Dimana Menteri Besar Selangor?

Semalam, kapalselam Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia pertama Perdana Class KD Tunku Abdul Rahman sampai, disambut dan dirasmikan oleh DYMM SPB YDP Agong Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Ibni Almarhum Sultan Mahmood di Pulau Indah, Selangor. Ini merupakan peristiwa yang amat bersejarah dan membanggakan kepada TLDM kerana berjaya mengadakan keupayaan persenjataan strategik sebagai angkatan laut yang didukung kuasa kapalselam.

Scorpene II

Upacara gilang gemilang yang disiarkan secara langsung oleh RTM ini turut dihadiri dan meriahkan oleh DYMM Sultan Selangor Tuanku Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah, Perdana Menteri Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd. Yasin dan Menteri Pertahanan Dato’ Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi. Turut hadir ialah Ketua Setiausaha Negara Tan Sri Mohd. Sidek Hassan, Panglima Angkatan Tentera Jen. Dato’ Seri Azizan Ariffin (TUDM), Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Musa Hassan, Panglima Tentera Laut DiRaja Malaysia Laksmana Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar, Panglima Tentera Darat dan Panglima Tentera Udara DiRaja Malaysia. DYTM Raja Muda Selangor Tengku Amir Ibni Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah juga mencemar duli meraikan peristiwa ini.

Persoalan sekarang, dimanakah Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim?

Peristiwa ini berlaku di Pengakalan TLDM Sultan Salahuddin, Pulau Indah, Selangor. Tidakkah sebagai MB Selangor, Khalid wajib hadir kerana:

1. Mengiringi DYMM Sultan Selangor

2. Majlis rasmi Kerajaan Persekutuan dalam negeri Selangor

3. Menghormati kehadiran rasmi DYMM SPB YDP Agong dalam negeri Selangor

4. Mewakili Kerajaan dan rakyat negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan dalam upacara rasmi apabila undangan utama itu ialah DYMM SPB YDP Agong ke negeri Selangor

Apakah ketidak-hadiran MB Selangor Tan Sri Khalid ini berkaitan dengan dua titah teguran murka DYMM Sultan Selangor mengenai isu:

1. Cadangan mengunakan zakat bagi pembangunan infrastruktur negeri

2. Pembinaan kuil di Seksyen 23 Shah Alam

Apa apa pun, rakyat Selangor wajar merasa tersinggung kerana  Menteri Besar mereka tidak menghadiri dan mewakili mereka dalam upacara rasmi yang penuh bersejarah dalam negeri Selangor ini. Ini terutama baginda Tuanku Sultan Sharafuddin merupakan Captain-in-Chief bagi TLDM.


Published in: on September 4, 2009 at 10:07  Comments (40)  

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40 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Mereka ni mana tahu protokol! Kalau Dtk Nik Aziz bolih sambut PM , kenapa dengan MB Selangor? Dia rasa lebih tinggi darjat dari YDP Agong atau Nik Aziz!!!!!

  2. BigDog,

    Nampaknya Khalid bebal ni dah sampai tahap menopause politik. Mungkin dia takut nak pegi sebab tu kan kapal selam ALTANTUYA. He’s only good for a piece of crap.

  3. Saudara Big Dog,

    Di kalangan Menteri Besar dan Ketua Menteri Pakatan Rakyat, saya rasa MB Selangorlah yang paling teruk kefahaman protokolnya berbanding dengan rakan-rakannya yang lain.

    Tuan Guru Nik Aziz tidak malu berpimpin tangan dengan PM di dalam majlis rasmi, MB Kedah juga begitu. Begitu juga dengan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang juga pandai mengambil kesempatan daripada mana-mana majlis rasmi Persekutuan yang dihadiri oleh Perdana Menteri.

    Samada beliau tidak faham protokol atau sememangnya mempunyai fahaman politik totok kepartian yang amat sempit.

  4. Takut kena tropedo kot!!! Pasal tu tak datang hehehe

    • Kami rasa Ketua-Pembangkang-Tanpa-Parti Anwar “Mat King Leather” Ibrahim tidak diundang, kemungkinan kerana tiada local standi.

      Jadi nak takut kena ‘torpedo’ oleh siapa???


  5. Dah sah dari segi protokol Khalid dah breach protokol Selangor dan Malaysia kerana ketidakhadiran beliau dalam majlis tersebut.

    Dari segi teguran Sultan, jarang sekali Sultan bersuara jika tiada isu besar.

    Nampaknya mungkin juga Khalid dah kena kuarantin sbb tindak tanduknya tak nampak macam oarang yang civilised dan ada social poise.

    Saya nak bertanya kalau dah gini derhaka jadinya, darjah bintang kebesaran tu boleh ditarik balik?

    • Aku setuju darjah kebesaran ditarik balik. Bukan dia saja tp byk lagi – kpd mereka2 yg menunjukkan penderhakaan, timbulkan keresahan rakyat majoriti dan yg menunjukkan akhlak tidak baik serta telah dijatuhkan hukuman oleh mahkamah. Mereka2 ini sememangnya tidak layak dgn anugerah tersebut. Kita mahu darjah/gelaran ini mempunyai status tersendiri, bukan darjah/gelaran yg sudah tidak ada nilainya lagi.

      Sepatutnya pemegang2 darjah kebesaran yg tidak berakhlak, darjah hendaklah ditarik balik.

  6. DAP ngan Lembu Khalid ni mana ada semangat patriotik . Lembam !!!

  7. Merajuk bodoh lah tu sebab dua kali kena tegur dengan Sultan. DBeliau ni samalah dengan Nizar, mana tahu protokol dan menghormati Sultan.

    • Khalid Ibrahim kalau tidak ada Elizabeth Wong, Theresa Kok atau Ronnie Liu bersama mana dia nak hadir upacara resmi Negeri atau Persekutuan. Lagipun dah kena tegur dua kali dengan Sultan Selangor itu maknanya two strikes, kalau kat California dia kena tiga strike dia masuk jel.

      • Tarik balik darjah kebesaran yg dianugerahkan kpd mereka sebagai satu pengajaran kpd org lain.

  8. MB Selangor tak ada masa sebab buat kerja part time di kuil hindu. Nak bayar balik duit Bank Islam.

  9. Your neighbour has a grand party. He is parading his sports car bought with dubious mind but it is still a million dollar car nevertheless.

    opps.. you’re not invited.. who cares.. better to be there than be labeled as rude by your esteemed neighbour.

  10. Ya semua pergi lah sambut kapal selam, siapa pulak yang nak kerja untuk dapat-kan duit untuk membeli kapal selam tu. Ingat kapal selam di-beri free ke? Ini hang semua nak kata pasal protocol buat ape? Duit turun dari langit ke sekarang? Hang semua ingat belanjawan untuk semua VIP untuk hadiri event ini free ke? kena lah ada orang biasa yang kena kerja untuk menyumbang duit untuk beli kapal selam lah

    • Saudara quert

      Kalau saudara seorang penyokong PR saya faham.


    • “Protokol” orang Muslim dengan Tuhannya, adalah dengan solat 5 kali sehari, Solat Jumaat pakai baju bagus-bagus.

      Begitu juga ‘protokol” agama lain dgn Tuhannya, tinggal pekerjaan mencari duit utk ke kuil, gereja & sebagainya.

      Nabi pun suruh umatnya tinggalkan pekerjaan untuk pergi solat Jumaat.

      Begitu juga “protokol” dunia di mana adalah jadi kerja MB untuk mengiringi Sultan.

      queurt !

      Tuhan kamu tu tuhan Duit ye?

    • kata queurt

      “kena lah ada orang biasa yang kena kerja untuk menyumbang duit untuk beli kapal selam lah”

      jadi mb selamgor ni orang biasa lah?

      pangkat mb takde nilai, heh heh

  11. Salam Ramadhan BIG bro,

    Betul, tugas2 MB seperti yang Sdr tegaskan dan betul, tak manis kalau MB tak de kat situ mengiringi Sultan. Saya pun ada dengar hubungan Sultan dengan MB tak berapa hangat kebelakangan ini. Macam2 isu, kita semua tahu.

    Tapi bab submarine ni, saya ada call sana dan call sini. Alkisahnya, event tersebut ialah “a Federal government do”. Jadi MB Selangor tak dijemput.

    Harap maklum.

  12. kenapa kawan saya khabarkan majlis buka puasa Sultan Selangor di UPM tempohari, Khalid n Yaakob sapari datang ke sana walau tidak dijemput??kenapa kat majlis kapal selam tak datang walao di jemput?

  13. LOL I just love the way you create a story out of nothing. Are you sure you are not writing for a tabloid?! Are you sure that MB was even invited to this event?

    If you don’t have the facts, then you are just rumour mongering!

    • When there is the HRH Sultan in an official function, the Menteri Besar is expected to accompany him. More over when the function involves HM SPB YDP Agong and Prime Minister, both. Even a Chinese Chief Minister accompanies HE Governors (with the exception in official religious function) to official functions where HM SPB YDP Agong attending. Case in point: Rulers Meeting.

      Isn’t it highly probable that people around the MB tells about “Its being a Federal do”, hence he is ‘not invited’, just to cover up the defaced estranged MB?

      Just because these people say he is ‘not invited’, doesn’t mean he is not. Rulers Meeting is a “Federal do”. Specific invitations are not issued by the Federal Government to MBs/CMs. And yet they are still present. Even the DAP Chief Minister of Penang, accompanying HE Governor of Penang at all Rulers Meeting.

      Can you please recount at least once when HM SPB YDP Agong make an official visit to Kelantan or Terengganu/Sabah (when they were under Oppositions) that the MB/Chief Minister did not attend because ‘not invited’?

      We doubt you can!

      • Is the best that UMNO has to offer? Anyhow, I always support Big Dog. He constantly reminds us why we should despise UMNO so much. With so many issues and economic slowdown and people struggling to make a living, the only release for the rakyat is to just vote against UMNO and laugh in their Anak Emas faces…That the UMNO bloggers are the most unlikeable sort just makes victory taste all that much sweeter.
        Back to your insinuation, was there an official invite or not? How can somebody go if not invited? What kind of protocol planning does the MOD practice. But plz, run with this issue….I’ll be around and in 60days we can all have a good laugh
        At your expense of course…

      • the question “Was he invited or not”?

        One probable answer is “Yes”
        Its an official function, an MB is expected to accompany the Sultan – Standard procedures!

        Another possible answer is “NO” which may raise another question of “Why no?”. Many thinkable answers:-

        1. The officials not doing their job (not inviting, forgot to send invitation etc)

        2. Khalid is not the “MB”? (to the Sultan?)

        3. Sultan doesn’t want to see Khalid anywhere near him?

        – Antu Jemput

  14. Irrespective, for a most significant national event like this, the MB of the State must oblige with the necessary protocol and if he was uninvited, the more so he should be concern. Otherwise as it is now, the public impression is most damaging with the question arising whether the Pakatan state administration can function smoothly without good relationship with the Ruler of the State. It is the absolute right of the Sultan and the public to disregard Khalid as biadap and penderaka.

    Thumbs up for Najib’s quest to take back Selangor soonest – with Khalid and his shameless goons at the helm, Selangor has turned into a vice infested and lawless state (irrespective of any farce from the Bar Council).

    Where in the world can you find a candle light vigil held in respecting the severed head of a cow – only in failed state like Pakatan Selangor which will be entered into the Guineas Book of Records? So when the nation’s 1st submarine docked at Pulau Indah, it seems the ghost of Atlantunya has come to haunt with a vengence those who had accused Najib of killing her.

    • Saudar WTB
      “It is the absolute right of the Sultan and the public to disregard Khalid as biadap and penderaka.” Hear,hear.

  15. Nutcase you idiot, the blogger is highlighting the obvious, the MB was not there. The reasons being, is completely speculative if not, a sarcastical comic. You should know protocols before making comments on it, if the HRH Sultan is invited to an event in the state, the MB should definitely be. If he is not, he should have made inquiries immediately, since this is happening in his state, Selangor. Why does, I wonder, the MB is so quick to cry wolf over so many irrelevant things, but not this, if he, happened to be left out from the guest’s list? Does this also means, I wonder, the MB didn’t know what is going on in HIS OWN state? How, I wonder, does someone whom is elected on an assumption, that he is capable of running the state, became a leader in one, if he isnt aware of what is going on in the state? If you fail to see the sarcastical comic there, means that you are a) a certified idiot, b) not up to a maturity level which should be allowed to post a comment or c) should be barking at another forum, such as iloveanwarandwouldliketobedickedinmyass.blogspot or something similar. How stupid can you be mate.

    • J.Indang,
      How can one be there if politely told to back off. The fault clearly lies with the MOD who should have extended the invite to Selangor MB. But the MOD refuses to acknowledge that the Selangor MB is the Menteri Besar, (Denial of Service (DOS) for all Pakatan leaders) and thus forcing the Sultan to be unaccopmanied. So who is insulting who.
      Please bear with me, I like the majority of rakyat are indeed very stupid because we have been fed with propaganda nonsense disguised as a newspaper. If you could help change that, we will be most gracious. But we are still smart enough to put the ‘X’ next to anything except the joke of a dacing. Thats my point o wise and learned one.

      • MB was politely told to back off?
        by whom? Appreciate any reference/fact to this.

        MOD stands for? MOD refuses to acknowledge the MB? Interesting!Who is this MOD? Again appreciate any fact to this. (Still figuring out what MOD stands for)

        Well, this is kinda 2-way street. Some people see PKR is led by a “Peliwat”. To some “What a joke” and to some “That is serious allegation! Prove it in court!” (but the court has been countlessly postponing the case – another joke?)

        Some see PAS & DAP as strangest bed mates. Again to some “This is a “joke” and to some “Oh! ultra religionist is working hand in hand with ultra chauvinist. What a breakthrough!”

        To repeat what Sdr Mohamed said to quert

        Kalau saudara seorang penyokong PR saya faham.

        – Antu Cerita

  16. Nutcase wrote,”But we are still smart enough to put the ‘X’ next to anything except the joke of a dacing.”
    This was the catch phrase before PRU 12.

    If a Malay were to have this attitude susahlah. I will tell you a story. Some years back my niece and her mother voted pas. I say why ? Because the children of UMNO wakil rakyat going round with “KIA Sportage”. Gaya!

    She was given a chance through a affirmative policy to attend MRSM,then do a degree and a Master in UiTM, Shah Alam. She did well. Now she is going round in brand new Honda CRV.Dah bagus ni.

    As an educated Malay she should help to protect this system.Vote for UMNO. So that in years to come, her “brothers and sisters ” could also follow this golden path.


    • Dear Mohamed,
      Dont want to sound rude, but as UMNO has lost all seats : Permatang Pauh, Kuala Trengganu, Bukit Gantang, Manek Urai, Permatang Pasir contested, of which I believe some of the seats are Malay Majority, the catch phrase that held before PRU 12, still holds now. I wish UMNO best of luck for the upcoming election in Bagan Pinang as the country will continue to have a lot of problems if UMNO loses and seeks to take vengance on the “ungrateful and disobedient” Malaysians by purposely playing up religious and racial sentiments, knowing fully well that it is virtually unheard of for them to be charged for such offences.

      But unfortunately, I feel the voters in Bagan Pinang may just disagree….

      • Dear Nutcase
        I don’t really agree when you say UMNO will take vengence if they lose.If they do and you can prove it, please file police report.
        No one or no organization should be above the law.UMNO under Badawi was the weakest in its history.It was just like a huge drunken fighter, absorbing all the blows not knowing how to defend itself, let alone fight back. If UMNO is fighting now, it is not vengence, but for the survival of its memnbers, who are the Malays and for the peace and harmony for all in this beloved land, Malaysia.

        Anyway thank you Saudara Nutcase for your comment


  17. […] ini DYMM Sultan Selangor sendiri jelas tidak perkenan dengan beberapa cadangan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor bawah MB Khalid. Episod ini, yang DYMM […]

  18. Kapal selam kalau pergi Mongolia pasti tenggelam… sebab roh Altantuya dan bayinya akan memberi Sumpah Tujuh Keturunan , sapa yang servis dan kerja kat kapal selam ni yang dibeli dengan duit haram komisen Razak, akan kenalah sumpah sumpahnya. Nasib baik MB Khalid tak pergi….HARAM!!!

    Yang Bersumpah,
    Alif min nun wau = Sarkis

  19. Nampaknya Sumpah7keturunan ni yang menyumpah, bukannya Altantuya. Altantuya dan kaum kerabat serta keturunannya agak kecil kemungkinannya untuk bekerja servis kapalselam terbabit kerana kapalselam itu kepunyaan Malaysia dan tidak nampak ianya akan diservis kat Monggolia. Kapalselam itu akan diselenggarakan di Malaysia di mana adalah lebih besar kemungkinannya kaum kerabat & keturunan sumpah7keturunan ini akan terbabit jika dibandingkan dengan kaum kerabat Altantuya. Jadi nampaknya si sumpah7keturunan ini akan menyumpah kaum kerabatnya sendiri. Pikiaq sikit lain kali.

    Ni bulan puasa, menuduh orang makan komisen duit haram di blog ni adalah fitnah. Kalau betul, pi la buat laporan polis jangan main tuduh fitnah cam tu aje. Tak belajar agama kah fasal fitnah ni? lagi-lagi dalam bulan puasa ni.

    Dan jangan buat fatwa macam orang tak de akal, asal tak kena pada dia aje, maka itu haram. Piii daah!!

  20. […] indications are: 1. He did not accompany HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah of Selangor upon the reception and dedication of KD Tunku Abdul Rahman on […]

  21. Bro, di mana Tun Mahathir? I heard that he wasn’t even invited? Betul ke?

  22. […] dan wajar dilihat sebagai menghina DYMM Tuanku. Ini tidak menjadi misteri kerana sebelum ini, Khalid tidak hadir mengiringi baginda dalam majlis rasmi dan baginda pernah meluahkan ketidak puasan… atas cadangan Pemerintah Negeri Selangor berhasrat menggunakan wang zakat untuk […]

  23. […] Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong? Shouldn’t the Menteri Besar himself do that? Then again, the Menteri Besar has in the past demonstrated his inappropriateness, with regards to his position to HRH Sultan of Selangor and HM Seri Paduka Baginda Yang DiPertuan […]

  24. […] baginda. Isu ini jelas merenggangkan hubungan antara baginda dan Khalid dan jelas apabila Khalid tiada meringgi baginda dalam upacara rasmi gilang gemilang menyambut kepulangan kapal selam sulung TLDM KD Tunku Abdul […]

  25. […] dan majlis gilang gemilang itu dihadiri sendiri oleh DYMM Seri Paduka Yang DiPertuan Agong, Khalid tidak mengiringi baginda Tuanku. Ini adalah sesuatu yang amat luar biasa, terutama melibatkan lawatan rasmi DYMM SPB YDP Agong ke […]

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