Is this statutory declaration true?

Raja Petra Kamaruddin, editor of online political portal Malaysia supposedly made this statutory declaration (SD) against a wife of a VVIP was directly involved in the murder of murder Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu, almost two years ago.

The SD was filed at Commissioner of Oath, registered under the jurisdiction of Kuala Lumpur High Court on 18 June 2008.

Raja Petra SD against Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor

Second part of the said SD against Rosmah Manso


SD has been defined as

A statutory declaration is a legal document defined under the law of certain Commonwealth nations. It is similar to a statement made under oath, however, it is not sworn.

Statutory declarations are commonly used to allow a person to affirm something to be true for the purposes of satisfying some legal requirement or regulation when no other evidence is available. They are thus similar to affidavits (which are made on oath).”

At this point of time, the SD is still unable to be authenticated.

However, failing to authenticate it, there are questions still needed to be addressed. What is the intention of Raja Petra making this SD now? Isn’t this subjudice to the on going case in the Shah Alam High Court?

Why is a third person (Raja Petra) to the murder, be making the SD? How could Raja Petra be making a SD to something he was never part or witness of?

Does Raja Petra really have evidence to prove his story, as per made in the SD? Why Raja Petra did not make a Police report on the issues he alleged in the SD, so that a proper investigation is made?

Is this SD made in the name of finding the truth (justice) or it has some underlying political motive?

For the record, Raja Petra will appear in the Petaling Jaya magistrate’s court in October for trial on sedition charges, for his article “Let send Altantuya’s murderer to hell”.

This SD contains a very serious charge, which also implicates two serving army officers in the Malaysian Armed Forces and alleged a HRH Ruler has been briefed about this so-called crime. He also alleged that a Military Intelligence Officer made a report on this to the Prime Minister and later it was passed to Khairy Jamaluddin for safe keeping.

According to Wikipedia, “Intentionally making a false statement as a statutory declaration is a crime equivalent to perjury, and punishable by fines and/or a prison sentence”.

Will Raja Petra respect the law, legal process and what ever, however and when ever the court’s decision, include being imposed against him, based on this SD that he made on 18 June 2008 in Kuala Lumpur?

Published in: on June 20, 2008 at 11:12  Comments (74)  

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74 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Gila glamour of the highest level. Why would anybody inform him of what happened? He must be the script-writer of the whole thing.

    This RPK, KJ and Anwar have the same motive, they just want to ‘kill’ Najib and they are working on it together. It’s so obvious!

  2. Bigdoggy,

    The intrigue!

    Are the Istanas involved in Pete’s Provocation?

    Will the Yang Ariff consent to participating in this blind man’s bluff?

  3. senang citer… zaman kejatuhan paklah dah hampir… najib akan jadi PM…. so sebelum paklah jatuh dan sebelum najib jadi PM… raja petra terpaksa buat script baru sebab dah tak boleh ikut script lama… dalam lama bukan najib tapi anwar yg patut ganti paklah… tapi situasi politic dah jadi lain… paklah akan disingkirkan… anwar masih belum masuk gelanggang… jadi…. kena musnahkan karier najib dulu… heran betul…raja petra ni manusia ke apa? dia ni sanggup jual agama, bangsa dan negara untuk ANWAR… fikirkan apa habuan yang dia akan dapat kalu anwar jadi PM…..

  4. Bro, gempak punya berita. About time someone put it on record.


    Palanivel: Dr M should remember his roots

    MIC deputy president G Palanivel today slammed former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad for accusing the party’s long term chief S Samy Vellu of being a racist and warned such statements could fan deeper racial sentiments.

    In a statement released today, Palanivel also said that the former prime minister’s comments on Hindraf were short in accuracy and insensitive to the sentiment of Indians in the country.

    “It is sad to note that Mahathir is not aware of the fact that Hindraf is not only made of Tamil people but includes many non-Tamil and even non-Hindus.

    “He (Mahathir) is wrong when he said Hindraf leaders only represent Tamil racists,” said Palanivel in defence to Samy Vellu who has recently joined in the bandwagon in advocating for the release of five Hindraf leaders detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

    G. Palanivel also said Mahathir should look into “his own roots” before manifesting such statements. Mahathir’s forefathers are from South India.

  5. I think this so-called untouchable RPK’s real agenda is to ensure his idol’s plan to grab power… and nothing else… All others are just smokescreen and I don’t know why people fell for his trap.

  6. ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players’ – nowhere is this more apt than in politics. The law presumes innocence and punishes malicious falsehood. Let’s keep our heads cool and watch this unfold.

  7. Soalan yang dikemukakan tentang mengapa sekarang pendedahan ini dibuat, samalah dengan persoalan tentang siapa sebenarnya di belakang tabir portal Malaysia Today itu sendiri. Raja Petra boleh masuk pertandingan Raja Lawak dan menjadikan Malaysia Today sebagai subjek lawak yang berkesan. Kemungkinan dia menang adalah besar sebab ramai yang sukakan penulisannya dalam portal tersebut. Bagi seorang yang telah tidak punya apa untuk dirugikan, Raja Petra memang tidak perlu khuatir untuk memperjudikan nasibnya. Untung sabut timbul, jika Anwar berjaya mencapai cita-cita menjadi Perdana Menteri. Untung batu tenggelam, jika dia didakwa atas perakuannya ini dan tingkah lakunya yang lain.

  8. Ini perisytiharan yang paling bangang yang pernah aku baca. Bayangkan, kedudukan pangkat Aziz pun dah tak betul.

    Aziz ni orang yang mengidap sakit yang teruk(kategori BE). Semua kekawan tentera di Mindef tahu. Bertugas pulak sebagai pegawai perumahan tentera kerana tak boleh buat kerja berat disebabkan masalah kesihatan. Alih-alih si bongok RPK kata dia pakar C4 dan pasang C4 utk letupkan orang. RPK tahu ke C4 tu apa.

    Kalau tak tahu, jangan ceritalah. Hanya jadi bahan ketawa askar sahaja. Kalau nak tahu C4 tu apa, mai ke Kem Mersing. Biar komando ATM ajar C4 tu apa. Kalau setakat keluar lokap pakai baju tertulis “RPK, C4 Me” untuk nak tunjuk dia tahu C4 tu apa, tak payahlah.

    Orang pun tahu engko tu penakut.

    Tak berani tentang mata dengan Azilah atau Sirul di lokap. Ini kes libat orang UTK, yang nak kaitkan dengan askar apa pasal. Cara RPK tulis, hanya jadi bahan ketawa tentera. Lagi satu tak pernah dalam sejarah isteri TPM ada ADC. Ramai yang tahu Yati tak pernah jadi ADC. Ini satu lagi kerja jahat RPK nak burukkan askar sebab Yati tu jugak askar.

    Aku rasa sumber RPK ni orang gila ataupun orang yang puja RPK sebagai Rasulullah macam yang keluar dalam Malaysia Today hari tu. Manusia jenis apa agaknya yang suka sangat bersubahat dengan RPK ni?

    RPK kata Rosmah turut saksi kejadian pembunuhan tersebut. Kalau Rosmah ada mesti ramai lagi yang menyaksikan kejadian rekaan RPK tu. Dah tentu pemandunya ada, polis trafik sebagai pengiring turut ada (naik kuda putih ke dalam hutan), bodyguard dia ada, kawan-kawan Rosmah ada. Maknanya, RPK mungkin nak kata ada pesta di tempat kejadian tu sebab ramai orang hadir sedangkan malam tu di bulan Ramadhan. Kalau macam tu, dia kena senaraikanlah semua org yang ada lagi seperti yg selalu muncul dalam imaginasi songsang RPK.

    Yang dia kata risik tentera ada buat laporan tentang kejadian tu lagi kelakar. sejak bila pulak pegawai risik jadi polis siasat kejadian jenayah. Adakah sejak RPK jadi penulis blog? Ini lagi satu usaha nak burukkan tentera.

    Aku yakin sangat, laporan yang didakwa RPK ini tak wujud langsung. Janganlah nak hina Pak Lah lagi dengan kata ada laporan penting dia bagi KJ simpan. Janganlah jugak nak jual nama raja-raja Melayu yang menaungi semua rejimen dan kor dalam ATM. Dulu pun RPK dah kelentong satu dunia kononnya Agong dah arah tentera kerah kereta perisai utk surai satu perhimpunan haram depan istana. Lepas tu disambut dengan sorak sorai oleh pemimpin pembangkang yang sedia bingung.

    Hakikatnya, Agong tak ada arah pun. Buat apa nak arah sedangkan perhimpunan kecil tu polis boleh jaga dengan elok. Kalau perhimpunan ganas dan dalam keadaan darurat logiklah boleh panggil askar. suruh askar buat POPO. Nampak sangat,darat-darat dia nak tipu kita. Cukuplah tu RPK. Aku rasa jiwa RPK hanya akan aman dan normal bila dapat hidup bergaul dengan penghuni Hospital Tanjung Rambutan. Kalau dia berhalusinani sekali pun takde siapa di situ akan marah. Kalau dia nak mengaku raja pun takde siapa nak peduli.

    RPK sendiri pun ada ka ditempat kejadian? Memang betul, Rosmah mesti ada juruiring dan bodyguards, paling tidak pun 2 orang.

    Kenapa hanya nama Col Aziz dan Norhayati sahaja disebut sedangkan kalau Rosmah pergi kemana mana, mesti ada pemandu dan bodyguard?

    Kalau ikut logikla, Rosmah mau ka ketengah tengah hutan simpan dekat Bukit Cerakah malam malam buta????

  9. These are very serious allegations. I just hope that Raja Petra knows what he is doing.

  10. Hi Big Dog

    Since we are speculating, let’s consider as many scenarios as possible, including the following:

    Could it be that KJ set Najib up. After all, remember that the police was ALLEGEDLY informed by a member of the public via a phone call. I mean, the patrolling policemen testified that they didn’t go and check although the heard some sort of loud noise right. Considering the location of the dastardly crime and our police’s general inefficiency and laziness, is is really probable or even possible that they would have known a Mongolian woman (a foreigner) has disappeared, what more murdered? After all, so many foreigners disappear and many more gfs of important people die suspiciously regularly.

    Food for thought.

  11. Oh sorry, I forgot to add: Perhaps Najib’s or Baginda’s enemies PAID Altantunya to harass them. Why not?

  12. The SD is incomplete without a signature and the seal of the Commissioner of Oath.
    Secondly, how did this document fall into the hands of a third party when RPK had not even posted it in Malaysia Today?
    Of course, I believe RPK and he will reveal his source in due time but will the powers that be smother the truth with its full might?

  13. Nothing is true
    Everything is possible

  14. Jed Yoong,

    What are you trying to tell us?

    “After all, so many foreigners disappear and many more gfs of important people die suspiciously regularly.”

    Is this a fair statement for Malaysia reputation?

  15. What has gotten into RPK ?!?!?!
    Why is he risking to forgo the enormous GOODWILL & TRUST he has garnered from the multitude of Malaysia-Today readers to initiate this EXPLOSIVE disclosure ?
    It is just beyond normal comprehension.
    Or perhaps, well,

  16. Kau orang nak risau pasal apa, kalau betul 3orang tu tak terlibat…saman sajalah Raja Petra..bukankah semua kuasa ada pada mereka….pendek kata..BERANI KERANA BENAR, TAKUT KERANA SALAH. BERANI BUAT BERANI TANGGUNG, JANGAN BALING BATU SEMBUNYI TANGAN….RAJA PETRA BUKAN APA….CUMA MENCARI KEBENARAN….

  17. Pak Lah and Najib kantoi. Kuli take over UMNO. The SD is witness by Pesuruh Jaya Sumpah Puan Samirtha A\P Apostler.


  19. Under the circumstances it is not too farfetched to deduce that RPK is a pawn in a well choreographed “drama”. A “drama” that is to ridicule the criminal justice system, create havoc among political leadership, instil fear and distrust among the populace, create dissension and dissuade foriegn investment. He must be fully aware of the consequences of his actions in making that declaration and what if he were to file an affidavid based the SD?
    In all probability he may have something positive and considered reliable otherwise he might not have risked his neck. Whatever the outcome Najib must be feeling the heat for he must be the target after all!

  20. Lets not jump to conclusion. If the SD is an authentic document, then RPK us taking a very great risk of legal backlash! He made such declaration probably with the view to assist the court but did not have much confidence in PDRM! I’m sure RPK knows what he is doing.

    I think the reason why this SD never appear in MT, probably to observe the legal aspect. I strongly feel that after making police report , RPK will convey to the court through an affidavit!!

    If he cld not substantiate these allegations, then he will join the murderers of Altantuya to hell!!!

  21. just look at RPK signature… is it??? from my xperienced it’s a fake signature…

  22. RPK really has the balls like watermelon!

  23. “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” – V (

    No fear! Be strategic & go for the sweet spot! Take ’em all out!

    Viva La Resistance!

  24. M’kini has just confirmed it with RPK.
    I’m guessing RPK has everything prepared, he did told us via No Hold Barred to prepare for something ‘explosive’ before August.

  25. Some people might think that this is just a publicity stunt concocted by RPK, but hey, we are not talking about an SD implicating Muawi pissing on the roadside. This is about the DPM’s wife being at the crime scene watching Altantuya being blown up.

    The gravity of this allegation takes the wind out of the motion of no confidence by Datuk Yong against the PM. By the way, the PM and his SIL are also implicated with their knowledge of the crime by the possession of a letter of confirmation from our Military Intelligence.

    Why not wait for things to unfold at its own pace instead of blowing RPK’s revelation to pieces. We are neither privy to the disclosures made by his informant nor do we stand to lose the skin off our ass whichever way the authenticity of his declaration might turns out to be. Little wonder why the Japanese are so advance just by having a little patience and foresight.

  26. bro biggy,

    Never doubt d possibilities,..thr were whispers in 2006 of DS Ros name…it died out..if u look at d scenario Najib is goin thru I gess its possible..ur talking bout greed n maybe sum1 wants d pie to be bigger..I jst hope its not true, but thr again, wat can I say..heheh..(“,)

    D walls hav ears…


    “He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors”.
    ~ Thomas Jefferson

    “The exact contrary of what is generally believed is often the truth”.
    ~ Jean de la Bruyère

    p.s. Bro if u tink 4 awhile d way DSN is acting knowing full well d political scenario d economic turmoil we r goin thru is d result of PLah & ASSociates what makes DSN so defensive towards PL?? one wonders…heheh..jst anothr theory.. well a conspiracy theory mite be..heheh..wat can I say..TIME WILL TELL..(,”)

  27. matter wat d outcome is, wat Pete did is in my opinion, not a rite shud not be blown out dis way.. we shud not put our country to shame d way othr country r doin..bukan budaya kita..wish Tun is still at d helm 2day..jst wishful tots..heheh..wat can I say..(,”)


    2moro anothr day..

    p.s Pete, better b careful u mite end up losing as dis is real big man..real big.. 4 all i can tink off, ur informant cud jst dissappeared or no records, heheh…u noe d intelligence stuff..gud luck tho..May God shows d truth..

  28. […] SD first saw the light of day at BigDog’s blog here. At that time, he was still not sure whether or not the SD was authentic. But it has since been […]

  29. Why now the SD?

    I think with the recent public outcry on the petrol increase, is this another diversion?

    The million dollar question is why the SD was made only on 18 June 2008 and not earlier?

    The next question is how RELIABLY is the reliable informer? Why can’t the informer himself make the SD?

    So, is this another ‘sandiwara’? If it is, why this sandiwara?

    If not, why only now?

    Why now the SD?

    How about this SD thingy surfaced conveniently after Najib announced in London that he is willing to go through party traditions for leadership change and PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah confirmed that he and Najib reached an agreement?

    Anwar and Anwaristas, as we all aware of, all the while consistently focused on Najib and NEVER on PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah for the usual negative/hatred campaign, instead of the latter. This because the latter is on a self dectructing mode and Najib is the heir apparent to take over and bring UMNO back to Dr. Mahathir’s level.

    At the rate of the Altantuya murder case is going, it is clear that the prosecution’s case is flawed, prima facie might not be established and the three accused will be freed, without even being called to defend themselves.

    As usual, Anwar and Anwarista will seize the opportunity to use and spin it as such that it was planned as a “sandiwara” to clear Razak Baginda’s name (closely linked to Najib) via the court, once and for all, and this SD will be used to counter all that.

    What else is new, with these people?

  30. […] Is this statutory declaration true? Raja Petra Kamaruddin, editor of online political portal Malaysia supposedly made this statutory declaration […] […]

  31. Actually the million dollar question is if PM and Khairy knew how about it, why have they been silent and not doing something about it.
    PM`s silence motivated the SD.

  32. Yang paling menggemparkan bukan saja pasal Rosmah,

    Yang paling menggemparkan adalah dakwaan bahawa Abdullah Badawi dan Khairy Jamaluddin menggunakan dokumen ini untuk memeras ugut Najib!

    Tiga-tiga pemimpin ni harus disingkirkan lah.

    Cukup lah kita orang Malaysia dipermain-mainkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang korup dan kotor!

  33. Could this have been when baginda had an ourburst when his father whispered into his son’s ears during one of the trials? Semua mau jadi KGB skarang 🙂

  34. He,he,he,
    RPK has just done the impossible by killing 4 birds with 1 stone (maybe laced with C4)

    Lets send all the politikus to HELL !!!!

  35. Kalau kelima-lima UTK melayu itu dah aku perbuatan mereka guna C4 letup Altan. Apa lagi nak bicara….terus GANTUNG MEREKA Sampai Mati.

    Kesemua UTK itu dah dapat ganjaran $1.5 million seorang ringgit untuk kerja demi kebaikan keluarga mereka yang kini TAK hidup dengan sengsara lagi(everyone has a price). Pergi cari, tanya tengok macam mana keluarga terrorist UTK itu boleh tiba-tiba hidup mewah. Inilah jalan “Islam Cult” yang mereka pilih….jadi apa nak bincang, bisik lagi….Gantung sampai mati!!!

    Jangan buang masa dan terima hakikat mereka Salah dan Harus gantung sampai mati. Biarkan Najib, Rosmah, Khairy, Pak Lah, Raja-raja yang dah tahu kes ini hidup dengan perbuatan mereka yang TAK ISLAM……

    Malaysia kini retak sebab melayu tak malu curi hak istimewah orang Asli. Padan Malaysia kena sumpahan sekarang yang disebut dahulu. Sumpah bencana ekonomi, hidup dan alam semula jadi…..terutama PAS kerana tak hapuskan undang Murtad kat Kelantan dengan 2/3 majoriti.

    PAS celaka juga ada kes kat mahkamah runtuhkan Gereja…

    Pergi Google “PAS Demolish Church in Kelantan”….Sumpah PAS kat Kelantan kena bencana demi bencana!!

  36. So, Badawi and Khairy have been aiding and abetting Najib to keep this quiet. That would make them accessories after the fact.

  37. For a start, 18 June 2008, co-inside with SAPP declaration on vote of no confidence with the premier.

    However, the SD only suffice in this site on 20 June 2008, co-inside with the SAPP supreme council meeting to declare officially the party stand.

    The wise readers may conclude from here…

  38. […] being covered by Haris Ibrahim, Cakap Tak Serupa Bikin, Malaysians Unplugged Uncensored, Hard-T, Big Dog Dot, and Malaysiakini.RPK’s Malaysia […]

  39. RPK should realise the seriousness of his charges. Without sufficient proof he should not get himself in a corner where he could become the victim of a serious libel case.

  40. Military Intelligence report no longer a secret?

    The Prime Minister office so easily ‘bocor rahsia’?

    Aiyoh! No need anymore intelligence report like that. Also no need PM office anymore.

    In other words, nothing is confidential in Malaysia?

  41. muahahh…ntah gile ape dah bumi non malay…macam gampang je..

    kalau dia duk sibuk pasal melayu rampas kekayaan org asli…pas tu apek2 cina keling buat ape??kan apek2 yg banyak sekali pegang ekonomi malaysia..tapi si gampang ni marahkan melayu je..mauahah..kalau ikut puak2 cina dan keling…boleh la dikatakan racist dah…

  42. […] Rosmah at the murder scene at Malaysiakini Najib’s aide: Its mind boggling at RepublikKATA Is this statutory declaration true? at Bigdogdotcom Rosmah… the madam in chief? at …in deep tots RPK vs Rosmah at Pheonix […]

  43. […] a statutory declaration on June 18, 2008, Raja Petra accused Rosmah as among three individuals who were present when […]

  44. […] here, here (subscription required) and […]


    He wants to dismantle the society, through gross political instability and chaos, political assassination, pigswill slinging!

    He does not care!

    He systematically wants and work so hard for inter racial, inter religious and the peoples’ uprising against the system and Government, AT ALL COST!!!!

    RPK should be JAILED for HIGH TREASON!

    Just like Anwar!

  46. Big Doggy,

    I am not a law expert however that doesn.t i do not know lawa at all. What do you think of this SD? It clearly declared that Abdullah and Khairy have and safely keep the copy. Read : Abdullah and Khairy know there is a crime and hide the evidence. This constitutes “subahat” also?? I do not know the right “law” words for this but hiding crime is nothing better than commiting the crime itself. So, AG please investigate Abdullah and Khairy also. Charge them and hang them according to prelent applicable law if found guilty.

    Thank you.

  47. Big Doggy,

    I am not a law expert. However that doesn’t mean I do not know law of Malaysia at all. What do you think of this SD? It clearly declared that Abdullah and Khairy have and safely keep the copy. Read : Abdullah and Khairy know there is a crime and hide the evidence. Does the hiding of this evidence constitutes “subahat” also?? I do not know the right “law” words for this but hiding crime is nothing better than commiting the crime itself. So, AG please investigate Abdullah and Khairy also. Charge them and hang them according to present applicable law if found guilty.

    Thank you.

    That’s what Raja Petra state in his statement.

    Doesn’t mean it is the truth. All based on hearsay.

    How come the originator of the story (since Raja Petra claimed he got it from a “reliable source”), did not make a Police report nor an SD, BUT Raja Petra instead is doing it?

    Isn’t that strange????

    If the source is “reliable” enough, then his/her testimony should be a damning testimony to incriminate and convict Rosmah, Col. Aziz and the wife. Otherwise, all too dodgy!

  48. Sdr “mddanial” Said:

    “RPK has just done the impossible by killing 4 birds with 1 stone (maybe laced with C4)….”

    BINGO! [ also ‘syabas’ to sdr2: doggone ( first to hit the jackpot!) ; hutchrun; Mentel; Ali Baba; Kesava etc who share the same views (and therefore the jackpot!)

    RPK was – and still is today – Bung Anwar’s man or hired-killer (using pen or bloglah, of course).

    I don’t know how many BIRDS will be killed by his single “SD” ( already filed at the High Ct registry on the same day!). But those birds are going to die. One of them may survive – believe it or not, due to divine intervention.

    ALSO: Make no mistake. The beneficiary is NOT going to be Bung Anwar or his PR. The main beneficiary – I believe – is still the man in Umno.

    IT ALL DEPENDS ON HOW OUR STATESMAN TUN DR MAHATHIR PLAY HIS CARD(S)FROM NOW ON….and the most crucial moment will be the following week when the second meeting of our 12th Parliament commences….


  49. RE: Raja Petra said he had been “reliably informed” that the Prime Minister “has received a written report from military intelligence confirming what I have revealed and this report was subsequently handed over to his son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin for safekeeping”.
    ACCESSORY AFTER THE FACT – Whoever, knowing that an offense has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact; one who knowing a felony to have been committed by another, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the felon in order to hinder the felon’s apprehension, trial, or punishment. U.S.C. 18

  50. […] sidang media, beliau ditanya mengenai akuan berkanun (SD) yang dibuat Raja Petra mengenai Datin Seri Rosmah “Ini tidak betul. Adakah dia berada semasa ianya berlaku? Kalau tidak, macamana dia boleh […]

  51. Remember my way where the song goes and now the end is near.Norhayati is a major in the armed foces and was the aide de camp before she was removed.

  52. Checkmated

  53. Don’t ask for the bill yet. The SD is just the starter. We are still supposed to wait for the main course. Other than these, there are still plenty of choices in the ala carte menu. Chef RPK & PKR will keep serving. It is only 8 pm. They close at 12. Lets see how much the guests can tuck in. But it seems the guests are nausated by the starter already. And who can the doctor be?…

  54. Mr Dog,

    I dont think RPK is quite so mad to say things that werent true. the timing is of utmost importance in a game of cat-n-mouse. better to play your cards to your advantage then let ur opponents see them.

    I know people who are quite well-versed with Rosmah’s personality (since her youth) and although RPK’s SD is very shocking, it is not completely surprising….. the PM is holding all the info he has as leverage against Najib that is why Najib has acted like a butt-kisser and scaredy cat in public. shame shame shame

  55. […] (RPK). Blog merupakan antara yang terawal menyiarkan berita tersebut [Lihat Disini]. Ianya berkaitan dengan pembunuhan wanita Mongola, […]

  56. Big Dog,
    Thank you for publishing YM RPK’s SD. You have taken the right initiative to help in a very tiny way to get this solid message right across the GLOBE. I read some of the negative comments above and am shocked at the apathy of these readers of this blog. How more stupid can readers be for wasting their time to write such stupid, silly and ignorant comments. For all I know they are UMNOPUTERAS! However, YM RPK has had the guts and courage to make a SD of a truth that has been brought to his knowledge. All that RPK wants is the truth revealed. He is a MAN and not a COWARD. I say this because he is, I am sure, willing to face the consequences if the information is false. YM RPK will never do anything stupid. When he does anything, it is for the good of all the Bangsa Malaysians.
    Long live “Bapa Bangsa Malaysia”

    Why is it whenever people go against what people like you want to believe, they are “UMNOputeras”?

    RPK won’t do anything stupid? Putting up an SD based on hearsay is not stupid?

    Not everyone agree with you!

  57. Mijoan said: ‘YM RPK will never do anything stupid.’

    Then what do you call these:
    1. Not wanting to be bailed out.
    2. Mogok lapar.
    3. Making an SD based on hearsay.

    Believe me, he ain’t that smart but sure is smart enough to know that there are many stupid Malays and Malay-haters (racist Chinese and Indians) would read his writings and believe anything and everything he write.

    He is obviously a greedy opportunist with no holds barred.

  58. Nampaklah sangat ini kerja gila. Ini mesti kerja RPK bawah telunjuk Anwar (dengan kerjasama KJ dibelakang!) untuk jahanamkan karier politik Najib!

    Sama macam lain lain keadaan, Pembangkan terutama Anwar dan DAP sengaja biarkan Pak Lah tidak dihentam tetapi korek habis habis (termasuk fitnah!) segala apa mengenai Najib, agar pemimpin UMNO yang ada harapan betulkan keadaan dihalang sama sekali. Penghabisnya, UMNO pun hancur sebab Pak Lah pemimpin yang lemah dan bodoh.

  59. making a statutory declaration is a serious act and if the declaration is false, the person could be charged and jailed. all of you who claimed RPK is opportunist.. do you guys have the ball to make a similar statutory declaration? you guys don;t even have the ball to use your real name comment… if you think it is kacang puteh matter to make a statutory declaration concerning a DPM’S involvement in a murder, why don’t you make one yourself about whoever you want.. go ahead, make one about RPK. since you guys believe it is so easy to make up stuff and make statutory declaration without worrying about the legal consequences, go and make your own statutory declaration.

    RPK is putting his own freedom and welfare on the line.. for fun? bullshit…

    I challenge you all to reveal yourself like RPK and then make your allegations and statutory declarations and put yourself on the line like him lah… since you think it is kacang matter and that RPK is only making frivolous claims, you guys do the same.. if all of you UMNOputra nationalist are kaki pengecut, then just diam diam duduk di ruman main sendiri lah

    Making SD does not mean didly squat!

    It is just a fancy way of getting attention.

    This modus operandi is so Anwarita-ish. Just like when Ezam Md. Nor claimed he had “six boxes” about corruption of certain Cabinet Minister or a little much earlier, when Anwar and the entire Anwarista community alleged that Anwar was arsenic poisoned in jail. Malaysian top most endocrinologist Dato’ Dr. Khalid A Kadir and his best team of 9 medical experts within HUKM actually found nothing!

  60. yeah, but Ezam did not make any formal legally binding statutory declaration. and your Ezam has since shown his true treacherous colour by harping on racial supremacy and rejoining UMNO… Ezam alleged the arsenic poisoning .. Anwar alleged he was beaten up by the IGP. who was proven right? enough lah, your nationalism has clouded your mind…

    No, it was Anwar Ibrahim via Wan Azizah claimed that he was systematically being arsenic poisoned whilst in Sg Buloh prison during his trial. Karpal Singh raised this in court and alleged that Anwar’s urine was ‘smuggled’ to Australia and “Gribbles found amazingly high content of arsenic”.

    When the judge ordered Anwar underwent medical examinations in HUKM, eminent endocrinologist Dato’ Dr. Khalid Tan Sri Kadir and his team of 9 consultants found nothing!

    This typically Anwar’s and Anwarista’s delay tactics whilst in trial, just to make a mockery of out of the system. It wasted court’s time and money and wasted public money just to put through Anwar a whole week of first class hospitalization and proved nothing!

  61. I am actually fed up and pissed off with all this nonsense.The BN goverment in more interested in suppoting Pak Lah.The PKR fellows are more interested in bringing Anwar to power.Pks can someone tell me has anyone of this poeple who we voted for done anything good since the elections.All we see in paper are PKR this PKR that, BN This BN That while the street are being more dangerous with crime and prices are all going up and the cost of living is bad.

    When are all this people going to realize this.

    I dont support Anwar and Pak Lah.Anwar a sore loser who is now saying he fighting the rights for all Malaysian.What the hell was he doing when he was up there.Pak Lah is about time he vacates his positions.

    The best solution get this fellows all out and lets start fresh with a Snap election.I am sure many poeple who voted for the opposition is today regreting what the hell they did on March 8.I am one of them.Rather than this fellow going there and fighting for the rakyat , they are behaving like bunch of school kids fighting againts the bully of the old school and we call this people YB.

    God help us.

  62. am I talking to the wall here.. STATUTORY DECLARATION is a binding document and the person can be charged if it is proven that his statement is made frivolously. Neither Anwar nor Ezam made such statutory declaration or any allegation that is immediately legally liable. which part of this can you not understand? what the fark do you mean it mean nothing. if it insignificant and means nothing, and is kacang puteh matter, why the fark do you even bother to blog about it? why are you even concerned? I can see that you are also as desperate for attention as RPK but too bad you couldn’t generate as much interest in your blog. why don’t you make a statutory declaration yourself that RPK is in fact the murderer himself or maybe, you could go for Anwar… mean nothing my ass.. pengecut, just admit lah.. apa lagi nak cakap…

  63. written by shamadz72, June 24, 2008 | 21:08:21
    I believed all Malaysians are wise enough to know by now that whatever Badawi said is utterly opposite as given in the example below.

    1. I am not in love with my maid.. Tomorrow kahwin
    2. No election.. Tomorrow dissolved parliament
    3. No feul hike.. Tomorrow a whopping f*&king 40% increase
    4. I don’t believe Najib and Rosmah involved… (go figure out yourself)

    He believe? He either know unequivocally that his Deputy and wife are not involved or he don’t. what the fuck about he believe? he seems to be have some reservations and we wonder what does he really know..

  64. man oh man. this is how people today. Raja Petra is someone who thrive for celebrity status. making allegation with no proof. i think there’s something wrong with his childhood. maybe he used to get bullied or something. hey raja petra, please ..please get a life

  65. […] Chairman’s move to motion on Raja Petra’s statutory declaration based on “reliable source”, first posted in BigDogDotCom on Friday 19 June 2008 at the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, “They are not really interested in Justice. They are not really […]

  66. […] Kamaruddin’s morbid obsession to implicate PM Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak, through wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in the murder of Mongolian model Altantuyaa Shaariibuu. Despite being charged in court for sedition and criminal defamation, both with malice, he is […]

  67. raja petra adalah pemikir generasi baru…..kalau Dato’ Onn jadi PM dulu malaysia dah maju dah……hapuskan diskriminasi perkauman UMNO…

  68. there is no law against signing a false statutory declaration….raja petra was detained because he ‘published’ this on the net which he did was published in this very site right after he sent it to prececutors to investigate…stop this conspiracy and let the people choose…we are not stupid anymore….if only Dato’ Onn could see this..

  69. […] dan tekno-anarki Malaysia Today. Ini kerana pada 23 Jun 2008 kami berjaya mendedahkan niat jahat Pengarang dan Pengendali Portal Malaysia Today Raja Petra Kamaruddin dengan memaparkan su…statutory declaration) bertarikh 18 Jun 2008 mengenai kunun kunun Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor terlibt […]

  70. […] 23 June 2008, after getting a personal confirmation from the man himself, we posted the SD for public consumption here at BigDogDotCom. Then hell broke […]

  71. […] the story about your infamous statutory declaration dated 18 June 2008 which I made known into public domain here in BigDogDotCom on 23 June 2008. In this video you alleged that the ‘Prosecutors’ “Leaked it and came out in an […]

  72. […] recorded. The most visits and comments recorded were for posting of Malaysia Today’s Editor Raja Petra Kamaruddin’ s imfamous statutory declaration and the incident at Red Rock Hotel in […]

  73. […] and criminal defamation. The charges were brought upon him after a series of investigations to an SD he made on 18 June 2008 against Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak’s w… pertaining to the gruesome murder of Mongolian national Altantuyaa […]

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