No need for bloggers to stand in elections

We bloggers sometime don’t have to stand in elections. No need to go through strenous process of elections, to be mentioned in the Dewan Rakyat. That’s what Former The Malay Mail Exceutive Editor Datuk Ahirudin “Rocky” Attan told me (via BBM) last night.

I was imagining at my end that he irked his million Ringgit smile when he send me that.

Yesterday evening, YB Wangsa Maju MP Tuan Wee Choo Keong (who is also a blogger) mentioned Datuk Rocky’s and my name in his debate speech of the 2011 Budget, “Don’t give bananas to the monkeys”. He did not use “Ahirudin Attan” or “Zakhir Mohamed” but just our pseudonyms. It was in the context of the over-handedness and extra crisp and swift actions by the Minister’s Communication and Multimedia Commission officers on the Police report made by Minister of Information, Communication and Culture Dato’ Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim, Ph.D against Rocky’s “Santa Rais’s RM 1 billion handout” on the 12 October 2010.

This is and was never our intention to be noticed, nor attract attention to ourselves. Even comments from Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak and Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhiyiddin Mohd. Yasin were recorded on this and none of them is for Rais or his over-reactive action. With the exception of his own ministry ‘machais’, none took his side. None of the pro-Government/UMNO bloggers. Nor any of  the anti-Government/UMNO bloggers came to Rais’s corner, even though its against a pro-UMNO ‘rabid’ blogger.

None of the mainstream media took Rais’s position as well. In fact, pro-UMNO daily Utusan Malaysia is clearly not in support of that one single UMNO Supreme Council member on this.

Something progressive developed from this Rais’s antics. Bloggers for Malaysia came out of this. Bloggers are coming together again, to fight this ‘oppression’ against new media.

All these is without the fact that so many parties tried to bring Rocky and myself to meet up with the Minister. It include officers serving in various agencies reporting to the Minister, not without excluding the MCMC officers themselves. We vehemently refused. As we told some of these officers, “Rais is the complainant, Rocky is the suspect, MCMC is the investigating office and BigDog is the witness to the investigations. Is it proper that the IO wanted to bring the suspect and witness to meet the complainant in a middle of an investigations? More over, with the expressed instructions of the complainant”.

As the Cabinet Minister in charge of all of these, Rais should take full responsibility. He should honourably resign now. Do the right thing. Don’t wait till PM Dato’ Seri Najib “Not name him” in his next Cabinet reshuffle. It is very clear that he failed to engage the new and social media. In the plenary address to the 61st UMNO General Assembly on 23 October President PM Dato’ Seri Najib asked UMNO to embrace and engage new and social media.

Rais failed even before he started!


Published in: on October 27, 2010 at 06:38  Comments (8)  

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8 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Can anyone be faulted for thinking that he lodged his police report without reading what actually were written, about some dudes wanting to character assassinate him. Really!

    Most likely he was “cucukked” by some half past six machais with obviously poor comprehension of the eEnglish language causing an act of “melatah” that erupted like an awakened volcano.

    And, this volcano is a powerful one, sitting in very high places. It spat out mouthful of very caustic lava that can harm innocent bystanders including bloggers.

    His command of English is known to everyone to be excellent and when in the right mode, can make himself sound like an English aristocrat. Not many of his peers are in his class.

    His making the police report therefore shows a lack of character – patience and wisdom of a seasoned politician. There is no necessity to assassinate those characters that he did not possess.

    So the damage has been done and there is just one thing left – is he man enough to publicly admit his mistakes and make his peace with the “assassins”?

    One thing is clear though – this is not the man to be in charge of multimedia!

    Are we going to hear statements like – the PM appointed me so that he is the one who should remove me as well i.e I am not going to fire myself no matter what!

    Don’t be a burden to the PM who already has enough problems in hand.

    may be the volcano analogy not quite fits the comment. I must have been thinking too much about Merapi and its potential devastation to its surrounding.

  2. […] of the Dog, the cat’s out of the bag, here. It’s abuse of power, lawyers tell me. Rais Yatim is trained as a lawyer, wouldn’t he […]


    tolong bacakan skit pelan ekonomi kelantan ni, you memang cekap ekonomi ni so tolong komen skit

  4. ini link nya sorry lupa hantar tadi

    Pelan Transformasi Ekonomi Kelantan

  5. […] truly also was called in MCMC investigators. The investigation had an odd twist when the IO was instructed to bring Datuk Rocky to “Meet up Dr Rais for a chat over tea”, a day before the 61st UMNO Annual Assembly was about to […]

  6. […] was raised in public domain that Rais as the complainant, instructed the MCMC IO to call the suspect in the investigation Datuk Ahiru… (as the prosecution witness if and when the case goes to court) “To meet up for tea”. […]

  7. Negara jadi kecoh seminggu dua ini bilamana ada sorang dua Ahli Parlimen dari DAP masuk ke dalam ruang solat masjid dan surau di Selangor seolah-olah itulah tragedi paling hitam dalam sejaran Masjid di Malaysia.

    Macamlah perkara ni baru kali pertama berlaku, sedangkan semua orang tahu dah bertahun pimpinan MCA dan Gerakan yang bukan Islam memasuki masjid, tak jadi kecoh pun. Bahkan ada di kalangan mereka masuk untuk kempen dalam Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) pun sebelum ni.

    Cuma sepatah kata kawan saya “Cina MCA atau Gerakan tu tak mengapa, sebab dia orang dah tak berapa Cina, bukan macam DAP, itu pure cina punya”.

    Saya tak tahu mana yang ori mana yang dah celup, tapi bila tengok dua-dua tu Cina belaka. Isu sebenar bukan kerana dia Cina, tapi dia tu Cina yang duduk di Selangor dan P.Pinang.

    Kalau Cina Johor ke Pahang ke, rasanya tak lah kecoh sangat.

    Lebih malang ada yang keluar ‘fatwa’ melarang Cina kafir masuk ke masjid, takut ianya mencemar nama baik masjid.

    Tapi bila bagi projek buat masjid, barapa ramai kontraktor Cina diambil untuk buat masjid.

    Bukan apa, kata taukeh Cina tu..“Ini kita buat itu rumah Allah ho, jangan tipu-tipu, mesti baik punya, nanti ada ong punya”.

    Cina bukan Islam tu pun tahu buat masjid tak boleh tipu, kena buat betul-betul, tapi bila bagi ke kontraktor Melayu (sebut Umno) buat masjid pun depa tipu jugak, berapa banyak masjid terbengkalai bila bagi kepada Melayu.

    Tapi akhirnya bagi kepada kontraktor Cina, bahklan yang dok pasang karpet masjid tu pun berapa banyak kontraktor Cina, masa tu masuk masjid tak apa, sebab belum dirasmikan lagi.

    Yang dah rasmi pun kalau nak baiki mikrofon bagi power punya, berapa ramai Cina bukan Islam dapat projek.

    Ini tak apa pulak sebab yang dapat tu Cina MCA..MCA tak apa, jangan cina DAP je…

    Nasib mereka ni macam buldozer, yang diguna untuk tolak tanah, ratakan tanah nak buat lebuhraya, tapi bila dah siap, dia tak dibenarkan lalu atas lebuhraya tu, kalau nak jalan jugak, dia kena naik lori.

    Jadi kalau DAP nak masuk masjid jugak, dia kena ‘naik’ atas BN rasanya baru ok.

    Kalau dah jadi begitu, saya rasa hari ni dia ‘naik’ BN, esok dia dah boleh masuk masjid.

  8. […] and the blunders  he made (making a Police report against a blogger and later abused his power, humiliating failure on the 55 Merdeka celebrations campaign and manipulated […]

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