Blog 1 Malaysia: “Church Bombing”???

Krisis ‘Kalimah Allah’ kini makin menjadi makin serious dan berkemungkinan menjadi runcing. Lewat semalam dan awal pagi tadi, tindakan percubaan untuk membakar gereja sudah bermula.

Polis sedang menyiasat mengenai perkara yang amat serious ini. Setakat ini, belum ada tangkapan yang dibuat. Kabar angin melalui SMS sudah berkeliaran dan Polis membuat kenyataan agar rakyat bertenang dan tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan khabar angin.

Namun begitu, media alternatif Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak membayangkan sebaliknya. Perkara ini menjadi lebih tegang apabila blog PM Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib ‘1 Malaysia’ sendiri mengunakan perkataan Church Bombing” (Pengomban Gereja”) dan tidak ‘Tindakan Membakar Gereja”.

Statement on Church Bombings Print PDF

Jan 08, 2010 in Unity

I condemn this act of intolerance and all others like it. These incidents of violence, or any threatening act motivated by religious, social, or political differences, are a threat to our harmony and stability. Malaysians are shocked by these actions and I strongly condemn them.

This divisive event, and others like it, do not represent Malaysia or Islam. They don’t represent our families, our communities, or the effort we have all made toward strengthening 1Malaysia.

An investigation into this matter has already been launched, and those responsible will be brought to justice.

The police have been ordered to tighten security around religious places including churches to ensure that there are no further instances of violence. We cannot allow this to happen again to any place of worship.

Malaysia prides itself on respecting all religions and pursuing peaceful, legal channels to resolve our differences. We encourage our citizens to responsibly voice their opinions, but violence is never an acceptable method of expression.

Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country with a history of peaceful coexistence between Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and others. Many Malaysians practice Christianity, and have done so freely.

We will not tolerate activities that endanger or threaten our fellow citizens.

Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib


Apa sebenarnya agenda pengurusan / pengendali blog ‘1 Malaysia’? Tidak kah ini akan menimbulkan panik dan makin menjadikan keadaan semakin runcing dan makin merumitkan kerja Polis untuk mententeramkan keadaan yag kini berpotensi menjadi genting?

Pengurusan / pengendali blog ‘1 Malaysia’  ini wajar bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya kerana ini adalah suara PM Najib dalam media alternatif dan bloggosfera.

*Dikemas kini 1155pm

Blog ‘1 Malaysia’ telah mengemas kini posting asal.

Statement on Church Attacks Print PDF

Jan 08, 2010 in Unity

I condemn this act of intolerance and all others like it. These incidents of violence, or any threatening act motivated by religious, social, or political differences, are a threat to our harmony and stability. Malaysians are shocked by these actions and I strongly condemn them.

This divisive event, and others like it, do not represent Malaysia or Islam. They don’t represent our families, our communities, or the effort we have all made toward strengthening 1Malaysia.

An investigation into this matter has already been launched, and those responsible will be brought to justice.

The police have been ordered to tighten security around religious places including churches to ensure that there are no further instances of violence. We cannot allow this to happen again to any place of worship.

Malaysia prides itself on respecting all religions and pursuing peaceful, legal channels to resolve our differences. We encourage our citizens to responsibly voice their opinions, but violence is never an acceptable method of expression.

Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country with a history of peaceful coexistence between Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and others. Many Malaysians practice Christianity, and have done so freely.

We will not tolerate activities that endanger or threaten our fellow citizens.

Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib 


Sekiranya ini agenda tersirat pengurusan / pengendali blog ‘1 Malaysia’, maka PM Najib perlu menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya. Sekiranya ini akibat kecuaian, maka pengurusan / pengendali blog perlu mengambil langkah yang lebih teliti agar tidak menimbulkan kekeliruan kerana usaha PM Najib mendekati warga pengguna bloggosfera sudah mula menampakan kesan positif dan progressif. Ini kerana dipercayai media arus perdana siber berbahasa Inggeris seperti dan NST online menggunakan kenyataan asal ini dalam liputan mereka terhadap isu ‘gereja dibakar’ ini.

Kesilapan posting asal oleh pengurusan / pengendali blog ‘1 Malaysia’ amat dikesali dan mungkin menimbulkan kekeliruan dan kekeruhan pada keadaan yang makin menjadi rumit, sekiranya tidak dibendung.

Dalam pada itu, DYMM Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmood mengeluarkan kenyataan agar rakyat bertenang dan tidak mudah terpengaruh dengan khabar angin yang sengaja untuk mengeruh dan rumitkan keadaan. Baginda juga mengingatkan semua pihak untuk menghormati rumah ibadat semua kaum dan berharap Kerajaan mengambil tindakan sewajarnya sebagai tindakan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur dan kedudukan Islam sebagai ugama Persekutuan Malaysia dihormati semua pihak.

Laporan NST:

King reminds people to remain calm, respect houses of worship



KUALA LUMPUR: Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin wants all Malaysians to remain calm in the wake of the High Court decision on the use of the word “Allah” and respect houses of worship irrespective of religion. In a statement issued by Istana Negara today, Tuanku Mizan said he very much hoped that the spirit of unity and mutual respect which formed the backbone of the nation’s strength would at all times be safeguarded.

His Majesty said he was expressing this hope in view of the government taking the necessary follow-up steps following the court decision and all quarters respecting the sanctity and position of Islam as the official religion of the federation.

“To ensure peace and harmony among the followers of different religions, the meaning and reference to “Allah” in the general context should conform to the description fixed by Islam because this practice has all this while been accepted by Malaysians of other faiths,” said Tuanku Mizan.

On Dec 31, the High Court had ruled that the Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia could use the word “Allah” in its weekly publication, Herald.

On Wednesday, the same High Court allowed a stay of execution on the use of the word following and agreement between the Home Ministry and the church in the national interest.

Three churches around Kuala Lumpur, the Metro Tabernacle Church in Desa Melawati; the Assumption Church and the Life Chapel in Petaling Jaya were subjected to attacks last night and early today.

Published in: on January 8, 2010 at 22:07  Comments (18)  

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18 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. if really it is true done by those who are mad with the decision, should it be a suprise? The decision clearly ignores the sentiment of majority muslims in Malaysia. And by some who arrogantly saying why should muslims worry because “as long as I know Allah is one and it is your fault not to study Islam well”, should not this show us what “those stupid muslims” are capable of doing of when you just taking care of your own ass?

    Muslims should be taking care of each other, not leaving others in the dark. IF THIS INCIDENT WAS DONE BY MUSLIMS, somehow, this is what you get for taking care of your own iman and ass and leave other muslims in the dark!!! What happened to “Sampaikanlah walaupun sepotong ayat”?

    My Malaysia: Church Attack – Act of Anger or Conspiracy???

    • Both Muslim and Christian are descendant of Abraham.
      When God see these brothers are killing each other in the name of HIM (or in the matter how he will be called), you know how He will judge on the judgment day.

      • Wow …

        2nd class KNOWS how God (Jesus or Allah) “will judge on the judgment day’.

        Must a psychic or a psycho

  2. Dog,

    Saya terbaca satu laporan berita wire bahasa Inggeris menyebutnya sebagai “firebombing” yang lebih tepat dari “bombing”.

    Terima kasih.

    • PM perlu berhati-hati bila mengeluarkan kata-kata bertulis.

      Mungkin dia sesak memikirkan undi Cina, sekolah Cina, perniagaan Cina, dia menulis “bombing”, tidak “firebombing” atau “incendiary bombing” atau “petrol bombing” atau molotov cocktail throwing”.

  3. samada najib dah nak jadi pak lah, bukan kaki membaca tapi pakai sign je atau dia kene sabotaj dgn team dia sendiri.
    mesej patut sampai kat PM ialah “PLS WAKE UP!” jgn ikut saudara dia hishamuddin tu. dah terantuk baru terngadah.

  4. Insiden bakar gereja ni akan jadi isu yg sangat kritikal bagi Najib-kalau tak ditangani dgn baik maka burok padahnya.Orang Melayu mahu Najib bersikap lebih tegas dan berani, jgn terlalu bersifat memberi muka dan cepat mengalah kerana sebenarnya tiada tolak ansur dalam mempertahankan akidah.Di sebelah sana nampaknya serangan2 siber mereka terhadap kepimpinan dan orang Melayu di buat secara keterlaluan,angkoh,menghina dan kurang ajar.Jelas tersembul warna hati sebenar puak2 ini yg nyata mahu hapuskan keistimewaan Org Melayu di bumi Melayu ini.Ia seolah strategi perang yg tersusun rapi dan kini di lancarkan.Apakah si Pakiam tu langsung tak menyangka reaksi org Melayu akan begini hebat ekoran tindakan The Herald mahu bermain api?Is Pakiam so naive? You reap what you sow Brother.Saya tak fikir insiden ini boleh berakhir hanya dgn pembakaran 3 gereja tu sahaja.Cuma kita berharap janganlah ambil tindakan2 sembrono yg tidak mendatangkan apa2 faedah.Lebih baik gunakan akal yg Allah beri itu untuk mencapai matlamat dgn tindakan2 yg bijak,halus dan berkesan.Apa pun gendang perang telah di palu….

  5. Surprised? I don’t think so. They should know that this will be the stupid reaction to the stupid action by the Herald. Why did they do that in the first place? Happy now Pakiam?

    I am amused at the petition to stop disturbing the place of worships of other religions. To the bleeding heart Malay liberals, you should be worried about your own religion first lah. You are worried about the safety of those churches but chose to remain silent when they marched into the very foundation of your faith.Your petition should be directed to the herald to stop the provocation. You solve a problem by eliminating the cause.

    Not forgetting, thank you Pak Lah for your keterbukaan yang telah membuatkan hasil.

    • Not Malay “liberals” but pseudo-liberals.

      These are people who have benefitted from the NEP and the Special Position of the Malays one way or another, now enjoying the benefits, living in comfort, luxury, and some in grandeur like “Confident woman” Marina, but forgetting their roots, quite prepared to abandon the larger Malay and Muslim interests. God will deal with them.

      Your sarcasm on flip-flopping, auto-piloting and sleepy-on-the job Pak Lah is well taken. His weak leadership allowed exploitation not only by his SIL and “the Fourth Floor boys” but also by the anti-national and sometimes subversive elements in the country.

  6. This won’t be the last incident to create unrest in Malaysia. Let’s hope Najib can handle this crisis.

    Many more “issues” in the agenda planned some time back by subversives will soon crop up.

    The common denominator seemed to be to condemn the UMNO-led government with the intention of changing the political landscape.

    Issues of all shapes, sizes, colours, angles, tones, intensity, textures will be “released”.

    The important caution is not to be trapped into a state of permanent chaos such that the economic progress of Malaysia will be scuttled.

  7. saya tak percaya pembakaran gereja di lakukan oleh orang orang islam. orang orang islam malaysia orang yang paling waras dan tidak akan melakukan sesuatu yang bodoh seperti itu.

    • Memijak lembu kepala pun boleh dilakukan, apa lagi yang tidak boleh dilakukan?

      • isu kepala lembu itu di buat terang terang. tetapi orang islam di malaysia, membuat sesuatu habis bodoh pun hanyalah berdemo dan paling teruk pun tentang kepala lembu. tetapi jika orang orang melayu ingin membeli bom, benda ini mestilah kecoh. perkara ini berlaku senyap senyap. orang melayu kalau nak ganas mesti secara terang terang. tak main lah sorok sorok.orang orang melayu juga hanya bermesyuarat dahulu sebelum tindakan ganas ingin di lakukan kerana kita kan telah di cop sebagai masyarakat subsidi. jadi jika kita ingin membeli bom, kami akan tunggu bantuan kerajaan.
        bom bom molotov tu buat apa kami nak beli, baik beli makanan utk anak anak atau kereta mahal.
        itu kan tipikal masyarakat melayu.
        sesuatu yang pasti orang melayu tak akan melakukan tindakan keji sebegini. ini bukan kerja orang umno atau orang pas. ada faham!!!!

  8. bla bla bla….

    kalau memang pemalas…macam macam cara dibuat untuk tegaskan hidup relek

  9. kalau hati sudah dikuasai setan apapun boleh terjadi. sebenarnya Allah tidak perlukan pembelaan dari umat manusia tetapi Allah adalah pembela sebenar umat manusia. isu ini sebenarnya sengaja diperapikan oleh golongan yang berkepentingan.lihatlah apa dah jadi. Orang islam melarang penggunaan Kalimah Allah terhadap bukan islam? Allah yang islam pertahankan itu siapa??

  10. I think whoever is doing this heinous crime are not alone or their own doing but instigated by someone higher who has an agenda. By doing so they think they had diverted the attention of Malaysians from the real issues that have been tormenting them for the last one year. Altantuya C4ed, Kugan tortured to death under police custody, Teoh Beng Hock thrown from the MACC building are issues yet to be cleared by the government of the day. So we Malaysians kow the real reason behind all these Molotov bombing of churches in Malaysia.

    But they do not realize that GOD is watching all their evil doing and they would pay the price soon here and not the hereafter.

  11. i’m so disappointed with this crisis..
    i hate to hate each other..
    does ‘Allah’ command those people to attack others?
    does ‘Allah’ wanted people to kill each other?
    does the word ‘Allah’ brings general meaning?
    Allah is God..
    God has His name..
    please don’t hate other people beliefs..

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