Kadir Jasin, Supremo Journo

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin presenting the MPI Tokoh Wartawan Negara to Dato’ A Kadir Jasin

Former Group Editor in Chief NST and now a blogger Dato’ A Kadir Jasin has been named by Malaysian Press Institute as Tokoh Wartawan Negara. It is a befitting award indeed for the forty odd years veteran journo. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yassin presented the award this afternoon.

Like so many people, I have a great admiration of the man.

He is a bold opinion maker. He never mince his words. And he is never shy to express his views no matter how painful it may sound at the receiving end, be it in the print media when he was still the NST Supremo, his column in the Malaysian Business or now via his infamous blog, The Scribe. In the mid to late 90s when I was still a twenty-plus-years-old  regular manager in the commercial sector, his editorial column in the English daily or “Other Thots”  twice monthly premier business magazine was something of an eye opening into a new perspective.

He held the fort when Anwar Ibrahim was sacked in September 1998, and the mob street politics of hatred ‘Reformasi’ was born. It was the time where part of Anwar’s propaganda to win the imagination of many is to attack the NST. For the next few years, Dato’ Kadir demonstrated examplary leadership when NST was under streams of test. Once the premier Malaysian referral point in English language, at that moment NST has then became “A tool of Government’s lies”.

Through my involvement in the political arena of cybersphere, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to the man. Then, we were on the same side of a very unpopular group of dissenters, openly going against the poor and weak leadership and administration of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Even though I was never a journo, Dato’ Kadir easily accepted an oddball like yours truly to be someone he was willing to share his thoughts with.

By then, I was also actively involved in events that were blatantly critical of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah and his notorious ‘Level Four Boys’. The small group of us was all over Semenanjung Malaysia, organizing or attending events. Kadir, was kind enough to be a panelist in some of these events.

Every now and then, he would round some of us up for teh tarik or his roti canai breakfast and persons like me would benefit immensely from his thought process, analysis and personal views on things, especially issues involving UMNO, the Malays and Bumiputra Agenda. His account of personal wealth of experience was like gold to us. He never failed to encourage us to carry on and stingy to part his deep-rooted Malay values.

In third quarter of 2008, Dato’ Kadir published Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s ‘Blogging to Unblock’, a collection of the first few articles which appeared on then  chedet.com. It was the time where the small group of us was so unpopular that many of our own friends ‘feared’ to be seen in our company, even for a quiet and harmless teh tarik.

Dato’ Kadir is still a fighter through his writings. So much so, former Justice Minister turned PKR politician Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim took him to court for his writing “Zaid: Hurricane Hattie of PR”.

I am very certain many of his friends and former subordinates are very proud of the award bestowed on the Pendang-born Kedahan. Please read his brief but amazing side of story as a jouno. Congratulations, Dato’ Kadir. A true Malay Warrior. An inspirational bi-lingual writer, indeed.

Published in: on July 17, 2012 at 03:40  Comments (3)  

Semangat nasionalism terus membara

Enam puluh enam tahun dahulu, Dato’ Onn Ja’afar, Pendita Za’aba dan beberapa nasionalis Melayu dalam Kongress Melayu ketiga berjaya mengumpulkan 29 NGO Melayu dan menubuhkan United Malay Nationalist Organisation di Istana Besar, Johor Bahru, Johor. DYMM Tuanku Sultan Johor memberi perkenan Kongress Melayu Ketiga ini dianjurkan dalam Istana Besar.

29 NGO Melayu ini bersatu dengan tujuan pada masa itu untuk menolak Malayan Union, yang ditubuhkan dengan bertujuan menyatukan semua negeri negeri di Tanah Melayu dibawah satu pentadbiran pasca Perang Dunia II dan menarik balik semua kuasa Raja Raja Melayu. Setelah tertubuhnya UMNO, majoriti orang Melayu berjaya disatukan dengan meniup semangat nasionalism dan makin mampan menjadi desakan politik yang begitu utuh.

Akibatnya, Malayan Union dibubarkan. Pasca Malayan Union menyaksikan pentadbiran British berunding dengan Raja Raja Melayu dan UMNO bertindak sebagai pemerhati. Hasilnya, Perjanjian Tanah Melayu ditanda tangani pada 21 Januari 1948 dan berkuat kuasa pada 1 Februari 1948.

UMNO semasa ditubuh di Istana Besar, Johor Bahru, Johor pada Kongress Melayu Ketiga 11 Mei 1946. Ditengah tengah barisan hadapan ialah Pemangku Sultan Johor, Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim

Semangat nasionalism yang ditaja dan semarakan oleh UMNO ini menjadi asas bagi orang orang Melayu yang pada masa itu rata rata tidak mempunyai pelajaran, harta dan apa apa kuasa itu bersatu begitu padu dan bangkit menentang British. Bermula Mac 1950, slogan ‘Hidup Melayu’ ditukar kepada ‘Merdeka’ dan semangat baru perjuangan untuk membebaskan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dari jajahan British mula dijana secara aktif dan bertruktur.

Desakan makin jitu dikalangan rakyat jelata dan segenap masyarakat Melayu makin lantang menyuarakan aspirasi mereka untuk menguasai kuasa politik. Dsakan ini makin intesif dan UMNO mula berjinak jinak untuk bekerjasama dengan parti bukan Melayu, MCA mewakili masyarakat Cina dan MIC mewakili masyarakat India. Kesefahaman dan kerjasama mula dijana dan capai dan lahirlah Parti Perikatan. Apabila British menerima desakan pilihanraya umum bagi memilih anggota Majlis Perundingan Persektuan Tanah Melayu pada tahun 1955, UMNO berjaya menang di 35 dari 51 kerusi yang dimenangi Parti Perikatan. Ini berbanding 52 kerusi yang dipertandingkan.

Kejayaan menerima mandat yang luar biasa ini berlaku tatkala Persekutuan Tanah Melayu masih lagi diancam keganasan komunis yang mahu menubuhkan kerajaan komunis secara kekerasan dan tanpa mereka sokongan majoriti.

Rundingan Baling, 28-29 Disember 1955

Mandat ini digunakan Ketua Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu pertama Tunku Abdul Rahman untuk bertemu Chin Peng mewakili Parti Komunis Malaya pada Rundingan Baling 28-29 Disember 1955 dan meminta pengganas ini menerima suara aspirasi majoriti rakyat dan meletakkan senjata. Sebagai balasan, mereka diampunkan tanpa syarat dan dibenarkan kembali ke pangkuan masyarakat.

Namun, mereka menolak tawaran itu.

Rombongan merundingkan Kemerdekaan di Whitehall, yang diterajui Presiden UMNO dan Ketua Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu Tunku Abdul Rahman

Mandat ini juga, membolehkan Presiden UMNO dan Ketua Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu mendapat perkenan sekelian baginda Tuanku Raja Raja Melayu menerima cadangan corak pentadbiran ialah demokrasi dengan sistem Raja Berpelembagaan. Seterusnya, beliau mengetuai rombongan ke Whitehall pada 1956 dan beroleh Kemerdekaan dari jajahan Empayar Britain.

Persekutuan Tanah Melayu merdeka sebagai negara yang berdaulat dan berpelembagaan pada 31 Ogos 1957. Antara komponen penubuhan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu ialah seorang Raja Melayu dipilih dikalangan sekelian baginda Tuanku Raja Raja Melayu setiap lima tahun sebagai Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan Agong, Islam menjadi agama Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan hak istimewa orang Melayu dijamin.

Kemerdekaan, 31 Ogos 1957

Hari ini, semangat nasionalism itu masih relevan apabila ujud anasir anasir dalam dan luar negara yang cuba secara sistematik dan berstruktur untuk mencabar peruntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia, kuasa dan keududukan Raja Raja Melayu, kedudukan dan pentadbiran perlaksanaan Islam dan hak keistimewaan orang Melayu. Tidak kurang juga perlbagai pihak terutama parti politik yang berfahaman ekstremis dan songsang dan NGO yang mendukung perjuangan ini, menggunakan pelbagai peluang dan helah untuk terus mencabar dan menguji agar dapat dijadikan isu yang boleh dijana dan manipulasikan sebagai kepentingan minoriti diketepikan dan lebih buruk lagi, ditindas.

Ini termasuk mencabar peruntukan undang undang dan kesabaran majoriti dan pelaksana penguasaan undang undang. Cabaran ini sebenar bertujuan untuk menimbulkan kekacauan dan peluang ini digunakan mereka yang berkepentingan dan berstrategi ‘politik kebencian’ ini menjana satu revolusi agar golongan minoriti beroleh kuasa keatas majoriti.

Namun, setakat ini ianya gagal.

Rakyat Malaysia harus bersyukur kerana mereka yang semangat nasionalism masih lagi mampu menguasai keyakinan dan sokongan majoriti dan kestabilan, harmoni dan semangat muhibah dan tolernasi masih lagi utuh. Ianya elemen penting bagi pembangunan, kemajuan dan kemakmuran terus berkembang secara produktif dan progressif sehingga dinikmati oleh Malaysia pada hari ini.

100,000 ahli UMNO melimpah ruah berhimpun di Stadium Nasional merayakan Ulang Tahun Penubuhan UMNO, 11 Mei 2012

Perhimpunan aman, teratur dan terurus 100,000 orang Melayu melaungkan semangat nasionalism dengan begitu menggegarkan di Stadium Nasional, Bukit Jalil malam ini memberikan nafas baru bahawa majoriti orang Melayu masih lagi mendukung perjuangan nasionalism sebagai asas wadah pemerintahan negara.

Ucapan Presiden VII UMNO Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak:

Ucapan Najib membakar semangat anggota UMNO

KUALA LUMPUR 12 Mei – Ucapan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak malam tadi di hadapan lebih 100,000 anggota UMNO, dianggap sebagai bekalan dan peringatan penting kepada anggota parti itu sebelum pilihan raya umum ke-13.

Ucapan Presiden UMNO VII pada Ulang Tahun Penubuhan UMNO 11 Mei 2012

Masing-masing menganggap ucapan Presiden UMNO itu sebagai pembakar semangat untuk semua anggota UMNO berjuang habis-habisan untuk merealisasikan isi perjuangan parti itu.

Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Mohd. Shafie Apdal berkata, ucapan itu mesti difahami dan diterjemahkan dalam bentuk tenaga dalam memastikan UMNO terus relevan dan kekal dalam perjuangannya.

“Seperti apa yang dikatakan oleh Presiden kita mesti bersiap siaga dalam menghadapi pilihan raya akan datang, UMNO merupakan parti yang amat berjasa kepada rakyat dan ia perlu kekal,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas perhimpunan ulang tahun ke-66 UMNO di Stadium Bukit Jalil di sini malam tadi.

Shafie menarik perhatian berkata perhimpunan itu memberi gambaran bahawa anggota parti sudah bersedia berjuang untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan sebagai parti Melayu terunggul.

Sementara itu, Naib Presiden UMNO, Datuk Seri Dr. Ahmad Zahid Hamidi berharap agar semua anggota UMNO memberi komitmen yang penuh untuk melaksanakan apa yang diucapkan oleh Presiden parti.

“Apa yang disampaikan oleh Presiden terbukti bukan sekadar retorik, kita harus bekerja dengan lebih keras lagi,” katanya.

Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad pula menyifatkan ucapan Najib penuh dengan semangat dan jelas menunjukkan bahawa perpaduan bangsa Melayu semakin kukuh.

Dalam pada itu, Ketua Puteri UMNO Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin mengingatkan semua anggota parti khususnya Puteri UMNO supaya menghayati amanat daripada Presiden parti agar bekerja keras bagi memastikan kemenangan berpihak kepada UMNO pada pilihan raya akan datang. – BERNAMA


Dalam amanat Presiden, Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak amat yakin semangat ahli UMNO seluruh negara begitu membara dan bersedia untuk bertemu rakyat, bagi mendapatkan sokongan dan mandat dalam Pilihnraya Umum ke 13 yang amat dinanti nantikan itu.

Kita sudah bersedia – Najib


PRESIDEN UMNO, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak dengan aksi tersendiri ketika memberikan ucapan kepada ribuan ahli dan orang ramai pada Sambutan Ulang Tahun UMNO Ke-66 di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur, malam tadi.

KUALA LUMPUR 11 Mei – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak menjadikan Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil gegak gempita malam ini apabila seakan-akan telah membuat keputusan mahu membubarkan Parlimen.

Ketika menyifatkan Sambutan Ulang Tahun UMNO Ke-66 itu begitu hebat dengan kehadiran kira-kira 120,000 orang dan akan diingati dalam lipatan sejarah negara, Presiden UMNO itu berkata, beliau seperti merasakan mahu menghadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong esok.

Ketika hadirin yang terdiri daripada ahli UMNO termasuk ketua-ketua parti komponen, badan-badan bukan kerajaan serta para perwakilan asing dan wakil media bersorak mendengar ungkapan beliau, Najib kemudian ‘meredakan’ keadaan dengan menarik perhatian hadirin supaya menafsir tujuh sebab sama ada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 perlu diadakan dalam waktu terdekat atau tidak.

“Baik…nak ada pilihan raya esok, bulan Jun ke…bila-bila bulan…tahun depan…tak boleh (tahun depan)? kita dah bersedia! kita dah bersedia! kita dah bersedia!, boleh menang! boleh menang! boleh menang!.

Najib Tun Razak bersama isteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor diberi sambutan hangat oleh ahli-ahli UMNO ketika tiba di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil.

“Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, saya bagi tujuh sebab…sebab tujuh dekad UMNO dah berjasa pada negara.

“Kalau kita nak pilihan raya nanti bila sampai masanya, kita perlu buat perhitungan. Ada tujuh prinsip yang kita boleh buat pertimbangan,” kata beliau ketika berucap menyempurnakan majlis sambutan tersebut.

Pada majlis yang turut dihadiri Timbalan Presiden UMNO, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan veteran parti termasuk bekas Presiden, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad itu, Najib mengungkapkan satu persatu tujuh prinsip berkenaan yang perlu direnung oleh rakyat Malaysia sebelum Parlimen boleh dibubarkan, iaitu:

1) Antara Barisan Nasional (BN) dan pembangkang, mana satu kepimpinan yang boleh dipercayai dan janjinya ditepati. Siapa sudah bagi BR1M (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia), Baucar Buku 1Malaysia kepada mana-mana sekolah, siapa sudah beri (bonus atau durian runtuh) kepada peneroka Felda.

Ahli-ahli UMNO menadah tangan berdoa pada majlis sambutan ulang tahun UMNO.

Siapa sudah buat Klinik Rakyat 1Malaysia, Menu Rakyat 1Malaysia, jalan luar bandar dan dalam bandar, siapa sudah buat sekolah. Siapa sudah buat segala-galanya…bukankah BN.

Namun, sebelum saya (Perdana Menteri) pergi ke prinsip kedua, saya nak tuan-tuan nyatakan siapa yang ‘pegang kepala’ Kampung Buah Pala (di Pulau Pinang) yang janji pakatan pembangkang, kalau mereka menang, mahu kekalkan kampung berkenaan.

AHLI-ahli Pemuda UMNO mengibarkan bendera gergasi di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil.

Siapa pula buat 22 janji di Selangor tetapi sebahagian besarnya gagal ditunaikan. Siapa yang gagal uruskan soal air?

2) Yang kedua, kalau tentu (parti itu) nak dipilih, tentukan kita pilih hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini. Siapa yang boleh beritahu ini?

3) Siapa boleh pelihara kedaulatan undang-undang, kesucian Islam, keluhuran Perlembagaan, institusi raja-raja serta hak-hak kaum lain.

4) Siapa boleh uruskan ekonomi kita yang sangat baik ini serta membawa pertumbuhan yang memberangsangkan?

5) Siapa yang boleh menjamin keharmonian dan perpaduan (kaum) berkekalan?

6) Siapa yang boleh membuat pembaharuan secara tersusun. Siapa yang membawa transformasi kepada negara ini?

7) Siapa yang boleh tentukan kemakmuran negara sehingga hari ini dengan izin Allah boleh menjadi negara yang berpendapatan tinggi?

Dalam hal ini, Presiden UMNO itu menarik perhatian hadirin pada sambutan itu supaya menjadikan Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil sebagai saksi di mana semua mereka berkumpul untuk bersama-sama memupuk keyakinan menghadapi pilihan raya umum.

Najib Tun Razak bersama timbalannya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin menyampaikan anugerah Tokoh Melayu Terbilang kepada Adibah Amin dan Tan Sri Dr. Arshad Ayub (gambar kanan).

“Siapa kata dokongan orang Melayu pada UMNO sudah menurun sedangkan hari ini kita menyaksikan sokongan kepada kita semakin meningkat.

“Saya nak tanya, apabila kedudukan orang Melayu dipersoal, Islam diasak, bila institusi raja-raja diketepikan, siapa yang pertahankannya.

“Sesungguhnya UMNO sudah berjalan begitu jauh, setiap inci tanah sudah dimakmurkan. Jangan sesekali kita biarkan kita dibinasakan. Biar putih tulang, jangan biar rakyat dan bangsa dibinasakan, kelak anak cucu terbangsat hidup mereka,’’ katanya.

SEBAHAGIAN daripada 120,000 orang yang hadir pada Sambutan Ulang Tahun UMNO Ke-66 di Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, malam tadi.

Kepada hadirin dan ahli UMNO seluruhnya, Najib berpesan: “Jangan terpalit damak beracun, sandiwara lawan yang tempah kegagalan.

“Ayuhlah, jangankan gerimis, hujan pun kita akan redah, ribut taufan kita akan harungi, jangankan air bah, gelombang pun kita akan harungi… jangankan gerhana, gelap gelita pun kita harungi. Biar berdentum guruh di langit, hidup UMNO untuk Barisan (Nasional),” tegasnya.


Semoga, semangat nasionalism ini terus berjaya disemarakkan dan menjadi asas dan bekalan agar Malaysia terus maju dengan resipi dan komponen yang berjaya selama ini dipertingkatkan.


*Perkembangan dikemas kini 1100hrs

Published in: on May 11, 2012 at 23:55  Comments (6)  

RM 1,000 per month ‘extra allowance’?

Is this the culprit?

Another Brick in the Wall published a series of two shocking stories about a particular ‘Press Secretary’, which seems to be ‘terrorising’ a particular state to a point where a bureau chief was ‘transfered’. There are more shocking rumours about this person’s practices.

Some ‘friendly parties’ been talking about a rumour this person provides a RM 1,000 per month ‘extra allowance’ for journos in the state who are playing ‘in tandem’ to his game. Although this is an unbelievable practice but then again, it cannot simply be ruled out as impossible. More over when his Boss has often been thought of as a politician who is unable to deliver, despite the attention and support been placed towards him and his administration.

On top of that, this so-called Press Secretary also been said to have been pitting politicians with vile issues against each other within the state.

This must not be a healthy practice. More over the close political associates of this particular Press Secretary are also been seen as practicing cronyism and cornering all the projects which have been dished out by the state agencies and GLCs. He is also been said as ‘taking care’ of the close associates of a certain Youth Chief, always seen as being controversial.

Regardless, this must be stopped.

Published in: on September 15, 2011 at 02:01  Comments (2)  

Paradise at our doorsteps

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We would like to share these bakers’ dozen first hand photos with our readers. These photos shall justify the title of this posting:

We hope we need not narrate any bit of these photos as the splendour spoken for itself, a thousand times over. Probably it befits the address of the thousand acres, all within our God blessed Malaysia. If paradise could be pre-paid, probably this would be the closest.

Published in: on August 1, 2011 at 09:01  Comments (4)  

Datuk Rocky: Ambiga should learn from these students

MMC Student Body President Azlan, BHM Adviser Datuk Rocky, Kerp, MMC CEO Khaneeza Khalid and MMC student Nizam

Blog House Malaysia Adviser Datuk Ahirudin “Rocky” Attan asked 80 odd Multimedia College students this afternoon, “Any of you attending the BERSIH march on 9 July?”.

No one responded.

“Good. Had these BERSIH marchers gathered and cleaned the city and washed peoples’ cars for charity, I would join them. Ambiga should learn something from you guys!”.

Blog House Malaysia Adviser and National Press Club President Datuk Ahirudin "Rocky" Attan addressing the audience

That was what his speech was about when addressing Multimedia College students at their Humanitarian Awareness Day 2011. He was appreciative that the students took upon themselves to organise activities such as carwash, sale of recycle material and other activities to raise funds for charity. They responded Blog House Malaysia ‘Blogger-to-Blogger=Kerp-Fund’, initiated on 16 May 2011 to help wheelchair bound blogger Ahmad Daniel Shah “Kerp” Shahrani.

MMC CEO Khaneeza Khalid thanking everyone for their bit

Rocky also shared his experience as former The Malay Mail Editor and various effort to raise fund for charity that many corporations including GLC did a lot for CSR work. However, it went unnoticed as there were no media coverage. It is very encouraging to see this noble trait is being lived by younger Malaysians under the stewardship of a GLC.

The students managed to raise RM 2,478.00 from the charity drive. It was wholly the students’ initiative.

MMC CEO Khaneeza Khalid handing over the monies collected by MMC students witnessed by MMC Student Body President Azlan and Nizam

In her speech, Multimedia College CEO Khaneeza Khalid echoed last Saturday’s forum at the GLC Open Day weekend in KLCC Convention Centre, where GLCs respond and interact with social media. This charity drive is an example how their students reponded to a call brought forth by new media. Telekom Malaysia as a parent company, participated in this charity drive by providing their fleet vans and cars to be washed by these students.

She expressed how proud the management is for the students’ initiative and effort. She also thanked everyone, which include the media for using the event as an example for the society to continue foster.

Blog House Malaysia Excos where present at today’s dedication. Apart from the usual exhibition by the students, there was also a blood donation campaign by the national blood bank in the Multimedia College campus.

Published in: on June 27, 2011 at 19:24  Comments (30)  

Johor pride and heritage in Temasek

Johor State Emblem

Temasek, then Singapura and now Republic of Singapore have had very close ties with Johor. A lot of these heritage buildings and properties are still available for public visitation and functional, long after British rule and Singapore achieving its own Independence.

Excerpt from an article written by NST senior writter Fauziah Ismail:

SPIRITUAL SITE: Masjid Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim Johor Darul Takzim is the mosque next to Temenggong Abdul Rahman’s first residence in Teluk Belanga.

I have read and written about Teluk Belanga for this column but I don’t know where in Singapore it exactly is.

Datuk Abdul Rahim Ramli, the secretary of the Johor Council of Royal Court and Chancellor of the Most Honourable Order of the Crown of Johor, provided me the answer in one of his emails on the state.

“Telok Belanga covered an area of about 80.94 hectares on what is now called Mount Faber,” he wrote.

Teluk Belanga, Temasek

In fact, I read that Mount Faber was originally known as Telok Blangah Hill but was later renamed after Captain Charles Edward Faber of the Madras Engineers, the superintendent engineer in the Straits (and brother-in-law of Governor Major-General William John Butterworth), who arrived in Singapore in September 1844.

It was Sir Stamford Raffles who persuaded the Temenggong to move to Teluk Belanga after Arab trader Syed Yassin who stabbed Singapore’s first resident Major-General William Farquhar was found hiding in the settlement.

Raffles had also provided compensation for the construction of houses for the Temenggong and his followers.

Masjid Temenggong Daing Ibrahim, Teluk Belanga, Singapura

“The buildings then were not pretentious,” Rahim wrote. “The residence for Temenggong Abdul Rahman and his family could hardly be known as a palace of modern days. This building was situated in an area known as Bukit Tanjong Aur. A mosque, octagonal in shape, was built and was also used as a Balai Rong Seri (Audience Hall).”

According to Rahim, the land was on lease from the East India Company with a proviso that if the Temenggong, his heirs or successors should prefer to move from Singapore and reside permanently in Johor, the company will pay him 15,000 Spanish dollars. In return, the Temenggong and his successors should relinquish all rights and title to all his immovable properties including land and buildings there.

The octagonal mosque

However, it was his grandson, Sultan Abu Bakar who successfully negotiated with the English for a permanent title of Telok Belanga on Aug 15, 1864. This land was one of the territories of Johor where the Johor flag was flown.

Sultan Abu Bakar built a palace on 17.5ha of land at Bidadari Estate in the Serangoon district of Singapore for his consort Enche’ Puan Besar Zubaidah. The palace was known as Istana Bidadari (The Singapore government subsequently acquired the land in 1904 and turned it into Bidadari Cemetery for Muslims, Hindus, Singhalese, and Christians of different denominations).

The main prayer hall

It was sometime in 1860 that Sultan Abu Bakar purchased a landed property once owned by his legal adviser William Napier that was advertised for sale in March 1857 by Boustead and Co.

The house called Tyersall stood on 26ha of land in the Tanglin area in Singapore.

The house was demolished in 1890 and both Sultan Abu Bakar and his consort Sultanah Fatimah planned a new building, which had been described back then as “one of the grandest homes built in the Victorian Eclectic idiom, combining not only gothic and classical motifs, but also some Indo-Saracenic elements into the design”.

The corridor of the 160 year old mosque

The building was rectangular in shape with a central courtyard, a red-tiled roof and a tower nearly 21.3 metre high, was topped by a symbolic star and crescent.

Its architect was Datuk Yahaya Awaludin, who drew up the plans according to the wishes of Sultanah Fatimah. Yahya was the chief engineer in Abu Bakar’s Cabinet.

The building was completed in 1892, a year after Sultanah Fatimah’s death.

The plaque to the Royal Mausoleum at Masjid Temenggong Daing Ibrahim's grounds

Sultan Abu Bakar named the palace “Istana Tyersall” and made it his official residence. Tyersall was described as “a lavishly appointed palace whose splendour made a great occasion.

“It was adorned with Chinese and Japanese curios collected by Sultan Abu Bakar on his travels. It was officially reopened on Dec 3, 1892 by Governor Sir Cecil Clementi at a ball attended among others by the rulers of Pahang and Riau and leading lights of Singapore and Johor society,” Rahim said

On April 4, 1895, Sultan Abu Bakar executed a will expressing his intention for Tyersall to become state property after his death for the use and enjoyment of his heir and successors.

View of the Royal Mausoleum from the cemetery in the grounds of Masjid Temenggong Daing Ibrahim Complex

Tyersall was destroyed in a fire, caused by faulty electrical wiring, on the morning of Sept 10, 1905. Part of its grounds excluding the building was acquired by the Singapore government in November 1990 under its Land Acquisition Act.

In the same will, Sultan Abu Bakar had bequeathed a house called Woodneuk and the surrounding gardens spreading across 12.14ha at Tanglin Singapore (adjacent to Tyersall) to Sultanah Khatijah.

The whole Masjid Temenggong Daing Ibrahim Complex. The green-roofed building on the left is the main mosque. The one on the right is the Royal Mausoleum. Not seen in the complex is the residential units of all the mosque officials incl the imam

Sultan Ibrahim bought the property from Sultanah Khatijah before she died. In 1930, the sultan and Sultanah Helen rebuilt Woodneuk into another magnificent palace.

Woodneuk, according to Rahim, was often mistaken for Tyersall because of its proximity. “The difference was that Woodneuk had a blue tiled roof,” he explained.

The palace and its grounds is now the private property of the current ruler, Sultan Iskandar.

Meanwhile, the mosque next to the Temenggong Abdul Rahman’s first residence in Teluk Belanga, is known as Masjid Temenggong Daeng Ibrahim Johor Darul Takzim. According to the Singapore Islamic Religious Council, the mosque is managed by the Johor government.

Some of the graves in the cemetery behind the mosque, next to the Royal Mausoleum

Adjacent to the mosque is the Makam Temenggong, where Temenggong Abdul Rahman and his son, Temenggong Ibrahim, are buried.

The mausoleum is the final resting ground of 34 other members of the royal family including Sultanah Khatijah, a consort of Sultan Abu Bakar (son of Temenggong Ibrahim and grandson of Temenggong Abdul Rahman), who died at Istana Woodneuk in Singapore on Feb 1, 1904.


The design and motive of the mosque is exactly like in Masjid Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor Bahru, Masjid Jame’ Bandar Maharani, Muar and Masjid Jame’ Batu Pahat.

This is what still the remaining part of the realm of a Johor-Riau Sultanate still being preserved. More over,  in a nation where the rulers now are immigrants from a distant land. There are more about private properties belonging to HRH Sultan of Johor, still in the republic. After a  long dispute, another major heritage of Tanah Melayu would be surrendered to the government of the day at the end of the month. The descendants of South China who are now the Government of Singapore decided the preserve the building as a heritage building.

We shall save that for another time.

Published in: on June 12, 2011 at 10:33  Comments (10)  

Retracing the reminiscence of Malay in the Republic

We were at Tanjung Pagar Keretapi Tanah Melayu station. It was first opened in 1932, during the reign of Sultan Johor HRH Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar. The rail service was made available from Tanah Melayu into Singapura becuase of the construction of the Johor Causeway, completed in 1923 after four years of building works.

We just want to share these photos:

The signage written in Malay, along the West Coast Highway

The proud letterings "F.M.S.R" stands for Federated Malay States Railway

The stucco front

The foyer

The gateway to Federation of Malaysia: The Immigration Gate at Tanjung Pagar KTM Railway Station platform

Soon to go, the platform of the KTM in Singapore soil

The murals in the great lobby. Note the letters "F.M.S.R" which stands for Federated Malay States Railway and the cresent

The ticketing booth

In a deal struck with the Singapore Government slightly over six months ago, all these KTMB properties would be returned back to Singapore. The rail service from Johor Bahru to Singapore would cease by 30 June 2011.

Published in: on December 21, 2010 at 10:38  Comments (2)  

Adakah ini angkara ‘Tuan Penasihat’?

Datuk Rocky’s Bru baru sahaja memaparkan berita mengemparkan ini. Ada percubaan untuk melakukan amalan rasuah dan ianya melibatkan DYMM Sultan Johor Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar. Percubaan ini berlaku dalam bulan mulia mengakhiri Ramadhan dan Syawal hampir menjelang.

Diberitakan seorang lelaki berumur 54 tahun ditahan oleh SPRM dan disoal siasat.

Diberitakan pertemuan Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim dengan lelaki tersebut adalah diatur terlebih awal. Jika ini benar, maka kemungkinan ada pihak lain terlibat dengan pertemuan ini.

Siapakah mereka dan apa peranan mereka dalam kes ini?

Diharapkan siasatan ini menyeluruh agar nama baik Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim yang berjiwa rakyat itu tidak dicemari dengan percubaan yang jijik ini. Sejarah telah beberapa kali membuktikan Raja Raja Melayu membuat keputusan yang silap dan merosakan pemerintahan baginda, angkara ‘Tuan Penasihat’.

Datuk Rocky mengandaikan bahawa ada pihak yang mungkin cuba menggunakan nama baik Tuanku Sultan Ibrahim untuk tujuan tertentu. Jika ini juga berlaku, maka pihak berkuasa wajar mengambil tindakan keras agar nama baik sekelian baginda Tuanku Raja Raja Melayu tidak di’perdagang’kan bagai kommoditi, terutama untuk tujuan kommersil. Suatu masa dahulu, seorang peniaga keturun Cina yang dikenali sebagai “Tengku Wong” dikatakan menggunakan nama baik Tuanku Sultan Ahmad Shah bagi tujuan kommersil.

Tulisan Datuk Rocky juga menyebut mengenai wang tunai RM 1 Juta itu datangnya dari seorang dermawan yang terkenal dan bertujuan sebagai sumbangan ‘duit raya’ untuk rakyat jelata. Siasatan juga perlu merangkumi sekiranya berlaku percubaan untuk mencalari reputasi dermawan ini dan kemungkinan untuk merenggangkan hubungan baik Istana Johor dengan pihak dermawan ini.

Diharapkan jika laporan mengenai siasatan ini benar, maka mereka yang bersalah dikenakan tindakan yang keras. Institiusi Raja Raja Melayu perlu diperlihara, sebagai payung yang menaungi Perlembagaan, ugama Islam, hal ehwal adat resam dan budaya orang Melayu dan kedudukan sekelian baginda sebagai simbol asas ketamaddunan pembinaan negara-bangsa.

Published in: on September 11, 2010 at 23:55  Comments (7)  

A Cape Town khutbah

A Cape Town Khutba
Introduction by Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-SufiAlmost a decade ago when I came to South Africa I saw that while Islam had survived, indeed it had been respected by the previous regime despite the christian iniquities, it had lost its social dynamism. The Jumu’a had been robbed of its political authority, I mean the khutba from the Mimbar.

Modern capitalism had everywhere made two actions to put Islam out of action. Firstly, they doctrinally encouraged new mosques to replace the Mimbar with a christian pulpit. Secondly, cynically exploiting the need for an Arabic khutba they had replaced the fresh political discourse of our tradition with a formula repeated in Arabic and at the same time introducing a “pre-khutba talk” from a lectern. Thus, not only was the message reduced from its power-base, the Mimbar, but it robbed the jama’at of the vital ruhani time of reflection before the Imam is seated. For when the Imam sits the angels shut their book of records. Thus, both the time of Haqiqa and that of Shari’at have been taken from us.

It seemed that a properly mounted Jumu’a was the first step to Islamic awakening. I was helped by a generous gift to the Cape Town Muslims. Hajj Mukhtar al-Bukhari of Malaysia purchased for the city and our Jama’at a noble building in the heart of the downtown district. Once ready we then began to impose the living pattern of the Jumu’a according to the practice of the people of Madinah.

We are fortunate in having Shaykh Habib Bewley as our Imam Khatib, son of the distinguished Muslim scholars, Shaykh Abdalhaqq Bewley and Hajja Aisha Bewley. Shaykh Habib, himself a scholar of the Qarawyn Mosque in Fez and other distinguished Moroccan teachers, has made an impact on his Jama’at, and can now see before him a packed and attentive gathering every Friday. The following Khutba was enthusiastically received and there were many requests for its text. It’s my privilege to host it to the wider community of the Internet

Shaykh Dr. Abdalqadir as-Sufi

A Cape Town Khutba

الحمد لله، الحمد لله الذي جعل محبةَ الصحابةِ الكرامِ من محبَّةِ نبيِّه، وجعلهم كالنجومِ بأيِّهِمُ اقتدى الإنسانُ اهتدى إلى هَديِه، نحمده تعالى ونستعينه، ونشكره تعالى ونستغفره ونستغيثه، نعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا ومن سيئات أعمالنا، من يهد الله فهو المهتد ومن يضلل فلن تجد له وليا مرشدا، ونشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك و له الحمد، يحيي ويميت، بيده الخير، وهو على كل شيء قدير،  ونشهد أن سيدنا و مولانا محمداً عبده ورسوله، وحبيبه وصفيه، بلغ الرسالة وأدّى الأمانة ونصح الأمة، النبي الأمي الذي أرسله الله بالهدى والدين الحق، بشيرا ونذيرا بين يدي الساعة، صلى الله عليه وسلم وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.

        أما بعد! فيا عباد الله اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون. يأيها الذين ءامنوا اتقوا الله وقولوا قولا سديدا يصلح لكم أعمالكم ويغفر لكم ذنوبكم. ومن يطع الله ورسوله فقد فاز فوزا عظيما. اتقوا الله فيما أمر وانتهوا عما نها عنه وزجر.

قال الله تعالى في كتابه العزيز: وَلْتَكُنْ مِنْكُمْ أُمَّةٌ يَدْعُونَ إِلَى الْخَيْرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ وَلَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ تَفَرَّقُوا وَاخْتَلَفُوا مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَهُمُ الْبَيِّنَاتُ


            Allah says in His Mighty Book, the translation of which is, “Let there be a community among you who call to the good, and enjoin the right, and forbid the wrong. They are the ones who have success. Do not be like those who split up and differed after the Clear Signs came to them.”

            Muslims, during recent years, there have been concerted attempts to change the parameters of the Deen of Allah and turn it upside down,  by bringing ideas, concepts and movements into the mainstream that have always been considered by the Muslim umma to be misguided innovation. This attack on the identity of the Deen has been two-pronged, being waged by elements within the Muslim Community as well as enemies without, and is exemplified by the attempt to grant the Shi’a deen (for that is how their own scholars, including Khomeini in his book Kashfe Esrar, refer to their religion) – to grant the Shia deen the same status as the four traditionally-recognised madhhabs, by referring to it by the misnomer of the Ja’fari Madhhab, whereas, in fact, Ja’far ibn Sadiq, rahimahullah, never established a madhhab but rather passed on his knowledge of fiqh matters to Imam Abu Hanifa and Imam Malik, who were both his students.

            And indeed, this attempt to confer legitimacy on the Shi’a religion has met with some success in recent years, with the Amman Declaration of 2004 being followed by the ‘Sunni Shia Unity Declaration’ of 2008, both signed and supported by large numbers of Muslim academics and scholars.

            While at the same time, Iran, and by extension, the Shi’a religion, has gained ground in the eyes of the wider Muslim by championing the Palestinian resistance and standing up for Islam in the face of American imperialism. Indeed, its status as Enemy Number One of the developed world has endeared it in the eyes of the downtrodden Muslim masses, many of whom are starting to view Iran as the means to the re-empowerment of the Muslim umma. And that fact has not gone unnoticed within Iranian and Shi’a circles, with Shi’a leaders now presuming to make statements on behalf of the Muslim umma and Shi’a missionaries making inroads into communities that previously shunned them.

            These same Shi’a missionaries are at work here in Cape Town and are taking full advantage of recent trends to try to convince us that the differences between us and them are minor and superficial. They are Muslims just like us they say, the only difference is that they love the family of the Prophet more. This is a lie. They are practising what they call ‘taqiyya’. They are trying to worm their way into your hearts and gain your acceptance and trust, and will only reveal the extent of their deviation when they feel they have won you over. For the differences between our deen and theirs are far more fundamental than most of the Muslim umma realise. One of those I touched on last week when I discussed their practices on the Day of Ashura. Today, I would like to discuss another and that is the way they view the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, whom every right-thinking Muslim honours and reveres.

            Qadi Iyad says in his famous book, ash-Shifa fi tareefi huquqi-l-Mustafa:

ومن توقيرِه وبِرِّه صلى الله عليه وسلم توقيرُ أصحابِه وبِرُّهم، ومعرفةُ حقِّهم، والاقتداءُ بهم، وحسنُ الثناء عليهم والاستغفارُ لهم، والإمساكُ عما شَجَرَ بينهم، ومعاداةُ من عاداهم، والإضرابُ عن أخبارِ المؤرِّخين وجهلةِ الرُّواةِ وضلالِ الشيعةِ والمبتدعين القادحةِ في أحدٍ منهم.


     “Part of respecting and obeying the Prophet, consists in respecting his Companions, obeying them, recognising what is due to them, following them, praising them, asking forgiveness for them, refraining from discussing their differences, showing enmity to those who are hostile towards them and shunning the misguidance of the Shi‘a and the innovators and the reports of any historians or ignorant transmitters who detract from any of them.”

     We revere the Companions because we love the Messenger of Allah and obey him without question. We are pleased with the Companions because Allah and His Messenger were pleased with them. Allah says:

لقد رضي الله عن المؤمنين إذ يبايعونك تحت الشجرة


     the translation of which is, “Allah was pleased with the believers when they gave allegiance to you under the tree.” And Anas related that the Prophet said,

مثلُ أصحابي كمَثلِ المِلحِ في الطعامِ، لا يصلُحُ الطعامُ إلا به


     “The likeness of my Companions is that of salt with food. Food is not good without it.” And Jabir narrated that he said,

إن اللهَ اختار أصحابي على جميعِ العالمين سِوى النبيين والمرسلين، واختار لي منهم أربعةً: أبا بكرٍ وعمرَ وعثمانَ وعليا ، فجعلهم خيرَ أصحابي، وفي أصحابي كلِّهم خير


     “Allah chose my Companions over everything else in existence except for the Prophets and the Messengers. He chose four of them for me: Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali and made them the best of my Companions, although all of my Companions are good.” This is the exalted status of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, men and women chosen by Allah Himself above the rest of creation; men and women in whose company the Messenger of Allah, the absolute pinnacle of creation, chose to be; men and women to whom everyone of us owe a debt of gratitude for the way they preserved the deen of Allah and passed it on to us whole and unimpaired.

     These were the Companions of the Messenger of Allah, and yet those same Shi’a who come to us and say they are just like us, claim that all of the Companions were astray except for a handful. Those same Shi’a write books slandering Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Muawiyya. Those same Shi’a claim that Abu Hurayra was a liar who fabricated hadiths. Those same Shi’a revile the wives of the Messenger of Allah, especially A’isha and Hafsa. Those same Shi’a disregard the direct instructions of the Messenger of Allah and bring down the curse of Allah upon them.

قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: من سب أصحابي، فعليه لعنةُ الله والملائكة والناسِ أجمعين، لا يقبَلُ الله منه صرفا، ولا عدلا


     The Prophet said, “Anyone who curses my Companions has the curse of Allah on him, as well as that of the angels and all people. And Allah will not accept any exchange or recompense from him.”

     The view the Shi’a have of the Companions is repugnant, offensive and disrespectful, and no-one who holds such a view can be considered part of mainstream Islam. Ayyub as-Sakhtiyani said,

من أحبَّ أبا بكرٍ  فقد أَقامَ الدّين، ومن أحب عمر فقد أوضح السبيل، ومن أحب عثمان  فقد استضاء بنور الله، ومن أحب عليا فقد أخذ بالعروة الوثقى، ومن أحسن الثناء على أصحاب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم فقد بَرِئ من النفاق، ومن انتقص أحدا منهم فهو مبتِدعٌ مخالفٌ للسنة والسلفِ الصالح، وأخافُ ألّا يصعُدَ له عملٌ إلى السماء حتى يحبَّهم جميعا، ويكونَ قلبُه سليما


     “Whoever loves Abu Bakr has established the deen. Whoever loves ‘Umar has made the way clear. Whoever loves ‘Uthman has been illuminated by the light of Allah. Whoever loves ‘Ali has taken hold of the firm handle. Whoever praises the Companions of Muhammad is free of hypocrisy. But whoever disparages any of them is an innovator who opposes the Sunna and the right-acting Salaf, and it is feared that none of his actions will rise to heaven until such time that  his heart returns to soundness and he loves every one of them.”

أقول قولي هذا و أستغفر الله العظيم لي و لكم و لسائر المسلمين من كل ذنب فاستغفروه إنه هو التوّابُ الرَّحيم
الحمد لله الحمد لله رب العالمين كما ينبغي لجلالِ وجهِهِ وعظيمِ سُلطانِه، أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمداً عبده ورسوله، صلى الله وسلم وبارك عليه وعلى آله وصحبه، والتابعين وتابعي التابعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.

أما بعد! فيأيها الذين ءامنوا اتقوا الله ما استطعتم واسمعوا وأطيعوا وأنفقوا خيرا لأنفسكم. يا عباد الله أوصيكم وإياي بتقوى الله وطاعته وأحذركم وإياي عن معصيته ومخالفته.

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: احفَظُوني في أصحابي وأصهارِي، فإنه مَن حفِظني فيهم حفِظه اللهُ في الدنيا والآخرة، ومَن لم يحفَظْنِي فيهم تَخلَّى اللهُ منه، ومَن تخلَّى اللهُ منه يُوشَكُ أَن يَأخُذَه


     The Prophet said, “Protect me in my Companions and my relations by marriage. Anyone who protects me in them will be protected by Allah in this world and the Next. Anyone who does not protect me in them will be abandoned by Allah. and all those abandoned by Allah are on the point of being seized.”

     It is our duty as Muslims to speak out in defense of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah and to warn those who speak against them of the consequences and implications of doing so for it warrants both punishment in this world and the curse of Allah. The Prophet said,

من سَبَّ أصحابي فاضرِبوه


     “Whoever curses my Companions, beat him. That was the position adopted by the Companions themselves and the Tabiun, for when Musa ibn ‘Isa al-‘Abbasi heard that a man had reviled ’Aisha, he said,

فَاجْلِدْهُ ثمانين، وَحَلِّقْ رأسَه


     “Flog him eighty times and shave his head” And when ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab heard that his son, ‘Ubaydullah ibn ‘Umar, had reviled al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, he threatened to cut his tongue out, saying,

دَعُوني أَقطَعُ لسانَه حتى لا يشتُمَ أَحدَ أصحابِ النبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم بَعد


     “Let me cut out his tongue so that he will never again revile any of the Companions of the Prophet.” And that was the position adopted by the major schools of Fiqh. Imam Malik said,

من شتمَ النبيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم قُتِلَ، ومن شَتَمَ أصحابه أُدِّبَ


     “Whoever reviles the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is killed. Whoever reviles his Companions should be disciplined.” And Sahnun said,

من قال في أبي بكرٍ وعمرَ وعثمانَ وعلي: إنهم كانوا على ضلالةٍ وكُفرٍ قُتِل، ومن شتم غيرَهم من الصحابة بمِثلِ ذلك نُكِّل النِكالَ الشديدَ .


     “Whoever says that any of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali were misguided and unbelievers should be killed. And whoever curses any of the other Companions in the same way should be given a severe punishment.” However, it should be stated here that this is not a call to vigilantism, for such punishments may only be meted out by those in authority following the legal ruling of a qadi.

     The reason why the prohibition against insulting the Companions is so strong and the punishment for doing so so severe is because they were the ones who transmitted the deen of the Messenger of Allah to the later generations and so if you call them into question, you call the authenticity of the entire deen into question. If they were not to be trusted, then all of the hadith literature would have to be discarded and we would be left with nothing upon which to base our lives apart from the Qur’an. So none of us would know how to pray or when to pray and none of us would be able to pay zakat. And there would be no unity among the Muslims as everyone would be interpreting the Qur’an according to his own appetites and whims and following his own path.

     Criticism of the Companions is, by extension, a criticism of the Prophet himself, since it is an implication that he surrounded himself with hypocrites and liars and put them in positions of authority over the Muslims. And that is especially true with respect to his wives, for it suggests that he was totally lacking in good judgement.

     And it is also a criticism of Allah since it is an implication that Allah is lying when he addresses them, saying:

كُنْتُمْ خَيْرَ أُمَّةٍ أُخْرِجَتْ لِلنَّاسِ تَأْمُرُونَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَتَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَتُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ


     the translation of which is, “You are the best community ever to be produced before mankind. You enjoin the right, forbid the wrong and have iman in Allah.”

     So, whoever curses the Companions disparages Allah and His Messenger and provides ammunition to those who seek to destroy the deen. And this is just one of the tenets of the Shi’a faith that contradict the deen of Islam that we hold dear. But despite these views, we are being told that we should welcome them with open arms and give their deen the same status as our own! We will not do that! We will not take as friends those who accuse the Companions of willfully distorting the deen of the death of the Messenger and we will continue to warn against them until they repent. The Prophet said, as related in the Shifa of Qadi Iyad,

لا تسُبُّوا أصحابي، فإنه يجِيءُ قومٌ فِي آخرِ الزمانِ يسُبُّونَ أصحابي فلا تُصَلُّوا عليهم، ولا تصَلُّوا معهم، ولا تُناكِحُوهم، ولا تُجالِسُوهم، وإن مرضوا فلا تعودوهم


     “Do not curse my Companions. A people will come at the end of time who will curse my Companions. Do not pray over them or behind them, do not marry with them and do not sit in their assemblies. And when they are ill, do not visit them.”

     We ask Allah to increase us in love of Him and His Prophet. And we ask Him to increase us in love of His family and Companions and give us the means to defend them from any who seek to revile them and cast aspersions upon them. We ask Him to allow us to see the truth as being true and give us the strength to follow it and falsehood as being false and give us the strength to avoid it. We ask Allah to, by the rank of the shahadatayn that links us to them, to guide the Shi’a back to the truth. We ask Him to cleanse their hearts of hatred for the Sahaba and cleanse their tongues of the vile insults that defile them. We ask Him to join the hearts of the Muslims and give victory to His deen.

إنَّ اللهَ ومَلائِكَتَهُ يُصلُّونَ على النَّبِي يَا أَيُها الذينَ آمنوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وسَلِّمُوا تَسْليماً. اللهمَّ صَلِّ وسَلِّم وبارِك عَلَيْهِ وعلى آلِهِ وصَحْبِهِ  أجمعين.

وارض اللهم عن الخلفاء الراشدين أبي بكرٍ وعمرَ وعثمانَ وعلي ، وعن سائر الصحابة أجمعين، خصوصا الأنصارَ منهم والمهاجرين، وعن التابعين وتابعي التابعين ومن تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين.

اللهم اهد ولاة أمور المسلمين لما يرضيك ولاتباع سنة نبيك صلى الله عليه وسلم  وثبت أقدامهم على الصراط المستقيم وأصلحهم يا رب العالمين.

اللهم بارك على شيخنا، و على أميرنا، وعلى جميع أمراءِ وزعماء المسلمين. 

اللهم بارك على المسلمين في هذه المدينة ووفقهم لما تحبه وترضاه يا أكرم الأكرمين.

اللهمّ أَعِزَّ الْلإسلامَ والمُسِلمينَ (3)  واَخْذُلِ الكُفْرَ والكافِرينَ، وانْصُرِ المُجاهِدينَ في سَبِيلِ اللهِ. واجْعَلْ كَلِمََتَكَ هِيَ العُلْيَا وكَلِمَةَ الكُفْرِ هِيَ السُّفْلى.

ربنا ءاتنا في الدنيا حسنة وفي الأخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب النار.

اللهم لا تضعْ في مقامِنا هذا ذنبا إلا غفرْتَه، ولا عيبا إلا سترْتَه، ولا مريضا إلا شفيتَهُ وعافيتَه، ولا مسجونا إلا طلَّقْتَ سراحَه، ولا مسافرا في برِّك وبحرِك إلا سلِمتَهُ وغنِمْتَه.

إن الله يأمر بالعدل والإحسان وإيتاء ذي القربى وينهى عَنِ الفحشاءِ والمُنكَرِ والبغي، يعظكم لعلكم تذكرون، ولَذِكْرُ اللهِ أكبر والله يَعْلَمُ ما تَصْنَعُون. وقُومُوا إِلَى صَلاتِكُمْ يرحمكم الله

* * * * * *

Published in: on February 5, 2010 at 15:23  Comments (2)  

If there are no monkeys, how come the tree is shaking?


IJN Holdings Sdn. Bhd. denied through the media this evening on the proposal to ‘privatise’ part or whole of the IJN, an expose’ carried first by BigDogDotCom.

Bernama.com has the story:

October 22, 2009 23:15 PM

IJN Holdings Has No Plan To Privatise IJN


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 22 (Bernama) — IJN Holdings Sdn Bhd has no intention to privatise the Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) or any section of the nation’s premier heart centre.

It denied that any submission to do so has been sent to the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) in the Prime Minister’s Department.

IJN Holdings, in a statement today, said the IJN Group remains committed to deliver the best cardiac care for the people n line with its corporatisation objectives.

The IJN Group consists of IJN Holdings as the holding company and has four subsidiaries. They are IJN Sdn Bhd, IJN Capital, IJN College and IJN International.

IJN Holdings, wholly-owned by MOF Inc, was incorporated in March 2005 as part of a corporate restructuring exercise approved by its board and the government to facilitate fund-raising for redevelopment of the National Heart Centre’s facilities and its expansion into education and training.

It said the exercise had also consolidated IJN’s key activities to create better focus in its areas of expertise.

“The 2005 restructuring was to support the IJN in achieving its vision of becoming a global centre of excellence in cardiovascular and acrdiothoraic care and ensuring the heart centre as an institution remain sustainable in facing future challenges,” it added.



It has attracted a lot of attention, which include mainstream media The Malay Mail. The merits of the attention is acredited to the proposal to privatise IJN to congolmerate Sime Darby Group last December, first highlighted and championed by the blogs.

Earlier, Minister in charge of EPU and former Minister of Finance II Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yackop also vehemently denied the report.

M Star.com.my has the story too:

Khamis Oktober 22, 2009

Kerajaan sahkan INSTITUT JANTUNG NEGARA tidak akan diswastakan

KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan hari ini mengumumkan bahawa ia tidak akan menswastakan Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) sama ada secara keseluruhannya mahupun sebahagian.

Perkara ini dijelaskan oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop ketika dihubungi BERNAMA hari ini.

Beliau telah diminta menjelaskan isu ini ekoran tersebarnya khabar angin terbaru kononnya IJN untuk kali yang kedua menjadi subjek kepada pengambilalihan secara penswastaan.

Sebelum ini cadangan Sime Darby untuk membeli kepentingan dalam IJN telah mendapat bantahan majoriti rakyat sehingga pelan itu gagal direalisasikan.

“Unit Perancangan Ekonomi (EPU) belum memberi sebarang kelulusan bagi penswastaan IJN,” katanya semasa dihubungi Bernama.

“Tiada apa (kelulusan) telah dihantar kepada kami. Malah, walau sesiapa pun datang menemui kami mengenai perkara itu, tiada apa yang akan diswastakan, tidak secara sebahagian atau secara keseluruhan,” kata beliau lagi.

Menurut laporan beberapa laman blog, Lembaga Pengarah IJN telah dibenarkan untuk melakukan skim merungkaikan aset secara meluas, yang merupakan satu langkah yang pada akhirnya memisahkan fungsi operasi institut itu dan mewujudkan anak syarikat baharu.

IJN kini beroperasi di dalam bentuk IJN Holdings Sdn Bhd yang memiliki Hospital IJN. Terdapat juga IJN Capital dan IJN College di bawah pengurusan sedia ada sekarang.


It is great news to Malaysians. At least to the 1.5 million patients already benefitted from the government-built-most-successful-heart-hospital in the world.

Our “Thirteen Million Ringgit” joint-question to the YB Minister and Board of Directors of IJN Holdings Sdn. Bhd. is that, why get Ernst and Young to do the study if there was no intention to fragmentise the one time only one entity IJN Sdn. Bhd. further? Obviously, the study must have a purpose and eventually, a motive and/or intent.

The fact is that, the proposal include the creation of more subsidiaries which include IJN Asset Sdn. Bhd., IJN Services Sdn. Bhd. and IJN Pharmacy Sdn. Bhd. According to the study conducted by Ernst and Young dated 13 October 2009, “Subsidiaries are responsible for their respective operations and core buisness activies and empowered to operate businesses independently with certain key decisions (as prescribed by the LOA) necesssitating holding company partcipation”. This is without a doubt is a privatisation exercise, the investment banking way of giving corporate advisory.

A government hospital which is already operating as a corporate body (for efficiency and emoluments of the healthcare professionals – to ensure top notch service without burdening the rakyat with ‘cost-plus’ intent) should not be fragmentised further that each department be turned into subsidiaries with making money as an objective. This will make services rendered costlier and would not benefit the rakyat.

On top of that, this proposal also very much resembles very closely the mechanism and intent of the Widespread Asset Unbundling (WAU) scheme, first introduced to a GLC (Malaysia Airlines) way back in 2002. It was brought upon by consultants Binafikir Sdn. Bhd. under the instruction of Nor Mohamed, who was then the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister. Later, Binafikir Supremo Tan Sri Azman Mokhtar was appointed as Khazanah Holdings Bhd. CEO, during PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s time.

The original form and structure IJN Sdn. Bhd. did not need fixing. It worked well and fine. The ten CABG surgeries on an average working day is a good testimony to that. As a government body, it definitely need not to be fragmentised into separate sendirian berhad entities. Unless, each entity needs to be a profit centre, which means that making profit is an objective of the exercise. That is defying the original spirit and tactical and strategical objective of the inception of IJN sixteen years ago by Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

Will and has the restructuring of IJN bring about improvements? Perhaps. Then again IJN is about a cardiac hospital. Hence, the core operations of the hospital is pertinent to ensure the success of IJN and not peripherals such as facility management. In the restructuring plan, it made no mention of improving medical KPIs. Unless the restructuring involves adding more cardio thoracic surgeons, physicians, anaesthetists, radiologists, pharmacists, nurses, laboratory technicians, physiotherapists and/or dieticians, then it is all about changing form and legal ownership, billing and accounting procedures and rates.

The fact is that, each fragmentised entity would compete against each other rather than compliment. Especially for shared services. When there exist competiton within the same roof, then serving and giving care would fall behind against profit. Thus, this would bring the cost of operations more. If factored with the profit element which each business entity would naturally mark up for services rendered, then healthcare would cost more. Eventually, the rates would be at par with services offered by SJMC, KPJ Group, Pantai Group, Gleneagles and other premier private hospitals.

Eventually, everything would be unfold. Just like the episode where IJN was about to be hived off to Sime Darby Group, the management denied the development of the proposal. A member BOD of IJN Holdings Sdn. Bhd. was said to arragontly made a  claim  “It is a done deal. There is nothing anyone could do”. And yet bloggers took the proposal into public domain which drew public outcry which halted the proposal. As they say, “If there are no monkeys, then who is shaking it?”.


Published in: on October 22, 2009 at 23:18  Comments (15)