Can Anwar explain if Al Quran is still relevant and not “archaic”?

9 January 2012. Much to everyone’s surprise Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who has been charged for sodomy has been acquitted by Kuala Lumpur Criminal High Court. Later that evening he flew to Mumbai, as he had planned even though he is now a free man.

This is the BBC interview when he was in Mumbai:

“We will have to review some of these archaic laws. We, Muslims and Non Muslims in Malaysia generally believe and committed to support the sanity of marriage between man and woman. But we should not be seen as punitive and consider the archaic laws as relevant. We need to review them”.

These are the views, supported by specific mentions in the Al Quran and interpretation by the major imams on sodomy, homosexual and carnal intercourse.

So, are these Quranic verses “Not relevant and archaic’?

Could the PAS leaders, who have been adamant in their support of Anwar Ibrahim as the Opposition Leader and the coalition between PAS-DAP-PKR top candidate if they win the next general election as the “Prime Minister of Malaysia”, explain about these “These no longer relevant and archaic laws”?

Published in: on January 18, 2012 at 12:30  Comments (18)  

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18 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. BINGO on the BONTOT penjubor tua,AKA dajall Malaysia

    • yes, I agree, tepat,.. tajuk saja pun dah cukup.. macam kena penampar!

  2. well, that depends! does the PAS leader(s) understand English?

    • Get the Khalid Samad Erdogan group explain to the Ulama group.

      But then, the Erdogan group might explain it to their own favour. After all, they explained their politics to the delegates at the the PAS Muktamar last June such that they agreed to drop the Negara Islam/ Hukum Hudud long-held PAS dream like a bomb. To the chagrin of the Ulama group.

      I think the Erdogan group are the ones ex-Selangor Exco Dr Hassan Ali referred to as parasites in PAS. He promised to expose them on his coming roadshow.

  3. astaghafirullah……org yg begini ALLAH berikan dia kesihatan, kemewahan dan kemulian di dunia ni….taubat lah anwar….insaf lah kamu mempunyai anak2 dan cucu2 yg akan menderita selepas kamu pergi nanti….

  4. Kalau gay tua ni hidup di zaman Nabi Luth A.S pasti dia akan menentang Nabi Luth A.S atas reason yg same..

  5. Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim is a confessed freethinker so he thinks freely how worldly affairs should evolve, i.e. of coz, slanted to his vested interests….what can we say more about this Anal Warrior (ANWAR)?!! He’s a Godsend and he can do anything he wants..All hail the new Messiah!

    • What brother are you talkin’ about? Brother BONTOT or DAJJAL as KTP said above? Seconded by glassman below that.

      Of course I understand you are trying to be sarcastic. You use the word ANAL WARRIOR on him.

      But he is not Godsent, Messiah or even so-called kurniaan Tuhan. He was created by accident and became a huge mistake.

      Haba haba.

      • “He was created by accident and became a HUUGEEE mistake”

        Aggree on that.

      • I have to disagree on him being created by accident. All creation and birth is indeed the will of Allah SWT. There is no ‘accident’ at such a fundamental level.

        However, once out of the womb, what with the brain, silver tongue and opportunities that Allah SWT had given him, he still turned out like this, I must agree with you that his entire existence is a phenomenal failure.

      • ?he is not Godsent, Messiah or even so-called kurniaan Tuhan. He was created by accident and became a huge mistake”

        Uplifting! Enlightening!


    • Indeed this is the will of god to sent him to Malaysia to bring down the UMNO. For UMNO they think corruption is rezeki and homosexual is a true sin but they don’t realise that UMNO is actually committing crime against all Malaysian especially Malay by practicing cronyism and corruption. Anwar maybe sinful but this is among him and god.

      • ” homosexual is a true sin”? You mean it could be untrue sin? Where got, man? All religions detest main bontot. Only the bontot religion wants it. Haba haba.

        You mean no cronyism and corruption among Pakatan Rakyat people ah? Where you been all this while, man? Hibernating in a cave? Dunno that Lim Guan Eng “bull dozed the decision (according to the Chinese-owned papers) to award the huge billion Ringgit sPICE project to his crony, the contractor who is also the President of the Penang Cambers of Commerce or something?

        You never heard Lim Kit Siang even got dynasty-ism, ha? Dunno Guan Seng is his son ha? Know the history of how LKS went about to put LGE as DAP Sec Gen?

      • yes..the trinity in top pkr leadership anwar,jijah,izzah does not have any relationship amongst them..lim guanjing is not kit siang’s son.

        i guess for PR they think homosexual is some sort of healthy exercise.

        have you ever wondered how an unemployed person named
        ANalWARrior can afford luxury mansion in bukit segambut?how can he afford flying around the world week in week out?you think he afford all that by “menabung sejak kecil?”

        get it into your thick skull

  6. Anwar should be place in an island where lot’s of monkey’s & donkey’s. He is a suitable leader for monkey’s & donkey’s.

  7. […] Can Anwar explain if Al Quran is still relevant and not “archaic”? […]

  8. […] Can Anwar explain if Al Quran is still relevant and not “archaic”? […]

  9. Anwar is an open minded people. That’s why he does not understand why he cannot simply “sodok” anywhere he wants here in Malaysia. Calling the law as being archaic is merely ignoring the religious beliefs and human’s nature.

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