Aren’t you tired of spinning…???

To my blogging brother Yang Mulia Raja Petra Kamaruddin,

I read about your little posting a few minutes ago. Considering the circumstances and the fact that I am here and you are somewhere unsettled living as a fugitive, I must say its intriguing how you could still manipulate, spin and worse still lie. Inadvertently, it has made you into a tool of treachery and you live running from your own reflection.

Then again, it is just you and your nature of being an Anwarista.

I would like to take you on but now its not the best of time as the Sarawak state election is drawing near and my attention would be on that rather than take you on. Never the less, I would probably refute what you wrote (If I am not that lazy to read through all your relevant MT postings). This is provided that I am less busier and all what I need to deliver like next weekend’s Blog House Malaysia’s ASEAN Regional Conference on Blogging on 23 April 2011 at Sime Darby Convention Centre and the Blog House Malaysia Workshops and Luncheon on 24 April 2011 at Intercontinental Kuala Lumpur is done.

At the mean time, please take stock on your own position. I think its worth much more than carry on manipulating events and spinning. By far, you have over-spun what ever thread you started out with and now it has evolved into a noose perfectly fitting your neck.

Please redeem what ever shred of dignity as a writer that you have left.

Warmest regards from Malaysia

Biggum “Big Dog” Dogmannsteinberg


P/S My regards to Marina and Ungku Sarah

Published in: on April 14, 2011 at 16:38  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. RPK has to bark louder now since many pgayr leaders have not paid attention to him anymore…and it seems that he’s loosing his marbles right here…about time he starts gathering some funds again…what a pity!

    the pgayr supporters now see him as traitor!!!
    the pro government supporters see him as a sore-loser!!!

  2. description of rpk in indonesian slang

  3. Dear Big Dog,

    Was absolutely sure there would be a response from your good self seeing that you were mentioned.

    Its an attempt to divert attention from the more pressing DSAI issue. The IGP has already confirmed the identity of the person in the sextape.


  4. RPK

    Go and talk to yourself in the mirror.

    btw please keep Ungku Sarah away from John Jaban Bujang Senang. dont let her be like her brother.

  5. Biggie,

    Isn’t this half-Welsh swine who tried to extort money from Rosmah, in her own home??

    Raja Putar is now finished! He nailed the last nail on his own coffin.

    Only idiots now read MT, let alone believe in it! Idiots like Sean Ang!

    • if i say idiots read this blog dat would not be too nice

  6. Dear Biggum.

    Can’t wait until you find time to take on RPK. Anyway, I agree with xxxpkr; As a father, with kids about same age as Ungku Sarah, please keep her away from Johin Jaban, RPK.

  7. Zakhir,

    How well do you know St.Bul?

  8. apa la blogger xde etika ka. ko jaga blog ko punya cukup la. every blogger has his own style. rpk is intellectual correct, dats why i hv been reading his blogs all these years. well sumtimes boring cos his story repeats. but we readers know not to swallow everything.

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