Riong Kali: Agenda ‘Bunuh’ Boss untuk Singapura?

Dilemma perlantikan MB Terengganu kebelakangan ini dan kemungkinan akan merebak menjadi krisis perlembagaan ini sebenarnya permasalahan politik, yang ada peluang diselesaikan dengan berunding. Malangnya, media menjadi dalang dan membawa isu ini menjadi keruh dan rumit.

Jika dikaji, perlantikan MB Terengganu dan seterusnya Exco Kerajaan Negeri sebenarnya mempunyai banyak masa lagi (iaitu tempoh maksima 60 hari selepas Pilihanraya). Namun begitu, isu ini diberikan liputan media begitu luas dan seolah olah ‘memalu gendang’ (drumming up supports) untuk membangkitkan emosi rakyat, dengan bertopengkan segala sudut sudut universal seperti ‘demokrasi’ dan sistem ‘Raja Berperlembagaan’.

Jalan rundingan belum lagi habis diterokai (exhaustive), namun begitu cara akhbar dan stesyen TV, terutama anak syarikat Media Prima seperti NST, TV3 dan NTV7, seolah olah secara intensif memaparkan pihak istana ‘tidak munasabah’ dan gagal menghormati Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Rujukan rujukan perundangan dipaparkan bersama, untuk memperkuatkan hujah berbanding fungsi sebagai pelapor berita. Kenyataan demi kenyataan media dipaparkan saban hari. Ini tidak lain dari proses untuk ‘memutar belitkan’ (spin) maklumat dan propaganda.

Bukan payah untuk menelah, siapa dalang dibelakang ‘putaran belit’ (spin) maklumat ini. Nama yang akan terpapar dalam minda orang ramai ialah Kalimullah “Riong Kali” Masheerul Hassan (Peluang terakhir Malaysia mengunakan nama tambahan kepada Kali ini ialah “Bentong Kali”, seorang penjenayah ganas-notorious!). Timbalan Pengerusi dan Mantan Ketua Pengarang Kumpulan NSTP ini ialah seorang ‘pakar putar belit’ (master spinner) yang cukup diketahui umum.

Methodologi beliau ialah memperkudakan segala saluran yang ada untuk propaganda dan mengeruhkan keadaan, apabila emosi rakyat di’palu’ dan ‘main’kan. Ini terutama apabila UMNO/BN mengalami kekalahan teruk di 5 + 1 negeri dan prestasi buruk dalam negeri dalam PRU 12 baru baru ini dan isu ini di’perkuda’kan sepenuhnya untuk mengalih perhatian (diversion) rakyat.

Sebelum ini, Negara sudah melihat keberkesanan rancangan strategik propaganda Riong Kali untuk ‘membunuh’ kareer politik Boss sendiri, perlahan lahan dan begitu konsisten dan terancang. Secara tidak langsung, UMNO/BN yang Boss sendiri terajui di’bunuh’ sama, secara sistematik.

Contohnya, siri propaganda NST, TV 3 dan NTV 7, terutama projek projek korridor ekonomi yang rata rata dirasakan “tidak masuk akal”, dicanang canangkan sehingga rakyat menjadi mual. Kempen berterusan ‘keterbukaan dan mengkritik dalaman’ yang dijana NST dan TV3, sebenarnya memburukan keadaan dan makin menjadikan keyakinan rakyat, terutama mereka yang terpelajar dan urbanit, makin tiris. Dalam masa kempen PRU 12 sendiri, cara dan penampilan kenyataan memburukan (demonise) Mantan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim dibuktikan menjadi menjadi produktiviti songsang (counter productive); “Senjata makan tuan”.

Sudah diketahui ‘siapa’ dan ‘bagaimana’ dalam plot strategik ini. Kini, persoalanya ialah ‘kenapa’?

Riong Kali merupakan personaliti yang amat dikaitkan rapat dengan Singapura. Beliau merupakan korresponden Straits Times di Malaysia untuk sekian lama dan dalam masa yang sama, menjadi penulis ucapan PM ‘Flip Flop’ Abdullah. Sebelum itu, beliau pernah ‘gagal’ saringan agensi ‘keselamatan’ Negara seperti Cawangan Khas Polis dan Kor Risik ATM apabila beliau mula mula diambil sebagai Setiausaha Akhbar Allahyarham Tun Ghaffar Baba semasa menjawat Timbalan Perdana Menteri 20 tahun dahulu.

Riong Kali juga pernah dikatakan meminta Kementerian Pelancongan dan semua agensi dibawahnya untuk “Memberikan kerjasama sebaik mungkin dengan Singapura”, terutama dari sudut media, kunun kunun ‘arahan’ Perdana Menteri semasa PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menjawat kedudukan No.1 itu empat tahun lalu.

Kemudian menyumbang secara langsung kepada ketirisan keyakinan rakyat kepada Malaysia Airlines, hanya untuk menjadi ‘kelebihan’ (advantage) kepada Air Asia. Akhirnya, teka teki hubungan beliau dengan pemilik Air Asia terjawab apabila Tony Fernandes diumumkan sebagai pemegang saham dan pengarah ECM Libra, terutama setelah Riong Kali “bermain wayang” dengan pengumuman penjualan kepentingan beliau dalam pengambil alihan korporat paling kontroversi dekad ini, pada Ogos 2006.

Awal 2006, Riong Kali membenarkan karikatur menghina Rasulullah S.A.W. dipaparkan dalam NST. Cara dan putar belit (spin) NST mengenai reaksi rakyat apabila Projek Jambatan Indah Mengantikan Tambak Johor bermula April 2006 masih lagi segar dalam ingatan rakyat. Jun 2006, beliau membohongi rakyat Malaysia dalam kolumn mingguanya mengenai isu “Tun Dr. Mahathir bertemu PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah’ di Tokyo”. Artikel artikel yang ‘membelakangi’ Kehakiman dan pro-minoriti dan golongan liberal, seperti kes Lina Joy pada Mei 2007 juga tidak membantu ‘keyakinan’ majoriti rakyat dan golongan urbanit kepada Kerajaan.

Apakah Riong Kali dengan secara sengaja, membawa kegagalan keberkesanan Media Prima sebagai alat propaganda tradisi ‘swasta’ untuk bertindak sebahagian dari perancangan menjahanamkan kareer politik Boss, UMNO dan/atau BN? Atau Riong Kali kini menjadi ‘tali barut’ Singapura untuk secara strategiknya menjahanamkan sistem politik Malaysia, yang diterajui oleh UMNO dan ini sebahagian proses ‘Pengkolonian Semula Barat’ (melalui Singapura dan saluran media, pencetus pemikiran rakyat)?

Kalau pun tidak, ‘pengkhianatan sistematik’ Riong Kali kepada Boss dan UMNO (selaku Tuan Punya) sudah menjadi sebab relevan beliau wajar dan patut dipecat!

Published in: on March 24, 2008 at 20:15  Comments (17)  

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  1. Tinjauan Bigdog bertajuk “Riong-Kali agenda-bunuh-boss” adalah sesuatu yg cukup relevan jika diteliti segala pergolakan dan perkembangan yg telah dan sedang berlaku.Jika Pak Lah mentadbir negara berlandaskan nasihat dan penglibatan pegawai2 yg berpengelaman dan terlatih dari dalam Perhidmatan Awam dan lain lain jentera Kerajaan dan bukannya mendengar atau mengikut telunjuk anak menantu serta kuncu2nya,maka peristiwa kekalahan yg memalukan dan kekecohan dalam pentadbiran tidak akan berlaku.

    Pada masa yg sama jika dilihat perkembangan AirAsia yg dengan senang dapat memaksa Kerajaan membina LCCT dalam hanya 6 bulan, berinya peluang perhidmatan luar bandar di Sabah dan Sarawak dan tidak beberapa bulan serah balik kpd MAS dengan 6 dari tujuh kapal terbang tak boleh dipakai, dalam sekelip mata pula telah dapat kebenaran dari Kerajaan untuk adakan penerbangan KL S’pura yg akan merugikan MAS dan juga KLIA.

    AirAsia sedang mendapatkan kebenaran untuk penerbangan terus dari Kota Bharu, Kuantan, P Pinang ke S’pura. Ini adalah untuk akhirnya membunuh MAS syarikat penerbangan negara. Siapa dalam dan belakang AirAsia jika tidak Riong Kali dan KJ.

    Yang hairannya mengapa mereka ini begitu berani dan gah dalam menjalankan berbagai rancangan mereka dan kelihatan juga pihak berwajib saolah olah tidak ada kejantanan hendak menegur mereka ini. Apakah PL menepis segala laporan mengenai ancaman dari kegiatan kegiatan mereka ini kerana sudah terlalu taksub dengan mereka yg sekelilingnya?

    Keputusan PRU k 12 telah mengelincirkan sebahagian dari rancangan Riong Kali & Co. sekali gus adalah satu hikmah kpd rakyat Malaysia. Keputusan ini menggerakan kewaspadaan dikalangan rakyat yg prihatin dan yg ingin tahu. PL jelas tidak menghormati Kedaulatan Raja Raja. Dia sudah tersilap kira atau tidak tahu kira bahawa kpd oang Melayu kedudukan Raja masih di sanjung apatah lagi selepas keputusan PRU yang menunjuk masa depan Melayu sudah dicabar.

    Pihak luar yg menyusun atur strategi untuk menggugat kestabilan dalamam Malaysia melalui kuncu2 tertentu pada satu tahap mungkin telah berjaya tetapi telah tersilap kira bahawa orang Melayu tetap berpegang teguh kpd Islam dan Raja Raja mereka. Dan BUKAN semua orang Melayu termasuk golongan marhaen boleh dibeli.

    D Trengganu semua orang tahu Deris Jusuh hanyalah orang suruhan Patrick Badawi. Jika PL ke Tr dia akan diekori oleh Patrick sahingga tak beri peluang kpd Deris untuk mencelah. Tak mungkin pihak Istana tidak tahu dan tidak nampak. Mengapa PL masih tidak sedar dan mengambil jalan biasa orang Melayu dan Islam untuk adakan musyawarah dan bersemuka. Dalam keadaan sudah tidak kuat lagi mengapa perlu terus sombong.

    Tepuk dada tanya selera!

    Terima kasih untuk respons yang konstruktif ini

  2. tgk ni hah

  3. Good take on a media spin gone massively awry. But you need to translate this piece, man. Your Malay ain’t exactly easy to understand!

  4. Yapchongyee,
    5a Prinsep Road,
    Attadale, WA6156
    Email :
    Blogg. :



    I have been trying over a period 2 years to publicise the abuse of power by Court of Appeal Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali. She adjudicated my wife’s case Re : Originating Petition No. D2-26-41 OF 2001 ; Lim Choi Yin v. McLaren Saksama (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd

    I graduated in law from the University of Singapore in 1967 and practised at the Malaysian Bar from 1968 to 1978 when I emigrated to Australia. Therefore, I do have a professional knowledge of the law of Malaysia.

    In 2001 my wife took out a petition in the KL High Court and the said petition was adjudicated by Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali. She abused her power as the presiding judge and acted to AID & ABET THE THREE respondents Stephen Lim Cheng Ban, Wong Kem Chen and Kwong Sea yoon. The respondents perjured in their supporting affidavits applying for security for costs and Stephen Lim in a subsequent and 2nd APLICATION FOR STRIKING OUT SAID PETITION supported his application for striking out with documents that were clearly forged but Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali unjustly forbid & refused my wife’s application for leave to cross examine the respondents both for PERJURY & FORGERY on their supporting affidavits; in spite of my wife’s affidavits charging respondents for the said criminal offences and she supported her supporting affidavits with COPIES OF 3 POLICE reports charging respondents with perjury & forgery

    Please take particular notice that the security for costs was enforced by respondents and my wife paid to respondents ringgit 60,000 in accordance with terms of court Order; and after payment of said security for costs; judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali went on to approve the respondents 2nd application for striking out of petition WITHOUT EVEN AN ORDER TO SET ASIDE THE ORDER FOR SECURITY FOR COSTS. For the purpose of this letter only because I intend to publish this letter on the internet I will charge Judge Dato Zainon binti Mohd. Ali for having committed the OFFENCE OF MALFEASANCE Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali is deemed to have committed the offence of Malfeasance because she refused to give leave to my wife to cross examine the respondents Stephen Lim Cheng Ban for fabricating false evidence, perjury, in the case of Wong Kem Chen and Kwong Sea Yoon for perjury. She also is deemed to have committed Malfeasance when as refused to set down said petition for hearing AFTER MY WIFE HAD PAID RINGGIT 60,000 TOWARDS ENFORCING ORDER FOR SECURITY FOR COSTS. Please take note that the offence of Malfeasance is committed by the act of omission and in this case, the most obvious case is that of her refusal to set the petition for hearing AFTER SECURITY FOR COSTS IS PAID.
    I have openly stated that Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali is because the EVIDENCE THAT WILL CONVICT HER FOR THE OFFENCE ALREADY EXIST IN THE COURT FILES OF SAID PETITION’ namely, the 2 conflicting court orders for security for costs and order for striking out said petition existing together and without any order for setting aside of the 1st order for security for costs. I have done this so that it will be a defence for anyone who will publish this letter that he is stating the truth.


    I read in Mr Din Merican’s posts that your excellency had written a book that touted the need for judicial independence (although I have not read your book), and I am publishing this letter on the internet. You have been appointed by PM to restore the DIGNITY AND PROFESSIONLISM AND ETHICS OF THE MALAYSIAN JUDICIARY. From my perspective there is no need to reform anything because the laws of Malaysia is sufficiently adequate to be the basis of a just and law abiding society, BUT WHAT IS NEEDED IS RESPECT OF THE LAW BY HIGH COURT JUDGES AND THE MANDATORY ACCOUNTABILITY TO ENFORCE THE LAW AS IS. In this sense Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali must face criminal prosecution for malfeasance for the moment and others later.

    I need to quote 2 passages from a posts in Mr Din Merican’s blogg. ;

    (1)The final test is whether our judges are legal experts. An independent judiciary would be meaningless if judges were incompetent in applying the law. For the judiciary to inspire public confidence, its membership must reflect excellence. Lawyers who are deemed distinguished legal specialists by their peers and the Bench would then feel honoured to have been selected.

    To recite all my charges made against Judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali is much too long because I have made too many posts on my own blogg at; suffice to say that judge Zainon binti Mohd. Ali’s knowledge of the law is ZERO,! ZILGE ! For all my charges that are posted on my blogg relating to the total INCOMPETENCE AND ABSENSE OF LEGAL LEARNING OF JUDGE ZAINON BINTI MOHD. ALI I WILL HAVE NO PROBLEM TO DEFEND MYSELF BASED ON THE DEFENSE OF TRUTH.

    YAB TAN SERI Zaid Ibrahim, you will have no problem if you are truthful and sincere to want to reform the Malaysian Judiciary because the laws the ENFORCE JUDICIAL INTERGRITY & PROFESSIONALISM IS ALREADY IN PLACE, ONLY THE WILL OF THE BN GOVERNMENT TO ENFORCE IT REMAINS.

    (2) The second point that I want to make is : Last and definitely not the least is “integrity” and he went on to describe what I believe is lacking in our judiciary: integrity to Viscount Kilmuir, extends beyond not taking bribes but includes more subtle “integrity of the intellect” which means never advancing a dishonest argument,or shirking awkward facts just because they raise difficult problems.This 2nd point is self explaining and need no commentry.
    This letter will be sent to YB Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah, leader of the opposition and YB Miss Fong Po Kuan MP for Batu Gajah.
    Sincerely, yapchongyee
    All Copies will be faxed except for those with their own blogg and this letter will be posted there.
    Copy : The Attorney General, Malaysia, Chief Judge Malaya, President & Secretary Bar Council of Malaysia, to all legal practitioners randomly.

  5. nyah saja atau masukan ISA..penjarakan beruk2 ini baru negara aman…….dajal telah turun…..dajal2 lebih dipercayai dari orang2 jujur…..ya allah selamatkanlah negara kami dari beruk2 dajal di kabinet dan negara kami…amin

  6. he shall change his name,, what a shame drinking wine in his own bangsar restaurant

  7. […] post info Oleh globalmalau Kategori: Uncategorized Riong Kali: Agenda ‘Bunuh’ Boss untuk Singapura? […]

  8. For once, whether Kali & his gang an their free rein constitute an appalling security threat-cum-economic plundering must be properly addressed.

    Until now, PL, who’s been urged to step down, have played dumb. We would like to know, whose hands have been tied by who?

    Since GE12, somebody somewhere continues to pass vote of no confidence in PL.

    Is it true that his days are numbered bro? Has he got an exit plan, one which will let him and his cohorts go unpunished?

    Can you please enlighten us on this?

  9. Dear BD,
    Hope you can publish this story after your edit .An introduction to The Man called Ahmad Said under my pen name SirTopa…Dr Ruslan


    I come from Kijal and by that virtue ,the right to tell of this person by the name of AHMADS SAID is all mine .As for all of you ,take your sit as the fight shall start soon.Its going to be an interesting fight as in blue corner we have all the giantS of UMNO vying for his blood and he is the underdog (Tumpang lalu BigDog!!),in this one sided match.

    Nevertheless this is the best fighter Terengganu people has to offer with full blessing of our dear Tuanku Sultan Mizan.He carry all the aspiration of Terengganu people on his tiny shoulder.

    We ,the Terengganu people ,though small in number,little in possession and unpolished in presentation would swim float or sink with him as this man is not a ‘penderhaka’ to our Sultan for sure.For this we take a great pride in him ,cheer him up and I for one would not go fishing today as I been given the honour of holding the pail for him to spit on from his bloody mouth should the match extended to 15 rounds.

    Before you place your bet its best that you know that this small boxer Dato’ Rais Yatim described ,
    “shall fall like ‘buah nangka buruk” is far from it.
    Fall shall he not be…. the people of Terengganu shall glorify him as the man who stand again the tide for us.If Dutch people has a boy who saved the city by plugging his thumb in the hole,this hero in Ahmad Said shall be remembered as the man who plugged the hole of our treasury from the raiders fr the fourth floor whoever they might be.PakLah!! can you here this??

    Ahmad Said by any form of measure wouldnt qualify as person of high civil and docile disposition nor does he presented himself as enlighten religious figure that would put people in awe in his presence.A medium height in presentation and of a feature that certainly wouldnt launch a thousand perahu in this part of fishing village in Terengganu.

    On a first look he could have passed of as any average goodlooking fisherman in Kijal but this is a certainly a good outlook to fool his enemy.His uppercut is the worst ,be forewarned,as his many enemy would attest to, especially so when the swing start from lower gravity angle that would leave many of his opponent knock-out silly on the first round itself.

    One thing I am very sure of,he never back off from any fight ,to him matter not your weight division is ,what matter is, he would like to put his opponent to sleep.That s why people are clamouring to see his fight.

    He had stepped on many toes whilst carrying out his duty and to his enemy he is so called by Terengganuan as ‘orang tak leh wak kira’ loose translation as someone who does not go by the book or someone you cant count on whatever way it means.

    His first came to prominence in the day when Dr Mahathir had Dato’ Eric Chia as blue-eye-boy playing the role of lordship in his small kingdom of Perwaja in Kemaman.No one dare to go against EC as to do so would certainly bring the wrath of Khan in the form of Dr Mahathir himself.

    Dr Mahathir spent the night in Perwaja refurbished cabin on his state visit of Terengganu rather than official state home .So much trust were given to EC that no other voice mattered to him.It would be unthinkable to anyone to step on Lord EC’s toes then, as his mere whining would cascade into loud crusendo that would certainly cause much displeasure to Dr Mahathir.You wouldnt want to wake him up ,would you? And this EC was certainly a cry baby that would whine at a drop of a hat.He knew Dr Mahathir would order to change the maid should he find this particular baby had a simple rash for want the change of diaper so to speak.Such was EC domain and audicity.

    Stepped on Lord EricChia’s toe he certainly did!!he did it with a bulldozer for sheer completeness.

    The reason being that,TEC had built houses without any approval from Majlis Perbandaran helmed by this tiny boxer of ours in red corner ie.Ahmad Said.Tan Sri built things so ridiculously dangerous and nobody dare to do anything about it.Drains were built on the electric cable tracts without any care to the danger it would pose to future occupants, all with the mantra that things need to been done urgently and Tan Sri cant stand the beurocracy ribbons that the Pembandaran posed to them.

    On hindsight none of that was true,it was done in hurry much like a robbers running away from the scene of the crime….in real great hurry!! Tan SriEC had certainly robbed the people of Terengganu,the last I heard even the Penyu hadn’t stopped crying.

    He ordered the house bulldozed as it deemed dangerous .Apparently the bulldozer sound was heard in far off room in KL during cabinet meeting in KL .Dr Mahathir asked ,”Who is this Ahmad Said of Kemaman?”.Apprently DSAI fended him on that day …this is the same small fighter that you see now standing on red corner with an oversize short.

    He is a big fan of bulldozer this Ahmad Said.In Kijal we seldom see bulldozer as development was quite rare in this small corner of Ganu. The first bulldozer he saw as a child fifty odd years ago, must have left large impression on him .

    He was famous for bulldozing a mosque in Kijal, which was built without approval and he solved it by bulldozing it as the the best method he know how.Nevertheless it was not the first and the last.

    The first bulldozing event that involve bulldozer and an unapproved building is the one done on the first week he helmed Majlis Perbandaran Kemaman.The buildings is HIS own father small shop that was built without proper paper.From that day onwards Ahmad Said has been going around doing his merry buldozing way to what he thinked was improper and not according to the rule.Who are we, the people in Kemaman , to argue with him when you realise that even his father cant reason with him when he set his mind to it.That why I believe this ‘Orang Dok Leh Buak kira’was moulded by unfolding events to be the saviour of Terengganu as he would stop the rape and sodomy of Terengganu by people like Khairy and Patrick Lim.

    As peoples like this two are ‘orang dok reti basa'(the people who wouldnt stop the their bad deeds when we politely asking them to stop)need to be handled by this’Orang Dok Leh Wak Kira’in the form of our redcorner boxer ie.Ahmad Said.If at all,Dato’ Idris stand in the way from him reaching these two stooges ,rest assured that Dato’Idris shall be ‘bungku’sed as any nasi dagang would be ‘bungkus’ed as well.

    By now ,I believe he had graduated from his bulldozing way into a guided missile in his singularity of purpose He is so primed tuned to this mainevent that if his whole political career has been used to prepare him for a boxing match,this must be the match that he has been waiting for,the mother of all the matches.

    If I am a betting man ,I would place my bet on this Ahmad Said .Not that I am bias or anything ,but if single man dare to stand up against PakLah and thumbed his nose to tell him that “Dont you Dare Question My Sultan” ,he has my full support ,thats the least I can do as a loyal subject of the Sultan of Terengganu.

    Prime Minister can come and go and they can carry along wealth accumulated during their office through the exit door…nobody can stop them as they have their self interest and inlaws to look after …but the Sultan would stand by us through good or bad time .For now he entrusted this little boxer in the form of Ahmad Said to fight for us …and we Rakyat Terengganu shall stand by him.

    …And the bell for the first round had just been sounded,go AS go ,Go AS go !!! Thats the cheer of Terengganu people and please give your support to our underdog.


  10. Selepas membaca satu komentar hari ahad tulisan En Kalimullah yg begitu memuji2 Dr Ling Leong Sik, saya terus membatalkan langganan harian akhbar NST saya. Perkara tersebut telah lama. Rasanya pada 2004. Namun rasa pahit di tekak saya masih tak boleh hilang hingga sekarang. tak sangka. orang macam itu pun ada. manusia tak tahu malu. … arrghhh.. ptuiii..

  11. cakap apa pun takguna, dia dok tidoq

  12. those who supported Idris are the traitors of the country. 2nd verse of Rukun Negara clearly states; Kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara. and yet they went against the Sultan aka Agong’s wish. they deserve some kind of punishment, seeking forgvieness wont be enough as damaged has been done and the Ruler has in a way, been insulted by these bunch of people.

  13. […] Within this week, one of the Press Secretary Wan Esuryanti was leaving her post. Khairy took to the task to interview Dato’ Ainon Ahmad, a former NST journalist, for the job. PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah’s trusts for his aides like Kalimullah “Riong Kali” Hassan, had actually propelled him on a self-destruction mode, prematurely. […]

  14. […] ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah is now bestowing an award fit for a national hero to a much talked about Singapore intelligence service operative in this […]

  15. […] under evil media lord Kalimullah “Riong Kali” Hassan, NST spun so many stories designed to make PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah […]

  16. […] When he was at the helm of NSTP, Riong Kali attempted to demonise Fourth Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, a Statesman who has been admired and adored for his bold criticism against PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah poor administration and family’s ‘invisible hands’. His ulterior motives reflects his propensity to ‘work’ for the Singaporeans. […]

  17. […] of NST, which used to be the ‘voice of Malaysia in the English speaking world’. The ‘destruction’ of the ‘voice’ and the institution of the Malay leadership wou…of an evil axis-of-pseudo-power in the region.  He was even proven to have used NST to […]

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