Raja Melayu tidak wajar dicemari sebagai alat kempen politik

HRH Rulers attending the Council of Rulers Conference

Kedudukan DYMM Raja Raja Melayu dalam sistem sosio-politik Malaysia adalah tinggi martabatnya. Sekelian baginda ujud sebagai penaung dan pemberi daulat keatas Perlembagaan, yang menjadi bahan rujuk undang undang oleh semua pihak. Ini adalah simbol kekuasaan dan kedaulatan sekelian baginda Raja Raja.

Sekelian baginda berada atas daripada proses demokrasi. Sistem demokrasi Raja BerPerlembagaan ala Westminster yang diamalkan merupakan wadah bahawa rakyat diberikan kuasa pemerintahan sejajar dengan prinsip demokrasi dan sekelian baginda Tuanku berada sebagai penaung kerajaan yang dipilih dan sistem yang merangkumi rakyat seluruhnya.

DYMM Raja Raja merupakan penaung Perlembagaan. Esksekutif, legislatif dan kehakiman adalah tiga cabang yang bernaung bawah kedaulatan sekelian baginda.  Sebagai Ketua Ugama dan Ketua Warisan dan Budaya Melayu, baginda mempunyai hak mutlak khusus mengenai dua aspek sosio-politik ini sebagaimana yang diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan.


Sultan Muhammad V menerima watikah penmanshuran sebagai Al Sultan Kelantan dari Meberi Besar Kelantan, sesuai dengan protokol dan Perlembangaan Negeri pada 13 Sept 2010


Sejarah menunjukan peranan sekelian baginda dalam lanskap sosio-politik. Kuasa politik orang Melayu yang digembelingkan secara padu oleh UMNO bermula 11 Mei 1946 sebenarnya memperjuangkan hak dan kedudukan sekelian baginda dalam sistem sosio-politik Tanah Melayu yang telah dimansuhkan dengan Malayan Union. Akibatnya, UMNO berjaya mmebawa suara orang Melayu seluruh Tanah Melayu begitu padu mendesak sekelian baginda menolak Malayan Union. Maka gagasan ciptaan Whitehall ini berjaya digagalkan dalam tempoh beberapa bula sahaja.

Siri rundingan antara Raja Raja Melayu dan British telah diusahakan sejurus sebagai kesinambungan mengekalkan kuasa koloni. Akhirnya, Perjanjian Tanah Melayu berkuat kuasa 1 Februari 1948 telah dimeterai. Perjanjian Tanah Melayu ini menjadi asas Perlembagaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu yang mula dikuat kuasa apabila Kemerdekaan dicapai pada 31 Ogos 1957 dan bermula sistem Raja BerPerlembagaan diguna pakai.

Amat malang sekiranya baginda Raja dijadikan ‘alat’ yang digunakan pihak pihak tertentu semasa proses amalan demokrasi oleh rakyat, terutama semasa pilihanraya. Ini kerana pilihanraya merupakan pertarungan antara parti parti politik dan politkus.


Sepanduk PKR yang memaparkan gambar Tuanku Sultan Johor sebagai modal kempen; ehsan blog idealismalaysia.blogspot.com

Ini kerana sekiranya Raja Raja melibatkan diri walaupun secara tidak langsung semasa berlangsung proses kempen menjelang proses pilihanraya dan pembuangan undi, maka kedudukan kemulian dan kedaulatan baginda sebagai penaung Perlembagaan itu dikhuatiri akan dicemari. Peribadi baginda mungkin akan terbuka sebagai bahan bicara, terutama dalam kehangatan berkempen. Sekiranya ini berlaku, maka amat malang kerana sistem Raja BerPerlembagaan menetapkan kedudukan sekelian baginda adalah kebal dalam kapasiti baginda menjalankan tugas sebagai DYMM Raja dan penaung Perlembagaan, termasuk hal hal melibatkan ugama Islam dan adat istiadat dan warisan orang Melayu.

Maka sebagai tunggak sistem feudalism jauh lebih tinggi dari proses politik, Raja Raja tidak wajar dijadikan alat untuk mereka yang berkempen semasa mana mana proses demokrasi sebagaimana yang diperuntukan oleh Perlembagaan. Raja Raja berperanan untuk menentukan kerajaan yang dipilih untuk diangkat.


Nik Aziz in a Chinese Chauvinists anti-Islam/Malay DAP function with Lim Kit Siang

Baginda perlu dipertahankan dari dicemari agenda politik samada secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Terutama apabila pihak pihak yang tergamak berkerjasama dalam arena politik dengan pihak pihak yang terserlah sifat dan kedudukan anti Melayu dan Islam, mengambil kesempatan keluhuran dan kemuliaan peribadi baginda dan diperkudakan dalam kempen politik, termasuk dalam jajaran pilihanraya. Pihak yang sama juga tergamak memperkudakan Islam sebagai bahan dan alat politik sempit dan mengelirukan mereka, terutama kepada orang Melayu. Baginda sebagai penaung ugama Islam amat perlu mengelakan diri dari menjadi bahan persepsi politik songsang memperkudakan ugama Islam ini.

Kedudukan dan taraf kemuliaan sebagai Raja berdaulat  sekelian baginda Raja Raja Melayu wajar diperlihara dan pertahankan. Sekelian baginda sebagai ‘benteng’ bagi orang Melayu, wajar sentiasa diingatkan demi kepentingan jatidiri orang Melayu yang masih lagi beraja. Orang Melayu sebagai pendukung sekelian baginda Raja Raja Melayu mempunyai tanggung jawab moral untuk mengingatkan bahawa persempadanan kedudukan kedaulantan institiusi Raja Raja Melayu perlu diperlihara, agar maruah Bangsa Melayu terbela dan terpelihara.




*Perkembangan dikemas kini 1130pm

Published in: on October 28, 2010 at 20:29  Comments (26)  

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26 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. A dog will always be a dog woof woof.

  2. BD

    Kalo puok PAS nak guno Sultan untuk kurnia geran tanah kat rakyat Guo Musang. Ambo ucap syukur kat Sultan pasal puok PAS dah lamo bagi TOL kat puok Cino luor.

    Geran tetap ambo ambek, tapi undi ambo adalah rahsio.

  3. Better a DOG than A DAPig

  4. HI HI HI Biggy … I knew from the beginning this would happen … AND I understand why … PAS stirred the shit badly concerning Orang Asli … thus they need the might of the palace to cover it.

  5. Perhaps some people don’t care much about the importance of not involving the royal houses into political equations, regardless whether they in desperate situation or not.

    Were they (that) desperate?

  6. […] ROYAL INTERVENTION. In Galas, a place we hardly hear of till this coming by-election, things are about to get complicated. There’s talk that the new Sultan is going to officiate a state government’s function where land titles will be awarded to some Orang Asli voters in the constituency. This move could be vital for PAS, which has come under intense pressure from the BN for allegedly isolating these indigenous people from its development policies all these years.It could also be suicidal. For its own good, the Istana has always stayed away from political campaigns such as this one, so any precedence set would be a dangerous one.Why the Raja-Raja Melayu should not be part of their game, please read H E R E. […]

  7. Kalau sultan sendiri nak buat. Let him la. No law to dictate this. Don’t lecture us on this

  8. Mu ni semua,kalo sultan kelantan ‘interfere’ kalo sultan bperak tak pula.kalo sultan johot tak pula.baghal betul lah mu semua ni

    • Paduka Seri Sultan Perak atau Sultan Johor ‘turun padang’ bagi geran tanah kepada rakyat semasa musim kempen PRK ke?

      Lebih lebih lagi tatkala ianya menjadi isu politik kerana contoh kegagalan Kerajaan Negeri dan berlaku tindakan pilih bulu perserta dalam program Kerajaan Negeri “Ladang Rakyat”.

      Itu bezanya

    • dia bukan baghal-dia pemutar alam…

  9. Maybe the Perak and Johor Sultans didn’t do exactly what the Kelantan sultan is doing. But basically, its political interventionlah by all of them, the Sultans. Janganlah spin too much. The same thing applied when Azlan Shah kononnya summoned the three PR turncoats. Maybe he was congratulating them for following his orders-who knows?
    Ahmad Shah of Pahang also publicly called on the people to support BN one year ago. What do you say to that?

    sri hartamas

    • You are speculating. The fact remain that HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak summoned the 3 ADUNs to really establish the validity of Pakatan Rakyat still having the majority of the House.

      It is clear that Pakatan Rakyat loss the majority support of the House and instead Barisan Nasional had the luxury. Hence, DAP-Puppet-MB Nizar was asked to go and Dr Zambry A Kadir was offered to be 10th MB.

      Did HRH Sultan make the call in general? Or did he did that in an election campaign, especially on the ground in the theatre of operations?

      • You said: “The fact remain that HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak summoned the 3 ADUNs to really establish the validity of Pakatan Rakyat still having the majority of the House.”

        So this is the “secret” pact then. What I meant by “secret” is, it was done unofficially, in a way that none of it was documented nor the minutes of the meeting were recorded for all to see.

        You said it yourself, “… sekelian baginda Tuanku berada sebagai penaung kerajaan yang dipilih dan sistem yang merangkumi rakyat seluruhnya.” (emphasis added). For your record, maybe you can look up in the dictionary of what you said here; how you stand by what you said on one occasion, and contradict yourself on the other.

        If this is the product of an elite school of the 80’s, I am afraid that one day this country will go to the dog.

  10. […] lagi blog, Bigdogdotcom pula mendakwa adalah malang jika Sultan Muhammad V dimanipulasikan oleh sebuah parti politik ketika […]

  11. Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. berbunyi; ” Sesiapa yang mencari keredaan Allah dengan kemurkaan manusia nescaya Allah akan mencukupkannya dengan pertolongan manusia, sesiapa yang mencari reda manusia dengan kemurkaan Allah, Allah akan menyerahkannya kepada manusia”. Hadis ini adalah dari Riwayat al-Tirmizi, dan ianya adalah hadis hasan.

  12. Zakhir,

    While I understand your frustration as a supporter of UMNO that things don’t go your way, I think it is condescending for you to say that the Sultan is being made use by the oppositions. Sultans have minds of their own, just accept the fact in this case one Sultan decides to pitch in with the other party. There’s no shame to admit perhaps there’s really something wrong with UMNO. No offense meant but I think you’re trying a wee bit too hard to please your masters.


    • BD has many times in the past, condemned numerous UMNO members, so that shows he is unbiased.

      You, jabba, should practise what you preach. You admonish BD for being condescending and yet you end your self-righteous speech with a baseless allegation.

      You are on record accusing BD of “trying a wee bit too hard to please your masters.” You have proof of this master and slave relationship??

      My turn to advise: Walk your Talk. No offense meant.

      • ray, maybe you should put off your “X” ray vision and see with your “real” eyes.

        Sudah terang lagikan bersuluh!

    • I am sorry to disappoint you but I have no master. I am not answerable to anyone nor do I hv to take ‘instructions’ from anyone or any organisation.

      Since the day I started blogging, no one has ever paid any single cents for any of the articles published. Nor did I ever canvassed for money or anything in kind, what so ever and when ever.

      I am a professional and I earn my keep, just like other people. I started in audit, constructions, property development, then started my own IT consultancy (but failed), consulting, facility management, back to property development, power generation and technology provider and management, financial services and eventually oil and gas fabrication and support firms. I pay tax and tithe annually.

      Hence I am free to make my own criticism or take a stand on anything I feel about.

      If you or anyone willing to provide any proofs what so ever that I was paid or rewarded to do any story, please feel free to do so. I will guarantee that I would freely post the evidence presented here in this blog.

      For the record, Raja Petra Kamaruddin of Malaysia Today accused me of obtaining the SD (later made famous) about Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor’s involvement in the Altantuyaa Shaariibuu murder from the PDRM Special Branch officer, who is supposed to be my neighbour. I challenged him to provide the name of the officer, who is “my neighbour”. Until today, he failed to do so. It has already been two and a quarter years since.

      The SD first published in BigDogDotCom is the reason why Raja Petra was charged in court for criminal defamation, jumped bail, slipped out of the country like a terrorist and now a fugitive somewhere in the UK, the past two years.

      • Well said, BD. We would like to express our sincere appreciation for all your efforts in providing information to us all.

        Anons like MatCrack and Jabbajaws are minor irritants.

        They resent the fact that your readers get to benefit from all your postings, hence their futile attempts at distracting you through imbecile name-calling and unwarranted empty rhetoric.

      • It seemed that the comment I posted from another computer didn’t make it to this column (blocked, maybe?). Anyway, here I presented it in full:

        If you are thinking that being a slave means your master have to pay you, then you are truly a pathetic materialistic slave.

        Let me shed some light here… think of it the same as religion. God don’t have to pay you to be His slave, right? But instead, you feel deeply in debt of Him, and that you believe that you must give something or everything you have to pay it back. Now apply that to your situation, and it should have brighten some part in your head.

        The problem with what you believe is, your master is not really a master; rather a slave of sort to work for you. Now, if your slave has become your master, it only means one thing… the sign that the end is near.

        P/s: To ray, if you’re thinking that name-calling will make you look good or making your comment stand out, let me suggest for you to wait for few more years before making another comment… at least you’ll be mature then.

      • Matcrack

        So when you get a taste of your own medicine, it hurts huh?

        You can keep your so-called clever preaching to yourself. No one is truly impressed.

      • ray,

        You missed the jungle for a tree. Hopefully, the ray of light will be able to reach you through the thick skull of yours someday.

        I rest my case.

      • Dearest MatCrack

        Quote: “You missed the jungle for a tree” – I think you mean “can’t see the forest for the trees”. This is a reference to people who get so involved with the details of an issue that they lose sight of the larger issue. Hhmmm, Where did the “jungle” come from?

        heh heh, whose skull is thick? I do wonder and wonder and wonder …

        Yeah, you should rest your case, your mental activity, your libido, your preaching and rejuvenate your education.

  13. Zakhir,

    I see your have an offspring by name of Ray. Anyway I stand by opinion. You’re trying too hard..

    • Is that all the rebuttal you are capable of? Quite pathetic, obviously.

      “I stand by opinion”?? oh you mean “I stand by my opinion”.

      Was it based on solid evidence? Or purely based on mischievious speculation?

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