Tun Jin?

Tomorrow is PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s last Cabinet meeting before he retires and hand over the Premiership to DPM Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak on Friday. If the rakyat thought that the outgoing Prime Minister is unable to abuse his position and power in his last 72 hours, they are very much mistaken!

Firstly, PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah is expected to ‘ask’ the Cabinet for the two acre Carcosa land at Federal Hill, Kuala Lumpur, as a ‘parting gift’. Apparently, this is something he had used as a ‘currency’ for an ‘early departure’ (most probably PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah felt that his departure was ‘prematured’ and should be ‘compensated’, as he had arrogantly said once “I don’t intend to be a Prime Minister for only just one term”). If this most premier home address piece of land, which was onetime the residence of the British High Commissioner to Malaya/Malaysia (before Pemuda UMNO insisted that Federal Government take it back in 1984), is now valued at RM 1,000.00 p.s.f., that would mean that the property is a cool RM 87.1 million ‘farewell gift’.

Secondly, PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah is insisting at the Cabinet that Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah is being awarded for Seri Setia Mahkota (SSM) which carries the title ‘Tun’.

The reason, as the wife of the fifth Malaysian Prime Minister, she should be in the same ranks as Tun Sharifah Rodziah, Tun Rahah Tan Sri Mohamed Noah, Tun Suhailah Tan Sri Mohamed Noah and Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd. Ali.

Except for Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah, all the other ladies received the nation’s top most award not immediately after their husband’s retirement or demise. Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah, recevied her SSM minutes after Tun Dr. Mahathir bows out, is the lady who has been the wife of a Malaysian Prime Minister for 22 years and 3 months. She has contributed immensely as the consort of the Malaysian Chief Executive during those illustrious years.

How long has Datin Seri Jeanne been the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister? 21 months? What contribution has she done to deserve the SSM award?

Seriously??? “Tun Jin”!

Most probably this is the right time that Malaysians should be reminded again of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah’s famous sajak, ‘Ku cari damai abadi’:

Aku cari bukan harta bertimbun-timbun,

Untuk hidup kaya,
Aku cari bukan wang berjuta-juta,
Untuk hidup bergaya,
Aku cari bukan kawan-kawan,
Untuk hidup sekadar berfoya-foya,
Aku cari mana dia Al-Ghazali,
Aku cari mana dia Al-Shafie,
Kita bongkar rahsia kitab suci,
Cari pedoman
Kita bongkar rahsia sunnah nabi
Cari panduan
Aku hidup kerana Dia Rabbi
Dialah teman
Dialah wali
Dia mencukupi
Aku hidup bererti

Menikmati damai abadi


  Our thoughts at BigDogDotCom:

*If any lady who is or was married to PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah who deserved the SSM award should be Allahyarham Datin Seri Endon Mahmood. She has been with Pak Lah even before 1981, when Pak Lah assume his first Cabinet post. Except for an interegnum period of four years (1987-1991), Endon was a wife of a Cabinet Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and eventually Prime Minister for 20 years. A post humous SSM award is appropriate.

Post scriptum II:

Even if the Carcosa land is valued at RM 500 p.s.f., PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah will get a whopping RM 43.5 M retirement gift. That is effectively RM 8 M per year of service. What has he done these past five and half years for a gratuity to deserve such a high valued prize?

Published in: on March 31, 2009 at 22:34  Comments (35)  

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35 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Pak Lah cari harta dan pangkat …

    bukan untuk dirinya …

    tetapi ..

    untuk anak, menantu, cucu, dan isterinya…

  2. Tun not JIN


  3. Salam Biggy,

    Kita bongkar rahsia menantu Khairy,
    Sebagai peringatan untuk perjuangan esok hari.

    Kita lanyak menantu habis-habisan,
    Sehingga Dollah sedar siapakah petualang.


  4. Harta dan pangkat adalah bekalan dunia akhirat paklah

  5. Big Dog

    Lu biar serious 1981…..Kamal/Nori tu anak siape?

    Pak Lah and Endon got married in 1966. 1981 is the year Pak Lah started to be in the Cabinet.

  6. Ku cari damai di hati hanya di mulut.

    Ku ingatkan beliau pergi dengan rela hati.

    Rupanya penuh duit berguni.

    10 keturunan anak cuc cicit hidup berjoli.

    Selamat malam Tun Jin. Selamat Malam Tun Setan.

  7. I believe IF these requests were really submitted and eventually acceeded to, then we Malaysians were really being April-fooled indeed by the out-going Very IMPOTENT Person….

  8. Apa salahnya paklah minta ni 2 benda,jasanya begitu besar pada ammo,satu malaysia dia blh bagi kpd najib,takkan 2 benda kecil ni pun BIGDOG nak bising,kan ni tradisi ammo,u bg i satu, i bg u dua.

  9. satD, BigDog did say that 1981 was the year PakLah first assumed a cabinet post, not the year DS Endon and PakLah got married.

    I totally agree that the late DS Endon deserves to be awarded the SSM posthumously. DS Jeanne will be Toh Puan Datin Seri Jeanne after all, assuming PakLah is awarded a Tunship.

    Its only fair. Datin Seri Endon has been a member of Bakti, upto the Chairperson, for 20 years of service.

  10. berjuang untuk bangsa akhirnya ada nilai!
    Duit, harta dan pangkat jua akhirnya.
    Kalau duit itu datangnya dari rakyat, maka aku sumpah engkau derita sampai akhirat.
    Bye Bye Pak Lah. Jasa tak seberapa. Permintaan macam org dah lupa.


  12. Dear Big Dog

    Very interesting revelation.
    I will only comment when it is a done deal.
    It is a culture in our country to do some trade off in exchange for “a sacrifice.”
    But wanting Carcosa is rather ludicrous.
    I agree Kak Endon be awarded Tun posthumously.
    Jeanne should be contented with a Toh Puan.
    Marrying a Prime Minister at a late age is already a coup.

  13. Apalah UMNO ni merapu sangat. Kalau Agong nak anugerahkan TUN kepada Pak Lah ngan bini dia tu biar la…. Hangpa ni ghapla jingga!

    “How long has Datin Seri Jeanne been the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister? 21 months? What contribution has she done to deserve the SSM award?

    Seriously??? “Tun Jin”!”

    Tengok ayat kat atas ni…. kalau hangpa tulis camni tak mempertikaikan Agung ke… Dia raja suka hatila dia nak bagi award tu kat sapa… bukan dia jual…

    Best la jadi geng UMNO ni boleh buat suka hati…. mempertikaikan Agong pun boleh, buang imunity Raja pun boleh, bawa lari anak Raja pun boleh, tabal Raja bawah pokok pun boleh …. woi ada borang lebih dak… aku pun nak join UMNO….

    Anugerah Kerajaan Persekutuan, seperti SMN, SSM, PMN, PSM, PJD, PSD dsbnya ditentukan Jawatankuasa yang dibawah Jabatan Perdana Menteri, bukan Pejabat DYMM SPB YDP Agong. Malah Pejabat SPB YDP Agong pun ialah unit sebahagian dari Jabatan Perdana Menteri.

    Bukan suka suka baginda Tuanku boleh bagi apa apa anugerah Kerajaan Persekutuan kepada sesiapa yang baginda perkenan.

    Untuk anugerah yang besar seperti SMN dan SSM, semestinya Kabinet yang putuskan senarai, untuk ‘dicadangkan’ bagi ‘diperkenankan’ baginda Tuanku.

    Itu sebab anugerah Kerajaan Persekutuan, tidak boleh di’jual beli’ (tak macam anugerah Kerajaan Negeri).

  14. hish.. mana best masuk UMNO bro PemudaDarai… masuk PR lagi best… ble masuk SYURGA, ble maki hamun org (termasuk raja dan mufti), ble cakap sesuka ati, ble tuduh itu dan ini (dan org kena percaya lak tue), ble demo ari2 (tuk org melayu jer sbb depa takder keje kot)


  15. Tuan BigDog,

    Nasib la baik Pak Lah Flip-Flop tak mintak airbus yang baru beli tu sebahagian dari pakej persaraan!

    Tak silap aku, jet tu RM 200 juta kan?

  16. Good gracious, can’t believe it.

    Ada sesetengah rakyat yang merana, miskin, papa, kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang, Pak Lah nak yang the best of the best ….tak cukup ke kekayaan yang di boloti oleh family Pak Lah …..?

    Why are you so greedy, Pak Lah? Ingatlah Rakyat yang miskin dan papa tu ….

  17. pak lah..pak lah..kalau betul lah berita ni..memang awak tak pernah serik ya…macam mana orang nak respect dan ingat awak dengan benda yang elok-elok..asyik nak pau duit/harta saja..buat malu orang kepala bateih saja..mana kami nak letak muka kami ni…hai lah..lah..

  18. awat hang nak buat macam tu lah…yang sudah tu sudah la..pi la dengan cara terhormat sikit..malu la sikit kat arwah mak/bapak hang tu..jangan biaq orang dok kutuk hang sampai ke habeih..malu la sikit..

  19. Saya rasa ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tak izinkan/rela dengan permintaan pak lah tu, bahkan ramai yang tak habis2 melaknat beliau, anak & menantu atas “jasa” dia anak beranak pada negara. Kalaulah kabinet meluluskan permintaan ini maka amat bacul lah ahli parlimen Malaysia! pak lah akan dikenang rakyat sebagai PM yang paling bacul dalam sejarah negara!

  20. Halo bro PemudaBerderai … mana best masuk PR… PR tak masyukkk… nak berdemo pun polis selalu kacau… kan best join UMNO … berdemo siap polis jaga… kan best!!

    Nak kata kat orang pun selalu kena tangkap ngan polis pastu kena charge kat Mahkamah lagi… Aku ni dah le Pemuda Darai….

    Boleh la join…. Aku janji aku akan sokong KJ sebagai ketua pemuda yang Bersih Cekap dan Amanah.

  21. Bigdog,
    Pak Lah made the request, pray tell me who will be the giver? It will be the incoming PM. He is just as guilty of the deed for bribery just to become PM. The Airbus will be in the package too I guess since it is not registered as an airforce plane.

    Pak Zawi,

    It would be daylight robbery if PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah decides this on his own, even still as the Prime Minister at this point of time. Thus, he wants someone from the Cabinet to ‘propose’ this idea and then the Cabinet to ‘endorse’ this.

  22. Brother,

    So who is going to be in Najib’s new Cabinet? I truly hope the corrupt ones are left out. Takkanlah Azalina yang dah makan duit beratus juta nak jadi Menteri lagi. She should not only be dropped as Minister but should be charged in court and if found guilty, spend her remaining years behind bars.

    I heard a strong rumour that YOUR FRIEND Jamaluddin Jarjis is seeking a come back. If indeed Najib takes him in, that will be his first mistake as Prime Minister. Everybody knows that JJ is extremely corrupt. On top of that he goes around groping women. Takkan orang macam ni nak masuk balik ke Cabinet.
    Najib spoke about transparency, getting close to rakyat and so on. If he gets these goons into the Cabinet, he will fail.

    Penghuni flat PPRT

  23. […] a deal cut between Abdullah and Lim Guan Eng? Yesterday, Bigdogdotcom revealed that Abdullah is seeking for the two acre Carcosa land on Federal Hill as a golden handshake. Carcosa used to be the residence of the British High Commissioner to […]

  24. Too bad, Abdullah doesn’t know how to scrap the Mamak’s back and now he has to suffer in silence for his good nature. Only a crook Mamak has the talent to kill all the good true Malays right from Tunku Abdul Rahman, Hussien Oon, Musa Hitam, Ghafar Baba, Anwar Ibrahim, Tengku Razaleigh and now Abdullah. All in all, Malays cannot see a bigger picture that they have been conned and shamed by the Mamak for decades.

    And we have the big dog and its doggie showing their tails pledging for an ugly bone….Dirty mamak politics aka U(M)amak NO style.

  25. Brader BDDC said”

    “How long has Datin Seri Jeanne been the wife of the Malaysian Prime Minister? 21 months? What contribution has she done to deserve the SSM award?”

    It does not matterlah. That one is her lucklah, compared to Kak Endon.

    In this world we cannot “kesian-kesian” one. Politic is WHO GET WHAT,WHEN & HOW. And it all depends on his/her luck or rezekilah.

    But the RM40m Carcosa cannot be made the golden handshake for Pak Lah. I don’t think he dare to ask for it.

    He knows well the “when we were born, we brought nothing to this earth, and when we return to Rahmatullah, we are going to bring nothing there”.

    We got to verify the truth of this matter firstlah.


  26. Bigdog,
    Biarlah dol pegi cepat2. Ramai yang dah naik meluat tengok muka hipokrit itu, penuh dengan kepura2an. Jangan bagi apa2 pada pengkhianat bangsa ini. Dari segi gaya dan cakap, oh!!! sungguh manis dan hebat. Time will tell jenis apa manusia ini. Dia masih lagi dalam denial syndrome atau dah sedar tetapi cuba untuk menutup lubang bangkai yang terlalu busuk untuk ditutup.

  27. Tahniah Perdana Menteri Malaysia ke-6;
    Najib Razak

    (03 April ’09)

  28. Tahniah Najib PM6
    Tahniah PL & Jin = TUN
    Apa lagi baaa.

  29. You have made a good point about the award going to Allahyarhamah Endon. I guess we all take things for granted.


  30. So now they’re officially Tun Lah and Tun Jin…and they live happily ever after in a land far far away….

    What’s the big deal with these titles? Do they get some kind of monthly allowance/gratuity? If not, heck….biaq pi lah…tak boleh bawak kubuq pon 😉


    Its an acknowledgment of contribution to the country.

    What has Jeanne done for the country, within the last 21 months? (Not even half a term as the wife of a Malaysian Prime Minister!)

    Does she deserve to be in the same ranks as Tun Sharifah Rodziah, Tun Rahah, Tun Suhailah and Tun Dr Siti Hasmah?

    The only woman awarded with SSM who is not a wife of a former Prime Minister is Tun Fatimah Hashim.

    Please compare what these ladies did to Malaysia against Jeanne Abdullah.


  31. i am singing the same songs.
    She’s not deserving a tun.
    It will create a chaotic scene later, when one who deservedly conferred a tun has to give way bcos of the regulations prohibit Tunship award recipient must be only 8-10 living person, if i’m not mistaken.
    pls correct me.

    She deserved her Toh Puan. No question about it!

  32. SALAM BRO…

    YAHUDI SALURKAN DANA BUAT PAKATAN PEMBANGKANG http://gomo-no1.blogspot.com/2009/04/dana-yahudi-kepada-pkr-malaysiakini.html

  33. Beware of SUKJ @ melayusesat and KJ’s new spins.

  34. Yalah bigdog…u made your point. Or would you rather still keep him as your PM? It’s about cutting losses lah…

    BTW, is it true Tuns get some kind of immuinity?

  35. Pak Lah wanted a special postage stamp issued with his picture on it. So, he instructed Pos Malaysia to produce one, stressing that it should be of international quality. The stamps were duly released and Pak Lah was pleased. But within a few days of release of the stamps, he began hearing complaints that the stamp was not sticking properly, and became furious.

    He called the people responsible and ordered them to investigate the matter. They checked the matter out at several post offices and then produced a report.

    The report said, ‘There is nothing wrong with the quality of the stamp. The problem is people are spitting on the wrong side!’

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