Kapal selam bukti keupayaan operasi persenjataan

KD Tunku Abdul Rahman belayar bersebelahan KD Tun Razak, berdekatan Pengkalan TLDM Teluk Sepanggar, Sabah Julai 2010

Dewasa ini, terlalu banyak tohmahan mengenai kapal selam Scorpene Perdana Class KD Tunku Abdul Rahman dan KD Razak yang tidak mampu menjalankan kepuayaan operasi, termasuk menyelam dengan baik dan kemampuan persenjataan yang diragui. Pembangkang amat konsisten menggunakan berita palsu ini dalam kempen politik, termasuk baru baru ini MP Lembah Pantai Nurul Izzah Anwar membuat kenyataan yang sama semasa di Jakarta.

Nurul Izzah diberitakan membuat kenyataan bahawa kapal selam Perdana Class tidak boleh menyelam dan berada dalam keupayaan yang amat lemah. Ini jelas percubaan untuk mengaibkan negara, terutama TLDM pada kacamata antarabangsa.

SM 39 Exocet keluar dari bawah permukaan Laut Cina Selatan

Namun, ianya jelas amat meleset malah TLDM telah membuktikan keupayaan dan keberkesanan operasi kedua dua kapal selam yang telah dibina oleh konsortium yang diketuai Armaris atas kontrak yang dimeterai pada Jun 2002 dengan kos berjumlah RM 3.4 billion itu.

Misil Exocet SM 39 Blok 2 keluar dari perut Lautan Cina Selatan dan terbang menuju sasaran dengan kelajuan sub sonik

Ini adalah kenyataan media Panglima Tentera Laut Laksmana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Hj Jaafar pada 26 Julai 2010 atas kejayaan latihan melancarkan misil SM 39 Blok 2 dari KD Tunku Abdul Rahman dari kedalaman 55 meter bawah paras permukaan laut:


Kota Kinabalu, 26 Jul – Kapal Selam Pertama Negara, Kapal Diraja TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN hari ini telah membuktikan kebolehannya apabila berjaya melancarkan misil bawah permukaan ke permukaan air jenis Exocet SM39 Blok 2. Misil tersebut telah mengenai sasaran permukaan berukuran 40 meter panjang pada jarak 40 km(22 batu nautika).  Misil telah dilancarkan sewaktu KD TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN berada pada kedalaman 55 meter di mana ia sukar dikesan oleh sistem penderia bawah air mana-mana kapal permukaan.  Penembakan ini dilaksanakan sebagai sebahagian aktiviti kontrak uijian tropika.

SM 39 hampir mengenai barge latihan (sasaran)

Misil Exocet SM39 Blok 2 yang dilancarkan tepat pada jam 10.15 pagi tadi di kawasan Laut China Selatan telah membuktikan keupayaan Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM) dan sekaligus membuktikan kapal selam negara mampu melancar serangan dari bawah permukaan.

“Misil yang dilancarkan mengenai tepat ke sasaran yang berukuran 40 meter pada kedudukan 40 km/22batu nautika dari kedudukan kapal selam” kata Panglima Tentera Laut, Laksamana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz bin Hj Jaafar yang turut sama menyaksikan penembakan tersebut.

Sasaran berjaya dimusnahkan

Penembakan ini juga bertujuan mengesahkan keberkesanan Misil Exocet SM39 Blok 2 dan keupayaan sistem persenjataan atau lebih dikenali sebagai SUBTICS KD TAR di Kawasan Laut Beriklim Tropika.

Misil Exocet SM39 Blok 2 telah diperolehi dari negara Perancis pada pertengahan 2008.  Ia merupakan peluru berpandu bawah permukaan ke permukaan yang mempunyai berat keseluruhan 2,100 kilogram, panjang 6 meter dan diameter 35 sentimeter.  TLDM telah mula menggunakan misil jenis Exocet sejak tahun 1979 lagi yang bertujuan memusnahkan kapal permukaan bersaiz besar.

Unit-unit yang terlibat dalam penembakan ini juga akan terlibat dalam latihan gabungan TLDM yang dinamakan Operational Sea Training(OSTEX) dan Submarine Fleet Integration Training (SUBFIT) yang akan berlangsung selama seminggu.


Untuk rekod, beberapa gambar foto ini tidak pernah disiarkan sebelum ini untuk kegunaan umum.

Kapal selam Perdana Class ini berukuran 67 meter dan berupaya membawa campuran 18  laras senjata (Torpedo Whitehead Allenia Blackshark II dan misil MDBA SM 39 Exocet Blok 2), dimana 6 akan berada dalam laras tiub torpedo dan 12 lagi disusun atas rak. Exocet merupakan sistem missil yang diuji kemampuan dan keberkesananya, kali pertamanya masa Perang Falkands dimana Tentera Udara Argentina berjaya melancarkan misil dan menenggelamkan kapal pemusnah Tentera Laut DiRaja Britain HMS Sheffield dan HMS Coventry. TLDM mula menggunakan sistem misil ini semenjak tahun 1979 lagi.

Kapal pemusnah TLD Britain HMS Sheffield terbakar sejurus selepas dibedil misil Exocet semasa Perang Falkands (Mei 1982), sebelum tenggelam.

Penembakan ini bersejarah bukan sahaja kepada TLDM, malah kepada angkatan laut Asia Tenggara. Ini pertama kali penembakan misil pertana dari bawah permukaan laut. Kejayaan ini merupakan testimoni keupayaan TLDM untuk menjadi angkatan laut yang mampu menguasai asset pertahanan strategik dan melakukan serangan tanpa dikesan musuh.

Rakyat Malaysia wajar merasa bangsa kerana pertahanan negara makin mantap dengan squadron kapal selam Perdana Class ini. Ini kerana mana mana angkatan laut yang mempunyai keupayaan kapal selam dianggap kelebihan sebagai  bersamaan faktor 10 kali ganda kapal perang permukaan. Ini bermakna secara kasar jika berlaku konflik peperangan di lautan, dengan dua buah kapal selam ini memberikan TLDM kelebihan ‘kegerunan’ kepada musuh seumpama 20 buah kapal perang kelas frigat dan korvet.

Frigat F2000 KD Lekiu, yang mempunyai senjata meriam utama 57mm (220 rpm), misil MM40 Exocet, misil pertahanan udara Sea Wolf dan torpedo 321mm, adalah kapal tempur paling canggih dan berkuasa dalam Armada TLDM. Bayangkan kapal selam Perdana Class mampu mempunyai faktor 'kegerunan' 10 kali berbanding frigat ini

Applikasi kapal selam bagi sesebuah angkatan laut ternyata memberikan kelebihan strategik. Asset ini melonjak TLDM sebagai angkatan laut yang dihormati dalam rantau ini. Malaysia mempunyai kawasan perairan yang amat luas, zon ekonomi eksklusif yang menjamin kesejahteraan ekonomi negara terutama kawasan pelantar pertroleum dan perikanan dan amat penting sebagai sebuah negara maritim, laluan perdagangan antara terpenting dan sibuk global melalui kawasan operasi bawah TLDM untuk menjamin kedaultan negara.

Latihan penembakan ini menunjukan warga Angkatan Kapal Selam TLDM yang dilatih oleh pasukan kapal selam tentera laut Perancis lebih 5 tahun secara intensif, mampu mengendalikan asset strategik ini dengan baik. Siri latihan dengan angkaran kapal selam nuklear tentera laut Perancis sebelum KD Tunku Abdul Rahman dan KD Tun Razak belayar pulang ke tanahair adalah bukti pengiktirafan kemampuan warga anggota angkatan kapal selam ini.

Lencana angkatan kapal selam Perancis: Pengiktirafan bagi warga angkatan kapal selam TLDM

* Perkembangan dikemas kini Rabu 25 Ogos 2010 1700hrs

Published in: on August 24, 2010 at 22:00  Comments (60)  

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60 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. terbukti le yang norul azizah tu menipu di bulan ramadan ni ,masyallah…..

  2. I still maintain that this is really a bloody waste of money. Who are we going to war with? What use will it be if the a country like the red dot down south were going to attack us? They will be using their tanks and planes to do it and there is nothing the subs can do to stop them.

    • please la mr zawawi all the country around the world procure military arms to empower their defence. it is also seen as a bargaining power. u’re mind is a simplistic one i would say. indonesians hv started procuring jetfighters n their rakyat seems to appreciate what the gov is doing. but here, in msia we hv people like u who take peace for granted n mock the government whenever they spend billions for the safety of u, me n the rest of the citizens.

      “u may forget war but war never forgets u”

    • Have you any clue about defence, Zawawi?

      • I would appreciate it more if they are spent on fighter jets as they will be more effective compared to submarines. That is how simple my mind is as far as defense is concerned. Even Indonesia spends on air power. If submarines are more effective why don’t they spend on subs? After all their nation is surrounded by seas.

      • Now you are talking, Zawawi.

        It’s a matter of opinion, kawan. Unless we are military experts and have the up-to-date military hardware numbers and sophistication of potential enemies.

        It must be based on assessed threats, kawan. And potential enemies. What they have. Unless our MINDEF tidor. That two aircraft engines disappeared suggested some tidorness. But we don’t know our overall alertness and the capability of our military intelligence, do we?

    • Mohamad Zawawi Ahmad = bodoh

      • Kenapa, Si-bodoh. Atas sebab dia tidak setuju dengan keputusan membeli Sub.

    • I am not a militaryman. But jet fighters need airfield. Airfield need good air defence. With out good air defence, the airbases and jet fighters are sitting ducks. I think enemy attacks with with cluster bombs and airfield busting bombs, it may paralyse the whole base. The billion dollars jet will be a billion dollars junk.

      Of course there are hundreds of other factors that are needed and it may cost billions to help jet fighter to be effective.

      North Korea and Iran prefer ballastic missiles carrying nuclear warhead for detterence.

      By the way it would be nice if those Exocet Missiles can carry tactical nuclear war heads


    • bodoh punya orang!!!!

    • Ha,bagus la tu.Kena kapal selam musuh datang lepak keliling malaysia,semua kapal kargo tak boleh masuk macam palestin,baru kau nak menggelupur sebab tak dapat bekalan keperluan.

      Pikir jauh le sket.Kau boleh tanya nak perang dengan sapa.Kelakar.

      Kalau kau ada pistol dalam poket,orang akan takut nak cari pasal.
      Kalau kau cuma ada lastik dalam poket,senang-senang kot kau kena buli.

      Faham analogi tu?

    • China, indonesia dan Singapura ada submarine.. jika mereka
      ni decide nak bermusuh dengan kira.. pebenda yang kita nk guna
      untuk buru submarine mereka? ko punya ilmu hitam?

  3. Our embassy in Jakarta had been defaeceted by Indonesian hooligans and here we are boosted ourselves how powerful we are. We opt to be ashamed that this forum has never make any attempt to protest over the incidence.

    We are not friend of Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei or even China or U.S. Don’t hold too much to the Muslim Arabs as they look down on Malaysians esp the Malay Muslims. And here day in day out, Big Dog churn out rubbishs trying to cause disunity of the country. This man opt to be detained without parole for a thousand year.

    • Totally agreed with you asim,

      • asim and kemek do you consider yourselves to be friends of Malays. Down here we dont think so.

        We Malays are very much alone in this world. I believe Bigdog Admin are trying their level best to unite us at least politically.

        I strongly support their noble effort


    • One is asin, the other is kemik. So, what else is there to say?

      That’s a small tiff, some irresponsible fellows protesting something they don’t know about, man.

      Why fuss. Aiyyaaa. There are so many more important issues you can pick up, fellows.

  4. These PR supporters are now singing a diff tune. When their slander is proven just a politically motivated, they turn around and spin another issue.

    Hatred has truly clout PR’s mind. Whatever the gomen is doing will never be good enuff for them.

    Try to be humble la woi, u can’t always be right.

  5. orang bodoh lagi jahil tentang subjek militari nak cakap pasal kapal selam waduhhhh…bener nye ibu ini dan bodoh lagi kelabu asap…jgn ikut bapak mu

    • Ape kamu cakap ne, mamat? Aku tak reti le korang ni. Kalau takde benda nak cakap, diam saja le.

      Kalau tak, kamu keluarkanlah fakta fakta militer yang berkenaan atau pendapat kamu yang siuman sikit. Baru sedap aku dengor.

    • Orang takde otak kalau cakap hrmmmmmm , Pakatan Rakyat dan kantoi buat fitnah , datanglah org gila nak menyelamatkan keadaan .

  6. Wow hebat sungguh . Boleh lah lepas ni bedil sampan/tonggkang bawak pendatang asing .
    Wow money well spend

    • Of course, how many millions goes to someone pocket.

  7. Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang…
    Firman Allah swt
    “Siapkanlah untuk menghadapi mereka (musuh-musuh)dengan kekuatan apa saja yang kalian sanggupi dan dari kuda-kuda yang ditambatkan untuk berperang (semoga dengan persiapan itu) kalian dapat menggentarkan musuh Allah dan musuh kalian serta orang-orang selain mereka yang tidak kalian ketahui sedangkan Allah mengetahuinya”.
    (Al-Quran surah al-Anfal [8]: Ayat 60).

    1.”kuda-kuda yang ditambat” – analogi kepada persiapan kelengkapan jentera untuk berperang.
    2.”musuh Allah” – kafir harbi yang ingin menyerang
    3.”musuh kalian” – musuh yang nyata atau berselindung
    4.”kalian tidak mengetahui” – musuh dalam selimut

    Allah dah nyatakan dalam Al-Quran 1430 tahun yang lalu, hanya bingai munafiq yang buat tak tau sedangkan para harbi pula sengaja cuba memperlekeh dan sabotaj kekuatan umat Islam.


  8. I still think the government should beef up our internal security first. Spending on this sub is fine to me but with our internal country facing all the robbers, thieves and not mention on the corruption involving the “you know who but they pretend don’t know” in our couryard, this spending might goes useless in 1malaysia eyes.

    • Apa yang tak cukup regarding our internal security, man?

      ISA ada, Internal Security Act ada, the Police Act ada, Police Field Force ada, APCs ada. Only mahu act tak mahu act saja.

      Some people already calling Hishamuddin Menteri Amaran. Warning only, no action re Sedition Act until the blokes become emboldened with nasty proposal on Bumi housing discount and bloody MCA wanting 30% abolished.

      • amendment –

        Internal Security Act = Sedition Act

  9. Mohamad Zawawi Ahmad
    u are absolutely idiot..period

    just look at palestin VS israel & tell me what happen there?u want us to be like palestin?

    u know Papua New Guinea?how Indonesia easily can conquer them?now Papua already become part of Indon

    u forgot why Britain & Japan & conquer Tanah Melayu before this?why Tanah melayu easily can be conqured before this?
    coz we still use keris la mangkuk thats why… while the Brits empire & Japan already use guns & cannons

    now imagine this
    Spore already have 4 submarine
    Indon already got more than 5 subamrines from 60s
    Thailand dont have but they got wasted aircraft carrier(cost nearly 5bilion ringgit) which i believe a real waster
    -regardng Thailand..please dig the history & find that Pattani & Yala is actually part of tanah Melayu before goes to Siam under pact with British..why Sultan of Melayu cannot do anything?again the malays virtually still using keris

    simply speaking your history knowledge is so weak….otak tahap budak skolah menengah

    imagine now malaysia is surrounded by so many high-tech weapon acquired by neighbouring countries

    Spore alone spent USD10billion for military expenditure for 2009

    so please do your readings ok

  10. subs are being purchased since there so many frigats /corvette/tankers surrounding us owned by Spore,Indon & thailand…using fighters to face2face with them?less effective why want to use aircraft to face2face with Spore Archer submarine

    well why Spore using submarine as well?surely they also smart enough to figure that submarine also plays vital function in modern combat…also why US,Russia,German still producing submarine & used by themselves as well?u dont see the point here?why are they still producing if its not 1 of important thing to win the modern war

  11. subs are being purchased since there so many frigats /corvette/tankers surrounding us owned by Spore,Indon & thailand…using fighters to face2face with them?less effective why want to use aircraft to face2face with Spore Archer submarine

    well why Spore using subamrine as well?surely they also smart enough to figure that submarine also plays vital function in modern combat…also why US,Russia,German still producing submarine & used by themselves as well?u dont see the point here?why are they still producing if its not 1 of important thing to win the modern war

    • The stealth of a submarine enables is to be a ‘fear factor’ of 10 times surface warships.

      The Perdana Class submarine is designed for a 45 day operations, an operational depth of 350 metre below the surface and with a mixture of 18 SM 39 Exocets and Blackshark torpedoes, it is a very lethal weapon.

  12. Proof Pakatan Rakyat supporters is total idiot and LIARS !!!

    • There isn’t any Pakatan Rakyat supporters here to talk rubbish. This site is solely for UMNO bumpkins.

      • so asim, i suggest you read this blog la, so that open up your mind…


        this region is always on race to build a military power which so many potential treat..spratly issue, sabah filipino issue, ambalat indonesia issue and singapore water land issue, military power is a amust!!

        only that maybe procurement and method of buying should be improve, but not totally condemned afford to increase our military strength (which sense most of your posting), unless you are traioned in military background as strategist, i said just shut the f*** up….

        or i suggest you join the wataniah and become reserve…

  13. […] Remember, one submarine equals the strength of 10 war ships.Get the action H E R E. […]

  14. Salam Big Bro…!!!
    Mungkin kini ATM perlu membangunkan sistem Keupayaan Persenjataan nya sendiri tanpa bergantung kpd pembekal negara asing.

    UAVs(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles),USV(Unmanned Surface Vehicle) dan UUV(Unmanned Undersea Vehicles) boleh di bangunkan secara dalaman oleh ATM bersama Institusi atau R&D di-dlm negara. Atau berkerjasma secara bijak pergeluar yg established di dunia.

    Thailand telah membangunkan UUV nya, S’pore pula dgn USV-Protector nya berkerjasama syarikat dari Israel.

    Malaysia pasti sudah lebih berkemampuan dalam melaksnakan produk sistem yg mengunakan Remote-Control dan yng bersangkutan dgn nya. Teknologi canggih ini pula tidak melibatkan kewangan yg besar.Jika betul2 ingin di perterjemahkan…itu pun jika tanpa gangguan Red-Tape..atau segaja menkuot-Tafsir harga yg berkali2 ganda dari kos asal..!!!

    • Cadangan yang amat baik, bro.

  15. saudara matdeboq & Zen

    msia sudah lama produce UAV..bahkan beberapa unit suda dijual kpd thailand..jgn memperkecilkan kebolehan anak2 melayu kita
    skarang diorang nk produce UCAV pulak(unmanned combat aeriel vehicle) basically UAV yg blh carry missile

    • yes I have met this wonderful young Malays. Though we have a long way to go, I admire them.

      Why in a hurry to sell to others? ego on the part of the management?


  16. I think it can be modified to carry a nuclear warhead but I wouldn’t think it’s smart to send one across the causeway. Those folks in JB won’t be to happy about the fallout.

  17. Submarines are best against battleship, aircraft carrier and also can be used to shooting down aircraft.
    Nurul Izzah commited treason by sharing intel with another country….traitor like this should be strip her nationality and be thrown out from the country.

  18. Asim tu kuat isap k@nek

  19. US,Russia & China global firepower are being projected by aircraft carrier….why?
    since each jet fighter(F18,F15,F16,u name it) will have thier own range limit…only aircraft carrier will able to carry them
    u guys see discovery channel?slot “Carrier” produced by Mel Gibson
    we’ll see a lot of aircraft parked there

    now imagine those carrier want to invade malaysia……will we using jet fighter to face2face with their jet fighter?thats suicidal since the sheer number of their jets compared to us will outnumbered us easily

    imagine this
    Super stealth Scorpene sneak silently somewhere around the waters near the carrier & launch BlackShark torpedo direck to the underbelly of the carrier…kaboom….the aircraft carrier & all its lethal hightechinventories will be wiped out crushed into the deep of the sea

    this has been proved in Joint-exercise between US carriers & a number of Sweedish Gotland subs which is extremely stealth in 2005 somewhere (ehem…Spore already got 4 of these Gotland subs)…the final result of the mock battle?the carrier sinks after being “hit” by the Sweedish sub
    the result of these failure leads the US to lease the Sweedish sub for several years(actually to study its stealth properties)
    BTW the manufacturer of the Gotland sub is Kockums(our Scorpene manufacturer is DCNS)
    if u guys browse much more bout Kockums technologies, Spore actually had acquired some stealth Technology from them-for studying the design of the sub’s propeller & sandwiched steels which makes the sub’s hull(which directly contributing for the stealth properties)

    also,remember somewhere in news in 2009 where a China sub actually sneaks silently so close to a US carrier & all the sailors are actually stunned on how the CHinese sub can came so close to them without being realized by their underwater sonar(& also by the accompanying sub escorting the carrier)
    thats wy until now US is still calculating the risks of having war with the NorthKorea(since it backed-up by China-no secret really)

    a sub acts as a multiplier to any army’s capabilities

  20. triple J
    inter-continent ballistic nuklear missle cannot be fitted to our Scorpene & even Spore Gotland since
    1)basically the torpedo tube is small in diameter & designed horizontally
    2)nuclear warhead not meant to be launched horizontal instead only vertical launch which “small size sub” cant be fitted..
    vertical tube only availabe to “monster size sub” such as US Virginia class

  21. TLDM should have offered those doubters free seating on board of the barge for a scenic front view of a fast approaching Exocet.

    That would have definitely erased their lingering doubts.

  22. UUV actually being developed by Spore..or i miss something?show me the link of Thai’s UUV
    here’s the one by Spore

    Click to access Sangekar2008a.pdf

    Click to access Tan2009a.pdf

  23. halo kawan.., kita kalau nak beli jet pejuang buatan USA mcm F/A18 Hornet kita dlu bukan boleh bawa berperang pun. Sume sistem persenjataannya pihak US dah set kan supaya kita tak boleh guna sampai tahap 50%. Sebab tu kita beli pesawat MIG dan Sukhoi dr Russia. Yg ni depa bagi 90% tahap kebolehannya utk berperang. Submarine ni kita beli pada Perancis pun kerana mereka bagi fully pakej sampai boleh bawa perang submarin tu. F/A18 Hornet yg ada kat Kuantan dlu hnya layak utk test flight je.

  24. mangkuk
    ko ingt senang2 ke engineer ATSC kita tgk je Hornet tu ada capabilties default yg Boeing Engineer dh set awal2?

    thats why engineer2 Boeing terkejut beruk tgk engineer2 ATSC kita blh optimized lagi Hornet tu sampai XXX%

    engineer kita kan boleh modfied macam2..mat rempit pon blh tala EX5 sampai berdesup2 pegi

    & sebab tu jgkla Boeing tk ragu2 nk trade-in Hornet kita dgn SuperHornet baru diorang(skarang TUDM tgh berkira2 nk suruh BOeing install AESA radar kt SuperHornet tuh…wait & see jela)

    • American has been known to steal Soviet aircrafts such as Mig 15 and then produced look alike F86 Sabre.

      After that Mig 25, where one Lt Balenko drop it at a Japanese airfield for a cool few millions USD. All these aircrafts were proven to have out performed American aircrafts at the time.

      I am not surprised boeing engineers terkejut berok.


  25. mangkuk

    cuba ko cakap negara mana yg dapat full spec kalau beli US nyer hard military???
    ko ingat AUS nyer latest SuperHornet & Spore nyer latest F15SG tu pon full-spec ke?

    even Russia pon tkkan bagi 100% capabilties utk export version
    thats why Su30MKM kita rojak dgn Thales nyer targeting pod & MAWS nyer warning system sebab Russian default nyer memang downgraded
    –mana blh lawan tokey

    takkan nk beli France nyer Dassaut rafale lak..80juta dollar sebijik…blh dpt dekat 3 bijik Su30 standard

    mana ko tau Hornet kt Kuantan tu utk testflight jer?ko engineer ATSC ke?
    negara kita tkpenah lagi perang..memang la Hornet tu tk penah tembak

  26. bukanlah satu rahsia dikalangan warga2 TUDM & ATSC..antara sebab Boeing nk trade-in Hornet kita dgn SuperHornet baru diorang(skarang hanya dh eksport to Australia)
    Kongress US sebenarnya dah luluskan tapi sekatan utk pemasangan AESA radar yg berkuasa bandwidth sehingga 1GB/s sehingga kini menyebabkan TUDM masih berkira2

    kenapa Boeing tertarik utk ambik balik Hornet kita & mahu menjual SuperHornet baru pada harga diskaun?adalah disebabkan diorang nk kaji apakah modification2 yg dilakukan engineer2 ATSC kita terhadap Hornet sehinggakan capabilities Hornet yg agak rendah masa mula2 diterima dahulu pada 90an dulu,menjadi begitu berbisa sehingga X% setelah bertahun2 dipakai TUDM(setelah latest verification dijalankan oleh engineer2 Boeing pada 2008/2009)

    kpd org2 kita yg masih memandang rendah terhadap peralatan2 tentera kita & menganggap engineer2 melayu yg terlibat adalah bodoh2 belaka,fikirkan balik

  27. A number of Indonesian politicians have over the past three weeks, urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to declare war against Malaysia as the final solution to resolving problems between the two countries.

    Bilateral relations between Malaysia and Indonesia have been strained over the maritime border incident off Riau islands on Aug 13, when Malaysian marine police arrested three Indonesian officials, while the Indonesian authorities detained seven Malaysian fishermen.


  28. […] Kapal selam bukti keupayaan operasi persenjataan « The "thirteen … […]


  30. Gambar “SM 39 hampir mengenai barge latihan (sasaran)” ini apakah sungguhan? soalnya kalau dizoom, nampak kali jejak-jejak photoshopnya.

  31. […] also demonstrate the operational capabilities as a strategic weapon in deep dive. On 26 July 2010, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman demonstrated life firing using the SM 39 Exocet missile, launched from 180ft below the […]

  32. […] and previous military exercises proven them wrong and continuously to be wrong. Then again, they still keep harping on the same drama with a slight […]

  33. […] year, he was also brought to an abyssal depth of below 1,000 ft to prove its full capability . KD Tunku Abdul Rahman also did live firing exercise of launching the SM 39 Exocet missile from the depth of 180 ft on 26 July last […]

  34. […] torpedoes or 18 MBDA SM 39 Exocet missiles or any 18 combination of both. On 26 July 2010, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman did a successful live firing of the Exocet missile from the depth of 180 […]

  35. […] see what will be generated from these. Our focus is on the preparation for future defense”. A photo download from this blog is being displayed at the DCNS […]

  36. diaorng dok pertikai aset ketenteraan negara ni,semuanyer barua2 yg dicucuk idong oleh kuasa asing yg tertentu…..diaorg berckp pakai kepala lutotttt…..nk tau pasal apa?….sbb diorng pikir diaorg boleh pakai konek dn lobang pantat diorng utk tembak aset tentera musuh kiranyer negara kita diserang…..hahahaha…dasar barua dan pengkhianat

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