Ungku, when will you apologise to BigDog?

Yang Mulia Ungku,

It is interesting that in your posting responding to Datuk Rocky’s you mention that you would have apologised if you had erred. For that, there is still a pending matter that you should seriously consider.

When the story about your infamous statutory declaration (SD) dated 18 June 2008 which I made known into public domain here in BigDogDotCom on 23 June 2008, as they say in the movies “All hell broke lose”. After being charged in court for criminal defamation, like your good friend Anwar “Mat King Leather” Ibrahim, a series of drama preceded.

You need a diversion from the case, especially to your supporters and one time, avid Malaysia Today readers (if not junkies). Since you found yourself thrown into a corner and none of those whom you purportedly mention as your “reliable informants” came forward, you need to cook a ‘chew-able’ (note: Its not ‘edible’) story really fast to maintain ‘lost grounds’. Most probably, you are baffled how did the SD was ‘pre-maturely’ made public without your design.

In this video you alleged that the ‘Prosecutors’ “Leaked it and came out in an UMNO website”.

Earlier, in your writings you alleged that “I know Zakir lives next door to a very senior Special Branch officer because he has mentioned this often enough so this is probably how he got a copy of my SD”. As a reaction to that, I challenged to you to name “The Special Branch officer,  who is living next to me”. You never did!

So, which is which now? The Prosecutors leaked the SD” or “Special Branch Officer passed the SD” to me?

Interesting enough, almost three years later you said this to TV3 News Editor Dato’ Ashraf Abdullah that “I didn’t not say I alleged the murder”. You also admitted that “Its illogically that Datin Seri Rosmah was present, at the site in the middle of the night”.

And yet you still did the SD despite now you claim it is ‘illogical’.

Raja Petra's SD against Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor dated 18 June 2008

Second part of the said SD against Rosmah Mansor, filed at Kuala Lumpur High Court 18 June 2008

Even if “You have been reliably informed” and later you conveniently admitted it to be “Illogical”, it still does not justify why you did the SD and filed it at Kuala Lumpur High Court on 18 June 2008.

Just before being charged for the article “Lets send Altantuya’s murderers to hell” which was published on Malaysia Today 25 April 2008, you arrogantly proclaimed at the Kuala Lumpur Court Complex “Once they charge me, once the trial being set, we shall prove not only that they have no case, this is an absolute political persecution”.

And yet after being charged and trial started, you decided to flee and now being regarded as a fugitive running away from facing your prosecutors. This is not the gentlemanly act, as what you wanted your supporters to think of you then.

Let us retract a little. On 16 November 2007 via Malaysia Today, to justify and motivate the illegal 10 November 2007 marchers you also lied to the Malaysian public with your article “What the eyes does not see” when you claimed that “This was the (His Majesty Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan) Agong’s way to say yes”. (Since then, you have taken down this piece from your MT archive).

You owe Malaysians an apology for this lie. Also for other lies you perpetuated. Just like how our common blogging brother Another Brick in the Wall debunked some of the stories you put up in Malaysia Today, with regards to AG’s Hajj trip, Dato’ Ramli Yusof, Rosli Dahlan et al.

Four years ago hundreds of thousands if not millions of Malaysians believed almost everything what you wrote. Infact you played a strategically significant role for the educated, urbanites and professionals who are connected into the cyberspace and form a strong enough opinion to deny BN the 2/3 majority and unprecedented victory for the Oppositions in urban-centric states such  Selangor, Perak, Pulau Pinang and Wilayah Persekutuan. You were a part of Malaysian political history, from new media perspective.

All of that is almost if not totally gone. Now, your constant lies and manipulation overcame all of that goodwill you successfuly forged via the cybersphere as a celebrity blogger. Please do the right thing. After all, this is the month of Ramadhan. A perfect time to repent.

Yours truly,

Biggum Dogmannsteinberg

*Updated 2300hrs

Post scriptum, Tuesday 23 Aug 2011 1100hrs

Interesting enough, anonymous blogger The Unspinners uncovered something when Dr Osman testified. He did not jot down any case notes. So, where did Yang Mulia get the your story?

“Charge me, I see you in court. Lets face each other in court”.

The fact is, you did not face anyone in court because you jumped the whole criminal legal process.  Cakap tak serupa bikin, eh?

Published in: on August 22, 2011 at 14:43  Comments (8)  

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I’ve stopped reading RPK’s junks a long time ago. Too many lies there.

    Stephen Chen

  2. BD I am glad you have called a spade a spade unlike rocky’s bru playing coy afraid to tell RPK the truth that RPK is an incorrigible liar for the sake of politics and power. Rocky’s bru in trying to spare RPK is doing all of us who beleive in him, a disservice. RPK maybe of royal blood- but so what , he is just one big lying opportunistic royal. I use to believe in his writings. Not any more.He is a sicko.

    RPK did indeed accuse rosmah and najib in many different ways and in many roundabout ways. He tried to cover himself incase one day he needs to retract his accusations. The day did come. He created room in his SD so that he can manipulate more, squirm and lie out of it , creating doubts so that he can cowardly say ‘i didnt say that’. The fact is he did and not just in the SD. He ow both the PM and wife an apology and he knows that yet still trying to fart about. Rocky’s bru should tell this RPK to be a man.

    Tell that RPK to admit he did wrong by trying to sell us a bunch of power maniacs, liars greedy corrupted hypocrites, who promised change for the better . But instead this sick pakatan rakyat and even more sick pkr brought nothing but hatred in trying to destroy this country by calling on the people to topple the present govt via demonstrations- what a sickening bunch of cowards.

    BD you dont have to rip rpk apart, waste of time. RPK is expired poison attached to these bunch of liars. His speeches in London are worse than his SD. Like anwar he will find ways to squirm himself out of a situation with more lies.

    So thank you BD for being consistent and staying true to the truth.


  3. Biggie,

    don’t put your hope too high for an aplogy from that RPK animal…he has no dignity and credibilty … in short he is of unsound mind

    He sees nothing but hate and hatred .. the animal even hates himself …

    • Setuju.

  4. Biggie,

    The say the proof of pudding is in the eating. Clearly, Raja Petra as you called him a ‘Compulsive Liar’ (or was it a ‘Habitual Liar’) is showing his traits exactly like Mat King Leather. Exactly just like Azmin, Wan Azizah, Nurul Izzah, Tian Chua & the whole bloody lying lot!

    They don’t walk the talk! They never put their money where their mouths are!

    Whenever they’re cornered in a court or legal proceeding, which is everytime by their own conduct or disrespecting the law and order, they would just simply twist and confuse. Worse still, they cowardly refuse to face their accusers. In RPK’s case, he jumped bail & now living in Manchester as a hunted guilty dog. In Mat King Leather’s case, he had the 2hour-32pager-read-out drama. Soon, many expect he’d run too (claiming asylum).


    Then again, they were never one.

    They are just manipulators & eventually liars.Thats what they really are.

    You have been very consistent about RPK even tho you regard him as a friend. Proven. As they say, quad erat demonstratum!

    P/S: Both of them belong in a mental asylum!

    • It may be wishful thinking on my part, but I do wish what you say happens. It’ll be QED to your P/S point.

      Both of them are a menace to society.

  5. Bro, sue the fella!

    • Pointless!

      He conveniently ignored the judgment when Prof Tan Sri Dr Nordin Kardi won the suit against him. Now, he dodges criminal court!

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