Bahagian UMNO sedia calonkan Najib dan Muhyiddin

Kehangatan akar umbi UMNO mahukan dan berani untuk berubah sudah menunjukan tanda tanda positif dan progressif. Perubahan yang rakyat dan begitu ramai akar umbi UMNO dambakan makin nyata kebelakangan ini. Apa yang berlaku dalam mesyuarat Majlis Kerja Tertinggi UMNO pada Khamis 18 September 2008 merupakan hasrat sebenar sanubari majoriti akar umbi.

Semenjak dua tahun kebelakangan ini, rata rata rakyat mula merasa gusar dan tidak selesa dengan beberapa keputusan dan dasar Kerajaan. Sikap pemimpin Kerajaan dan kemampuan mengekalkan ‘kuasa’ dan ‘ketertiban’ dalam mengawal ‘hormat’ masyarakat kepada pentadbiran mula tiris. Segelintir golongan minoriti sengaja dibiarkan untuk melakukan provokasi, sehinggakan ada yang rasa ‘tercalar’. Namun tiada tindakan diambil. Kemuncak rasa tidak puas hati ini ialah pada Pilihanraya Umum ke XII 8 Mac 2008 yang menyaksikan UMNO/BN kalah di 5 + 1 negeri dan gagal meletakan Menteri Besar dipilih didua buah negeri. Namun begitu, Kepimpinan PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah masih dengan angkuh mendabik dada mengatakan “Kita memang besar. Kita mendapat mandat majoriti rakyat!”.

Gerakan ahli UMNO peringkat Bahagian sudah bermula. Hari ini, begitu ramai pemimpin Bahagian UMNO secara terbuka dan bersahaja mengesahkan kesediaan mereka menamakan Timbalan Presiden TPM Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak sebagai calon Presiden dan Naib Presiden Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yasin sebagai calon Timbalan Presiden.

Ini jelas dalam majlis majlis UMNO kebelakangan ini. Majlis buka puasa Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 16 September 2008 menyaksikan sejumlah Ketua Bahagian UMNO yang dahulunya amat pro-PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi dikekalkan sebagai Presiden, kerana menjaga “kepentingan, maruah dan nama baik parti”, kini sanggup bercakap secara terbuka untuk mengambil tindakan sebaliknya.

Pemimpin pemimpin UMNO peringkat MT dan Bahagian mula bertemu sesama sendiri bagi membincangkan mengenai strategi pencalonan pemimpin dijawatan kedua tertinggi parti yang mempunyai 3.2 juta ahli itu. Mereka tidak lagi menunjukan ‘kewaspadaan’ untuk mengambil tindakan yang dilihat Kepimpinan sebagai ‘pengkhianatan’. Malah, dibibit mulut pemimpin menengah UMNO ini kini bercakap soal keperluan untuk berani melakukan perubahan.

Hari ini, semasa PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah hadir di Johor, perkara yang sama masih lagi diperbincangkan tatkala pemimpin UMNO peringkat Bahagian dan Cawangan berkumpul dalam majlis seperti di kediaman rasmi MB Johor, Saujana.

Adalah wajar PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah mengumumkan persaraan sebagai Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dalam tempoh tiga minggu ini sebelum mesyuarat Bahagian UMNO pertama bermula pada 9 Oktober 2008 dan TPM Najib mula mendapat pencalonan. Setidak tidaknya, maruah sebagai pemimpin yang diaibkan akar umbi parti sendiri apabila tidak dicalonkan boleh dielakan.

Published in: on September 21, 2008 at 23:54  Comments (12)  

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12 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. WOW. UMNO REALLY is suicidal, eh?
    Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
    Kee Kee Kee Kee.

  2. […] Li? In Anwar’s Arms? | September 22nd, 2008 submit_url = “”; Big Dog says the UMNO divisions are kowtowing to the Najib-Muhyiddin […]

  3. Itu yang sering dikatakan sebagai suara akar umbi.

    Rakyat telah menyatakan hasrat mereka melalui PRU12 April 2008. Kemorosotan undi BN berlaku di hampir kesemua kawasan Parlimen, hinggakan majoriti Abdullah sendiri turut merosot. Kawasan paling selamat di Negeri Sembilan, Rembau kehilangan berpuluh ribu majoriti.

    Kini giliran akar umbi UMNO pula untuk menyatakan pendirian mereka. Barisan pemimpin sudah berani berterus terang dalam mesyuarat Umno supreme council khamis lalu. Akar umbi sudah lama menanti signal berani seperti itu.

    Mahaguru yang menganjurkan “Melayu perlu bersikap kurang ajar”, Musa Hitam entah dimana. Namun beliau terlalu licik untuk berpihak dimana-mana.

  4. Tomorrow, we will start again to have a day to decide the fate and direction of the country. However, reading the many reports, nothing has changed, in particularly Umno style of campaigning. I will stress in this letter the majority malay mentality, especially Umno.

    First of all, it has not gone unnoticed how BN, in particular Umno, has again brought up the race card. How detrimental this card is to our nation? You generally get the feeling the unity is breaking at the seams only to be patched up by plasters.

    Our deep multiracial boiling pot of diversity is nothing more than a sham.

    Over the last half- century since independence, how many policies have been in place to reduce the opportunity of deserving non-Malays? I’ve spoken before on education opportunities.

    Using this by any yardstick, non-Malays are only asking for something quite simple and that is to open up the various educations quotas when they are unfilled to deserving and qualified candidates. By not doing this, resentment tends to build up and distrust is sowed forever in the minds of those affected.

    Moving on to businesses, malay companies are given preferences even though they do not have the right and qualified experience.

    What is worse is that these businesses generally have sleeping bumi partners to get contracts based on the “one bumi partner” rule for businesses.

    This is just a way to get around loopholes. The reason this is still happening to this very day is because of complacency and the lack of genuine interest to better ourselves in whatever we do. I don’t mean the non-Malays here.

    The non-Malays have always been forced to be resourceful and are determined to change their destiny and fortunes. The malay sleeping partners here do not take the opportunity to learn and gain the necessary experience to let go of the “NEP crutch”.

    Moving in on to employment, the policies of today have made Malaysia a rather unattractive investment destination. I’ll talk less about government service as we already know and see only a small handful of non-Malays are interested in this sector.

    I would like to touch more on the private sector. All businesses are about making money. No one is in it to make a loss. That is a fact.

    In order to make money, investors need qualified and experienced people to give themselves the highest chances to generate income and returns.

    When these companies generate positive income, the government does not lose. It gains from taxes. Now there are such policies requiring 30% of a company’s staff to comprise bumis at all levels of the company. Great!

    Now the government is forcing non-qualified people to fill in positions based on race (sounds similar to the education quota, doesn’t it?). This policy is doomed to fail, and fail it will. The economy will be in even worse condition than it is now.

    I shall not talk about property discounts today. It is already well-observed that the wealth generally gets redistributed only to the rich. Is if it not true, why are there a large number of Malays trying to make ends meet on a daily basis?

    I think it is quite tiring for me to repeat this on a regular basis. As I am writing this, I sigh over how our country cannot progress any further that it already has. Maybe it’s time to throw in the towel.

    In my opinion, the NEP has not made the bumi any better. It has made the malays worse off.

    Take for example the UiTM case. The malays feel threatened by the mere thought of competing on a level playing ground. Is it not time to ask themselves why they feel threatened? Why is it at every point, coming down to non-bumis “stealing” malay privileges?

    Between BN (Umno) and Pakatan Rakyat, it is now a matter of being between the devil and the deep blue sea. If Pakatan comes to power, it means the bumi would need to struggle more and make a real effort to improve.

    If BN retains its power, then the malays can continue receiving handouts under the guise of the NEP. Looking at the longer term, I would choose the uncertain deep blue sea (Pakatan) rather than the known evils of the devil (BN).

    Thank you for another UMNO bashing comment.

    On the completely contrary, UMNO is the backbone of progressive and productive Malaysian politics, since 1946. It was UMNO which championed against Malayan Union and managed to failed the British Colonial Office of colonizing Malaya as a crown colony. The failure of Malayan Union lead to the formation of a three party committee, namely the British Colonial Office, HRH Malay Sultans and UMNO; the outcome of that is the Federation of Malay States (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu) Constitution 31 Jan 1948. That is the fundamental groundwork of a later Federation of Malaya.

    When UMNO geared towards ‘Merdeka’ after YM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra tookover in 1951, it was UMNO who agreed to work with the non Malays, MCA and MIC for a coalition at the juncture where 80% of the voters are Malays (as majority of the non Malays were not recognized as citizens). Despite that, UMNO allowed more than 35% of the seats contested in the 1955 General Elections and the non Malay parties are treated as equal partners in the “Alliance party”. They were invited to be equal partners in the negotiation with the Biritish Colonial Office for independence, after UMNO manage to convince the Malay Sultans to give up the first right of refusal for an autocratic rule for a Westminster style constitutional monarchy.

    When Federation of Malaya gained independence, Tunku being important leader of the Alliance allowed MCA to hold strategic Cabinet posts, such as Finance and Trade and Industry. Unlike non Malay Governments like Singapore, which only provided the sole traditional seat in Cabinet for a Malay; Environment, as a token.

    During the May 1969 GE, Malays accepted the defeat of urban seats to non Alliance parties, which are very anti Malays in nature. They prefer to live with the humiliating loss. However, it was the KURANG AJAR non Malays via DAP and Gerakan which provoked the racial riots. It was the DAP and Gerakan who are the real racists and not UMNO.

    That lead to an important milestone in race relations in this country, where a consultative council was organised and every ethnic group was invited. Everyone, except the chauvinistic DAP (who are the real Malaysian Devil!) participated and New Economic Policy (NEP) is born. NEP is designed to alleviate the poverty, mainly in the rural areas and the focus is placed on education, infrastructure and economic development programs. So happened that more 90% of what the NEP is designed for falls in the domain of the Malays.

    In reality, Malaysians benefited in most programs under NEP and not specifically for the Malays. Education, health, infrastructure, clean water, electrification programs transcends all homes and not only for the Malays. Infact, even after the NEP was implemented, the urban Chinese actually benefited more as more money has been provided for the development of urban facilities and infrastructure, as opposed to the rural, where the Malays dwell. Cities like Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Georgetown boomed after the economic growth created post NEP, where many Chinese businesses and enterprises took full advantage on the opportunities created. Some even went to the Government for special favours, which by no chance denied.

    Still, the Malays did not complain. Chinese businesses prosper from the programs created from the NEP and they had the right ingredients and components to take full benefit and opportunities, especially in retail and supply industries. As the Malays are painfully nurtured for business mode, Chinese owned businesses reaped all the goodness from NEP programs, even though they don’t fall under the categories specifically designed under NEP; programs to alleviate poverty.

    NEP is designed to help the Malays to get start ups, in order to narrow the socio economic gap and it is implemented from the enlarging of the economic cake and not take from the existing cake.

    Many people choose not to analyse this as is and lambast all the rhetorics of unfair wealth distribution, just like this commenter. If there were really gross unfair wealth distribution, there would not be growth in the economy since the last 35 years and no investment would have been brough in. The Chinese business owners would have left everything and do their thing elsewhere. However, within the same span, so many Chinese business grew to mega proportions, like Genting, Public Bank, Hong Leong Group, IOI Group, Berjaya Group, Lion Group, IGB, YTL Corp, Rimbunan Hijau, Selangor Dredging etc.. Indians too, benefited. Malaysian Indian businessmen are able to develop global class businesses here.

    In the other paradox, trained Malay professionals get better chance in career advancements from MNCs as compared to non Malay businesses, especially the Chinese. Malay professionals even climbed the ladder in corporations such as Shell, IBM, Caltex, Citibank but non seen in Chinese conglomerates. The Chinese businesses practiced far worse discriminatory practices as compared to those claimed by them. Even in professional services, such as Chinse owned private hospitals, rarely a Malay consultant is allowed to serve, let alone be invited. When was the last time Chinese conglomerates give a conveyancing job to a Malay lawyer or Chinese developer appoint a Malay architect, consultant engineer or QS?

    Of course there are implementation flaws in the NEP. That is an enigma of various weakness in the delivery system, as the administration has its own gargantuan problem in almost everything. By far, to blame UMNO for this is utterly wrong.

    UMNO is not racist party. UMNO was formed to look into the plight of Malays and the state of affairs of the politics of this land (in the wake of Malayan Union) where most of the Chinese were non nonchalant about politics, let alone the spirit of this tanahair. Since the Malays, being the majority of this tanahair have issues and people like the non Malays, especially the Chinese are not bothered about them (despite being the majority and in any economy or political system, stability is paramount!), the Malays through UMNO take it upon themselves to make sure that their struggle in this dynamic world is being continued.

    We have allowed this UMNO bashing along the same tone far too much by the same commenter, with repeated issues and arguments. Since there are no longer any fresh ideas and arguments to this commenter’s thoughts and so far, these commentaries have provided an avenue nothing more than UMNO bashing, we concluded we will no longer tolerate anymore inputs or ideas from this commenter.

    Please take note. We welcome ‘fair and reasonbale’ opinion but repeating the same song over and over again is almost like spamming. We suggest you have your own blog to continue the same charge over and over again and see how much attention you can attract.

    Thank you for your kind cooperation.

  5. Lambat laun Pak Lah kena letak jawatan jugak…ini hakikat yang sebenar…cuma sekarang ini Pak Lah nak berusaha lagi untuk mempertahan kan segalanya…itu yang silap…bersedialah untuk berhenti dari menerima kekalahan memalukan nanti…rakyat malaysia memang sedang menanti pengumuman bersejarah itu…sebab rakyat malaysia tidak yakin lagi dgan Pak Lah…Sudah 5 tahun lebih memerentah malaysia hanya ayat yang sama digunakan …yang pasti Jalan Tar dikg kg maseh dizaman Dr mahathir lagi…dah berlubang lubang…apa yang pak lah buat hanya lah gimik…apapun khazanah mahthirlah diguna pakai…tahniah KU Li ngan Muhyiddin…

  6. Emm.. Rasanya dengan kuasa yang ada pada ahli untuk berubah, tiada apa yang dapat dilakukan oleh Pak Lah lagi. Cheers!

  7. Dalam politik, macam-macam spekulasi boleh timbul. Biasanya spekulasi yang agak negatif begitu mudah tersebar dan yang bahayanya rakyat terlalu mudah menerima sesuatu berita sedangkan ianya belum tahu sahih atau palsu…

  8. 1. Letak jawatan daripada mendapat malu. Majoriti rakyat Malaysia yang bukan ahli Ummno menyampah tengok flip flop ini.
    2.Sebelum kamu disumpah oleh anak cuci dikemudian hari.
    3.Berkorbanlah demi agama, bangsa dan negara dengan meletak jawatan, ini lebih mulia.
    4.Bagilah kepada mereka yang memetingkan agama, bangsa dan negara.

  9. […] dan meletakan UMNO kelandasan yang betul. Beliau merupakan nama yang disebut sebut menjadi pilihan utama Bahagian UMNO sebagai calon Timbalan Presiden pada pemilihan parti 18 Disember 2008. Antara nama nama yang […]

  10. Diperimgkat akar umbi UMNO , ahli ahli bukan sahaja mempetikaikan kewajaran Pak Lah dan Najib menerajui parti, tapi yang tidak kurang hebatnya adalah perbualan tentang peranan KJ dan penawaran diri beliau bertanding KP.

    Kisahnya KJ menaja semua KP bahagian yang habis tempoh untuk bertanding Naib Ketua atau Timbalan Ketua UMNO Bahagian. Ini merupakan persiapan beliau untuk menaiki tahta pada pemilihihan yang akan datang. Ketua-ketua pemuda yang bakal memenangi apa jua jawatan akan menjadi pewnggerak demi mencapai cita-cita KJ. Oleh itu semua ahli perlu sedar bahawa bukan sahaja Pak Lah yang menggunakan kesempatan ini sementara berkuasa, malah KJ juga mengambil peluang keemasan ini sewmentara bapa mertuamya kehilangan kuasa.



  11. Diperingkat akar umbi UMNO , ahli ahli bukan sahaja mempetikaikan kewajaran Pak Lah dan Najib menerajui parti, tapi yang tidak kurang hebatnya adalah perbualan tentang peranan KJ dan penawaran diri beliau bertanding KP.

    Kisahnya KJ menaja semua KP bahagian yang habis tempoh untuk bertanding Naib Ketua atau Timbalan Ketua UMNO Bahagian. Ini merupakan persiapan beliau untuk menaiki tahta pada pemilihihan yang akan datang. Ketua-ketua pemuda yang bakal memenangi apa jua jawatan akan menjadi penggerak demi mencapai cita-cita KJ. Oleh itu semua ahli perlu sedar bahawa bukan sahaja Pak Lah yang menggunakan kesempatan ini sementara berkuasa, malah KJ juga mengambil peluang keemasan ini sementara bapa mertuamya belum kehilangan kuasa.



  12. […] Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and strongly ask him to go. Then there is so much talk along the grapevine about Najib will be leading contender for the President post while  International Trade and […]

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