DAP failed to bring out the rakyat in rally for Teoh

The rakyat chose to ‘wait and see’ before reacting, even in high profile controversial cases. This was proven to the rally organised by DAP for Political Secretary Teoh Beng Hock’ s sudden death this afternoon at Kelana Jaya stadium. Despite on a lazy Sunday afternoon and no Police roadblocks or attempts to curb the rally, only 3,000 people turn up.

Malaysiakini.com has the story:








Thousands throng stadium for Teoh 
Jul 19, 09 5:57pm
More than 3,000 people have packed the Kelana Jaya stadium in a two-hour gathering to mark the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock.

Pakatan Rakyat top brass, including Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, took turns to address the crowd.  

The stadium is decked with posters, placards and huge banners bearing the image of Teoh, with the words ‘Justice for Beng Hock’. 

In his speech, DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang called for a royal commission of inquiry to look into the death.

He said the cabinet must make an immediate decision on this.

The veteran politician also urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief to step down.


Among those who spoke included former PAS vice-president and Kelantan executive councillor Husam Musa, Selangor exco Xavier Jayakumar, Selangor assembly speaker Teng Chang Khim and DAP veteran leader Karpal Singh. A number of other Selangor cabinet members and state representatives were at the rally but Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim was absence.The rally, which kicked off at 4.30pm, ended at about 7pm.Teoh, who was political secretary to Selangor state executive councillor Ean Yong Hean Wah, have plunged to his death from the Plaza Masalam building in Shah Alam on Thursday. His mysterious death has outraged opposition supporters who have demanded an independent probe.The 30-year-old journalist was last seen at the MACC Selangor office – located on the 14th floor of the building – where he was brought in for questioning over investigations into alleged misappropriation of funds by his boss. 



Considering that amongst the politicians who were expected to be there include former-abuse-of-power-convict Anwar “Drama King” Ibrahim, DAP Jurassic Leader Lim Kit Siang, DAP Secretary General Lim Guan Eng and Selangor PKR MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, the turn up is relatively low for highly charged political rally as such.

This only proves that despite the merit (as the DAP Leaders claimed to be) of the case at this moment of time, the rakyat is no longer gullible and prefer to ‘wait and see’ till investigations are fully completed and the findings are made available. The rakyat no longer can be drawn out in mobstreet fashion by people with theaterics and have the malice intentions for creating distrust against the establishment and authorities. Worse still, these are the same people who incited and instigated the minorities which enraged the majorities, as reflected on the bloody 13 May 1969 racial unrest. Today, it can be seen that DAP chauvinism no longer can sell.

The rakyat should continue to be cautious with attempts to destablize the nation by anarchists.

*Updated 0730hrs

DAP Leaders asked to protesters to burn Berita Minggu because of NST GEIC Zainul Ariffin”s article. Zainul blamed DAP and PKR for irresponsibly capitalising on Teoh’s death to conveniently blame the Governmnent and authorities with deep racial tones as a divertion to their own internal problems, which include Pakatan Rakyat’s Leaders accusation on Selangor’s DAP Leaders involvement in the underworld vices:

Antara malang berbau dan malang tidak berbau

MALANG tidak berbau – demikian nasib Teoh Beng Hock, 30, yang mayatnya ditemui pada jam 1.30 tengah hari Khamis lalu di koridor tingkat lima Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam, bangunan menempatkan pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) Selangor di Tingkat 14 di mana Setiausaha Politik Ahli Exco Selangor itu disoal siasat kira-kira 10 jam sebelum kemalangan itu disedari. Kejadian malang itu bukan saja mengejutkan anggota keluarganya, apa lagi beliau dijadualkan memeterai perkahwinannya sehari selepas itu, malah menimbulkan tanda tanya pelbagai pihak bagaimana ia berlaku.

Insiden itu turut membawa malang kepada SPRM kerana ia berlaku selepas Teoh disoal siasat lebih lapan jam oleh pegawainya dan mangsa pula dipercayai terjatuh dari tingkat yang menempatkan pejabat suruhanjaya itu. Sebagai sebuah agensi penguat kuasa yang tindakannya sentiasa menimbulkan spekulasi terutama di kalangan parti politik, insiden membabitkan pegawai kepada seorang pemimpin politik pembangkang itu menambahkan lagi malang SPRM. Kejadian itu juga sedikit sebanyak ‘mencemari’ pentadbiran Datuk Seri Naib Tun Razak, yang baru seminggu mencatat beberapa pencapaian dalam tempoh 100 hari beliau menjadi Perdana Menteri.

Bagaimanapun, lebih malang lagi dan sememangnya dijangka ialah apabila parti politik khususnya DAP terus menuding jari kepada kerajaan serta menjadikan insiden ini sebagai isu politik dan perkauman. Belum pun pihak berkuasa selesai menjalankan siasatan, pemimpin pembangkang mengadakan perhimpunan di Shah Alam dan Pulau Pinang menuntut penjelasan sehingga menimbulkan kekecohan serta memaksa polis menahan beberapa orang untuk menenangkan keadaan. Walaupun di pihak kerajaan sama ada Perdana Menteri, Timbalannya, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein memberi jaminan punca insiden ini akan disiasat hingga ke akar umbi, DAP dan sekutunya, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) tidak mungkin menunjukkan rasa puas hati atau berdiam diri. Sebabnya mudah, insiden malang yang menimpa Teoh dan keluarga adalah peluang terbaik pembangkang untuk mengalih perhatian rakyat daripada pelbagai masalah dalaman yang menimpa Pakatan Rakyat sekarang.

Pakatan Rakyat belum lagi pulih dengan kekecewaannya atas kemenangan tipis Pas dalam pilihan raya kecil Dewan Undangan Negeri Manek Urai Selasa lalu yang mengundang pelbagai reaksi di kalangan pemimpin mereka. Sementara banyak pihak menyifatkan keputusan itu sebagai isyarat wujudnya angin perubahan di kalangan rakyat, khususnya penduduk di Manek Urai terhadap BN, pembangkang seperti biasa mencari pelbagai alasan kecuali diri mereka sendiri. Hanya Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng mengakui dasar kepemimpinan Najib yang mengutamakan rakyat antara sebab peningkatan sokongan kepada BN sehingga mengikis majoriti Pas di Manek Urai.

Malah, Guan Eng turut mengakui pelbagai masalah dalaman parti gabungan Pakatan Rakyat khususnya Pas dan PKR turut menyumbang kepada perkembangan itu, yang dikatakan kurang disenangi oleh pemimpin kedua-dua parti itu. Tanpa Guan Eng membuat pengakuan itu pun, umum sudah mengetahui mengenai keretakan dalam perkahwinan ‘mutaah’ pembangkang itu, bermula di Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan terbaru di Selangor, yang dilihat sebagai ujian sebenar sejauh mana kukuhnya jalinan DAP dan PKR.

Desakan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri Bukit Antarabangsa, Mohamed Azmin Ali supaya kerajaan Selangor mengadakan rombakan terhadap barisan Exco negeri itu dan dakwaan Ahli Parlimen Wangsa Maju daripada PKR, Wee Choo Keong wujudnya pembabitan seorang Exco kerajaan negeri dalam aktiviti ‘gelap’ di Selangor, mengundang reaksi yang agak keras di kalangan beberapa Exco Selangor daripada DAP. Kepada orang luar pula, kenyataan berupa kritikan terbuka daripada dua tokoh PKR terhadap kerajaan negeri pimpinan PKR dan sekutu daripada DAP pada waktu hampir serentak, bukanlah suatu kebetulan. Laporan mengenai beberapa Exco Selangor disiasat oleh SPRM selepas itu menambahkan lagi kekalutan dalam kerajaan campuran di negeri itu.

Justeru, timbul pelbagai spekulasi bukan saja terhadap masa depan hubungan PKR-DAP di Selangor, malah kedudukan Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim sendiri. Pemimpin de facto Pakatan Rakyat, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dikatakan dijadual mempengerusikan satu mesyuarat Khamis atau Jumaat lalu bagi merungkai masalah itu tetapi insiden malang yang menimpa Teoh menyebabkan isu berkenaan tenggelam.

Kerana itu, tidak hairanlah apabila parti pembangkang akan terus menjadikan insiden malang yang menimpa Teoh sebagai agenda baru perjuangan mereka buat sementara waktu. Semalam misalnya, mereka mengadakan perhimpunan di Kelana Jaya dan beberapa majlis seumpamanya diatur, semuanya bertujuan mengalih pandangan rakyat daripada masalah dalaman khususnya antara PKR dan DAP serta menyalahkan kerajaan atau kejadian itu.

Sementara kita turut bersedih dan bersimpati atas kejadian malang tak berbau yang menimpa Teoh serta keluarganya, kita juga bimbang dengan kesan tindakan pembangkang menjadikannya sebagai isu politik dan perkauman, kepada perpaduan rakyat pelbagai kaum di negara ini. Memang malang bagi negara jika rakyat terpedaya dengan dakyah seumpama itu sehingga mengetepikan apa jua hasil siasatan oleh suruhanjaya khas yang bakal ditubuhkan. Namun malang seperti itu berbau dan jika dapat dihidu kesannya, pasti ada cara untuk mengelaknya daripada berlaku.


Despite the failure of this rally on Sunday, if this poltically-motivated-anti-establishment-highly-charged “Teoh’s blood” campaign goes on, then the Police should seriously consider arresting DAP Leaders for instigation and inciting racial tones and attempts to disrupt and threat to national security, under Sedition Act.


Under section 3(1), those acts defined as having a seditious tendency are acts with a tendency:

(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Ruler or against any Government;(b) to excite the subjects of the Ruler or the inhabitants of any territory governed by any government to attempt to procure in the territory of the Ruler or governed by the Government, the alteration, otherwise than by lawful means, of any matter as by law established;

(c) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against the administration of justice in Malaysia or in any State;

(d) to raise discontent or disaffection amongst the subjects of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong or of the Ruler of any State or amongst the inhabitants of Malaysia or of any State;

(e) to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia; or

(f) to question any matter, right, status, position, privilege, sovereignty or prerogative established or protected by the provisions of part III of the Federal constitution or Article 152, 153 or 181 of the Federal Constitution.

The nation can no longer afford racial unrest, at any cost. Any DAP or PKR Leaders who flaunt the law should be apprehended, to the limit of the law.


Published in: on July 20, 2009 at 00:04  Comments (30)  

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30 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Anarchist? wow … that’s the first time I heard something like that.

    “The rakyat should continue to be cautious with attempts to destablize the nation by anarchists.”

    Look at what those guys in Malaysia Today said;

    “Love this doggy thing. Maybe we should call them ‘SUCKERS’ instead of dog. Their main interest is not to serve the nation but sucking their own communities and national wealth. I love those stupid BN members who still believed that they have their so called leaders protecting them. Not realising their ass is getting larger by the days.

    A day will come when the non-Malay will suffer mental and financial purge if they are still ignorent towards the rampant corruption and abuses that’s going on. Don’t be fooled, your BN leaders are merely fooling you for their hidden agenda. you are just the pillar to their wealth. Unless you are equally corrupted and abusive, then the comments above could be just ignored.

    Forget about BN, move to PKR….at least you still have more chances to participate in the stand against corruption or eradicate them down to its minimum. And build a better nation.”


    as usual, no love lost, and good luck.

    • The dictionary sys Anarchist = advocate of disorder, confusion, lawlessness.

      Those who advocate non respect for the authorities, say the investigation reports of the Police and MACC are rubbish are indeed advocating lawlessness, confusion and disorder.

      Big Guy chooses his words, I believe looks up the dictionary from time to time, thinks before he writes. Not like some people who comment without thinking, using vile language. Malaysia would be much better without these people.

      • There wasn’t any decorum on the other side because there wasn’t any respect. You can compare conversations from here and there and see a stark difference in the manner the conversations were held.

        I’m assuming a few documents were released. They were released because DB wasn’t following the rules, and reveled a few things he shouldn’t and they were angry, hence they released these documents to sabotage whatever was going on.

        After the sabotage, and the feeling of ill-will arose, they conveniently invited DB into the circus, for obvious reasons.

        I bet it was only half of the story. No criminal will admit their wrongdoings, and here, each attack to DB was sophisticatedly planned.

    • “Forget about BN, move to PKR….at least you still have more chances to participate in the stand against corruption or eradicate them down to its minimum. And build a better nation.””…

      You go ahead with what your perceived mind and narrow minded, I will forever be UMNO-Perikatan-BN which has proven the BEST. THEN, NOW AND FOREVER !!!

      • good luck with UMNO…. I sympathize with the manner is UMNO self destructing-especially with the media…

        PKR? nah……….. adios.

    • haha

      move to PKR – hey is this a fairytale??

      de facto leader charged for sodomy 2, former convict of power abuse and corruption

      don’t trust the courts BUT refused to swear by the Quran

      see the numbers dwindling at their street demos and mass rallies

      Manek Urai may be the trend

      Hindraf neglected now a new party

      so is PKR still the light at the end of the tunnel??

      NAAHHH it it the bullet train squashing you in an instant

  2. DAP dah tak laku!

    Rakyat dah muak dgn sandiwara Anwar yg tak habis habis!

    Memang kes Teoh ni rakyat sebenornya tak peduli!

  3. Hello again bro

    Forget about DS Said, he’s deranged unnecessary as usual, once too often make’s him fit for the mental institution. The Opposition has nothing else to do but to coy the good people of Malaysia. Even death they want to politicize so as to throw the focus away from their possible misdeeds. They (the DAP) are indeed scared shit of what would be unveiled by the MACC investigation and the consequently its adverse impact. A 3000 gathering is indeed less than mediocre; where has the crowd gone on Sunday? Perhaps to see Harry Porter’s latest movie, stay away from any maddening crowd due to concern about the pandemic H1N1 or as you put it “wait and see” as they many other things to do and ponder during this time of economic uncertainty. So the show of (political) support was indeed a big flop to LKS and his son and of course their goons. People are indeed fed up of politicking. Everyone is looking to make ends meet but not the vice way.

    Bro, keep up your good work.

  4. I’ll help you guys on BN a little bit.

    Take out today’s newspaper, the NST.

    (1)Front page.
    “Mat Rempit and Drag queens out”
    Government decided to end remove the mention of Mat Rempits and Transvestites from movies, because it ‘leads to increased crime activity’.

    Later, we read “Each time a movie about Mat Rempit is shown in the cinemas, the police have to be on high alert.”

    It sounds ridiculous, don’t you think?
    Sabotage act 1: This could be an attempt to make the government sound ridiculous. Shouldn’t we ban all movies depicting crime? Sounds silly, right?

    (2)Next to the ‘Mat Rempit’ headlines on the front page, you have “Heightened security in the city”

    I’ve said this on my blog last time, Singaporean’s agenda. Make Malaysians scared of Malaysia.

    Bad news on the front page, to convince the people something is not right.

    (3)Look at the top right corner. “Teoh Beng Hock is worth more to us alive than dead:MACC”

    Bad news again. It might sound like MACC is explaining something, but subliminally, a government department called the MACC and the word dead on the same sentence is quite scary.

    Page 2

    Top stories in the NST of the week.

    6 Top Stories in Malaysia is about Crime, Crime and Crime.

    (4)And then We have the column called “The Nation Last Week”

    1 articles is about ill health affecting women
    7 articles is about crime

    Basically, its all bad news.

    Its UMNO’s newspaper, and nothing is going on well. I called it sabotage within UMNO, but the opposition is saying they won because of the issues they were putting forward.

  5. “Forget about DS Said, he’s deranged unnecessary as usual, once too often make’s him fit for the mental institution. ”

    The only guy who is fit for the mental institution is LKY. He amassed so much weapons, and he used those weapons to threaten DB. DB told him to expect a coup if he talks about his toys again.

  6. Big Guy,

    I’m with you 100% in calling the Government to apply the Sedition Act against those who flaunt disrespect for authority, especially those who use vile language in doing so.

    It’s high time. They have been doing so for years now. Not only in the English language but I suspect worse in the vernacular languages. Look at Malaysia To Day. I ceased reading it after seeing so much abuse of courtesy, decency and respect for authority. Hardly any constructive criticisms, mainly hardcore tongue lashing. I shudder at the thought of what are said in the vernacular.

    It’s these kind of fellows who foster ill feelings among the rakyat against the authorities, among the various communities against what they say, often without justification and in only 1-2 lines, “unfair special privileges” and such things. No acknowledgment of the Social Contract entered into by our forefathers and no respect for the Constitution which embodies that Social Contract – citizenship for non-Malays and, in exchange for that, a Special Position for the Malays.
    Racial polarisation is heightening.

    And now we have the accusation by the PKR Assemblyman against the DAP Assemblyman of links with the underworld. It must be investigated thoroughly. If true, it’s proof that these people are using secret societies, thugs and gangsters to run the state. Banging on MACC doors, even the Klang hospital mortuary, are gangster-like acts. This sort of things and this sort of people must be stopped and prevented from having a role in the affairs of state. Indeed, they will lead to anarchy.

    We know the authorities have the resources to trace those fellows showing disrespect for established
    authority and using vile language. We hope they will deal with such fellows like they did to those showing disrespect to the Sultan of Perak. We must have decency and decorum. The out-laws have to be reigned in so that others will follow the normal path.

    • “(a) to bring into hatred or contempt or to excite disaffection against any Ruler or against any Government”

      The best solution is to CHANGE THE GIVERNMENT. BN is hopeless not because of Najib. I appreciate Najib’s intention to change and unite the people. But it is the Malay warlords who want to sabotage his agenda. We need to clean up the MACC and police force to have a better Malaysia for Malaysian NOT FOR MALAY ONLY.

      Utusan should be the one to be brought under sedatious act as they repeatedly trying to fan the hatred of Malay against other races.

      • There you go.

        This 2nd Class fellow – what he said, the way he said it, for quite some time already.

        The very name he chooses implies non-acceptance of the Social Contract entered into between leaders of the various communites at Merdeka and the non-Malay citizenship Right agreed to by the Malay leaders and, in exchange for that, the Special Position of the Malays both of which have been written into the Constitution of the Country.

        And he simply, quite freely says, “it is the Malay warlords who want to sabotage his (DSN) agenda. We need to clean up the MACC and police force to have a better Malaysia for Malaysian NOT FOR MALAY ONLY” – without much thought, without any attempt to justify what he says.

        This kind of fellow is creating ill feelings. As Big Dog points out, the Sedition Act covers Article 152 and 153 (Malay Special Position) of the Constitution. No respect by him. He should be dealt with.

      • This is diverting from Big Dog’s main theme in this particular post. Since only half-hearted attempts were made to rebut his main points, I presume BD has presented a reasonable enough case in:

        1) the DAP’s attempt to play on chauvinistic sentiments and instigate anarchy – something they had learned from the old Keadilan-now-turned-PKR

        2) the rakyat, including the Chinese, can smell a rat here… that they aren’t willing to be pulled like a cow to wherever DAP and PKR desire. Even Haris Ibrahim wasn’t too pleased with the DAP’s attempts to stoke sentiments:
        “Guan Eng, we’re going to hold you to your word, but only if…”

        This is something encouraging for Malaysia as a whole, but not so for DAP.

        Say, what does PAS has to say about all this? Seems rather quiet…

      • the accusation by the PKR Assemblyman against the DAP Assemblyman of links with the underworld

        and 2nd class wants to remove the Malay warlords

        is there a link here?

        oooohhhh I think the image of Hisham waving the KERIS which suddenly re-appears with Najib’s face instead, is really giving the non-malays nightmares

  7. You’ve just heard one side of the story. I’ll shut up for good. bye.

  8. “kita juga bimbang dengan kesan tindakan pembangkang menjadikannya sebagai isu politik dan perkauman, kepada perpaduan rakyat pelbagai kaum di negara ini. Memang malang bagi negara jika rakyat terpedaya dengan dakyah seumpama itu sehingga mengetepikan apa jua hasil siasatan oleh suruhanjaya khas yang bakal ditubuhkan.”

    Guys, you’ve not heard the other side of the story. Don’t run into conclusions.

    “Namun malang seperti itu berbau dan jika dapat dihidu kesannya, pasti ada cara untuk mengelaknya daripada berlaku.”

    I’ll accept anything that is offered. I’ll treasure my ability to narrate my side of the story first.

  9. big dog,

    after see your picture (small head with big cheek), i realized that you really like a PARIAH DOG, atau ANJING UMNO !

    • Agogo,
      Look what you’ve done – You’ve hurt Big Dog’s feelings beyond repair! I don’t think he’s going to blog again. For sure he’s sobbing now… hurt by your words.

      BTW it’s “After seeing your picture” lah! Ni mengaji sekolah SRJK mana nih… You should see ME – big head with small cheek MUAHAHA!

    • with such low IQ level, this is the only way they can debate issues

      naive, gullible and higly ignoramus, they rebut facts and opinions with curses and accusations

      sheer waste of time and space

      • What a retard , but what we expact from DAP , even Ronnie now is an actor who ‘seronok’ playing ‘wayang’.

        Ronnie think with all this ‘wayang’ he and DAP fellow can be free from MACC investigation . Bastards DAP corrupt must be punish .

        At the end if dont do any wrong why afraid ??

  10. Obviously impromptu rally @ Kelana Jaya. Turnout # understood…. but never underestimate the public anger on this sensitive issue.!

    • Impromptu? No, it was well prepared enough. Given that Pakatan controls Selangor, whatever sports the stadium was booked for was immediately cancelled for the more-important function that the DAP had in mind: inflame the tens of thousand crowd… except that there were no such number.

      It’s true the public is angry – but for different reasons. I’m not a DAP supporter, that’s obvious enough, but if the death were due to Umno or MACC, I’ll be angry too, honestly. But it’s not.

      My anger – and that of MANY others – is towards those who tried to instigate the rakyat with something that could easily have turned into a racial riot. Far-fetched? Definitely not.

  11. Artikel Zainul sangat cemerlang, dan saya bacanya beberapa kali dan puas membacanya.

    Saya simpulkan kejadian ‘malang’ itu lain sikit, kata orang tua:
    “.. sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ketanah jua”

    Lepas ni bukan setakat tupai, anjing-gajah dll turut akan tersungkur sama..

    Ambil iktibar dari peristiwa ini, dan jangan ikut cara ini sebagai jalan penyelesaian masalah. Membunuh adalah jenayah laknat, dan membunuh diri juga patut dilaknat!

  12. Excuse my observation, but I think reading the comments posted on your site is more interesting than reading your articles.

    How did this state of affairs come about?

  13. […] building where Teoh’s body was found. Then a rally was organised on Sunday afternoon. It does not reflect response of the Malaysian public as only 3,000 people turned up (depsite it was a lazy Sunday afternoon and the Police did not even attempt to disallow this […]

  14. […] planned anarchy rally is a consequence of the failled rally for Political Secretary Teoh Beng Hock two Sundays ago. Anwar was the mastermind of the rally against HRH Sultan of Perak earlier this […]

  15. […] kepada ISA digunakan, seperti PKR dan DAP. Chauvinis DAP dan sehaluan dengan mereka merupakan golongan yang sentiasa mencabar dan menghina kepentingan majoriti, termasuk mempersoalkan kedudukan orang Melayu. Mereka juga tergamak secara berterusan memperkecil […]

  16. […] DAP Leaders, which include Chairman Karpal Singh should also be charged for inciting and instigating with his “Singh is King” remark. The most recent is the moment Selangor Government DAP Exco Politcal Secretary Teoh Beng Hock was reported to be found dead the morning after being interviewed for a corruption investigation, DAP Leaders were amazingly quick to blame MACC  for the sudden death and thus instigated the rakyat to distruss and sow hatred towards the authorities. […]

  17. […] even attempted to organise a rally. However, it wasn’t recevied that […]

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