MB Pakatan Rakyat Selangor ‘Flip-Flop’!

Menteri Besar Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim membuat keputusan ‘Flip-Flop’ dalam isu pembinaan kuil Seksyen 23 Shah Alam. Setelah bertemu wakil penduduk Seksyen 23, Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor yang sebelum ini bersetuju setelah tekanan oleh Exco dan Wakil Rakyat Pakatan Rakyat etnik India dengan cadangan ini mengambil pula keputusan untuk membekukan ‘sementara’ pembinaan ini sehingga satu waktu yang akan datang.

Laporan The Star:

Published: Saturday September 5, 2009 MYT 11:00:00 AM
Updated: Saturday September 5, 2009 MYT 2:38:12 PM

Residents refuse to listen to MB; temple relocation plan shelved temporarily (Updated)

MB Selangor meets Seksyen 23

SHAH ALAM: A dialogue session here between Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim and Section 23 residents over the relocation of a temple turned unruly on Saturday.

This resulted in Khalid saying that the relocation of the temple in Section 19 to Section 23 would be shelved temporarily.

He, however, said the state government is looking for more suitable sites to relocate the temple.

Earlier in the morning, Khalid had a dialogue session with Section 23 residents to resolve the issue of the relocation of a century-old temple from Section 19 to Section 23.

He wanted to explain to the residents the reasons for the relocation and to find an amicable solution.

His explanation and that of the Shah Alam mayor Mazalan Md Noor fell on deaf ears as protesters and residents numbering some 300 constantly shouted and booed at them.

Also trying to explain to the unruly crowd were Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad, Batu Tiga state assemblyman Rodziah Ismail, and state development agency PKNS chief Othman Omar.

The dialogue session ended at about 12.30pm without any amicable solution due to the fracas.

Khalid announced that there was no final decision on the matter yet as an agreement could not be reached at the dialogue.

The dialogue was planned when residents of Section 23 here staged a protest last Friday against the Pakatan Rakyat-led government’s decision to relocate a 150-year-old temple from Section 19 to their Malay-majority area.

The protest sparked controversy when some of the participants brought along a cow’s head and left it at the gates of the state secretariat building.


Jelas kemarahan penduduk Seksyen 23 Shah Alam, termasuk berugama Islam tidak dapat dibendung lagi, walaupun dalam bulan mulia Ramadhan. Perkataan kesat seperti ‘Babi’ dihamburkan kepada MB Selangor Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. Mereka enggan mendengar penjelasan MB Khalid. Lihat juga laporan Agenda Daily.

Isu ini berbangkit apabila penduduk Seksyen 23 Shah Alam, yang terdiri dari orang Melayu dan etnik lain termasuk India menolak dengan keras cadangan pembinaan kuil ini dalam kawasan mereka. Alasan mereka ialah

1. Tidak sesuai dan menepati kepentigan masyarakat Seksyen 23

2. Kuil ini akan mengundang elemen yang bukan dari kalangan penduduk setempat

3. Sebelum ini, penduduk Seksyen 19 Shah Alam telah pun membantah cadangan membina kuil yang sama dalam kawasan mereka

Perkara ini berlaku kerana kempimpinan lemah Pakatan Rakyat, yang lebih berminat untuk mengambil keputusan populist melebihi kepentingan masyarakat, terutama majoriti. Pakatan Rakyat jelas lebih berminat ‘main politik’ dengan akur setiap kali berlaku tekanan berbanding dengan membuat keputusan berdasarakan perancangan khusus dan menimbangkan secara strategik keperluan dan kepentingan rakyat Selangor, bukan setakat Pilihanraya Umum (PRU) akan datang malah mungkin 20-30 tahun.

PKR sebagai tunggak Pakatan Rakyat Selangor menjanjikan pelbagai ‘habuan’ kepada pengundi dalam kempen PRU 12 pra-8 Mac 2008. Janji janji ini terbukti membebankan kepada Kerajaan Selangor kerana apabila dibuat PKR, mereka tidak langsung mengambil kira perancangan dan perlaksaan cadangan, sebaliknya hanya lebih berminat semata mata untuk mengambil hati dan meraih undi. Contohnya ialah pemberian percuma air sebagai 20 metre padu bagi setiap isi rumah.

Hari ini kita melihat bagaimana MB Selangor sewenang wenangnya membuat keputusan ‘Flip-Flop’ setelah penduduk pelbagai etnik Seskyen 23  membantah keras dan menunjukan kemarahan dengan cadangan pembinaan kuil ini. Gejala ‘Flip-Flop’ ini bukanlah perkara baru bagi Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor, semata mata untuk mengekalkan kuasa. Kes alkohol dan debat terbuka antara Exco DAP dan PAS Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor dan menjurus kepada  keputusan tidak konsisten beberapa minggu lepas. Dijangkakan lebih banyak lagi keputusan ‘Flip-Flop’ akan diambil apabila Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor apabila berhadapan lebih banyak cabaran ketidak puas-hatian dan kemarahan rakyat Selangor akibat perancangan dan perlaksanaan lemah kerana tindakan politik populist membelakangi kepentingan strategik.

Sebelum ini DYMM Sultan Selangor sendiri jelas tidak perkenan dengan beberapa cadangan Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor bawah MB Khalid, termasuk cadangan mengunakan wang zakat dalam perbelanjaan pembangunan negeri. Dengan episod ini, titah baginda DYMM Sultan Selangor sendiri mahu diselesaikan seberapa segera  jelas membuktikan agar rakyat Selangor “Jangan sudah terhantuk baru nak tergadah”. Bagi penduduk Seksyen 23 Shah Alam, keputusan ‘Flip-Flop’ MB Khalid hari ini bersifat ‘pembekuan sementara’ sahaja.




Published in: on September 5, 2009 at 15:45  Comments (88)  

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88 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Saudara big dog.

    Perkataan ‘Flip-flop’ ni sudah di’trademark’kan kepada umno. Kesungguhan saudara untuk cuba menggunakan perkataan ini keatas PR cuma jelas menunjukkan bahawa saudara ini adalah anggota ‘cyber-tropper’ umno yang ingin memburukkan nama PR di internet. Rakyat kini sudah lebih bijak, dan tidak akan terpedaya dengan propoganda BN.

    Kejadian hari ini adalah hasil polisi perkauman yang diguna-pakai oleh BN selama ini. Malah, masalah pemindahan kuil ini pun sudah bermula masa pemerintahan BN di selangor.


    • Bro, usaha pemindahan oleh kerajaan terdahulu telah diputuskan di seksyen 18. Malahan infra telah disediakan. Tetapi oleh kerana penolakan oleh penganut hindu bermahzab mariaman maka BN mengsyorkan tapak kerdua di seksyen 22. Mula2 diterima tetapi bila PR ( Penipu Rakyat ) menang maka penganut hindu mula menolak. Inilah dasar perangai yang berbelit-belit seumpama ular. Mereka bertambah galak bila ada jurucakap berbangsa melayu menyokong untuk mendirikan rumah berhala atas restu N.ajis sanggup berjuang utk mereka.

      Penduduk yg terdiri dari berbagai fahaman politik bangkit bersama menentang cadangan pemindahan kuil bermasalah ke seksyen 23. Tindakan jurucakap rumah berhala bernama khalid samad ibarat memindahkan satu masalah dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yg lain.

    • Kelakar laa kau ni,

      Jadi Pakatan Rasuah is untouchables ? . Adakah Pakatan Rasuah tak boleh kena kritik . Cyber troopers DAP macam kamu ni sangat kelakar laa . Tak boleh kena kritik langsung terus jadi macam beruk makan belacan .

      “Kejadian hari ini adalah hasil polisi perkauman yang diguna-pakai oleh BN selama ini. Malah, masalah pemindahan kuil ini pun sudah bermula masa pemerintahan BN di selangor.”

      hahaha , Kuil tu sebenarnya dah bersetuju nak pindah dari tapak haram tu . Tapi bila PR menang , ahli PKR yg racist ingin memindahkan pulak ke kawasan majoriti Melayu . Isu ni selesai jika mereka TAK menyalah gunakan kuasa yg ada dan memindahkan kekawasan Majoriti Melayu dan pindah ke tempat sebagaimana yg dipersetujui sebelum ini. Jadi siapa yg racist sekarang ni ???

      • mampus melayu kalau Barisan Najis (BN) memerintah lg di selangor…habis di sapu duit rakyat.

      • Aduhai Pakatan Rasuah ni , siperasuah jugak yg disokongnya dan pengkebas duit rakyat .

    • tee tee

      kamu ni kalau nak komen pun komen yg boleh diterima oleh pembaca

      flipflop ni kan ditujukan kat paklah bukanlah UMNO

      pada masa era Tun Dr M takde pun flipflop

      takkan lah sebab paklah (yg disayangi pembangkang) UMNO kena jenama flipflop pulak

      kami disini akan beri tee pangkat sebagai ketua “cybertrooper dap cum pr”

      amacam tee?

      • sama je pak lah dgn umno….pak lah kan ahli umno. perdana menteri lg….bodoh…

    • Wah boleh main-main trademark pula! Kalau nak trademark pun, biarlah betul sikit. Seperti kata Sdr. ray, yg flip flop tu Paklah bukannya UMNO. Nampak sangat kamu ni anti UMNO, macam teh kelat pula.

      Nik Ajis pun flip flop juga. Sebelum dan selepas Saiful bersumpah. Bandingkan juga Nik Aziz dulu dan sekarang. Lebih terang lagi bersuluh flip-flopnya. Tapi itu Nik Aziz bukan PAS ye? hehehe..

      Ramailah yang kena trademark ni nampaknya!

      – Antu Flop

  2. Apa yang belaku di Selangor bukan salah sesiapa. Semuanya berpunca dari Khairy Jamaluddin yang menjatuhkan Dato’ Seri Dr. Khir Toyo sebenarnya, bukan PKR, PAS atau DAP.

    Kita jangan lupa bagaimana KJ menggunakan Karam Singh Walia untuk menghentam habis-habisan dalam TV3 dalam isu pembangunan di Shah Alam dsb. hanya untuk menyingkirkan Dr. Khir Toyo untuk meletak proksi beliau sebagai MB Selangor (jika BN menang PRU12).

    Maka tempiasnya adalah BN/UMNO kehilangan kuasa dan ini lah padahnya !

    • Mimpi yg indah.

  3. membaca komen pro pembangkang disini membuatkan saya ingin gelak besar. orang lain berjanji orang lain yang kena tepati bila gagal orang lain pula yang disalahkan.

    topik perbincangan ialah kegagalan MB Selangor sekarang dalam kes kuil ini. kalau ada campur tangan orang lain pun, ini kan memang biasa. Biasa dibuat oleh PR dulu.

    Maka sepatutnya Si MB ini sudah tahu taktik dan permainan dalam hal sebegini. Malangnya beliau gagal. Maka terbukti juga bahawa duduk diluar Kerajaan tidak sama macam duduk dalam Kerajaan. Diluar macam2 janji boleh dibuat. Didalam Kerajaan baru sedar janji2 itu payah nak ditunaikan. Tapi peduli apa, Kerajaan sudah dia yang punya.

    • Porah…ingat rakyat bodoh….mcm lah rakyat tak tahu Umno nak sabotaj dailog. mcm beruk je jurucakap-jurucakap sek 23….bukan datang nak berdailog…datang nak tunjuk perangai beruk.

  4. Melayu dan Islam adalah puak MINORITY dalam PR.. so mana ada suara?

    • Saudara CAT

      “Melayu dan Islam adalah puak MINORITY dalam PR.. so mana ada suara?”

      Memang tepat pandangan Saudara.
      Melayu macam ini sekadar menumpang glamour di tempat orang. Tak ada banyak kuasa untuk menentukan hala tuju nasib orang Melayu, Raja Melayu dan Ugama bangsa Melayu.Mereka adalah sebagai melukut di tepi gantang didalam “pakatan of minority”. Tiga pukul satu(UMNO).

      Ingatlah Melayu. Mereka dengan sendiri tidak akan menjadi majority, tidak akan ada bisanya. Kau oranglah yang membuat mereka mendapat majority yang tipis. Sekarang mereka membuat huru-hara diNegara tercinta. Bayangkan apa akan terjadi apabila mereka dapat kuasa penuh.Munkin bangsa minority dapat berkuasa kekal tak payah bantuan kau lagi.Semua boleh jadi.

      Ingatlah bangsa mereka bersepah dan banyak yang melarat dinegeri asal mereka. With little or no incentive they may want to come over under all guises. (Remember they are worried that we bring in a lot of indonesian and muslim philipinos.) We never know.

      Undi yang ada, gunalah sebaik-baiknya, untuk Ugama, Bangsa dan Negara. Jangan guna untuk dendam, hasad dan dengki.

      Saya setuju UMNO tidak sempurna tetapi ini bukan caranya.


      • tak mampus lg umno….tak sabar nak tunggu..

  5. UMNO RACIAL/RELIGIOUS BIGOTS threaten to rape and kill non-Muslims in the name of Islam over the Hindu temple relocation issue and INSTEAD the MB of Selangor is blamed . Listen, we will get you in Bagan Pinang the 2,000 odd ATM votes are not going to save youR sorry UMNO ass there. There are almost 2,900 Indian votes in Bagan Pinang and they are more than enough to offset the postal votes.

    See, you curse the Hindus and now GOD is giving the Hindus in bagan Pinang a chance to teach you bigots a lesson in respecting the religions of others.


    • Aiseh Vinnan,

      Its improper to related the death of another person with this incident. 2 wrongs do not make a right.

      -Biasa dibuat oleh PR dulu.-
      Beri saya satu contoh dimana kepala lembu diarak oleh ahli PR semasa membuat demonstrasi. MB Selangor tidak patut dipersalahkan apabila begitu jelas bahawa insiden ini diperalatkan oleh sesetengah pihak demi propogandanya sendiri.

      Macam mana Melayu boleh menjadi minoriti apabila PAS dan PKR adalah dianggotai Melayu secara majoriti nya. Janganlah diumpan oleh propoganda BN yang ingin porak-perandakan masyarakat Msia.

      • “Janganlah diumpan oleh propoganda BN yang ingin porak-perandakan masyarakat Msia.”


        selama anwar dlm penjara, aman aje, sejak dia ni keluar, macam macam tunjuk perasaan, protest itulah, protest inilah

        tak habis habis nyusahkan rakyat biasa

        BN atau PR yg nak porak-perandakan masyarakat Malaysia?

        yg pegi kutuk Malaysia diluar negeri tu sape hah?

        hulloo buatlah selidikan dulu, jangan nak racun pemikiran pembaca kat sini

      • “Macam mana Melayu boleh menjadi minoriti apabila PAS dan PKR adalah dianggotai Melayu secara majoriti nya.”
        Memang pada hakikatnya mereka Melayu. Tetapi berbelah dua. Maknanya 1/3 stregth in the coalition lah ya. Kecil saja.Unless whatever PAS decide PKR sokong and out voted the other 1/3 and vice versa? I dont think so.


    • vinnan dearest

      it would be more beneficial:

      1) if you do some research work and verify how the funds for hindraf is spent

      2) help to eradicate the caste system as practised by some Malaysian indians, because many feel that this culture is truly DISCRIMINATORY and definitely unfair and against human rights

      rather than displaying your FRUSTRATIONS here and elsewhere

      you really appear in need of help in terms of psychiatrict treatment, seriously, you seem deeply disturbed for so long

      • oh ya vinnan

        #3 help those villagers in kampung buah pala, their case is more urgent

    • Vinnan,

      Every day I eat beef (lembu). Does that mean every day I eat your God?

      I think not, but if you say so, it means that I am bigger than your God LOL

    • Sad eh Vinnan, I was living in the estate for almost 30years.. SAW it all, who discriminated who in this order

      British treated you all like slaves, you are not even allowed a FOOT into their residence, otherwise, they banish your hold clan… higher caste treated you all as untouchables

      British gone, the Towkeys treated you all like the British treated them, coolies.. You are not allowed to set even a FOOT into their compound otherwise the whole clan will be banished and blacklisted, higher caste treated you all as untouchables

      Plantations many Malaysianised.. Lower caste promoted as Estate Managers, treat their same people like DOGS..Higher caste STILL continue treating you all as untouchables.


      Instilled dalam darah daging.. Tak pasai pasai mau cari pasai dengan MELAYU..

      Weeeii, mau cari makan jangan berbelit sana sini. I know all of you inside and out for the last 30years dengan kepala mata sendiri…Dey..Your famous words..

      “APA BOLEH BUAT, CARI MAKAN PUNYA PASAL”. Ungrateful Bastards.. nowonder the Brahmins, even after 2000yrs, still will not TOUCH you all!!

      • Dear CAT

        “Ungrateful Bastards.” Yes precisely.

        To think that they were the remnants of the baggages left behind. Yes their masters would not want to take them home and it was to late to send them back.(Their motherland already kicked the British out.)
        And our fore fathers knew who they were and thus the Constitution


    • Vinnan, why dont you see yourself talking. How does it feel being racist? Good, isnt it? Such hypocrites.

    • Threaten to kill? May be! Rape? no lah!


  6. satu saja nak diutarakan..kaum india tak sedar bahawa mereka hanyalah minoriti tapi berlagak seperti majoriti hanya kerana keputusan pilihanraya yg lalu,sepertimana kaum cina dan india bersatu,tak hairanlah org melayu pas dan UMNO bersatu satu hari nanti maka waktu itulah org india akan kepanasan,masih tak serik lagi dengan ape yg berlaku di sri lanka,mereka minoriti disana tapi menuntut kerajaan autonomi sendiri tapi selepas sekian lama apa dah jadi,kini penduduk tamil sudah dihapuskan terus dari muka bumi sri lanka,apa yang masyarakat antarabangsa termasuk negara berjiran yg besar India boleh lakukan..gunakan otak sebelum mengeluarkan kata2,tentera Malaysia 99% org melayu..tak perlu lah nak guna isu2 perkauman dan agama nak ugut org lain..sedarlah org India di Malaysia masih ketinggalan,pikirla macam mana nak memajukan diri..hari ini mungkin anda berbangga kerana dapat menjadi penentu kerajaan tapi ini juga akan menjadi punca kehancuran org India di Malaysia..dalam perlembagaan Malaysia langsung tak disebut tentang kaum India hanya disebut lain lain kaum saja.so insaflah…jangan lah berlagak bodoh sombong…

    • betul tu aku sokong apa yg kau ckp…member aku masa belajar kat oversea dulu org sinhalese sri lanka selalu tanya aku macam mana perangai org Tamil kat Malaysia…mereka di sri lanka cukup berbulu dgn org tamil disana…

    • Saudara malaysians

      “tak hairanlah org melayu pas dan UMNO bersatu satu hari nanti”. Amin. Itu doa dan harapan saya.


  7. masalahnya bukan UMNO/PAS/PKR,

    ia kerana buat kuil kat kawasan orang Islam.

    mana boleh orang islam solat kat kuit?

    yg taksub PR ni pun bangang…merapu mcm2.

    racis, bigot, terutama paria vinan.

    carila tempat hindu buat kuil.

    • Siap anak keling tersebut pertikaikan azan, nasib dia baik sebab dilarikan oleh penguatkuasa MBSA. Jika tidak tak taulah apa nak jadi. Si Khalid Rumah Berhala lagi satu haprak, sanggup dibandingkan Kaabah di mekah dgn rumah berhala di Malaysia.

    • ini sorang lg bangang….kalau ikut lojik kau…habislh masjid kt rumah aku. coz aku duduk tempat majoriti cina. bodoh.

      • Hang lagi la bodo dan dungu,
        Masjid dan surau merupakan tempat ibadah utk org islam, dah dijamin oleh perlembagaan. Yang anak keling tu pergi beli rumah kat kaw. perumahan majoriti melayu buat apa, ada lagi kaw. yg majoriti keling mcm di seri muda tapi dia tak beli… bangang punya keling. Asal ada pokok pi nak buat kuil, boleh claim 150 tahun, keling yg datang ke malaya pun belum sampai 150 tahun

  8. Kawan,
    Tengok video MB Khalid kena hantam “Cow cow”

    Kesian penduduk India sana duduk jatuh tersembam kena tarik kerusi. 1Malaysia = 1UMNO


    • perangai tak macam org islam. bulan ramadhan pulak tu. contoh buruk perangai umno.

  9. Biasalah bro..kaduk naik junjung ni..kata nak jadi champion..Buah Pala apa cerita ?? Kali ni kita bagi hancur je terus kalau jadi macam dulu..tak payah nak bagi-bagi muka..setakat korang menang undi apa ada hal..ko nak tengok cemana orang melayu mengamuk ke? Nak hina Islam apa hal..Kat Sri Lanka yg lebih kurang satu kaum tupun diorang tak nak bagi muka kat puak-puak Tamil ni..apa hal kita yg Melayu ni nak kena bagi muka lak..takpe kita tengok Bagan Pinang nnt apa cerita..jgn jadi mcm Ketua Kampung Buah Pala plak..bila kampung dah nak kena roboh..sibuk nak bodek PM dengan ayat ‘Perdana Menteri Malaysia yg prihatin’.. Poodah la pariah !!!!! Kahkahkah..padan muka korang.,undi parti yang taknak bela nasib korang pun..PADAN MUKA !!!

  10. Let’s get the facts correct – the Sultan had asked Khalid to resolve the issue and why did he do – defer the relocation; that shows what a kepala lembu he is, incompetent to resolve the delicate issue which his goons created. Now he looks for faults and blames the past administration. Keeping the issue at bay is just an excuse to capitalize votes for the forthcoming Bagan Pinang by election.

    I can’t link the connection between the cow head and religious sensitivities; the severed cow head was carried to the SS building and not to the temple. Those who insist in connecting the two issues are just like Uthuyakumar who is merely seeking political mileage. But some are worse; they and their vicious bloggers are just up to no good in wanting to stir up religious and racial sensitivities. The way the issue is played by Pakatan die hards demonstrates their immaturity as well as their skewed, narrow minded politics. Can the Pakatan ever lead the nation to peace, prosperity and economic development when much of their time is focus in manipulating minority sympathies regardless of the realities of the situation i.e you have been elected by the constituents to solve issues of the State and not to throw shit at the ceiling fan when it gets hot to handle?

    There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger is the Islamic creed. We Muslims don’t pay any heed to infidels who say “Allah is Great”.

    • Ouch! Certainly a prickly comment, anyhow whackthemugger, you are right in your own eyes and its my objective to ensure that you stay on that path.

      • A more ‘enlightening’ path I would say! and you can stay to be a nutcase, it is also right in your own eyes! heheehehe


      you call yourself a muslim ?? Behave like one then.

      • its those non muslim act like they’re . They only playing racially issue and insult islam . And they dont care about anyone except themself

      • and what are you Ziggy? care to take note of your own advice?

      • ziggy zig zig

        care to expound on the ways of the muslim faith

        or are you conveniently judging by your own narrow-minded standard

        halal to non-muslims means no pork no lard – this is the LOW standard of understanding

        so GIT OFF your high horse and scrammmmm

        we don’t need PSEUDO preachers

  11. Tak cukup2 keling ni dgn kuil yg bersepah2 merata2. Dah lah tu dekat2 pulak. Pergi tgk dekat taman botanic klang dkt dgn Jusco. Punyalah dkt kuil kecik dgn besar. Dahlah tu ambik tanah reserve TNB ke Sungai mcm tulah. Makin lama makin naik lemak hindu ni. No respect to other people tapi suruh kita hormat dia. Kepala bapak Samy vellu lah.

  12. India kena tangkap….seditious & haram bawak lilin. Nasib baik tak bawak kepala lembu…ke ke ke ke…

    • Kenapa malaun ni tak pergi Kg Buah Pala ???

    • Looks like an Indian street somewhere in India? Are you sure this scene was taken in Malaysia?

      The faces look the same, language also same! Don’t understand head or tail?

      • The WRG car should have rammed them! hehehe

    • Your comment shows you are very shallow in thoughts.

      • Ada si Nizar kat situ? Dia nih gemar betul mende2 majusi nih….

      • NOPE, not at all, no no

        zig zag zoo

        it shows that the silent majority are waking up or the sleeping tiger is awaken

        if your types are unhappy with the social contract, perhaps it should be rescinded in TOTALITY

        you know what that means??

        hurray no NEP, no crutches for Bumi

        but WAIT WAIT it also means no citizenship for the “dan lain lain” races, which means the chinese and the indians

        then the govt can send you off to siberia, north pole etc – pick your choice

        OR the govt can TAX TAX TAX all wealth and riches your clan earned over the decades

        also charge you for RENTAL of land used, factories built, school compounds, bungalows, terraces, condos etc etc

        and in ONE FELL SWOOPING move, Malaysia will be rid of ALL pendatangs and make $$$$ in one whack

        HOW’S zat for a deal?? BOLEH??

    • Well done Police. Well done DSP. You all handle it very well. No force yet they become like nothing.I am so proud of you.

      Thank you DSP. Thank you Tan Sri.


  13. why is it that in kelantan with 99% malays don’t have any problem where there’s sleeping buddha and also huge temples around???strange why more residents in more developed shah alam behave like this…..time for change….

    • It is totally irrelevant –

      In Kelantan – to be specific in TUMPAT – they dont move the statute from one site to another.

      Stay put and issues solved.

      • and also They dont build in Illegal land and claim it is been there for hundred years.

        The issue will be solved if the Temple Management not being a flip-flop about the relocated .

        # i dont kow we have two here . Sam and sam is different .

      • Then mendoza, pack up your things and move to Kelantan lorr…. right next to the buddha statue. Then they can use your house as a temple laa…

      • Very true. Perfect answer.


  14. Ini lah akibatnya apabila rakyat memilih berok untuk jadi wakil rakyat “you deserve it “padan muka

    • We totally agree with you.

      The maxim “The people deserves the Government they elect”, prevails.

      • Then respect the government the people elect and invite their leaders for the events that they should be invited to. Ok?

      • Again mate, wrong forum.

    • yup..aku rasa elok lg pilih toyol. supaya boleh menjarah rakyat selangor…hehehe


      Padan muka org Selangor!!!!

  15. Cadangan pindah kuil dibeku

    Begitu MB selangor beritahu

    Sehingga ketemui tapak baru

    Putusan politik yang berskeru

    Bukan kata ‘batal’ tetapi beku

    Bagai Seksyen 23 masih tuju

    MB gagal namakan tapak baru

    Gunalah tapak BN cadang dulu

  16. hello mndoza, kalau tak tau fakta don’t talk la. in kelantan there is a big population of malaysians of thai origin, a great majority of whom are buddhists. the wats and temples have been there since berzaman daaa..

    also, unlike hindus, they don’t simple letak kalungan bunga and idol at any big tree and turn it into a shrine. they pray at the wats. kelantanese thais beradab dan berhemah tinggi, let me tell you that..unlike err..never mind.

    when they wanted to build the huge sleeping buddha pun, they didnt demand kena buat tengah-tengah kota baru where the majority of the population orang islam. depa buat hala ka tumpat, memang terkenal sebagai perkampungan siam. see what i mean by manusia berhemah?

  17. aiseh vinnan, if you continue to “meroyan” like this your mom and dad wont be able to get a decent dowry for you la.. if you are so desperate to want to comment, gunakanlah sikit the grey matter yang Allah swt bagi tu (kalau ada la).. hang punya commentary masih ditakok lama …

  18. Masih aku ingat selalu ke tempat kerja melalui satu jalan di Bukit Damansara, ada sebatang pokok kedudukannya betul-betul dipintu masuk sebuah rumah bungalow. Pangkal pokok tu adalah ‘macam’ berupa kepala gajah (macam sahaja) – depa dok kalung bunga, taruk lampu – dari hari ke hari ada aja pertambahan aktiviti.

    Korang bayangkanlah kalau pokok tu berada didepan rumah korang….

    They just simply turn anything into their shrine almost anywhere.

    As opposed to surau/masjid, it is properly planned in development plan – u can see clearly ka now vinnon!!

    Kasi sikit bacala..

    • Aku setuju!

      Org bukan Islam dlm negeri/negara ini bebas anut ugama & adat resam mereka, asalkan tak langgar sensitivity org Melayu/Islam. Ini sebab pemerintah/pentadbir ialah org Melayu. Kita tolernt & timbang rasa.

      Tak caya bandingkan dgn Singapore, tempat org Bukan Islam perinta. Bolehke sesuka hati buat mana mana banglo/rumah kedai sbg gereja atau mana mana pokok/busut sbg kuil?

      Sama dgn Thailand. Adake kat sini askar Melayu masuk rumah ibadat Bukan Islam & serang?

      Org Melayu tak buat semua ni. Org Melayu hormat hak org lain utk beribadat. So kalu kita tolerant dgn kepercayaan kaum lain, janganlah ‘KURANG AJAR’ sampai nak pijak & hina org Melayu!

      Kes Sek 23 ini jelas. Sek 19 tak mau kuil. Sek23 tak mau kuil. Tapi kerajaan Parti Kencing Rakyat tak mau dengo bantahn penduduk. Bukan org Melayu saja bantah. Org Cina & India Sek 19 & 23 pun bantah!

      Org Reformasi kata “Rakyat Hakim Negara”. Hari ni rakyat Sek 19 & 23 bantah kuil. Apasal tak hormat kehendak rakyat?

  19. Saya nampak bangsa Keling kebelakangan ini, menjadi-jadi perangai buruk mereka. Mereka sengaja menghuru-harakan ketenteraman negara.

    Niat mereka memang jahat. Mereka cuba menghalau penduduk Islam setempat dengan membina sebanyak kuil yang boleh kerana mereka tahu orang Islam ‘jinx’ pada kuil dan isu ugama adalah sensitif dinegara ini. Isu ini senang dipolitikkan.

    Saya minta semua umat Islam di Malaysia, jangan benarkan sebarang Kuil baru dibina, robohkan secepat mungkin kalau ada yang baru nak naik. Jangan sekali berkompromi dalam hal ini. Memang niat mereka jahat.

    • orang bodoh bercakap. ni mesti gerombolan Khir Toyo, makan tempe busuk. Sama macam Anjing Besar. Gemok gedempul, jadi barua Najib mcm Rocky, Pasquale. Semua orang dah tahu……

      • Hoi Khalid AlWalid,

        Memang kau berdarah seperti Keling yang sengaja mahu menghalau Melayu dan Islam dari rumah mereka. Ini taada kena mengena dengan Khir Toyo atau sesiapa. Ini hakikatnya kalau Keling nak hidup aman dinegara ini, hentikan perangai buat kuil sesuka hati mereka.

        Aku kenal sangat orang macam kau ni. Hanya menangguk di air keruh. Kau perlu tinggal dengan mereka, baru kau faham. Kalau nak tahu perangai Keling, pi tanya CAT yang pernah duduk kat Estet 30 tahun.

        Aku rasa kalau kau bukan Keling mesti orang kuat Khalid Flip Flop tu lah.

        Hoi Khalid AlWalid,

        Aku pun sokong Khalid Flip Flop tu kalau dia buat yang betul, tapi nampaknya dia dah buta mata kebelakangan ini. Tapi aku dari dulu memang tak suka Keling. Kalau Khalid berterusan begini aku terpaksa lebelkan dia sebagai Keling. Kaum yang paling aku benci.


      • Entahnye Khalid nih, nama dah mcm pejuang Islam, mencarutnye macam orang kafir. Ko nih mana satu beb? Ke kau nih MUNAFIQ, musuh dalam selimut, gunting dalam lipatan. Penakut, kau cakap je la orang, kau tu ada berani buat blog tulis pasal mende2 gini? Ke ko nih jenis MUNAFIQ yang hanya iktiraf kebenaran ikut yang kau rasa benar, macam PR nih? Yang melaga2 kan rakyat bukan UMNO ke, BN ke, even bukan PAS pun. PKR dan DAP nih dalangnye… At least mamat blogger nih berani cakap apa pendapat dia dan melaporkan apa yang berlaku, terang2. Dan tolong la masukkan dalam kepala MUNAFIQ kau tu, Khir Toyo tu bukan mewakili seluruh UMNO dalam dunia nih, tak semestinya kalau orang cakap lain dari kebenaran BATIL kau tu, maknanya dia sokong Khir Toyo. Mamat tu entah bersalah ke tak dalam cite kuil nih. Dah la dia dah allocatekan tanah sebelum nih, takde pun orang komplen, yang Khalid Ibrahim nih, dibawah tindakan exco2 dan adun2 dia yang bodo nih pegi pandai2 alihkan buat pe? Dah la alihkan tak kasik tau masyarakat setempat, tak nak mengaku pulak tu salah dia. Kat unspinners ada surat pindah nih, sapa sign, cuba teka? Adun dan Exco, hahahaha…. then dua2 orang nih boleh salahkan UMNO, BN, sedap2 je. Aku rasa PR nih ingat rakyat nih kalau dia dah menang, akan ikut je bontot dia ontok2, boleh dikudakan. Bila orang mengaruk kat dia, kata UMNO dalang la… hahahahaha MUNAFIQ, nih patutnya Nik Aziz cakap tak boleh masuk syurga nih. PR bacul, baling batu sembunyi tangan, salahkan orang lain. Yang gelak, DAP dan anwar (bukan ahli PKR pun) seronok dia melaga2 kan orang. Kalau kau betul2 la khalid, aku cabar kau duduk sebelah kuil hindu nih, pindah rumah kau, claim apa2 je la tanah kat sebelah kuil nih sebagai tanah kau (mcm familiar kan?), dan duduk situ. Takde salah UMNO ke sape2 bloggers ke, kalau tak suka dengar bloggers nih tulis, jangan baca la bodo… memang lembu tu selain tujunya kat khalid MB nih, elok tujukan kat kau sekali… hahahaha, bodo la dua2 khalid nih.


    • Herotamil,

      Aku setuju sangt dgn hang!

      Kalau kafir itu kafir zimmi, kita buat kawan. Tapi bak kata org org tua, “buat baik berpada pada, buat jahat jgn sekali”.

      Tapi kalau kafir tu dah jadi kafir harbi, maknanya kita dah tak bolh buat kawan lagi!

  21. Hahahaha…. hipokrit PR, kena ataih batang hidung hang baru nak teriak, dah la tu, salah diri sendiri katakan salah orang lain. Semua jahat UMNO la, wei dol, pegi baca blog unspinners nih, sape yang sign surat pindah tu bodo…. atas sape punye kawasan… ada UMNO ke? ada BN ke? Kaduk naik junjung, PR hipokrit, eloknya kau nih duduk jadi pembangkang je, jangan jadi kerajaan. Manakan maju kalau kau nak memerintah dengan membuka kesalahan orang lain, bukan patut kau memerintah kerana membawa pembangunan kepada rakyat ke? Mana dia kepentingan rakyat? Semua nih kepentingan kau ada la… Mana dia membasmi kemiskinan, mana dia galakan untuk anak2 sekolah, mana dia bantuan untuk golongan pendapatan rendah, UMNO bina surau ke masjid ke apa tak lawan? Mana masjid ke surau ke yang korang bina sejak memerintah nih? Bina kuil ada la, PKR dgn PAS nih tak sedar2 lagi ke? Jadi kuda DAP, bodo la. Aku betul2 setuju ada orang kata masa anwar kena sumbat dalam jail dulu, mana ada demo2 nih, menyusahkan orang lain. Dah la tu bila orang2 kau sendiri demo kat kau, tak boleh, apa punye kepimpinan nih? Kalau betul kau nih bagus, telus, ikhlas, kenapa hal take beer nih, MB suruh tutup mulut? Kenapa ada gag order nih? Hmmm macam familiar pulak tutup mulut nih… kan? Bukan BN ke UMNO yang punye tradisi ke? Hahahaha… tu la dia, hipokrit. Kalo korang kat PR nih betul2 rasa hebat la, aku cabar korang duduk sebelah kuil hindu nih. Pegi suruh kuil hindu tu letak betul2 kat tepi rumah korang… meh tengok sendiri.

    • komen org tak biasa jadi pembangkang…..biasa-biasalah jd pembangkang k….

      • Hahaha…. komen orang hipokrit, biasa2kan la jadi hipokrit, alamak, kau memang dah pun.

    • Lepas nih jadi pembangkang kerajaan pusat pulak yer..

  22. […] Pakatan Rakyat Government now attepting to lie? Yesterday morning’s disgracefully disastrous ‘town hall meeting’ to resolve, if not pacify the multi-ethnic residents of Section 23 Shah Alam did not end just […]

  23. Kg. Rawa dulu yang gaduh pasai kuil sebab mula2 depa buat tokong kecik kat tepi masjid. Pelan2 dok besaq. Yang menyakitkan hati bila time azan saja, depa pun pakat bunyi loceng kuat2. Macam dok melawan bunyi azan. Mana org Kg. Rawa tak beng.

    • Itula pasal.

      Jangan biarka keadaan sampai rakyat Malaysia berkelahi kerana ada org berkepentingan degil sgt sampai besor kepala!

      Kenapa Bkn Islam hari ini tak mcm bapak/atuk mereka dulu?

      Kalau tak harmoni, tak kan Tunku boleh yakinkan British utk bagi Tanah Melayu merdeka!

      Kita semua perlu balik menghayati sejarah.

  24. The proposed site for the temple relocation is not in a residential land. Why is there so much fuss then? Because the temple will be the first structure residents will see, when entering that part of the roda leading to the houses located 300 meters away?

    It has been fated in Shah Alam, that all places of worship for non-Muslims must ideally be in industrial land or on the fringes of a residential area (better still if under TNB high tension cables, besides rivers and sewage treatment plants).

    And it has also been fated that such places of worship have to meet so many conditions by the state administration.

    A church cannot display the cross externally on the building. Even if the church goers have enough funds raised to construct a reasonably sized building to accommodate worshippers, the administration will review building plans, location, design and make it really difficult for churches to be constructed.


    Just look at the reasons given by Section 23 Shah Alam resident. The sound and smell from the temple situated 300 meters away from the residential area, will negatively impact the minds of the Muslims! One can only suppose that it will be the same for churches.

    If a resident can say this, what do you expect from those in the state civil service who have been nurtured by Kir Toyo and the MBs prior to him?

    Same mentality – which one cannot change overnight.

    But send these jokers as ‘traveling ambassadors’ of the country on government funded study trips to overseas and you can see the hypocrites saying to the foreigners that Malaysia practices freedom of worship and it is not rare to see places of worship of many faiths usually side by side to one another.

    Ask Tourism Malaysia, MIDA, and even the Foreign Ministry guys assigned to serve in our missions (diplomatic missions – not church missions) overseas and they will tell you that that is how they will showcase Malaysia in all the engagements and tracel/tourism promotions.

    These jokers should visit the Hospital KL workers’ residential complex. Since the 60’s of last century, a Hindu temple existed near the old quarters. Then the Muslims constructed a surau next to the temple. Yes, next to the temple and not 300 meters away.

    Today, the original workers quarters has given way to flats for the hospital staff. More Muslims are occupying these residential premises.

    Yet, the temple and surau are existing peacefully even now. Those going to the surau do not complain about ‘offending smell and sound’. The temple fellows also are mindful of the need to share existence with a surau next door. They too ensure the temple festivals and annual celebrations do not go overboard and inconvenience the Muslims.

    Ordinary workers know better how to co-exist with better understanding despite the varied faiths.

    And this place is just brodering Kampung Baru which was also a tense location during the May 13, 1969 incident. The temple and surau have survived even such tragic incident.

    But look at what happended at the Section 23 Shah Alam dialogue. One of the ‘thugs’ can even say that he is from the post 13 May era and resorted to using threats, foul language during Ramadan.

    And look at the overall behaviour of the ‘thugs’ who came for the engagement session with the MB and MP. It was clear that the session was for a dialogue. Thats what the state authorities of the present government said and invited the residents.

    Yet these thugs came in and dictated that they were not interested in a dialogue but just wanted to ensure the temple is not relocated to Section 23.

    The behaviour of the thugs – reminds us of visitors invited to an open house but insisting, after entering the host’s house, that the subject of the day should not be open house but be a topic of their (visitors’) choice.

    So much for the reciprocal behaviour of the thugs. Langsung tidak ada budi bahasa and no respect for the host. If they were not interested in the dialogue, they should not have come and created a ruckus.

    They should have left it to the other residents who came for the dialogue to participate in the session for the purpose it was organised.

    Anyway, the advantage of such behaviour of the thugs to Pakatan Rakyat is already there.

    And the by-election in Negeri Sembilan is a golden opportunity for Pakatan to raise awareness of the voters of how BN and its ‘paid thugs’ spoil the harmony of the various ethnic groups’ peaceful co-existence in this country.

    This, together with the Home Minister’s delayed response in ordering action against the cow head marchers, plus the TBH death saga at MACC’s premises – all will provide enough ‘material’ for the Pakatan to have a head (not cow head) start to the campaigning.

    If the PR can wrest away a parliament seat from UMNO in Terengganu recently, it can also be done in Negeri Sembilan.

    Meanwhile, you guys supporting Khir Toyo and his gang should think first, if you all do intend to continue posting offending views here and other pro-BN blogs.
    You fellows seem to give easy leads to Pakatan.

    Use your grey matter better than what you are doing now.

    • How come Seksyen 23 or for that matter, Seksyen 19 folks never behave like thugs, ever, before this temple issue episode?

      If they are thugs, then they must have been doing this for sometime, bullying innocent and non-combattants. The Police must have a really hard time ‘managing’ Seksyen 23 all this long!

      BN’s defeat in P36 Kuala Terengganu by-election is all about the candidate, Dato’ Wan Farid Wan Salleh, who is closely linked to son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin. That is why UMNO machineries were so half hearted to defend the seat. It is NOTHING about rakyat rejecting BN in a place like that!

      Across the board, Pakatan Rakyat is really losing faith and support of the people who voted them in the last round. Look around in Selangor alone, so much scandals plaguing their administration. Even within Selangor Pakatan Rakyat, PKR and PAS reps are rubbishing DAPs’. Not forgetting the ‘infighting’ between PKR reps. The “Selangor Exco should be revamped” and “Selangor Excos linked to the Lords of the Underworld Vices” DID NOT COME FROM BN! IT CAME FROM PAKATAN RAKYAT YBs!

      Even HRH Sultan Selangor is utterly unhappy with Pakatan Rakyat MB Khalid Ibrahim led Selangor administration with scandals such as industrial-pig-farming (for Singapore market some more!), ‘Korban cows’, ‘Eli Wong affair’, DAP Excos and representatives in corrupt practices and linkages to Vices, ‘Flip-Flop’ policy on alcohol and finally ‘zakat for development’. First time we ever heard State Exco (Dr Hassan Ali) present a case to HRH Sultan instead the YAB MB himself!

      The Pakatan Rakyat Primates episode in Perak is really distasteful. Majority of Perakians are really tired of the theatrics and really childish pranks!. The effort to rubbish HRH Sultan is utterly unacceptable!

      The Kampung Buah Pala is really a clear demonstration of how DAP stood up the rakyat and they are more focused on playing politics of blaming Teoh Beng Hock’s death to the authorities, rather than deal with the needs of the ‘little people’.

      In Kedah, Pakatan Rakyat already saw two PKR State Excos resigning. Then there is the illegal Kampung Berjaya pig slaughterhouse, which really pissed a lot of PAS people.

      These are the hard facts. The ‘people on the fence’ who were tired of PM ‘Flip-Flop’ Pak Lah’s administration in the last GE would really have second thoughts to ‘play-play’ in giving Pakatan Rakyat votes the next round. Yes, Anwar “Drama King” Ibrahim and his band-of-bangsawan could stir up emotions in series of planned by-elections for now but for the next GE, the Pakatan Rakyat on going failures and non-deliverance will be too apparent. They can clearly see how Pakatan Rakyat never did serve them BUT PLAY POLITICS, ALL TERM LONG!

      Bottomline, the rakyat is impatient and wants to be served. They no longer can stommach strange-bedfellows who cannot work with each other and make things work! Especially in these trying economic-stormy times.

    • wooii para

      this is the reality of living in Malaysia whose official religion is Islam and the official language is Bahasa Melayu

      we don’t think most of the views here are offensive – only you do – which means you don’t belong

      WHO ARE you to tell us not to continue huh??
      you are the one uninvited guest who has no manners – telling the host and his welcomed guests what to do

      you know what – your head is too swollen just becoz PR wins several by-elections – and that justify your pseudo confidence??

      PUT SIMPLY – we really do NOT need your pathetic and MISPLACED advice

      you would do very well to help eradicate the caste system as practised by the indians here – discriminatory in nature against human rights

      or go support/campaign for the nutmeg villagers

      or provide tuition in BM to the vernacular tamil school dropouts so that they can survive in MALAY-centric Malaysia


  25. wah donplaypuks (aka parameswara) ..you are talking budi bahasa to the hosts now??? WHOA!

    • Saudara Kama
      So this parameswara is actually donplaypuks (dpp). This dpp aneh has been peddling his support for pr in almost all the bloggs.

      He said
      “You fellows seem to give easy leads to Pakatan.”

      Really? All those Malays who visited this webite are now going to vote for PR? Give me a break.


  26. […] The Section 23 temple relocation proposal attracted the attention of HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah officially and also […]

  27. Keling yg pakat2 ramai datang ke malaya dulu kebanyakkan dari kasta pekerja. macam hindraf

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