Tun Dr. Mahathir speaking to students in Manchester

Former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is in Manchester, United Kingdom today. He will be speaking to Malaysian students, organized by UMNO Club Manchester.

The hall was filled to the brim with over 200 students, from all over the United Kingdom to hear him in person, especially after making scathing remarks asking PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to accept accountability for BN’s humiliating defeat in 5 + 1 states and reduced majority in the remaining states and resign, on 9 March 2008. It was the day after Malaysia concluded its 12th General Elections.

Yesterday, he was invited to appear on BBC Hardtalk, hosted by Stephen Sackur. The program will be made available in BBC World (Astro Ch. 512) on Monday, 21 April 2008 at 4.30pm (Malaysian time).

More information about Tun Dr. Mahathir’s speech in Manchester later. RTM and TV3 were said to want to interview him, after this event. It is expected that he will make a remark on PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s decision to give ejected Lord President Tun Mohamed Salleh Abas and five Supreme Court Judges ex-gratia payment for their untimely dismissal in August 1988.

*Updated on Sunday, 20 April 2008 1.30am

Tun Dr. Mahathir said, he is having second thoughts about Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak because the latter is ‘bowing’ down to PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah and not seen as “having the guts to stand against”, even on issues like the payment of ex-gratia to Tun Salleh and the five dismissed Judges.

The ex-gratia payment demostrated that the Government has no stand and do not abide by their own convention, but is able to be influenced by people representing minority interests, such as the Bar Council. Hence the ability do “Flip-Flop” decisions such as the abrupt cancellation of the Scenic Bridge project, the reinstatement of the double tracking railroad system (which was canceled, two weeks after asuming Premiership in 2003), the dismissal of the ‘Hindraf 31’ originally charged for attempted murder on a Policeman on duty and how the handling of the appointment of Menteri Besar of Terengganu.

He also explained that it was not him who sacked Tun Salleh and it was done in accordance with the law and provisions of the Constitution.

When asked on the sacking of Anwar Ibrahim from Government and UMNO in September 1998, he admitted it wasn’t personal and the victims who have been sodomised by Anwar admitted and complained personally to him.

Someone asked about the Constitutional provisions to limit the power of the Prime Minister, he elaborated the necessity of the concept on “Presidential Advisers” and give example that PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Abdullah is now getting advice and over reliance on information and decision making process from his immediate family.

When answering about him being labelled as “Ultra Malay” in 1969, especially post ’13 May 1969 racial riots’, he explained that what he did was ultimately for Malaysia. He was raised issues which were very pertinent about the Malays then, who were gravely underdeveloped. There was a serious need to develop the Malays, especially economically and a balance between the different ethnic groups was very necessary, as harmony was an important ingredient for the nation to move forward.

He also talked about blogging as the new age media and how blogging should be handled by the Government with ‘engagement’ and not ‘alienation’ and denial. Blogs, he explained is how the rakyat voice the feelings and opinion.

*Updated Monday, 21 April 2008 730am

The Star report on this event in Manchester:

Monday April 21, 2008

Dr M: Najib should not be PM


MANCHESTER: Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he had second thoughts about Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak becoming Prime Minister as Najib had failed to speak up about the real reasons behind Barisan Nasional’s losses in the general election.

The former prime minister claimed that Najib was not “brave enough” to directly say anything that was not liked by his boss.

“We see that he is a penakut (coward). He is always saying, ‘yes sir, yes sir, saya sokong, saya sokong (I support, I support).”

He said, when the prime minister blamed Barisan’s losses on sabotage, Najib merely agreed to it.

Dr Mahathir cited another instance when Najib gave his full support for Malaysia to build a bridge to Singapore despite the republic’s disagreement. But Najib suddenly changed his mind when Abdullah decided against the project, he added.

“I believe he should rightly explain the real reasons for Barisan’s losses in the election,” he said when asked on the reason for his change of mind about Najib after giving a talk on “Malay, Malaysian and Malaysia: Challenges Ahead” at the University of Manchester on Saturday.

Dr Mahathir had earlier this month withdrawn his support for Najib to be prime minister but did not give his reason for doing so.

“I’m not so confident (about him taking over as prime minister). Even so, it all depends on Umno to appoint the person to be prime minister.

“Najib will have to face competition from others such as (Tan Sri) Muhyiddin Yassin, (Datuk Seri Dr) Rais Yatim, you never know.”

He, however, said if Abdullah were to step down now, it would pave the way for a smooth transition as Najib would succeed him in accordance with Umno tradition.

Dr Mahathir also felt that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim would not be the sole candidate for Prime Minister if Pakatan Rakyat were to win in the next general election.

He believed there were other candidates as well, saying PAS was eyeing the post while (DAP’s Lim) Guan Eng could be premier too.

“Anwar thinks he will be prime minister. It’s not that they loved him but it’s a marriage of convenience,” he added.

On the plan to set up a judicial appointments commission and the goodwill ex-gratia payments to six senior judges, Dr Mahathir claimed it was a political move to boost the government’s popularity.

He said there was no reason for the compensation because everything was done in accordance with the law.

“If they can show me the removal of (former Lord President) Tun Salleh Abas was against procedures prescribed by the law, please let me know,” he said.

Published in: on April 19, 2008 at 18:07  Comments (9)  

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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. PM Pak Lah ada kebolehan ‘twisted tongue’.CUEPEC kata Pak Lah setuju 5 perkara tuntutan seperti dalam pertemuan mereka.Tetapi Pak lah kata belum lagi dipersetujui dan masih dalam perbincangan.Ini betul-betul Flip-Flop

  2. Hello,
    Is it 4.30pm or am malaysian time please. Thank you

    BBC Hardtalk (Astro Ch. 512), Monday 21 April 2008 1630hrs (Malaysian time).


  3. the old Tiger gone to meet our students in the UK. hopefully they will got the clear picture of what is happening here in malaysia, even though from the old Tiger’s perspective himself.

    but things are so bad now, that only Mahathir’s words are taken seriously and have somesort of value.

    and ahh..about ‘value’..poor Cuepacs. they should have done two groups of people have done before. u know who the groups i am talking about.

    now, all the honoriums or ultimatums, gone down to the drain.

    and plus, they have to attend every gomen organised functions.

    ps- ceupacs, u should have be very careful to deal with that man.

  4. pak lah lebih sayangkan majlis peguam yang bilangan ahlinya tidak sampai 0.01% daripada bilangan ahli umno, walaupun dimasukkan sekali bilangan hakim2 yang sudah bersara atau dibersarakan. mungkin pak lah beranggapan, majlis peguam mampu memberikan sokongan kepadanya dalam pemilihan umno yang akan datang.
    orang yang tidak terlatih dalam perundangan pun memahami bahawa pemecatan salleh abas serta yang lain-lain dilaksanakan oleh tribunal yang ditubuhkan berasaskan undang-undang yang digunapakai dan sebarang perubahan terhadap tindakan tersebut juga haruslah berlandaskan undang-undang. tindakan pak lah menyanggah keputusan tribunal berkenaan nyata membelakangkan undang-undang dan boleh ditafsir sebagai memasuki perangkap yang dipasang oleh pihak majlis peguam sendiri kepada pihak eksekutif. apatah lagi, penubuhan tribunal berkenaan turut mendapat sekurang-kurangnya perkenan, kalaupun tidak sememangnya atas titah, oleh SPB YDP Agung ketika itu.

  5. tidak menyokong pemohonan maaf tapi bersetuju membayar saguhati/ pampasan!?….tidak mengaku bodoh tapi menyokong kebodohan!!mmmmm….sama tapi tak serupa!

    elok jugak kalau Pak Lah hadhari buat suruhanjaya pasal krisis 1988…boleh gak dengar apa hakim tribunal tu nak cakap,asyik dok gebang pasal hakim’teraniaya’takkan tak nak dengar hakim tribunal pulak bercakap! dan kalau PL ada ‘2 biji emas tergantung’boleh jugak panggil DYMM Yang Dipertuan Agung yg luluskan tribunal….itupun kalau dia beranilah!!

  6. Semoga Allah panjangkan umur TUN dan memberi kesihatan dan kekuatan kepadanya. Amin……

  7. Antara ciri-ciri utama seseorang pemimpin adalah sifat ‘berani’nya. Terutamanya untuk berani:-

    – Bersuara & memberi pendapat,
    – Membuat teguran,
    – Mengakui kesilapan,
    – Berdepan dengan musuh tanpa gentar,
    – Berkata & menegakkan yang benar.

    Sejak dari zaman muda sehinggalah kini, Dr. Mahathir tidak lekang dengan ciri keberanian beliau!

    Bolehkah ini disebut bagi para ‘pemimpin’ UMNO sekarang semacam Pak Lah & Dato’ Najib? Kalau ciri utama sebagai pemimpin iaitu ‘BERANI’ sudahpun ‘luput’ dari ‘kamus perjuangan’ mereka, maka bagaimanakah pengikut & orang-ramai hendak berteduh dibawah ‘payung’ yang bocor dan rapuh!?

    Sekarang ini ramai pula dikalangan para-pemimpin politik cuma lebih pandai atau ‘berani’ untuk menonjolkan-diri atau menunjuk-nunjuk sahaja untuk mencapai populariti! Itu bukanlah berani namanya tapi membuat kerja politik ‘Marketing & Promisi’ sahaja yang lebih! Rupa-bentuk sahaja yang lebih tapi isi tarak!

    Pada PRU-12, UMNO/BN sudah hilang banyak kerusi Parlimen dan Negeri, maka itulah sebabnya rakyat sudah muak & mual dengan ‘Marketing & Promosi’ UMNO/BN yang tidak berani dan berterus-terang untuk menangani isu-isu asas seperti kenaikkan harga barangan keperluan asas (petrol, minyak, bahan-binaan, makanan, dll.), kedaulatan & marwah negara (Jabatan bengkok Selat Johor), menyuarakan isu-isu antarabagsa (Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, tragedi 9-11), isu tekanan & penindasan oleh para-pimpinan UMNO (Pemilihan Perwakilan UMNO Kubang Pasu – tahun 2006), isu projek mewah (IDR, koridor Utara), isu penyelewengan (Monsoon Cup, ECM-Libra, Zon-Bebas Pelabuhan Kelang), dan berbagai lagi yang wajar diketengahkan!

    Jika Dr. Mahathir yang kini hanya menjadi ahli biasa UMNO telah berani tampil menegur, bersuara demi memperbetulkan keadaan yang kini dilihat sudahpun lemah & kucar-kacir didalam pucuk pimpinan UMNO, maka dimanakah pula ‘keberanian’ para-pemimpin UMNO untuk menyambut suara & teguran itu? Namun rata-rata, apa yang kita dapat lihat adalah sikap ‘bermain selamat’ dikalangan mereka!

    Orang-orang yang bersikap ‘bermain selamat’ adalah bukannya pemimpin, oleh sebab ciri utama seseorang pemimpin adalah BERANI! Ini jelas terbukti pada para pejuang & pemimpin sejati yang lampau. Apatah lagi ciri ini jelas terdapat pada junjungan kita Rasullullah SAW, dimana antara contoh sifat terpuji baginda adalah BERANI!

    Apakah ini boleh diperkatakan para-pemimpin politik kita diwasa ini?

  8. Mahathir 22 years regime brought nothing to Malaysia.
    He is above the law.That’s why Malaysia got
    a lot of problem.Under Badawi leadership, everybody
    is under the law. That’s why Malaysia problem was
    minimise.I would like to tell Mahathir,We are not from the cave.We are human.Please respect yourself
    and anybody else.Thank you.

  9. Please be informed that Kelab UMNO Manchester did not organize the talk by DR M. It was organized by Kelab Prihatin Malaysia

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