Pulau Batu Puteh bukti jelas Kepimpinan malapetaka PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah gadai negara dan maruah bangsa

Jumaat 23 Mei 2008 merupakan sejarah hitam dalam proses pengkolonialisasi semula Malaysia. Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa yang berpusat di The Hague, Belanda memutuskan bahawa perbalahan 28 tahun keatas Pulau Batu Puteh diberikan kepada Singapura untuk hak pemilikanya.

Tidak cukup maruah rakyat Malaysia tercemar dan kedaulatan negara diperlekehkan dengan keputusan ini, kini ada pula Menteri Kabinet cuba menyalahkan Negarawan yang begitu berjasa dalam tanahair dengan desakan lantang kepada kuasa kuasa besar dan mengkritik pemimpin lain sebagai punca negara tidak dihormati dan kes ini adalah illustrasi yang baik.

Laporan Utusan Malaysia:

Berhati-hati supaya kes Pulau Batu Putih tidak berulang

KOTA BHARU 24 Mei – Kerajaan diminta agar lebih berhati-hati pada masa akan datang bagi memastikan hak kedaulatan kawasan dan wilayah negara ini kekal terjamin di bawah kekuasaan Malaysia.

Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Zaid Ibrahim berkata, langkah itu perlu supaya kes seperti kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih tidak berulang.

Katanya, kerajaan perlu belajar dan mengambil iktibar daripada keputusan Mahkamah Keadilan Antarabangsa (ICJ) yang menyerahkan kedaulatan pulau tersebut kepada Singapura.

”Mengikut hakim yang membaca penghakiman dia mengatakan kita tidak mempunyai rekod yang baik dan tidak melakukan sesuatu yang seolah-olah menunjukkan itu hak kita.

”Kalau itu benar apa perlu dipelajari, kita harus berhati-hati dan jaga hak dengan baik supaya tidak lagi menghadapi perkara yang sama,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Mesyuarat Agung Persatuan Wartawan Melayu Kelantan Kali Keempat di sini hari ini.

Beliau mengulas keputusan ICJ di The Hague, Belanda semalam yang menyerahkan kedaulatan Pulau Batu Putih kepada Singapura.

Dalam penghakiman kira-kira sejam 45 minit itu, ICJ turut memutuskan bahawa Middle Rocks yang terletak kira-kira 0.5 batu nautika di selatan Pulau Batu Putih menjadi milik Malaysia, manakala status satu lagi bentuk maritim iaitu South Ledge akan menjadi milik negara di perairan mana pulau itu terletak.

Zaid berkata, keputusan tersebut tidak menimbulkan masalah besar kerana Malaysia dan Singapura mempunyai hubungan yang baik.

”Tidak jadi masalah kerana hubungan kita dengan Singapura sangat baik khususnya sejak Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi jadi Perdana Menteri.

”Ini hakikatnya negara mempunyai hubungan yang baik dengan negara-negara lain kerana Datuk Seri Abdullah tidak suka hentam pemimpin sana sini,” katanya.

Apa yang berlaku ialah sebaliknya. Wakil wakil yang dipilih negara untuk menghujahkan kes pemilikan rasmi Pulau Batu Puteh (nama antarabangsanya Pedra Branca) adalah lemah dan tidak bersungguh sungguh dalam persediaan. Ianya adalah umpama “Seorang yang menulis surat memberitahu bahawa beliau tidak lagi meminta hak keatas satu bidang tanah yang asalnya milik nenda beliau dan dengan surat itu, orang lain membawanya ke ICJ untuk memohon hak keatas sebidang tanah itu”.

Ini semua berlaku kerana Kepimpinan PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi amat lemah dan sangat mudah dipermain dan pergunakan oleh semua pihak, terutama anasir anasir luar.

Apa yang berlaku seterusnya? Iskandar Malaysia adalah projek pembangunan terancang 2,600 km persegi dilancarkan dimana Singapura, sebagai negara industri akan meraih keuntungan besar. Semua program program industri yang menjadi penyokong dan pembekal huluan tulang belakang industri ‘bernilai tinggi’ (high value industries) seperti ICT, elektroniks, bio-teknologi, pasaran modal dan perkhidmatan professional akan dipindahkan ke Johor. Oleh itu, segala isu yang Singapura tidak mahu terlibat seperti alam sekitar dan keperluan buruh akan menjadi masalah Johor.

Ini lebih jelas apabila PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah mempelawa Singapura duduk dalam jawatankuasa bertindak peringkat pegawai tertinggi dalam isu isu perancangan dan keputusan strategik Iskandar Malaysia melibatkan soal imigresen, alam sekitar, pengangkutan dan sumber manusia.

Iskandar Malaysia juga akan menjadi hub barangan yang berasal dari Israel dipakej semula di Singapura dan diedarkan kepada dunia Islam berjumlah lebih 250 juta dirantau ini dan dalam fasa seterusnya, kepada 1.1 billion umat Islam lainya dengan segala kemudahan pengimportan tanpa pemeriksaan, dokumentasi dan sekatan (seamless movement of goods) kedalam sempadan Malaysia melalui mana mana pintu masuk Selatan.

Wakil wakil (nominee) Yahudi Zionis juga bebas membeli hartanah dan memiliki syarikat dalam Malaysia, melalui syarikat yang mereka labur dalam Iskandar Malaysia. Buktinya, Haliburton, syarikat yang mendapat begitu banyak perolehan lumayan dalam episod penaklukan dan penghambaan Iraq, kini mempunyai kilang beroperasi di Johor.

Sebelum ini, Pengerusi Panel Penasihat IDRA Tun Musa Hitam sudahpun mengumumkan bahawa Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB) tidak akan dilaksanakan dalam Iskandar Malaysia dan apabila ditanya bahawa apakah ini permulaan (DEB) akan tidak dilaksanakan keseluruh negara pula, PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah menjawab “Ya”.

Samada debat dimana semua ini dirancang dan beliau sebahagian dari perancangan untuk mengadai negara dan maruah dan kedaulatan negara (melalui rancangan licik ‘Tingkat Empat’) atau beliau merupakan seorang pemimpin yang dungu dan bebal, ianya tidak menjadi keutamaan lagi. Sekarang sudah tiba peringkat TERLAMBAT untuk PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah terus menerajui dan mempunyai kuasa mutlak membuat keputusan!

*Perkembangan dikemaskini 8.30pagi

Peguam Matthias Chang mempunyai pendapat berikut mengenai konspirasi Yahudi Zionis dan menyusup melalui kes seperti Pulau Batu Puteh ini:



by Matthias Chang

Singapore Got The Mansion

Malaysia Got Some Rocks Which Cannot

Be Used To Put Up Even A Kampong Hut


We won half and Singapore won half. So I

Say it’s a win-win situation …”



Summary of Criticism

1) The Legal Team

I am a lawyer and had studied International Law for my Bar Exams in 1975 under the distinguished Professor Ian Brownlie C.B.E. Q.C. member of the English Bar, Chairman of the UN International Law Commission, Emeritus Chichele Professor of Public International Law, University of Oxford, member of the Institut de droit international, Distinguished Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford.

Ian Brownlie is the “leader” of the foreign team advising the Singapore government. A brilliant choice!

(a) Foreign Component

The foreign component of the legal team of Malaysia and Singapore are internationally renowned experts in international law and I have no doubts that they discharged their responsibilities admirably. But tactically, the Singapore “foreign component” had a critical advantage in that Ian Brownlie is the Chairman of the UN International Law Commission, and Mr. Alain Pellet is a member and former Chairman of the UN International Law Commission. And Ian Brownlie is not just a brilliant Lawyer (Q.C.), he is also a lawyer who has a profound grasp of geo-political issues.

To dispel any misperceptions and misunderstanding, I am not suggesting that they can influence the ICJ judges, but having served in such a critical position, Ian Brownlie and Alain Pellet have the inside track on the current thinking and or the approach of the ICJ in such disputes. After all, the UN International Law Commission sets the direction and the development of international law. I am therefore not surprised that Singapore went the extra mile to secure their services – a brilliant strategic appointment.

This dispute is not a mere dispute of ownership and sovereignty over some patches of rocks etc. but a strategic battle for control of territorial waters and sea lanes.

(b) Local Component

Both countries for obvious reasons had Ministers to provide the political imput and the critical linkage to their respective Prime Ministers. But, it cannot be said of Abdullah Badawi, our Prime Minister that at all material times, he was “hands-on” in this strategic battle with Singapore – especially when he had conceded so many issues to Singapore (the bridge, airspace, the Iskandar project etc.).

Singapore had a battle-ready Commander-in-Chief, whereas Malaysia’s leader was sleeping and out of touch.

Once again, I must praise Singapore for their brilliant tactical move in having the Chief Justice Mr. Chan Sek Keong as part of the legal team. It reflects the seriousness and total commitment of Singapore to win this case at all costs!

Why was having the Chief Justice as part of the legal team another brilliant strategic appointment?


A good advocate does not necessarily make a good judge. But a judge knows the inside workings of the judiciary and how consensus is established amongst judges in arriving at a decision. Therefore, in submitting on behalf of Singapore, the Chief Justice would know how to play to the strength and weaknesses of judges and would be able to offer critical advice to the rest of the team. The Judges of the International Court of Justice must have been impressed by the presence of the Chief Justice. I stand to be corrected, but this could be the first case in which a Chief Justice appeared before the Court. Even if I am wrong on this score, it can be said without fear of contradiction that it would be very rare for a Chief Justice to advance a case for his country.

My US$ Trillion dollar question is – Where was our Chief Justice when it was apparent that Singapore would be using all their “heavy” weapons?

Sad to say, our Judges, including the Chief Justice were all too busy fighting among themselves for the coveted top three jobs in the judiciary to be bothered about this mundane affair. It has no significance to them. I am not surprised that they took the attitude, “this has nothing to do with the judiciary, we judges hear cases, we do not partake in advocacy – even if the country’s strategic interests are at stake.”

We may dislike Singapore and disparage their system of administration, but there is one thing we must admit and learn – when they go to battle, any battle, anyone from the highest to the lowest can be and must be recruited if it serves to ensure victory. Should we be surprised that we keep on losing to Singapore?

The independence of the Malaysian Judiciary is meaningless, if at such critical juncture it is not able to play any role at all. Leadership is sorely lacking!

The Malaysian Bar Council is likewise irrelevant. It is so arrogant and conceited that it cannot see beyond its ugly nose. Like the judiciary, it is a den of vipers and its primary aim (as reflected by the conduct of past and present Chairman) is to promote it’s preferred slate of judicial candidates for higher office.

(c) The Research Component

If the research component is the same as the one that was assembled to do battle with Singapore on the Water Dispute, then I am not at all surprised that we lost this crucial battle to Singapore.

In both cases, Tan Sri Abdul Kadir Mohamad was the point man.

The team that advised the then Prime Minister (which is almost the same team as the present one) took the view that Malaysia had a weak case. The Prime Minister was so disappointed in their collective attitude that he instructed me to embark on an independent research and to ensure that no stones were left unturned.

Working close to 18 hours a day for a week, I was able to compiled 14 volumes of critical documents (approximately 1,500 pages) and assembled a team of senior practicing lawyers. The critical document (and our nuclear weapon) was the letter written by none other than Mr. Lee Kuan Yew that no documents, notes, letters, memos etc. exchanged between Malaysia and Singapore will be binding as they were written on a “without prejudice” basis, and that unless and until a formal agreement has been signed by the respective Prime Ministers, nothing is deemed agreed!

When this crucial letter was brought to the attention of the said legal team (which they were not aware) they sheepishly conceded that Singapore had no case against Malaysia!

I do not know whether the team has learnt a lesson from that experience and that for this case, a more thorough effort was mounted. I certainly hope so. But I have my doubts, as Tan Sri Kadir Mohamad is still the point man. In fact, he was appointed by Abdullah Badawi as the “Adviser” and on my retirement as Political Secretary to the then Prime Minister, he moved in and occupied my then office.

2) The Legal Arguments

1) Introduction

For the purposes of this article which is written for the benefit of the public, I do not intend to provide an exhaustive analysis of the judgment of the International Court of Justice. But, I would like to highlight some salient points which will expose the perverse conclusions of the said court that “sovereignty over Pulau Batu Puteh passed to Singapore” as a result of events in the last eighty (80) years.

From the submissions of the respective parties and the judgment of the Court, it is clear that Malaysia and Singapore adopted the common strategy of having all or nothing in determining whether it has sovereignty over:

a) Pedra Branca /Pulau Batu Puteh

b) Middle Rocks

c) South Ledge

as they are “geographically linked”.

Pulau Batu Puteh is a granite island measuring 137 m long, with an average width of 60 m and covering an area of about 8,560 sq m at low tide. It is situated at the eastern entrance of the Straits of Singapore, at the point where the latter open up into the South China Sea. Pulau Batu Puteh is located at 1º 19’ 48” N and 104º 24’ 27” E. It lies approximately 24 nautical miles to the east of Singapore, 7.7 nautical miles to the south of the Malaysian state of Johor and 7.6 nautical miles to the north of the Indonesian island of Bintan.

On the island stands Horsburgh Lighthouse which was erected in the middle of the 19th century.

Middle Rocks and South Ledge are the two maritime features closest to Pulau Batu Puteh. Middle Rock is located 0.6 nautical miles to the south and consists of two clusters of small rocks about 250 m apart that are permanently above water and stand 0.6 to 1.2 m high. South Ledge, at 2.2 nautical miles to the south-south-west of Palau Batu Puteh is a rock formation only visible at low tide.

I trust that you will now agree that Singapore was given “the mansion, while Malaysia was given some rocks which stand only 0.6 to 1.w2 m high”! In short, Malaysia was given crumbs to save face! But our current Foreign Minister says that it is a win-win situation.

How stupid and ridiculous can one get? Freaking a#@hole!

2) Applying Imperialist’s Logic

a) Ownership by Sultanate of Johor

After reviewing the history of the Johor Sultanate and the Dutch and British rivalry for control of South East Asia and the insidious role of the East India Company as an instrument for colonial conquest and occupation, the Court concluded:

“The territorial domain of the sultanate of Johor covered in principle all the islands and islets within the Straits of Singapore, including the island of Pulau Batu Puteh. It finds that this possession of the islands by the Sultanate was never challenged by any other power in the region and can in all circumstances be seen as satisfying the condition of ‘continuous and peaceful display of territorial sovereignty. The Court thus concludes that the Sultanate of Johor had original title to Pulau batu Puteh.”

The Court then reviewed the Imperialist Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824 wherein the two colonial powers divided South-East Asia into two separate spheres of influence. The argument by Singapore that by this time the islands in the Straits of Singapore (including Pulau Batu Puteh) were terrae nullius and therefore subject to appropriation through “lawful occupation” was rejected by the Court. The Court concluded that notwithstanding the aforesaid Treaty:

“that as of the time when the British started their preparations for the construction of the lighthouse on Pulau Batu Puteh in 1844, this island was under the sovereignty of the Sultan of Johor.”

b) The 21st September 1953 Letter

On 12th June 1953, the Colonial Secretary of Singapore wrote to the British Adviser to the Sultan of Johor on the status of the island. We know that at the material time, British Advisers had tremendous influence. Why was there such an enquiry when it was very clear that the Sultan had ownership and sovereignty over the island at all material times? The British using this subterfuge must have been preparing the ground for a letter to be issued disclaiming sovereignty over the island. In a letter dated 21st September 1953, the Acting State Secretary replied that “the Johore Government did not claim ownership of Pedra Branca.”

Surely, if the Sultan was indeed disclaiming ownership and sovereignty to the island, any reference would be that of Pulau Batu Puteh as the island was known as such to the Sultanate. The fact that the letter used the Portuguese name of Pedra Branca is evidence that the British contrived to issue this letter. The letter did not say that it was the Sultan that was disclaiming sovereignty. It was the Johor government, which was under British control. Thus we had a situation whereby a British administration in Singapore was writing to another British administration in Johor as to the status of an island belonging to the Sultan and by a stroke of a pen, hijacked the island for their own strategic use.

The Court, applying Imperialist logic dismisses Malaysia’s contention that “the Acting State Secretary was definitely not authorized and did not have the legal capacity to write the 1953 letter, or to renounce, disclaim, or confirm title of any part of the territories of Johor.”

The Court applying bizarre logic then concluded:

“In the light of Johor’s reply, the authorities in Singapore had no reason to doubt that the United Kingdom had sovereignty over the island.”

This is perverse Imperialist logic! Why should the Sultan for no rhyme or reason and out of the blues disclaim or renounce sovereignty over the island? This the Court never explained.

It is abundantly clear that the ICJ used this letter as the main basis (giving its historical context) for their majority decision that sovereignty passed to Singapore. The other secondary reasons (issue of maps) relied on by the Court which of itself are never ever sufficient and or conclusive to support a claim for sovereignty as they can refuted by other countervailing documents.

I am fortified in my view as one of the judges, though agreeing with the majority opinion that Singapore has sovereignty over the island observed that the Court failed to appreciate impact and consequences that at the material time when the letter of 1953 was issued, the Sultan of Johor was under the “colonial control” of the British Colonial administration. I quote:

“While relations between sovereign colonial Powers fell within the ambit of international law, it is difficult to argue that dealings between the United kingdom and the Sultanate of Johor were based on relations between sovereign, equal subjects of international law. Thus, the sovereignty acknowledged to indigenous authorities was inoperative vis-à-vis colonial Powers, the authorities’ sole obligation being to submit to the will of the powers. Under these circumstances, the Sultan of Johor could not broach the slightest opposition to a decision by the British.”

Judge Parra-Aranguren was more devastating in his dissenting opinion and considered that “the findings made by the Court in the judgment demonstrate that judicial reason can always be found to support any conclusion.”

This is indeed a grievous indictment as to the integrity of the judgment and the judges that formed the majority opinion. I believe that this may be the first time that a fellow judge has questioned in such a dramatic way the integrity of the judgment of his fellow judges.

I wonder whether the Malaysian Bar and its Chairman, Ambiga has the courage of its convictions to expose this perverse judgment. In his dissenting judgment, Justice Parra-Aranguren supported my contention that the Court applied imperialist logic with regard to the effect and implications of the 21st September 1953 letter.

Additionally, the said judge exposed the fact that the conclusions offered by the majority opinion contradicts and are in conflict with their own findings of fact. For example, the bulk of activities of alleged “Singapore control” over the island was post 1953 and that both parties had agreed and the Court found that 1980 was the critical date for the purposes of the dispute as to sovereignty over the island.

Therefore, Singapore was only “actively involved” in the island for about 20 odd years. Yet, in an earlier decision in 2002, the Court handed down a judgment that a period of 20 years of activity is “far too short” a period to establish sovereignty [case: Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria, ICJ Reports 2002, page 352]

Such activities cannot in law undermine historical title, which title was acknowledged as having being with the Sultan of Johor. There is the added confusion in the said judgment [para 222] in that the Court expressly acknowledges that “ownership is in principle distinct from sovereignty.”

This is where I believe the Malaysian team screwed up big time. The judge observed that at all material times, the Sultanate of Johor used the term “ownership” and not “sovereignty”.

The judge also observed that there have been a few instances where in international litigation, “ownership” over territory has sometimes been used as “equivalent to sovereignty”. Be that as it may, the fact remains, that “ownership” and “sovereignty” are two distinct and separate concepts!


This article written for the public cannot encompass the entire legal arguments in support of my contention that the judgment of the ICJ is perverse.

There are urgent lessons to be learnt from this case. But I am not hopeful that Malaysia will more vigilant in protecting itself from predator states like Singapore from hijacking our lands.

This case seems to rest on the same principles in which Israel was founded. The myth and propaganda [specifically by Golda Meir] for the creation of Israel in Palestine was that Palestine was a land without any people, and that the Jews were people without a land.

Therefore, it was right and proper to take the land away from the Palestinians.

Singapore do not have enough land for its people. It has attempted to reclaim land even on the island of Pulau Batu Puteh, besides the use of the strategic lighthouse. Singapore claims that Johor has no sovereignty over the island. Therefore, the island belongs to Singapore.

This is Zionist fascist logic.

Matthias Chang

24th May 2008

Kuala Lumpur

Published in: on May 25, 2008 at 06:04  Comments (33)  

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33 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Besides treachery, I have only 4 letter words for the House of Badawi and the man that came from the back door, Zaid Ibrahim.

  2. since this has already been decided…and our team lost the mansion and gain a sand pit for kindergarden kids…i would love to see singapore reclaim land process on its extended territorial waters…so when i wake up then next 30 years…i will see that the size of singapore has grown to the size of Kedah.

    I would be very happy man not because i am pro singapore…but because it is a direct slap on the face for our stupid leaders who do not know sh&#! about strategies.

    they can bitch and wail and curse by using the race cards, and what not…at the end…this stupid country will end up being a laughing stock of the world…



  4. so easy to buy org melayu. duit. duit. duit. Politik cari makan. Ayam menang kampung tergadai. senang sungguh beli org melayu. kata islam, bila puasa boleh tahan makan, nampak dan kasi duit, pasti org melayu sanggup jual tuhan, mak bapak dan negara. Padan muka aku.

  5. Now or never. WPI project must be stop. Clearly Abdullah and the gang are selling Malaysian right to Singapore. This is too much. We have to come out with petition what so ever to canx WPI and reinstate crooked bridge.

    I hate Pak Lahab..

  6. saudara big dog,

    this was inherited from even before tun m’s time. clearly if we follow the case it wasn’t something that only took place in the last 4 years. it was just bad timing for the guy. surely you can differentiate that.

    furthermore, it’s nothing new, 1511, 1641, 1824, 1965 and now 2008, a new revision is to be made to Sejarah Malaysia in secondary school textbooks.

  7. Real interesting. I wonder whether Malaysian Bar or Chairman Ambiga has anything to say.

    Well crumbs for Malaysia if thats what we want. Have the cheek to say win win,real nonsense. Have a good sleep ABB & men.

    Thanks Matthias Chang

  8. There is a saying, “if you are not sure, don’t show your last card and keep on bluffing!”

  9. It might not be a good idea to keep using arguments forwarded by Matthias as he has very little credibility among intellectual circles. This conspiracy theory spewing dude is affecting Mahathir’s credibility, which Mahathir doesn’t have much of left.

  10. BigDog,

    Apalah yang hendak dikeluhkan di atas kehilangan Pulau Batu Putih yang kita lawan di mahkamah antarabangsa. Iskandar Malaysia tu kita serahkan bulat2 diatas dulang Emas kepada musuh kita. Tak payahpun masuk court.


    What makes you think that the govt of Badawi’s appointment wasn’t a strategic one? If the main objective was to lose to a golfing buddy, then I’d say the govt’s choice was equally strategic that met it’s objective.

  11. Matthias is nothing but a sour grape. He is also jealous of Singapore, something which he inherited from his political master, Mahathir, who now has an additional axe to grind against Pak Lah after the crooked bridge, and the Iskandar development region. Anyway almost about everyone knows of Matthias’ lack of credibilty among the intellectuals. Carry on barking up the wrong tree Matthias!

  12. I was very dissapointed with Malaysia’s decision to use manipulated picture from an unknown website (appeared not longer before the hearing). The ultra stupid ghani must be thinking that the judges at ICJ can be easily fooled using the same tactics malaysia use via TV3, RTM.

    I was also dissapointed that Ghani’s son is part of the team as both father and son do not know much about law.

  13. Sdr BGDC,

    Mengenai Pulau Batu Putih,

    Dalam kes kehilangan Pulau Batu Putih, kita rasa sangat sedih dan marah kerana hak mutlak kita terlepas ke tangan pihak asing yang sentiasa “bermusuhan” dengan kita.

    Namun hakikatnya kita juga memakai wajah yang sama seperti Singapura bila kita memenangi kes Pulau Sipadan dari tangan Indonesia.

    Saya ingin menarik perhatian sdr bahawa dalam kedua-dua kes Sipadan dan Batu Putih, juga kes yang menjadi rujukan ICJ di Semenanjung Scandinavia, isu yang digunapakai oleh ICJ ialah “siapakah yang menduduki, mengawal dan menyelenggara” sepanjang masa tertentu sesuatu kawasan itu adalah diiktiraf sebagai “pihak yang empunya” kawasan tersebut. Fakta-fakta sejarah tidak memberilangsung.

    Persepsi oleh ICJ ini tidaklah pelik kerana berasaskan komposisi panel hakim yang majoriti terdiri daripada bangsa eropah, sememangnya bangsa eropah ini sinonim dengan doktrin penaklukan mereka.

    Sejarah telah membuktian bahawa bangsa eropah akan menggunapakai doktrin sesiapa yang mengawal, menguasai dan menyelenggara sesuatu wilayah, maka mereka mengisytiharkan wilayah itu menjadi hak milik mereka.

    Doktrin ini terpakai sejak zaman Christopher Colombus yang menawan benua Amerika Utara dahulu hingga ke zaman perang British Argentina merebut kepulauan Falkland.

    Lihat sahaja bila Colombus mendarat di benua Amerika, dia terus sahaja mengisytiharkan benua itu miliknya. Begitu juga yang berlaku di benua kecil Australia, New Zealand, Palestin, Falkland, Asia Tenggara, India, Asia barat dan Afrika.

    Yang berbezanya, di Asia Tenggara, India, Asia Barat dan Afrika, rakyat pribuminya bangun menentang penjajahan mereka. Oleh kerana penentangan yang berlanjutan dan memberi kesan yang besar keatas mereka, akhirnya mereka lari keluar daripada wilayah-wilayah yang dikuasai mereka. Manakala, di Amerika Utara, New Zealand dan Australia, tentangan pribuminya amat lemah dan akhirnya tidak bermaya maka regim penjajah eropah tersebut terus mengisytiharkan wilayah tersebut adalah hak mereka.

    Doktrin pendudukan wilayah seperti inilah yang digunapakai oeh ICJ dalam semua keputusannya berkait dengan isu tuntutan bertindih oleh dua negara berselisih pendapat.

    Dalam kes Pulau Sipadan pun sama juga walau pun Indonesia mengemukakan fakta sejarah, tetapi ICJ lebih melihat siapa yang ada diatas pulau itu dalam tempuh tertentu sebelum kes itu sampai kepadanya.

    Senario inilah yang berlaku di Pulau Batu Putih. Sejak hari pertama Singapura mengendali aktiviti disitu baik ketika dibawah British hinggalah Singapura dalam Malaysia dan setelah keluar Malaysia, tidak pernah ada usaha oleh baik PM Tunku, Tun Razak, Hussein Onn atau PM Mahathir untuk mengambil alih aktiviti diatas pulau tersebut sehinggalah ketika Malaysia membuat peta persempadanan Malaysia, ia telah mengundang bantahan dari Singapura dengan mendakwa Pulau itu miliknya. Semuanya leka dan membiarkan Singapura meneruskan aktivitinya disitu walau pun telah mendapat isyarat yang jelas.

    Jadi dalam isu Pulau Batu Putih ini, aliran keputusan ICJ telah dapat diramalkan sejak awal lagi bersandarkan kes Pulau Sipadan.
    [Jadi mungkin bolehlah diterima pada tahap ini situasi menang satu, kalah satu seperti yang dimaksudkan oleh Rais Yatim, walau pun bukan dalam kes yang dimaksudkan.]

    Setelah kita melihat arah aliran ICJ ini, mulai sekarang kerajaan Malaysia mestilah bertegas keatas mana-mana wilayahnya yang ada kepentingan Singapura, mestilah dinyatakan dengan tegas dengan melahirkan tindakan nyata bahawa sesuatu wilayah yang hak kita adalah hak kita. Jangan dibiarkan seorang pun warganegara mereka mengendalian apa-apa perkara walau pun perkara itu merupakan kepentingan mereka. Khabarnya Pulau Pisang juga ada kepentingan mereka disitu.

    Semua kepulauan Malaysia yang tidak berpenghuni mestilah didirikan struktur yang boleh mempamerkan bahawa wilayah itu adalah hakmilik Malaysia. Perkara ini tidaklah aneh kerana kerajaan Malaysia telah pun melakukanya di kepulauan Natuna yang mana ia menjadi satu kawasan tuntutan bertindih beberapa buah negara. Malaysia dengan segera telah mendirikan struktur di terumbu Layang-layang sebagai satu tanda bahawa itu adalah kawasan milik Malaysia.

    Kerajaan Malaysia mesti bertindak segera keatas semua kepulauan miliknya. Tidak cukup dengan hanya membuat pemetaan sempadan sahaja kerana proses pemetaan ini perlu mendapat pengiktiran pelbagai pihak daripada semua negara jiran hinggalah ke Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu. Dalam proses pemetaan sempadan inilah timbulnya bantahan dan pertindihan.

    Dari itu sekali lagi disarankan supaya kerajaan dengan segera mengambil tindakan serta merta mempamerkan penguasaan keatas semua pulau-pulau milik Malaysia supaya tidak akan putih matalagi dimasa hadapan.

    Bagaimana pun pendapat Zaid tidak boleh diterima langsung. Hubungan baik antara dua negara adalah perkara yang sangat berbeza berbanding dengan hak pemilikan atau kedaulatan. Baik macam mana pun, hak kita tetap hak kita dan perlu dipelihara dan dihormati.

    Walau pun kita beremosi, tetapi bukan pemangku SUJ sahaja yang bersalah. Tunku, Tun Razak, Hussein Onn, Mahathir dan Abdullah juga ada saham masing-masing dalam kes ini.

  14. Chan Sek Keong was the AG before he was appointed as CJ taking over from Yong Pung How. So your reasoning was all wrong because he has spend most of his time as a Public Prosecuter. BTW he is also an Ex Malaysian being originally from Ipoh. According to Tun Razak, personalities like Chan SK and Yong PH are trouble drain from Malaysia and it is good riddance. Or can the government charge Chan for treason arguing a case for Harry Lee when he is a discarded Malaysian.

  15. Hi Matthias,

    Brilliant explanation, especially from the anti-imperialist point of view.

    However, based on that, can’t Malaysia appeal the decision?


  16. “the Acting State Secretary was definitely not authorized and did not have the legal capacity to write the 1953 letter, or to renounce, disclaim, or confirm title of any part of the territories of Johor.”

    hahahahaha, looks like we had Little Napoleons back then too hey?

  17. […] maka tidak ada apa-apa lagi, jatuhlah seluruh Tanah Melayu ke tangan Inggeris dan Belanda, dan kesan-kesan kejatuhan itu rupanya berterusan sehinggalah hari ini sebuah lagi harta pusaka nenek moyang dirampas bangsa […]

  18. what is pulau batu puteh compared to Iskandar……

  19. Tabik spring kpd sdr Matthias.

    Apakah ahli-ahli UMNO dan rakyat M’sia lain di luar UMNO rela terus membiarkan Musa dan Abdullah serta S’pura-Israel-US axis tanpa segan-silu terus bermaharaja lela?

  20. This case is really a joke. I followed through the whole live ludgement, and there is nothing intellectually or legally challenging in making a small white looking rock far off to Johor side away from Singapore to look Singaporean.

    Oops, i forgot. They have built a lighthouse there. And yeah, they land their armed forces there and built a helipad. Ah also, they pointed out that Malaysia did not have it in their map. Yeah.. go all the way to The Hague for this? Gimme a break.

  21. […] To dispel any misperceptions and misunderstanding, I am not suggesting that they can influence the ICJ judges, but having served in such a critical position, Ian Brownlie and Alain Pellet have the inside track on the current thinking and or the approach of the ICJ in such disputes. After all, the UN International Law Commission sets the direction and the development of international law. I am therefore not surprised that Singapore went the extra mile to secure their services – a brilliant strategic appointment.READ MORE HERE […]

  22. Get your facts right people! How can you blame Pak Lah’s management for Batu Putih’s loss? Gimme a break! Everybody knows the loss of batu putih is the collective responsibilty of past prime ministers since 1980, who was the prime minister then? And it is also correct that singapore insisted that malaysia never bothered to inspect or inquire about pulau batu putih since the 50’s.

    And is it Pak Lah’s fault that we lost because of a letter from the Johor state secretary who disclaimed ownership of the island in 1953?

    And therefore, I feel that blog title you put on is SOOOO baseless!

  23. Hi. Hm. Batu Putih’s loss eh? The issue is backdated to as early as 1980. Oh, right, you’re trying to say that Pak Lah was the sole person who decided that hey, you know what, 20 years down the road I’m going to be minister, so let’s start this whole batu puteh thing so that I get allll the credit in 2008.

    Wake up, folks. The entire issue is a result of a COLLECTIVE decision made by past ministers. Oh, wait. Don’t know what collective means? It means more than ONE person.

    So stop keeping your fingers on Pak Lah for the loss. Just because your great grandfather sinned doesn’t mean you should bear the entire burden of his repercussions, right?

    Is it me or Malaysians somehow don’t know how to think out of the one tracked mindset?

  24. We must presume the case of the 1953 letter from the ACTING Johore State Secretary (AJSS) must have been brought up by the Singapore side to establish this point to the judges at ICJ during the hearing in November last year.
    Just a simple question?
    Why did not the Malaysian side dig up and study the terms of the appointment of this AJSS to determine whether the AJSS has the authority to issue the letter in question?
    We lost the AJSS appointment letter???

  25. Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation 🙂 Anyway … nice blog to visit.

    cheers, Demoralizing.

  26. Slm..berkenaan komen oleh saudara kita Mentiga Said,setelah saya membaca artikel anda, 95% saya amat bersetuju.semuanya mempunyai agenda kepentingan strategik politik oleh orang2 tertentu..amat memalukan!!

  27. lupakan pulau batu putih. Jangan marah pada sesiapa. Apa lagi kepada PM kita. Yang penting ialah kita jangan peduli mereka lagi. Kenapa perlu menjemput mereka jika kita hendak membangun negara. Besar sangat ke pelaburan mereka. Aku tak ingin melihat singapura ada apa-apa kepentingan di negara ini. Kenapa maseh menjemput mereka lagi. Mereka adalah musoh yang nyata. Apa yang mereka lakukan mempunyai hasrat yang tersirat. Kenapa kita berkelakuan bodoh. Tanpa mereka rakyat tak akan kebuluran. Lebih baik ada hutan belantara daripada memberi musoh meneroka tanah kita. Jangan berkira untung dihari ini kalau anak cucu akan melihat gedung mereka kemudian nanti. Kenapa bangsat sangat kita mengajak mereka berkongsi Jawatankuasa membangun negeri sendiri.. Sudah tak terhiriskah hati kita dengan pelakuan mereka..Kenapa kita sudah tiada pemimpin yang mempunyai limpahan rasa tanah diambil orang tapi kita mengaku jiran tetangga..Pelaburan mereka ditanah kita adalah prinsip perluasan negara. Kenapa memberi peluang pelaburan mereka kalau kita tak dapat apa keuntungan dibawa kenegara mereka. Pelaburan mereka tak seberapa berbanding sakitnya hati kita. Biar aku lapar dahaga dari bersahabat dengan mereka. Dimana semangat pemimpin kita..Celakalah anak cucu kita kalau kita maseh tiada sempadan dengan musoh kita.Suatu hari nanti anak cucu kita akan berkata..Kita hilang segala-gala kerana tok nenek aku dahulu tiada semangat bernegara.

  28. Kita terlalu leka dan bersikap sambil lewa sehingga satu persatu hak kita dirampas.. Wahai bangsa Malaysia bersatulah kita. Tuhan maha adil..Allah sahaja yang tahu kebenaran dan kepalsuan..Dia akan mengadili segalanya dan Dia juga yang akan menjatuhkan hukuman…

  29. […] May saw more interesting events. The High Court ruled that the word ‘Allah’ is not exclusive to depict God by the Muslims only. Tun Dr. Mahathir, an UMNO member since 1946, announced his conditional withdrawal from the party. BigDogDotCom’s article was quoted by The Star and received its millionth visitor. Tun Dr. Mahathir urged BN MPs to leave the coalition, in attempt to drive PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah out of office.Then there is the humiliating defeat to the Pulau Batu Puteh case. […]

  30. […] such as the cancellation of the Scenic Bridge, the sale of GLC shares to Temasek Holdings, the ill prepared Batu Puteh case that turned into  a political tragedy and the cordial invitation of Singaporeans into the strategic planning of Iskandar Malaysia, […]

  31. […] 24, 2010 by jebatmustdie As I reminisce the days when Malaysia lost her territories such as Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore and the two oil blocks to Brunei, I just hope that events like these will never happen […]

  32. […] Abdullah already sold of the most valuable part of Johor off to Singapore and under his watch, negligently lost Pulau Batu Puteh. Then it is proven as what George Santayana once said, “Those who never learned from history […]

  33. pemimpin terleka seketika,anak cucu merana sampai bila bila..

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