UBAH incompetent & incapacitated MBs

MB Kedah Dato' Seri Azizan A Razak collapse behind his Mercedes Benz S350L 'KBX 8''

MB Kedah Dato’ Seri Azizan A Razak collapse behind his Mercedes Benz S350L ‘KBX 8”

Since the ‘Political Tsunami’ five years ago which saw BN under then PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi lost five-plus-one states, it has been proven that two out of four Opposition Pact controlled state government Menteri Besars are incompetent and incapacitated in discharging their duties effectively.

In fact, two of these MBs are gravely unwell, physically weak and have been hospitalised for serious heart problems more often than they want to be in a short period of time. It is public knowledge that have serious cardiovascular ailments and are not able to spend the whole day at work, continuously.

MB Kelantan since Nov 1990 Nik Aziz dozing off in public, even on stage in the middle on an event

And yet they are neither letting their position go nor make preparations for a success plan, by more able-bodied and more competent politicians.

The set back is that these two PAS MBs are administrating Malay heartland states, where it is less developed and have lot of rural issues as compared to the other states where more than 50% of the people have been urbanised and enjoying better standards of living.

More Nik Aziz sleeping on the job

The fact that since these personalities assumed the Chief Executive-ship in their state administrations, they have brought very little progress. The stagnation is across the board in all aspects, be it physical development, competency and efficiency of the delivery system of their respected state governments.

It is high time to ‘UBAH’. The voters in these states deserve far better deal than these two and

Published in: on April 4, 2013 at 17:00  Comments (9)