as’kum…dr sheikh
    selamat bakal pengantin baru kpd dr.semoga kehidupan dr semakin bahagia disamping keluarga dan bakal isteri tersayang.Dan takziah di atas pemergian adik dr dan ingatlah kita sering mahukan hari yg cerah…tetapi ALLAH lebih mengetahui,hakikatnya hujan perlu diturunkan.Kita sering inginkan KESERONOKAN jauh sekali KESUSAHAN,tapi ALLAH LEBIH MENGETAHUI kesusahan itulahyg mengajar hakikatnya diri ini penuh dgn DOSA & KEJAAHATAN..MANUSIA tidak dpt lari drpd KESILAPAN..semua itu bknlah satu hukuman, tetapi sebagai tanda KASIH SAYANG ALLAH..agar kita sentiasa MENGINGATINYA…WASSALAM…

  894. tahniah

    dr sheikh & dr faiz .. di iktiraf cosmanout

  895. as’kum kepada dr sheikh

    harapan kami semua dr akan meneruskan perjuangan dalam space prog ini agar generasi akan datang dpt menikmati dan mempelajari apa yang telah kita semua mula kan sekarang. Jgn berhenti , teruskan, kami semua menyokong anda..

  896. Kpd Dr SMS,

    Yo! tahniah di ucapkan !!

    Bila balik Msia?

  897. sekarang ni dah x dgr pekembangan dr sheikh kan

  898. Hey AA,
    I’ve been reading ur posts 4 quite some & I notice u’ve mentioned a few times that u just don’t hit it off with Dr SMS. U said his dad & his bro are ok with u but not him. Why is that? Is he the quiet type? Pls reply..


  900. Assalamualaikum Dr..
    Tahniah atas kejayaan Dr!! saya pun nak jadi mcm Dr gak, tapi saya rabun..kalau rabun bole jadi angkasawan ker?..hope Kerajaan Malaysia buat saringan untuk orang rabun plak!! he….perasaan bercampur bila tgk Dr berlepas..sedih+sebak+gembira+bangga+risau….but you approve malaysian that MELAYU CAN DO EVERYTHING!!!! congrats Dr!!Hope that you’ll come to my school ( SMK SERI ISKANDAR) pliz Dr!!!!!!
    p/s: Dr Sheikh Muzaphar is MALAYSIAN HERO!!!!

  901. Yo there!

    Baru saja baca MM kisah Nurul Syuhada jadi journalist di moscow dan kazakhstan masa Dr SMS lauched ke bulan..eee sorry salah .. ke space! Bila saya amati wajah Nurul yang cantik dan menarik serta manis dan bijak tu, terdetik hati saya.. kalau la saya jadi matchmaker alangke comelnya kalau mereka berdua bertemu jodoh..hah..jgn marah pula.. tapi itu la pandangan saya..

    Sama cantik lo! Muka pun sama irasss maaa.. who knows.. jodoh mereka… bukan nak buat gossip ya… hanya pandangan saya bila terlihat wajah nurul dan terbayang wajah dr mus… sama irasss la..

  902. Yo Aziat!

    Nak tahu latar belakang dr sms kena pegi cari rumah bapa dia la!

    ataupun tanya kat YB Mr AArab kita nih!!

  903. Yo Jess!

    Tak kan hang tak tau.. YB en. AA kita tu byak mulut..
    Dr sms tak larat nak cakap dgn dia kut!

    yang larat layan dia Fatin je..

    Yo Fatin!

    Fatin = N = NAF – btol tak?

  904. Dearest Fatin

    Just got back from KK. Will listen to the songs later. God, this forum is absolutely quiet without my madness?!?!

  905. Hello Jess

    My my. You’ve been reading my post for quite sometime? Even the squabbles? I must be some lunatic right?!?!

    Anyway, if my posting indicated in any way that I didn’t hit it off with Dr Mus, then I should apologise. I first met him way back in Nov/Dec 92 when he was a student in India. I drove my sister (and her hubby) to visit his Mom – they were schoolmates from way back then.

    I’ve maintained our family ties on and off especially with the Dad since he is always based in KL (or PJ to be precise). I like his Dad very much – truly a nice person to be with. Such a wonderful personality. Entertaining – always some funny story to tell. At one point the eldest brother was around and so I became friendly with Ahmed. I just didn’t have the opportunity to bond with Dr Mus.

    But you know, they come from a good respectable Arab family.

  906. dr sheikh x sesuai dgn nurul lah…

  907. Dear Fafa

    Are you so VERY SURE Dr Mus is a Malay? No wonder the Chinese in our country have a low opinion of Malays.

    You can’t even tell the difference between a Malay and an Arab and how can you be expected to tell the difference between a Jew and an Arab??? They’re both Semitic in ethnicity!

    If you seriously believe that Dr Mus is a Malay, then let me be the 1st Malaysian of Arab origin to tell you that MALAYS ARE IMMIGRANTS FROM ARAB COUNTRIES!

  908. Hey Mat

    Can you tell me what is the meaning of ‘Mat’? Perhaps your father wanted to name you ‘Mad’ but he couldn’t spell it right??

  909. Dear Fafa

    The nearest Arab country to Malaysia is still further than the furthest province in China!

  910. Could it be possible that a ‘Nama Melayu’ (e.g. Mat) has no meaning in Bahasa Melayu?

  911. 1. Apa dah jadi ngan program angkasa Malaysia?
    3. Apa yg kita bleh dpt hasil dr kajian Dr.SMS di ISS tu?
    4. Atau kita hanya akan tunggu Dr.SMS diarak ke seluruh negara sebagai orang Malaysia yg pernah pergi ke ISS?
    5. Adakah kita hanya akan mendengar cerita Dr.SMS, pengalaman dia di ISS?
    6. Takkan nak dgr cerita main yoyo, gasing je?

  912. Harapan saya biarlah PELABURAN itu berbaloi, untuk membuktikan MALAYSIA BOLEH yang sebenar..
    Bukan setakat MALAYSIA BOLEH hantar orang ke angkasa,
    tapi MALAYSIA BOLEH membuktikan mampu menyumbang kepada TAMADUN manusia..
    Besar harapan rakyat Malaysia mahu status “PELANCONG ANGKASA” dipadamkan dgn hasil kajian DR.SMS..

    ps. Aku tidak kisahlah bab apa keturunan DR.SMS ni, arab ka, melayu ka, iban ka, bajau ka, yg aku tau dia tu org Malaysia..

  913. Saya setuju sangat dengan Azmi DHM.
    Dok melatah pasal keturunan orang tu buat apa?
    Yang penting dia orang Malaysia.
    Kalau orang Cina Malaysia pun dihantar ke ISS tu…saya tetap bangga kerana dia CINA Malaysia, bukannya dari tanah besar sana! Walaupun dah tentu je asal usulnya dari CIna, yang penting dia Cina Malaysia!
    Macam KKK lawan badminton, atau Nicol lawan squasy, dah tentunya dua-duanya cina…tapi aku tetap bangga, mereka Cina Malaysia!

  914. Lilia,

    Nicol bukan cina
    dia kacukan..
    awk nak berbangga sgt dengan cina
    cina tak berbangga pun kat kita,
    gi baca comment2 dr mrk hampir semua negative,
    segelinter jer yg support!!

  915. salam! saya sebagai seorang rakyat malaysia amat berbangga dengan kejayaan yang dr. sheikh kecapi. saya amat berharap program ini dapat di teruskan oleh bakal angkasawan malaysia yang kedua iaitu mejar dr. faiz dan bakal angkasawan yang seterusnya. program benar-benar dapat menarik semua golongan rakyat, terutamanya rakyat pelajar-pelajar. semoga apa yang kita harapkan dan setiap langkah kita dirahmati oleh Allah swt. insyallah!!!

  916. Dearest AA,

    Welcome back……hope u have had a good trip to KK.
    Keep inciting…u hv fans..:)

  917. Yo Mat Busybody!!

    I see that u r v good in deciphering..

    Great job!!

  918. rose tak kembang,
    Jangan fikir hal orang lain. Yang pentingnya kita. Semua benda bermula dari kita! Kalau mereka tu negatif terhadap kita, tak bermakna kita juga MESTI negatif. Biarkan mereka…Itu saja yang mereka boleh buat pun! Secara jujur saya katakan, saya tetap berbangga dengan siapa saja anak Malaysia yang cemerlang, tak kira apa pun bangsa mereka! Kalau dah cemerlang, tetap cemerlang, dan perlu diiktiraf!
    ps: saya tahu Nicol tu bukannya cina tulen tapi campuran, pun tak kisahlah! Bila sebut nama Nicol, asalnya dari MAS. Cukup, setakat itu! Kalau dah nak kena gali segala asal- usul… benda yang Melayu punya hanya ‘kayu’ dengan ‘batu’ je! Ingat pesan orang tua-tua:
    “berburu ke padang datar,
    dapat rusa berbelang kaki,
    berguru kepalang ajar,
    seperti bunga kembang tak jadi!”

    Jangan marah, saya cadangkan, tukar nama tu jadi rose kembang, bukannya rose tak kembang!

  919. lilia,

    biarlah rose tak kembang tapi harum ,jgn dah kembang sangat tapi tak ada bau langsung; macam bunga lili lah,
    kembang tapi tak de bau!!! harap faham maksud saya.

    kayu dan batu tu cakap orang2 tua zaman dulu sbb masa tu mereka tak bole fikir mcm orang melayu fikir skrg.
    so jgn la nak sama kan pemikiran org zaman ni dgn org zaman dulu…siap dengan kata2 pantung yang tak relevant langsung. cuba fikirla, kalau dulu kita sanjung sgt hang tuah sbb bunuh sahabat baik nya hang jebat kerana derhaka pada sultan, tapi sekarang kita bole fikir betapa bangang nya hangtuah bunuh sahabt sendiri yang mempertahankan dia.
    jadi lili yang tak berbau, tak payahla agung2 sgt pendapat lili yang tak berbau tu pendapt orang zaman dulu kala zaman nenek moyang saya kut! orang zaman ni tak bodoh macam dulu nak terima batu dengan kayu jer. orang zaman ni tahu hak kita di bumi kita.

    so jgn kembang tapi tak berbau, biar rose tak kembang tapi harum ..

  920. Dearest Fatin

    How are you my dear? I had a busy day today – errands + work.

    So, what is this about me having fans? Somehow, I noticed when I am quiet there are no posting and when I write something inciting, people get excited.

    Maybe I should go into politics?


  922. To All The Female Fans of Dr Mus

    Who is more handsome? Muszaphar Elmasrie or Hisham Elhaj?

    Check out our Lebanese star, Hisham Elhaj, at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwDhZXfuw64

    My sister says that Hisham Elhaj is more good looking than Dr Mus.

    Please comments girls. And ok, I agree beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  923. Dear Folks

    I just bought a new set of toothpicks. Miniature keris for me to pick my teeth. Anyone cares to photograph me cleaning my teeth with a keris??

  924. ramai org kata Dr.SMS ni hensem.. aku pulak belum la kata dia tak hensem..

    yg aku tunggu hasil kajian yg hensem dr ISS yg belum nampak sampai hari ni..

    setakat nak jumpa Dr.SMS utk bersalam.. aku ada banyak kerja lain yg lebih penting.

    tapi kalau “mungkin” Dr.SMS nak bentang hasil kajian atau perkembangan semasa kajian dr ISS tu, aku sanggup datang tak kisah mana pun diurang nak buat.

    kalau setakat nak cari orang hensem tak salah kalau aku kata berlambak di Malaysia ni.

  925. Hey Azmi, My habiby. I love you man. You are my #1 brother on this forum.

  926. Hi AA,
    I notice that the guys are usually a little pricky when Dr SMS’ looks are mentioned. Like in this Azmi’s case huh. Must be the male ego thingy. To tell the truth, there are more good looking girls than guys, so when we see someone like Dr SMS, we can’t help but go gaga over him.

    My Arabic’s a bit rusty, but doesn’t Mat means death in Arabic?

    p.s. sorry but I think I typed my email add wrongly the last time.Ampun.

  927. Dearest AA,

    Hi…I’m good thanks. Hope u r good too. Juz got home an hour ago, been out since noon.

    Indeed ur fan base is growing..I suggest u open a Fan Club and appoint me as ur manager…taking care of ur love and hate fan mails…lol,

    and talking about politics, hey y not, I will be the first one NOT to vote for u…ha ha

  928. AA,

    Dr Sheikh shld b compared with Hritik Roshan in looks.
    They hv the same stature – both are statuesque and >>> appealing.:)

  929. AA,

    Photograph u cleaning ur teeth?…yucksss… dirty dick!!!

  930. Dear Fatin

    Glad to know that all is well at your end.

    As for managing my Fan Club, I think I need a wannabe Taliban to protect me after all the ‘Malay-Bashing’, I’ve been doing. You will be the most despised Malay in history if I take you in. But hey, the money will be good!

    But you know, I’m a nice guy deep down. If that Turkish Pirate/Clown (aka Hishamuddin Hussein Off can play his role in kissing the keris) so can I play my role.

    On a separate note, I don’t understand why he needs to do that. He has succeeded in insulting the non-Malays (like me). The saddest part, really, is that he is not a Malay but he has created animosity towards the Malays. Get my point?

    Why the heck should we fear the keris? Perhaps he should explain to the Malays what great wars or battles the Malays have fought in recorded history other than the epic Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat arm wrestling match?! Ooops, I’ve been inciting again haven’t I?!?! Naughty naughty Bad Arab!

  931. Dearest AA,

    He is a Malay, its his great great great 3x grandparents who were not.. juz like the most of us here including “urs truly” heheh

    Kissing the kris was not a big deal. It was juz symbolic. It evokes “semangat”

    Hey, we fought some wars but there was one very extraordinary war – that no others hv fought! We fought against the “todak”..if u wanna know what its all about, find out…lol

  932. hoi azmi lantak dr sheikh lah dia nak main gasing ke main yoyo ke bukannye meyusahkan kau pun…alal drp ko tu x pernah g iss entah2 jejak kat luar negeri pon x pernah…blah lah pandai sound dr sheikh je…cermin diri tu dulu bru sound org….aku rasa korang ni cemburu kot kat dr sheikh..lain kali kalau nak sound org..ko suruh org sound ko dulu…ape yg ko rasa???

  933. ape 2 pandangan semua org kepada dr sheikh baik atau buruk aku x kesah…yg penting aku sokong dia n sayang dia…abis kalau terlampau over sanggat comment nye aku batah lah…

  934. Azmi DHM,
    Saya setuju sangat dengan awak. Saya pun tertunggu-tunggu apa lah hasil kajian yang dilakukan di ISS. Maksudnya yang agak detail dan menunjukkan keintelektualan serta mempunyai merit daripada aspek penyelidikan. Tentang sms yang ‘hensem’ tu…no comment lah saya sebab masing-masing ada taste masing-masing.

  935. Kalau sesiapa ada maklumat tentang sms nak bentang hasil penyelidikan di mana-mana pun (di malaysia lah), minta tolong hebahkan lah ya! Manalah tahu kalau saya ter’miss’ beritanya.

  936. Rose tak kembang,
    kalau anda orang Islam, tentunya anda tahu bahawa nama itu membawa makna sebab itu kita disuruh menamakan anak kita dengan nama-nama yang bermakna. Itu sebabnya saya cadangkan awak tukar nama jadi rose kembang sebab rose tak kembang tu boleh melambangkan diri/pemikiran kita yang belum matang….sebab tak kembang! Tak tahulah di mana silapnya, tang baja tak cukup ke… tak disiram ke….tak tahulah saya… Itu juga perlu kajian, bukan hentam kromo je. Tapi kalau kembang, maksudnya dah matang lah. Mungkin sebab baja, air, tanahnya sesuai. Itu saja. Tapi kalau orang baca komen anda, dan mengaitkan dengan nama anda, memang dah sesuailah tu. Wallahuaklam.

  937. Lilia yang kembang tapi tak berbau,

    name jer cantik tapi peragai cam setan pun tak guna.

    ramai org islam nama ikut nabinabi kita tapi peragai..masyaallah…

    jgn ingat komen kita semua bernas, kekadang kita tak bleh nampak kesempitan minda kita, tapi orang lain nampak, jadi belajarla menerima komen dan jgn melalut tak tentu pasal sbb merasakan kita semua betul

    cermincermin la ya!

  938. wooohhh sharina…!!!

    Diehard fan ya..
    No problem .. I know how u feel..I hv bn there 🙂

  939. Saya juga tak nafikan rose tak kembang pun wangi, tapi kalau kembang tentu lebih wangi, kan?
    Satu lagi, buka kamus oxford, cari “lily of the valley”, apa desciption tentangnya … “a plant with small sweet-smelling white flowers shaped like bells”…!!!
    So what say you?

  940. and one more….lili jaaauuuhhhhh lebih MAHAL berbanding rose! dan lebih eksklusif!

  941. Lilia yang kembang tak berbau,

    I am not intimidated by your Oxford Dictionary,
    Itu Oxford dictionary..

    Ini dictionary diri kita sendiri..

    rose bila dah kembang sgt mana berbau nya..tak caya gi buat research lah

  942. mahal jer wat per… mcm white elephant.. org jarang guna..

  943. Awk ada Oxford Dictionary

    saya ada Roget’s Thesaurus.. kah kah kah

  944. Dear Rose_Tak_Kembang : Here, have a keris.

    Dear Lilia: Here, have another keris.

    Now, both of you please go pick your teeth and let us see your photos. Mungking (another Arabic word) the non-Malays will feel intimidated??

  945. Sorry ‘Mungkin’ is from Arabic MOMKEN with the VERY SAME MEANING.

    Oh oh to my dear fellow Malaysians. The word SHEIKH is Arabic for venerable gentleman. The localised Arabic word adopted is Encik.

    Sheikh Encik Sheikh Encik Sheikh Encik

  946. Rasa menyesal pun ada dok layan benda remeh temeh ni. Bila saya scroll balik komen-komen saya, saya bermula dengan mengatakan “kita janganlah mengamalkan perkauman”. Walau apapun bangsa kita, kita orang malaysia, dan kalau bangsa lain yang nak buat, biarlah. Yang penting ia bermula dari kita, harap-harap akan diikuti orang/bangsa lain. Sebabnya jelas, perasaan ini sangat bahaya. Jangan sampai 13 Mei atau peristiwa Kg.Subang berulang. Sangat-sangat bahaya! Kalau anda masih muda, mungkin anda ingat itu hanya “cerita” sahaja. Tapi… itu bukan main-main punya cerita!!! Lepas tu saya cadangkan awak tukar nama sebab kalau nama rose kembang tu lebih baik (kata saya…) melambangkan kematangan (komen saya di atas)…
    Saya tak nampak mengapa anda perlu marah-marah dan mengaitkannya dengan nama nabi, perangai setan…Ada benarnya, tapi itu kan anjuran Nabi kita! Kita bermula dengan nama yang baik, lepas itu kita berdoa banyak-banyak…harap-harap kita jadi orang yang baik juga seperti nama kita! Bukan begitu? Jadi selepas ini kalau anda masih marah-marah, terpulang. Yang pentingnya, saya beritahu diri saya, selepas ini abaikanlah komen-komen sebegini, cari isu lain yang boleh membina minda.

  947. Wah…wah…wah…another arab enter frame pulak. Anyway, nak bagi tau you…toothpick yang bentuk kayu golf pun ada…panjang sikit, cepat sampai! Kah…kah…kah…cool brother arab haa… Tak perlu itu semua!

  948. Dearest Lilia

    I love you 😉

  949. korang sume y comment hipokrit !!!!

  950. korang sume ni igt ni laman chat ke???
    kalo nak bknalan sms je la…..
    pe la lov2 ni…
    si arab tu asal peik tul nme …..

  951. ala stakat 9 ari je ape hal….
    pe la enter frame sgt nak tnjuk bakal wife….
    sape la xnk kawin ngan ……..2 dh la kaya
    tp mlg nye budi bhsa xleh dbeli ngan duit…..
    sori kalo terasa…

    igt iss bkn tmpt MELANCONG!!!!!
    kalo stakat pegi n blik ngan kajian yg leh wat kat mlysia je nak wat pe???

    dah siap kuar kenyataan nak kawin sblm 2009..
    artis ke nak wat enter frame kat mjlah…
    mane ciri kperibadiaan sorg angkasawan yg leh digelar sbg profesior,saintis n …

    sya mmg peminat n01 angkasawan ngara kite…
    bukti semua keratan akbr,internet, mjlah sye sggup kumpulkn….
    sbb sye tau kepayahan dlm mcpai ssuatu kjyaan 2…

    sye mula give up slps kyataan akbr drp angkasawan pertama kite 2??

    sbg seorang yg TERHORMAT tak perlu nak menunjuk2 hal2 peribadi….
    kamu bkn artis mahupun ahli politik ternama…

    kamu adlh seorg insan yg dpilih…
    bkn drp pihak iss tp drpada ALLAH s.w.t

    bayangkan berpuluh2 ribu rakyat yg dtg utk try tp tak dpt hanya kamu yg dpt….

    tak rase ke itu slh satu nikmat?

    buktikn kjayaan di iss bukan ye kyataan hal peribadi….
    plezzz sye smakn tak berminat dgn angkasawan MALAYSIA lg

    sye lbh bminat utk mlihat kjyaan dri pd angkasawan luar…

    plezzz majer faiz buktikan la kenyataan sye tu salah…
    buat la yg terbaik di iss n mahupun di bulan

  952. FRIZO,,,,,,,

  953. Tlg ar.pade sume yg jelous tgk kejayaan ank bangse ni…jgn ar anta comment yg bebukan.klo rase2 jelous awk 2 mmg dah x ley control,pi ambik air sembahyang,bace AL-QURAN.bru tenang skit ati.x de ar nk cembru lg.klo care ni x berkesan gak,x tau ar nk kate ape lg kt k0rang ni

  954. congrats gak ar pade dr.sheikh muszaphar and ganbatte pade mejar dr.faiz.pade sume yg suke dr.sheikh muszaphar krn muke die yg handsome 2,korang mmg hipokrit.sy suke sgt muszaphar bkn sbb muke die,tp sbb kjayaan die.die gak ar yg memperkenalkan budaya melayu kat iss.sbgai seorg ank melayu,saya ade perasaan yg lebih drpd bangga pd angkasawan negara kite.


  955. lilia yang kembang tak berbau,

    sya pun rasa penat berdebat dengan awak…
    mula mula bukan main professional lagi
    pas tu.. keluar pula lily of the valleys .. laaa..

    lebih mahal dan exclusive..per ke benda nih!!!
    so orang dah main oxford dictionary, kita pun main roget’s thesaurus la..

    apape pun sebagai yg muda, sya minta maaf, sbb sya tahu lilia nih mesti dah terlalu matang orangnye sbb cara pemikiran dan pedebatan lilia
    tapi jgn lupa yang tua tunjuktunjukkan, yang muda ikutikutkan, yg baik kita terima, yang salah kita tegur, yang ditegur jgn melenting, yang menegur jgn lebihlebihan..does that make sense??? taa…

  956. Thank you Brother Arab.

  957. frizo

    jgn la marah marah nanti cepat tua!

    biarla kalau orang nak chat pun, bukan laman web awak pun, lg pun dari chat mereka, kita dapat pelajari macam macam, dari bahasa inggeris sampai la ke general knowledge. tapi mesti la yang BI excellent mcam a few yang saya dok baca messages mereka, jgn yang broken english, tu menyesatkan!!

    so cool la bro..

  958. rose_tak_kembang

    saya sokong kate2 awk 2

  959. all the best in everthing….
    all malaysian proud of you…(><)…

  960. korang ni buat penat je dr sheikh pergi iss tu untuk menunjukkan malaysia pon dah maju…dia korban kan nyawa dia nak g sana…kalau korang???tahu komen je…ape kes..blah lah cube ko g iss org komen ko macam tu ape perasaan ko…buat penat je dia g sana korang tahu komen komen komen je…tahu ckp je… cermin diri tu dulu baru komen org…kalau ko g iss entah entah 1 kajian pon x de hasil nye…UNTUK FRIZO…

  961. Dear Fiza (13Oct@10.09am)

    Subject: Hypocrites

    In my humble opinion 85% of the ‘Bangsa Melayu’ in Malaysia are hypocrites. Dah lah keturunan pendatang dari negara-negara yang lebih jauh dari Negara China tapi sanggup bersifat MUNAFIK dan mengaku diri mereka sebagai Melayu. Apa pakai baju Melayu cukup ker?

    Dah itu mereka buat hal mencium keris lah – konon lah keris tu senjata sakti. And then menunjuk-nunjukkan yang mana mereka memiliki kuasa sakti dengan memegang keris tumpul tu.

    Kita sebagai kaum Arab tak perlu menunjuk-nunjukkan itu semua. Memang maklum yang orang Arab adalah satu kaum yang berani berjuang tanpa sebarang tayangan wayang kulit.

  962. go dr sheikh go dr sheikh saye tetap sokong dr sheikh…walaupon ade sikit sesal krn dr sheikh dah nak kawin..tapi x pe lah yang penting saye sokong dr sheikh n sayang pd dia…

  963. Dear Frizo (13Oct@10.14am)

    Which Arab are you referring to?

    Dr Muszaphar Almasre?
    Hamid Albar?
    Abdullah Badawi?
    Mizan (aka the current symbol of everything that is Malay)?
    Sirajuddin (aka the former symbol of everything that is Malay)?

    Please be precise.

  964. Dear Rose_Tak_Kembang

    First and foremost, please accept my sincere apologies if I am seen as a little bit harsh but I do have a suggestion for you:

    Can you change your handle to WARDA – that is Rose in Arabic. It is a much more beautiful name. Also, it is the name of one of our beloved diva from Algeria.

    Please change it. I beg you.

  965. saperlah kata dr.sms nie sesuai ngan si nurul tue….tulunnnn la….x sesuai langsung……….

  966. Yo YB AArab!

    My father not as mad as you thus the name Mat!!

  967. Yo Sharina!

    Sbb Dr SMS tak sesuai dgan Nurul??

  968. Yo Fatin!

    Can we meet for coffee?
    You seem to be a nice gal!!

  969. Yo Nanny!

    List down sbb sbb knp mereka tak sesuai!!

  970. Yo All!!!

    Do you agree: muka dr sms se iras dgan nurul???

  971. sbb aku ckp x sesuai x sesuai lah

  972. ko tgok betol 2 muka dr sheikh gan nurul x serupe langsung…

  973. Yo Sharina!

    Give me a good argument!!!

  974. Hey Mat

    Can I rub my feet on you Mat? Apparently Kamus Dewan does not have a listing for ‘Mat’ and the only possibility is of course the ‘Mat’ on the door.

    Why would your father chose a name like that???

  975. Hey Mat

    How about dating us some Arab stewardesses and leave Fatin alone?

  976. typo error

    Hey Mat

    How about us dating some Arab stewardesses and leave Fatin alone? She is truly a nice gal.

  977. sebab mereka x sesuai bagi aku…

  978. Helo. SMS ade kat sini tak? CT nak kenal rapat dgn si hensem tu!

  979. Frizoooo…

    saya pn sokong rose-tak-kembang, yg hampa dok sebuk org nak chat ke pe hampa dok kisah? Klau tak suke, toksah bace, yg dok baca sapa suruh?
    lantaklah depa nak berkenalan ke, nak I love you ke, nak dating ke, .. lg pun takkan asyik nak cakap pasal angkasawn jer, tu kan saringan..takla boring sgt

  980. betui kata kawaiii, yg hampa dok marah kat dr sms kenapa???

    pikiak la, balik2 adik xde, pastu org duk mengata mengumpat dia, ingat dia tak sedey ke???kata dia mcm2 mesti,a hati depa terasa!!!!

  981. Yo YB Mr AArab!!

    My dad actually named me after Matt Monroe, whoever he was!
    You can rub your feet on my belly instead! and whilst rubbing, pinch it too with your dirty toes!!!!

  982. salam.di kesempatan ini,saya ingin mohon maaf dahulu jikalau ada yang terkecil hati.mesti ada punya.untuk apa kita nak masuk campur hal peribadi dr.sheikh muszaphar—–?dan satu lagi jangan menyukai atau nak jadikan beliau teman sehidup semati hanya kerana kehebatan beliau kerana dengan hanya satu kekurangan beliau peratus perasaan suka tu akan kurang..maknanya perasaan itu tidak tulus,kan?tak tahulah anda macam mana pula.bukan maksud saya untuk memperkecilkan beliau,tetapi setiap manusia tidak dilahirkan sempurna,kan?saya juga tidak sempurna.beliau juga menjadi role model bagi saya dalam konteks kecemerlangan.apapun,kejayaan beliau amat membanggakan.sekali lagi saya minta maaf kepada anda yang mungkin terasa.salam.

  983. Kpd JackKennedy

    Ko masih hidup lagi? Kan ko dah kena tembak mati pada 22hb November 1963? Apasal tak bawak balik Jacky O?

  984. Arab!

    Warda not so nice lahhhh!!!

    ada name lain tak??

  985. Yo YB AArab!!

    You don’t have to protect Fatin! She will be fine with me!! Huh, I don’t date stewardesses, too risky!

    Yo Fatin honey!

    Rest assured, you will be having coffee with one of the most eligible guy in elite KL. No worries, I wont ask your roots whether you are a mixture of arab/malay/chinese/indian/afrikaan and I would not talk about the Keris either!

  986. Yo Mat Busybody!

    Thank you for ur invitation. I like my coffee black.

    Whilst I am elated by ur generousity, I am also v down to earth 🙂

  987. Kepada Dr SMS

    Dah lama tak de berita? Apa perkembangan sekarang?
    Dr SMS dimana dan apa akan terjadi seterusnya?
    Senyak jerr

  988. Askum pada Sheikh Arab,

    Maaf saya pinta jika katakata sya nih menganggu.
    Nak tanya skit..
    Kenapa marah sgt pada Melayu?

  989. Dr SMS yg di sanjungi,

    Teruskan perjuangan jgn separuh jalan tak best lah!!

  990. I am very glad to say conguratulation to our both astronaut. i am very hope that this mission will be continue after this. it is because i think our contry has high potension in this field

  991. cuntry

  992. Since Dr SMS is taken, hw abt mr Arab, msih kosong ke? ehem ehem..awak suke wanita camne? story skit le!

  993. Dear Rose

    How about NAWAL? It’s a pretty name meaning ‘gift’. Our 1st ever Arab girl to win an Olympic GOLD medal in Athletics is NAWAL ELMOTAWAKKEL of Morocco. I remember when I was still living in Cairo and she came to Egypt. Wow, she received a welcome from the whole entire country. She really made entire Arab World so proud.

    Also, Lebanese superstar NAWAL ELZOGHBY (remember the song EL-LAYALY at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ovn1BFU0Vw) is popular in Malaysia. She was such an absolutely darling then before she decided to place her face under the knife. In this video she is really the typical Arab beauty from The Levant.

  994. aduuhhh boring nyerrr

    Blog dr sheikh yang baru dah kluar, best ler dia ceremony. very proud of u dr sheikh

  995. Hey Mat

    Perhaps you are afraid to date an Arab stewardess for fear of rejection by an Arab? It will hard to handle wouldn’t it? Maybe you are physically to small for an Arab girl? 😀

  996. Dear Rose & Matt

    Sorry. The above two comments were from me. My staff was using my desktop.

  997. Aku dah baca blog dr sms yg terbaru ttg ceremony kat moscow. Ada gmbr menarik dan citer menarik. Dr mus cakap 3 bahasa dalm speech. Sungguh berbangga!

    Ttng experiment dia ada explained. Bukan semudah tu experiment tu semua melalui proses dan mengambil masa bukan terus bleh di bentangkan. Lgpun dr sms menjalankan experiment yang buat kajian byk lain department so jgn dok kata tak de hasil.Kita tunggu hasilnya yang bukan dibentang oleh dr sms saja tapi professor prof yg lain yang berkenaan. Kita tunngu ok!

  998. Arab!

    NAWAL? cam ikan bawal jer..



  1000. dr sheikh ble nak balik..malaysia..rindu lah

  1001. hye,,,dr.sheikh thanx coz dh harumkan name malaysia i’m
    really proud of u ,,,,,i hope when i grow up u can bring me to iss coz i want 2 be astronaut like u.i wanna wish 2 u gud luck,may allah bless u every second 4 eva n smile always&don’t be sad,,,u r my beloved idol,,, bye ,,, YOUR FANS,,,,,,,,,,,

  1002. Arab!

    Klau anak kita esuk, nama per u nak taruh?

    klau pompuan aper?

    klau lelaki name pe?

  1003. Dearest Rose

    Jangan lah kata gitu. Tengok kat Malaysia nie – Bangsa Melayu lebih minat Nama2 Arab berbanding dengan Nama2 Melayu. Mana ada lagi kaum Melayu menamakan anak mereka Awang atau Cempaka?

    Hinggakan nama ‘Mohammed’ dikatakan ‘Nama Melayu’! Semenjak bila nabi kita berbangsa Melayu? Saya nak tulis surat dengan Ketua Pengarah JPN untuk meminta senarai ‘Nama2 Melayu’ supaya kita semua boleh maklum.

  1004. My arab,

    You dah de makwe ke?
    hensem mcm dr sheik tak?
    Kaya tak?
    blehla pinang sya..:)))))))))))

  1005. Dearest Rose

    Jangan lah kata sebegitu. Nanti Dr Mus jealous dengan Ana.

    Siapa lah nakkan Ana yang hodoh nie??? Harapkan badan sahaja tinggi, muka macam orang sakit Down’s Syndrome.

  1006. tinggi tu tinggi mana?

    6 kaki ke?
    hodoh mcm sape? shregg ke?

  1007. Dearest Rose

    Ana belum ada makwe. Tapi kawan ramai lah! Pendapatan ok lah boleh dikatakan LUMAYAN sih. Gue bisa balik Arab setahun 3-4 kali donk.

    Dah masuk pulak loghat Jawa! 😀

  1008. wanita camne idaman awk?
    yg cantik ke?
    yg bijak ke?
    yang gemuk ke?
    yg pendek ke?

  1009. Dearest Rose

    I stand at 6 kaki 2 inci. Waist 36 inci. Weight 80 kg.

  1010. keja apa?
    jadi boss ke?
    nak tahu juga bakal suami :)))

  1011. tinggi nya makooiii

    saya rendah jer
    plump sikit
    ok ke
    pakai tudung?

  1012. Dearest Rose

    Who wants me? I’m a divorcee with a 7 year old boy.

  1013. tak kisah
    sya pun tak lawa
    janda gak
    bole la kut
    mcm na nak contact?

  1014. anak duduk dgn sape?

    awk stay sorang ke?

  1015. Dearest Rose

    Saya mewakili sebuah syarikat Imarat El-3arabiyyeh El-Muta7edda (UAE) di Malaysia. Ibu pejabat di Shari2ah. Pendapatan saya dibayar dengan Dirham UAE. Oleh kerana itu saya terpaksa berulang-alik. I look forward to going back every single time.

  1016. so camne? bole kita kawan?

  1017. umur awk berapa?
    klau tua pd awak, awak nak tak?

  1018. Dearest Rose

    Saya duduk dengan anak saya. Dia tahun ini Standard 1. No problem kita boleh berkenalan BUT jangan terperanjat kalau nampak saya sehodoh Shrek.

  1019. awk nak anak dara ke?
    awk nak yg umur brp?

  1020. I’m 35 setengah.

  1021. so ada no tel?
    atau email?

  1022. Dearest Rose

    I have to go out now. Need to get dinner for my son and I. Will be back later. Kita boleh sambung?

  1023. awk bintang ape ye?
    bukanla nak caya bintang tp saja untuk rujukan

  1024. cakap jer bintang apa sebelum pegi bole

  1025. Semua ada. I will give it to you when we chat online in an Arab chat site okay?

  1026. arab chat site apa tu
    camne nak masuk?

  1027. Saya berbintang BADAK SUMBU! 😀

  1028. taurus ye? ooo

  1029. camne nak masuk chat arab tu
    apa addy dia?

  1030. I will always chat at MAKTOOB or MAZIKA. Wait I will give you direction. See you later. Ma3asalame!

  1031. nama handle u ape?

    nanti saya masuk nak tahu handle u

  1032. laaa…ilang lak

  1033. Dearest AA,

    How are u? Wow fantastic conversations u hv there. hmmm….

  1034. Dearest Fatin

    Where have you been? Missed having you on site! We need to chat outside of this forum.

  1035. Can you explain fantastic?

  1036. AA,

    Ya y not .. shall we go to whats the sites called? Mazika? lol

  1037. well I know a lot about u now..:) oh ok maybe a little..

  1038. Dearest Fatin

    Now you know I am exceptionally fluent in three languages! Can even fool Hishamuddin himself that I am a Deli Melayu! 😀

    I was at Mazika earlier on. But now I have a report to do and I will be a bit busy. Maybe tomorrow night at http://www.maktoob.com/. Use the hande ‘FatinMalaysia’ and go to Maktoob Lobby. You need to have an account first!

  1039. ok will try that tomorrow, wont bother u now, go ahead with ur work..:)

  1040. AA,
    U’re hooked up with Rose now? I got no chance lah…

  1041. Dearest Fatin

    I’m not hooked on anyone. Now, who would want to be seen with the scariest hideous looking idiot in town?

    Sometimes, when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and see my face at the mirror, I almost died from shock! Shrek is gorgeous compared to me.

  1042. Dearest AA,

    I wasnt the one who said u were hooked with Lady Rose. Ur ardent admirer Lady Jess did..

    BTW Maktoob Chatroom is all in arabic?

  1043. Y dun u buy a Halloween mask and put it on, perhaps that will look better…hehehe..sorry my apologies, cant help saying that… minta maaf..

  1044. Dear Jess (12Nov@10.04pm)

    Mat in Arabic means ‘he has died’. ‘Maut’ is death. Hamid Albar, Mizan & Sirajuddin are YEMENIS. They trace their roots to Hadramaut (Presence of Death) – the very same village where the BIN LADEN family comes from.

  1045. My sweet Fatin

    It appears that this site is aging me tremendously. I get mixed up. My age? Or is it my eyesight?

  1046. Dear Fatin

    Can you read some Arabic (especially when they write Maktoob Lobby)? Otherwise we can chat at MAZIKA tomorrow.

    By the way, I don’t need a Halloween mask to scare the heck out of anyone. My face will do it without the cost!

  1047. perhaps its ur clouded mind. U shld be cool, dun b like a raging bull (badak sumbu) ur star..:P

    anyway, maktoob is all in arabic and i dunno arabic, theres no english version?

  1048. perhaps its ur clouded mind. U shld be cool, dun b like a raging bull (badak sumbu) ur star..:P

    anyway, maktoob is all in arabic and i dunno arabic, theres no english version?

  1049. Ok we will chat at mazika. Sorry about the mask, I was only joking, no hard feelings

  1050. Dear fatin

    I will leave a message for you by 4pm as to what time, I expect to be at Mazika and my handle.

    Don’t worry, I can handle all the bashing I get. I give out too many as well!

  1051. Dear Fatin & Jess

    Are you ready to meet the legend Abdel Halim Hafez? Click on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CubDbacLekM and listen to one of his most memorable love songs AHWAK (I love you).

    This video clip is old so just bear with it and enjoy the lovely song. I will translate it if you want. BTW, the actress next to him is the late Magda El-Khatteeb.

    Enjoy the song, it is one of the most requested songs over Valentine Day!

  1052. Thanks AA. Yeah its in black and white, muz be v old

  1053. Salam..

    Aku ni kan bkn jenis yg nak dengki ke apa ke ngan Dr.SMS (klu nak tau scrool forum ni dr awal k)..

    Aku antara rakyat Malaysia yg tak tido & turut berbangga dgn program angakasa ni.. dan aku ni jenis bayar cukai tau pada kerajaan.. aku bangga bila kerajaan menyediakan satu budget yg berbillion utk menjayakan program ni. Dalam berbillion tu ada la duit aku masuk sikit, psl yg lain2 tu dah buat budget lain kan.. buat jalan, sekolah etc.

    Korang nak suka ngan DR.SMS yg hensem lantak la.. aku x kisah.. aku cuma nak pastikan yg COP pelancong angkasa tu DIGUGURKAN dr hasil kajian Dr.SMS tuh.. I do understand that kajian tu juga dibuat oleh negara2 maju lain.. tp yg kita nak tau apa perkembangan semasanya?

    Kita boleh contact Dr.SMS kat atas langit tu.. takkan dr bumi yg sama tak boleh. Bagi la report skit, kita pon nak share la juga.

    ni tak habis2 aku dapat SMS dr telecumincation co. offer ring tone angkasawan la.. call me tone angkasawan la.. aku buat apa suma tu?

    yg korang nak kawen ngan Dr.SMS tu teruskan la.. kerja baik tu.. bagi la special treatment utk Dr.SMS suma kena sanggup la jd no.2, 3 & 4.. lebih dr tu aku tak tanggung (tanggung sendiri)

  1054. Dear Azmi DHM (12Nov@3.44am)

    You are partially correct in saying that Dr. Mus is Malaysian BUT to be very accurate, he is an Egyptian with a Malaysian nationality.

    Both Pak Lah and myself are SAUDIS with Malaysian nationality. Note: As Arabs, we inherit the nationality of our ancestors regardless of the place of birth. Our right to dual nationality is enshrined in the Arab League.

    So tell me again the story about Mizan and Sirajuddin?

  1055. Hi AA,
    One thing I like about Arab singers are their voice projection, its really kinda silky. I noticed Mazika is in Arabic, but still managed to browse a little. I haven’t practiced my Arabic for a few years now. It used to be ok.

  1056. asal ko lebih 2 pulak…senang cita ko g iss 2 buat kajian sampai lembab…senang cite

  1057. wow.. marah ooo..

    relax Sharina, jgn la emosi sgt..

    to Mr.AA

    tell me about Mizan & Sirajuddin, sure U know a lot

  1058. Dear Jess

    Wow, you too learned Arabic? First Fatin and then you!

    Where did you study Arabic? Did you study Standard Literary Arabic or Colloquial Arabic? And if you studied Colloquial, which dialect you opted?

    Which Arab singers do you like? My favourite male singer is Abdel Halim Hafez and female is Oum Kolthoum.
    Of course, there are several others but I just pick the #1 male and #1 female. Do you enjoy listening to Classical Arabic? A classic from Oum Kolthoum is EL-ATLAL (The Ruins), composed by the late Dr. Elsonbathy with poetry by Ibrahim Najy. A classic from Abdel Halim is RESALA MIN TAHT EL-MAA’ (Message from the below the Ocean). Composed by Mohammed El-Moujy and poetry by Nazzar El-Qabbani.

  1059. Dear Azmi DHM

    They are DEFINITELY not Malays. They are Yemenis.

  1060. Goodnight. I finished my report and cleaned my apartment. Tisba7 3ala kheir.

  1061. hmmmm…lawaknya…
    Awal-awal tu banyak ‘anak dara’ yang offer diri/berebut nak jadi 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th pada sms!
    ini ada pulak Lady J offer diri pada AA. Fuuuyooooo!
    Hot la you arab…. I pun Lady J juga….amacam ada can? Fatin, you bukan Lady J? Tak nak cuba? Kah..kah..kah..@#$%^&* Lawak sungguh!
    Jangan marah aahhhhh. I just couldnt help it!

  1062. Azmi,
    I baca kisah kajian SMS di ISS tu akan disiapkan oleh saintis tempatan. Belum boleh dikeluarkan lagi sebab belum complete (sejauh mana benar tak pasti). So kita (saya la tu kot) tunggu sikit masa. Dah baca kisah SMS ditauliah sebagai cosmonout?

  1063. AA,
    Tinggi 6′ 2 “,
    Pinggang 36”
    Berat 80 kg
    Bintang badak sumbu,
    oopppsss….muka macam shrek….
    Mak….. tolong…..takut!
    (SMS ‘terbawa’ balik creature ni dari angkasa!!!)
    Jangan marah ahhhh! Pagi-pagi ni rezeki lari kalau marah-marah!
    Tak boleh tahanlah dengan Lady J tu….lawak!

  1064. Dearest Lilia

    Thank you very much for your kind attention. Just let me know when you need another keris!

    Love ya! 😉
    Kiss from the Malaysian Shrek :-*

  1065. Dearest AA,

    Apa kiss kiss ni?? Jealous la…hehe

    Dearest Lilia,

    Memang saya nak try juga, tapi kena bawa tangga la, tinggi sangat… anyway senang bila nak tukar mentol lampu kan, tak payah panggil electrician..lol

    Dearest Sharina,

    I think u are cute, I like ur curt and short responses.. I agree with u, ask Azmi to ‘gi ISS buat kajian, senang cite’ haha

  1066. Relaks la Fatin,
    I dont mind sharing. Lagipun I’m tooooo busy and engrossed (spell!) with my work, so part-time partner is fine with me! And I’m away quite often. So I guess no fuss with sharing…

  1067. Dearest Fatin, Lilia and Sharina

    Please don’t bully Azmi. Ha has his reasons and concerns and they are truly genuine. As a taxpayer, I tent to agree with him that our Govt’s excesses are wasteful. However, I do look at the other side of the coin and I see that the younger generation of Malaysians (who are currently in school) are now more focussed on Mathematics and Science, which to me is also worthy of mention.

    But what saddens me most of all is that there are Malays (Deli Melayu) who are still living in poverty while these Melayu Pendatang from countries further than CHINA enrich themselves like vultures to the carcass AND YET they have the cheek to make the Chinese in our country to be a bad guys!

  1068. Spelling mistakes

    He and not Ha
    Tend and not tent

  1069. If these Melayu Pendatang from countries further THAN China are sincere in assisting the Deli Melayu to get out of their abject poverty, they should first stop behaving like LANUN. And what is sad is that I see my own Arab brothers and sisters behaving as such!

  1070. AA,
    Can we drop this conversation about the asal-usul and all that stuff? It gets really irritating (and scary too) because of the defensive attittude among all. Using ‘not so good’ phrases is not healthy, you know. That kind of dialogue should take place in person, not virtually! Everybody knows (think so!) that this issues about ‘perpaduan’ is very very vulnerable! Dont add fire to it unnecessarily! I like my apartment, my car, my freedom to go anywhere, do and eat anything I like, so much….. if you know what I mean!

  1071. My dear Lilia

    My my, did I rock your boat? So, are you telling me that it is AGAINST the Law for me to say that ‘So-And-So’ is an Arab and not a Malay and that he/she comes from a country further than China?

    Is it wrong for me to say that Salma Hayek is an Arab with a Mexican nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that Paula Abdul is an Arab with US nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that Zineddine Zidane is an Arab with French nationality? Is it wrong for me to say that Mike Shinoda (of Linkin Park) is an Arab of US nationality.

    My God, there are so many Arabs with dual citizenship! So, what are you going to do? Incarcerate me? Oh so now, what you’re saying is that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) was a Malay because the name ‘Mohammed’ is a ‘Nama Melayu’?

    Let me tell you that the Chinese in these country are more interested in making money than the theatrics of kissing cangkuls! And don’t ever use the issue of ‘perpaduan’ to threaten my identity! You will need to visit KSA someday and I am a citizen of that country too! You should be careful also – the blade is a double edged sword and we Arabs are not timid!

  1072. AA,
    No…that’s not what i meant! I’m suggesting that IF you feel very strongly about it and still want to debate on that issue, you have all the right to do so, but on a proper platform! Furthermore, find people of an equal standing (not any tom, dick, and harry), so that it will be a more healthy and meaningful dialogue. Mind you, I like to use the word dialogue because it reflects an academic rigour, not the kind of layman, no research based discussion. If you look back at the comments posted here on that issues, to me it became more of an individual attack.
    See, now you are talking about the double edged sword. Arab, please… Why cant we just share the cake, not blood! I do understand that coming from a mixed Arab! Tonnes of money has no meaning when you cant even go out from your house! Again, this conversation will get heated. I would like very much to debate on this with you, BUT certainly NOT HERE! In person, maybe! That way I can be responsible for what I say or do! Here…??? nooo…I’m not related to zorro!

  1073. oh one more thing, I know Arab are not timid! History has proven that!

    I’m out for a lunch date! Taaa…

  1074. assalamualaikum………kepada Dr Sheikh saya cukup berbangga dengan pencapaiaan Dr sampai ke angkasa…… saya berharap ini bukan permulaan dan bukan kali terakhir negara kita buat misi sepertini ini. saya wakil pelajar Sekolah Menengah Agama Dato’ Klana Petra Ma’amor Ampangan Seremban mengucapkan syabas atas pencapaiaan Dr

  1075. i love you….muszaffar

  1076. anybody at home???

  1077. askum dr mus

    selepas balik msia nanti apa prog selanjutnya

  1078. Oh my, its getting hot in here.

    AA, I studied Literary Arabic for 5 years in college. At the time my command was ok, but didn’t speak much. After that, my only Arabic practise is when I read the Quran. I used to listen to Arabic songs courtesy of my Arab friends, Om Khalthoum’s one of them.I havent had much exposure to the language or the songs for the past few years.

    One thing I know about Arabs is that they say things as they are. We may find them vocal, but sometimes its better to get things on the table than to beat around the bush.

  1079. Err SuzieQ, Dr Mus ada baca ker site nie?

  1080. bukan marah nasihat…

  1081. My Arab,

    Kita tak abis lg?

  1082. Arab!!

    sori le.. takut?
    saya gurau jer smlm
    ..k lah

  1083. Yo ppl!!

    If you are in Rome, do as the Romans do!!


  1084. Yo YB!!AArab!

    For yr information, my size comes under the category “International” Standard.

    Well on dating arab stewardesses, sorry I just don’t find them appealing, esp the ones on Emirates Business; I don’t know abt the Y class..

    Hiya Fatin,

    Don’t make me wait too long, I don’t like it babe!

  1085. Yo Sharina,

    You still owe me a good argument!!

  1086. Yo Lilia!

    You are a tough lady!

  1087. Yo rose_tak_ kembang!!!

    Saya kan ada!!!

  1088. Yo Dr SMS!!

    Congratulations on your inauguration ceremony! Hats off to you!!

    Yo Ladies!!!

    Give Dr SMS a break.!!!

  1089. To the one whose name is ‘He Died’

    For your information, the stewardesses on Emirates Business Class are mostly foreigners. For every flight they will have AT LEAST one Arabic speaking steward and one Arabic stewardess for the benefit of the Arab passengers and for the purpose of inflight announcement.

    Apparently, you are not familiar with Qatar Airways, which in my opinion has a superior Business Class service compared to Emirates. Maybe we shall meet in the Lounge someday?!

  1090. Dear All

    I have been critised by several for my comments on this forum and I admit they were heavy words BUT they were meant as an eye-opener since our leaders cannot be relied on at all.

    I found a very interesting write up (http://maddruid.com/?p=697) on Malays and Arabs and would like to include it in this forum. The article is as follows:

    By Abdullah Gul

    Anonymous wrote:
    Most Malay communities seems confused of either being Malay Muslim or like Arab Muslim. We have our own culture. The ARABS have their own and our culture and their culture is different.

    Reply by Abdullah Gul:
    Culture is a way of life (Deen) and if you go to any of the so-called 22 “Arab” States, you will be surprised to know they are actually NOT Arab at all but Arabianised via Jizyah and Kharaj taxes by the Islamic conquerers.

    anonymous wrote:
    What really irritates me of those so called religious Malays who didn’t realize of being Malay is not being Arab. What is so holy of following Arab culture?

    Reply by Abdullah Gul:
    If you studied Islamic history, you will know why Arab culture is very holy as Arabic is the language of the Quran and Hadith. The goal of the founder of Islam is Arab imperialism and colonism to build a Pan-Arab world, since Prophet Muhammad said “An ethnic Arab is not by birth nor by ancestry but by tongue. Whoever speaks Arabic is an Arab”.
    Note by AA: I have once stated in an earlier posting that the Prophet of Islam (pbuh) gave guidelines that the ethnicity of an Arab should be based on the language and not the religion.

    anonymous wrote:
    I am strongly opposed the Arabization of Malay since I have been in Arab countries and I found out that their culture sometimes doesn’t resemble any Islamic values.

    Reply by Abdullah Gul
    Can you tell us the names of these “Arab” countries you visited? Do you know Egypt was NEVER an Arab country but a Coptic-speaking Christian country. However, due to the Islamic conquest and the need to propagation Islam, Arabic was declared the official language and Jizyah and Kharaj was imposed to facilitate Arabisation that synonym to Islamisation. These two taxes caused economic apartheid towards Christians who had to renounce not only their Christian religion but also their Coptic race and become Arabs. That’s why Egypt is Arab Muslim majority and Copt Christian minority. Egyptian dialect of Arabic is heavily influenced by Coptic language.

    anonymous wrote:
    These ARABs are mostly stupid and arrogant and some of the culture is depicted during early Jahiliah. So those so called Malay-Muslim-Arabized should stop being Arab and instead be a real Malay.

    Reply by Abdullah Gul:
    You are confusing the Saudi Arabs (real Arabs) with the North African and Levant people who are NOT Arabs at all but Arabianised people. Check your history and you will notice North Africa was Coptic Christian and Levant was Assyrian Christian. When these people converted to Islam, they were forced to renounce their Copt race and Assyrian race to become Arab race (a.k.a. Muslim race).

    Egyptians are NOT Arab at all but merely Arabic-speaking. They are racially Copts and descendants of the Pharoahs who build the Pyramids. However, in Egyptian Arabic, the word Kibti (Copt) means Christian. Muslim Egyptians prefer to be called Arabs and live like a Saudi by practising Saudi culture, ie. hijab, serban, and speaking Arabic.

    There is a Malay saying “Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa”, which would mean “Language – Life of the Race”. So, an ethnic Malay is not by birth nor by ancestry but simply by speaking Bahasa Melayu you can be ethnically Malay.

    I was born a Dayak, but at the age of 21 I became Chinese, and at the age of 42, I became ethnic English. However, at the age of 46, I became ethnically Malay! Its easy as speaking the language! Just remember, Ethnicity=language!


  1091. Dear Lilia

    Have a look at this video clip (Syrian Celebrities): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E319sRGOzXs&feature=related

    Yet you don’t see any of those politicians suing You Tube or even the maker of the video for exposing their Syrian origin.

    AA note on Syria: It is one of the original seven founding member of the Arab League. The people in the video are Arabs, Assyrians and Jews BUT are considered nationals of Syria by origin.

    So, take it easy ok?!?!

  1092. Hey AA,

    Let me add something. Our Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. once said “Love Arabs, because I’m an Arab”.

  1093. Dearest AA,

    Phewww… that was one long sermon u wrote there. Took me some time to finish reading!!

    AA – Here take a double edged sword!
    Lilia – Here take another double edged sword!

    Now both of u, go and slap each other with the swords and let us see the photographs..

    Hehe.. sorry AA juz “copycating” ur words..

  1094. Dearest Fatin

    I didn’t write that one but I thought it was interesting for the folks on this ‘hijacked’ forum.

    I adore your humour. Glad you can see through my insanity. 😀

  1095. I like to look at life on a lighter side AA..

    u shld too…we are afterall, under the same star..badak sumbu…lol

  1096. Dear AA,

    This is the badak sumbu daily horoscope reading for today. My sis is one & she just read this loudly.”Your brainpower is especially strong right now and you may pick up on some new facts that had eluded you previously”. You must have got the brainpower from regular usage of your keris! Any enlightment so far?

  1097. Sorry guys & gals,
    Cant joint in today as it’s going to be a very busy and full day today. Off to JB in the evening. See u all monday.

  1098. Dearest Fatin, Lilia & Jess

    Yeah I know I am a shithead and I can’t help the annoying things I see around me.

    Sorry last night I was preoccupied with work. I am leaving today for outstation (yeah work again). Last minute thing.

    Love you all from the Badak Sumbu!

  1099. pRoUd oF U…..
    nOw I’M WaItInG 4 Dr Faiz…..


  1100. Dearest Badak Sumbu,

    Listening to Es Por Ti by Fanny Lu .. on eSnips

    Miss everybody here…esp
    .. my comrade in arms…:P


  1101. Hi AA,

    I just brought work back & i’ve got a deadline to catch on Monday. Well AA, have a nice trip…BTW where r u going? Don’t get caught b/w the badak sumbu hunters out there! Mmuuaah!!

  1102. may allah bless u….anyway dr sheikh is still number one!!!ngeh3

  1103. hehehehe…mmgla sume org x perfect tp dr.sheikh boleh diktkn hampir perfect….congratz dr. sheikh!!!!you r my hero!!!!you’re my inspiration!!!hope can meet u..although from far..ngeh3…dr sheik 4 ever!!!!

  1104. Yo ppl!!!

    Weekends here at last!!!!

    Enjoy your break!

  1105. Dearst Fatin, Jess & Lilia

    I’m in Penang lah! Not due to go back to UAE till mid-Jan. Just visiting suppliers.

    Yeah let’s just enjoy the weekend.

  1106. Habiby AhMAT

    I prefer that name rather than a name with DEATH attached! Thanks for your wishes. And you enjoy yourself as well.

  1107. for dr sms

    how are u dr. ??

  1108. semoga dr sms bahagia selalu

  1109. Any news of where dr sms now

    Is he still in Russia?


  1110. ble lah dapat berjumpe dgn dr sheikh ni..

  1111. Hey dude YB AArab!!

    My name is actually spelt with a double tt. So no DEATH sentence for me!

    I travel on Emirates because of the Frequent Travellers incentives I am accorded to. Anyway will try Qatar on my next trip to the ME. Lets see if the stewardesses and services are up to expectations!

    Hiya Sweet Fatin (NAF)!!

    We are flying Dubai on Qatar soon. YB AA will be meeting us at the airport’s lounge! Fatin honey@wannabe painter, what have you painted so far? Not your house front gate I hope!!!!

  1112. Helo semua,

    Saya rasa pendapat lilia / AA masing masing ada merit nya. Sukjek ni serius jadi disyorkan kita berdebat cara sihat.
    Pergi satu tempat, ada moderator, sedikit penuntun, mungkin chatters sini juga yg mengikut perkembangan, kita debat, kemudian semua jum turun ke Rebung, makan, kalau ada peluang dpt tengok dr sms sana! 🙂
    Kemudian kita gi karaoke ke, dengar musik arab ke, amacam setuju?

  1113. saya syor kan:

    Camp A – Pendebat utama – AA
    Camp B – Pendebat utama – LiliA

    mODErator – Fatin
    Wartawan untk ambil ppoints – Mat Busybody

    Penonton: Azmi DHm, Rose_tak_kembang, Sharina, saya
    dan sesapa yg berminat
    Tempat dan waktu: akan ditentukan, mungkin kat Rebung, lepas tu terus boleh makan dan tengok dr sms klau dia ada.
    Bayran makan: masing masing
    Karaoke atau dengr muzik – tanggung sendiri
    Transport – datang sendiri
    Jurugambar: bawa camera sendiri
    Kelengkapan diri (crash helmet, bulletproof jacket,) semua sendiri bawa
    Hospitalisation Fee: sendiri; klau ada insuran lg bagus

    So amacam? Minat bagi feedback!!

  1114. Hi everyone,

    I think Dr Sheikh & his family are still in Russia. If he’s back,the Putera Umno guys would have camped at the airport& you’re sure to see it on TV. Have a nice weekend!

    AA, say hi to all the anak mamis in Penang!

  1115. kahkahkah


    klau jadi bgtau, aku pegi,
    lg satu awk lupe,

    klau jatuh bangun sendri
    tapi klau jatuh cinta nnti, sya tak masuk campur..!
    tanggung sendri

  1116. Hamba Ygmahaadil (nama ni lbh sesuai),

    Interesting idea, maybe u can be the weapon supplier(i.e. keris, double-edge sword) cum MC.

    I’ll bring the music (mortal kombat soundtrack).

  1117. Hi

    Saya rasa thats the best platform to thrash whats been aired here. Klau jadi I will be there, insyaallah. Sambil tu dpt juga jelingjeling dr sms…ahahahaha

  1118. agaknyer bila dr sms akan pulang ke malaysia. semua org tertanya2 also apa jadi pada dr faiz. adake dia same dgn dr sms sekarang? skrang dah senyap sunyi..apa hal ?

  1119. btol jugak ble dr sheikh nak pulang…hmmm

  1120. YangMahaAdil,

    LOL.. what a hilarious proposition.. but I’m gamed!!

  1121. congrats,mabruk!! 🙂

  1122. Dearest AA,

    The room is v quiet … The silence is deafening!! I guess u hv decided to do a “copperfield” act? Hey I miss my chat buddy!! 🙂

  1123. Hi Every1,

    Its good to be back after a vry busy weekend. Fatin, correct me if I’m wrong, but u sound as if u r smitten by our dear AA. Ehem ehem….

  1124. Hey Jess!

    Smitten is too mild, besotted wld be a better word..:p

  1125. Fatin,

    Hah! Arab studs seem to be in these days…

  1126. Jess,

    Exactly! It used to be Pakistanis for me…lol

  1127. Fatin,

    Pakistanis.. OK I bet that would require another site altogether for u.

    Wonder what happened to AA. Dating stewardesses perhaps?

  1128. Jess,

    Maybe .. u r right!
    could be couped up somewhere exotic with a beautiful stewardess… 🙂

  1129. i rindu gle kat dr sheikh lah…kalau lah aku dpt jumpe gan dia kan best….

  1130. Fatin,

    Or maybe he’s being held hostage somewhere by a keris-yielding Deli M. Nvr thought for once that I’d actually miss AA’s lunatic squabbles & Malay-bashing. I need to get a life..

  1131. Jess,

    perhaps he is planning a coup d’etat!!! :O

    or juz being inconspicous for a while to see how much we are missing him. Hey AA, we all miss u, crank! Pls come out of ur hibernation and join this forum again..I promise I will not ask u to put on that halloween mask or ask u to change the lamp bulb for me..hehe..

    Looks like I hv to join Mazika everyday now..!

  1132. Hi Matt Busybody!(U sure live up to ur nick..heheh)

    Y dun we fly Muscat instead? Dubai is too familiar for me! And dun forget, our dear AA is coming along..:)

    I hv painted some sceneries, still life…my cat.. if u wanna me paint ur house front gate, juz give me a shout..!

  1133. Dah tak de berpenghuni ke?

  1134. helo semua,

    pergi ke pahang mencari balak
    singgah sekejap membeli nila
    dr sms orang nya kacak
    semua wanita tergila gila

    buah manggis di atas peti
    tulis nama atas batu
    siapa agak nya idaman hati
    sungguh bertuah wanita itu


  1135. dh ramai dak pompuan kecewa sbb dr.sheikh dh nk kawin.ye lar org handsome sme org nk sape x nk.klau saye pon nk.not bad ar face tunang dr.sheikh.x pe lar janji ha’t die baek n pandai jaga ha’t suami die.klau dh kawin jgn lupe jemput saye ek….

  1136. dr sara

    siapa tunang dia?
    mana gambar dia?

  1137. dimana gambar tunang dr sms ye?

    smua org nak tengok la

    online ada tak?

  1138. any site yang tunjuk gambar tunang sms

    nak tengoookkkkkk


  1139. Hey friends,

    I am proud that Dr Sheikh being 1st Malaysian in space. I,m not malaysian but I am still proud

  1140. Fatin,

    Coup d’etat to be installed as the next Sultan of Penang maybe? After which he’ll definitely beat Dr SMS as the most elligible bachelor in the country. Then perhaps Penang should be renamed to sound more Arabic..don’t u think!

    And for everybody’s info, the site that claims to hv Dr SMS’ fiancee is actually a pix of him & a fan. They just tagged it as “tunang Dr SMS”to get more visitors to the site. Buang karan jer tgk site tu..

  1141. Jess,

    If that happens, I bet he will rename Penang. ..maybe something like “The Palm Jumeirah Al-Penang.?” The Komtar building will be known as Burj Al-Arab and Penang will not hv Digis or Maxis anymore, all will b replaced with Etisalat!

    On second thoughts, he could be busy strategising moves for the impending election.!

    “Hey move over, Karpal, AA is taking over Bt Jelutong” lol

  1142. Fatin,

    lol……we’re getting desperate!!

    *Advertisement* – calling for any other Arab dudes out there interested in giving out toungue lashings & pro-Arab comments.
    #Mental state requirement- madcap with a penchant for hard arguments.
    #Physical Attributes – 6′ & above,Arabic looks,total stud.
    #You are required to post every day, failing which you will be subjected to more bashings by lunatic women.
    #Must be acquainted with Dr SMS’ family in any way to give out the latest info of this other stud.
    #Remuneration – crazy women will just go gaga over you. Isn’t that enough?
    Anyone interested, pleasa post ASAP.

  1143. Hey Jess,

    It takes one lunatic to know another huh!, well arent we both are?

    Am not that “desperado” la Jess. One arab goes, ten will come…hehe!(Muz contact my good fren MM fm Dubai so she can set me up with some real man!!Muz go dune diving and dinner in the desert …under the twinkling stars.. hmmm…) romantica de amour la pulak..hahaha

  1144. dear syeikh………
    i’m so proud of u.u make me better luck n give spirit in my life..
    congratulation of u…..k,da……….

  1145. nak tgok gambar calon isteri dr sheikh…nak tgok cantik ke…


  1147. Hello to ALL

    Wow…….Never thought that I will be missed this much!
    Just for your information, I do work and when work beckons, I become preoccupied with my responsibilities.

    Still stuck in Penang. Missing you all.

    AA 😉

  1148. Dearest Jess

    You CANNOT find another like me. I am the one and only insane lunatic with the uncanny ability to change personality from Arab to Malay to Javanese. Perhaps someday I’ll stake a claim to one of the vacant states?!?!

  1149. Dearest Fatin

    You are very familiar with UAE (Etisalat and all!). Where do you go to in the UAE?

  1150. Hi dear AA,

    I hv to agree wt u. There seem to be no takers to the ad I put today. I don’t think there will be. You are the one & only irresistable lunatic mad as a badger Arabic stud.Huh…glad i got that out. Keep posting ok..MMMuuuaaahh!!

    Fatin is only one who seem to know as much abt UAE as you do.

  1151. hye!!!

    as malaysians, im proud 4 dr.sheikh… our first astrounort is hot man!!!!
    btw, u cute!luv u 4ever dude!!!

  1152. Dearest AA,

    Welcome back from ur hibernation! Its nice to see ur familiar anecdote. Miss u…”big hug and smacker”!!! “(Cant let Jess outdo me, can I? hehehe)

    We contemplated several options as per ur disappearance,
    one of which, could be the possibility of ur cooped up somewhere with someone in an exotic paradise..lol.

    What active imaginations we had!!! Anyway..WELCOME BACK

  1153. Hello everyone,
    omg, Fatin….aa…aa…aaa….
    AA, I’m also stuck here in Penang, but going to KL tomorrow. Any chance of having those ‘little’ dialogue while you’re here? Dont worry, I wont bring the golf club toothpick! He…he…

  1154. AA,

    I dun know much about UAE, juz some places .. especially the Deira area, becoz I hang around too much at the City Centre Mall…lol (That was where I found Elissa!).

    Also the Rihab Rotana hotel apartment, where I usually juz walked my way from there through Sofitel Hotel into the Deira City Centre Mall…quite a walk but then again its too near to take a cab!!

  1155. Lilia,

    Welcome back too.!! 🙂

    Now this is tough competition!!! lol

    AA!! Look like u r getting some life now!

  1156. Hey Fatin,
    1. I’m so busy with work that I can hardly spare time to drop a line or two. The problem with me is, I sleep very early, like 10-11pm, and I go back at 9pm (sometimes later than that). I’ll be very tired, sleepy, and worn-out by the time I reach home. But I’m an early morning person. I’m ready to start as early as 7-7.30 am. I’ll have a peek at this crazy blog in between work.
    2. Correction, I’m not your competitor. I have stopped competing for attention for quite sometime now. I’m way tooooo old (?) for that. But I like to have people around to hang out for late tea (I’m trying to drop caffeine, which is hard) or maybe for travelling. I guess you do travel a lot, right? BTW, I’m going to UK this coming January and am thinking of a stop-over in Dubai for 1/2 night, while on my way back. Any suggestion of good/must see/visit places? I’m not really into museum or that kind of stuff (passed my time!). But I enjoy shopping and visiting beautiful places.
    Gosh…I have spent my break time!

  1157. Dearest Lilia,

    Hey dun worry, I am actually a v warm person and like to mess around a bit esp here where I can actually release my stress and tensions. It is juz my way of saying things and laughing at myself. It helps to slow down my aging process…(which is way past, anyway)lol.

    I hv travelled to many countries but my travel to Dubai was more for some work related thing that I participated in. Not that important but it took me many many trips to Dubai. As such the only few places that I frequented in my spare time then was the Deire City Centre and a few other shopping malls. But I was only v familiar with Deire becoz it was juz a walking distance from where I stayed and I took a short-cut through another hotel (much to the disgust of the security ppl) lol, straight into the Mall. Besides the sprawling high end shops and outlets, it boosts many good restaurants, cafes and eating places. Juz a tip though, their food servings are hugh! A set of briani is good for two ppl or three! Even at Burger King, I got a shock that their smallest order was like our biggest! Well anyway, I feel so at home there, its like being in KL, and I dun feel the least intimidated. Since u like shopping, it is good to know that the mall opens till midnight.

    For sightseeing, u can get it arranged through ur hotel; most cater or arrange for short sightseeing through appointed tour agencies. And if u are in Dubai, u wld definitely not want to miss the ever magnificient sight of Burj Al_Arab the worlds first class hotel (one nite stay is enuff to break anyones purse! except the rich and famous, of course!). If u are cruising at night, it offers an unforgetable sight!

    Ha.. if u r into gold, go to the Gold Souk to get ur pick..lol. U wldnt believe ur eyes what u see there, and believe it, there is no security guards with pumps guns around!!!! Dubai has very low crime rate. Thanks to the Islamic law imposed on crimes there!

    And if u r into sports and adventure, try the Desert Safari i.e. Dune Driving, camel riding etc and then hv barbeque dinner under the stars in the desert!!

    Wow! do I land myself a job with Dubai tourism now? hehe

    Well Lilia, I hope u get some ideas on Dubai. It is one of the best shopping haven and personally, I love this place v much becoz I feel so at home and safe! (I walked alone most of the time there but was still sceptical about taking a cab on my own…better late than never, better safe than sorry!) 🙂

  1158. * correction

    “there are no security guards”

  1159. Dearest Lilia

    I have always believed that if you want to experience true Arab culture/hospitality, you have to avoid the countries where the percentage of locals exceeds more than the foireign workers and expatriates. UAE will never be such a country.

    Try something truly more authentic – perhaps Syria? I believed that the most memorable experience can be achieved in Syria. Best food, beautiful country, beautiful hospitable people and one of the most cultured Arab country you can evcer expect. I assure you that you will never regret it.

    When you do go there, never fail to try their famous Konaffa Naboolsiyye (Napoli Konaffa). We say that Syria is the kitchen of the Arab World and that their food is really standard Arabic fare. Their desserts are worth brining back to KL.

    Don’t bother with expensive UAE with nothing exciting other than Malss and More Malls. Trust me, Syrian men make better husbands than UAE or KSA men. I have a branch of my family in Syria and I have noted their concerns.

  1160. Fatin,

    Maybe we don’t have to compete. I don’t mind sharing(in here only), you know. [AA, don’t gloat] .We don’t want AA to get confused with all the attention he’s been getting. It might add force to his zany lunatic charm…ok, ok…I’ve to control my hormons here.

    Hey AA, been hearing any new song lately?..link us up, will you!

  1161. notice how my spelling’s wrong all the time..reflects my state of mind, doesn’t it? sorrrryy.

  1162. Dearest Jess

    Me irresistable? Me?

    Apparently your visualisation needs to be tuned accurately. I am drop dead ugly. I can’t even stand the sight of me.

    Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the handsomest man of them all?!?!

    Not you AA!

  1163. Dearest Lilia

    I am rounding up my work today at 4pm and after that I am turning into a ‘beached whale’. I’ll have another day at the beach tomorrow and then heading home in the evening (by car).

    Who was that guy that suggested we meet at REBUNG? Yang Maha Adil? Now, why would we meet at REBUNG? Why not meet at AL-SHAMI and experience true Syrian cuisine?

  1164. Thank you Fatin. I’ll note it down.

    I agree that UAE is not the place for a true Arab experience. But as an ordinary low rank employee like me, the only chance that I’ve got is during my business/work trip. I usually extend my stay and ‘explore’. In my line of work, I cant think of anything to do in Syria. So I have to make do with Dubai, for a paid trip. And my arabic is like zero, except for khalas, naam, siti rahmah! But I’m not into Arabic country so much, except for Mecca and Medinah, which I plan to visit next year too! I’ve heard so much about Dubai (shopping galores..) and that Burj. I never had the chance to stop there because of the direct flight to my actual destination, and I travel alone! So it’s just less exciting when you dont have a companion (who’s going to take pictures!). But I hope someday I will land in Syria, insyaAllah.
    And where is Al-Shami, at Batu Ferringi? (I know there are lots of Arabic restaurant there!). OR is it in Syria?
    BTW, I’m on the other side of the island, nearer to the bridge. Not so fond of Feringghi. Pulau Redang/Tioman, maybe!

  1165. and one more thing AA, unlike you I travel economy!

  1166. malysia sememangnya hebat krn dapat menghantar astronout malaysia yg pertama.TAHNIAH DR. SYEIKH MUSZAPHAR SHUKOR!!!!!

  1167. actually,kwn saya yg tunjuk picture tunang dr.sheikh tu.kwn saya print dr internet.face tunang dr.sheikh tu mcm bdk skola.klau,u all jumpe picture dr.sheikh ngan pompuan ,dkt restoran… tu lar face tunang die…masa tu face dr.sheikh handsome sgt …mengalahkan mat salleh…kt dunia ni x de org yg lebih handsome dari dr.sheikh.dr.sheikh ni handsome,smart,cute.saya suke cara dr.sheikh dress up..simple,x over cam org lain.ye lar..org handsome pakai ape pun still HANDSOME…DR.SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR SHUKOR AL-MASRIE r HANDSOME,HANDSOME,HANDSOME,HANDSOME,HANDSOME man………..?????!!!!!!!

  1168. SORRY dr no,syed,rose….saya x tau camne nk tunjuk picture tunang dr.sheikh sbb masa nk bukak kena ade password …so saya x tau password die..tapi saya promised klau saya dh tau camne nk tgk picture tunang dr.sheikh saya bagitau u all…syed pandainye awk reka pantun….

  1169. Hye Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar……
    Saya Wan SDyahmi Athif….
    Saya ingin sangat-sangat nak bergambar dengan Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar…
    Tapi saya mana pernah berjumpa dengan Dr.Sheikh Muszaphar….
    Selalunya dapat tengok muka pun dalam surat khabar and tv….Ok lah bye…..
    Semoga kita dapat bertemu di mana-mana…
    Bye dan Assalamualaikum….Kirim salam kat keluarga okey…bye and have a nice day!!!!!!

  1170. Oh AA,

    How modest. I wouldn’t even call Shrek ugly. Aesthetically challenged maybe, never ugly! And I’m appalled that even u can’t stand the sight of yourself. Perhaps, what you see as poison, may be my meat! Ahaks..

    And, you don’t have to be the handsomest man in the world to get attention.

    BTW when’s the bashings going to resume..miss it already.

  1171. Jess,
    Saya suka istilah you ‘aesthetically challenged’ tu. Saya biasa guna physically challenged, tapi belum lagi yang you guna tu. Great!

    Lagipun yang handsome tersangat tu pun senang mata memandang je! Hati kita yang kematu, bimbang sokmo! Risau je…! Hendaknya kat dr.sara aryana tu! Nampaknya die hard punya admirer! Seriau!

  1172. dr.sara,
    buat-buat banyak istighfar!!! nanti naik pressure!

  1173. AA,
    Dah jadi paus tersadai ke?
    I ni suku-sakat seal kepanasan!

  1174. Hi Lilia,

    That term is the politically correct one to describe “ugly” which can be too harsh.

    Tak pegi mandi laut ker? Mana tau terjumpa “beached whale” yang tinggi 6’2″? Ehem…

  1175. congrat u the first angkasawan for malaysia. i hope u and your family are happy.anyway congrat again .sincerely from me biilla

  1176. Jess,
    Teringin jugak nak menjenguk ke sana tapi si paus tu tak respon pun…. nanti tersilap, kena killer whale pulak!
    Okaylah, I’m going to call the day. Got to catch the first flight to KL 2moro. See u all sunday ke, monday ke! Taa….

  1177. Dearest Lilia

    Al-Shami is at Jln Imbi – just behind Parkroyal Hotel. Paus tersadai? That’s a politically correct term but I’m more like Paus Tergelempang!

  1178. Dearest Jess

    The bashing will resume whe I am politically challenged by our so called ‘mentally challenged’ hypocrites of leaders (especially the by self proclaimed ‘Bangsa Melayu’ aka Melayu Cetak Rompak)!

    Don’t you think that my Malay-bashing has been cruelly harsh (albeit accurate)? But why miss it? Come to think of it, I have been lucky to be alive all these years when I consider that I’ve been brave enough to even express my opinions at Govt Depts!

  1179. Dearest Jess

    I think I am falling goo-goo gaa-gaa over Shahd Barmada of Syria. Voice to die for and looks that will make any guys bend themselves backwards!

    Will forward to you some Arabic songs when I am back in KL.

  1180. Jess,

    My apologies to u, Lilia and AA.

    I was merely joking , theres no competition..juz take it easy ok…

  1181. dr…

    klau ada tlg beritahu ok.! thanks

  1182. dr sara

    mungkin gambar tunang dr sms
    yg gambar kat site sya penah tengok tu ke?

    her face so melayu lah!!

  1183. Yo everyone!

    Weekend just around the corner.. have a nice break..!! I still have to work till late evening…aaarrrggghhhhh

  1184. Hiya Sweet Fatin!!

    Cook me a storm tonight??

    Seriously, feel like having a nice home cooked dinner!!
    Would you cook me a nice dinner fatin? Nothing elaborate, just some nice malay ikan asam pedas, some veges, chicken!!

    Please no maggie goring or nasi goreng!!!

  1185. Hi Fatin,

    You must be thinking that I am a madman or something!! Hey I am not a serial killer okay, so don’t be scared!!
    If you cant cook me dinner tonight would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?

    Let me know!!!

  1186. Fatin!!

    I am 100 percent sure it is you!!!

    You are looking very sweet and nice honey!!!
    Why bother with all this rubbish!

  1187. Dear AA,

    Look forward to hearing the songs of ur new fav singer. I’d like see to ur back bent the other way as well. So I take it there hasn’t been anyone politically challenging you lately huh? When are you coming back to KL? BTW who takes care of ur son when u’re away? Mind me, I love being a kay-poh.

    Fatin dear,

    Don’t worry, I’m not the defensive type. You can joke all you want about me.

    Lilia dear,

    Rugi la camni, x tgk whale! Anyway, enjoy your trip back to KL.

  1188. hellow u all

    ape pandagan korang semua tentang khabar angin yang mengatakan dr sheikh tu -gay-

  1189. orang bodoh,gila n x de otak je yang ckp macam tu….

  1190. ape pandangan korang dgn khabar angin yg megatakan dr sheikh sbagai -gay-

  1191. Dear Matt Busybody,

    U seem to be v domesticated! Thats nice to know.

    Cant hv dinner with u tonight coz I am already booked up for a dinner date with a group of ladies. Anyway thanks so much for the invitation. As for cooking u dinner, well I dunno.. but thank god, u r not asking me to cook lasagna or lobster thermido (cant spell those right anyway, lol), juz those simple dishes, insyaallah.

  1192. Assalamualaikum (rasanya sesuai kot, sebab yang regular kat sini rasanya Islam, kan?),
    Bila tiba masa nanti tentu dapat jumpa paus tergelempang tuu…tunggu je lah….so ada masa sikit untuk seal trim down jadi penguin! grrr….
    Apa kata kita plan a trip together pi UAE. AA nak balik UAE mid-january nanti. Tentu dia akan lama kat situ! Kita “paksa” dia host kita, amacam? Sebabnya, yesterday I dapat berita baik, maybe end of February, I kena pergi UK lagi. Kalau jadi, kita pergi le…boleh? Jess pun boleh ikut sekali! Atau kalau Matt busybody nak, pun boleh jugak. Tentu seronok. Nak?
    You “kena” entertain kami! Boleh?
    Lepas ni I nak sambung tidoq lagi. Yesterday was a full day, dengan kena bawak kawan keluar makan till midnight, almost one baru jumpa katil. So letih plus ngantuk sangat.
    Have a good weekend everyone! Taaa….

  1193. Hey guys,
    Just read about “tunang/girlfriend/wateva” Dr.SMS. Tak dinyatakan secara jelas (u know…the “no comment” business!). Utusan page 3. Saja nak bagi tau peminat berani mati dr.sms!

  1194. Dear Minah Gossip

    Sorry to inform you that your father is also GAY. He just asked me if he could be S****** by an Arab Stud.

  1195. Wahai Cik Minah,

    Just because Dr SMS is a stud & still a bachelor does not mean he is gay. He just hasn’t met me yet. (AA – don’t read this!)

    I have known a few Muslim (?)gays & let me tell you one thing in common between them – they do not practice the religion. And we know that our Dr SMS prayed & read the Quran in ISS, don’t we?

    Lilia – I bet u look like ikan paus tergelimpang now..

    And Fatin – waa..u hv an admirer in Matt BB! Do I hear any kereta lembu bells?

  1196. tahniah….1000000000000x

    i will be the next astrounout after you two..

  1197. Dearest Fatin, Jess & Lilia

    We can chat at Yahoo Messenger. Just add me (Another.Arab@yahoo.com.my).

    Safely back since last night.

  1198. Dearest Jess

    He is fine. He travels with me during the school holidays.

  1199. My Fatin,

    Where are you and your friends having dinner?

    Shang?, Equatorial?, J.W. Mariotte?, KFC?, Sushi King?, Mamak stall?, your auntie’s house ? or none at all? Just an excuse perhaps?

  1200. Dearest Lilia

    Why not we make a side trip to Damascus? I have no problems if Fatin, Jess, Matt BB and you want a week there. It would be fun for me to intro you to something truly Arabic.

  1201. alal geramnye dr sheikh dah tunjuk bakal isterinya…hmmm melepaslah aku

  1202. Dearest Lilia,

    I dun mind going to Dubai with u. Maybe we will spend two nights there and then as suggested by AA, we travel to Damascus and spend maybe a few days or a week. Like I told u, Dubai is a shopping haven if u wanna shop till u drop, lol but if u wanna experience something else, u (we) shld also try Syria. Furthermore I hv not been to Syria.. dun mind going.

    Dearest Jess,

    There wont be any Kereta Lembu Bells coz dah serikkkk!! lol. Anyway not thinking along that line, juz wanna be friends and nothing more… too tired, too weary, too old !! haha

    Dearest AA,

    Thanks for ur addy. I hv added u. Pls check. Fatinxx.

  1203. When I am back, everyone is quiet.

  1204. Dear Matt Busybody,

    I was out with the ladies for our monthly nite out. U see, I am a member of the ever prestigious TONTINE CLUB, lol and we meet monthly to draw, dine and dance.. :P. (Ladies young and old, with tudung and without) 🙂

    Anyway we had a nice time yesterday at Lake Club.

  1205. Dearest Fatin

    I’ve checked and there is nothing from you. Please add me again.

  1206. Dearest Fatin

    Which Lake?

  1207. Dearest AA,

    I will try adding again, otherwise I wld hv to add to my other account.

    Lake Club is on the way to Parliament.

  1208. Dearest AA,

    I was actually joking with Matt BB regarding the TONTINE CLUB. It is actually “main kutu” lol.

    Royal Lake Club is at Taman Perdana, road on the way to Parliament. It is a family club. Some of the ladies are members so most of the time, the monthly gathering of our so called “Tontine Club” is held there.

  1209. Hi AA,

    Hv added u to my YMess. Lookg fwd 2 d chat. I’m feelg a bit lazy right now, d hot weather & all. So, wt dd u bring back fr penang. Any jeruk mangga/buah pala?

    U must hv d most activ duit kutu grp in d country. I only see mine at d end of d month. U guys must be dealg with really big money. lol.

    wr r u now? Still recuperating fr ur Penang trip?

  1210. Dearest Fatin

    Pheeeeeeeew (sigh of relief)! I thought it was Lake Titiwangsa (not to be confused with Titicaca)!

  1211. Dearest Jess

    Yeah, I have also added you to my new YMess! I didn’t bring back anything from Penang really. Just enjoyed the stay there after the assignment. Ate Nasi Kandar like nobody’s business and also Penang Hokkien Fried Kway Teow. Mmmmmm, I’m going into a craving convulsion!

  1212. Dearest Fatin, Jess & Lilia

    Did you girls see the pic of Hishamuddin dressing as an Indian? Check out today’s STAR? What the heck is this clown up to especially after displaying the ‘semangat’ of kissing the keris? God forbid, the semangat made him drag around as an Indian!

  1213. Dearest AA,

    What about Lake Titiwangsa?

    Are u staying there?

  1214. Dearest AA,

    Juz seen Hishamudin on Star Online…

    K per…handsome gilerr…lol

  1215. Dearest Fatin

    No, I’m not staying anywhere near Titiwangsa. Actually, I had dinner there once when they had a Seasfood Restaurant or something and then after the dinner I was feasted by the mosquitoes! I was their Dessert Du Jour!!!

  1216. Dear AA,
    I think our HH is just getting in the mood. After this, we’ll see him in a Jacky Chan outfit, an Iban headhunter loin cloth & finally he’ll wear the Arab robe! Then you can compare who looks better : you or him, lol.

  1217. Dearest Fatin

    I’m online. Where are you?

    Just a question – Will he claim to be a Chinese if he wears a Chinese emperor’s outfit?

  1218. Dearest Fatin & Jess

    Sorry about last night – got disconnected!

  1219. Dearest Jess

    You asked me if I am going to post another Arabic song. I don’t know what category appeals to you. For me the more classical the song is, the more I melt with the music and the poetry.

    Let me see if you like this song (Mestanniyak) and the legend (Aziza Jalal of Morocco) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uomfpAEYdKQ&feature=related

    She was discovered by the late Dr Riyadh El-Sonbathy and brought to Cairo to enable her to attain fame throughout all the 22 Arab countries. One of the songs he composed for her was ‘Wa Eltaqena’ (And We Met), which was sung in Classical Arabic and it is heavenly.

    I cannot explain to you the feeling of listening to a language that Allah has chosen above all other languages and to hear a voice that can only be from heaven. Let us not forget the poetry that accompany great songs.

    Anyway, Mestanniyak (Awaiting You) is a wonderful song sung in Egyptian Arabic and has become a signature for Aziza Jalal. Her voice and her emotional expression to each word makes me grateful to Allah that a woman can have so much noble love within her. To enjoy the complete song, you must follow up with parts 2,3 & 4 on the ‘Related Videos’ frame!

    Enjoy Aziza Jalal. I missed her so much even though she is still amongst us.

  1220. Dearest Jess

    Another singer that is extremely popular in the Arab World and beyond is NANCY AJRAM (of Lebanon). She can even draw non native Arabic speakers to her concerts. Believe me, Mexicans drove to Las Vegas to attend her concert last March! Yet she didn’t even have a Datuk to her name. Shame on you Sharifah Aini!

    Here is a nice song (Ehsaas Jadeed – New Emotions) from the album Ya Tab Tab. It is sung in her native dialect – Levantine Arabic.

    Anyway, here is Nancy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj1rEuO9EAw&feature=related

    Let me know if you need the lyrics and translation. I happen to have the album in my car!

  1221. Ana ma baeddy te2elly kallam
    Yedaweb 2alby 7aneen wo gharam
    Bekaffeny te2elly be7ebbek
    Hayde kelme te2telny

  1222. Dearest Jess

    In the clip Mestanniyak, you can hear the audience responding to Aziza’s vocal expression. My God, her powerful voice (I’m listening to her now) is from heaven.

    Aziza, leish sebte ghena? Leish ya Aziza? Leish?

  1223. Dearest AA,

    Is that a pantun that u posted?

    Cld u pls translate. Thanks

  1224. Dearest AA,

    A chatter in Mazika introduced me to this singer Mohammed A Mounir from Egypt. Is he any good? He said his song Elnassnamet (Everybody has slept) is kinda nice to listen to.. do u hv this song?

  1225. Habibty Fatin

    Those were lyrics from Ehsaas Jadeed.

    I don’t want you to tell me words
    That melt my heart of sweet love and passion
    Enough for me that you say – I love you
    This word kills me

    Mohammed Mounir, yes, I know him but he doesn’t appeal to me.

  1226. Dearest AA,

    What is Habibty?

    What is Leish Sebte Ghena? What is Leish?

  1227. Cant find my Arabic Dictionary…

    Hv misplaced it somewhere…:P

  1228. Habibty = My dearest (can also be used for sisters or lovers)

    Leish sebte ghena = Why you left singing

    Leish = Why (I used leish because I am comfortable to it compared to using ‘Leh’ in Egypt)

    My dialect is a combination of Egyptian and Levantine and smattering Khaleeji

  1229. ooo,

    so u were saying…

    Aziza, y u left singing, y ya aziza, y?

  1230. Precisely.

    She abandoned me for a rich Saudi! 😉

  1231. hmmm poor u… 😦

    Am listening to my one and only Elissa…

  1232. Hey Fatin!!!

    You are a disappointment!!!

    Don’t you know how to reply email? (Don’t tell me that you hv not received my mail!!! )
    My mobile no.is in there, at least sms me huh?
    Don’t think so much of SMS (Dr), he is as good as gone now!! Look at his choice, simple and not so pretty!! So it is not those heavily tinted face that catches a man but what you are made of inside!

    Fatin, I think you should stop living on Cloud 9 and start getting real!!

  1233. Dear AA,
    Listened to the Nancy Ajram’s song. Liked it. No time to listen to the other song yet. I also checked out Shahd Barmada. Didn’t think you’d go gaga over a teenager. Hello! (But she is gorgeous)

    Fatin Dear,
    Somebody’s getting creepy. Told u so!

    Lilia Dear,
    Where r u now? Shall I put up another ad to replace u?

  1234. congrats mr angkasa1

  1235. Dear Matt BB,

    Firstly what email were u talking abt?
    Secondly I hv never given u any email addy, so how the heavens did u get my email address?
    Thirdly, are u sure I am the one that u r referring to?, u may hv got the wrong person!

    And as for living on Cloud 9, well I like it there… its so nice, warm and lovely… 😛

    Jess dear,

  1236. thanks dr sheik..
    u dah tlg malaysia naik ke persada dunia..

    k r, jom baca doa selamat:

    semoga dr sheik trus maju jaya dr dunia n akhirat..
    trus berbagia d samping org tersyg..


  1237. Dear Jess,
    It’s nice to know that you are missed! Anyway, I’m just toooo busy to pop in. This coming weeks are going to be hectic and crazy. End of the year affair: you have to spend all the money allocated or it’s gone! So it seems that I’m going to spend this December hopping from a hotel to another for workshops. At least four workshops are scheduled in Dec.
    Fatin dear,
    Now you should consider installing a cc tv at your frequent hang out place. Someone is eyeing! Hmmmm…..
    Sorry tak dapat nak join you “memuja” all those Arab songs and singers. Not really into it. Maybe because lack of exposure, I dont know. Tapi ‘tak kenal maka tak cinta’.
    Go to go. Have a meeting to attend at 2.30pm. Daa….

  1238. Hai semua,

    Tahniah dan selamt mendirikan r/tangga kpd dr sms dan psgan dr halina

    Hai Arab,

    Pe kabar?

  1239. Habibty Fatin

    Which songs from Elissa do you enjoy listening to? What about her duet with Ragheb Alama?

  1240. Habibty Jess

    I am no cradle snatcher. My goo goo gaa gaa over Shahd was due to her ‘seni’ as a singer and at such a tender young age. She reminds me so much of Mayada El-Hennawi during her early years.

    As I’ve said before, Syria gave the Arabs quality compared to Lebanon. God bless Syria!

  1241. Habibty Fatin

    Embracing songs by Elissa is one step towards embracing Arabic culture. When you enjoy Om Kolthoum, you know you are an Arab at heart!

  1242. Dearest Rose_Tak_Kembang

    Dah kemana selama ini? Kalau nak chat dengan si Arab Shrek boleh jugak! Sila add Another.Arab@yahoo.com.my

    See you

  1243. Habibty Jess

    Do you know the meaning of SHAHD? It’s HONEYCOMB. What a beautiful name to such a wonderful singer from Syria.

  1244. Habibi AA,
    I’ve to admit, Shahd is very young, but her voice isn’t. I listened to Aziza as well, but would appreciate it more if the lyrics are translated.

  1245. Habibty Jess

    Check Shahd Barmada out at this clip – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoMxNgD2NyU&feature=related

    You can spot Nancy Ajram singing as an audience (at 2.35 min into the song). Also, her father placed a Syrian flag over her. Hell, I will fly a Syrian flag anytime for free. Move over Jalur Gemilang. Ain’t nothing to be gemilang about!

    The song, I believe is from Warda Aljazaeriyyeh’s (the Algerian Rose) classic 3OUYYOUN ES-SOOD. Music by the late Baligh Hamdy and Lyrics by Mohammed Hamzah. Song is sung in Egyptian Arabic.

  1246. Dear Lilia,
    Good to know you’re safe & sound. I guess the ad threat works every time. Haha. Hope u’re not too busy to join us on YMess.

  1247. Dear Fatin,
    Is it still raining in Cloud 9? Miss chatting with you.

    Dear AA,
    Am listening to your fav honeycomb right now. The song’s loading very very slowly.

  1248. Hi Lilia,

    Nice to hv u popped in. Muz be a v busy time of the year for u.

    Looks like I hv to install the CCTV at the Mamak Restaurant near my place. That happens to be my fav hangout! lol

    Matt BB,

    I hate to DISAPPOINT u, but I believe u hv fumbled. I am not a gorgeous drop dead (or is it the other way round?) chick u hv conjured in ur mind. Juz a makcik makcik with nothing much to do but play tontine and be a little naughty on the net. I am not a beauty also, maybe a little sweeter looking than Dato’ Siti Nurhaliza..:P..LOL!! Furthermore, u cld hv mistaken me for somebody else.. so I dun wanna disappoint myself as well, into thinking someone is eyeing for me..hehe 😛


    Miss chatting with u too. Yeah it was raining heavily at Cloud 9 this morning, had a nice big cup of black coffee…hmmm

  1249. Dearest AA,

    Habibty = Women
    Habibi = Men


  1250. Dearest AA,

    I enjoy all the songs in the A’ayshalak album esp my favourite Ah Min Hawak.

    I also appreciate:

    Ajmal Ihssas
    Shitak Min Qalbi
    Million Ahibak
    Kilmit Hub
    La trouch
    Shou el-hal

    I hv not heard her “duet” with Ragheb Alama. A’ayshalak is the only album I hv.

    I know somebody who hs a good collection of Nancy Ajram, Elissa, Om Kolthoum etc etc. This person also has collection of songs that do not hit the chart.. meaning unknown songs but nice to listen to. Also collection of songs from, guess where? Mali or Malawi!! (Cant remember)..Penat dengar tau!! lol

  1251. Hayaty Jess

    I am still listening to Shahd. She is just just awesome. I am just grateful that Allah has delivered a new generation of talents.

    Currently listening to Shahd with ALF LEILA WA LEILA (1001 NIGHTS) originally sung by our Eastern Constellation, aka the late OM KOLTHOUM. Song was composed by the late Mohammed Abdel Wahab. Check this song – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF_ygMXyUkM&feature=related

    Enjoy Shahd singing one of the songs of the only legend every single Arab can agree upon – our beloved OM KOLTHOUM.

  1252. Hayaty Fatin

    Yes, Habiby is for male and Habibty is for female. But sometimes, you are allowed to refer to a girl as Habiby. In dialect it is allowed.

  1253. Dearest AA,

    Now what is Hayaty??

  1254. My dear Fatin

    You know there are 22 Arab countries and each country has their own singers. I can never name them all and neither can I know all the songs (especially if the song is sung in a dialect that I don’t understand).

    You know, I am considered a Saudi but I don’t like most of the Saudi singers (e.g. Mohammed Abdo, Abu Bakar Salem etc). They are too kampungan for me and truly, I find it hard to understand their heavy dialect/accent since I never lived for any long period of time in KSA.

    What I am introducing to you are what we term as ‘Pan-Arab’ singers. These singers are idolised in all the 22 countries and represent the soul of the Arab World. Elissa is definitely one of them. I remember some years ago when I had a small conference in Istanbul and I heard her song Ajmal Ehsaas being played in Turkey. I couldn’t believe my own ears. So happy and elated I was! And to hear Turkish kids singing in a language they don’t understand! Wow.

    Hope the above clarifies.

  1255. Hayaty = Hayat Ku

  1256. Hayaty = My Life
    3omry = My life
    Beity = My house
    Sayaratty = My car

    When that is a Y or Ya’ at the end it is possessive pronoun.

  1257. Hayaty AA,

    Can I address a male by that?

    Elissa’s album A’ayshalak is internationally appealing, dun u think so? I dun know about her other albums.

    Talking abt Ajmal Ihssas in Turkey, do u know that I found Siti Nurhaliza’s song in Dubai (Collection of songs from Asia)…hmm not too bad huh?

  1258. Dearest Jess

    Which song do you need translation?

  1259. Dearest Fatin

    Yes you may address a man as Hayaty.

    Elissa’s album Ayshalak has really propelled her worldwide fame as well as condemnation from certain conservative countries for her provocative clips (especially Ajmal Ehsaas). But she is selling beyond the shores of the Arab World and getting recognition as a world class performer. I believe our singers are doing a heck of a great job with concerts overseas.

  1260. Dearest Jess and Fatin

    Let me introduce you to Moroccan dive SAMIRA SAEED and Algerian superstar SHEB MAMI in a duet made popular in 2002 – YOUM WARA YOUM.

    It may be interesting for you to note that SHEB MAMI was the same guy that sang a duet with STING in Desert Rose. Remember that song?

    Anyway, here is the clip – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuJzEQMvU1A&feature=related


  1261. Before I retire for the night. My prayers are:

    God bless Algeria
    God bless Bahrain
    God bless Comoros Islands
    God bless Djibouti
    God bless Egypt
    God bless Iraq
    God bless Jordan
    God bless Kuwait
    God bless Lebanon
    God bless Libya
    God bless Mauritania
    God bless Morocco
    God bless Oman
    God bless Palestine
    God bless Qatar
    God bless Saudia Arabia
    God bless Somalia
    God bless Sudan
    God bless Syria
    God bless Tunisia
    God bless UAE
    God bless Yemen

  1262. Dearest Fatin, Jess, Lilia & all readers on this forum

    Kindly allow me to turn to the pages of history to 1990 when Malaysia (along with Cuba) were rotating members on the UN Security Council in a vote on allowing the US to bomb Iraq and its people.

    Malaysia (represented by the then Foreign Minister Abu Hassan Omar) voted to allow US to butcher Arabs in Iraq.
    Cuba voted against whereas China abstained.

    Is it wrong for me to say that Malays butchered Arabs (especially our women and children) in Iraq? Don’t you think that ‘Bangsa Melayu’ adalah pengkhianat kepada Umat Arab when you consider that China abstained? You know, when I reflect upon it, I realised why the Prophet of Islam pointed to China.

  1263. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    Hope you had your breakfast!

    I’d like to ask you both to listen to SAMIRA SAEED Kollena Ensan. Samira, along with Diana Haddad (a Christian Arab) are a few of the Arab singers who I respect highly because they chose to remain within our Arab culture and not show too much skin.

    Here is the song – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXcQYBTZNwI

    And here are the lyrics (with my pathetic translation):
    Raghm ekhtellaf el-lisaan
    (Despite the difference in languages)
    Wa min el-bashar alwaan
    (And human are of different colours)
    Metfara2e fi en-nawaya, wa esh-shakl, wa ad-diyaan
    (Differing in intention, looks and religion)

    Lakin illahna wa7id
    (However our God is one)
    Rab el-bashar wa7id
    (The God of humanity is one)
    Be el-7ob gama3na
    (With God’s love we are gathered)
    Wa kollena ensan
    (We are all human)
    Wa ta3alou fi 7odhn en-neel
    (And come to the embrace of the Nile)
    Wa 7adharet wadi en-neel
    (And to the civilization of the Nile Valley)
    Fat7een a7dhana, 2oloobna, buyootna wa bardho 2aleel
    (We open our embrace, our hearts, our homes and even then it is still not enough)

    Asmar wa kan fannan
    (He is dark skinned and talented)
    3al el-7elm 3einu teban
    (Upon his eyes are dreams)
    Shams es-saba7 tera3a
    (The morning sun arrives)
    Wa fi el-mesaa 7ikkayet
    (And in the evening there are stories)

    7elem yekoon la3eb
    (He dreams that he becomes a soccer player)
    Saba7 et-tareekh shahed
    (By the morning the history becomes witness)
    3ala nugoom samara
    (Upon the dark skinned stars)
    Katab et-tareekh riwayyet
    (The history wrote their stories)
    Afri2iyya ardh el-kheir
    (Africa is a blessed land)
    Awlaadna lissa bekheir
    (Along with our fine sons)
    Ma lanash gheir 7odhnnak, shamssak, 7obbak lina kibeer
    (We accept nothing but your embrace, your sun and your love, which is very great to us)


  1264. Habiby wa hayaty AA,

    Thnx for the translation. Care to explain which dialect is this song? I notice its not much diff from the Std Literary Arabic apart from the slight pronunciation, is it?

  1265. Or is it ur spelling…notice u r using “g” for jim? 7 is for what – Ha? 3 is ‘ain? Correct me.

  1266. Dearest Jess

    You are indeed extremely intelligent and perceptive!

    Yes, this song is in Egyptian Arabic – a dialect very common in songs and a glaring deviation from Classical Arabic is Egyptian inability to pronounce ‘Jeem’, which they replaced with ‘Geem’. Also, I noticed in some cities in Yemen, they also pronounced ‘Geem’.

    Numerals replacing Arabic alphabets are as follows:
    2 = Qaf (the one with two dots) or Hamza
    3 = Ein
    5 = Kha (e.g Kheir)
    6 = Tho (e.g. Toyyeb)
    7 = Asphyxiating H (e.g. Hob or Haleem)

    Very smart. Very smart of you!

  1267. I am trying to imagine Siti Noorhaliza singing – marilah kita memeluk Sungai Klang!

  1268. Hai Arab

    Sya dah add .. bila nak chat?

  1269. Arab,

    Dlm ramai ramai peminat awk kat sini, yg mana awk paling syg?

  1270. Arab!!

    sya tgok arab nih kuat merajuk org nye. Btui tak?
    Yg mana awk berkenan?
    knp tak proceed jer? Asyik tak hbeh dgn antar lagu wat per, proceed next step le, tgok org lain berani, you duk tang tu jer!!!

  1271. Hello Rose_Tak_Kembang

    OK, malam nie boleh chat!

    Apakah benar, saya ada banyak peminat? Sedang Dr Mus yang lebih handsome? Tak mungkin. Mustahil.

    Siapa lah tergilakan Shrek El-Arab? Bangun malam nanti boleh terperanjat tengok muka saya!

  1272. Saya tak post lagu cinta. Lagu yang diatas adalah lagu yang memuji Benua Africa serta anak2nya.

  1273. tahniah…
    dr sheikh muszphar….
    angkasawan islam yg pertama….
    sy bangga dgn sheikh….

  1274. My sweet makcik Fatin!!

    For a makcik makcik (as you put it), you certainly look very attractive and sweet honey!!!! Thanks to the photographs that you posted alongside your many blogs that I have read!!!

    And if you are not convinced as I am convinced, perhaps these will ring you a bell!!!? “A keen blogger, a passionate traveller, a music lover…!!!” .. Oh yes not to be overlooked .. a wannabe painter!!!(the biggest joke!)!

    So do not underestimate my intelligence to put two and two together my honey Fatin @ N~AF!!!!!

  1275. Open Invitation

    In view of the fact that this forum has created friendship amongst us; I have been asked to oragise a coffee meeting at Zoo Negara.

    In case if anyone stumbles across a land crocodile – that is me!

    p/s: Don’t forget to bring your Visa card!

  1276. Ya habiby AA,

    Seriously, no thanx.

    Why don’t we meet in ISS, Dr Sheikh can bring us up there. We can pay the fare with our Visa. After all, this forum is abt him.

  1277. Dear Aziemah (28Nov@1.10pm)

    Angkasawan Islam Yang Pertama? Please lah Aziemah, don’t be too proud of nothing. Dr Mus is the THIRD Bangsa Arab in space. As for the number of Muslims, maybe you forgot that the head of Russia’s space program Kerim Kerimov was a Muslim. Check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerim_Kerimov

    Here’s something you can be proud of as a Malay: Bangsa Melayu adalah penyembelih Umat Arab di Iraq pada tahun 1990. Check your record with the UN!

  1278. Dear Matt BB,

    Cool it ok!


  1279. Dearest AA,

    What do u mean by Siti Nurhaliza singing – marilah kita memeluk Sg. Klang? (sounds ganjil).

    Hey she is my fav malay singer, besides the sultry Dayang Nurfaizah..lol. Btw u hv misspelt siti’s name..

  1280. Dearest AA,

    Hv u ever really listened to Elissa’s Ah Min Hawak?

    Juz wondering…

  1281. Dearest Jess,

    Maybe u shld tutor me the Arabic language?

  1282. Dearest AA,

    Malays butchered Arabs… :O!

  1283. Dearest AA,

    I think u will be one of the longest land crocodiles (6ft 2) ever at Zoo Negara…heheh

  1284. Dear Fatin,
    This land croc is not only long, but may also breathe fire if u stumble with your words…cam naga!

    As for the Arabic lessons, I’m struggling with it more than u know. So, I’ll give u AA’s suggestions : watch lots of ART & Al Jazeera.

    Habibi AA,
    The Kerim Kerimov fact is intrstg…didn’t know that. And I see no takers for your invitation – you shd offer a goody bag or something!

  1285. Hai Arab!

    tkasih for chat. Bestlah chat gan u.
    mlm ni on ke date kita utk chat?

  1286. Arab,

    u nih kelakaw gak orgnyer.
    mungkin gan i jer kut
    dgn org lain u serious
    lamakan kita chat
    lebh 3 jam!
    gan org lain jap jer kut
    takde cchemistry..kakakah

  1287. Dearest Fatin

    Kindly accept my sincere apologies for the mistake on Siti’s spelling. The truth is there are variations to spelling an Arabic name! Yours could be Faten or even Fatn depending on whoever interprets the Arabic into English.

    I like Aah Min Hawak but not as much as La Terou7. I am beginning to feel that Elissa’s days are over. I saw her recently on ART (Dandana) and she looks like she’s been stitched to the edges. Awful. Really awful!

    Her days may be over if she cannot come up with another album that could compete with Ayshalak.

  1288. Dearest Fatin

    My heart was shattered to pieces when Malaysia voted to allow the US the right to bomb the hell out of Iraq. As we are all aware, the main political party at the helm of this Govt is Malay dominated UMNO.

    So, is it incorrect for me to say that the Malays voted to have the innocent Iraqis butchered just so that more US investments can come to Malaysia? Yes, more investments came and more Malays became wealthier BUT at the cost of Arab lives (Muslims and Christians).

    What would you call it if not ‘treachery’? I cannot blame the Chinese in MCA – they are there as stand-in clowns. Why can’t Malaysia take the stand similar to China and abstain? Do you think that Indonesia will ever do such a thing to an Arab state just to secure foreign investments?

  1289. Dearest Fatin

    Have you ever seen a 6’2″ buaya darat evolved into a paus tergelimpang? It would make a Nat Geo special!

  1290. Hello Rose_Tak_Kembang

    Nak chat lagi malam nie? Tak cukup semalam 3 jam? Wah nampak nya saya kena minum Kopi Tongkat Ali Baba (Cap Kampung Medan)!

    Nampak orang tak minat jumpa saya. Lagi pun siapalah yang nak keluar dengan orang yang tak siuman?

  1291. Dearest Fatin

    When I said that I was imagining Siti singing ‘Marilah kita memluk Sungai Klang’, I was referring to the beauty of Arabic as a language that can arouse a love for a river that provides life. And that the river welcomes visitors to its banks. That is the beauty!

  1292. Dear Fatin & AA,

    OK …I can’t stop laughing imagining Siti singing “Marilah Kita Memeluk Sg Klang”. Funny isn’t it, words that seem spirited & motivational in one language may appear comical in another. Someone told me a long time ago, Arabic is comprehensive & complete as a language. That is why it is the chosen language for the QURAN.

  1293. Dearest Jess

    What you stated above is absolutely correct. Allah chose Arabic above all languages because it is complete and the QURAN itself is the source of inspiration to our linguists. I was even told by a Christian Arab that they find their vocabulary from the QURAN.

    A few months ago, I came across an article on Arabic that grabbed my intention. It has maintained the purity by only absorbing nouns from other languages but never verbs. There are sufficient verbs in Arabic to cover every requirement. When verbs are taken from another language, it loses its purity. That is how the purity of a language is determined.

  1294. Here is a beauty of Arabic: In its welcome (Ahlan wa Sahlan). Literally it translate ‘Be a part of the family with ease’.

  1295. Our 1st PM could have adopted Arabic as the national language since BM is 60% Arabic in contents BUT he chose not to. What a fool. Now, I can witness every single day Malays shamelessly conversing with each other in English. How can we expect to non-Malays to embrace BM when Malays themselves reject it.

    Suddenly during UMNO pow-wow they remember the language. And sad to say some of our Menteri2 Melayu even opted to slide in English words! Watch them over the news and you will see it. From the PM to DPM to our so called Menteri2 Melayu.

    If our 1st PM adopted Arabic, no Chinese would dare challenge the superiority of Arabic. In fact, by learning and speaking Arabic, they will love it. Look Mohammed Hussein Yee – he was a Buddhist and converted to Islam. He studied Arabic and embraced it completely. My God, I was surprised to find out that he signed his name in Arabic. Allah has accepted him not only as a Muslim but as an Arab.

    He is my Arab brother besides being a brother in Islam.

  1296. By the way there are significant number of ethnic Chinese with Arab nationalities! I should get KSA to honour him with one!

  1297. That reminds me! Even Dr Faiz and his parents when interviewed were conversing in English. How pathetic! If they were an Arab and chose to speak to the national TV in a foreign language, they will be shamed! What happened to BAHASA JIWA BANGSA???

  1298. Is there any UMNO member out here that can name a Malay that has attained a high position comparable to Mohammed El-Baradei (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_ElBaradei)
    as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)?

  1299. I want to add something-when I was learning Arabic, we were told that the Quran is the highest authority for Arabic grammar. Meaning, when there is a dispute on which is the correct grammar, you can always refer to the Quran. Cool, huh.

  1300. Dearest AA,

    I am not a history buff and am not politically inclined, so

    I am kinda muddled as regards to the stand that Malaysia took in voting for the bombing of Iraq. Firstly what was the sequence leading to this stand being taken? What has Iraq done ?

    Secondly, has it got something to do with Iraq attacking Iran?

  1301. Dearest Jess

    I think nobody wants to meet me for fear of my lectures on Arabic! No goodie bags will help. Perhaps an appearance by Dr Mus will help?!?!

    Is he back yet?

  1302. Dearest AA,

    Poor Elissa…love her so much…

  1303. Dearest Fatin

    The vote was taken due to Iraq’s occupation of Kuwait. Note: Kuwait was carved out of Iraq during the British colonial days in the same manner the French carved out Lebanon from Syria.

    Yemen was also on the rotating member. Along with Cuba, it voted against the bombing. Yemen’s stand is that it is an internal matter, which can be resolved within the Arab League and its own forces. The US rejected Yemen’s offer. The same offer was also made by the then Secretary General of the Arab League – Chedi Klibi of Tunisia.

  1304. Dearest AA,

    I cld juz imagine Paus Tergelimpang…perut ke atas.. tak comel langsung …hehe

    As per ur invitation, y organise tea at Zoo Negara?
    Who wanna hv tea amid the baboons and org utans.. nanti susah lak..tak tahu which is which..the real baboons and the wannabe baboons..:P (gurau k..)

    Wow AA, u need tongkat ali, to chat? Muz be some sizzling chat u had there, hmmm… and dun be so downhearted, we all like to meet u v much, u r after all the livewire here, without u, there wont be sparks flying …

  1305. Dearest Jess

    Arabic Language is not a single language. It consists of a thousand languages differring in pronounciation, vocabulary preference and grammar. You’d be surprised the number of dialects with a country!

    For a start, you need to understand the different levels:

    Level No 1 : QURANIC ARABIC (the reference source and inspiration for linguists)

    Level No 2: MODERN STANDARD ARABIC (the written language you studied) Note: MSA is the official language used for the 22 countries. It is used in the media prints, news and also for official announcements by head of states. Even when you go on a flight, this language is used.

    Level No 3: COLLOQUIAL ARABIC (this is dialect). Note: The dialect are divided into 4 main groups – Egyptian, Levantine, Gulf and Maghrebi.

    By the way, there is a EU member country that has Colloquial Arabic as its national language. Can you guess?

    Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabic_language

  1306. Fatin..
    He’s talking abt the 1990 attack by Iraq on Kuwait wc in turn fueled the US led Allied Forces attacking Iraq ..this incident is aka..The Gulf War. Err…where have u been these few years?

    Our good doc may make an appearance, but then the attention wld be diverted from u to him. Or is that the whole idea..to get the attention somewhere else? mmm….

    Anyway he’s back. Remember the appearance he made wt his gf to the batik show? He got a handful of tounge lashings from his fans bcoz it seems he was holding his gf’s hands when he got to another function afterwards.

  1307. Dearest Jess,

    Ahhh the Gulf War.. thats it…juz trying hard to remember..:P

    I was that time busy with god knows what… !! 🙂

  1308. Habiby AA,
    The EU country – is it France? Or Turkey? I give up.. enlighten me, dear AA. Like u always do.

  1309. Dearest Fatin

    The PAUS TERGELIMPANG issue to turn people off. Why should I attempt to make myself a handsome guy when I am EXACTLY the OPPOSITE?

    Let me correct you – it is Tongkat Ali BABA and not Tongkat Ali! Sizzling chat? I thought I was the CLOWN DU NUIT according to Rose_Tak_Kembang!

  1310. Dearest Jess

    Your answer can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maltese_language

  1311. Dearest AA,

    Tak handsome pun tak pe.. as long as we enjoy u…lol!

    CLOWN DU NUIT? Je suis desole. Je ne parle pas francais!

  1312. Truthfully Jess

    I don’t keep up with our Doc’s movements. Just not my thing, I guess.

  1313. OOopps sorry… its tongkat ali baba (cap kampung medan).
    my apologies..

  1314. My dear Fatin

    I don’t speak French. I picked up the little French from my stay in Tunisia. Mostly at restaurants and hotels where they have Arabic and English. Likewise in Syria.

  1315. Neither do I dearest AA,

    I picked french from chatrooms and friends…..!
    Studied v basic french some years ago.. but hv forgotten

  1316. My dearest Fatin & Jess

    Did you know that the name of the Philippines’ capital MANILA is Arabic in origin?

    Was Amanillah.

  1317. AA Dear,

    Maltese..didn’t expect that. But its more like a derivative of the Arabic Language then the language itself , isn’t it? [If I’m wrong , I know u’re going to launch into another lecture , :)]

    As for the Paus thing, do u realize that when u try super hard to tell everyone how ugly u look every time u post, they might expect the EXACT OPPOSITE!

  1318. Dearest AA,

    I think I do know that. A net fren, a filipino from Manila now married to an arab n living in dubai told me so.

  1319. Jess

    If they expect for the opposite, they are wasting their time.

    I never lied when I said that Mizan is not a Malay! Would I lie about my looks?

  1320. AA, are u online on YM?

  1321. Good morning to members of this forum. What subject shall I use today for more Malay bashing?

    Hmmm. Let me think. You know there are truly decent Malays in this country that has not abandoned the pure Malay culture despite UMNO’s push towards murtadisation of the Malays through materialism.

    Look at Dr Faiz and his family embracing English and then shamelessly mengaku diri sebagai Melayu. As AI used to say – Poooooooooooor Deeeeeeeeeeeh!

    Dah lah Boyan (Bawean) tak sedar diri mengaku Melayu. Yang si Pendatang Mesir sekeluarga lebih menghormati BM. No wonder you didn’t get to go to space – you just NEVER played your part in advertising Malay identity!

  1322. Dearest Fatin

    Once again, menyusun jari sepuluh dan memohon ribuan ampun dan maaf.

    I picked up French in Tunisia and Syria from the sign in hotels and menus in restaurants, which were in French and Arabic. It’s easy to pick up when you understand one language.

  1323. Dearest Fatin

    There are some Malay singers that I respect – bought their tapes then. They are Sanisah Huri, Anita Sarawak, Sheila Majid and whats the name of the girl who made it through the Fan Club?

  1324. Do you consider Alley Cats as a Malay group? Cos I really enjoyed listening to their songs during my student days at Cairo Univ!

  1325. Dearest Jess, Fatin, Lilia & Rose_Tak_Kembang

    This song brings me sweet memories of my youth in Cairo – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrRCa4aSPF4&feature=related

    God, I can’t believe it takes an ethnic Indian to arouse the Malay spirit within me!

  1326. Dearest AA,

    Juz logged into youtube and enjoying Alleycats!
    Brought back some very nolstagic memories.. 🙂
    I love their songs, and also appreciate the singers, Loga and Arumugam. They were so charismatic… in their heydays. Thanks AA, otherwise I wld not hv found them again.

  1327. Dearest AA,

    U were telling me Sanisah Huri???
    I am surprised!

    Btw the Fan Club girl is Aishah, and if u know who Paul Moss is (the Malaysian Idol/OIAM judge), he was part of Fan Club then.

    I consider Alleycats a truly Malaysian Group. Not a Malay or an Indian wannabe Malay group! Simply an authentic Malaysian group enjoyed by all races. Timakasihhhhhhhhhh…:)

  1328. Dearest Fatin

    Remember this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWk7MwDmoYs

  1329. Dearest AA,

    I am very bad in french too.

    Juz keeping a few french phrases handy to startle some people..hehehe

    Je suis enchante de faire votre connaissance, AA!

  1330. Dearest AA,

    Y marah Dr Faiz??

    Esuk sakit gigi baru tahu.! Dia cabut semua gigi u…:P

  1331. Yes, I know who Paul Moss is. He’s the one sitting next to our Arab judge – Fauziah Latiff! Hmm, Paula Abdul, Fauziah Latiff…………all Arabs born outside of their countries of origin!

  1332. Dia nak cabut gigi I cabut lah. Nanti I boleh nyanyikan dia lagu Boyan – Laobe!

    God I remember this song in Cairo. Someone brought an old tape of Kassim Selamat (I think?).

  1333. Joma3ah Mubarakah to all!

  1334. ganti dengan gigi buaya!! lol

    Ok have a nice Jumaat everyone.. 🙂

  1335. gigi dah tak de nak nyanyi Laobe pun susah…heheh

  1336. Waaaah Siew Cheh! Lu kasi gua marah lor. Nanti gua minta Tuan Alla kasi lu pening lor.

  1337. Jgn maraaahhh maaa..
    nanti gua minta pula kasi lu jatuh cinta sama itu bunga…hehe

  1338. hai Arab!!

    sori lah smlm kkena keluar, kemudian tak dpt pc, org pakai.

    lain kali kita chat okayyyyy!!

  1339. Arab nak tnya skit!

    weekend tak kemana mana ke?
    tak bwa anak pegi jln?
    cuti sklah ni?
    gi la zoo ke, museum ke, klau dtg klang bole mkn kat muara, penah dtg?

  1340. Arab,

    Sdplah lagu Alleycats , i like

    i paling suka lagu sekuntum mawar merah , yelah nama sya pun rose 🙂

    sukelah klau awk antar sya lagu tu!

  1341. By the way, I think I mentioned that the name ELISSA is from a Phoenician princess. Lebanese are descendants of ancient Phoenicians.

  1342. Dearest AA,

    Pls check ur YM Message box. Thanks

  1343. Dearest Jess,

    How are u today?

  1344. This is for Jess & Fatin – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RmzXtJEr-A

    This is the video clip of the Elissa and Ragheb Alam’s duet BETGHEEB BETROOH.

    Lyrics on next posting.

  1345. Salam… Tahniah!!!!!!!!!!
    atas kajayaan anda sebagai angkasawan yg p’tama negara…
    sy amat b’bangga dgn pencapaian ini dan sebagai rakyat malaysia…..=)

  1346. Lyrics at – https://bigdogdotcom.wordpress.com/2007/09/18/dr-sheikh-muzaffar-is-the-first-malaysian-astronaut/#comment-6783

    Scroll down till you get to the Arabic Font. Learn to sing in Arabic!

  1347. habiby AA,

    OK dear. Will listen as u wish. 2moro will tell u how I find the song.

    Fatin dear,

    I’m fine. a bit bz la.

  1348. http://www.arabiclyrics.net/Elissa/Bet3eeb-Betroo7.htm

    Sorry, this is the correct link.

  1349. This is the song that skyrocketted Elissa to her fame. It is in this video clip that she is in her most natural look.

  1350. Finally, no one here dares to challenge me that Dr Mus is a Malay. Nobody. All those who previously claimed that he is a Malay have been evicted from this forum.

    It’s about time that the Malays admit that there are Arabs amongst them. Otherwise, someday they will also claim that Prophet Mohammed (saw) was a Malay. And then they will even claim all the other Prophets are also Malays. Look of the lists of ‘Nama2 Melayu’; Mohammed, Ibrahim, Yusoff, Adam, Noh, Isa, Sulaiman etc.

    God forbid, they will even claim names like Osama, Qazzafi, Saddam are Malays as well!

  1351. Attention:
    Ketua Pengarah Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka

    Can you please come out with a list of ‘Nama2 Melayu’ which is purely Malay in origin? DO NOT include names that are Arabic in orgin.

    Members of the Forum

    DBP won’t even attempt to come out with such a list. Otherwise all the Menteri2 Melayu will be disqualified on the basis that they ALL possess Arabic names and not ‘Nama Melayu’.

  1352. Kepada Lanun2 Arab yang tak malu mengaku diri Melayu

    Kalau nak mengaku diri sendiri Melayu, kenapa tak buang nama2 Arab dan nama2 qabilah (surnames)? Kenapa tak ambil nama Awang ker? Hang Jebat ker? Hang Tuah ker? Purnama ker? Embong ker?

    Dasar keturunan Yahudi memang lanun. Dah lebih seribu tahun memeluk Islam pun sifat lanun tak boleh buang!

  1353. Arab dude,

    If you are really unhappy about how Malays choose to live in this country, maybe you should take the next flight & get out of here as fast as you can.

    And if there’s no available flight, you can always go to Zoo Negara & ride on one of those camels straight to wherever is it you came from!!!

    And oh BTW The Angkasawan is Malay!!! Don’t think he speaks a word of Arabic.

  1354. More Arabs with foreign nationalities at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWaiJwPgoYE&feature=related

  1355. Dearest AA,

    Its saturday nite fever .. … some music plsss..

  1356. My dear Fatin

    Check this out (Ethiopian Cuisine) – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethiopian_cuisine

    The 1st pic on the right is Injera (Ethiopian Thosai) as its base. And the servings over the Injera consists of Zigny, Tibs or Kitfo.

    Wish they have an Ethiopian Restaurant in KL. My Ethiopian blood is craving for it!

    Maybe when we are in UAE, we can check out Ethiopian food?!

  1357. Dear Fatin,
    I know its Saturday, but I guess you have to get some music yourself. But u hv to admit, those injeras do look delicious. lol.

    Habiby AA,
    Shall I get u a nice big bowl of ais kacang? U seem to need some to cool u down. Might wash down well with them injeras.

  1358. Dearest AA,

    The injeras look tempting but kitfo, tibs and wat, arent they kinda spicy? Berasap telinga..lol.

    We can also check out Tunisian/Syrian food esp Konaffe Naboolsiyye? Yr favourite. Not only the spelling is intriguing, the pronounciation is fascinating and so I guess, the taste muz be truly exquisite!?

    Dearest Jess,

    Let the three of us share that big bowl of ice kacang. Looks like we all need some cooling down…….:P.

  1359. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    Ethiopian food is spicy but not as spicy as Thai. So, ther’s no worry there. I was searching the net to find if there is an Ethiopian Restaurant in KL – none.


    Seems like the nearest is in Bangkok – the Abyssinia Cafe. Hmmm….wonder if Air Asia is offering any RM0.00 fares for me to fly to Bangkok to appease my craving for Ethiopian Food? I’m willing to put up with their extremely cramp seats just for a day. Fly in pagi and fly out immediately after the meal!

  1360. Dearest AA,

    I hv heard of ppl flying from Singapore to Penang juz for the famous Penang Char Kuey Teow… and now u, KL to Bangkok juz for an Ethiopian meal… well might as well stay for a nite or two over in Bangkok and enjoy what Bangkok has to offer…

    Jangan sampai bengkok sudah la..:P

  1361. Dearest AA & Fatin,

    This talk abt Thai just reminded me of tomyam. Nowadays, I seem to get into craving convulsions too.

    BTW AA, what are Arab desserts like? The ones the kampung people there eat.

  1362. Dearest Fatin

    For your info, I have an immense dislike for Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore and even KL. Simply said, I do not enjoy developed overcrowded congested cities.

    But for a day trip that is fine and I’ve done a few of that. Believe me. Once I flew to Jakarta and return on the same day after a meeting. The same crew served me on the flights!

    Dearest Jess

    You know the best Arabic desserts comes from Egypt, Lebanon & Syria. In Egypt, I like Basboosa (Just a Kiss) and Konaffe. In Syria & Lebanon, I will dive into a Konaffe Naboolsiyye along with Baklava. IN KSA, I will go for Helwa. I just forgot what desserts the Tunisians had! Hmmm. Am I getting old?

  1363. Gee, I forgot what folks in the kampung have for desserts. I would think its the same but the quality of home made is different froma commercial bakery although there are outstanding bakeries. I used to bring back baklava and freeze them for special treats. Sad to say I need to replenish my supply.


  1364. Apparently someone wants to have a piece of me!

  1365. Dearest AA,

    Baklava is juz too sweet!!

    … btw who wants a piece of u???

  1366. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    I found an old song from FAIRUZ (Sanarja3ou Youmman – We Shall Return One Day). As you know this Lebnese Diva is a Christian and yet she dedicated this song to the Palestinians. The words (in Classical Arabic) moves me over the Palestine issue. Tears welled very single time I recall the suffering of the Palestinians.

    You know, in most Arab countries (most especially in the Levant), the first voice you will hear over the radio and TV after the national anthem is Fairuz’s voice.

    Well, what can I say. A Christian Arab dedicated a song to Palestine and never got a Datuk. Our so called Keturunan Syed, Sharifah 3aini, never dedicated a song for Palestine and she got A Datuk?!?! What a joke. What brain disease our Sultans are suffering from?

    Anyway, enjoy Fairuz at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ-4IccnYX0&feature=related
    while I cry over Palestine.

  1367. You know, the former MB of Kedah, Osman Aroff, is PASHTUN in origin. You should see his son! Takde muka Melayu sedikit pun!

    Funny thing, his son can even say to me (as the son to two Indonesians) that there is no such thing as a pure Malay! Wonder what he meant??

  1368. Dear Ash (1Dec@10.39am)

    Truthfully, I don’t care about how the Malays choose to live their lives.

    I have no problem leaving Malaysia and not returning at all. I have 22 countries that will accept me and they are all beautiful – quite a number with 4 seasons! Ski resorts can be found in Morocco and Lebanon!

    But why should I be the only one to leave??? Did I steal anything from the Malays??? Did I take any scholarship meant for the Malays?? Did I deprive a Malay of a place in University (Note: I obtained a scholarship as an Arab and graduated from Cairo U)??? Did I buy a piece of Tanah Rezab Melayu?? Did my stealing contribute to the ongoing poverty of rural Malays???

    If you want me to leave, sure BUT please don’t pick and chose which Arab can remain in Malaysia. Discrimination is discrimination. Racism is racism.

    Start with all Keturunan Syed yang expert berbelit2. Sekejap mengaku Keturunan Nabi konon and then after that mengaku Bumiputra Melayu. Please lah even the Chinese can see through their hypocrisy!

    To help you start deporting these hypocrites, may I refer you to a list of surnames found on Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Singaporean and scroll down to Surnames). Takkanlah Singapura sebagai negara yang kecil can list out so many Arab surnames and Malaysia CAN PRETEND that we do not have Arabs?? Please lah! Do not underestimate the Chinese – they know!

    On the list of Arabs, you will find: ALBUKHARY, ALATTAS, ALBAR, ALHABSHI, ALHADDAD, BANAFE etc. A good list for you to search in Malaysia and identify the hypocrites stealing Malay rights. Don’t forget to stop at by at Istana Negara and the Istana in Arau!

    No camels are needed since most of the so called ‘Bangsa Melayu’ are Yemenis and Yemenia flies to KL. Just book them on the flightSSSSS and see how empty Malaysia will be once they start to leave. And oh don’t worry, Yemen will take them back – they all have ACCESS to dual citizenship!

    As for Dr Mus, why do you think his parents opted to retain the surname ALMASRIE. It is to remind the Malays that they are ARABS in origin. And as an descendant of an Egyptian immigrant, he has access to Egyptian nationality. Furthermore, Egypt Air flies to KL also!

    Then don’t forget to change the names of Sultans to names that are purely Malay in origin. Wonder why Raja2 Melayu tergila-gila nama2 Arab??? Ah oh, don’t forget to remove the word SULTAN – that is Arabic too! Maybe, you can suggest PENGHULU YANG PERLU DISEMBAH?!?!

    And oh, please remove the word ‘Dewan’ and ‘Bahasa’ from Dewan Bahasa dan Putaka. The two words are Arabic in origin! And see you nice it is to refer to DBP as ‘dan Pustaka’!

    You can remove the Arabs from this country BUT don’t forget to remove our VOCABULARY from Bahasa Melayu and let’s see how fast Bahasa Melayu will become extinct. After all you Malays youyrselves NEVER EMBRACED Bahasa Melayu to the same extent the Chinese in indonesia embrace Bahasa Melayu!

  1369. So, Hamid, kat Wikipedia dah keluar nama ALBAR sebagai Bangasa Arab (dan bukan Bangsa Melayu). So, perhaps, now you can explain if Malays are actually descendants of immigrants of countries further than China OR …………

  1370. YOU LIED!

  1371. YOU MADE A FALSE DECLARATION as being a bangsa Melayu!

  1372. By the way, Ash, Bahasa Melayu traces its origin to Riau in Sumatra. It came to Malaysia in the same manner Arabic arrived into Morocco!

  1373. AA Dear,

    Welcome back!!!

  1374. And oh Ash, if you go to Central Java, you will find Javanese Sultans with PURE JAVANESE NAMES e.g. SULTAN HAMENGKU BUWONO!


  1375. I really don’t understand why Malays insist that these hypocrites are allowed to be considered ‘Bumiputra Melayu’.

    I will be most delighted to be the 1st Malaysian to shout – ‘Ooy Habib! Lu bukan Melayu punya orang! Lu pegi balik Hadhramaut lah lu!’

  1376. sejak dr sheikh tunjjuk bakal isterinye aku dah bape mnat kat dia

  1377. Dear Sharina

    I don’t understand your BM – maklumlah I nie kan Keturunan Pendatang. What do you mean by ‘dah bape’?

  1378. Dearest AA,

    Hows the weather over there at ur place?

    Its gonna rain here at Cloud 9… 🙂

  1379. Dearest Fatin

    Weather is fine here. Hope my remarks aren’t causing you gloomy weather at Cloud 9. Just hate when someone tramples on my Constitutional Right (Article 9). How dare they ask me to leave this country? Problem is most people don’t have the Federal Constitution next to them.

    I’ve been equipped for sometime now! Will we chat later?

  1380. Dearest AA,

    Ok talk to u later .. 🙂

  1381. Dearest Jess,

    Did u masak that pudding yesterday?

    I will try baking ur mom’s “Butter Cake” next week, i.e if I dun go outstation… 🙂

  1382. Dear Fatin,

    The choc pudding was, as usual, delicious..hehe. But there’s no more left. The dinosaurs at home made sure of that. Do tell me when you finally bake that cake.

    AA dear,

    My my, its getting hot in here. How was your weekend? Any running on the treadmill…or after girls?

  1383. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    All that discussion about cakes had me running down to Secret Recipe!

    You girls just know how to make a guy go wild. And by the way Jess, I don’t run after the girls. It’s worth my time and effort to run after Secret Recipe. I get multiple …… (you know what) after a trip there! 😉

  1384. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    FYI, I will be exceptionally busy with work this month. Two teams will be coming down from HQ for visits to suppliers and I have lots to prepare. No secretary to help me. 😦

    During their visits, I will have to make trips to Penang (again) and also to KK. Organising their stay here is another thing – like I don’t have enough to do. Dah lah office hours I’m kept busy and then at night I have to sit with them and smoke Shisha till the wee hours.

    But you know really, when I reflect upon it. I should be grateful. When there is no work, you will find me here being a Royal Pain and when there is work I’m really 1000% preoccupied 24/7.

  1385. Dearest AA,

    U are one sweet tooth fella…lol. Any mention of cakes, desserts, puddings will get u enraptured.. :P.
    Anyway I simply love Secret Recipe’s cheese cakes!

    With u being busy with ur visitors this month, this forum will be quiet for a while.. I guess we all hv to find some other hobby then… maybe baking more butter cakes..!

  1386. Dearest Fatin

    No need for you to ask me if I prefer Secret Recipe or a Strip Club in Bangkok! Too bad they don’t have shows of cheesecakes sliding down a pipe from the ceiling!


  1387. hmmm mcm dah penah masuk strip tease club aje .. 🙂

  1388. Dear AA,

    This site wiil not be the same without u. I’ll miss your bashings the most. Gets me high…..lol. Anyway, make sure u reflect & ponder on what is wrong with the people on your working trip & bash (or bitch) abt them here. 1 entry per day is anough to keep me going.

    Fatin dear,
    I just love SC’s blueberry cheese cake. Mmmm…… looks like we’re going to have to exchange recipes to kill the boredom.

  1389. Fatin,

    Penah la tu……sampai dh jemu!! lol

  1390. Dearest Fatin

    I have never claimed to be innocent and neither have I claimed to be an ARQAM member. I have just accepted that my life is different with the responsibility of raising a boy. Can’t do all those party animal stuff – besides I’m happier being at home.

  1391. […] honoured at ANSARA Dinner Angkasawan Negara, Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie, who is also an ANSARAwan, was honoured at the ANSARA Dinner, held in the Seri Pacific Ballroom, […]

  1392. Sharina,
    Jangan kecewa. SMS baru tunjuk teman wanita dia…..belum apa-apa lagi! Kalau dia dah kahwin pun, I tetap minat kat dia! Dari luaran, pakejnya memang lengkap!

  1393. Dearest Jess, Fatin, Lilia & Rose _Tak_Kembang

    Lat night I had a terrible dream – I went into a Strip Club. At one end of the bar counter was a girl stripping herself silly. And at the other end of the counter they had a full Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe.

    Guessed what happened? 😀

  1394. Dearest AA,

    This type of question usually leave me clueless!

    But if I were to be in ur shoes, I most probably wld first grab the Choc and then slide over to the other end of the counter and hv both indulgences in one go!

    Is my guess correct?

  1395. Sape sape di sini members Dr Sheikh Fan Club?

  1396. Hello all,

    Cik Sharina dh tak brp minat pada dr sms?
    Nak buat camne dah pilihan dia. Cari org lain je lah.

  1397. Fatin!

    Why did you change your privacy settings?

    Go buy a padlock then!!

  1398. My Fatin!!

    Do you know the meaning of undeterred and unconquerred?!!

    Let me know when I come back from my trip.!

    Hey! Take care, hugss

  1399. Dear AA,

    All that talk abt cakes & strippers made their way into your dream. What abt those bashings? You ever dream of giving tongue lashings to anyone?

    Well, as for the dream, I’d have to agree with Fatin. You’d definitely go for the cake first, but then wouldn’t miss the other one as well. Kan Fatin kan?

  1400. Has Matt BB mutated into Mario?

  1401. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    To be honest, I woke up before I got to the finale of my dream. Awful when you thought you had it all! 😀

  1402. I meant the cake! 😉

  1403. I think I should take a break from my Malay bashing. I need to ‘rest’ in order to inspire myself!

  1404. Dearest Jess,

    He woke up before he could say “Lu chocolat chaud”!…poor guy…lol, what an anticlimax!!! 🙂

    Dearest AA,

    🙂 😛

  1405. Lu chocolat chaud = hot chocolate

  1406. Ya Habiby,

    I was thinking of the same thing abt Mario being the mutated version of Matt BB. But I have to admit that the name Mario sounds so much better.

    You want to stop bashing?. Hmm…ok, but make sure you come back with a bang when you do. You enemies seemed to have turned into softies anyway.

    BTW Fatin where are u? Bz at work dear?

    And whatever happened to Lilia?

  1407. Kepada YB:
    Pelawat2 forum Dr Mus

    Selamat Datang (Ahlan wa Sahlan wa Mer7aban Bekom Jame3an)

    Janganlah kita sekali-kali melupakan yang mana Keturunan Syed dan Keturunan Sheikh adalah sebenarnya Keturunan Pendatang Tanpa Izin (dari Hadhramaut, Yaman) semenjak dahulukala.

    Yaman ialah salah satu antara tujuh negara2 pengasas LIGA ARAB (dan BUKAN LIGA MELAYU bodoh!) manakala Wilayah Hadhramaut pula ialah asal-usulnya datuk OSAMA BIN LADEN. Tidak salahlah kalau saya mengatakan yang mana Osama Bin Laden itu seorang yang berbangsa Melayu kerana dia termasuk golongan Keturunan Syed dan Keturunan Sheikh yang kita semua menjunjung sampai ke langit (sorry ISS)!

    Yang anehnya Yaman itu terletak lebih jauh dari negara China, jadi macam mana mereka boleh dibenarkan mengaku did mereka Bumiputra Melayu? Apakah orang Melayu sanggup mengakui yang asal-usul mereka ialah sebuah negara yang terletak lebih jauh dari negara China?

    Any comment anybody?

  1408. Ada lagi satu perkara yang amat mustahak – semua rakyat Malaysia yang berketurunan Syed atau Sheikh memiliki hak dwi warganegara (Malaysia dan negara asal moyang mereka i.e. Yemen). Kalau tak percaya sudilah berhubung dengan semua kedutaan2 Arab di KL!

    Think about it!

  1409. Dearest AA,

    I thought u gonna take a break…hmmm 😛

    Its holiday season! everyone is in holiday mood, hey lets go holiday!!!!

    Hv a great day everybody!

  1410. Dear Mario (M BB),

    Where are u going??

  1411. Dear Mario,

    Where are u going btw?

  1412. Dearest Fatin

    I wanted to take a break but I couldn’t sleep without being a Royal Pain. After that I slept so peacefully – like being in a cradle!

  1413. Dearest AA,

    Can I be the hand that rock the cradle? hehe 🙂

  1414. Hai,

    Pada hemat sya, apa yg kita bleh buat utk memulihkan keadaan?

    Kita dah tahu semua seperti yg dibentang panjang lebar of AA, hakikatnya skrg apa tindakan? apa jln?

  1415. Saudara Arab,

    Apa kah benar syed syed ada dwi warganegara?

    Rasanya tidak semua sbb saya hanyalah warganegara Malaysia sahja.

    Bagaimanapun saya akan cuba selidik utk kepastian.
    Apakah untungnya mempunyai dua ini!

  1416. atau pun automatic? Bila keturunan syed atau sheikh dgn automatic dia juga mendapat warganegara dari Arab League.

  1417. Kpd Dr Sheikh

    Tk terlambat untk mengucapkan tahniah dr akan mendirikan r/tangga next yr.

    Also nice pic of u talking with our PM’s wife in Langkawi. Nampak berseri muka, masih hensem.. bertuah Dr Halina.

    Jgn lupa jemput semua rakyat Malaysia!!!!!!!!!

  1418. Dr Sheikh,

    Jadi ke 16hb perjumpaan Fan Club Dr Sheikh kat Rebung?

    Dr dtg dgn tunang sekali ke?

    Bole la kami semua kenal tunang dr.!!

  1419. Another Arab,

    Anda tak puas hati dgn Melayu ke atau keturunan Syed/Sheikh? Kita kan sama sama Islam so cool la Bro, jgn nanti org lain bersorak krna kita sama ugama Islam bergaduh.

    Itu pun yang mereka hendak. So jgn semarakkan semangat membenci sesama Islam. Saya faham kemarahan Bro itu, tapi kekadang hidup ini mmg tak pernah adil. Bila dah mati nanti barulah kita diberi keadilan oleh Allah .

    Hei Bro, cool down la. Kami semua faham. Tak sanggup tengok Bro asyik melenting, tak takut heart attack ke?

    Nothing is fair ok but Bro, mungkin satu hari nanti Bro akan di anugerahkan tempat yg terbaik di sisi Allah, aminn ya rabil alaminnn..

  1420. Dearest Fatin

    Oooooooooohhh that’s scary – the hands that rocks the cradle!

  1421. Kepada Saudara ZORRO yang disanjungi (04Dec@11.27am)

    Kalaulah saya sebagain anak kepada dua rakyat Indonesia begitu MENGHORMATI hak bumiputra2 Nusantara, mengapa pulak meraka tidak boleh berbuat sedemikian?

    Saya tidak pernah mengambil hak kaum bumiputra walau sesen pun. Dari pendidikan saya menerima biasiswa sebagai anak Arab dari Yayasan Arab dan saya dapat tempat menyambungkan pelajaran ke Cairo Univ. Ini semua atas nama MARWAH bangsa supaya kaum lain tidak menuduh kaum Arab sebagain lanun berjiwa Yahudi.

    Cubalah saudara Zorro lihat disekeliling – khususnya kepada bangsa Melayu yang hidup di luar bandar. Mereka masih hidup berlenggu serba kemiskinan. Mengapakah kaum pendatang SYED dan SHEIKH mesti diutamakan? Semenjak bila Nami Mohammed (saw) pernah mengarahkan Umat Islam mengutamakan bangsa Arab? Kalaulah mereka itu mulia, mereka akan mengutamakan hak2 kaum bumiputra dahulu.

    Saya tunggu cadangan Saudara Zorro untuk memulihkan keadaan yang sama sekali TIDAK ADIL. Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang menyumbang kepada JHDN berhak meluahkan perasaan saya. Mohom maaf sekiranya saya terkasar.

  1422. Saudara Syed yang dihormati(04Dec@11.33am)

    Mengikut piagam Liga Arab dan juga Perlembagaan Republik Yaman, anda disifatkan sebagai ‘rakyat Yaman yang memegang Paspot Malaysia’. Sama ada anda mengambil KP dan Paspot Yaman itu lain cerita. This is a fact!

    Anda memiliki hak untuk menetap di Yaman, untuk membeli tanah di Yaman, untuk berkerja/berniaga di Yaman dan untuk mengundi di dalam pilihan raya di Yaman biar pun anda memiliki warganegara Malaysia.

    Hak warganegara itu mengikut warganegara moyang anda. Sekiranya moyang anda berasal dari Yaman, Yaman lah yang sepatutnya memberi anda paspot kedua. Bagi Dr Mus, moyang dia berasal dari Mesir, jadi dia berhak menuntut Paspot Mesir. Bagi saya, datuk saya ialah pendatang dari KSA, jadi saya memiliki KP Saudi. Paspot Saudi tak perlulah untuk seketika.

  1423. Saudara Syed yang dihormati(04Dec@11.33am)

    Mohon maaf – saya terlupa untuk menerangkan yang mana anda mesti kembali ke Yaman untuk menuntu hak anda sebagai rakyatnya!

  1424. Dear Batu Belantan Kayu Manis (04Dec@12.07pm)

    Please forgive me for replying to you in english . My batteries for Bahasa Melayu is being recharged. In all honesty, my education has been in Arabic and English and BM/B Indoo is my 3rd language.

    I would like to as you TWO questions:
    1) Do you approve of a Muslim robbing the daylight of another Muslim?
    2) What is the meaning of Munafik (Hypocrite) to you?

    Yes, we are Muslims BUT there must be respect amongst Muslims. You cannot expect me, as a Muslim, to contribute my taxes lotally so that these Keturunan Pendatang can benfit from me. Have you forgotten that I am also a descendant of Arab immigrants?

    And yes, I am angry at Malays as much as I am angry at these Keturunan Syed and Keturunan Sheikh. Why? Why Why? Because you all are Munafik! Yang Arab menyamar sebagai Melayu memang Munafik. Yang Melayu yang membenar Arab bermaharajalela pun Munafik!

    There I said it.

  1425. Ya Habiby,

    Wow, here I thought everything would’ve gone sombre since u said u’d given the bashings a rest. Was even starting to look for recipes to exchange at this site. Now imagine my delight at seeing all this commotion. lol. And your BM/BIndo is really2 good. Really impresses me.

    Fatin dearest,

    That’s one heavy cradle to rock ya. Larat ker? Did I also see you trying to get El Mario’s attention? Keeping busy? (Or just bored to death?)

  1426. My sweet Fatin!

    Will leave you a message?!!

    Do not rock the boat when I am away (or any cradle for that matter) huh?!!

    (It is hard trying to be nice and sober!!! Damm!!!!)

  1427. Saudara Syed yang dihormati(04Dec@11.33am)

    Please lah, go and drop the ‘Syed’ from your name. I am asking this of you for TWO reasons:

    1) Syed in Arabic means Mr

    2) Arwah Lim Goh Tong tu pun Keturunan Syed juga tapi dia tak sibuk riuh rendah sekampung yang mana dia keturunan nabi.

    Apakah anda terlupa kita semua keturnan Nabi Adam (3alaihi es-salam) atau dikatakan Bani Adam? Jangan lupa ya – Nabi Mohammed (saw) TIDAK MEMPUNYAI keturnan. Tamatkanlah pembohongan anda yang menghina Islam! Sekarang pendatang2 Arab baru kat Malaysia dah banyak (khusunya di Bkt Bintang) dan kaum China pun dah sedar (and above all that the Malaysian Chinese are now able to learn and speak Arabic)! What about you?

  1428. 7abibty Jess

    Last night I cannot sleep. No choice but had to do some bashing to get me sleepy. After I created the ‘commotion’, I was able to sleep peacefully like a log! Or was it a ‘Paus Tergelimpang’?

    Of course, what do you expect. I am fluent in BM due to my parents but I just never studied it as a subject. I can switch between BM and B Indon at the snap of a finger! My BM can shame all the so called Menteri2 Melayu yang munafik!

    By the way, I can switch my Arabic dialects also. Watch me when I am amongst Egyptians – even they are surprised how I totally at ease with their dialect! But don’t ask me to speak Classical Arabic ok?

  1429. As I have stated – Matt BB mutated into Mari.

  1430. Correction

    As I have stated – Matt BB mutated into Mario.

  1431. You know, on my last Emirates flight from Dubai (I was in their so called ‘Business Class’ cabin) and was served by 4 FAs – 1 Egyptian Steward, 1 Lebanese Stewsrdess, 1 Argentinian Stewardess (berketurunan Arab) and 1 Malaysian Steward (Chinese from Penang). Surprise surprise. This Malaysian Chinese can speak Arabic!

    Bila lah Keturunan Syed di negara kita akan memberhentikan pembohongan mereka yang mana mereka adalah Keturunan Nabi Mohammed (saw)? Memang dasar orang keturunan Yaman tu semua lanun – most of them were Jews who converted to Islam anyway!

  1432. Jess Sweetheart..

    Dun la.. incite our dear AA. With all the commotion and excitement, his blood pressure may get skyrocketted like the Soyuz and I dun wanna him hv a heart attack! I value him as a great fren and not want him go so soon… furthermore, I hv yet to see how he looks like in person…live..! 😛

    As for Mario, I think it is nice to reciprocate once in a while, hmmm…

  1433. Ya Habiby,

    I’d like to hear how Arabic speaking Chinese sounds like. So, err… you got the steward’s number? Pass it to me afterwards,k. I’ve got to check it out for myself…u know I’m interested in Arabic & all.

    Fatin dearest,

    Juz can’t help myself la. These bashings are like vitamins to me – got to have them everyday or else I go weak. Besides, its good to have AA interested in people once in a while. Not so healthy going gaga over Choc & Cheese cakes.

  1434. Forum Another Arab

    Es-salaam 3aleikum

    TOPIK PERTAMA(Awal Mawdho3) yang telah dibentang:

    Kepada YB:
    Pelawat2 forum Dr Mus

    Selamat Datang (Ahlan wa Sahlan wa Mer7aban Bekom Jame3an)

    Janganlah kita sekali-kali melupakan yang mana Keturunan Syed dan Keturunan Sheikh adalah sebenarnya Keturunan Pendatang Tanpa Izin (dari Hadhramaut, Yaman) semenjak dahulukala.

    Yaman ialah salah satu antara tujuh negara2 pengasas LIGA ARAB (dan BUKAN LIGA MELAYU, bodoh!) manakala Wilayah Hadhramaut pula ialah asal-usulnya datuk OSAMA BIN LADEN. Tidak salahlah kalau saya mengatakan yang mana Osama Bin Laden itu seorang yang berbangsa Melayu kerana dia termasuk golongan Keturunan Syed dan Keturunan Sheikh yang kita semua menjunjung sampai ke langit (sorry ISS)!

    Yang anehnya Yaman itu terletak lebih jauh dari negara China, jadi macam mana mereka boleh dibenarkan mengaku did mereka Bumiputra Melayu? Apakah orang Melayu sanggup mengakui yang asal-usul mereka ialah sebuah negara yang terletak lebih jauh dari negara China?

    Ada lagi satu perkara yang amat mustahak – semua rakyat Malaysia yang berketurunan Syed atau Sheikh memiliki hak dwi warganegara (Malaysia dan negara asal moyang mereka i.e. Yemen). Kalau tak percaya sudilah berhubung dengan semua kedutaan2 Arab di KL!

    Think about it! Any comment anybody?

    TOPIK KEDUA (el-mawdho3 et-thani)

    Selamat Datang sekali lagi (Ahleen wu Mer7abtein – loghat Arab Levant)

    Memandangkan kaum Arab Islam di Malaysia diberi hak Bumiputra Melayu, apakah Malaysia sanggup memberi hak yang sama kepada kaum Arab Kristian?

    Memandangkan kaum Arab Islam di Malaysia dinaikkan sebagai Raja2 Melayu di Malaysia, apakah orang Melayu sanggup menaikkan Arab Kristian sebagai Raja Melayu?

    Seandainya Arab Kristian tidak mendapat taraf yang sama, maka Malaysia telah bersifat racist terhadap kaum Arab pada keseluruhannya. Saya ingin mengingatkan yang mana Nabi Mohammed (saw) sendiri telah menetapkan yang mana agama bukan penentu bangsa Arab! Maka dengan it saya memohon pendapat pengunjung2 yang mulia disini.

  1435. Dearest Jess

    Actually, I gave all of the FAs my cards but they never called me. But then it’s fine with me because the Emirates crew are staying at the Renaissance Hotel at Jln Ampang whereas I am at Selayang. And I’m not the party animal to join them at Hard Rock Cafe.

    Dearest Fatin

    I promise you that I will not die until you’ve seen me! Here’s a clue as to my looks. Just imagine the ugliest guy you’ve met and multiply it by 10. That is me!

  1436. Sementara anda merenungkan soalan2 saya, berhiburlah dengan dendangan AMAL HIJAZI (seoarang penyayi Lubnan). Lagu yang saya pilih ialah Ba7eb No3 Kalaamak (I love your kind of words). Lagu yang didendangkannya berloghat Arab Mesir. Semoga terhibur – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTkdLWt869w

    Oh ya, Amal pernah hadhir ke KL!

  1437. Marilah kita berhibur lagi dengan dendangan NAWAL AL-ZOGHBY (seorang penyanyi Lubnan). Lagu yang dipilih ialah 3Adi (Normal). Lagi ini berloghat Arab Teluk. Semoga terhibur – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dtvjMDR2k0&feature=related

  1438. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    Here’s some difference in Arabic dialects:

    For example, the word NOW:
    Classical Arabic – Al-Aan
    Egyptian – Dilwa2ti
    Levant – Hala2
    Gulf – Dal el-7ein or el-7ein

  1439. Saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Encik AA kerana telah memperdengarkan kami dengan lagu2 Arab Teluk yang sangat menghiburkan ini. Semoga selepas ini Encik AA dapat membelasah orang2 yang sepatutnya dibelasah dengan kaw sekali.

  1440. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    I have always introduced you to singers who are either Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese or Moroccans but never Saudis. This is because I enjoy the Pan-Arab entertainment rather than the kampungan type of songs BUT there are a handful of Saudi singers worthy of mention.

    Since my grandfather migrated from KSA, I would like to introduce to you one of my favourite Saudi singers – he is Abdel Majeed Abdullah. The song is YA 6AYED EL-2ALB and can be found at http://www.oghnia.com/video-display-album.php?newArtistID=AbdulMajidAbdallah&newVideoID=Tayyib_el-Qalb
    Click the ‘HI’just below the word videos!

    A singer I like from the UAE is Raashed El-Maajed. He has a song (Mashkelny) at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExoGNzasw9o&feature=related


  1441. Ramai Bangsa Melayu tidak menyedari yang mana Bahasa Melayu telah diperkayakan oleh Bahasa Arab sebanyak 60%.

    Perkataan2 Bahasa Melayu yang berasal dari Bahasa Arab (rujukan A DICTIONARY OF MODERN WRITTEN ARABIC atau Mu3ajem El-Loghat El-3arabiyye El-Mu3asire).

    Contoh nya:

    Dendang – Dandan
    Maksud – Ma2sood
    Jiran – Jiran
    Hairan – 7airan
    Syiok – Shau2
    Sebab – Sebab
    Majlis – Majles
    Mungkin – Momken
    Geram – Gharam
    Dahshat – Dahsha
    Syarikat – Sherka
    Darjah – Derja
    Pondok – Fondoo2
    Walau – Wa Lau

  1442. Saudara Arab,

    Saya hanya hendak tahu perkara perkara yg saya kurang ariff tp saudara hantam saya agar sya buang syed di nama sya! Apa salah saya? Tk minta di nama kan syed dan tak minta keturunan syed.
    Anyway thanks for info. Selama ni saya tak tahu yg saya berhak ke Yeman dan mendapt hak saya disana. Tp rasa nya saya ttp di malaysia yg aman dan sejati ni. Rasa nya tak serupa di Yaman tu. Saya dilahirkan di sini biar la saya di sini .

    Tq again for info. BTW saya teringin juga jumpa saudara Arab ni kalau boleh. Nak kenal bukan apa, mana tahu boleh jadi member baik!

  1443. Dear Syed

    Kalaulah benar anda bangga yang anda berketurunan Arab, tidak perlulah menurunkan Mr di hadapan nama anda. Nama anda yang diseru oleh ibubapa itu yang paling penting. Ini SYED dan SHEIKH semua karut dan kolot. Cubalah anda lihat umat Arab yang membanjiri Bukit Bintang – apakah mereka tergila-gila menurunkan nama SYED ker nama SHEIKH ker?

    Tanyalah ketua-ketua negara2 Arab (22 negara kesemuanya), mengapa mereka tidak menurunkan nama SYED ker atau nama SHEIKH ker. Dan dengarlah penjelasan dari mereka.

    Sekiranya anda betah di Malaysia, alhamdulillah, TETAPI janganlah mengambil hak Bumiputra Melayu. Anda bukan Melayu, anda keturunan pendatang dari negara yang lebih jauh dari negara China. Kalaulah saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia yang juga berketurunan Arab dari KSA (termasuk juga rakyat yang berketurunan China dan India) tidak bersifat lanun terhadap hak Bumiputra Melayu, mengapakah anda harus mengambil hak orang? Cubalah anda lihat di Malaysia ini – masih ada Bumiputra Melayu yang hidup serba kekurangan!

    Sekiranya anda ingin berkenalan dengan saya, kita boleh chat di Yahoo Messenger. Anda hanya perlu menambah saya dengan ID – Another.Arab@yahoo.com.my

    Saya menyusun jari sepuluh dan memohon ribuan ampun dan maaf seandainya saya terkasar.


  1444. Dear Syed

    Here is a song for you from a singer I adore – Nancy Ajram of Lebanon. The song is Ana Yalli Ba7ebbak (I am the one that loves you). It is sung in her native Levant dialect.

    Please click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUG8IWPas_c


  1445. Dearest AA,

    Hi how r u today?

    Thanks for the songs. Hey which part of Selayang are u staying? Selayang is so big. Or is it confidential?

  1446. Ya Habiby,

    Its victory day! You have conquered yet another of your so called “enemies”. Charmed Syed off his feet… lol. Maybe you should enter politics. These days politicians seem to have more cars than charisma.

    So..anybody else want to take on our undefeated champion of this blog??

  1447. Fatin dearest,

    Why don’t you go to Selayang & check out any old folks home with a gym where the makciks there work out immensely. AA’s house will be some crawling distance from there. Or better still…follow the Choc cakes crumb trail. Will get you straight to his room!!!

  1448. Jess sweetheart…

    I dun hv to go through all those to get to his place, AA will juz pick me and we will hv dinner at Tajine, after which we will adjourn to some nice cosy lounge to listen to some music and then we will decide from there whether it is at his or mine… 😛

    (Apologies to AA, I know he doesnt approve of this but what the heck!)

  1449. Fatin dearest,

    (Amboi 3x, makcik sorang nie…reading too much romance novels I see.)

    Whatever your plans are, juz make there’s no Choc Indulgence anywhere in sight. Scan his house in advance if you have to. Otherwise, he’ll just drop you & dive head on towards the cake.

  1450. Dearest AA,

    About ur looks, that bad huh? (JUZ JOKING)

    Let me give u this unsolicited advice:

    God hs given us the best of gifts :

    We hv perfect eyes to be able to see;
    perfect nose to be able to smell;
    perfect ears to be able to hear;
    perfect mouth to be able to talk;
    perfect sense to be able to feel..

    the only imperfections are created by human beings who are not satisfied that

    Their eyes are slant and not round,
    their noses are flat and not sharp,
    their ears are big and not petal like … hehe
    their mouth cuts well and deep with hurtful words.. when they can always be nice and kind!
    and their sense of love and affection are gone only to be replaced by hatred and anger… hmmm,

    This is worse right!

    Jgn marah dong… or is it donk?

  1451. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    I am having a real blast looking at you two poking fun at my weakness! I am just glad that you both accept me as a honest to goodness worthless lunatic!

  1452. hai,nama saya aiman saya suka tengok kamu dalam astro saya peminat kamu

  1453. You know, that guy SYED is a nice guy. He couldn’t see anything wrong with grabbing Malays rights because his SYED ancestors has bee looting Malay rights since the dawn of Islam in Nusantara.

    They’ve been banging the drums that they are the descendants of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and shamelessly uses it to stake a claim at EVERYTHING in our country. In other words, they are invoking the Prophet’s name as they loot.

    But as I’ve indicated before, these so called SYEDs are in fact the descendants of the 1st Jewish tribe in Yemen to convert to Islam; so, it is extremely difficult for them to forsake their ‘skull and cross-bone’ habit. Not even after embracing Islam for over 1000 years!

  1454. Fatin dearest,

    Are you mad I called you a makcik? Should I change it to aunty…hehe. Well, don’t worry dear, its from one aunty to another. Anyway, I just baked some sinfully delicious choc brownies. Still in the oven. Thought I post something here while waiting for it. Want some?

    Ya Habiby,

    Kasi can la to Syed. I believe he was just curious to know, not so much to argue. I thought you were going to chat with him last night?

    Do you like brownies as much as cakes?

  1455. Jess sweetheart…

    U can call me anything I do not mind. Well I am a MAKCIK so what is that to get so mad about? I hv always proclaimed myself a makcik right from the beginning if u care to scroll and read my postings.

    I dun pretend to sound demure and sweet becoz I know as days and time pass by, our true nature and character will surface without us realising it. I hv always like humour in my postings and some may take it seriously so thats y I like now to put within brackets “juz joking” 🙂

    Furthermore like I said to u before, I hv no intention watsoever to hv anything more than juz great frens here so strike me off ur competitors’ list!

  1456. Fatin dearest,

    OK dear. I risau jugak manalah tau u tarik2 rambut ker…since I called u makcik. U see, not everyone is like me..with no sensitive bone. Anyway, this means I can call u that again… hehe.

    So what happen to our dear AA? Gone MIA today. No bashings…so boring la.

  1457. Saudara Arab,

    My messenger at yahoo


    Yang lain boleh juga add saya klau nak berkenalan.
    Syed dari KL, late 30s, skrg dah tak berpunya. (;)

  1458. hai,tengah buat apa?

  1459. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    I think I gave enough bashing already. So, let it come to a rest. People understand the true situation and things will not change. I am just a small fish in the ocean with no capacity to make changes.

    A tean from my HQ will be arriving early next week and after that I will be busy busy busy – more than all the bees!

    By the way Jess, I never have ever said no to any form of dessert – even in a Strip Club! Hahahaha


    Dear Syed

    OK lah. Forgive me for my harshness. Maybe we are different because I was brought up in an Arab country even though I was born here.

    I would love to show you, Jess and Fatin some of the beautiful Arab countries and experience true Arabian hospitality. It’s winter now and will be snowing soon in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Jordan and the mountains in Sinai (Egypt). Missed being there.

    OK, I better keep my mouth shut for a while!

  1460. I meant the Choc Indulgence at the bar counter of the Strip Club ok?! Who cares about the stripper?!?!?

    Oh by the way, do you know that Secret Recipe is having a Buy-1-Get-1-Free on 10DEC?

  1461. Dearest Jess, Fatin & Rose

    The YMessenger messages you left me were accidently deleted through no fault of mine. Please resend.


    Dear Mister Omar A

    Do you smoke Shisha?

  1462. Ya Habiby,

    Really, I was thinking about the cake, not the stripper. I know you have already pencen being the party animal. Now, you’re the ancient relic of the Middle East. So, I’ll be at the SRec to see whether they’re having the same promo here.

  1463. satu hari nanti saya ingin menjadi seperti kamu

  1464. I’m sorry. Who is it that Aiman wants to be like? Not the stripper, I hope! 😀

  1465. Hey naughty man,

    I think he meant Doc SMS. Don’t bully the small boy!

    But anyway, I think Aiman Tak Kisah, kan?

  1466. Another Arab Forum

    The Syeds (self proclaimed descendants of the Prophet of Islam)

    They claimed that the brough Islam to Nusantara.

    Another Arab says: OK, thank you very much. In the name of the Prohet of Islam (pbuh), I ask that you go back to Hadhramaut and leave every wealth you’ve plundered and looted here. Don’t even take One Sen more than what your ancestors brought with them!

    That by itself is proof of sincere missionary work! Let us see whether they will leave!

  1467. Another Arab Forum

    The Syeds (self proclaimed descendants of the Prophet of Islam)

    They claimed that they brought Islam to Nusantara.

    Another Arab says: OK, thank you very much. In the name of the Prohet of Islam (pbuh), I ask that you go back to Hadhramaut and leave every wealth you’ve plundered and looted here. Don’t even take One Sen more than what your ancestors brought with them!

    That by itself is proof of sincere missionary work! Let us see whether they will leave! Note: I am not holding my breath for them to leave!

  1468. Dearest AA,

    U r back?

    Oversurplus of energy again? lol

    Take care 🙂

  1469. Attention:
    Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia

    Please note that the SYEDS came here from Hadhramaut, Yemen as missionaries from over 1000 years ago and they came without legal and proper documentation.

    They have overstayed in our country and exhausted the hospitality of the natives. Native people are still living in abject poverty while they loot and plunder this nation of ours. Please have your enforcement officers along with RELA members to hunt them down and place them in detention centres within our country.

    Let me know if you need any assistance.

  1470. Dearest Fatin

    The oversurplus of energy was from the Chocolate Indulgence. Don’t blame me! Blame Secret Recipe!

    Imagine when I get my hands on a Buy-1-Get-1-Free?!


  1471. Dearest AA,

    I can juz imagine when u get ur hands on that Buy-1-Get-1-Free…offer!

    wow..two handful… 🙂

  1472. correction

    two handsful?? :O

  1473. Hi AA,

    Place Syeds in detention centres? The Asyraff members are going to gang up & scan Selayang for a lunatic 6’2″ Arab now. They’ll even standby at the nearest Secret Recipe for a stakeout. Have your keris out!!

  1474. Draw your keris out, I mean.. (haven’t had my morning coffee)

  1475. Hai Arab,

    Tkacih for msg kat YM lepas t/mlm.

    per yg oh..uh..tu? lain mcm jer bunyinyerr…

    bila bleh chat? mlm nie?

  1476. Another Arab Forum (updated 9th Dec ’07)

    The Syeds (self proclaimed descendants of the Prophet of Islam)

    They claimed that they brought Islam to Nusantara.

    Another Arab says: OK, thank you very much for bringing Islam to Nusantara. We have accepted it.

    As such, in the name of the Prohet of Islam (pbuh), I ask that you go back to Hadhramaut and leave every wealth you’ve plundered and looted here. Don’t even take One Sen more than what your ancestors brought with them!

    That by itself is proof of sincere missionary work! Let us see whether they will leave! Note: I am not holding my breath for them to leave!


    Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Malaysia

    Please note that the SYEDS came here from Hadhramaut, Yemen as missionaries from over 1000 years ago and they came without legal and proper documentation.

    They have overstayed in our country and exhausted the hospitality of the natives. Native people are still living in abject poverty while they loot and plunder this nation of ours. Please have your enforcement officers along with RELA members to hunt them down and place them in detention centres within our country.

    Let me know if you need any assistance.

  1477. Dearest Jess

    Thank for reminding me! LOL!

    Now I will have to avoid the outlet in Selayang! 😀

  1478. akum,hi macho awak maaf ye kami ni wow……walau macm mna pun kami bangga dengan awak sebab jadi hero kami semua……..kami sayang dgn dr,sms,,,,,,,,smli frm sabah……..

  1479. When will the so called ‘Keturunan Syed’ as well as the ‘Keturunan Sheikh’ realise that if the Chinese in our country can survive without Bumiputra rights, so can they???

    I am a living proof of such a survival.

  1480. hai saya ada website bukak la

  1481. websitenya http://www.myaiman.blogspot.com

  1482. Aiman

    You nya website boring lah. Boleh tak you letakkan sekeping gambar kuih Chocolate Indulgence?

  1483. Dearest AA,


    Today (10.12.07) is “BUY ONE FREE ONE” promotion at all Secret Recipe’s outlets…

    ….hmmm perhaps I shld ask commission from SR.. 🙂

  1484. Dearest Fatin

    Would I ever forget something like that? 😀

    For your information, I have a double Choc Indulgence and have been dancing around my dining table in delight. Might even consider stripping if encouraged! 😀 😀

    Too band I don’t have a bar counter!

  1485. AA dearest!

    I will be more than delighted to watch when that happens… 🙂

    Dun need a bar counter… a chair wld do juz fine!

    (I remember my eccentric caucasian colleague belly danced on a chair and if it was not for the Big Boss storming in, he wld hv stripped to tatters.. 🙂 (spurred by our encouragements of course…lol)

  1486. Wonder if the club strippers realise that they have to face tough competition when challenged by a piece of Choc Indulgence instead of a Miss Universe/World look-alike? 😀 😉

  1487. Ya Habiby,
    Do you realise that the competition is only with you? Don’t think any other guy with a stable sound mind would have any problems deciding which dessert they would have on their table.

  1488. I admit. I am the only lunatic here! 😀

  1489. Aiman Sayang,

    You are sooo cute!! Your website is sooo cute!!

  1490. Saudara Arab,

    Tkasih for adding me. Tp melihatkan keadaan saudara yg masih tegang dan sarat dgn amarah terhadap kaum syed dan sheikh, saya buat masa ini belum bersedia untuk berinteraksi dgn saudara. Nantilah disatu masa apabila keadaan lebih selesa mungkin saya akan hubungi messenger saudara.

    Ms Jess,

    Tkasih juga kerana add saya. Boleh kita berbicara
    di Messenger Yahoo, selalu saya free sikit waktu lepas pejabat sementara menunggu pulang. Juga waktu malam saya kekadang ada juga log in. Hopefully dpt chat dgn saudari.

    Ms Fatin,

    Boleh saya dapatkan ID u. Saya ingin add u dlm my messenger. Boleh juga kita chat dan berkenalan.

    Ok tkasih semua (;)

  1491. Dearest Jess

    Finally, I found the clip of Zekra’s duet with Ehab Tawfeek (who is the nephew of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak). The song Wa La 3aref is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3esh5Ue-bQ

    Zekra is as you know was a rising star from Tunisia when her life was terminated sudeenly. Here you can listen to her powerful voice. Ehab has had a few good hits but he will never match Abdel Halim.

  1492. Dearest Fatin

    A man who is interested in women is STRAIGHT
    A man who is interested in men is GAY

    What about a man who is in lust with Chocolate Indulgence? 😀 😀

    How can we describe/categorise such a man?

  1493. Dear Omar (Sorry can’t call you Syed cos I myself am a Syed, Mister I mean!)

    Have you checked out the new Hadhramaut Restaurant (next to Eden) in KL? I am not a big fan of Yemeni dished but they do have some nice dishes!

    Wonder if they have the nice Yemeni dessert ‘Bint Es-Sa7n’?

    😀 Stop it Fatin! I can’t help it! 😀

  1494. I would even settle for a ‘Zunood Es-Siet’ (in English The Lady’s Elbow)!

  1495. Desrest Jess & Fatin

    A thing about Posessive Pronoun in Arabic:

    My House – MenzellY or DarrY (Dar El-e7saan)
    ending with Y to denotes ‘my’

    Her flight – Re7latha
    ending with HA to denotes ‘hers’

    His studies – derrasaatu
    ending with (H)U denote ‘his’

    Our love – 7obbena
    ending with NA denotes ‘ours’

  1496. Dearest AA,

    I wld juz leave this guy alone with his indulgence. Let him luxuriate in this extravagance to the max. I strongly believe anything too much is juz no good. Moderation is the word.. hmmmm

    No categorisation for him… he is juz lavishing himself and focussing on this luxury to divert his inner sense of emptiness and vacuum. It is his way of filling the void… there cld be other ways but he chooses the Choc Indulgence..which is to my opinion, a much more safer option.. dun u think so? 🙂 🙂

  1497. Dearest Jess & Fatin

    Please read this website:

  1498. Dear Omar

    For every single Malay scholarship that a SYED took; he has deprived a Deli Melayu from receiving education. For every piece of land that a SYED has taken, he has deprived a Deli Melayu of his own land.

    Tell me again about SYEDs being descendants of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)? Can you support such claim through DNA?

    For me, I will stand by historical records that clearly showed that most of Hadhramaut was under a Jewish tribe. They converted to Islam and could not forsake their ‘skull and bones’ characteristics. They embrace Islam and took their ancestry from maternal lines instead of paternal lines as required by Islam.

    Note: The Jews take their surname from their father and their ancestry from their mother!

  1499. Dearest Jess, Fatin & Omar

    Here’s a singer with the same name as myself (LOAY) –

    See how the name is spelt in Arabic! Don’t forget the Hamzah sits on the Waw!

  1500. Ya Habiby Loay,

    Here’s my definition:
    A guy who is in lust with Choc Indulgence -> LUNATIC

    Correct?? Absolutely, I think.

    Anyway, thanks for the Wa La 3aref song.. Can u find her last video anywhere (the one where she is the ghost)?

  1501. Dearest AA,

    The article on Org-Nias-di-PP looks interesting. However wld appreciate if u cld briefly elaborate coz I hv only read the gist of the article. (Penat nak baca panjang panjang) 😛

    Hey u muz be 1000 percent pre-occupied with ur visitors! So I guess u hv no time to be a “beached whale” this time around in Penang.

    Hmmm….it looks like this forum has turned into a graveyard … 🙂

  1502. Read the full comments on Yaay Se7her 3oyonou!

  1503. Yeah. Arab songs rule the world! Go Nancy Go!

  1504. My earlier posting somehow were not reflected. Hmmm!

  1505. Anyway, here is a song from our adorable Nancy Ajram of Lebanon – Yaay Se7er 3oyonou (Yaay, the magic of his eyes!). Song is sung in Levantine Arabic and it is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnNXVPrkcfI

    Read the full 329 comments from various nationalities. That is why I say that Arabic songs rule the world!

  1506. Lyrics for Yaay Se7er 3oyonou at http://www.arabiclyrics.net/Nancy-Agram/Yaay.htm


  1507. Dearest Jess

    I found songs of ZEKRA at http://pages.6arab.com/singers-ar/west/thekra-ar.shtml

    Since this site is in Arabic, please note that Istima3 is Listen and Ta7meel is Download.

  1508. Dear Omar

    Come on! Don’t hide away from me! Why don’t you chat with me and prove everything that I have stated as incorrect? If you don’t defend your own SYEDs, the Malays will judge you all base on my statements. And let me assure you that they have!

    I don’t think any Malay is proud to be associated with any Syed since ALL (including those in Arau) share the same kampung as Osama bin Laden!

  1509. Another singer worthy of mention is ANGHAM of Egypt. She has a nice song 3omry Ma3ak and it is athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vwA8Z_h7QQ


  1510. Let’s try this again:

    Another singer worthy of mention is ANGHAM of Egypt. She has a nice song 3omry Ma3ak and it is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vwA8Z_h7QQ


  1511. Saba7 El-Kheir ya Jess

    Details about Nancy is available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Ajram

    She is 24yo. It doesn’t mention about her religion though but I know that the name AJRAM (or Agram in Egyptian Arabic) is Persian in origin.

  1512. As long as descendants of Arab immigrants enjoy Bumiputra rights in Malaysia, racism is alive! Do you get that Omar?

  1513. Saudara Arab,

    Saya tidak mahu berkomentar lagi dan tutup semua komunikasi buat masa ini.

    Komunikasi saya mungkin dengan Jess dan Fatin sahaja(please add me Fatin or let me have your ID, plssss). Itu pun kalau mereka sudi.


  1514. Hai Dr Sheikh M dan smua peminat,

    Apa kabarrrr….. lama tk sembang
    Raya Qurban nih tak balik kampung ke ?

    Wish all Selamat Hariraya Qurban… ta..ta.

  1515. Hello yang aktif di sini..heheh…

    Arab – blum pencen lagi ke?

  1516. masih solo ke arab?

    tak dak gurlpren?
    sya rase klau arab ada gurl, mesti arab tak marah2

    buang mase je, baik bawa gurlpren jlnjln ker, tgok movie ker..

  1517. Slamat Menyambut HariRaya Qurban;

    kami ada buat qurban skit kat klang

    klau nak daging nanti dtg klang, kat masjid besar

  1518. Masa2 El-Kheir Ya Habiby, (No 2 correct for Hamzah?)

    Thanks for the info & the songs. In the spirit of Hari Raya, why not give the bashings a rest & slaughter the animals instead. I know you’d be good at that too! Are you going anywhere to balik kampung this raya?

  1519. Fatin dearest,

    Are you going back to kampung as well for raya? Your hometown is not flooded, I hope.

  1520. Dearest Jess

    Correct, No. 2 can be used for the Hamzah.

    I would give the bashing a stop in recognition of the festivities BUT do you think all the munafiks (Arabs yang muka tebal menyamar sebagai Bumiputra Melayu) will give the looting and plunder of this nation a break?

    I don’t think so! So don’t blame me if I sembah the Christian Arabs and the Chinese!

  1521. Dear Jess, Fatin & Omar

    3eid Mubarak wa Kullu 3am Wa Antom Bekheir!

    I am going to get together with some Arabic students (Mauritania, Somalia, KSA and Palestine) for some Kebabs! Apparently, there is a nice Arabic Restaurant in Cyberjaya and they want me to take them there! I honestly never thought that there is one there but hey our King is an Arab right? What the heck!

  1522. Dearest Jess

    Balik kampung? Me? LOL. My kampung will be a long flight away. I’d settle for any Secret Recipe nearby and pretend that I am home!

  1523. 7abiby Omar

    Wallahi I like you but I am a nut case. I have to make you despise me before I can make you a dear brother. Perhaps when you see through my insanity?

    Will you join me for some Arabic food this Eid?

  1524. Jess sweetheart…

    Yes I am going back to my kampung. It is not flooded and it is not Pekan, btw.. :).

    Anyway wishing you and ur family Selamat Hariraya Aidil Adha.

  1525. Dear Syed,

    I hv added u to my YM.

    Keep in touch and Selamat Hariraya Aidil Adha. 🙂

  1526. Dear Omar

    Has your beloved sisted Datuk (Grandfather?) Aini ever sang a song for Palestine?

    Here’s Nawal El-Zoghby singing AL-2ODS in Classical Arabic. Song is dedicated to Palestine and the Palestinians!

    So, now you know why we don’t allow religion to separate us – thanks to the wisdom of the Prophet of Islam (pbuh)!

  1527. Here’s another Christian Arab dedicating a song for Palestine and the Palestinian.

    Our Lebanese Diva FAIRUZ (aka Noha Haddad) sings Sanarja3ou Youman (We shall return one day). The song is at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ-4IccnYX0

    Enjoy this golden oldie!

  1528. Saya, Another Arab, menyusun jari sepuluh dan memohon ribuan ampun dan maaf dari Encik Omar yang amat saya menghormati.

  1529. Saudara Arab,

    Okay saya ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Eidil Adha untuk saudara sekeluarga.

    Ms Jess,

    Harap tak “miss” lagi untuk chat. Wishing you the same for this Eidil Adha.

    Ms Fatin,

    Tq for the add. Tapi entah bila pula agaknya dapt chat, saya rasa you ni selalu busy. Wishing you too the same for Eidil Adha.

  1530. have a nice day.enjoy ur day…

  1531. Dear Observer

    Assuming that you are a Muslim Malay, I would like to remind you that it is inappropriate for you to suggest that I go jalan2 with girls. Sorry to inform you but jalan2 with girls in Malaysia will eventually end up with ‘baby dumping’ at the streets. Or you are ingonarant of that??!! Perhaps, instead of commenting on me, you should focus on this issue because it is plaguing the Malay community more that the kufarak!

  1532. Oh by the way, I will only go out with girls who has prayer mat at their office – at least I know she loves Allah more than anyone else!

  1533. lorrrr Arab,

    takkan jlnjln dgn gurl aje dah “babydumpling” takkan ganas sgt kot…kakakakakah

    jgn ingat yg bawa tikar sembahyang kat opis tu semua bagus, ada yg sembahyang tak tinggal tapi molot potpet potpet umpat orang, ape kes????

  1534. awak nak yg sembahyang, wak sembahyang kerr? heheh..

  1535. Dearest AA,
    Oh you left Syed alone & found a new target! Very wise. I pity the Observer though.

    Syed Dear,
    We’ll chat, don’t worry.

  1536. jgn hot pulak, nanti ambih keyboard pc you hentam taip kuatkuat nak balas…kakakakakah

    tak pasal pasal tercabut keyboard you…!!

  1537. ambih bakul sampah kena tendang…heheh..

    sapa dekat abih kena smash…kakakakah
    klau bleh angkat pc campak kat dinding! senang citer no

    k la nanti bertambah panas lg berasap mcm naga tasik cini kakakakah

    nanti org raya hepi hepi , awk masuk hspital sbb parah mengamuk tok nadim…!

    OK Slmat Mengamuk dan jgn lupa makan kueh raya, klau makan lemang dan rendang tu kunyah lumatlumat.. kakakakah ..klau rendang pedass, minum air nira,,,heheh

  1538. Wooowwwwww

    Love anda semuaaaaa!!!!!

    except Pak Arab Amok Tok Nadim

    Love you Jess
    Love you Fatin
    Love you Rose
    Love you Syed
    Love you zorro
    Love you .. sape lagik??

  1539. Dear Observer

    I am glad that you hate me. It really serves my purpose more than anything else. So, may I ask you, why are Malays menyembah orang Arab sampai dinaikkan sebagai Raja2 Melayu?

    Apa takde Bangsa Melayu yang layak ker? Apa you tak tahu ker yang Mizan tu Arab – Keturunan Pendatang dari negara yang lebih jauh dari negara China?

  1540. Dear Observer

    Instead of you posting unnecessary comments on me, why don’t you request clarification from the Govt why Arabs in Malaysia are given Bumiputra rights! I have never taken anything more than what is entitled to the Indians and the Chinese in our country. So, why should they plunder and loot?

    Instead, I have been contributing to our country’s economy by identify and securing suppliers for the UAE, which is something beneficial to the country.

    Alternative, you can also devote your time in community efforts to issues like Glue Sniffing, Boh Siyah and Mat Rempit besides the Baby Dumping syndrome. These issues plague the Malay community badly. Note: I don’t cause these problems – it is your own corrupt Malays that chose to sell their bangsa!

  1541. And they sell it cheaply to the Chinese and the Jews!

  1542. Dearest AA, Jess, Syed and the rest…


    AA, Hv a great Kebab celebrations at Cyberjaya;

    Jess, Will bake the delicious butter cake;

    Syed, Hv a nice raya

    TAKE CARE AND GOD BLESS!! OHHH…Mario..where are u?? and Lilia??

  1543. Dear AA, Fatin, Syed, & everyone else,

    Selamat Hari Raya Haji & Maaf Zahir Batin.

  1544. Mario & Lilia eloped!

  1545. Dearest Jess

    What happens when an Arab guy falls in love with an Indian girl?

    Here’s what happened – watch this clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lfcwqb3QFDQ&feature=related

    Enjoy the fantastic song by Hisham 3abbas! And read the comments!

  1546. Dearest Fatin

    This catchy song brings me back to sweet memories of my clubbing days in 2001! We used to dance with this song – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRP5lhkr6qg

    The song, Tashakurat, is from the Algerian Diva, FULLA.


    Note: Even the clubs in London used to play this song!

  1547. Dear Omar

    For you, I’ve selected a clip of SHAKIRA.

    Shakira is a Colombian national,
    Shakira is an Arabic name (from Shakara the root verb),
    Shakira is an intertional pop star,
    Shakira is not afraid to show to the world her real idenity,
    Shakira did not go around in a parade banging drums and telling the world she is a descendant of a prophet,
    Shakira is an ARAB and she is damn proud of it.

    Enjoy this belly dance from OM KOLTHOUM hit Enta 3omri: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bj05_s3RLA

  1548. Dear Observer

    Please name me just 1 Malay singer who can go on a world tour and perform concerts in North America, Europe, the Arab World and Australia in Bahasa Melayu? Don’t even mention Siti becaues her concerts were subsidised just so that our Govt can show to the world that MELAYU BOLEH. Boleh aper?

    While you spent the rest of your life pondering, please enjoy this clip of our superstar, Nancy Ajram with the song Illy Kan – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDPqgsQ1eJc&feature=related

    Note: Let me know if you need to watch more talented Arab superstars that have circled the globes performing concerts in Arabic!

  1549. Dearest AA,

    Wow I bet ur dance moves then were the most original and the most electrified!

    Thanks for the song anyway. Hmmmm so much reminded of this one tall long haired gd looking hunk who danced with both eyes closed and slithered like a snake all over the dance floor… lol!

    Oh well those were the days…

  1550. Dear Observer

    Which Malay singer has contributed part of his/her income generated from concerts for the benefit Palestinians?

  1551. Dear Observer

    In our recent history (1990), it showed the Malays as selling their vote in the UN Security Council to allow the US to slaughter Arab women and children in Iraq?

    What has the Arabs done to deserve this mass slaughter? You Malays have your hands tainted with the murder of Arab women and children so that some high ranking Malays in UMNO can be enriched!

  1552. Dearest Fatin

    Fulla really brought back those fun days! This song was such a hit back in 2001 (pre-911) and I remember even in Europe it was such a hit!

    Don’t you think Fulla rocks? This song made her household name.

    Tashakurat Afendum!

  1553. Dearest AA,

    I dunno if Fulla rocks but I sure know u know how to rock!

    : P

  1554. Dear Observer

    Obviously, the Malays also participated in the mass slaughter of Chinese on 13 May when they chose to ‘kerat kepala’ orang China!

    Hope you won’t forget that! I didn’t!

  1555. Dear Observer

    Why so quiet? Scared to face the truth?

    Here’s another truth – you are a fool!

  1556. Dear Observer

    Tell me what happened at Kampung Medan a few years ago? Another mass slaughter???

    No wonder the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ has been used!

  1557. Dear Observer

    Here’s my take on the symbol of kissing the keris:

    Kissing the keris = The Malay symbol of Zionism!

  1558. Dear Observer

    So, when are you Malays going to start to ‘kerat kepala’ orang Arab?? Not that it hasn’t been done before especially when we look at pictures of dead Arab women and children in Iraq from the Gulf War! Yeah, go ahead be proud of yourself!

  1559. Dear Observer

    Where are you? Hiding in shame??

    My my! I haven’t even skewered your tongue with my Kerismuddin!

  1560. AA Dearest….

    Hmmmm…. pls dun remind us of May 13th. Malays kepala got “kerat”ed also… 🙂

    AA… (sigh!)

  1561. Dearest Fatin

    OK, OK. Just trying to get the message across to the Observer.

    Hey, remember Sang Merah Putih? Well, the Arabs have their own version – look at the flags of Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Those are the colours of the Arab Omma and has become the basis of colours for the other Arabs (e.g. Sudan).

  1562. AA,

    Pls log in YM and read my messages… hmmmm

  1563. AA Dearest,

    Thanks for the songs & for making the effort to find them. Go easy on the comments. You are a very nice guy. Let people see you for who you are.

  1564. Askum..

    Sye hrap Dr.Sms dlam keadaan baiek..knape yer skrg x dger citer psal Dr???

  1565. Pe kabar semua?

    Hepi New Year 2008

    Rase tak sabar nak tunggu thn depan, mungkin ade episode baru dlm hidup sya dan kwn kwn semua jug.

    Ucpan STB pd dr sms dan keluarga
    juga yg ade disni

  1566. oh ye!!

    merry christmas bg mrk yg berugama kristian.

  1567. senyap sunyi forum. smua dah gi holiday.
    opis pun tinggal mat despatch jerr

  1568. Aku terasa kesunyian..
    Di ptg yg syahdu..
    Bila agaknya bertemu
    Dgn mu syang…

    Knp hati ini..
    merasa kesedihan
    knpa agaknye
    ku rase kehilangan


    untk menghiburkan hati yg sdg kesepian

    (sorang pun tak de kat opis..! baik aku kemas dan blah!) C u all!

  1569. Sunyi sepi saje forum nih! Semua dh merajuk kerr?
    atau gi bercuti sakan!

  1570. mana semua menghilang???

  1571. Dear Rose_Tak_Kembang & Zorro

    What? You guys missed me even though I bashed hard?!?!

    Looks like I am not the only lunatic in town!

  1572. Dr Sheikh, I luv u. U nie handsome sgt. Nape la nak kahwin cepat2 nie.

  1573. The Sun (24th December 2007) – Church leaders explain use of ‘ALLAH’.

    Dear Members of this Forum

    Allah is a word that Bahasa Melayu has adopted from Arabic. Despite the fact that Malaysia is a Muslim country, Malaysia refused to embrace Arabic as one of its official language.

    Therefore, no Malaysian authority has the right to determine/restrict the usage of any word that is purely Arabic in origin. That right belongs to the Arab League and its 22 member countries.

    All Malays please remember this – embracing Islam and being a Muslim does not make you a native speaker of the Arabic Language. Likewise, not all native speakers of the Arabic language are Muslims – there are Christians, Druzes and Jews amongst us.

    The word ALLAH had been in existence before Islam. So, do not forget that ALLAH in English is simply God. If you insist that ALLAH is a Muslim God, you should also explain that TUHAN is a pagan deity for the Malays.

    Stop making a fool of yourself!

  1574. Dearest All,

    Wow… the “sunshine” is back… :P!

    Since 2008 is juz around the corner, let us all enjoy this beautiful song by the great legend Jose Feliciano
    (for those who care to know.. he is blind)

  1575. Another beautiful song by Jose Feliciano..

    enjoy 🙂 🙂 🙂

  1576. Attn:
    Johari Baharum (aka the dumbass from UMNO)

    View this – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrJ-GHa3ufI

    Trust me. It will clear your mind that everything Arabic are Islamic!

  1577. AA Dear,

    So, sizzling belly dance in the morning. We’re off to a hot day full of bashing, aren’t we?

  1578. Hiya sweet Fatin!!

    Wats up? Just back from my long trip, still unable to adjust to Malaysian time!!

    Hey! still wasting your sweat here?!! Can we talk??!!

  1579. Hi Mario,

    Welcome back. 🙂 Hows everything with ya?

    hmmm… heres something french for ur listening pleasure.. enjoy 🙂

  1580. Mario,

    Heres the version (with english translation) by Celine Dion

  1581. to Fatin

    Awesome – nice song, you posted 4 mario.
    I enjoy listening especially d Celine Dion’s version. IL Divo nt 2 bad either.

    Kays.. Happy New Yr to you and all here !

  1582. My Fatin!!

    Merci!!! Thats a great song!! Ross is right, its awesome.! Hey! I rummaged through YTube and found this song for you.!!

    I have just woken up from sleep, would be like this for a few days!!!!

  1583. Mario

    Welcome back! Any interesting adventures to share with us?

  1584. Omar

    You know that song ‘Ya 7abeen Roo7y’ by ARWA; well, it is well sung and I love her pronounciation of the dialect – very clear. I’ve met a few people from Aden and their Arabic is so vividly clear.

  1585. Yo AA!!!

    Nice of you!! Thank you!!!!

    If you want to know if there is any interesting adventure, well, have a “teh tarik” or “cafe latte” session with me one of these days huh??!!!

    Right now it is only sleep, sleep and more sleep for me!!!!

    Just in case I would miss this, Happy New Year to you and everyone here!!!!

  1586. My Fatin!!!

    Like the song I posted for you??!!
    Any more song for me??

    Going out for the new year??

    A Happy New Year to you sweet Fatin,

  1587. Dearest Fatin

    Remember I mentioned about a TV show I enjoy watching over ART – Kallam Nawa3em?

    Well, watch this clip (in English) – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjvpbChHm_Q

    We have 4 prominent ladies (Egyptian, Lebanese, Palestinian & Saudi) discussing issues that are important to the Arab World.

    Mona Abu Suleiman is wonderful. I adore her!

  1588. I forgot to mention that THREE Arabic dialects are used during Kallam Nawa3em (Sweet Talks) – Egyptian (Fawzia), Gulf (Mona) & Levantine (Fara7 & Rania).

    This is a good show to pick up Arabic dialects fast.

  1589. Dear Mario,

    Yesss thanks for the song. Its kewl .. 🙂

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO U TOO, … do get all the sleep u can, bet u will sleep end of 2007 into 2008..lol!

    Something light and easy for u..

  1590. The Sun (31st December 2007) – Different faiths, same language.

    Dear Members of this Forum

    The issue had been resolved and Herald’s permit is renewed.

    However, as a face saving gesture as well as damage control, the Director-General of DBP had been made to state ‘the word ALLAH has been used for years, exclusively referring to the Islamic notion (of God)’. Hmmm …another stupid remark to save the face of a colossal idiot.

    Exactly a year ago, I told a Malay friend that restricting the context of the word ALLAH to Islam will cause sever diplomatic embarrassment for Malaysia simply because ALLAH is an Arabic word and Malaysia is not a member of the Arab League to be in the legal position to technically dictate its proper use. Unfortunately some idiots think that by being a non-Arabic speaking Muslim, they have a divine right to trample on Arabic Language and Arabs. And this is why I am extremely incensed.

    Now, you watch my words – ‘Nama2 Melayu’ of Arabic origin, which are also commonly used by Christian Arabs will in a matter of time be an issue to dispute the Malay identity.

  1591. Dearest AA,

    Thanks for the clip. I enjoy watching it and I can see why u adore Mona A.S. Shes great!

    Heres something to end 2007 for u.. 🙂

  1592. Jess Sweetheart…

    Happy New Year. My best wishes for the coming year for u.

    Hope u like Dayang Nurfaizah. She is one of my fav malay singers. Listen to this and enjoy.. 🙂

  1593. Dearest all,

    AA, Jess, Mario, Lilia, Syed, Sharina, Rose, Ross and everyone here..


    Here is something chirpy to welcome the new year!

    Take care everybody, dun drink and drive, unless u drink kopi o… 😛

  1594. […] Angkasawan Negara, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie, 35, was announced to be the crew of ISS 16 mission after a year of careful and meticulous […]

  1595. Hai 2008

    Ape kaba semua?

    Hrp ade azam baru yg baikbaik!
    Kpd angkasawan kite dr sms, slmt thn baru
    pade kwnkwn disini, slmt menjlni episode bru


  1596. Dr SMS / Dr Faiz


    sEMoga mmbawa kejayaan yg lebih cemerlang!

  1597. SALAM…
    Abang Sheikh, hehehe…
    so hapy met u in usm..remember?how u make all the gurlz hesteria at that time?..I lOve U so Much…SorrY 2 dR.HELINA(BETUL KAN NAMA DIA)..Hehehe..
    mUKA akak 2 ngan abang sheikh sama la.Senyum pun sama. Mesti panjang jodoh…WISH U ALL ePPY 2geder.

  1598. hai per yg geder2 tu?

    eppy tu aper ye?

  1599. Dearest Fatin, Jess & Omar

    Watch this – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2gevDN9rnw

    A Christian Arab finding Islam. His facial feature is definitely Arabic!

  1600. hye oll…
    nie nak ucap happy new year….
    and congrate to my husband muzaffar ‘pura-pura jak nie’ miahahahaha
    lagi nak kata jaga diri masing2
    bye hope friend like me….
    i just kidding to say about husband muzaffar…

  1601. Hola,doc…you’re really an amazing doc ever!!!…congratulations and seronok x raye in space???….anyway,u did a very fantastic job by bringig up MALAYSIA to the space…gua salute sama lu….Syabas!!!

  1602. […] i snap this as a promise to my beloved reader, this is how dr sheikh look alike in the Milo advertisement. He play a ball with the boy that kick his ‘ball‘ during the photo shoot (this is not […]

  1603. u r the best guy in Malaysia!

  1604. TAHNIAH…wat Dr.Sheikh saya bangga dgn Dr. saya hrp dpt jmpa dgn Dr. to know how you feel bla naik kt space….

  1605. It is never to late to congratulate someone like Dr. SMS tho we hardly know each other when he came to Miri (Cornflakes biscuit making contest organised by RTM and Cornflakes) before his victorious mission, i would also like to congratulate him and Dr. F. Bravo young man.

  1606. Mende-mendelah korangn nih..

  1607. Dear my very arrogant, envious, arab brother. ahlen b kom kel shabeb w sabaya. keefkon? w keefak lyoum ya Loay. nchallah b5eir. I am rather agitated and raged by your words though…

    but before that, would like to introduce myself. i am sayyid muhammad bin sayyid omar al shehab. born in singapore. 14 years old.

    i would like to salute you Mr Another Arab, for the honorable effort to fight for the Arabs.

    I do understand that you do not have any tittles like we do. (Dr. Mus, Mr Syed and Myself). But that doesnt give you the right to belittle or call us blasphemous. You are trying to call us Munafiq? What a blind accusation you’ve made. I mean thats a total fitnah.

    And when we say Munafiq or Munafiqeen, we are talking in a religious or Islamic context. hence, i have never heard a person being called a Munafiq for being a hypocrite towards his own Race. You may tell me that Munafiq is an Arabic word and the usage for the term is rather Universal. Arabic, is in my blood too, mind you.

    Now, i dont see why having a tittle like Sayyid or Sheikh is blasphemous what more merepek or karot. Just admit it, your jealous. (you dont have to rebut me on this, shokran.)

    Now to Arabic, i see that you guys might have travel alot, but your knowledge i would say is still yet limited. Theres no “Loghat Arab Levant”. Its a dialect. Its not a language. And theres alot more than Levant Dialects, in which you would have the lahja el lebnaniye, falastiniye, w suriye, in general.

    and i would like to suggest to Mr Another Arab, to do more on your research, cause its really bad to call a Muslim a Christian. Diana Haddad, if you didnt know, married a Muslim. And thus has convert. Shes a Muslim, not Christian.

    Vive le Arab. Dr. Mus you rock. Arabs rock.

    p.s i would like to comment on the Syeds and Sharifahs of the Nusantara, despite having the tittle in your name, and being ethnically arabs, i dont see you guys embracing it wholly. i mean you guys are arabs and we should be like ourselves, Arabs.

    Dont hide behind the shadows of the Malays. Be Arabs. Stand up.

    I would like to end my post with a link to m favorite, i mean it, my most favorite, Arabic Singer, al fannan, Asalah Nasri. Woo! In the Hala Sarhan’s show, she sang Helwa Ya Balady. by dalida. i can cry!!!

    كلمة حلوة وكلمتين
    حلوة يا بلدي
    غنوة حلوة وغنوتين
    قمر يا بلدي ..
    أملي دايما كان يا بلدي
    إني أرجع ليك .. يا بلدي
    وأفضل دايما جنبك على طول ..
    ذكريات كل اللي فات .. فاكرة يا بلدي؟
    قلبي مليان بحكايات
    والله يا بلدي
    اول حب كان في بلدي
    مش ممكن انساه يا بلدي
    فين ايام زمان
    قبل الوداع ..

    cheers. shokran kteer. w salut.

  1608. assalamualaikum everyone,aku nk citer ni aritu aku jumpela angkasawan ni tempat aku praktikal.. nikko hotel hmm not bad looks like very good looking person.. bestla who will be his gf.educated,beriman and bla blabla.kepadgn korang sume kt luar tu jgn jeles ek hihi.close exposure lagi.. at first sume staff nikko tgkap gmbr wiif him aku pun ade kat situ… aku just pandang je die panggil nk tgkap gmbar,tpi aku tknk,sapela aku ni kan??sean nak begambar dgn die.die org besar2x.hmmm.. anyway its such a great experience met wif him.angkasawan negara kita…. bangga aku..hope pasni dpt jumpa tun mahathir plak.. actually dpt suntik semangat aku utk jadi ank melayu yg berjaya dlm karier sendiri.puja artis buatpe,tkdepekdah pun.. bukan kta dpat duit pun,mlekaknla sume tu.atlist kalau puje org educated ni beri semangat pd kita utk meempertingkat kualiti hidup dan bertambah rajin berkerja.hah aku ade gak minat artis tpi tkla over cam budak mude skrg ni.sampai nk tiru cara hidup,berpakaian mereka..idola aku sape lgi siti nurhaliza.sopan,penyanyi no satu negara lagi.n bnyk international artisla cam gareth gates,celine dion.n aku sebagai wakil pade sume remaja dimalaysia ni harap stesen tv kurangkanla siaran hiburan ,siaran realiti tvla,afla,ape lagi perasan tal sume yg join budak melayu..bangse lain ade tak?so,sekarg ni student2x melayu khususnya perlukan siaran berbentuk diskusi,rancangan yg bina minda.. camne melayu nk maju,kalau sume pelajar ipt leka dgn hiburan,dan kta akn ketinggalan dari sege akedemik.bila diorag nk study kalau 24jam siran hiburan je di tv..aku student kolej pun dh kurangkn tgok tv.coz ad semangt belawan bljr dgn budk cina.. sedarlah…… melayu maju,melayu mara berbanding bangsa lain dari semua aspek.. k tata aku nk studyla….

  1609. Hai,nama saya Nurul Nabihah .Umur saya baru 10 dan bersekolah di Sk sultan ahmad tajuddin .Cita-cita saya untuk menjadi komamder ISS.Tetapi saya kena campak saya menyesal kerana tak dapat ke sekolah.

  1610. tahniah diucapkan!!!
    dr.Sheikh Muszaphar mmg cute!!

  1611. I love

  1612. Dik, Pak Arab dah blah.

  1613. thats so sad… so cowardly of him, to write a very arrogant and self-destructing comment and just leave just like that. who does he thnk he is? he cant even speak arabic, for goodness sake…

  1614. Chehab..

    Are u sure u are 14 years old???

    If u really are, I muz say ur maturity level is great, and I applaud u for that..

  1615. Dearest Fatin, Jess, Mario, Rose_Tak_Kembang & all friends here

    I leave tomorrow morning. Well, actually tonight. Let’s chat over YM in a few days. Sorry I have been extremely busy preparaing for the trip. Take care and email me if you’re going to be in the area!

  1616. To the twit from Singapore:

    Please find someone else to babysit you. Or maybe there is a Hebrew language course that you can attend in Singapore since your homeland (Hadhramaut) was once a Jewish Kingdom! And your ancestors were Jew as well!

  1617. Dearest AA,

    Nice to see the “old familiar forgotten feelings” posts here… hv a nice trip back to UAE.

    Keep in touch k…

  1618. correction:

    “funny familiar forgotten feelings” heheh 🙂

  1619. haha. AA, i didn’t know that you are a Syed yourself. if you are a Syed, then don’t you come from Yemen too? and what a coincidental event that i am also learning Hebrew. really. its a beautiful language. But that has nothing to do with the Jews whom inhabited Yemen. I mean, they came there earlier than the Muslims… Even the holy city Madinah al Munawwarah was once inhabited by Jews too. So please… stop your nonsense.

    And i don’t know that there was a Jewish Kingdom in Yemen… wow. What an interesting fact? I wonder where you find that information….

    There are Jews that inhabit Yemen, but never was there a Kingdom. though the Jews still ruled some parts of Yemen… then.

    Yes. I am 14 years old.

  1620. congratulations!!may ALLAH bless u always..

  1621. o.o

    thanks fatin.


  1623. tahniah, dr.syeikh.. terima kasih kerana telah berjaya mengharumkan nama malaysia.. terima kasih dari hujung rambut ke hujung kaki.. terima kasih sekali lagi..

  1624. Dr. tu Gay dia terpilih sebab fizikalnya. Tengok cara dia orang pilih buka baju buka seluar pakai spender je. dan lagi satu DR pernah slept with___ in 1 bed. they buka baju, seluar. Sila rujuk pada http://afham.vangardx.net/2007/10/24/gambar-angkasawan-malaysia/
    tengok gambar with flag dan tulisan bawah dia.

  1625. saya berbangga dengan pencapaian anda….

  1626. tahniah dr sheikh..
    kepada yang mengatakan dr sheikh tu gay tu,sila buktikan… jangan cemburu pada kejayaan orang lain.
    sepatutnya kita bangga atas kejayaan beliau. kepada sesiapa yang ada email dr sheikh muszaphar, tolong beritahu saya. email kan kepada hsn_rita@yahoo.com. terima kasih. kepada dr sheikh muszaphar semoga sentiasa bahagia dan tabah.

  1627. hai dr sheikh ..,

    thank sebab dapat datang ke hari anugerah pelajar cemerlang di rompin pahang ….

  1628. you are malaysian proud!!!!!

  1629. you are malaysian proud!!!!!!!!!!

  1630. congratulation dr.I hope 1 day I can be like you too.

  1631. thats my uncle

  1632. assalamuaikum,

    tahniah kerana telah berjaya menjadi angkasawan pertama Malaysia!semoga berjaya dalam menjayakan misi ke-2!

    gOod LUcK!!!

  1633. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH…..

  1634. hi..congrats..bila nk dtg sabah??



  1636. tahniah!!! ari tu DR. ada datang tawau, sabah…siap melambai-lambai tangan lagi duduk di kereta dengan Datuk Liew…dapat lihat DR. ari tu waktu masuk jalan kampung tempat saya…nampak dari jauh…best juga..ramai sanggat orang..ok..semoga berjaya dalam setiap keikhlasan usaha yang di taburkan..selamat berusaha

  1637. dr.sheikh muzaffar nak e-mail…

  1638. sebab saye nak minat nak jadi saintis angkasa

  1639. ala…t aku pn leh jd angkasawan..atuk aku dulu angkasawan pertama,x heran pown…

  1640. hai dr.sheikh & kapten faiz how are u now????biler nak dtng kat kuching,swrk???

  1641. congrate!I hope I can be like you.and takziah for your younger brother.kalau free datanglah rumah kat ceras. 9/7 hari jadi saya.saya teringin nak e-mail dengan dr.sebenarnya saya ni darjah 6.doakan saya berjaya dalam UPSR dan jadi macam dr.kalau boleh nak presernt dari dr. please!!.bye!see you…

  1642. saya bersyukur kerana perjalanan beliau selamat,pergi dan pulang.saya juga bersyukur ramai yang bercita-cita seperti beliau.alhamdulillah.saya juga mahu mengucapkan tahniah kepada beliau yang telah terpilih menjadi angkasawan pertama.alhamdulillah………..congratulation

  1643. cemekom dr sheikh muszaphar . semoga dlm keadaan baik saja .

  1644. dr sheikh dtg la kat sekolah saye kat hulu slangor . saye teringin nk jadi cam doktor . doakan saya sukses dlm PMR pada tahun 2010 . saye nk jadi doktor gak tapi doktor pakar jantung . nk tanye lagi , camner nk ske kat subjek MATH ? thanks

  1645. dadadadaddadda

  1646. Tahniah!!! Semoga Dr akan terus maju jaya dan memperkembangkan lagi dunia sains kita di mata dunia…. You are my hero and idol….. congratulation to you….

  1647. assalamualaikum…
    apa kaba??TAHNIAH d’ucapkan kpd dr.syed muzaffar syukur
    krna telah membuktikan bhwa ank melayu pun boleh berjaya…
    saya kagum dgn kejayaan yg telah anda ciptakan…
    ok..semoga terus maju jaya…drpd..
    shazwany binti saidi,,,we love u..

  1648. Tahniah sekarang dapat Datuk

    bila nak kahwin ??????????????

  1649. Tahniah sekarang dapat Datuk

    bila nak kahwin ??????????????


  1650. assalamualaikum….

    umur saya 13 tahun,,
    saya peminat setia dr…
    saya nk jadi mcm dr….
    dr ortopedik…
    tummg dah cita2 saya sejak kecil…
    tunjuk ajar ku sifu..

  1651. huhu congrates dpt dr…… tp bler plak nk kawen?????

  1652. assalamualaikum
    slamat hari rayer maaf zahir n batin……..nk tnyer satu bleh…….bler nk kawen???

  1653. As’kum..tahniah coz berjaya harumkan nama negara..All the best k..GO,GO,CHAYOK….

  1654. tahniah,aq tabik springgggggggggglah…..
    sdh harumkan negara lgi….
    eheh pandainya………….
    moga aq jadi mcm dr. ni….

  1655. saya ingin memasuki sekolah ini pada tahun depan

  1656. Assalamualaikum
    tahniah di atas kejayaan anda kerana telah merialisasikan hasrat rakyat malaysia.Dalam kesempatan yang ada saya juga bersyukur kepada yang maha esa kerana telah memberi keizinan serta memberi rahmat kepada awak agar selamat pergi dan balik.Dan saya berharap agar awak terus berjaya dalam hidup dan akhirat.Dan terus berbakti kepada rakyaf dan negera

  1657. ??????????

  1658. assalamualaikum.tahniah krn atas kejayaan anda.anda tlh naikkan nm agamaislam dan buktikan bhw org islam jg bleh maju.kejayaan anda tlh naikkan smgt saya untuk capai cita2 saya

  1659. assalamualikum,

    ingat tak kat bintulu,terima kasih sebab datang bintulu lepas tu beri motivasi.datanglah bintulu lagi.

  1660. thank you syeikh muzaphar syah because you proud our nation.

  1661. A’kum Dr. Sheikh .I’m really proud of you because you still can smile although you have faced many challenges before and after return home to Malaysia.I think you can be a great idols to students especially youngster in knowing their own future after seeing you can manage your own time although you are busy.Chaiyok…Chaiyok…and may AllAH SWT will blessing you marriage with you future wife .And know that “the more challenges that we need to face ,that’s mean there more Allah SWT love us “

  1662. i wish allah help orang malaysia for ever
    hussein from iraq

  1663. acTuaLLy kaN, shEikH muzaFar iS n0t aN astR0nauT… bUt spaCe t0uR jerK!! uweeeekkkSSS!!!! 😛

  1664. 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

  1665. 😛 🙂 😛 🙂 baB00oon

  1666. c00000lllllllllll man…………..that’s awesome….:-)

  1667. yeah.sekarang kita dah ada ikon no.1 negara iaitu angkasawan negara,Dr sheikh muszaphar shukor al-masrie.tak lama lagi,muncullah ikon no.2 negara iaitu angkasawn no.2 negara,Dr. faiz khalid.hahaha

  1668. lol tol lah si BaDgirl tu kan.sampai hati dia type yang Dr. ni bukan angkasawan no.1.tapi sebaliknya dia type Dr. ni cuma seorang SpAcE ToUr JeRk.huhuhu kesian Dr. sheikh kan :{
    takper Dr. sheikh,sabar je lah kan.dah budak-budak gila sangat nak cari kesalahan orang.suka nak memalukan orang yang tengah “up” kan.jangan lupa pergilah kat negeri sarawak,bumi kenyalang.first sekali,cari tempat rehat dulukan.secondly,Dr. mesti pergi kat sekolah sukan negeri tabuan jaya ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai sekolah menengah kebangsaan tabuan jaya,kuching.

  1669. lol tol lah si BaDgirl tu kan.sampai hati dia type yang Dr. ni bukan angkasawan no.1.tapi sebaliknya dia type Dr. ni cuma seorang SpAcE ToUr JeRk.huhuhu kesian Dr. sheikh kan :{
    takper Dr. sheikh,sabar je lah kan.dah budak-budak gila sangat nak cari kesalahan orang.suka nak memalukan orang yang tengah “up” kan.jangan lupa pergilah kat negeri sarawak,bumi kenyalang.first sekali,cari tempat rehat dulukan.secondly,Dr. mesti pergi kat sekolah sukan negeri tabuan jaya ataupun lebih dikenali sebagai sekolah menengah kebangsaan tabuan jaya,kuching.hahahaha

  1670. Dr. sheikh,boleh tak beri kata-kata perangsang buat saya untuk menghadapi peperiksaan?kalau Dr. nak beri kata-kata perangsang tu,terima kasih k.ini dia alamat friendster saya,
    terima kasih sekali lagi kalau Dr. sudi reply mesej saya ni.urm,macam mana yer kalau nak cakap terima kasih dalam bahasa Rusia?hahaha

  1671. bravo..n i am one of your fan..will u visit Indonesia..to give us spirit to be like u?

  1672. Bleh x Dr Sheikh Muzaffar antar mesej untuk saya,sebab thn ini saya akan menduduki UPSR…Balaslah klau rajin saye x pakse…lagi satu nak tanye dalam age camni patut x saye bercinta…ni e-mail saye shakugan_123@yahoo.com.my…..Doakan supaye dapat 5A dalam UPSRye TRIMAS!!!!saye bukan org jepun yek….hahaha.OH lagi satu saye stuju ngan tasneem amira tuu bahawa BaDgirl tu memang bad..saye sangat stuju ngan amira…..balaslah yeeeeeee

  1673. assalamualaikum..wow msti best kn g sner,,9 april ari tu dr sheikh muszaphar dew g skola mrsm kuantan n stiap skola kner ntar wakil 4 orang..tpi wny x dpt g…adoit bngang gler ar……sdey sgt2xxadush..wny nk g!!jlez gler ar student len dpt g,,best ar dyorang dpt dgr pngalman dr sheikh muszaphar,,arrr x puas ati arrrr….hurhhhhh…bye..nk g!!!!!

  1674. tahniah sheik muzaffar kerana berjaya menjadi angkasawan malaysia pertama.saya pun angkasawan juga

  1675. hai dato syed saya nak tanya apa perasaan dato syed kat atas angkasawan

    hye Dr. sheikh muzaffar
    tahniah sebab berjaya jadi angkasawana malaysia yang pertama,

    nak tanya, kalo nak amik bidang angkasawan,, permulaan amik corse ape??

    i hope ramai lagi asgkasawan malaysia dapat dilahirkan…huhu

    i wanna be astronout too


  1677. terima kasih kerana sudi ke mrsm kuching

  1678. […] Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar is the FIRST Malaysian Angkasawan « The … U are also very “aksi” man.. pls refer to Sape2la remarks about the quran. …. And our good Datuk Seri Sammy Vellu a cabinet minister .. these are the voice of the Indians… …… The chef is Tunisian and his wife is Malaysian Chinese. …   […]

  1679. hi sir very proud of you

  1680. Salam..Sy Rizal, Production manager dr Eurofine Sdn.Bhd akan menerbitkan sebuah rancangan tv berbentuk majalah bg sasaran remaja untuk tayangan RTM.Suka cita, pihak penerbitan berminat untuk menebual saudara ‘ sebagai tetamu tokoh’ dalam rancangan tersebut. Bagaimana kah cara sy boleh menghubungi saudara untuk mendapatkan maklumat lanjut?

    012-3791609 / 017-2429950

  1681. Hai Dr. Sheikh,
    I met you in US Marine function at Sheraton Hotel but l just said hai and walked away that was very rude of me. Sorry Dr. I did not mean anything, l was a bit high with wine.
    Atleast l should shake your hand, my apology.
    You are a great guy, please forgive me and drop me a note if you can?
    H/P 0172384509 Thank you with regards!

  1682. sheikh ngan dr.halina so cute masa tunang

  1683. Hows ur Feeling,when u get some of ur popularitiness from the angkasawan negara?.one more,U’re handsome and smart when u married did u ever thought of losing some of the popularity?And congratulations

  1684. we proud of you dr sheikh as a first Malaysia astronaut.

  1685. my ambition is to be an astronout like DR.SHEIKH MUZAPHAR SHUKOR….i hope my wish come true….

  1686. Hi, handsome. It’s me again sorry to disturb ok but last year I went to Bernama searching for you becausse of some exhibition held just for you but when I asked them where you are they said you’re not there. Later I went back there complaint about some infos I got, telling that I’m Raja Azlan Shah’s daughter and your not only “fiancee” but “hubby” but then they teased me then I went to see Azhar Bernama about all this he said he can’t help instead wants to be my boyfriend. Damn bad him! True I just remembered that i’m adopted who’s my real father and where I was born but all infos turn upside down.Thereafter that Dr Harlina appears but I went searching she’s so very different as in the Nona magazine where in Nona so much like Juliza Adlizan but in some clinic right behind Naza Motor a lady called Harlina so very much in Chinese looks and said not a doctor. I don’t know but since I saw you came back from the Mooonnn so very handsome as ever since and forever ever ever, publics disturbs me a lot saying nonsense until now. It doesn’t bother me at all but then I wrote to Istana Perak told them what publs had wrongly said. I’m still your loyal friend and still still being so faithful friend to you I scold them if they tell me or you nonsense, sseee faithful or not faithful me…Catcha you later seniooorrr…seniorita so very ok mookeey…If you reply I can sleeeppp wellll….

  1687. Hi, handsomeeee, it’s me again norzana_103@yahoo. This is seriouess friend because before Dr Harlina appearss in Nona magazines in different faces some infos i heard said i’m your fianceee, even your wife and Raja Azlan Shah’s daughter even I know or I don’t latelly you can check within with Istana Perak because i’ve wrote to them, sommee…Catcha seniioor

  1688. Semoga DR.SHEIKH MUZAPHAR SHUKOR bahagia dgn pasangannya..saya doakan kebahgian anda berdua berkekelan sampai ke akhir hayat.. jgn lupa kahwin nnt jemput lah saya.hu3…

  1689. sy one of your fan…sy mant dr cz dr plbgai aspk terutama dlm bdang sains…n mempunyai nilai keislaman dlm diri…i’m also want of the science lovers…skrg sy amek kos biotek n hopefully u cn motivate n give spirit 2 my study…thanx

  1690. gratz…in ur achivement……

  1691. sronoknya dpt gi agkasa lpaskan.

  1692. DSM adalah insan terpilih anugerah dari Yang Maha Esa..

  1693. Assalamualaikum…. Kepada Datuk Dr. Syeikh Muzaffar Syah dan isterinya,Datuk Dr. Halina, selamat pengantin baru yang baru hari ini.. =)) Semoga kekal hingga ke akhir nyawwa, dikurniakan cahaya mata yang comel, soleh & solehah dan sabar serta tabah menempuhi cabaran, dugaan serta asam garam, pahit dan manis dalam rumahtangga dan dalam bergelar suami isteri serta ibu dab bapa..


  1695. sheikh tahi kucing konon apa dia ingat muka lawa boleh buat apa dia suka kat orang perempuan

  1696. who’s is he?

  1697. assalamualaikum saya doakan awak disanasihat-sihat belaka

  1698. mana hilang angkasawan malaysia…senyap je…yg dok nampak angkasawan ke dua je…..

  1699. It’s difficult to find well-informed people about this
    subject, however, you seem like you know what
    you’re talking about! Thanks

  1700. nice article, thanks 🙂

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