DAP says “Go to hell” to Court of Appeal ruling

Chinese Chauvinist party DAP simply has no regard to court ruling. They are simply anti-establishment, despite that they claim that “The Supreme Law is the Constitution”.

Recently, Court of Appeal decided in favour of the MACC to allow questioning and interviews be carried out after office hours after a High Court ruling that MACC has to do about the business within office hours, on the application of Pakatan Rakyat Kajang Municipal Councillor Tan Boon Wah. Now, they conveniently want to ignore the Court of Appeal ruling.

The ‘Paper that cares’ has the story, here.

This very much is reflective of the ‘communist’ true-self of DAP Leaders such as Ronnie Liu. Why he is still allowed to walk the streets and be in power, baffles many. He is already shown that he a hooligan and has very little respect towards the law (except probably if the law is in his/their favour only). So is the Chinese Chauvinist, now anti-establishment and law-less DAP.

Authorities should seriously look into Liu’s latest outburst. As an elected leader and member of HRH Sultan of Selangor’s Goverment (now facing a lot of serious issues), he is teaching Malaysians not to respect court rulings. This must be not good to everyone, including DAP’s own slogan “Malaysian, Malaysia”.

Published in: on December 19, 2009 at 07:59  Comments (20)  

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20 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Dap does not respect the judiciary. What’s new anyway. No people associated with the underworld crime org would.

    They never walk the talk because they always talk cock.

    They will find all the excuses in the world not to follow any court ruling that does not favor them.

    “We shall abide the law” will never be heard from their lips.

    I fear for malaysia if Ronnie Liu becomes a minister.

    Hide your daughters and sisters. Ronnie Liu is above the law.

    • Arrest the fellow who says those words. It’s contempt of court.

  2. hmmm seemed so angry at ronnie…yet nothing on anak yatim rais, dr m 100billion screwed up ..maybe the blog owner is one loyal dog!

    • read this, stupid!

      Pakatan Rakyat and their myths

    • hey DAPigs why you’re so scared !!! if nothing do , just be a gentlement laa … the way you talking full of nonsense laa , give us more fact !!! At least their not act retards as Ronnie and DAP supporter like you who will defends all this corrupt people !!! This DAP think their above the law and runaway from wrong doing …

  3. stay within the topic la mccann! there is time and place for everything. dont la show your unmitigated stupidity.

  4. Sudah dijangka sifat kaum perosak bumi ini akan menyalak apabila saja nafsu serakah mereka tidak di penuhi. Maka Mahkamah yang sama juga dipersalahkan. Biarkan mereka mati dalam salakan mereka!

    Saudara-saudara ku!

    Mari kita jadikan ini sebagai bibit bibi penyatuan semula orang orang Melayu.

    Saudara-saudara kita yang tidak berparti, atau berparti bebas, yang dalam UMNO, yang dalam PAS dan yang dalam PKR.. di mana jua.. marilah kita bersama-sama membimbing saudara-saudara Melayu yang terkeliru sehingga telah menjadi ahli DAP, saudara-saudara kita yang telah termakan pujuk rayu tipu helah Malaysian Malaysia, yang berselindung di sebalik meritokrasi dan berbagai helah itu..

    Ingatlah, secara politiknya kita hanya ada UMNO dan PAS yang tidak bertegur sapa..

    Secara politiknya puak-puak pelampau mereka sudah diam-diam bekerjasama. Mereka ada DAP, Gerakan, MCA, Gabungan 7 persatuan yang amat kiasu..

    BANGKITLAH MELAYU.. bersama-sama keturunan cina, india dan lain-lain yang cintakan negara ini.. Bangkitlah.. kita lenyapkan golongan ultra kiasu yang sedang merancang untuk merampas negara ini..

  5. Hishamuddin ooooiiii!!! Hishamuddin sepupu Najib ooooiii!!! mana kamu? Dah menyorok dalam almari bersama-sama keris kamu dulu lagi??..

    Haiya…ini maciam mana muleh oooiii!!

    Lu sama Najib kasi olang lain lah buat kilija!!

    Lu sama Najib, luluk liam-liam lalam lumah, manyak silamat..!!

    • May be when LKY met najib some time back, he had told Najib that he is being “checkmate”.

      With that,among other warnings, he must go easy on DAP.


      • checkmate apa jadahnya..ingat melayu nk duduk diam jar jika kepentingan mreka dh terjejas..melayu skg masih beri mereka peluang..bila sampai masa dan ketikanya, kita yg akan checkmate mereka!!

  6. To be fair, IMHO, suspects can be questioned at any time of the day but witnesses or those whom are called to assist in investigations can schedule their own time with the MACC, because they are volunteering at their own time and are simply doing their part as responsible citizens.

    • Witnesses can turn into suspects, lah. Why do you think TBH clang (past tense of cling?) to his laptop, insisting on being with it in the same vehicle when brought to MACC office?

      Do you think the invoices in the laptop would see the light of day if MACC allowed him to go home after office hours that day?

      • I believe it is “clung”


  7. anjing besar always talk nonsense !

  8. If you have not done anything wrong you have nothing to fear.Afraid of being framed by MACC? You think it is easy to put a finger on someone not totally involve in the first place? Enough of these conspiracy stories.You say Lee Boon Wah is totally innocent? you sure? Ronnie Liu is totally innocent? sure? You must be very naive to think that MACC is pursuing these two fellas just for fun.

  9. when you do so many corruption , their will piss in their pants , DAP proved it !!!

  10. What else you can expect from this so called PAP Malaysian version? Maybe our ‘mata-mata’ can do something on this matter ..

  11. I asked KJ’s cybertroopers to list just one good thing that he has done for the country and Umno… if you want to read the list they sent (its quite funny, the list) follow the link

  12. That must be contempt of court. Especially when using such abusive language against a Court decision. An Appeal Court at that. He must be stopped. He is being too much. Wanton disregard for established authority.

    The fellow appears like a terrorist. More than just a thug or a gangster. I hope the authorities are investigating of the PKR ADUN and the PKR MP of his association with the Underworld in the Selangor Government premises. The authorities must take action on the fellow.

  13. Kalau Liu ni berada di tanah asal nenek moyangnya pun, buat perangai macam ni, memang dah lama kena tindakan. Untungnya dia berada di bumi bertuah tapi dah hilang semangat Hang Tuah.

    Yang letakkan dia ke kedudukannya sekarang ini pun, para pengundinya serta Menteri Besar negerinya. Kepada Melayu yang memberikan undi mereka kepada calon DAP (dan PKR) dalam pilihanraya yang lepas atau akan datang, tahniah kerana telah menyokong manusia-manusia sebegini menjadi pemimpin. Sendiri buat, sendiri jawab. Masalahnya, orang yang tak buat pun kena menanggung akibat.

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