“Churches have special unit formed to proselytize Muslims”

Dato’ Dr Hassan Mohd Ali at the media conference announcing for Yayasan Murni Aqidah

“In Malaysia, Muslims are the toughest group for the churches to proselytize. So, they formed special unit to proselytize Muslims”.

That was the shocking revelation by JATI President YB Dato’ Dr Hassan Mohd Ali today, in a bukapuasa and terawih event to mark the anniversary of the ‘DUMC Raid’ on 3 August last year. Then, he was Selangor Exco in-charge for Religious Affairs. In JAIS’s operation on Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC) codenamed ‘Ops Akidah’, they uncovered a ceremony to celebrate proselytized Muslims who have been baptized to the Christian faith. 12 persons were arrested although more, as many as 100 proselytized Muslims attended..

“I formed Unit Selamatkan Aqidah (USA) when I was still in Selangor State Government. We started to uncover more and more stories about Muslims being proselytized and even baptized. More and more of these people come forward to for caunseling. Alhamdulillah but we still need to do more”.

Dr Hassan was sacked from Selangor State Government in January. Three months earlier, HRH Sultan of Selangor issued a statement that there were evidence of prosetylization of Muslims At Damansara Utama Methodist Church in Section 13, Petaling Jaya on 3 August 2011. However, due to technicalities no one was charged for the offense.

In April after being in the wilderness to fight for the issues on why he was sacked, Dr Hassan formed an NGO JATI with the objective to preserve the three pillars of Malay-Muslim fundamental in Malaysia; Islam, Rulers and Malay customs and values. This evening, he announced that a foundation called Yayasan Murni Aqidah would be formed carry on the work of JATI and go the next phase.

Yayasan Murni Aqidah will do profiling on persons who already been prosetylised and baptized. A detailed study on the socio-economic background, surroundings and their environment will be carried out. It is a diagnosis phase. It is an extension to their existing work, via USA and JATI.

Then they would come to the prognosis stage where solution is being formulated, planned and executed. The next phase is to do proposals with the relevant authorities, NGOs and special interest groups for a strategic solution.

TV3 newswoman Azmah Dahari interviewing “Ellie”

In an interview with a transexual identified as “Elllie”, admitted that the church been supporting him for over ten years “They are very open to people with ‘special needs’ like me. They are very generous with us, including money. At least ten of us already came back to embrace Islam”.

In another interview with a social worker identified as “Kelly”, she admitted ‘The church has been providing for my group with money. They are very efficient with helping ‘people with special interests’, as oppose to Government agencies”. Kelly’s group consist of 400 Muslims who have been prosetylised in a suburban neighbour of Klang Valley.

‘Kelly” being interviewed

One of JATI’s activists said that the churches’ strategy is to have ‘Christian Malays’. They remain their identity and lifestyle as Malays, which include wearing the hijab and attending mosque and other social and religious events but very stealthy, they profess the teachings and fundamental faith of Christianity. “They are even taught tajwid, so that they could read and recite Al Quran properly. Otherwise, their cover is blown”.

“All these are uncovered after the ‘DUMC Raid’. They have pastors coming from abroad and masquerading as West Asian religious teachers. These pastors actually use the mosque to profess Christianity, guised as Islamic teachings. After prayers, they retreat to a quiet corner and do their teachings”.

During the Q & A, Dr Hassan asked PAS’s Council of Ulama (Syura Council) to bring the party back on the track for the struggle of Islam instead of compromise for the sake of politics and gaining power. “Syura Council must review the position of PAS within Pakatan Rakyat and go back to basics (struggle for Islam based on Al Quran and Hadith)”.

In another question, Dr Hassan said that DAP never admitted that Islam is the ‘Religion of the Federation of Malaysia’. “Instead, they refer Islam as ‘Official Religion’. It has a different connotation. Other religions could also be alleviated to be ‘alleviated’ as the ‘Official Religion’. PAS Syura Council must stress against this”.

That, was very much what they vowed to do at the hotel on Macalister Road in Penang on 5 May 2011.

*Updated Tuesday 14 August 2012 0300hrs

Read former RMAF commando officer’s take on Helah Untuk Dapat Undi DAP

Published in: on August 13, 2012 at 23:54  Comments (18)  

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18 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Jika “the churches to proselytize … they formed special unit to proselytize Muslims”, ini jenis jahanam punya maanusia. Tak hormatkan hal bahawa Islam ada lah agama negara ini seperti tercatit di Perlembagaan dan ada undang undang khas mengatakan tidak boleh buat demikian.

    Tapi, boleh kah sesiapa berikan maklumat lanjut dan “reliable” yang membolehkan saya percaya “400 Muslims who have been prosetylised in a suburban neighbour of Klang Valley” itu?

    Saya khuatirkan, jika tidak ada bukti, menggunakan angka yang tinggi membolehkan penjahanam itu mengeksploitasinya dan mendakyahkannya bagi menarik yang lain datang ke Majlis mereka.

  2. Malay Muslims who accept, believe and practice the 5 Rukun Islam and the 6 Rukun Iman will never be swayed by any temptations to go ‘murtad’. Islam is the complete religion. The Dua kalimah syahadah says it all. Those Malays who have gone murtad have gone many steps backward. They have to find their way back and that would be a very long journey i.e if they can find their way back.

    • I’m afraid those who may have murtad may not know all the above, or know only skimpily. Poor breeding, lack of parental control or supervision, perhaps the not well to do families.

      Or the so-called liberal blokes of the well-to-do families. Pretending they are liberal when they are in fact pseudo-liberals. A bit like the DAP blokes who think they are one class above the others using the name Joseph (or some say McDonald) Lim Guan Eng and the like. To the extent that even the Chinese school drop outs selling fake tapes and pirated videos proudly call one another Peter, Jimmy and such at shopping mall foyers etc.

      The religious authorities must be firm and resolute in dealing with attempts to proselytize Muslims. The Minister i/c religious affairs in the PM’s Dept needs to be some one who can think of how, and actually go about, to get the many government Islamic affairs departments, NGOS and other interested parties jointly whack verbally those trying to proselytize Muslims, and campaign against those wanting to use kalimah Allah. Anwar Ibrahim went about campaigning prior to the Sodomy II Court decision. On that basis, I see no reason why Muslims cannot do so even before the Appeal Court decides on the kalimah Allah issue.

  3. Nik Aziz benarkan nama ALLAH di guna kan, konon.. bahasa Arab kuno dolu-dolu tuhan tu allah…… Ni aku nak ajaq nik aziz mengucap. Laa ilaa haa illalLah.. laa tiada ilaa tuhan haa illal melainkan tuhan nama ALLAH, jadi di mana tuhan bersamaan Allah? yang sebenar nya Ila tu perkataan tuhan dlm bahasa arab kuno.. aku tak perlu belajar bahasa tapi di ajar terjemahan pun dah boleh huraikan perkara simple ini.. tapi Nik Aziz nak rasa jadi Menteri punya pasal sanggup kongsi,.

  4. Pity the photos of those interviewed didn’t show their faces. I do want to see what kind of fellows they are by the look on their faces.

    But the slim girl being interviewed in the video appears to be of mixed blood. Maybe the confused kind, no proper grounding in Islamic religious education, not much mixing with Muslim friends, became a lost soul exploited by the proselyt ..s proselytizers .. damn, I always find difficulty spelling those buggers.

  5. Why am I not surprised that proselytization in Malaysia are true? It happens in many countries.In Singapore some years ago it was done openly by US young bible thumpers talking to young and innocent malay girls at the road side and MRT.

    Their secret weapon is not the bible in their hands but rather COLD hard cash they have aplenty. And we have many desperate and poor malays who are ever willing to accept the cash and the faith. Money can change whatever ,whether you know your ugama stuff or not. Just take a look at the corruption cases which involves the muslims? do they lack pengetahuan ugama? take note of the case in Penang where a shari’ah judge makan duit…you will never know that you love money so much until and unless you have so much of it you don’t want to let go!

  6. These “messiahs” are ALWAYS on the lookout for vulnerable people. Sometimes they approach offering social welfare help as in funds for daily needs – food, clothes, shelter etc. Other times they offer psychological “acceptance”.

    At times they will approach on an intellectual basis. They will join you during breakfast, lunch etc and asked politely if they could “share issues about life”. If you accept their offer, they will start talking about beliefs and values. They will then gradually zoom in on jesus christ and his sacrifices for humans. The discussion will eventually lead to the beauty of christianity.

    They are tireless and they are committed. They are also financially very STRONG as I heard that 10% of their salaries goes to the church.

    I remember a few “serious” cases in Singapore. So beware, they are real and they exist.

  7. “the beauty of christianity’ – I believe you mean, “so-called”, bro.

    I know they really exist. They are more Christian than the original Christians – btw, do you know that the original message of Jesus Christ was left not moving until a Jew, Saul (later referred to as Paul) took it and propagated it? This was said by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, the renown academician translator, interpreter and commentator of the Qur’an, if I remember correctly.

    But I also am not convinced of the figures on those converted – in the thousands said an “ulama” I saw in a tape, not quoting any religious authority. Maybe just to frighten the Muslims in a positive way, but I also fear the Christians will use such figures in their propaganda and conversion attempts.

    • Halim

      The fact that they brazenly proposed a christian PM for Malaysia means that they are quite confident that this proposal has a fighting chance of becoming a reality.

      They have the means and the drive. It is best to err on the cautious side.

      The gay pastor who publicly “married” his partner leads me to suspect that their religion is more a means of networking rather than a sincere belief in the sanctity of christianity as the real teachings do not condone gays.

      Which is why they are adamant on the use of kalimah Allah to unite and identify with the Christian bumiputeras for the political numbers game.

  8. […] are in dire need of something and the society failed them, for one reason or another. For that, the churches stepped in and provided for the void that society failed to do for these people. And the churches provision is very handsome and […]

  9. […] An Islamist intellectual who became a politician and rose to the position as State Exco in-charge of Islamic Affairs and Malay Customs was sacked from his job, for criticizing this ‘Devil-Incarnate’. He is now a warrior general in the crusade of the fight against proselytized Malay-Muslims. […]

  10. […] plot gets thicker. Some Opposition leaders, openly support some churches effort to prosetylise Muslims. This is is clearly against the Federation of Malaysia Consitution, where Islam is the religion of […]

  11. […] We have seen the subtle tactics of missionaries of those days in the first installment and how their modus operandi is now refined by present-day missionaries. This blogger had had the opportunity to meet up with Muslims proselytized during the month of Ramadhan of 2012 and was told of the very fine and subtle methods used to proselytize Muslims in Malaysia. Back in the late 19th and early 20th century, the Malay people were not only bombarded with the Malay Bible, but also Christian publications in Malay such as Buletin Ariffin, Cermin Mata, Sahabat and Warta Melayu. Little has changed, but made only better. Recently, Johor’s Department of Islamic Affairs, together with the Home Ministry, confiscated 250 Christian literature in the Malay language. Imagine these books having titles such as Kaabah, Mengenal Rasul and Wahyu Illahi. With the state of Johor having around 58 percent Muslims, 2 percent Christians, and 40 percent other religions, who were these Malay literature targeting? Ibans? Christians? Chinese? Read more about the attempt to proselytize Muslims in BigDog’s post. […]

  12. […] last year, for Selangor Exco in-charge of Islamic Affairs and PAS Commissioner Dato’ Dr Hassan Md Ali revealed that ‘churches have special units to protelyse‘, including Muslims. The churches’ demand to have ‘Allah’ instead of […]

  13. […] Selangor Exco in-charge of religious Affairs Dato’ Dr. Hassan Ali who admitted that the Churches were systematically prosetylise Muslims into Christianity. This came about after the shocking revelation from the JAIS raid in Damansara Utama Methodist […]

  14. […] Affairs and Selangor PAS Commissioner Dato’ Dr Hassan Ali also attested to the fact that “Churches have specie units to prosetylise Muslims”. This repeated challenge was never refuted by […]

  15. […] Affairs and Selangor PAS Commissioner Dato’ Dr Hassan Ali also attested to the fact that “Churches have specie units to prosetylise Muslims”. This repeated challenge was never refuted by […]

  16. […] We have seen the subtle tactics of missionaries of those days in the first installment and how their modus operandi is now refined by present-day missionaries. This blogger had had the opportunity to meet up with Muslims proselytized during the month of Ramadhan of 2012 and was told of the very fine and subtle methods used to proselytize Muslims in Malaysia. Back in the late 19th and early 20th century, the Malay people were not only bombarded with the Malay Bible, but also Christian publications in Malay such as Buletin Ariffin, Cermin Mata, Sahabat and Warta Melayu. Little has changed, but made only better. Recently, Johor’s Department of Islamic Affairs, together with the Home Ministry, confiscated 250 Christian literature in the Malay language. Imagine these books having titles such as Kaabah, Mengenal Rasul and Wahyu Illahi. With the state of Johor having around 58 percent Muslims, 2 percent Christians, and 40 percent other religions, who were these Malay literature targeting? Ibans? Christians? Chinese? Read more about the attempt to proselytize Muslims in BigDog’s post. […]

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