Police report made against Lim Kit Siang and Nizar “Brother Yong” Jamaluddin

A Police Report was made against DAP Supremo and Adviser Lim Kit Siang and deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar “Brother Yong” Jamaluddin in Kuala Muda, Kedah this evening.

Mej. (Rtd.) Anuar Abdul Hamid's Police Report against Lim Kit Siang and Nizar "Brother Yong" Jamaluddin

The Police Report was lodged by a retired Royal Malay Regiment Officer Mej. (Rtd.) Anuar Abdul Hamid, for the 5-0 Federal Court decision on the legatimacy the dismissal of Pakatan Rakyat Perak State Government February last year and the installation of BN Government, on Lim’s outrage “Its shameful for the Judiciary”, deemed contempt of court and deposed DAP-puppet MB Nizar “Brother Yong” Jamaluddin’s “Heading towards absolute democracy”, deemed seditious.

Excerpt of the Seditions Act:

Under section 3(1), those acts defined as having a seditious tendency are acts with a tendency:

(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Ruler or against any Government;

(b) to excite the subjects of the Ruler or the inhabitants of any territory governed by any government to attempt to procure in the territory of the Ruler or governed by the Government, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;

(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Malaysia or in any State;

(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the Ruler of any State or amongst the inhabitants of Malaysia or of any State;

(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia;or

(f) to question any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the provisions of part III of the Federal constitution or Article 152, 153 or 181 of the Federal Constitution.



The chronic  inability of the duo, who are Pakatan Rakyat MPs and office bearers of their respected parties to accept the Federal Court ruling  is utter appalling. What is worse is their open and blatant BIADAP and KURANG AJARNESS against HRH Paduka Seri Sultan Perak for exercising his constitutional right and power as a Ruler.

More Police Reports on the duo are expected. Clearly these DAP leaders have neither respect for the rights of the others, nor the sovereignity and authority HRH Ruler and Judiciary. This is the very trait of ‘Communist Terrorist’.

*Updated Thursday 11 February 2010 0900 hrs

The visual copy of Mej. (Rtd.) Anuar Abdul Hamid’s RAMD Police Report


Published in: on February 10, 2010 at 22:24  Comments (19)  

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19 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. They should face the full force of the seditions act. Anything less will show to the world that Malaysia is not serious about its own sovereignty

  2. Well pls ask them to make police report on Ku Li too since he also disagrees with the court ruling. He’s an UMNO chap so why nobody in UMNO dares to touch him then. Ku Li is a genuine statesman who speaks about constitutional monarchy not absolute monarchy.

    • Hey imposter

      You have no originality huh??

      Why copy other’s nic, eh??

  3. Menteri Amaran dan Perdana Menteri, harap bertindak dgn adil. Jgn pula kes-kes seperti ini nak tutup sebelah mata dan sapu bawah karpet sementara kes-kes kepala lempu nak bergegas di ambil tindakan.

    Jangan kecut, jgn apologetik. Jangan terlalu tunduk. Malaysia dah tempa sejarah sunia di mana pemimpinnya dari golongan majoriti mengalah tunduk kepada kaum minoriti yang kuat menyalak. (Baca Lagi Mengenai Sikap Apologetik)

  4. am ray….tak bersetuju dengan komen yang melampau dua perkara yagn berbeza sedara….kalau tak reti bahasa melayu takper teruskan pengajian…

    KDN should act seriously on this matter…

  5. Bro,

    Persoalan sekarang mengenai status; layak kah Nizar diberi gelaran “Bekas Menteri Besar Perak” atau hanya ADUN Pasir Panjang atau MP Bukit Gantang.

    Pada pandangan saya, Nizar tidak layak dipanggil “Bekas Menteri Besar Perak” atas alasan berikut;

    1. Perkhidmatan beliau sebagai MB Perak hanya setahun sahaja dan bukan Sepenggal Penuh.

    2. Gelaran “Bekas Menteri Besar” melayakkan seseorang itu mendapat pencen seumur hidup. Walau bagaimanapun, Nizar tidak berkhidmat sebagai MB cukup sepenggal maka pada hemat saya, Nizar tak layak untuk mendapat pencen MB.

    3. Oleh kerana alasan (1) dan (2) diatas, saya tidak nampak Nizar boleh dipanggil “BEKAS MENTERI BESAR”.

    4. Sila beri komen atas pendapat saya.

    Otai Silibin (Dekat jer dengan Markas PAS)

    • bekas menteri besar bermakna ia pernah memegang jawatan tersebut, itu aje. apa yh susah sangat tu.

      • ye lahhhh….bukan susah sangat….kalau kawin walaupun sejam dan becerai….tetap panggil bekas suami..

        otai silibin sekolah mane dulu…

  6. Someone…
    Please make a police report against the latest harakah article.

  7. Not much difference in the seditious behavior of brothers LKS and Nizar “Yong” with the rude and ridiculous other brother, Kapal, in court. Under misguidance C.I.F.U.T, these desperadoes have taken the Malaysian authorities as “toothless” entities wishfully hoping to portray to the international community that the country is heading towards a failed state. This is part of the grand plan of C.I.P.U.T and intermittently but yet consistently the foreign media like Washington Posts and their associated institutions like PERC will come to his assistance.

    Its time for the local enforcement authorities to show their teeth and come hard on C.I.F.U.T and his dunggus; lodging police reports only validates that the Police force merits the recent hike in salaries, nothing more.

    C.I.F.U.T and his band of dogs failed to realize that all their destructive, chaotic and desperate actions to-date has done more harm than good; the silent majority detest being trampled by selfish interest and under false perceptions. More and more Malaysians have come to recognize that this band of dogs are indeed the worst of traitors. Malaysians are not that stupid; still fresh in our minds were the U.S. and other foreign media irresponsibly in justifying to the American public and the world for the invasion of Iraq and now Blair is having his balls roasted for supporting the same under false pretentious. Same goes the invasion of Afghanistan and the bombardment of Gaza and many more We Malaysians know and want to solve our problems; such foreign interference will be abhorred.

    I am sure PAS grassroots more than understand the predicament of their leadership in supporting such traitorous acts and will reject the propaganda played by the liberals in PAS.

  8. SOP pihak berwajib MESTI diubah segera supaya mereka telus dan lebih bertanggungjawab.

    Kita tahu pegawai seperti KDN/PDRM juga membaca akhbar, tentu mereka lebih mahir tentang Akta Hasutan. Bila terbaca ade ‘yg menghasut’, mereka inilah yg sepatutnya mengambil tindakan. Dgn ini semua pihak akan kena tindakan samada BN/PR.

    Bila mereka tak ambil tindakan baru Rakyat buat laporan Polis terhadap mereka.

    Mungkin tak akan berlaku tapi sebenarnya kita inginkan penjawat awam berlaku adil dan telus dalam menjalankan tugas.

  9. 1) if the federal court has made such a decision, it is binding and shall be ‘law’ unless overturned by another federal court or through parliament intervention.

    2) i am not happy with the decision, and i think the decision is ‘bad’. but still, it is the law.

    3) think about it, the next time the table is turned against umno/barisan, the same law applies (this i hope will still be true by then).


  10. What can one expect of them? When their DAP brand of democracy is rejected by the people, the State and the Law, this is the best they can come out with, which is the last thing this nation needs.

  11. Hi Bro BG,
    Yes it is acceptable to frown, grumble and scream to ones hearts content when one does not get what one wants. But to throw tantrums and become abusive especially to a Ruler who at one stage gave them the opportunity to form a state Govt although they were not the single registered political party with a majority. The words used by Nizar alleging of absolute monarchy is definitely seditious.
    Nizar has inadvertently proven to the world that he is not a good Muslim despite being a top central committee member of PAS.
    Qadak dan qadar kelihatan tidak terdapat dalam kamus Nizar. Dia patut terima nasihat MB Kedah bukan Nik Aziz.
    Inilah dia jika seseorang itu sudah terlalu taksub dia lupa bahawa segala ketentuan adalah dari Allah SWT sahaja.
    Riaksi yang ditunjuk oleh Nizar tidak melambangkan seorang Muslimin yang baik.

    • Boss,

      Saya setuju!




  12. Nizar and Kit Siang dared to kurang ajar cos’ they know that they are in Malaysia not Singapore.NO ACTION
    will be taken against them cos’ the BN leaders has lost their BALLS this recent months.Let’s see this few days…plenty of rhetoric from some ministers and that’s about all.

  13. Never have i observed such BN government before than the current one who deserves to be labeled as submissive to the law breakers. KDN/ Police should have acted immediately upon coming across such remarks by the communist/ traitor nizar and l.k.s. They should not have waited for the public to make a report.

    Even after a report is lodged by a member of the public, the response is normally feeble and action is slow and in the end it will just fade away.

    Wake up KDN/ Police ! Do your duty as required of you under the law.

  14. hal politik perak tidak akan selesai sampai PRU akan datang.

    semuanye kerana 3 ekor katak lombong yg sedang dibicarakan ni ( dengar cite boleh settle)

    Ampun tuanku.

    ‘Sebagai rakyat tuanku, patik mohon tuanku pertimbangkanlah untuk membubarkan DUN perak atau dun 3 yang melompat sahaja agar keharmonian dan kerukunan negeri dapat dipulihkan..

    kerana untuk BN atau Pakatan membubarkannye mungkin tidak kerana politik mereka megatasi segalanye.

  15. pepatah lama ada kata: raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah.
    raja pelaksana islam di malaysia, tegakkan dengan penuh hikmah. kita makhluk allah tidak terkecuali melaksanakan semua ajarannya.

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