It is a bribe for Nik Aziz to accept the RM65,000 Hajj trip

It is ethically and morally wrong for MB Kelantan and PAS Murshidul Am Dato’ Nik Aziz Nik Mat to accept the luxurious RM65,ooo per person Hajj trip under ‘package scheme’ offered by TH Travel Sdn. Bhd. Accepting the offer should be classified as a bribe. However controversial Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan Bhd. CEO Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman, who is also Nik Aziz’s son-in-law says it is was not wrong for the latter to accept the luxurious pilgrimage trip.

The Star has the story:

Published: Friday November 13, 2009 MYT 7:24:00 PM

Nik Aziz was not wrong in accepting paid trip to Mecca: Son-in-law


KOTA BARU: Kelantan Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nikmat’s son-in-law Abdul Ariffahmi Abdul Rahman said there was nothing wrong in his father-in-law, who is a revered Ulama, to accept offers from people willing to sponsor him for Haj pilgrimage as they felt his presence would spiritually enhance their stay in Mecca.

He added that it was a norm for people to spend money to take Tok Gurus from Pondoks or Zawiya (monastery) in Kelantan to perform the Haj in Mecca.

“Its like this, he (Nik Abdul Aziz) is like other Tok Gurus and many people want to go to the Holy land with people like him because his knowledge of Islam is inspiring.

“Naturally many would want to perform Haj with him including me.

“We can benefit from his knowledge, tazkirah, his experience that would have an effect to our soul, he said this to reporters during an interview at his house in Pulau Melaka recently,” he said.

Abdul Ariffahmi, 35, who is also the chief executive officer of Kelantan Mentri Besar Incorporated (PMBK), was asked to comment on this issue after talk emerged that Nik Abdul Aziz had accepted a RM65,000 sponsorship to perform the Haj from Nov 18.

Earlier this week, Nik Abdul Aziz, who is also the PAS spiritual adviser, said it was okay to accept sponsorships from individuals to perform the Haj, saying that this was not an act of corruption.

Abdul Ariffahmi added that many Tok Gurus did not have enough money to perform the Haj and that it was not out of the ordinary for someone to volunteer to pay for the trip.

Abdul Ariffahmi said he was expected to leave for the Holy land on Sunday.


For the record, the company which offered to pay for Nik Aziz’s Hajj trip Abroad Technology Sdn. Bhd. is a contractor for billboards all over Kelantan.

Nik Aziz, who is also PMBK Chairman should not be accepting gifts from contractors and/or suppliers to the state GLC. Legally and ethically, it is no difference if Nik Aziz and company were to be given an all expense shopping holiday in London and Paris.

It is extremely sad that this Ariffahmi’s statement is made. It demonstrate how PAS Leaders have little regards for moral and ethics and even willing to manipulate Islam for the purpose to justify their wrong doings. PAS has misled Muslims with their skewed and narrowminded intepretation of Islam to suit and justify their actions for so long.

For Ariffahmi to say “Its like this, he (Nik Abdul Aziz) is like other Tok Gurus and many people want to go to the Holy land with people like him because his knowledge of Islam is inspiring. We can benefit from his knowledge, tazkirah, his experience that would have an effect to our soul, he said this to reporters during an interview at his house in Pulau Melaka recently,” also means that as a Spirtual Leader and respected Tok Guru, only the affluent and connected persons are able to personally enjoy the wisdom, knowledge and benefits of such as man and not public at large. It short, Nik Aziz’s own practice just made his position as a Spiritual Leader as a ‘privileged commodity’, where only some persons can benefit.


This skewed and narrowminded intepretation of Islam to suit and justify their political actions and policies had gone a long way. In the early sixties, PAS ulamas issued a fatwa that it is wrong and sinful to work (in a coalition government) with Non Muslims. This was meant to justify that UMNO leaders were sinful working with MCA and MIC leaders in the Perikatan and Federal Governement. And yet since 1990, PAS has had working relationship and partnership with not only Non Muslims, but anti-Islam/Malay Chinese Chauvinists like DAP.

In 1999, to justify PAS lifelong member Shahnon Ahmad’s vulgar novel “Shit”, Nik Aziz said on national TV that “Allah also swear (Allah pun mencarut)!”. Then post 10th General Elections later in the same year, he proclaimed that “Its alright to work with Syaitan”, to justify the working relationship with anti-Islam/Malay Chinese Chauvinist DAP.

The most recent outburst of Nik Aziz is “Damn UMNO (Pergi jahanam UMNO)!”, on the suggestion of PAS President Dato’ Hadi Awang’s closing address of the PAS annual assembly for the possiblity of forming a ‘Unity Government’ with UMNO. This is unbecoming of a PAS Spiritual Leader and Chief Executive of a state and seen to create a new polemic to wedge further the disunity of the Malays.

*Updated 830am

Published in: on November 14, 2009 at 01:16  Comments (30)  

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30 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. dia belum terima pun, dan dah tak jadi terima, tak jadi pergi haji, habislah cerita, buang kes. kalau nak buat cerita lebih sensasi, biarkanlah dia pergi, lepas tu barulah bukakan ceritanya. dah jadi macam ni, sprm pun takde kes nak buat siasatan. kurang bijak musuh politik nik aziz dalam hal ni nampaknya.

    • berasiam,

      Sebenarnya awak silap. Urusan pergi ke Mekah bukan hanya bila Nik Aziz sudah ke Mekah sahaja. Pastinya pembayaran untuk Visa, tiket kapalterbang, hotel telah dibuat. Samada dia jadi atau tidak jadi pergi persoalan rasuah yang telah berlaku tetap berlaku.

      Pandangan saudara sebenarnya bodoh dan tidak ada “wisdom”.

      Apakah apabila seseorang telah memberi segala butiran paspot untuk dibuat tempahan (melakukan rasuah) apabila tidak jadi pergi (kemudiannya) tidak berniat atau telah melakukan rasuah?

      Kalau pemikiran saudara sedemikian, apa jadi bila sesiapa yang diberikan BMW 5 Series atau bangalow pada mulanya telah memberi dan mendaftar nama keatas aset rasuah tersebut kemudiannya menjualnya tidak melakukan rasuah?????

    • berasiam,

      Nik Ajis kata “Kalau di zaman Nabi dahulu baginda pernah dihalang oleh orang Quraisy daripada memasuki Kota Mekah, maka kini saya dihalang daripada niat untuk mengerjakan haji di tanah suci itu oleh Qurasy Malaysia” ,ketika menyampaikan kuliah pagi Jumaat.

      Orang tak lah sampai khianat macam tu, sampai nak perangkap Nik Ajis seperti yang berasiam usulkan ni:-

      “kalau nak buat cerita lebih sensasi, biarkanlah dia pergi, lepas tu barulah bukakan ceritanya

      Kalau dah nampak perkara yang tidak beretika tu, kita tegur dari awal-awal jangan sampai kesalahan itu dilakukan. Baguslah Nik Ajis tak jadi pergi haji kerana pembongkaran ini. Sekurang-kurang satu perkara yang tidak beretika telah dapat dielakkan daripada terjadi. Ini bukan bertujuan untuk tangkap Nik Ajis, tapi lebih kepada kes untuk membenarkan apa yang benar. Kesian Nik Ajis, jantungnya pun dah dah sekuat mana, kalau perangkap dia macam ni, tak baik tu. Kita nak yang benar supaya berdiri, bukan nak perangkap orang.

      Walaubagaimana pun, sudah ada rekod di merata-rata yang Nik Ajis menerima sponsorship yang tidak beretika ini. Malahan beliau dan anak menantu cuma pula menegakkan benang basah, menegakkan perkara yang tak beretika ini dengan pelbagai alasan (dan fatwa?). Kebenaran tetap berdiri, akhirnya Nik Ajis terpaksa mengalah dengan benang basahnya tu.

      Orang kata cinta itu buta. Ahli PAS yang taksub pada Nik Ajis akan tetap buta sekalipun Nik Ajis menghalalkan kerjasama dengan syaitan/iblis sekalipun (dia keluar fatwa ni kan dulu untuk mempertahankan kerjasama PAS dan parti DAPig keturunan ciPAP tu, kan?)


    • walaupun tak terlaksana, tgna sudah lafaz niat nak pergi atas tajaan orang luar

      • Ray, bukan saja lafaz niat telah berlaku, tetapi rasuah itu sendiri telah berlaku. Pastinya bayaran Visa, tempahan hotel serta tiket kapal terbang telah dibayar dengan izin (ambil rasuah) Nik Aziz. SPRM!!! apa lagi dok tunggu?????

  2. 1. PAS ini parti utk siapa? Melayu, Cina atau India?
    2. PAS ini sebenarnya musuh utama kepada siapa? UMNO atau PKR?
    3. Apabila UMNO tenggelam dan malap selepas PRU13, ke arah mana halatuju orang2 Melayu? Berbondong2 masuk PAS atau PKR?

    • “Berbondong2 masuk PAS atau PKR?”

      Buat masa ini jawabnya PKR: kerana PAS dah bergolak. masih disokong oleh orang Melayu yang fanatik.

      Kebanyakan Melayu bukan fanatik. Mereka logikal dan pragmatik

      Betul ke UMNO tenggelam dan malap selepas PRU 13?

      Tenggok gelagak Najib masa ni, mungkin 40-60.

      Yang dipinta Najib mesti pro-majority yang mengundinya. Jagi hati mereka baik-baik. Kalau perlu buat “refferendum” dalam perkara tertentu. Gerakkan mereka: selam hati mereka. Mereka tidak meminta apa-apa pun yang susah.

      Saya yakin yang dipinta ialah, jagalah Tanah Air Tercinta ini baik-baik.


  3. Assalamualaikum,

    what goes around come around……what he accused poor UMNO leader of doing is back slapped onto his face…maybe it is time for him to head back to lead a pure monastery life

    May Allah spare Muslims in Malaysia from his deviating teaching of Islamic akidah for Allah characteristic shall never be made similar to and worst still being compared to that of Allah servant, nor Nik Aziz simply accuse another muslim brothers of beng kafir because they have diferent views on some furuk issues. This is pure Wahhabi!

  4. Berasiam, ini bukan kali pertama Nik Aziz kata dia ditaja pergi haji. Dah banyak kali dah dia kata. Cuma kali ni je tak jadi pergi sebab lobang dah pecah. SPRM memang patut siasat dia. Dan SPRM pun kena siasat Paklah yang terma lembu korban dari Digi dulu. Beratus-ratus ekor masa dia jadi PM. Benda yang sama dengan Nik Aziz so, tak bolehlah double standard.

    Saya ada menulis perkara ini di

  5. Bigdog,
    It is the beginning of the end. A leader is as good as his adviser. In his case it is his son in law.

  6. Lesson here.

    Thou shall not appoint one son-in-law as adviser or GLC CEO if one is head of Government.

  7. I still remember when PAS berdegar-degar cakap kita semua masuk neraka kalau undi puak kafirun.

    But now?

    Allah bongkar satu-satu perbuatan hamba-hamba Dia. Kita ikhlas nak dekatkan diri dengan ugama tetapi Allah lebih mengetahui tentang hamba-hamba Dia yang sedang memimpin kita sekarang.

    Lagi merasakan Allah itu maha Mengetahui dan Maha Suci.

    Gamaknya motto PAS ialah: Buat apa yang saya cakap bukan apa yang saya buat. Tak malu!

    • Cempaka,

      Saya tercicir dengan berita itu, tak ada terbaca, tapi minat nak tahu lebih. Saya nak hebohkan disana sini.

      Tolong beri sedikit butir tambahan – anggaran bila, dimana, siapa, apa peristiwa dsb.nya.

      Dengan Sdr memberi butir2 itu pun pembaca boleh lebih sedar jenis maanusia yang mengeksploitasi ugama Islam untuk kepentingan politik mereka.

      Nik Aziz tak mahu PAS rapat dengan UMNO, melemahkan Melayu, dieksploitasi DAP. Cis!

  8. Its the same with Pas’ partners PKR and DAP! Whatever crime and corrupt practices that involves them is LEGAL!
    The ‘suicide at MACC building in Sgor’ has been skillfully diverted and the focus is now on Teoh’s death and not the investigations against the CORRUPT DAP leaders there.
    The SiL virus seems to have moved to PAS. The only direction PAS could move now is DOWN, together with the neo-liberal power-brokers like Husam Ibrahim and Anwar. oooops Husam and Anwar Ibrahim

  9. Sponsorship not just for TGNA but for TGNA’s wife, Nik Amalina (anak TGNA/wife Ariffahmi) Ariffahmi(CEO PMBK/son in law TGNA) and Rosdi (Setiausaha sulit TGNA) RM65K x 5= a lot of money.
    Question is kalau nak ambil berkat TGNA, kenapa perlu taja satu kapal? Kontraktor tu pula bukan hanya setakat bilboard aje.. Kawasan balak yang beribu ekar tu yg di berikan Kerajaan Negeri. Sape kata tak ada kaitan????

  10. if nik aziz was woking in a bank surely he will be put under BAFIA.. a gift can be accepted but not by an individual.. so is there any law thats states an individual can accept a give from their suppliers/customers? if there is none, its high time a law on it should be draft..

  11. Ingat pengalaman lalui
    SPRM dulu BPR namai
    Masa sesi taklimat hadiri
    Terang huraian BPR beri

    Soal popular kami tanya
    Salahkah hadiah terima
    Tukang beri ikhlas kata
    Yang terima ambil saja

    Jawab BPR mengingati
    Hadiah bersebab dijauhi
    Andai kaitan urusan beri
    Kedua-duanya menyalahi

    Pegawai BPR tegas kata
    Hadiah tulin beza cirinya
    Tiada kaitan urusan kerja
    Yang penting tiada curiga

    Hal nik aziz tunaikan haji
    Syarikat berurusan biayai
    Selaku MB kuasai negeri
    Tuan puan jawab sendiri

  12. […] ini, Nik Aziz sebagai seorang hipokrit dibongkarkan apabila beliau pada mulanya menerima tawaran mengerjakan haji pada musim ini dengan empat orang ahli kelaurga lain dengan kos RM 65,000.0… seorang, yang sepatutnya ditakrifkan sebagai rasuah. Namun setelah pendedahan dari media […]

  13. It was a bribe to be sponsored for performing haj.
    IT WAS NOT A BRIBE / CORRUPTION if use taxpayer money over 600k to have vacation in Disneyland.

  14. Mana boleh Tok Guru kena kes Rasuah…Dia kan bulletproof..Dia tak akan dituduh..cuma di sana nanti dia berat sikit la..

  15. aku kesian MB Kelantan ni. Dia good for nothing…nak kata memajukan kelantan….dia tak pandai..nak kata ia mengukuhkan spiritual rakyat…tidak jugak..malah rakyat harubiru dn pecah belah ,terasing kerana dia..

  16. Maka terserlah kelakuan sebenar rakyat kelantan yg gedebe bolasepak …hasil pimpinan PAS dan TG…sanggup membakar harta awam dan bergaduh kerana sifat islam ala PAS.

  17. […] Hajj at RM 65,000 per person. Despite he cancelled last minute, the fact that he accepted and made confirmation should be regarded as a ‘corrupt practice’ as he is the Chairman of PMBK and the generous contributor is a contractor to […]

  18. […] from a PMBK contractor. The last minute cancellation prove the fact that the flak received on the high controversial ‘corruption’ case for a spiritual pilgrimage trip shed a damaging light on PAS and him being the PAS Spiritual […]

  19. Dah lama dah…Kami tak mau dia ,,tp org PAS takut dan risau kerana TGNA di sangka sebagai ulamak bertaraf wali.Kalu jumpa cium tangan nya,,minta ia berdoa, dibesarkan dan di agung..sehingga gambarnya ada didinding rumah mereka..

  20. […] Kelantan Nik Aziz dengan menantu kontroversi , amalan kronyism dan salah guna kuasa dan  timbul ‘Ariffhami Gate’ kerana amalan rasuah, sehingga SPRM menyiasat PMBK dan mengakibatkan pegawai media Syed Azidi “Kickdefella” […]

  21. […] Isu percanggahan dasar mengenai penjualan arak di […]

  22. Takbir!

  23. Artikel yg menarik..

  24. Terima kasih

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